tempered-in-flames 2 years
{{Plotted starter for @pinky-alienqween }}
Somethings never change. In this moment that meant that the only real reason why he didn't go alone to the Heroes Gala by himself to spite his father's wishes of him going with one of the other top ten heroes, like Momo Yaoyorozu, was because his father threw a small fit about anyone thinking that Mina was anything less than a wonderful woman who deserved ever compliment and award she got. Including her hero ranking this year. Why there was still such sexism coming from someone who had done such a lifelong turn around baffled the dual user, but some things he guessed never changed.
So that was how he came to be walking up the red carpet of the Gala with Mina on his arm. Not only had she been completely okay with being his plus one, she was down to keep the party more interesting than just the usual blandness it had been for a while now.
Always the gentleman, Shouto had gotten out of the vehicle first, offering a hand out to Mina as he stepped away to give her the space to get out as well. His red and white hair was carefully combed back and to the side. Although he thought he looked rather astute, he knew they were about to wipe the floor as best dressed pair. He made sure Mina had everything she needed to make them the look their best. Her eyes were better at fashion than he was after all.
"Ready for the pre-party portion of the evening?"
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midorinoeiyu 2 years
馃珎- @pinky-alienqween "Is it ok if i give you a hug, Midoriya?" Mina asks giving a small smile. she wont touch him if he doesnt want her too, she respects his personal space too much to force him into a situation he would find uncomfortable.
Midoriya would open his arms up with a smile. "All you need to do is ask. I am full of hugs to give to those in need." Even if he denied himself the same luxury when he was in need. But that was for another time. Pushing the thought away, he would simply continue to smile as he waited for the other to come in for a hug.
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oncforallxbroccoli 2 years
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send me聽鈥渆avesdrop鈥澛燼nd my muse will describe your muse like they鈥檙e talking to a third party. (accepting) || @pinky-alienqween asked:
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If you had asked Izuku back in their first year at U.A. how he'd describe Ashido -- he wouldn't know what to say. Yeah, he had been heavily impressed with her dancing. But the two of them never really hung out together. She was always primarily hanging out with the girls, or Kacchan's friends.
However, after spending three years in the same class, he had gotten to know her a little bit better over that time. "Ashido-san's incredibly talented and has really amazing control of her Quirk."
He pauses a moment, "I was impressed in our first year but it's so amazing that she was able to put her dance skills into how she used her Quirk. In fact, it was actually from watching a few of my classmates; Ashido-san included, that helped me figure out how to make it so that my body movement was more fluid while fighting."
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midorinoeiyu 2 years
<< @pinky-alienqween from here >>
Izuku took the sonogram and ran his thumbs over the image. "It's okay. If you want to keep it, then I'll be there for you. I know we both could have done things to make it better or not happen, but it did." It was just figuring out how to tell everyone around them.
"Are you really sure, though? It's going to make things hard being a hero fresh out of high school with a kid." He looked up at her with a soft smile on his features. "I don't have much to help with beyond being supportive right now. Not until after graduation anyway. After that I'll help with everything I can."
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midorinoeiyu 1 year
00:00:00 @pinky-alienqween :3
<<In a universe where everyone is born with numbers on their wrists counting down to when they'll meet their soulmate, send me 00:00:00 for my muses reaction to their numbers hitting zero when they meet yours.>> @pinky-alienqween
Midoriya had always been on the shyier, quieter side of life. Quirkless for most of his youth, combined with an analytic mind, left him rather lonely. So the only comfort he had was a counting timer on his writs. Occasionally, the timer would go up or down depending on the way either he or his soulmate would make a major or even seemingly minor decision.
With the help of a flashy new quirk and the training from All Might, Izuku was quick to find himself at UA with a fresh batch of students to learn about and possibly become friends with. So excited he barely noticed the timer on his wrist had significantly gone down until it was counting below a minute.
... 00:00:58
Distracted by Kacchan's anger at his appearance in the school he didn't see the numbers in black ink slowly counting down past thirty... twenty.. ten...
It wasn't until the door slid open behind him as he took a nervous step back from Kacchan that he ran into someone as he backed up, eyes drifting to see the numbers on his wrist flick down..
Turning his head he would look back at the person he had run into and blink wide emerald eyes at them in shock. "O-oh.. Hi..?"
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tempered-in-flames 2 years
Hands Shouto a stuffed bowl of cold soba so he can now cuddle with cold soba in bed.- Mina @pinky-alienqween (yes she actually went out and found this for him)
{{Give the muse an object and see how they react.}}
Shouto lets out a small gasp as he pulls the stupid pushed bowl of noodles closer to him. "You never let me have soba in bed..."
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midorinoeiyu 2 years
"Izuku.... I have something to tell you and i need you to promise me you're not going to freak out." Mina said softly as she stood in front of Izuku her head down before she looked up and handed him a small plastic stick. "Im pregnant. And your the father." she murmurs softly. She was nervous because this wasnt planned and they weren't even together so this was definitely something that could throw a wrench in things. "I want to keep the baby but i understand if you'd rather not have anything to do with them. i promise i wont ask for anything."
(for the pregnancy prompts - @pinky-alienqween)
Fate was a fickle thing. A monster waiting to happen and mess up the most carefully laid plans. Midoriya had been working in his dorm room when there had been a knock on his door. Used to one of his usual group coming in, he hadn't expected Mina at his door when he opened it.
"O-Oh, Mina!" He noticed her more down tone and went to open his mouth, about to ask what the matter was when she spoke up. Her news made him swallow, silent in shock through her whole statement and even after it. He blinked at her a few more times before he finally broke out of his shock.
"I- But we. Oh good lord." Taking the piece of plastic in his hand he looked at it to confirm that in fact, yes it was a positive. And it only made sense it was his. As far as he was aware their little one time fling had been the last one either of them had done just as midterms started. Though he he thought they both had used protection. Then again it had been a night after partying and that could have affected it. And his memory. As he mumbled out his thought process, he would pull her inside gently and close the door. This was a conversation for them right now.
Shaking his head he would bring himself back to the moment.
"I'm not going to not be there for my kid. But are you sure I'm the father?" He looked up at her as he asked this, not at all angry more just shocked and concerned.
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