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Enjoying an afternoon snooze with our Pink Raccoon relaxing lavender wheat bag. #afternoonsnoozes #snoozing #afternoonnap #afternoonnapsarethebest #timetotreatyourself #timetosleep #timetorelax #childrenswellbeing #childrenswellness #childrenswheatbag #wheatpack #wheatbag #pinkraccoon #raccoons #pictureperfect #wheatbagheaven #pulsepointoils #etsyshopwheatbagheaven (at Bath, Somerset) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFJwBt0FvTT/?igshid=cw7sq2oa98g0
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Pink Raccoon Pad! #ditchthedisposables #raccoon #raccoons #raccoonlife #Pinkraccoon #workingfromhome #workshop #pussypads #workinprogress #sewersofinstagram #creativebiz #beyourownboss #makersgonnamake #makersmovement #communityovercompetition #freedombusiness #buylocal #buysmall #crafters #craftspeople #mamacloth https://www.instagram.com/p/BuMV2eZHa4M/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=179mhimihmkk8
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For the ask game:
😅, ⛔ and, may I add an extra question?
Is there any skill or thing you have studied/learnt/researched about just in order to write it in your story? Or you prefer to write esclusively what you already know well?
Oh man, I totally forgot I had this in my in box. I was a passenger on a very long drive when I was crying for these and I think I got this one as we crossed the border into Canada and my wifi stopped existing. Then we had like….48? Very fun hours in Canada and went home and got back to the real world and well I’m gonna answer this now.
What’s a story or scene you e created that you’re a smidge embarrassed exists?
I’m not sure that I really have something I’m embarrassed about? I’ve got an upcoming thing with a bit I’m anxious about because I’m hoping I got it right, but I’m not embarrassed about it
Do you have a fic you started but scrapped?
I’d started a version of Farore from Zelda’s POV, but since then I’ve had better ideas of how to approach it, so that first chapter hangs on AO3. Though we are heading into the time of year where the days get short and I get frustrated with absolutely everything and start going maybe I’ll just drop this since I feel like I scream into a void an awful lot. I’m 97% sure this is my brain on shorter days and it’s biology but good gods. I wish this didn’t happen every year.
Skills or stuff I learned for fic hmmmmmm
I do tend to rely a lot on my own experiences and what not, or I’ll go riffling along on something that’s adjacent to what I know. However, I wrote Farore as a newish Zelda fan and one of the things I wanted to do was include Easter eggs in the fic. I also got it in my head that I HAD to include the Arbiters Grounds as one of my dungeons (my early community seeking got me in with gamer dudes who declared this the best dungeon ever) however I had not played Twilight Princess and I was unaware that I had hardware to play it at first. I think I did figure it out and decided I’d play the game before writing that part.
Well. I hit a point in that game-fairly early- that I could not get beyond and my dungeon was coming up. I went to you tube and watched several let’s plays of that part of the game and nailed it enough that a few people commented they hadn’t realized I had not played it myself. Since then, I have gotten beyond my block on that game and finished Twilight Princess. Running up to the Arbiter’s Grounds gave me chills and it was a fun dungeon to play. I personally think I didn’t make my version scary enough and if I do push on a rewrite of Farore I plan on making it creepier.
I’m so sorry I forgot about this @pinkraccoon !
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Grazie dello spunto @pinkraccoon, per rispondere alle obiezioni delle tue amiche anti alluminio, ti linkerei qui sotto un bellissimo e chiarissimo video del sempre ottimo Bressanini, che ti aiuterà a far valere la tua posizione sul tranquillo utilizzo dell’alluminio in cucina. L’unico accorgimento utile, é evitare di conservarci cibi particolarmente acidi (come il pomodoro); non da problemi in cottura! Io non sono né chimico ne medico; dal mio punto di vista, posso solo dirti che adoro l’altissimo coefficiente di conducibilità termica dell’alluminio, della sua durata in uso e quando non si usa più è riciclabile all’infinito. Con 800 lattine si costruisce una bicicletta completa di accessori. Occorrono 150 lattine per realizzare una bici da competizione. Con 3 lattine si fa un paio di occhiali. Con 130 lattine si costruisce un monopattino con cui si possono investire le persone sui marciapiedi e che con 35 lattine potranno avere delle bellissime stampelle per le persone investite.
Ciao Chef! Scusami se faccio domande poco inerenti al cibo in sé.. magari puoi aiutarmi. Vivo nel passato e ho una fobia immotivata per il silicone! Continuo ad usare stampi di alluminio, cucchiai di legno ecc.. vorrei chiederti: questi stampi di silicone (torte, muffin, cioccolatini ecc) sono davvero sicuri? Come faccio a sapere se non sono scadenti? Ho il terrore che si sciolgano a contatto con il calore 😭 grazie!
Partendo dal presupposto che per qualsiasi cosa, ci sarà sempre uno studio che dice che, con il tempo, i materiali rilasciano sostanze che causano qualsiasi malanno... alluminio, acciaio, pellicola, silicone... capsule del caffè... nulla è veramente inerte, se non il Pyrex forse.
Detto questo, parlando di stampi in silicone, se prendi quelli del negozio “tutto a 1€” è chiaro che un po’ te la rischi. Ci sono poi altri prodotti più seri come quelli della Silikomart o della Pavoni che sono più solidi, resistenti e prodotti come Dio comanda che sono affidabili.
Poi, il sono un cuoco e non un tecnico di materiali siliconici o un medico. Dal mio punto di vista ciò che è approvato CE e consentito a norma di legge non dovrebbe presentare problematiche gravi. Detto ciò, dopo un periodo in cui usavo un sacco di carta forno, io amo molto usare stampi di alluminio imburrati ed infarinati come una volta. In modo da non avere screpolature da carta forno. Il silicone lo uso più per sformati o semifreddi perché possono andare anche in freezer per sformare i semifreddi a -18 per mantenerne la forma perfetta
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Made some raccoon icons for my teammates and myself! Purple - That’s me! Blue - @just-blueraccoon Pink - @just-pinkraccoon
Edit: King Raccon!
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pinkraccoon ha risposto al tuo post :Scusi dottore ma il suo nome? Giorgio, Mario, Pino non so! Sono curioso ma per favore sia serio!
Una volta avevo azzardato ‘Teresio’, oggi rilancio con ‘Amintore’.
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Since I am only asking one question per episode I would like the tumblr-submitted question to be generic. If I had everyone asking questions about one author I wouldn’t be able to use any leftovers for another podcast. @pinkraccoon
Behind The Fic Needs Your Questions!
Every podcast episode I plan to ask the panel one Tumblr-submitted question. The problem is that I’ve only ever gotten one and I’ve already used it in the first episode 😬
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Non ti preoccupare, il finale descritto da Alfredo nella clip NON È davvero quello di Lost, è una delle interpretazioni che ha dato il fandom, ma non è vero.
Grazie, è fantastico che già in due mi abbiate scritto per restituirmi la forza di continuare a vedermi Lost.
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"L'arte di trattare le donne", di Arthur Schopenhauer. Per rispondere alla domanda sul post di Unoetrino :)
non siete d'accordo tu e akaorenji! misa che si tratta di questo qui però. mmmm
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Since you are posting the meta-questions thread, I'll take the chance to ask the following:
7, 11, 17
Needless to say, feel free to answer only if you like to. Personally I don't perceive you like someone who's "envious" of others, but rather like someone who might look at others to learn a skill you would like to acquire or improve. That's how I have interpreted question 11.
Hope you're having a nice Sunday ^^
Thank you for the ask @pinkraccoon !
7 What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree?
I feel like I write pretty much the way I tell stories in person. There are some differences, of course. Telling a story becomes a performance and I’ve learned to tell stories in a way to be funny. I can think of one example of a story that I tell in person that I’ve also written out to “tell” like on Discord and it’s pretty similar though when I’m telling it to a chat room I word things a little differently because my vocal tone would be all you need in person.
I’m not sure others agree because the audience I tell stories to is different from the one who reads them. I’ve been told I use metaphors well, and can make people experience a space or a thing well.
11 What do you envy in other writers?
So, I am a very, very competitive person. I will attempt to rise to the slightest of challenges with the stupidest reward attached to it. Give me a buzzer based trivia game on any subject and I will come for your eyeballs even if I know nothing about the topic.
This serves me well in a lot of ways and is pretty destructive in a lot of ways. Like I was absolutely a slave to my AO3 stats page and comparing my brand new account to people doing this ten years and it didn’t go well until I realized I should only be comparing my stuff to my own work and not to someone six fandoms and a million words in.
Having said that, there are a few writers who I will read almost anything they write because it flows well, has a sense of humor I love or I really like how they do their smut, or write emotion or whatever. I try to treat it more like here’s a thing I should break down and learn from rather than just freaking out how I’ll never get close to this.
There are also a few people out there who I’d really like to be friends with but holy cow I get really awkward and come off as a stalker, I think, so I do envy folks who seem to be able to execute that smoothly.
17 Do you think readers perceive your work - or you - differently to you? What do you think would surprise your readers about your writing or your motivations?
So, having said that I’m kind of awkward and shy one on one, even in a format where you don’t know my real name, I don’t generally have a great sense of how my work or I am perceived. Like I think I’m a great big nerd but I’ve been told I come of as cool or intimidating or whatever and I never really see that at all. I promise I am not nearly as standoffish as I apparently come across.
Also have no idea if this is surprising or not but I don’t have a ton of very formal English/ creative writing training. I was all pretty hard science and writing for that is a very different beast. I read a lot and I know what I like to read but I haven’t ever really thought much about the mechanics. I’ve definitely been in chat rooms where people are discussing breaking down how story functions and beats and whatever else and I’m definitely the dumb one. Like I don’t even know enough to know what questions to ask.
Link to original ask post
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pinkraccoon ha risposto al tuo link:GeoGuessr - Let's explore the world!
A me ha sbattuto su una fottutissima TORRE dalla quale non si vedeva un cazzo e non mi potevo muovere >_< E una volta anche sott’acqua sulla barriera corallina.
Vabè, dillo che hai fatto uno sgarbo al signor Google. Perché sfiga così tanta non ce n'è.
Che gli hai fatto, gli hai stirato il gatto?
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pinkraccoon ha risposto alla tua citazione:Cos’è stato quel rumore di coltello che tagliava...
Vuoi farmi credere che dal rumore riesci a distinguere se un taglio è stato inferto a una pastiera e non a qualche altro dolce, tipo crostata?
Il grano che si sposta nella ricotta ad opera della lama di un coltello fa un rumore inconfondibile, ben diverso da quello della marmellata... Una volta mi sono confuso per qualche secondo perché hanno tagliato una crostata con la marmellata di ribes intero, ma poi ho sentito il 'tac' che la lama ha fatto sul fondo del contenitore quando la pastafrolla ha ceduto. Per farti capire: riesco persino a sentire se qualcuno ha usato del cioccolato fondente e in quel caso non mi alzo nemmeno dalla sedia.
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pinkraccoon ha risposto al tuo post “vorremmo sapere tutti il suo vero nome grande kon”
Ti chiamerai mica Teresio?
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Mi offro come botanica del ZT. Ho sempre vissuto a contatto con la natura e ho una buonissima conoscenza di erbe e piante. Assieme alla mia famiglia curo orto e giardino praticamente dalla nascita. Sono assunta?
Intanto comincia a prenderti cura del mio giardino ché quando arrivano gli zombie ti avverto.
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