#pissed off at a bunch of things lately idk. frothing with hate etc
spearheadrampancy · 5 months
something that ive never really seen discussed is the sheer number of transphobes who use phrases like "we shouldnt encourage a psychotic person's delusions, so we should do the same for trans people" as some kind of gotcha.
it immediately flags to me that the person is not only unsafe to me because of their transphobia, but also their ableism. it tells me that the person has never engaged with a psychotic or delusional person in a helpful way.
sure, you shouldnt encourage delusions. but do you know what you also shouldnt do to someone actively experiencing a delusion?
you shouldnt* tell them they're stupid/insane/lying/a freak for the delusion. and you absolutely shouldnt aggressively "remind" them of reality. it makes things worse.
but it goes beyond that. you also shouldnt threaten them with harm or restraint if they "keep it up". you shouldnt deny them access to healthcare outside of the problem causing them delusions. you shouldnt prevent them from socialising or going outside "just in case", when they have never demonstrated any intent to harm. when they're no longer experiencing delusions, you shouldnt make them submit their full medical record to a panel of non-doctor government workers just to get a certificate that says theyre"not delusional anymore".
the fact that some people do those exact things (or, at least support systemic changes that force those things to happen) to transgender people, and then have the nerve to turn around and say "we should treat trans people as though they are delusional" enrages me beyond belief. people like that have absolutely zero understanding of handling delusional people. if you truly thought that you should handle trans people in the same way you handle delusional people, you wouldnt be telling trans people to kill themselves.
or, as the cynic in me just suggested, maybe thats the point.
(*authors note: "shouldnt" in the sense of "morally and ethically, you shouldnt". not saying these things dont happen to people with delusions. because they often do. which is half my point.)
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