#piotr 007
Closed the nomination form! I made a list with all nominations by category! I'll accept suggestions of stuff to move around (change a character from minor to one of the other lists, but not the other way around cause the minor list is long enough). The Main Character list is a bit awkward with 18 characters, but I'm not really willing to move any away from it even if people might disagree? Unless I see a very strong argument.
the only nominations that didn't get in were the artifacts, since people voted for those to have their own poll later on!
So here's the 3 lists I have under the cut!
Main Characters 
Jonathan Sims
Martin Blackwood
Timothy Stoker
Sasha James
Basira Hussain
Daisy Tanner
Melanie King
Georgie Barker
Elias Bouchard
Jane Prentiss
The Distortion
Nikola Orsinov
Peter Lukas
Gertrude Robinson
Jonah Magnus
Gerry Keay
Annabelle Cane
Minor Characters with Major Impact 
Michael Shelley
Adelard Decker
Michael Crew
Oliver Banks
Jude Perry
Simon Fairchild
Robert Smirke
Mikaele Salesa
Agnes Montague
Simon Fairchild
Jurgen Leitner
Julia Montauk
Trevor Herbert
Mikaele Salesa
Breekon and Hope
Mary Keay
Minor Character
Joshua Gillespie (MAG 002)
The Admiral (Georgie’s Cat)
Major Tom (MAG 016)
Helen Richardson (MAG 047) 
Karolina Gorka  (MAG 071)
Graham Folger (MAG: 003)
Alexander Scaplehorn (MAG 054)
Jordan Kennedy (MAG 055)
Hezekiah Wakely (152)
The Piper (MAG 007)
Gabriel/Worker of Clay (MAG 126)
John Amherst (Corruption Avatar)
Naomi Herne (MAG 013)
Amy Patel (MAG 003)
Werewolf/Hunt Avatar (MAG 031)
Alfred Breekon (MAG 096)
Alexia Crawley (MAG 110)
Emma Harvey (MAG 167)
Elias Bouchard (original)
Evan Lukas (MAG 013)
Laverne (MAG 136)
Callum McKenzie (MAG 125)
John Haan (MAG 072)
Tom Haan (MAG 030)
Jonathan Fanshawe (MAG 127)
Fiona Law (MAG 167)
Spider on the wall (MAG 038)
Leto (MAG 184)
Nathan Watts (MAG: 001)
Sebastian Skinner (MAG 087)
Carlita Sloane (MAG 033)
Erika Mustermann (MAG 034)
Jan Novak (MAG 034)
Piotr Petrov (MAG 034)
Pavel Petrov (MAG 034)
Fulan Al-Fulani (MAG 034)
Juan Pérez (MAG 034)
Jane/John Doe (MAG 034)
Lee Kipple (MAG 042)
Robin Lennox (MAG 100)
“John Smith” (MAG 100)
Celia/Lynne Hammond (MAG 100)
Brian Finlinson (MAG 100)
Carlos Vittery (MAG 016)
Francis (MAG 172)
Wilfred Owen (MAG 007)
Father Edwin Burroughs (MAG 019)
Maxwell Rayner (MAG 002)
Rat from the Bone Turner’s Tale (MAG 017)
Sergey Ushanka (MAG 065)
Angela (MAG 014)
The Anglerfish (MAG 001)
Jan Killbride (MAG 106)
Natalie Ennis (MAG 025)
Alfred Grifter (MAG 042)
Benoît Maçon (MAG 102)
Dr Lionel Elliot (MAG 034)
Rosie Zampano (MAG 192)
Manuela Dominguez (MAG 135)
Petite Scarabée/Little Beetle (MAG 102)
Sarah Baldwin (MAG 001)
Agape (MAG 153)
Monster Pig (MAG 103)
Callum Brodie (MAG 173)
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chicagospryde-a · 5 years
The Liberty Bell is a Replica || Piotr & Kitty
---HOUSED IN ITS ORIGINAL WALLS. WHAT: Kitty visits Piotr ( @colossalguy ). They have a healthy and fun conversation. No one dies and everything is as it should be. WHERE: Exactly where they should be. WHEN: Exactly when it needs to be. WHO: Exactly who has to be there.  WARNINGS: death, suicidal ideation, gore, violence, carl, depression, internalized homophobia, nothing is wrong and everything is exactly as it should be. 
       PIOTR sits up, his back aches with all the bending and picking up. His boxes of things are not particularly heavy, not for a man that knows all about fighting and carrying weights, but there is something about moving in to a place that is always taxing on the body. He’s thankful that Carl is here. And also not so thankful Carl decided to upturn half a hot sauce bottle on his bean burrito. He spends most of the time in Piotr’s washroom as the Russian works to set up his furniture and move his things around. “I am glad they paid for housing, New York is not kind with rent,” Piotr laughs. He knows Carl will laugh too, which is the only reason he tells the joke. It is not funny to him. It is not funny to know he profits from this life, it is not funny to think of all the people he has hurt. He picks up an old framed photo of him and Kitty, smiling beside the liberty bell (after hours in a place they shouldn’t be) and shoves it back into the box. He kicks that box to the corner and moves on to the one with his plates. When the floorboards creak behind him, he tells another joke he thinks Carl will laugh at, “if you fart when we go out on patrol tonight, I may have to turn you in for crimes of stench.”
Piotr is an enforcer. The words rang in Kitty’s head like the screaming echo of a horror movie, played on repeat until the tape burned and the reel could only sputter the same sentence in discordant starts and stops. Piotr is an enforcer. And he’d done something so unfathomable that Kitty had to see for herself, had to know with her own eyes and mind that he could be a man capable of true horror. She’d believed Lorna when she said it, shaking with anger. But she had to know for herself. Piotr gave her an astounding lack of information about his whereabouts, and yet, he’d neglected to remember his ex-fiancee was a hacker by practice. She’d found out where he was supposed to be easy enough, and even as her computer screen flickered with the truth, she knew she had to see him for herself. She moved like a ghost, not simply through walls as if they were nothing but an illusion, but as fragmented pieces of herself strung together by the weakest of tethers. The world could take so much; when did it start giving? She stood in his apartment, watching decorations slowly fill the space. Her own apartment was barren. His was filling with trinkets and furniture. Did the world start giving, or did she force it to give? His words confirmed something she already knew, but needed to feel in her mind. The picture in his hands confirmed something else, something she couldn’t yet pull into words. “Did you know that the liberty bell is a replica of itself?”
He knows that voice. He had loved, swooned for, smiled and laughed for that voice. Piotr perks up and turns. When the sight of Kitty Pryde enters his vision, he stands to his full height; so much taller than her, he’d never noticed before how much she becomes dwarfed. She always seemed larger to him, so bright and powerful. It seems wrong to see her like this, small and surrounding by walls that don’t belong to her. His fingers twitch. He desires to pick her up and take her to a home she knows, a place she belongs. “Yes,” he answers, “I know. You told me then. You said it was sad. I said sometimes things that are lost can be replaced, anything can be made into a home. Then you said that was sad. Then I kissed you. I remember this.” He remembers it all. He remembers the feeling of being in a place he does not belong. It feels a lot like it does now. He doesn’t like feeling like a liar, but homes can not be built. He has tried so many times. In Kitty, for Kitty; nothing is enough. Nothing is how he wants it, how it should be. He knows without asking why she’s here and he wants more time. He thinks of falling to his knees and begging her to give him another day of pretend. “There is another enforcer in the washroom. He had beans and hot sauce. He will be there a while.” 
Kitty nodded, her face remained still. She thought her brows were furrowed in anger, that her mouth was twisted into a snarl---but hot tears ran down quivering cheeks and her mouth remained closed. So much of her life was spent trying to figure out who Kitty Pryde was; the dork, the hero, the mutant, the Jewish girl, the woman who just wanted to be loved. In so many years, she’d never found the answer. “I remember too,” she responded, memories of a cold night playing dimly in the back of her head, drowned out by the film of Piotr is an enforcer. It was sad, she wanted to argue it now, even after all this time. It was sad to know a copy of something could sit inside a home and trick people into pretending---and that its flaws would be its most famous feature. She couldn’t do that. She couldn’t be a copy of something that never was, and she never could really trick people. Her flaws rang loud in a way a cracked bell couldn’t. In so many years, she’d never figured out who Kitty Pryde was supposed to be. She was hoping someone would waltz in and give her the answer. There were days she felt close to knowing; huddled against Rachel, throwing popcorn at Bobby’s head, laughing with Kurt. There was a Kitty Pryde there, somewhere, inside a home. “Why?” She stepped closer to him, head tilted up to meet his impossible height. There was an idea of Kitty Pryde in his eyes too, she could feel it reflected back at her. He thought he knew her---wasn’t that funny? All these years and he thought he knew the answer to something even she couldn’t figure out. “Why?” She demanded again, apathy giving way to anger. 
There it is. Piotr had expected the anger, it doesn’t make him ready for it. “There is no answer that will please you,” he tells her, eyes shifted to the floor instead of into the intensity of her gaze. “I can not say anything that will make you happy, so I will not say anything at all.” So much of him is built around protecting others, protecting Kitty. What use is it explaining something he knows, just as well as she does, that can never be justified. A reason once existed, it feels like a lifetime ago that he thought this was his only option. There is some good he does, some mutants he has protected and some homes he has built...but homes can not be made. They can not be forced. The liberty bell is a replica and its walls aren’t and this makes Kitty sad and he does not know why. But he must say he does, he must know her. He must be the home she wants. He must have value in this way or else there is no value to be had at all. “There is nothing I can tell you, Katya.” And he does not like the feeling of lying. 
A marriage in the summer, Kitty suggested it. An open field, or a farm, Piotr wanted that. There were plans. They made plans together. There was a way that everything was supposed to be, a Kitty Pryde that married the first man she ever loved and grew a family up around him. A Kitty Pryde that could be happy and could be asked to believe in a world that offered light and hope. She reached her hand out and spread her fingers over his chest, the fabric of his shirt moved for her. Then she pushed, putting her hand through his chest until she could feel his heart around her fingers and she held it there, forced it to be steady for her. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, more to herself than to him. There was an idea of Kitty Pryde, something she thought she might be able to chase after. A truth she could feel on the days with her arms around Rachel or with her hand in Illyana’s, or the night with her lips pressed to Donna’s. But Rachel was dead, Illyana’s life was made worse with Kitty’s presence, and Donna was a tragedy of its own operatic proportion. For so many years she had hoped one day she might reach a goal she couldn’t yet form into words. Now, she threw it all away. Kitty Pryde could not be herself, and there was a liberty bell somewhere that understood the feeling. “I could squeeze,” she rasped out with a coldness that shocked even herself, “I could squeeze and you’d be dead again.”
Piotr looks at the woman he loved, and shakes his head. Breathing is hard with her hand around his heart, but the feeling is nothing new to him. He feels himself collapsing around her and it’s his thoughts that keep him from kneeling over. Kitty is angry, she is always angry. She wants a fight, she always wants a fight. Piotr will not fight her, he doesn’t want to. He knows her, partly because she is a hard woman not to know. She breathes life and radiance and it is hard not to look. She might call herself a ghost, but Piotr has always thought of her as a wall. There. Yet, not quite. Something he could press against. But not go through. There are years and moments between them. Years and moments of knowing and understanding each other and maybe these moments are not perfect, but they exist and they beg to be known. She could squeeze on his heart if she wants, she could kill him if so pushed. He knows this, he knows her, and yet he leans down a lets his breath wash over her skin, “squeeze then.” He tell her. He forces his hand up to grip her wrist and he holds her there. “You may squeeze then. You may kill me right now and rid this world of a terror it does not need.” He knows she will not kill him, not today. She does not have it in her heart to become a murderer, he knows this. 
For all the good there was in Kitty Pryde, there was bad too. For every ounce of love, there was anger. For every bit of bravado, there was cowardice. Kitty doesn’t squeeze; there was so much of her that was more than one thing, more than she knew how to explain or express. She was more than pain, more than the choked sob she felt bubble up her body. More then the tears that lined her face and the way her brows pulled together in pain. These parts made up a woman she wanted to know, a woman she wished she knew and loved. She could feel his heart under her fingers and it would have been so easy to close her fist, phase his heart out of his chest and watch the damned thing bleed and throb on the hardwood flooring. She could almost feel it, and then she felt his hand around her wrist, easily held there. Did he want her to squeeze? To cross a line she’d never dared to before? To throw away all ideas of a woman she might one day know and love? She looked up, asking him silently. She didn’t want to be that Kitty--the one that could tear a heart out. She wanted him to prove to her that she could be something else.
Kitty could crush his heart in a way she hadn’t already and Piotr would not blame her. This is the nature of love. He knows Kitty, but he prays that she knows him just as well. That she knows that for all his own pain and anger, he does not want to leave this world, not until it is a better place than when he’d found it. To die dirtying Kitty’s hands with his blood is not the way he wants to go. But the choice is hers. “You will take care of Illyana,” he tells her; demands if this is the path she wants to tread. “You will forget whatever separates you two and you will grant me the wish of knowing she will forever be by your side. You will protect her in my place.” He closes his eyes and remembers laying with Kitty in open fields, beside a fake liberty bell, in beds that were theirs and some that weren’t. 
“Woah, woah, woah! What’s going on here?” Carl blinked, his mouth agape. He’d just finished his fourth bout of digestive-based regret, hands still wet from washing them thoroughly. He was happy to get started on re-assembling Piotr’s bookshelf, instead he found his friend talking to a woman who had her hand through his chest. It took him a moment, but the oddity of the scene caught up to him. Hands don’t go through chests, lucky for Carl, he didn’t need to be a genius to figure that one out. “This ain’t right! This ain’t the way things should be.” His momma taught him weird people don’t belong with the rest. Weird people like aliens and mutants and whatever fancy word there was out there for the folks with blue skin or glowing eyes. Piotr was a mutant, and he wasn’t so bad. It was a shame his momma wasn’t around anymore to learn that not everything was bad. But this, this was bad. Carl ran to his bag, digging around until he found his Enforcer-issued gun. “Oh, hey, wait-a-minute...I know her!” There was a mutant that gave him grief a while ago. Grief and a scar on his face. She looked normal, she was anything but. “Let my friend go, mutie!” He leveled the gun on her as her hand retracted out of Piotr’s chest. 
“Carl,” Piotr holds up his hands. He moves once Kitty pulls away from him and he stands between the two. “Carl, please. Put that away.” Carl doesn’t know Kitty, not really. Not like Piotr does. This could go bad. This could go very bad. “Please,” he asks again, growing a little more desperate with each word he has to repeat, “she’s okay---she’s okay---” He knows what Carl is going to say, and like clockwork he spouts out crap about unregistered mutants and the law that they need to be upholding. He starts on how she had been trying to kill him, how he knows exactly what she’s capable of. “You don’t know her,” Piotr begs, “please. I know her.”
It was so funny, so impossibly hilarious that Kitty knew it had to be a scripted joke somewhere, that people could know her. She hardly knew herself and there was a liberty bell somewhere that she could tell all about it---something that understood what it was like to be made and re-made and cracked and flawed. She laughed, clutching her stomach and throwing her head back. A different kind of tear came to her eye and she stepped through Piotr and towards the shaking Carl. “You want to shoot? Shoot! You can see what happens when you try to kill a ghost. Or should I show you?” She smirked between her anger, reaching out with ease to flip him on to his back, his gun clattering lamely out of his hands. “You get haunted, Carl. That’s what happens.” Kitty bent down, picking up the gun in her hands. She’d fired only a few before, she didn’t like them. Now, she aimed it right back at him. “I know you, Carl. You like to rough up the mutants before you condemn them into that hell hole. You like to hear them scream.” She tossed the gun aside with the flick of her wrist, tongue clicking. “You’re the worst kind of person.” She didn’t need a gun anyway. She phased her hand into his skull, lips pulled into a snarl. “Do you know what happens when I make my hand solid?”
“No!” Piotr screeches, cringing as he watches the scene unfold. He runs to Carl’s side, kneeling on the floor. He’s begging her now, like he thought he might a while ago. “Please, Kitty, you must calm down and...” he winces at his words. He knows she doesn’t like being told to calm down. It tends to make her angrier, but what else is he to say? He doesn’t know how else can he ask her not to go down a road he knows to be dark and lonely. It is no place for Kitty Pryde and his fingers twitch. He wants to carry her away to a world that is bright. A world that will not know this anger. “You don’t want to do this. You don’t want to kill him. Please, Katya, I know you.” Carl whimpers under her. He whispers nonsensically about a family and a daughter’s birthday. He does not realize the irony in having robbed other men of that privilege. Piotr can feel it now, but Carl is not a bad man. Just a misguided one. When they’d first met, he spat at Piotr’s feet. Now he shakes his hand and buys him lunch without asking. He is growing, and the world might too, if given the chance. He does not deserve to die. 
He was right about one thing at least, she doesn’t want to kill him. But anger surged through Kitty regardless and she spat in the man’s face. What of all the families he broke apart? Of all the horror he was responsible for? “You don’t know me. You have no idea who I am.” She growled, snapping her attention to Piotr. “Illyana is a demon. How do you expect me to deal with that? How can I take care of her? Of anyone?” Ghosts; they didn’t have the capacity to hold and love---and likewise, they could not be held or loved. “You don’t know me,” she thought of solidifying, watching Carl’s brain explode into pieces around them. Piotr’s new walls could be painted with red, and wasn’t red such a nice color? Instead, she stood up and released him, eyes narrowed on Piotr as Carl breathed out a sign of relief. “You know,” he started with a nervous laugh, “I really thought I was a goner there. Guess she’s really not capable of murde--” And then he screamed out in blood-curdling agony, clutching the place where his hand once was. As Carl droned on, Kitty had shifted, phasing her foot into his palm. Then she became tangible once more. It wasn’t his brain, but bits of his skin scattered around and red soaked Kitty’s shoes. “You have no idea what I’m capable of.”
Bits of flesh and blood spray in Piotr’s face. He’d been right about one thing, at least. She wasn’t a murderer. It didn’t bring him any comfort. “Carl,” he blinks, glancing between his screaming friend and the woman he thinks he knows. “Kitty, you...” he rubs his face, smearing more blood and skin. Everything is messy and nothing is as it should be. Where did they do wrong? “He is going to bleed out if he do not get him to a hospital!” He collects himself and looks back up at Kitty. He cradles his crying friend in his arms, he whimpers still about a family and a birthday he wants to see. “I understand you are angry, Kitty, but this is not you. This is not...” he swallows. She said something about him not knowing her. He had to admit it was hard to follow along between the screaming and the blood. “Kitty,” he begs again, he feels like all he’s done the past few minutes is beg. He doesn’t know what else he can do. “Please, Katya...” He remembers a liberty bell and a cold night. He remembers a Kitty that tells him that she does not feel like a real thing; she is making and re-making herself. She is cracked too and he remembers kissing her instead of trying to figure out what it means. He tenses. He doesn’t know her. He never has. She is capable of murder. She can kill. Piotr also remembers a job he has to do. Urgency fades from his face and he looks up at her with true understanding. “You have changed,” he says calmly, “tell me, would you have killed him?” He frowns, “Did you ever love me?”
His question rang unanswered. Kitty turned her back and left through the same wall she phased into. Her thumping heart drowned out screaming, and the memory of the look on Piotr’s face chased away feeling of her shaking body---replaced instead with cold terror. She had claimed to be a ghost, but she didn’t know what this meant. All these years, and she still had no idea who Kitty Pryde was. She’d wanted to give way to anger, turn down a path and accept a new identity. Yet, she couldn’t even do that. She stood between two ideals, caught between all that she was and all that she was simply trying to be. For Piotr’s questions, she couldn’t answer. But she knew there was a landmark somewhere that could tell him a thing or two about being a dim echo of all the once was, the mockery of all that could be. A vision grew further and further apart and a shattered identity blew away at the first sign of turbulent winds.  Her shoes were red now, she couldn’t remember what color they were before.
----Everything is not as it should be. Nothing is right. “Okay” laid broken.
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Send Help: Addicted to Roleplay and Chipotle
Greetings from Earth! First time poster to this blog and stoked to meet some new partners. My name is Chris and I'm a male nurse (Yo, you're going to get some medically accurate roleplay) in his late twenties. I have a lovely wife and two stupidly handsome animals (Pictures of the animals available on request) but manage to maintain a pretty active roleplay life due to the fact that I work nights. The Basics: I tell everyone that I'm a professional. I try to reply 1-3 times a week and the length of posts depends on amount of characters in play. If I'm going to take longer, I always try to let you know. I'm willing to write male and female characters and focus on M/F as the male and F/F. M/M just isn't my thing, sorry y'all. My limits include pedophilia, rape, and animal abuse. Anything else can be discussed. I prefer e-mail for writing ([email protected]) but have Discord for plotting (NurseBatman#3674). If we get along really well, you can convince me into discord roleplay. The text limit just drives me nuts. I do use faceclaims pretty aggressively. Is there anything else? Central time zone?
Onto the roleplay stuff. I'll start with originals and then dive into fandoms. I put extra *s by the lines that I will literally lose my mind if you approach me about. Searching hard! -The Social Media Age****** A m/f line that I've given a little thought to, looking for someone to write a young woman that is pretty much making her living being an instagram model/fitness person, etc. I think the proper term is *Influencer*. Meets and starts dating a successful guy with no presence online, the two falling for each other but at odds over their differing attitudes towards the world. -This American Life Something set in the 1970s, focusing on a roadtrip. A group of teenagers leave their small town behind to head out west. I love this time period. Can be supernatural, supernatural lite (think Twin Peaks weirdness) or totally natural. -Stranger Things inspired A group of four to six friends enjoy their last summer together in a remote town as strangeness begins to unfurl. I'd be willing to set this in the present but think it would be way more fun in the 70s or 80s. I have an idea for one of the kids having lost a sibling in a strange way when they were young and possibly some sort of cult in town.
-Star Wars**
I know Reylo is all the rage these days, as is Qi'Ra/Han. But, man ALIVE, I really want something focusing on the core four: Luke, Leia, Han, and, ya boy, Chewie. Something taking place in that three year gap between New Hope and Empire as they work among the rebellion. Strange new worlds, getting into scrapes, sharply running from the empire, avoiding Vader, bounty hunters, and all sorts of things. This time period is far from explored and we can really thrive in the galaxy. Primarily I want to focus on the budding relationship between Han and Leia and Luke's training, pre-Yoda. In a perfect world, I'd want to write Han and Chewie (If anyone thinks Chewie is just a NPC, get out my face) while my partner takes on Leia and Luke. I'd be willing to switch out Chewie for Luke if need be, I guess? We could also split up C3PO and R2. I also would enjoy writing a young Amilyn Holdo and a few other soldiers. Let's real build out the resistance and delve into the 'WARS' part of those big yellow letters that never get enough attention. On top of all of that, I also have an original love interest in mind for Luke if someone else plays him! She's a spitfire. Alternatively, I'd be down for writing something set in the clone wars. Perhaps two jedi that broke the order's relationship laws and then survived Order 66 together? -Preacher Seriously. Love this show, love this comic. Would happily write Jesse or Cassidy against Tulip. Just definitely looking for a Tulip -The Boys Would love to write Hughie against Starlight! Currently working my way through the season that just dropped. -Marvel -I will love you forever if you write an Elektra against my Daredevil. They are toxic and in love and I love it. Whether it be the comics or the Netflix series, I don't care. Someone please write me an Elektra. Netflix did a good job of portraying this one -Alternatively, I'd also be happy to write against a Black Widow, either with Daredevil. They were a mainstay OTP in the comics in the 90s and I'd love to write against Scarlet's Black Widow. -Has anyone seen the trailer for the neverendingly delayed New Mutants movie? I would love to write something based on that horror aspect of the mutant universe.* -I'd love to write an older MCU Peter Parker (like college) running across a MCU version of Black Cat. Or just a Spiderman roleplay in general. I've always wanted to write Peter but have never gotten the chance! I have a ton of ideas for this, plus faceclaims for a few of the villains. Would also be willing to play him against Zendaya's MJ, Spidergwen, or Silk (Deepcut)**************************** (I so badly want to write Peter) -One of the pairings that was done for a time in the comics was Star Lord against Kitty Pryde and it was actually a lot of fun. If anyone would want to do a MCU version of this, I would so *DOWN* to play Quill, Xmen hijinks a plenty in space -If you write Jessica Jones, I'd be willing to write almost anyone against her (NOT KILGRAVE). Just let me know. I'd be super down to write Luke Cage or maybe Matt Murdock. I do a mean John Constantine, which, let's face it, is a cross company illustration of the two most terrible people together -Hawkguys! I would love to either write Clint against Kate Bishop (This would be a slightly skewed MCU vibe) or Kate against America Chavez. I would really love to do either of these lines. Or a poly version if someone is willing! -I'd love to write Logan as an active member of the MCU Avengers, possibly as a partner in crime/wetworks/murder with Black Widow. Those two could cause some mayhem. -Honestly, any X-men relationship could be sold to me. Just try it. I would love to find a Kitty for Piotr, a Rogue for Remy, or almost anyone for Kurt.
-DC I'd love to write Batman against Catwoman, please. Or John Constantine against literally almost anyone -Hannibal I've been dying to do a sort of season 4 for a while now, focused on Clarice Starlings interaction with Will Graham and later Hannibal Lecter. Just need to find someone willing to create an original style Clarice. -Resident Evil I'd like to write Leon against Claire Redfield or Jill Valentine in an original outbreak or a new one. I know this is an old school fandom but I'm a diehard fan. -Star Trek Okay, so first up, I am not the most well versed Trekkie in the world. Never watched any of the TV shows but am a massive fan of the trio of rebooted films and would love to give Kirk or Bones a try against Uhura, Dr. Eve, or maybe a female Vulcan OC? Hit me with ideas! -The Matrix Another obscure fandom. Maybe just an original crew, set during the movies, after, or an AU where they're the only survivors of Zion? Im not sure but I could plot something out!
-Uncharted I'd love to write Chloe Frazier against Nadine Ross, continuing their adventures. I'm pretty wide open on what we can do with this one. RANDOM CRACK SHIPS! Caught in a Web: I would love to write an iteration (Daniel Craig or an original) of James Bond/007 against a non superhero version of Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow. Spy vs spy shenanigans as two people working for different governments. Totally impossibly but putting it just in case: Did anyone see all that Wonder Woman/Lara Croft art that was floating around the internet earlier this year? I would love to dive into that. I'd prefer to write Lara but I'm definitely not picky. If you made it this far, you're a hero and I owe you a beer. Hope to hear from some great writers! Let's create something *EPIC*
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 15 May 2019
Quick Bits:
Age of X-Man: Next Gen #4 hurtles towards the end as Glob, Armor, and Rockslide attempt to track down Anole before he does something stupid. Everything’s really starting to fall together in these minis as the lie of the world starts to unravel. It’s also interesting how Ed Brisson portrays the cultists fighting back against the “no love” edict as just as deluded and indoctrinated by X-Man’s change of reality.
| Published by Marvel
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Aquaman #48 begins Arthur’s quest to recover his past in the first part of “Mother Shark”, with one hell of a twist for an ending cliffhanger. The high level of the quality of art on this series continues as Viktor Bogdanovic and his Greg Capullo-inspired style (with Jonathan Glapion and Daniel Henriques providing additional inks) join Kelly Sue DeConnick, Sunny Gho, and Clayton Cowles.
| Published by DC Comics
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Batman #71 is part two of “The Fall and the Fallen” from Tom King, Mikel Janín, Jorge Fornés, Jordie Bellaire, and Clayton Cowles. With the heavy reliance on dream sequences and simulations lately, it certainly makes me wonder who’s gaslighting who, whether anything in the story is real or if King is just playing us. Great art, though.
| Published by DC Comics
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Bloodborne #12 concludes “A Song of Crows” from Aleš Kot, Piotr Kowalski, Brad Simpson, and Aditya Bidikar. This arc has been even more surreal than the first, embracing that odd mix of depression and existentialism that seems to permeate the franchise. This is going to take a few more readings to really sink in.
| Published by Titan
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Calamity Kate #3 gives us a look into the disastrous relationship between Kate and Sandra. Though the accuracy of events might be a bit nebulous, given some missing time and an appearance that not everything is happening as we see it, this paints Sandra as a particularly resentful, hateful person. Also, another clue in Kate’s rival. Great action art from Corin Howell and Valentina Pinto, with an interestingly designed tentacle monster.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Daredevil #5 is the gut punch. As great as everything that Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto, Sunny Gho, and Clayton Cowles have delivered in the first four issues (and seriously it’s some of the best Daredevil since Miller and Mazzucchelli), this one tops it. A reckless, dangerous Daredevil, a hazard to himself and everyone around him, having it dawn on him what he’s been doing. And all of the Catholic guilt, shame, and judgement, not just on himself, but on the revelation that he’s seemingly oblivious that all of his friends have also been in his situation.
| Published by Marvel
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Fairlady #2 is another great issue from Brian Schirmer, Claudia Balboni, Marissa Louise, and David Bowman. The blend of fantasy and police procedural is seamless, presenting a completely believable world, building up bits of supporting characters and elaborating on the setting as the story unfolds. Also a great shift into a kind of storybook art style from Balboni and Louise during one of the flashback sequences.
| Published by Image
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Guardians of the Galaxy #5 sees the other shoe drop. Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw, David Curiel, and Cory Petit deliver an excellent set-up for the finale of the “Final Gauntlet” here as Hela makes her move and we find out what the game actually was. Also, more hints about Rocket that don’t seem pleasant.
| Published by Marvel
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Immortal Hulk #17 goes hard for thriller first before leaning back into horror as Bushwacker stalks Banner through the “abandoned” lab. Very interesting new “rules” that Al Ewing is laying out as what makes up a Hulk keeps consistently changing.
| Published by Marvel
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Joe Golem: Occult Detective - The Conjurors #1 picks up with our dead hero being nibbled by fish, and it’s just downhill from there for Molly, Simon Church, and all of existence due to Dr. Cocteau’s meddling. Great art from Peter Bergting and Michelle Madsen.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Justice League #24 is the penultimate chapter of “The Sixth Dimension” and amidst the dire situations, heroic sacrifices, and stunning betrayals, there’s a great opening sequence about the little disappointments that Superman feels when he lets someone down. It’s like Catholic guilt amplified immensely, but it raises some interesting questions about how superheroes deal with depression. Or not deal with it, as it were. Great work from Scott Snyder, Jorge Jimenez, Alejandro Sánchez, and Tom Napolitano.
| Published by DC Comics
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Little Bird #3 is another incredible instalment in this story, with some interesting revelations about Little Bird and Gabriel, from Darcy Van Poelgeest, Ian Bertram, Matt Hollingsworth, and Aditya Bidikar. The artwork from Bertram and Hollingsworth is mind-bendingly awesome.
| Published by Image
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Livewire #6 continues the PSEP arc from Vita Ayala, Kano, and Saida Temofonte as Amanda discovers more about the organization and gets introduced firsthand to the academy bully enforcer. The art from Kano, from the characters through the layouts, is next level.
| Published by Valiant
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Naomi #5 explains everything. Mostly. Sure, there are still questions, and there’s likely a huge battle coming for the final issue, but we get a full-fledged explanation as Naomi tells her newly-learned origin story to Annabelle. And it’s brilliant. Wonderful parallels to other tales and a hint at implications for the DC Universe as a whole. Also, drop dead gorgeous artwork. Seriously some of the best ever to grace the comics page. Brian Michael Bendis, David F. Walker, Jamal Campbell, and Wes Abbott provide another excellent issue here. Highly, highly recommended.
| Published by DC Comics / Wonder Comics
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Oblivion Song #15 is one hell of a page turner. Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici, Annalisa Leoni, and Rus Wooton barely give us a chance to breathe in this one as the Faceless Men attack, both those who’ve chosen to stay in Oblivion and the exploration teams jaunting back and forth from Earth. Great tension.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Pearl #9 is another visually stunning issue from Michael Gaydos. Seriously just look at this beauty.
| Published by DC Comics / Jinxworld
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Sabrina the Teenage Witch #2 throws even more chaos Sabrina’s way as it seems like everything in Greendale is something supernatural or paranormal or straight out of weird science. Kelly Thompson is delivering some great humour, while the art from Veronica and Andy Fish remains perfect for anything and everything in Archie’s world.
| Published by Archie
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Superman #11 swings back around to Zod after Superman unceremoniously left him being beaten by Rogol Zaar as this arm of “The Unity Saga” continues, delving further into the battle consuming Jor-El at the moment, but not really explaining anything. This is chaos, but it looks pretty.
| Published by DC Comics
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder in Hell #3 is worth it just for the glorious artwork from Mateus Santolouco and Marcelo Costa. The monster designs are incredible and the red, surreal glow of the colours just give life to the strange and deadly nature of this hellscape. 
| Published by IDW
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Transformers #5 suggests that there’s a whole lot more going on under the surface of Cybertron and the mystery of the death of Brainstorm that we thought. More interesting things going on with Rubble too, as he gets kind of lost while Bumblebee’s off doing other stuff.
| Published by IDW
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Uncanny X-Men #18 adds again to the body count as things continue to fall apart. The nihilism, darkness, and depression in this series has really been getting to me these past few issues. With announcements for House of X and Powers of X, this is starting to feel like a “throw the X-Men down a hole before rebooting” type of story. I’m still not sure if I like it, since it’s putting me in a sour mood.
| Published by Marvel
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War of the Realms #4 drills down on Freyja’s defence of the Black Bifrost, intent on taking away its use from Malekith. All of the art on this series has been phenomenal, but Russell Dauterman and Matthew Wilson somehow take it up another notch. This is epic.
| Published by Marvel
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War of the Realms: Giant-Man #1 kicks off another front in the War as Freyja tasks Ant-Man, Giant-Man, Goliath, and Atlas to infiltrate the Frost Giants’ bastion on Earth and get revenge, from Leah Williams, Marco Castiello, Rachelle Rosenberg, and Joe Sabino. Very nice bits of humour and wonderful artwork.
| Published by Marvel
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War of the Realms: Spider-Man & The League of Realms #1 opens up another front as Spider-Man leads the members of the League of Realms into New Heven territory, from Sean Ryan, Nico Leon, Carlos Lopez, and Joe Caramagna. It’s great to see more Ryan-penned Spider-Man, even if he only ever seems to get to write the event tie-ins. He’s got a great handle on Spidey, effortlessly displaying that humour and humanity of the character every time.
| Published by Marvel
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War of the Realms: Strikeforce - The War Avengers #1 is the second Strikeforce one-shot elaborating on encounters spinning out of War of the Realms #3. This one focuses on Captain Marvel’s motley crew of Avengers as they try to strike at the heart of Malekith in Britain from Dennis Hallum, Kim Jacinto, Ario Anindito, Java Tartaglia, Felipe Sobreiro, and Joe Sabino. Some nice Deadpool humour and art in what is one of the more bonkers tie-ins.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: Age of X-Man: Marvelous X-Men #4, Amazing Spider-Man #21, American Carnage #7, Battlestar Galactica Classic #4, Bettie Page #5, Black Badge #10, Black Widow #5, Cinema Purgatorio #18, Farmhand #8, Firefly #6, Gideon Falls #13, Go Go Power Rangers #20, High Level #4, Infinity 8 #12, Ironheart #6, James Bond 007 #7, Kaijumax - Season 4 #6, Kick-Ass #14, KISS: The End #2, Last Stop on the Red Line #1, Life & Death of Toyo Harada #3, Low #22, Lucifer #8, Lumberjanes #62, Marvel Action: Spider-Man #4, Morning in America #3, Old Man Quill #5, Orphan Age #2, Planet of the Nerds #2, Port of Earth #10, Princeless - Book 8: Princesses #2, Spider-Man: Life Story #3, Star Wars #66, Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Lando Calrissian #1, Star Wars: Tie Fighter #2, Teen Titans #30, Xena: Warrior Princess #2
Recommended Collections: Batgirl - Volume 5: Art of the Crime, Bitter Root - Volume 1: Family Business, GI Joe: A Real American Hero - Volume 22, The Horror of Collier County, Immortal Hulk - Volume 3: Hulk in Hell, Jeepers Creepers - Volume 1: Trail of the Beast, Justice League Odyssey - Volume 1: The Ghost Sector, MCMLXXV, Mister Miracle, Outer Darkness - Volume 1, Outpost Zero - Volume 2, RuinWorld: Eye for an Eye, Star Wars: Age of Republic - Heroes, Star Wars: Han Solo - Imperial Cadet, The Whispering Dark
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d. emerson eddy wishes there were more hours in the day in order to write about everything.
6 notes · View notes
sebixmysli · 4 years
Nissan Micra Zakładamy Sprężynę Bez Ściągacza
Mikołaj Sypniewski 4 miesiące temu Jedyny youtuber u którego nie przewijam intra :D  314  Wazzup Matys PC Pogotowie Komputerowe Matys PC Pogotowie Komputerowe 4 miesiące temu Majster co Ty robisz z żoną w tych samochodach, że te sprężyny Wam tak pękają?  301  Mariusz Marian Mariusz Marian 4 miesiące temu Majster chciał przed żoną zabłysnąć i od razu zgasł.. Hehe 20 lat wstecz.  278  DomoSky!? DomoSky!? 4 miesiące temu 1:17 ahaha "kunolis idź z tąd"
STR FIRE STR FIRE 4 miesiące temu Jak u majstra grubsza robota to idzie cyk fuch :D A jak pierdoła to 3 odcinki ;D
Wazzup Jürgenk Jürgenk 4 miesiące temu (edytowany) Ściągacze w Juli po 50 Majster. Nie ryzykuj życia bo jak ci bangnie sprężyna to łba będziesz u Gienka pod płotem szukał ??
Mateusz Mateusz Mateusz Mateusz 4 miesiące temu 11:25 a klucz pneumatyczny leży i się śmieje ??
Mateo Ambrossini Mateo Ambrossini 4 miesiące temu "za gotowanie przez 20 lat Sebastian, a ja mam samochód 2 lata"... Sebastian od razu zaczął luzów z drugiej strony szukać ??
Maciek Nowrocki Maciek Nowrocki 4 miesiące temu 24:35 dynamometr w łapie
Piotr Montana Piotr Montana 4 miesiące temu w końcu reklama którą chce oglądać XD
Wazzup Marek DDM Marek DDM 4 miesiące temu O widać żona nawet ze Staśkiem zaczyna negocjować ceny heh :)
Ursus team tv Ursus team tv 4 miesiące temu 23:52 luz na sworzniu wahacza :) nie wymienia się całego wahacza, musisz wyciągnąć wahacz i ten worzeń jest wbijany czyli wahacz na imadło i młot i wyjdzie potem jakąś dużą nasadke i wbijasz nowy zakładasz wahacz i po robocie heh :)
Wazzup mario gródek mario gródek 4 miesiące temu MAJSTER CYK FUCH KURŁA Ileż to można czekać na Twój film panie?? Toż to do Ciebie nie podobne ?? Łapka w górę przed obejrzeniem ?????? Pozdro z Podlasia ??
Wazzup n0 NaMe :D n0 NaMe :D 4 miesiące temu (edytowany) 20:44 jak przy pierwszym razie haha
Polski Górol Polski Górol 4 miesiące temu 17:56 Co to za puszczanie baków :D
Tomasz Graczyk Tomasz Graczyk 4 miesiące temu Kobita zara tą spręzyne do talerza nałoży haha za ten cennik napraw :D
Krystian Krychu Krystian Krychu 4 miesiące temu szacun za odwage do tych co jeżdżą autami serwisowanymi przez majstra :D
Shaqr 1 Shaqr 1 4 miesiące temu Majster zawiodłem się, liczyłem na naprawę sprężyny przy użyciu sylikonu albo ucięciu drugiej sprężyny na osi :D
Long2007 Long2007 4 miesiące temu (edytowany) "Paneweczka nie ucieknie" Sezon 1 Odcinek 2 ??
Szymon Plichta Szymon Plichta 4 miesiące temu Pincet zł zarobił a 50 tysi w plecy za rosołki??
Adilos Adilos 4 miesiące temu Majster czuje coś że ty mechanik z zawodu bo oglądamy wraz z tatą i dziadkiem i mówią że pomysły mechanika :D <3
Wazzup Cheeki Breeki Cheeki Breeki 4 miesiące temu "W dupie se poszukaj młotka" kisne z tego :DD
Rafał Kuś Rafał Kuś 4 miesiące temu (edytowany) 11:03 a potem 21:37 Panie, zdecyduj się pan ??
Zephoor Zephoor 4 miesiące temu Ej idzie, cicho cicho cicho ??
zdzislawgit zdzislawgit 4 miesiące temu Majster ja tam myślałem ze pospawasz sprężynkę po co nowa:)
Sir Bercik Sir Bercik 4 miesiące temu Kunolis ić stont :D
Zubrzyca Górna Zubrzyca Górna 4 miesiące temu Uzależniłem się psychicznie od majstra ????
Alfaholik Alfaholik 4 miesiące temu Kunolis najlepszy. Nowa gwiazda :D
Skillovsky Skillovsky 4 miesiące temu Sebix częściej filmy ????
gracsk8 gracsk8 4 miesiące temu "Książkowa robota" XD
Damian 007 Damian 007 4 miesiące temu „ o kur&a coś idzie , chooja idzie „ ??
GPX- Szymon GPX- Szymon 4 miesiące temu To Cię Panie Sebastianie żonka podsumowała :D
KCHBodzio KCHBodzio 4 miesiące temu (edytowany) 21:27 <3 "Ej kolejna baardzo dobrrra robota. Fart jak skurwysyn" xD
Szymon nie Szymon nie 4 miesiące temu '' kunolis''??????
ChesterGold ChesterGold 4 miesiące temu Majster przez tą aplikację pozbyłem się przed chwilą 50 zł i gówno się dowiedziałem dziękuję bardzo xd
TheMaxijazzkompozyto TheMaxijazzkompozyto 4 miesiące temu HUj z geometriąXD
Nkajtek 21 Nkajtek 21 4 miesiące temu 23:27 to nie wahacz tylko sworzeń wahacza i to jest część wymienia z tego co widzę to musisz wybic stary i wyprasować nowy
Adek Zwykły Adek Zwykły 4 miesiące temu Aż tak jakoś dziwnie jak Majstrowi wszystko wyszło po jego myśli.. :D
Mariano P Mariano P 4 miesiące temu kunolis haaaaaaaaaa niedam radyy??????????oooo boli
Davidos Davidos 4 miesiące temu ale się wymiguje od paneweczki :)
Bursztynek Bursztynek Bursztynek Bursztynek 4 miesiące temu Majster znowu wpierdol dostaniesz od Majstrowej xDF
Wazzup Kubix Kubix 4 miesiące temu majster przestan psuc auta zeby je naprawiac, panewka sama sie nie zrobi :D
Kacper Kacper 4 miesiące temu 24:00 majster sworzen można wymienić osobno :D
Witek Babka Witek Babka 4 miesiące temu Masz pomysły majster.,... ?? Pozdrawiam
Wazzup MsTRANCEFORMER MsTRANCEFORMER 4 miesiące temu Puszki od piwa pochowane pod krzakami ;)
Jürgenk Jürgenk 4 miesiące temu (edytowany) 11:20 We no tu psypierdol... Anżej! ??????????
pj pj 4 miesiące temu Aż dziwnie się ogląda jak w tytule nie ma napisane "część 1" ??
0 notes
lampyharriser · 4 years
Czwarte Bmw u Majstra Bmw E60 550i 4.8 V8
Majster kurrrwa żeby panewki nie robić to już kolejne samochody kupuje jebaniutki :P 862 Zdesperowana Temperówka 1 tydzień temu Majster ty niedługo z tych beemek jedno dobro złożysz. 315 Wazzup Marcin C5user 1 tydzień temu Aż się nie mogę doczekać odcinka z przyciemniania szyb ?? 63 Wazzup Kapitan Kanapka 1 tydzień temu Jak ten samochód na każdym elemencie karoserii ma inny kolor xD Ale druciarz to naprawiał.
loginmaniek loginmaniek 1 tydzień temu Majster to żeby tutaj paneweczki szlak nie trafił ??
Wazzup jaro jaro 1 tydzień temu (edytowany) head-up  reguluje ię pod wyświetlaczem navigacji  z tego co pamiętam, sam chciałem obniżyć chętnie obejrzę film instruktażowy majstra
Wazzup GRUBY ŁÓDŹ GRUBY ŁÓDŹ 1 tydzień temu A mi to się wydaje, że majster zrobił lifting w e39 i dopierdolił V8 ?? nie no dobrze panie Majster. Oby służyła! I pamiętaj, życie jest za krótkie, by kupować poprawne samochody !!!
Imperator997 Imperator997 1 tydzień temu E39 przeżyje je wszystkie xd
Dawid Memo Dawid Memo 1 tydzień temu 6:25 wcale nie widać różnicy w odcieniu
tomekp97 tomekp97 1 tydzień temu Teraz to już całkiem "autoryzowany serwis BMW" będzie
KODI KODI 1 tydzień temu 5:53 na kij bejsbolowy do bicia sebixów
Kacperuss Kacperuss 1 tydzień temu Zgaduje że ten rdzawy pył to  Czwarte Bmw opiłki metalu po szlifowaniu spawów
E.S.S 007 E.S.S 007 1 tydzień temu Gdy tylko przyjdzie termin zapłaty ubezpieczenia to będą po 3 filmy dziennie ?? A niech się coś spierdoli przy silniku to będzie film co 2h żeby kasa była na części ??????
Bartek Wrona Bartek Wrona 1 tydzień temu Fachowcy co ta bme lepili wcześniej majstra oglądali ??
Wazzup Szopen Szopenik Szopen Szopenik 1 tydzień temu Majster jak Ukraińcy zobaczą, że samochód otwierasz i zamykasz palcem, to z Twojego kciuka sobie brelok zrobią do kluczy ?? Pozdrawiam
Kamir Kamir 1 tydzień temu 10:40 materiał odszedł od plastiku bo pewnie boczna poduszka wyjebała i tylko przykleili żeby było??
Daroo92 Daroo Daroo92 Daroo 1 tydzień temu Majster wchodzi do komisu... Macie jakąś padline do drutowania? ??????
Mohavk Mohavk 1 tydzień temu Jak widać każdego "strucla" da się sprzedać, Musi się tylko trafić odpowiedni klyjent ;-) Piona.
Oskar Ja Oskar Ja 1 tydzień temu Handlarz sobie brawo stopami bił jak to sprzedał :D
JuGołingdałn JuGołingdałn 1 tydzień temu Majster co to za padlyna:):)
Biziviton Biziviton 1 tydzień temu 21:25 Jak launcha chcesz sprawdzić to wyłącz trakcje całkowicie czyli chyba  10 sekund przytrzymaj, wtedy jak wciśniesz gaz hamulec to ci laka spali co najwyżej i się nie rozjebie, siada tak przez tą trakcje włączoną :D
TonsilNaprawa TonsilNaprawa 1 tydzień temu A mówiłem, że bawarki mnożą się u majstra między sobą :)
Grzegorz Sikor Grzegorz Sikor 1 tydzień temu kurwancka.! pierwszy raz u Majstra rezerwa się nie świeci :D
baardzo ładna bawareczka ! pozdro
LesioW LesioW 1 tydzień temu 20 spawów, 14 odcieni karoserii.... będzie co drutować, oj będzie :D
Łukasz Jamrozowicz Łukasz Jamrozowicz 1 tydzień temu (edytowany) Jest V8 jest i jeździmy za grosze w LPG i o to chodzi ??
Filip De Filip De 1 tydzień temu antracyt i chuj, Majster geolog xD
SIARNIAK GARAGE SIARNIAK GARAGE 1 tydzień temu 2:10 - 2:15, bo to majster zależy  na które drzwi patrzysz ????
DJ_Biskup DJ_Biskup 1 tydzień temu A koszt sprowadzenia i naprawa ile wyniosła?
Krysox TM Krysox TM 1 tydzień temu Majster to kupił nawet drugie e60 żeby panewki nie ruszać ;D
Skubi Du Skubi Du 1 tydzień temu Majster to teraz możesz szrot zakładać xD
Tobiasz4561YourBestMusicPL Tobiasz4561YourBestMusicPL 1 tydzień temu no i zajebioza, mistrz w formie. Pozdro majster :D
KubaTMozg KubaTMozg 1 tydzień temu Majster, bieg redukujesz pchając manetkę "od siebie" (obojętnie, lewą lub prawą) i będzie luks
Wazzup Alek87 Alek87 1 tydzień temu (edytowany) Tra to taka. Taka gablota się należy za tyle lat leżenia pod samochodami:) tysiącom ludzi w zwykłym szarym życiu dajesz choć 20 minut uśmiechu. Lux robota! Czekam na test mierniczkiem? Sylikonu podesłać? Bo mam zapasy:))
Wazzup Jessy James Jessy James 1 tydzień temu Ten samochód ma całą paletę kolorów BMW w odcieniu czarnym i granatowym.
1964Orzel 1964Orzel 1 tydzień temu zrób majster swój detajling :D ps. jak za nisko to widzisz to wez fotelik od młodej :D
Wazzup odin bmerk odin bmerk 1 tydzień temu 3:57 bidula patrzy i sobie myśli jeszcze do mnie kur przyjdziesz
Wazzup litwa13 litwa13 1 tydzień temu Niepotrzebnie blachy zdejmujesz, i tak wiadomo gdzie mieszkasz????
nikko21100 nikko21100 1 tydzień temu Za te jasne wnętrze masz ??????
Wazzup Mały Z Gdańska Mały Z Gdańska 1 tydzień temu Majster z tymi łopatkami to musisz kciukiem od siebie nacisnąć i będzie zrzucał biegi
Shvny Shvny 1 tydzień temu 18:20 i oczywiście żona filmowała  ??
Mateusz BLADZIAK Mateusz BLADZIAK 1 tydzień temu Haha,, przy ruszaniu z jedynki to jakby was ktoś wypierdolił z procy" hahah Majster leżę  :D
Wazzup G SGK G SGK 1 tydzień temu (edytowany) Majster, tu chyba nie ma "launch control", jak mu będziesz tak robił z tym hamulcem, to za chwile bulniesz za konwerter automatu tyle, co za tą e60. Serio. Ale sama fura - ekstra.
Wazzup Hipis 666 Hipis 666 1 tydzień temu 8:55 trza zrobić screena... zobaczcie ile majster ma benzyny :D
Wazzup Evenement -.- Evenement -.- 1 tydzień temu Kiedy przegląd e39? XDD
Dr Adrian Dr Adrian 1 tydzień temu Jak będzie kolejne przyciemnianie szyb to normalnie WYSYŁAMY Ci browara za to ??????????
Wazzup Gabriel Senbonzakura Gabriel Senbonzakura 1 tydzień temu (edytowany) W trybie sport masz mocniejsze spięcie i nie zrobisz podbicia obrotów, musi być bez. Jeżeli chcesz ruszyć żwawo to wyrzuć na N, daj parę razy gaz w podłogę trzymając lewą nogą hebel bardzo mocno (powinien zejść niżej). Kiedy już zejdzie z obrotów to na D, potem M1 i full gaz. Powinien nabić nawet około 2-2,5k rpm. Oczywiście zmniejsza to żywotność  skrzyni i po dosłownie 2-3s max powinieneś już jechać, bo stojąc z tak napiętym układem za długo zagotujesz skrzynię albo rozsadzisz konwerter.
Wazzup Adam Masłowski Adam Masłowski 1 tydzień temu Wpierdol majster przepustnice jakiś wydech i będzie drzeć się a jak chcesz komfort to zamykasz klapki  a jak otworzysz to te v8 dźwięku sąsiady pomyślą że masz m5 z v10 pod maską XDDD :)
Wazzup andrzejQ andrzejQ andrzejQ andrzejQ 1 tydzień temu Majster wróciłeś mi wiare w ludzi ,jednak wszystko w tym kraju da sie sprzedać,taki klient jak ty to skarb
Krzysztof S. Krzysztof S. 1 tydzień temu 2:38 Majster, oszukały Cie, drzwi w innym kolorze niż błotnik! Pozdro
tomi21 ZoneIndustrial tomi21 ZoneIndustrial 1 tydzień temu (edytowany) Majstra er Beeema zajebista ja mam wszystkie wozy z Copard USA i Aii,  jak nowe w środku i przebieg orginał a nie to co w Polsze????????
Wazzup kiko2603 kiko2603 1 tydzień temu (edytowany) Shadow line nie antracyt Panie Majster?? Czarnym matem te alusy i będzie pieknie????????
d1ndasso 1992 d1ndasso 1992 1 tydzień temu 13:13 śmiechłem na cały dom haha
Wiktor 01 Wiktor 01 1 tydzień temu Następny odcinek ,, Robimy przelot w BMW  e60 V8 "  ????
gofastpl gofastpl 1 tydzień temu ale ktoś musiał za nią w salonie wyłożyć żeby majster miał co drutować
Rafau999 Rafau999 1 tydzień temu Wywal to spolszczenie bo pół opcji nie ma.
PremieR PremieR 1 tydzień temu 6:03 do przewożenia nart i profili
Krystian Ks Krystian Ks 1 tydzień temu Wazap Znawca marki Pasjonat Kolekcjoner ??
Wazzup Kacper Gołębiewski Kacper Gołębiewski 1 tydzień temu Łysy 15 lat na szwalni robił to fotel poszyje xD Kobity go wyuczyły to zna sie na tym xD
sztifan sztifan 1 tydzień temu Uszczelka przy wlewie paliwa tam sie dostaje woda
Wazzup Kamil 69 Kamil 69 1 tydzień temu Akumulator chłodzony ciecza??????
Wazzup wojtas93 wojtas93 1 tydzień temu 5:30 czekam na to ??
Łukasz Zus Łukasz Zus 1 tydzień temu Tam po prawej stronie w e60 masz taki zbiorniczek odprowadzania wody co Ci schodzi po uszczelkach, pewnie rozjebany, lub zdemontowany, dlatego miałeś tam wode :P
Wazzup Bartosz Urbanowicz Bartosz Urbanowicz 1 tydzień temu 13:00 „klikając” w manetkę za kierownica zmieni bieg do góry, klikając kciukiem od przodu zmieni na bieg niżej :)
szoter szoter 1 tydzień temu oddaj bunie
RUSTY RUSTY 1 tydzień temu (edytowany) ja cie człowieku podziwiam :D w sumie to ma sens kupujesz gablote żeby się silnik podobał a nie żeby lakier był oryginalny
Wazzup Sir Matthew Sir Matthew 1 tydzień temu Majster rób full przelot jak w e39
Po prostu Nick Po prostu Nick 1 tydzień temu Kurwa juz się nie mogę doczekać przyciemniania szyb ??
Mikolaj Opel Mikolaj Opel 1 tydzień temu 0:01O panie ale guma palona laluuuunia
Łukasz S. Łukasz S. 1 tydzień temu Niech Ci służy Majster ?? ??
Jeyson Cat Jeyson Cat 1 tydzień temu Gratuluje wyboru bardzo dobry model z rodziny M pozdrowienia z Hamburga
Wazzup Kuba Styczeń Kuba Styczeń 1 tydzień temu Majster . Jesli chodzi o moje zdanie to zmienil bym wydech , odnowil felgi i przyciemnil te perełeczki odblaski na przednim zderzaku.
Wazzup Paweł Paweł 1 tydzień temu Dziękujemy właścicielowi za udostępnienie tego wypasa!
Piotr Piotr 1 tydzień temu Gruzowisko majster ??
Marko Marko 1 tydzień temu Majster żeby bieg w dół zmienić to trzeba chyba łopatkę od siebie pchnąć
Wazzup Adam Pauk Adam Pauk 1 tydzień temu Kurwa same szroty bitki składane z 5 kurwa to strach tym jechać
Łukasz Zieliński Łukasz Zieliński 1 tydzień temu Cicho chodzi, bo majster przyzwyczajony że w silniku cos napier*dala :D
D3jw D3jw 1 tydzień temu Manetki Ci działają tylko inaczej niż myślisz :D ciągniesz do siebie, bieg w górę. odpychasz i w dół.
SzymeXx04 SzymeXx04 1 tydzień temu 5:54 tam kurła majster bejzbola będzie woził ??
BlueEye BlueEye 1 tydzień temu Majster co do malowania felg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfYScUX7yeo
Wazzup BOBER TV BOBER TV 1 tydzień temu Lalunia
Cichy Typ Cichy Typ 1 tydzień temu (edytowany) Procedurę startu miały M-ki, ale można to zakodować
HearMeRoar HearMeRoar 1 tydzień temu Widzę, że  Majster kupił całą furę części zamiennych :) Szykuje się sporo odcinków.
zip zip zip zip 1 tydzień temu Będzie chodzic??
Wazzup Alan J Alan J 1 tydzień temu (edytowany) Majster Plastidipem te Aluski na Czarno, bd Gangsterska Bma :) Zrób sam coś z wydechem, bd też fajny odcinek
Karol H. Karol H. 1 tydzień temu Wiadomo..... Bawareczka w gazie musi być u Majstra. ????
Wazzup Bawarczyk 71 Bawarczyk 71 1 tydzień temu Panie perełeczka  
Żeby długo służyła tylko
Ja też się rozglądam za e60 jak ktoś ma na sprzedaż;)
Paweł Korczyński Paweł Korczyński 1 tydzień temu 11:23 haha - dobre stwierdzenie Majster !!! ;) no i fajny prezent sobie sprawiłeś :)))
Wiktor Dycha Wiktor Dycha 1 tydzień temu LaLuNia
Michał Szlum Michał Szlum 1 tydzień temu Od druciarza dla druciarza! Legancka fura Majster, pozdrawiam :D
KomputerowaPasjaPL KomputerowaPasjaPL 1 tydzień temu Im więcej bajerów tym więcej problemów... oby Ci służyło jak najdłużej bez problemów! :)
Wazzup Sebastian Popławski Sebastian Popławski 1 tydzień temu 4:11 Jedź na myjnię na szczoty miałem identyczne aluski i odbyło i dawaj na chamownie
ShaQ ShaQ 1 tydzień temu " Typowo po mojemu " XD leżę
Lonemy Noy Lonemy Noy 1 tydzień temu Prawdopodobnie musisz trakcję wył żeby byl luchncontrol :D
MotobikeTuner MotobikeTuner 6 godzin temu Majster ile dałeś ??
Sasha Grey Sasha Grey 1 tydzień temu Majster dawaj przelot w tej bawaryczce!
Mareczek Złoty Mareczek Złoty 1 tydzień temu Teraz majster szukaj jakiegoś zdrutowanego M5 :D
Michał Kowalski Michał Kowalski 4 dni temu 20:00 Majster skoro tak to złożone że szpary na kilometr to i woda jak leje się zbiera ^^ Dla tego aku proponował bym jakiś płaszcz przeciw-deszczowy albo tratwe zamontować :) pozdrawiam pozytywnego majstra !
Kamil K Kamil K 1 tydzień temu "także tu nie ma tragedii"  :) no nie wiem :) rzeźba jak się patrzy
Alek87 Alek87 1 tydzień temu Co do cichego wydechu przełóż z E39 ten na pilocik będzie mega pierdolnięcie!!!!!!!
1 note · View note
radiozagan-blog · 8 years
  Kilka dni zaciętych walk o każdą ulicę, skwer, aby w końcu wyprzeć okupantów. W czwartek 16 lutego, w 72. rocznicę walk o Żagań oraz ewakuacji żagańskich obozów jenieckich żołnierze Czarnej Dywizji pochylili sztandar, aby uczcić ofiary tamtych wydarzeń.
Uroczystości upamiętniające rocznicę czterodniowych, krwawych walk o miasto Żagań, które toczyły się w 1945 roku przeprowadzone zostały na Placu Generała Maczka. W tym ważnym wydarzeniu udział wzięli między innymi kombatanci, przedstawiciele władz samorządowych, służb mundurowych, organizacji społecznych, instytucji państwowych oraz licznie zgromadzeni uczniowie żagańskich szkół, a także goście i mieszkańcy miasta.
Dyrektor Muzeum Obozów Jenieckich w Żaganiu, Marek Łazarz przybliżył historię tamtych dni, odnosząc się zarówno do walk o miasto, jak również poruszając losu jeńców wojennych podczas deportacji ze Stalagu Luft 3 oraz Stalagu VIIIC.
Reprezentujący kombatantów porucznik rezerwy Piotr Gubernator wspominając swoje pierwsze dni po przybyciu do Żagania w roku 1946 oraz relacjonując wydarzenia ze szlaku bojowego, dziękował za podtrzymywanie w pamięci tamtych kart historii przez kolejne pokolenia Żaganian. „Dziękuję szczególnie wam, droga młodzieży za to, że pielęgnujecie fakty przeszłości, nie tylko kraju, ale i naszego miasta” – podsumował porucznik Gubernator.
Po odczytaniu apelu pamięci, oddaniu salwy honorowej przez kompanię honorową, wystawioną przez 34. Brygadę Kawalerii Pancernej zapalone zostały znicze oraz złożone wiązanki kwiatów pod pomnikiem 1. Polskiej Dywizji Pancernej i 1. Drezdeńskiego Korpusu Pancernego.
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Tekst: por. Krzysztof Gonera
Zdjęcia: st. chor. Rafał Mniedło
Rocznicowe uroczystości Kilka dni zaciętych walk o każdą ulicę, skwer, aby w końcu wyprzeć okupantów. W czwartek 16 lutego, w 72.
0 notes
fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Let's Save the World
Greetings from Earth! First time poster to this blog and stoked to meet some new partners. My name is Chris and I’m a male nurse (Yo, you’re going to get some medically accurate roleplay) in his late twenties. I have a lovely wife and two stupidly handsome animals (Pictures of the animals available on request) but manage to maintain a pretty active roleplay life due to the fact that I work nights. The Basics: I tell everyone that I’m a professional. I try to reply 1-3 times a week and the length of posts depends on amount of characters in play. If I’m going to take longer, I always try to let you know. I’m willing to write male and female characters and focus on M/F as the male and F/F. M/M just isn’t my thing, sorry y'all. My limits include pedophilia, rape, and animal abuse. Anything else can be discussed. I prefer e-mail for writing ([email protected]) but have Discord for plotting (NurseBatman#3674). If we get along really well, you can convince me into discord roleplay. The text limit just drives me nuts. I do use faceclaims pretty aggressively. Is there anything else? Central time zone?
Onto the roleplay stuff. I’ll start with originals and then dive into fandoms. I put extra *s by the lines that I will literally lose my mind if you approach me about. Searching hard! -The Social Media Age****** A m/f line that I’ve given a little thought to, looking for someone to write a young woman that is pretty much making her living being an instagram model/fitness person, etc. I think the proper term is *Influencer*. Meets and starts dating a successful guy with no presence online, the two falling for each other but at odds over their differing attitudes towards the world. -This American Life Something set in the 1970s, focusing on a roadtrip. A group of teenagers leave their small town behind to head out west. I love this time period. Can be supernatural, supernatural lite (think Twin Peaks weirdness) or totally natural. -Stranger Things inspired A group of four to six friends enjoy their last summer together in a remote town as strangeness begins to unfurl. I’d be willing to set this in the present but think it would be way more fun in the 70s or 80s. I have an idea for one of the kids having lost a sibling in a strange way when they were young and possibly some sort of cult in town.
-Star Wars**
I'd really love to write Obi-Wan during the interim between the prequels and the OG trilogy. Hit me with some sort of love interest that he can go off and be adventuring with while Luke is super young.
-Preacher Seriously. Love this show, love this comic. Would happily write Jesse or Cassidy against Tulip. Just definitely looking for a Tulip
-Harry Potterverse
I'd love to write a pair of aurors, something original. I'm think, basically, magic buddy cop thrillride? That's literally all my brain has and it sounds awesome.
-The Boys Would love to write Hughie against Starlight! Currently working my way through the season that just dropped. -Marvel -I will love you forever if you write an Elektra against my Daredevil. They are toxic and in love and I love it. Whether it be the comics or the Netflix series, I don’t care. Someone please write me an Elektra. Netflix did a good job of portraying this one -Alternatively, I’d also be happy to write against a Black Widow, either with Daredevil. They were a mainstay OTP in the comics in the 90s and I’d love to write against Scarlet’s Black Widow. -Has anyone seen the trailer for the neverendingly delayed New Mutants movie? I would love to write something based on that horror aspect of the mutant universe.* -I’d love to write an older MCU Peter Parker (like college) running across a MCU version of Black Cat. Or just a Spiderman roleplay in general. I’ve always wanted to write Peter but have never gotten the chance! I have a ton of ideas for this, plus faceclaims for a few of the villains. Would also be willing to play him against Zendaya’s MJ, Spidergwen, or Silk (Deepcut)**************************** (I so badly want to write Peter) -One of the pairings that was done for a time in the comics was Star Lord against Kitty Pryde and it was actually a lot of fun. If anyone would want to do a MCU version of this, I would so *DOWN* to play Quill, Xmen hijinks a plenty in space -If you write Jessica Jones, I’d be willing to write almost anyone against her (NOT KILGRAVE). Just let me know. I’d be super down to write Luke Cage or maybe Matt Murdock. I do a mean John Constantine, which, let’s face it, is a cross company illustration of the two most terrible people together -Hawkguys! I would love to either write Clint against Kate Bishop (This would be a slightly skewed MCU vibe) or Kate against America Chavez. I would really love to do either of these lines. Or a poly version if someone is willing! -I’d love to write Logan as an active member of the MCU Avengers, possibly as a partner in crime/wetworks/murder with Black Widow. Those two could cause some mayhem. -Honestly, any X-men relationship could be sold to me. Just try it. I would love to find a Kitty for Piotr, a Rogue for Remy, or almost anyone for Kurt.
-DC I’d love to write Batman against Catwoman, please. Or John Constantine against literally almost anyone
-Hannibal I’ve been dying to do a sort of season 4 for a while now, focused on Clarice Starlings interaction with Will Graham and later Hannibal Lecter. Just need to find someone willing to create an original style Clarice. -Resident Evil I’d like to write Leon against Claire Redfield or Jill Valentine in an original outbreak or a new one. I know this is an old school fandom but I’m a diehard fan. -Star Trek Okay, so first up, I am not the most well versed Trekkie in the world. Never watched any of the TV shows but am a massive fan of the trio of rebooted films and would love to give Kirk or Bones a try against Uhura, Dr. Eve, or maybe a female Vulcan OC? Hit me with ideas! -The Matrix Another obscure fandom. Maybe just an original crew, set during the movies, after, or an AU where they’re the only survivors of Zion? Im not sure but I could plot something out!
-Uncharted I’d love to write Chloe Frazier against Nadine Ross, continuing their adventures. I’m pretty wide open on what we can do with this one. RANDOM CRACK SHIPS! Caught in a Web: I would love to write an iteration (Daniel Craig or an original) of James Bond/007 against a non superhero version of Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow. Spy vs spy shenanigans as two people working for different governments. Totally impossibly but putting it just in case: Did anyone see all that Wonder Woman/Lara Croft art that was floating around the internet earlier this year? I would love to dive into that. I’d prefer to write Lara but I’m definitely not picky. If you made it this far, you’re a hero and I owe you a beer. Hope to hear from some great writers! Let’s create something *EPIC*
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eddycurrents · 6 years
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For the week of 18 February 2019
Quick Bits:
Aquaman #45 gives us a new creation story with Father Sea and Mother Salt. It’s interesting world-building for what’s going on on this island. Robson Rocha, Daniel Henriques, and Sunny Gho seem to level up on their art again. This book is gorgeous.
| Published by DC Comics
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Avengers #15 continues the vampire civil war, with the Shadow Colonel basically kidnapping Ghost Rider. Jason Aaron is definitely taking this series in weird places, but it remains highly entertaining. Especially with collaborators like David Marquez and Erick Arciniega who deliver some incredible artwork.
| Published by Marvel
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Avengers: No Road Home #2 reveals how Nyx and her family took Olympus. There’s also a neat parallel narration for Hawkeye explaining how the guy with just a bow and arrows can take on gods and monsters. The art from Paco Medina, Juan Vlasco, and Jesus Aburtov is gorgeous, they really seem to pushing themselves with their storytelling. It’s just a shame that none of the artists are credited on the cover.
| Published by Marvel
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Barbarella/Dejah Thoris #2 is ridiculously impressive. Leah Williams, Germán García, Addison Duke, and Crank! are delivering an intelligent, humorous, and compelling adventure tale here that reminds me a lot of some of what Alan Moore and Chris Sprouse did in Tom Strong. It’s incredibly inventive and the artwork is amazing. Highly recommended.
| Published by Dynamite
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Batman #65 gives us the penultimate chapter of “The Price”, featuring an all out battle between Flash, Gotham Girl, and Gotham. The artwork from Guillem March and Tomeu Morey is stunning, with some incredible layouts as the action continues.
| Published by DC Comics
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Black Widow #2 is fairly bloody and violent as Natasha racks up a body count tracking down the people running “No Restraints Play”, a site that specializes in depravity. Flaviano’s line art seems scratchier than the first issue, but it works for the violent tone of story.
| Published by Marvel
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Bloodborne #9 begins the third arc, “A Song of Crows”, as Aleš Kot, Piotr Kowalski, Brad Simpson, Aditya Bidikar, and Jim Campbell spotlight Eileen the Crow. This is a bit of return to the kind of abstract storytelling and embrace of oblique existentialism of the first arc as Eileen investigates the ritual murder of a hunter, but is confounded by time and holes in the narrative.
| Published by Titan
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Catwoman #8 is ostensibly the “conclusion” to “Something Smells Fishy”, but it doesn’t actually end the story in any way and leaves the reader at a cliffhanger of continuing elements. That being said, it’s still an entertaining issue from Joëlle Jones, Elena Casagrande, Fernando Blanco, John Kalisz, and Josh Reed. Wonderful action sequences, and more questions as to the nature of a reliquary that seems to contain resurrective powers.
| Published by DC Comics
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Delver #1 begins a new Comixology Original series from MK Reed, C. Spike Trotman, Clive Hawken, Maarta Laiho, and Ed Dukeshire. It’s a very intriguing and unique take on the fantasy gaming theme of a dungeon full of treasure and monsters with delvers working to plumb the depths. But it’s from the perspective of the townsfolk whose land the door to the dungeon appears in and how it changes and impacts their lives. 
| Published by Iron Circus Comics
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Doctor Strange #11 concludes the battle with Dormammu and the Faltine, for now at least, from Mark Waid, Jesús Saiz, Javier Pina, Rachelle Rosenberg, and Cory Petit. Some very nice art as usual from Saiz, Pina, and Rosenberg.
| Published by Marvel
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Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #3 continues “Mother of Exiles” from Tom Taylor, Juann Cabal, Nolan Woodard, and Travis Lanham as Peter finds out a bit about the rumours regarding his neighbour and Under York, another duplicate New York City under New York City, that oddly isn’t the Monster Metropolis. Great humour from Taylor in the dialogue.
| Published by Marvel
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Guardians of the Galaxy #2 takes a somewhat different approach as Peter Quill drunk dials Kitty as he tries to make sense of what’s going on with Thanos, Gamora, everyone who’s dead, and the current state of the Guardians. Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw, Marte Gracia, and Cory Petit are really taking this series into interesting offbeat territory, while still delivering some excellent humour and an ominous feel to Starfox’s new band of “guardians”.
| Published by Marvel
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Incursion #1 begins a new mini picking up on where the Eternal Warrior and Geomancer are since Harbinger Wars 2 and Ninja-K, and pit them against Imperatrix Virago, a cosmic villain that is devouring worlds (kind of like if Galactus were pestilence), from Andy Diggle, Alex Paknadel, Doug Braithwaite, José Villarrubia, Diego Rodriguez, and Marshall Dillon. The art is incredible, the stakes seem pretty high, and the outlook after this first issue look pretty grim for Earth.
| Published by Valiant
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James Bond 007 #4 sees Stephen Mooney join Greg Pak, Tríona Farrell, and Ariana Maher for the art chores for three issues, continuing the tale of Bond and “Oddjob”’s team-up. Like Marc Laming, Mooney seems to be born to draw Bond and espionage themed stories.
| Published by Dynamite
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Judge Dredd: Toxic #4 concludes what has been an excellent series dealing with xenophobia and hateful rhetoric from Paul Jenkins, Marco Castiello, Vincenzo Acunzo, Jason Millet, Shawn Lee, and Robbie Robbins. I’ve always found non 2000 AD Judge Dredd stories to be a bit of crapshoot, but IDW have been delivering well with the past two mini-series, this and Under Siege.
| Published by IDW
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Justice League #18 is the latest excursion into the Legion of Doom territory from James Tynion IV, Pasqual Ferry, Hi-Fi, and Tom Napolitano. It works with some of the revelations from last issue regarding Martian Manhunter and builds a new narrative for Lionel Luthor’s past and his work with Vandal Savage. It’s interesting to see Tynion working with variations on discarded continuities in this way, building a new past that synthesizes pre-Flashpoint ideas with the current batch of backstories.
| Published by DC Comics
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Middlewest #4 only seems to be getting better and better as more of this world and how it seems to work get fleshed out by Skottie Young, Jorge Corona, Jean-Francois Beaulieu, and Nate Piekos. There’s something incredibly magical and special about this series that taps into the feeling of some of the best coming-of-age fantasies as it blends Ray Bradbury, JM Barrie, and Carlo Collodi into this magical realist adventure.
| Published by Image
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Miles Morales: Spider-Man #3 concludes the opening arc from Saladin Ahmed, Javier Garrón, David Curiel, and Cory Petit by adding Captain America to Miles & Rhino’s team-up. This has been a very entertaining start to the series, with a nice mix of Miles’ personal life and superheroics.
| Published by Marvel
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Naomi #2 reasserts that Jamal Campbell is a powerhouse of an artist and one of the best kept secrets of the past few years who really should have a higher profile. His art is amazing. It also helps that the story he, Brian Michael Bendis, David F. Walker, and Carlos M. Mangual are telling is as compelling as this, as Naomi confronts Dee as she tries to learn about the day of her adoption. It’s very widescreen and epic as it hints at the broader DC Universe, but at the same time this is very deeply personal.
| Published by DC Comics
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Old Man Quill #2 gives the Guardians a taste of the depravity and despair that Earth has fallen to in this post-superhero world. Ethan Sacks shows there’s still a bit of humour left, though, in that Piledriver’s descendent thinks that Piledriver was one of the all-time greats. Also the art from Robert Gill and Andres Mossa gives a wonderful amount of detail to the wastelands.
| Published by Marvel
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Relay #4 returns after a delay with new artist Dalibor Talajić (I believe Andy Clarke had to bow out due to illness, but I’m not 100% sure on that). Talajić’s art style is not as bright and clean as Clarke’s, giving a darker, shadowy approach that results in the bleak, horror elements of the story coming further into focus.
| Published by AfterShock
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Seven to Eternity #13 returns from its own lengthy delay to conclude the arc in Skod, with the revelation of part of Adam’s choice to save the Mud King. It reiterates the theme since the beginning that there seem to be no good choices in this world, that everything tainted, despite Adam’s father believing the world black and white. While we are going into another trade break, Rick Remender, Jerome Opeña, Matt Hollingsworth, and Rus Wooton consistently make this worth the wait.
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Sharkey: The Bounty Hunter #1 is the latest of Mark Millar’s Netflix feeder series, after The Magic Order and Prodigy, with Simone Bianchi and Peter Doherty rounding out the team. This one feels a bit like if Warren Ellis were writing Strontium Dog, and it works. The artwork from Bianchi is worth it on its own. Gorgeous character designs.
| Published by Image
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Venom #11 is another holy crap issue from Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman, Joshua Cassara, JP Mayer, Frank Martin, and Clayton Cowles. There are some really big revelations about Eddie and his family that really need to be read firsthand. Amazing work.
| Published by Marvel
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X-O Manowar #24 reminds us again just how good of an artist and storyteller Tomás Giorello is. The action sequences and battle between Aric and Hesnid is incredible, with fairly inventive layouts that just elevate the overall impact of the pages. Giorello and Diego Rodriguez really make this something joyous to behold.
| Published by Valiant
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Other Highlights: American Carnage #4, Bitter Root #4, Black Badge #7, The Black Order #4, Breakneck #3, Coda #9, Death Orb #5, DuckTales #18, East of West #41, Evolution #14, Exorsisters #5, Go Bots #4, Grumble #4, High Level #1, Hot Lunch Special #5, Jessica Jones: Purple Daughter #2, Jim Henson’s Beneath the Dark Crystal #5, Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: Discovery Adventure, Jughead: The Hunger #12, Lightstep #4, The Lone Ranger #5, Lucifer #5, Lumberjanes #59, Mars Attacks #5, Monstress #20, Outpost Zero #7, Rainbow Brite #4, Shuri #5, Solo: A Star Wars Story #5, Star Wars Adventures #18, Starcraft: Soldiers #2, Stronghold #1, Sukeban Turbo #4, Superb #17, TMNT: Urban Legends #10, Teen Titans #27, Turok #2, The Unstoppable Wasp #5, The Witcher: Of Flesh and Flame #3
Recommended Collections: Amazing Spider-Man - Volume 2: Friends & Foes, Bedtime Games, The Beauty - Volume 5, Black Lightning: Brick City Blues, Captain America - Volume 1: Winter in America, Days of Hate - Volume 2, High Crimes, Infinity 8 - Volume 3: The Gospel According to Emma, Old Man Hawkeye - Volume 2: The Whole World Blind, The Punisher - Volume 1: World War Frank, West Coast Avengers - Volume 1: Best Coast
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d. emerson eddy would do anything for a Klondike bar, but he won’t do that.
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lcstpaths · 6 years
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                            piotr rasputin ( colossus ) tag drop.
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