#pining prinxiety
A Herculean Task
Pairing: Prinxiety
Rating: PG 13 for mild violence and swearing
Summary: What do you do when you're battling with your feelings? Take it to the imagination and battle them for real of course.
Additional Tags: Reconciliation, Action/Adventure, Adventure, Adventure & Romance, Romance, Mutual Pining, Pining, Light-Hearted, Blood and Injury, Angst with a Happy Ending
“That’s a wrap!” Thomas exclaimed, a big grin on his face as they made just a little more progress towards getting that dang finale out. 
Of course they would.
Of course.
Honestly, after the years they’ve spent working it and re-working it, Roman had nearly reached the point of apathy—being that he didn’t care if it got out or not. He was just a bit burned out on the project and needed something to spark that creative life back into his work. For now, he and Remus and the rest of the sides were just doing their best to follow Thomas’ lead and get the project out as soon as they could manage it. 
Thomas made the timetable of his work, they were just visitors. Quickly enough, the internet star made his exit, leaving the sides to their own devices while he worked on getting  the last shoot wrapped up with his crew. They would only be called back if it was found he needed to quickly re-shoot something before he got out of his costuming.
“Great,” came the slightly throaty tones of the anxious side’s lower pitch. 
The sound was enough for Roman to glance over from the corner of his eye to see Virgil pushing up from his seat on the steps before stretching his plush-covered arms up over his head. The prince couldn’t be blamed when he noticed the way that the hoodie’s hem rode slowly upwards and slipped around his torso, leaving a usually baggy tshirt to hug the curve of his hip. At the sound of a crash, his eyes flicked away again to see Patton trying to do a bit of damage control on the smoking TV, where Remus’ morningstar was currently sticking out of the shattered remains of the once pristine screen. Simultaneously, Janus seemed to be giving some quipped deadpan “advice” on what to do to “control” the chaotic side.
“Now Remus, we don’t throw things in this household,” Patton said gently, with a hand on Remus’ shoulder. Remus just snorted at the fatherly attempt. “And yet—” he gestured towards the morningstar before yanking it out from the cracked, glitching TV screen, only to yeet the weapon across the room a second time. Something crashed in the distance and Roman had to wonder if Remus had set up a convenient vase for this particular purpose or if his brother had just carelessly broken one of the few non-plastic dishes that their human owned. “—Alas, I do.”
Patton looked a little helpless at what to do in the situation while Remus cackled. 
“Want to see it again?!” Remus asked with an excited glint to his tone that made it obvious he was teasing the paternal side.
“No!” Patton exclaimed. 
“No. Stop.” Janus said, staring down at his gloved hand as if he was inspecting his nails. “Remus, that’s terrible. How could you? The injustice.”
“Have you tried dog treats?” Virgil asked, leaning over the banister. “I’ve heard the reinforcement training’s supposed to start early.”
“As if dog treats are worse than some of the things he’s already eaten,” Logan interjected with a scrunch of his nose. “Even recently.”
“There’s nothing wrong with eating leftovers,” Remus defended.
“There is when said leftovers have become their own colony,” Roman replied, remembering the old, moldy mess that Remus had found somehow in the very back corner of the fridge that had somehow been missed in their last clean out. 
“Why waste it?” Remus shrugged. “Free penicillin.”
“With a complimentary gravestone,” Logan replied. 
Roman didn’t know what it was specifically that tickled him, but from Virgil’s place staring down at the lot of them, watching the interactions between everyone made his violet eyes light up until they truly sparkled. There was a tightness in Virgil’s cheek and it made Roman think that he might have been biting the inside of it to keep from laughing. Though, Roman would have preferred if he’d just let himself laugh openly, it was such an alluring chime of a sound when he did. The prince was certain he could listen to Virgil laugh all day, if he ever let himself.
“Nice!” Remus cheered, getting in on the joke and summoning a shovel in his hand that looked suspiciously freshly-used. “I’m ready.”
“Is it still a criminal offense to chuck the whole side six feet down if he’s this ready and willing?” Virgil asked, a full smile cracking out across his face finally as he couldn’t quite hold down the laughter. 
“Better to wait for his own decisions to run their course,” Janus said, winking up at Virgil who gave a little salute in return. 
“Early morning burial it is, Dee,” Virgil replied. 
Janus looked entirely too pleased when Virgil broke, laughter pealing out from the stormy side as he leaned a little more fully on the banister. A plush-covered arm hugged the light wood just to keep himself up. At the same time, Roman found himself reaching for the wall, just to keep himself equally as steady. It was odd but he suddenly found himself feeling a little weak, like he couldn’t quite hold up his own weight; which was silly, considering he was certain he could pick up anyone else in the room and haul them about without breaking a sweat. 
Did he mention the way that Virgil’s entire expression softened just so when he laughed like that?
Roman wanted to reach out and touch him. 
He wanted to paint him. 
He wanted-
“So we have a plan!” Remus cut through Roman’s thoughts, leaving him reeling as he tried to figure out just what plan his brother was taking about.  “Pitterpat, you’re with me~!” 
“Wait-!” The heart could hardly react before Remus threw a glittery, ruffle-clad arm around Patton’s back and they both disappeared in an instant.
Roman would have been worried about whatever it was that the intrusive side was up to, except for the fact that Virgil looked mildly amused, at worst. So it couldn’t be anything too terrible, could it? Or was Virgil still mad at Patton and taking an odd glee out of whatever it was that the fatherly side was about to suffer? A glance at Janus’ unreadable expression and Logan’s impassive one told him nothing, especially since both seemed more interested in looking his way. Janus pretended he wasn’t but Roman could see the way that the deceitful side’s irises flitted to the corner of his eyes, keeping a glance in his direction. Meanwhile Logan just stared outright, seemingly unabashedly scrutinizing him.
“Whelp, the sun’s still out, meaning I shouldn’t be,” Virgil said, pushing up from his place to rock back onto his heels, looking ready to leave the lot of them behind and Roman at the mercy of whatever it was that the two scholarly sides were plotting. Though, something made Virgil pause as his eye caught Roman’s. “Don’t forget, Hercules tonight, Ro.”
“Technically the Greek figure was Heracles,“ Logan cut in, but Roman rolled his eyes. He said that every time they mentioned the Disney film. They got it.
“I wouldn’t miss it,” the prince said easily when he caught Virgil’s eye again. Roman gave a little nod and he couldn’t help the tug at the corner of his mouth at the thought of their shared time. The collective movie nights had branched out into all sorts of different things to act as inspiration towards their future videos, but both Roman and Virgil had missed their Disney nights, so the duo had taken things into their own hands and started their own little “Cartoony Tuesdays” as their tradition had become affectionately called by the others.
“Get some rest, Virgil,” Janus said, the tiniest bit of lecture to his tone that had Virgil glancing his way.
“Make me,” Virgil replied, amusement saturating his defiant tone, enough so that it was obvious he wasn’t actually offended by the little push from the deceitful side. A second later he sunk away, leaving just three.
The two prim sides immediately shared some kind of glance that didn’t go unnoticed by Roman, as he tried to figure out what unspoken conversation the pair was having, and just what was being spoken when there weren’t other ears to hear it. Before Roman could question them, Janus was gone, disappearing in an instant and Logan took a big step towards him to closing the gap that separated him from the logical side. Logan held up what appeared to be a crisp, freshly-made note-card, something that contrasted against most of his growing deck. They had started to get little bends and worn edges from Logan’s use and study of modern slang. 
“What’s this?” Roman asked. 
“I believe I’m using this correctly,” Logan said with a little nod as he pressed the card purposefully into Roman’s hand, faced down before sinking away himself. 
Roman was left standing there, feeling dumb-founded as he stared at the card that still smelled distinctly of fresh sharpie. 
It read: ‘You’ve got it bad!’ 
To read the rest go to: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57186205
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goldnskyart · 11 months
Skateboards and jam 3/?
This is probably my favourite thing I’ve ever written, especially the last few paragraphs, so I hope y’all enjoy it as much as I do😭
ao3 | <- Previous | First | Next ->
Instinctively Roman put his arms out to catch himself, and this time it worked. His hands and knees hit the ground hard. Virgil was too caught up in his own thoughts to realize what was going on before he was on the ground, flat on his back with Roman’s hands on either side of him. His face started to flush again, accidentally locking eyes with the other, who was awkwardly leaning over him on shaky hands and knees. Those eyes truly were something special with how they kept making his heart race. Roman froze for a moment, his body screaming in pain. And on top of that this was undoubtedly the most embarrassing thing he’d ever done. ”I’m sorry.” He almost whispered, before quickly trying to get on his feet using his right hand, putting more weight on it he softly winced before smoothly switching to using the left one instead. Trying his very best to keep face and pretend nothing hurt.
Virgil's eyes widened noticing his pained expression, damn he really hurt himself this time. Worried he quickly followed him up, brushing the dirt off the back of his black jeans. But Roman got there before him, “Are you alright??” He asked, looking at him with big worried eyes. “Yeah, I’m alright, don’t worry about it.” He replied, still trying to get the stubborn dust off his pants. “Turns out this really isn’t my thing, huh?” Roman chuckled, his face burning red. He couldn’t believe he just did that, just falling was bad on its own but this, mortifying, by now he had for sure blown any shot he might have had. Maybe he should just leave now before embarrassing himself further he thought and slowly started to back away. Suddenly he felt a soft hand around his wrist. “Hey wait, come with me.” Virgil said gently but still firmly, it wasn’t a question. He had turned around to pick his board up and when he turned back Roman already started to back away from him, visibly in pain. He didn’t like to admit he was worried about him but it just wasn’t something he could allow, he couldn’t just let him leave like that when he knew he could help. He gave him a gentle smile “I think you need to sit down for a bit”, his hand still firmly locked around the other's wrist. Romans eyes slowly widened, but he followed him without protest. “Sure,” he murmured, too flustered to look directly at him. It wasn’t like he wanted to leave anyway, and as long as Virgil didn’t want him to, he'd be more than happy to stay. And they were basically holding hands, what could be better than that?
Virgil had a specific spot in mind. Most of the benches in the park were placed in the center, always used by the other skaters' bags and jackets and in the middle of the big crowd, not where they wanted to be right now. But a little hidden on the opposite side of the park there was a small concrete wall. Most used it for spray painting but it was also the perfect height for sitting, he had done so often while waiting for his friends. Virgil stopped, gently letting go of the other. “Here, have a seat.” He gestured vaguely towards the wall. Roman plopped down with a big sigh. “I guess you were right,” he chuckled, not able to keep his eyes off the skater’s nervous expression. He truly has no business being that cute.
For a moment Virgil just zoned out, staring blankly at nothing, mindlessly spinning a wheel on his skateboard. He shook his head a little, trying to snap out of it before putting the board down next to Roman’s feet. The guy really wasn’t in great shape at this point, apart from his hands the knees and forearms were covered in bleeding scrapes. He knew from experience it probably looked way worse than it was, but that didn’t mean it was good. And it certainly didn’t mean it wasn’t painful. Virgil sighed as he sat down on the ground right in front of him, getting not one but two packs of bandaids out of one pocket and a bandage from the other one. It felt a bit embarrassing to admit he was always carrying those around, but he had needed them enough times that it started to feel justified. Roman tilted his head in confusion as he realized that he was sitting down on the ground instead of next to him on the wall, eyes widened seeing Virgil get a bunch of bandaids out. “You really don’t have to-“ he began but was swiftly interrupted by the other looking up at him. “No, I do.” He said and gave him a gentle smile before continuing, “I have the time and the stuff and you clearly need it so why wouldn’t I?” He pointed out while opening the first pack of bandaids. “Unless you need to go soon of course-“ he quickly added, the thought hadn’t even crossed his mind. Roman aggressively shook his head at that, “No no no, I don’t, I can stay all night if I wanna.” He let out a little laugh, “I just didn’t expect you to want to do that- there’s gotta be more fun things you could do.” Virgil shrugged, “nah not really- besides this is kinda calming..” He felt his face heating up but he didn’t quite understand why, it was true, nothing to be embarrassed about.
“Well if you say so” Roman chuckled. He didn’t like admitting that he needed help but he probably did, and the fact that Virgil wanted to take care of him made his heart flutter a little. Gently Virgil started to place some bandaids, trying to be light on the hand to avoid any unnecessary pain. “How come you just have all this with you?” Roman asked, genuinely curious, he had never met anyone who carried anything more than a couple stray bandaids for emergencies. Virgil tensed up a bit at the question “I just like being prepared, you never know when you’ll need them” he replied, trying hard to avoid looking at the other. And he seemed to accept that answer, they sat there in silence for a while, Virgil slowly working his way up from knees to arms. Using up every last band aid. He couldn’t help but chuckle a little at the sight of him, not unlike a toddler who just fell off a bike for the first time. Hurting himself that much was almost skillful.
“So, which hand?” Virgil asked, bluntly but not harsh, finally looking up towards him again. Roman chuckled nervously, “I don’t know what you’re talking-“ he was interrupted by a stern stare, accompanied by a hand reaching out towards him, telling him to just quit his bullshit. He sighed, “alright,” giving him his right hand, for some reason he was more embarrassed about this than the scrapes covering most of his legs. And the thought of him gently holding his hand made him blush furiously. “You can move it right?” Virgil carefully took his hand “Mhm.” Roman nodded, it did hurt but it absolutely wasn’t that bad. “Good.” He smiled a little and gently started to put the bandage on, for some reason holding his hand like this made him feel weird. For a moment he stayed quiet before he let out a sigh “I feel like I should probably tell you this..“ Stopping for a moment, eyes fixed on the ground beside him. “You do know I can’t actually skate very well, right? Better than you, but like I’m still very much a beginner.” He laughed a little to himself, glancing up at the other. Roman stared up at him with wide eyes, the thought hadn’t ever crossed his mind. But thinking about it, he hadn’t actually ever seen Virgil on his board, he was always carrying it around or sitting on it, but never actually using it.
Virgil swallowed hard, he couldn’t read that expression at all, maybe he should’ve just stayed silent. Not that he cared about what this guy thought of him, he just didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of him. “Well that explains the band aids then.” Roman laughed softly and gave him a gentle smile, the skater couldn’t help but also laugh a little at that. “It’s true, I do usually need them myself.. but never quite that many.” He chuckled, a weight lifted from his chest. Roman laughed with him and briefly Virgil stopped and turned to look at him, immediately regretting it. His laugh was the most breathtakingly beautiful thing, and the sun perfectly hit his golden brown hair and soft cheekbones to make him look absolutely radiant. And his eyes, oh god his eyes, a soft honey color gently sparkling in the sun, he’d never seen anything like it. Quickly he looked away again, face flushed Finally he had realized what was going on. Putting the rest of the bandage on wasn’t easy, suddenly he was hyper aware of everything he did, and holding the other’s hand in his made him almost nauseous from the rush of feelings. He absolutely did care what this boy thought of him.
Thankfully for him, Roman had gotten started talking and was barely stopping for him to respond. So he could comfortably just sit and admire him for a while as the golden light danced across his face, his soft hand gently resting in Virgil’s, trying to come to terms with his new feelings. He knew he was a little out of touch with his emotions, but missing this massive crush was strange even for him. He really thought the nerd was just getting on his nerves. Maybe it was for the best though, if he had felt like this he never would’ve approached him, ever. Now he at least got a chance.
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lovelivingmydreams · 2 years
Jamming with History: Sleepover
Hiiiii! I'm back! Please enjoy this chapter!
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ts-sides-head-canon · 2 months
Hello there.
Had a long day, Imma hit you with the gay.
Prinxiety headcannons, let's go!
Virgil and Roman will combind aesthetics for fancy or special dates, showing up to any ball Roman hosts in the imagination in some romantic goth pazzaz!
Virgil is actually quite clingy, especially in the mornings. He's not usually the one to seek out the affection, but he will never let go once cuddles have been initiated.
Their most common dates are actually to some sort of forest, they find little secluded hide aways and normally end up either dancing or making out.
Speaking of making out, once those two start kissing, they're basically on another planet. Like the ever alert Virgil will just have his world narrow down to his little songbird, and him and nothing else exists, and the house could be on fire, and they wouldn't notice.
Virgil is protective as hell. You look at Roman with hostility, and 3 seconds later there's a knife to your throat.
Roman is the only one who knows, but Virgil actually knows cheesy boy band songs. Roman knows because him and Virgil were having a karaoke session, and they were meant to pick songs that made them think of each other. Little did Roman know he was about to see his boyfriend belting out "You Look So Perfect" by 5SOS.
Virgil is a bat boy. Virgil has bat wings, and Roman loves them to death. During cuddle sessions, he'll just feel a pair of bat wings wrap around him like a safe little blanky, and they frequently fly around a star filled night sky together.
Roman can dish out flirts all day, he can't take them though. Virgil will simply chuckle, flirt back, and Roman's unable to handle it.
Before their relationship started, those two danced around each other like professionals. That really frustrated Virgil's cat Willow and Roman's lion cub Nemia, who could both see the pining and were sick of it. It got to the point where Willow would routinely trip Roman up so he could fall into Virgil's arms in the morning.
Virgil's a biter. Roman once asked Virgil why he likes to bite him so much, only to be called a twinkie. The true reason is that Virgil's a little vampire.
Hope you enjoy these! Have a good day/night! Cya next info dump!
HI! Sorry this took So Long to answer. Road trip was more exhausting than I thought, and I ended up not being able to get to this until now.
I Love these, they're so cute!
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kook7e · 3 months
i really wanna write some logicality but i can’t decide between angst fest featuring orange!logan OR cutie pining logicality (2005 prinxiety universe) (pinned post)
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i-am-bitterly-jittery · 3 months
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To celebrate 750 followers, I’m doing a
Fanfic Bingo
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Give me one of the above prompts and character/ship (optional) and I’ll write a fic (free space is [insert prompt here], fics will not necessarily relate to any previous fics written by me)
I’m not entirely sure I know how a fanfic bingo works, but this is my house, so I’ll do whatever I want
Polyam, queerplatonic, or platonic ships welcome
No romantic Prinxiety, Thomas/Side(s), or RemRom
A written list of the prompts below the cut
Royalty AU
Fake Dating
Fairytale AU
Teachers AU
Arranged Marriage
Coffee Shop AU
Mob/Criminal AU
Childhood Friends
Secret Relationship
Free Space
Space AU
Lovers To Enemies
“Who did this to you?”
Soulmates AU
Only One Bed
Pokémon AU
Accidental Child Acquisition
Spies/Assassins AU
Sword Fight
Oblivious Pining
Role Reversal
Angels/Demons AU
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I know I said this would be out tomorrow or the day after but I'm posting it today! The polls will start on the 20th. Propaganda is welcome! The lineup was randomised btw.
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Aladarius - Alador Blight and Darius Deamonne (The Owl House) versus Galolio - Galo Thymos and Lio Fotia (Promare)
Lougosi - Legosi and Louis (Beastars) versus Wataei - Wataru Hibiki and Eichi Tenshion (Ensemble Stars)
Sashannarcy - Sasha, Anne and Marcy (Amphibia) versus Renga - Reki Kyan and Langa Hasegawa (SK8 The Infinity)
Satosugu - Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto (Jujutsu Kaisen) versus Wrightworth - Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)
Kavetham - Kaveh and Al Haitham (Genshin Impact) versus Pearlina - Pearl and Marina (Splatoon)
Stucky - Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes (MCU) versus Fiddauthor - Fiddleford McGucket and Stanford Pines (Gravity Falls)
Zelink - Zelda and Link (Zelda) versus Megumari - Meg and Mari (Granblue Fantasy)
Whoffle/Whoufaldi - Clara and the Doctor (Doctor Who) versus Matchablossom - Cherry Blossom/Kaoru Sakurayashiki and Joe/Kojiro Nanjiro (SK8 The Infinity)
Lawlight - L and Light Yagami (Death Note) versus Vanoé - Vanitas and Noé Archiviste (Vanitas no Carte)
Rinniki - Rinne Amagi and Niki Shiina (Ensemble Stars) versus Soriku - Sora and Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
Trobed - Troy Barnes and Abed Nadir (Community) versus Prinxiety - Roman and Virgil (Sanders Sides)
Samfro - Samwise Gamgee and Frodo Baggins (Lord of the Rings) versus Soukoku - Osamu Dazai and Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Hilson - House and Wilson (House MD) versus Kagehina - Kageyama Tobio and Hinata Shoyo (Haikyuu)
Royai - Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist) versus Killugon - Killua Zoldyck and Gon Freecs (Hunter x Hunter)
Wolfstar - Remus Lupin and Sirius Black (Marauders/Harry Potter) versus Akeshu - Goro Akechi and Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya (Persona 5)
Bokuaka - Bokuto Kotaro and Akaashi Keji (Haikyuu) versus Kazurei - Kazuki Kurusu and Rei Suwa (Buddy Daddies)
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dndeceit · 8 days
I've been meaning to share more fanfic recs, and then not remembering to do that. Gonna try to make it a weekly thing on Fridays (we'll see if that sticks).
(I'll be tagging these "fander fic rec friday" if anyone would like to join me in reccing some fics they love.)
Animal Skin and Take a Bite by Willowanderer Supernatural AU. (Dukeceit, Prinxiety) Rating: M Janus and Virgil are brothers who meet a pair of intriguing twins. An amusing amount of drama (romance, mystery, patricide) ensues. Notes: I almost missed "Take a Bite" because I filter out the Underage tag, but I saw a post with art from the fic and decided to take a chance. The warning is there for mentions of trafficking involving an underage character, but nothing happens within in the fic itself. (It's also tagged for references to bestiality, but that's in the context of a hypothetical scenario involving a sapient shapeshifter, because Remus gotta be Remus. Not actually bestiality and again, nothing actually happens in the fic.)
Bonding over scales by FeelingGroovySmooth Canonverse. (Intruality) Rating: M Remus is pining for Patton. Janus plays matchmaker by roping them both into helping him with his scale-care routine. Notes: This one is so funny. Janus as a matchmaker is so underused in this fandom. I think it's rated a bit high for its actual content, I probably wouldn't have put this as more than a T (but then I also have very lax standards). (Warning though, if you have a fingernail squick like me: this isn't a shed fic so much as a manicure fic in disguise because his scales grow like fingernails. Not gonna lie, that gave me the willies.)
Here's a pair of older fics I reread recently. Pairing them together, because they have similar themes:
Rewrites and Losses by DoomedKelpie Canonverse. (Gen) Rating: T Janus wakes up in the mindscape with no memory of being Deceit. Notes: One of my favorite tropes is the idea of the Sides' roles changing over time, and this one plays with that idea really well.
Myosotis by cloakoflevitation Canonverse. (Gen) Rating: T Virgil loses his memories from the beginning of the series onward. He doesn't remember meeting Thomas in person or being accepted, and he doesn't know why Janus and Remus are so upset to see him come home... Notes: This one hurts so good. Love fics about Virgil mending things with the others.
WIPs (I don't read WIPs as often as I probably should, but these are some that have made me glad for making an exception.)
Wolfsbane by TheFoxofFiction Supernatural/Fantasy AU. (Loceit, slowburn) Rating: T Janus is a werewolf fleeing a past filled with isolation and tragedy who, after a brush with death, falls into the care of a witch (Logan). Notes: The angst in this is exquisite.
Friendly Neighborhood Criminals by LeFay_Strent Modern AU. (Gen) Rating: T Patton is a a sweet, abused puffball who manages to attract the protection of three quirky criminal guardian angels after they break into his apartment. Notes: The cutest shit, I swear to God. Putting it with WIPs for hinted intrigue down the line, but so far the chapters read as completed fics.
Me, Myself, and These Guys Who Kinda Look Like Me by LeFay_Strent Canon AU. (Gen) Rating: T A story about Thomas meeting his sides when they manifest in front of him for the first time. Notes: This one is so interesting because no one knows what is going on. The Sides don't know what they are or why they're connected to Thomas, they just know he's the center of their world, and that's...a lot for Thomas to try and wrap his head around. It's so good.
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Picture Imperfect pt 2
Prompts: hey this is a stupid ask but could u maybe make a fic about roman and virgil bonding and growing closer post pof and fwsa and all? could be platonic, pining and then romantic, whatever ud like. ik its not the best prompt but ive got them on the brain, ive re-listened to the reputation album and ur writing is just so good and if not, take care of urself! - anon
I absolutely love your Sanders Sides stories, I can always 'hear' the character's voices - if you get what I mean. If you ever feel motivated or are looking for suggestions, I'd love to see something more from "Picture Imperfect" - I know Roman implies that Imagination versions of the other Sides have escaped before, and I'd really love to see him/the other Sides dealing with something like that! Either way, thank you for all your hard work! <3 - anon
hey could u write a fic about like, ro and vee out on an outing (maybe a first or second date if it’s romantic) and it starts raining so ro expects virgil to get scared and go back inside, but he just starts laughing and dancing and having fun or whatever? and then suddenly they’re both having a blast in the rain (bonus points for the cheesiest fucking rain kiss ever-). no pressure btw, and i love ur work <3 especially how u portray prinxiety! - anon
Uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous babe I don’t know how to put this req here but it’s here I promise
Read on Ao3 Part 1
Warnings: none
Pairings: prinxiety
Word Count: 3521
  Virgil approaches him after everything is over and just pokes his arm. 
“Uh, hey, Princey?”
“Can you—can you tell me how many times you’ve done that?”
Roman frowns. “Done what?”
“Well, the whole…’other versions of us,’ thing.”
Shame curdles anew in his chest and he takes a deep breath, swallowing it as best he can. “W-well, I can’t specify exactly how many times I ran that specific scenario, but…er, it’s a tad more complicated than that, actually.”
“I got time.”
“U-um, can we—can we do this somewhere more private?”
“You wanna go to your room?”
“Yeah—yes, actually, that would be a good idea. There’s something in there that will help.”
Virgil frowns but doesn’t press until they’ve moved up and out of the living room. Roman glances at the door and lets out a sigh when he sees it’s closed. Good. Little chance of anyone interrupting them from either side now. 
He shakes himself. “Right. Sorry. So, um…can I ask why you’re asking, first of all? I-it’s not that I particularly mind answering, per se, it’s just that I…um…”
“You’ll be able to tailor your answer to my question if you understand the specifics of it?” He shrugs when Roman looks at him, surprised. “What? You and L really aren’t that different from each other, you know.”
“I know…”
Logan had said as much, taking him aside much like this and having the softest conversation about the importance of understanding why they’re each doing their own role when it comes to Roman’s ideas and the videos and everything, including saying something about how if he’s managed to stop Roman from wanting to create, he’s failed as a critiquer because he’s extinguished Roman’s creative drive. 
Roman may or may not have cried into his shoulder after that. 
“But really—running things over and over in your head just to show how much they could suck? Kinda my thing, Princey.”
“That’s what—oh, Virgil, I’m so sorry.”
“Eh.” He waves his hand. “Don’t worry about it. That’s my gig, I know how to do it in a way that’s healthy—okay maybe not entirely healthy,” he concedes when Roman gives him a look, “but it’s my thing. Maybe I’m wondering why you thought it had to be yours too.”
“I didn’t mean to steal your thunder, Virgil, I really didn’t—“
“Roman,” Virgil says, reaching out and taking his shoulders to make him look, “I’m not mad at you. I’m not gonna get mad at you. I’m worried, okay?”
Roman takes a deep breath. “Right. Sorry.”
“’S okay. Just take your time.”
In and out. We can do this.
“The Imagination is…temperamental,” he begins, “especially when it comes to all of us. Mostly because we’re a more…concrete part of Thomas’s Imagination seeing as we…sort of become real but not exactly?”
“Okay, I’m with you so far.”
“But because the Imagination likes to go in the direction of what could be, it…sometimes spits out other versions of us.”
Virgil blinks. “What, like clones?”
“Sort of? It’s more—it’s more like it makes alternate versions of us that lean slightly more into different—oh, goodness—character interpretations.” 
Virgil narrows his eyes. “You’re gonna have to be more specific, there, Princey.”
Roman scrubs a hand over his face. “One time there was a Patton who got out of the Imagination that was obsessed with basking specifically chocolate chip cookies.”
“How is that different from our Patton?”
“This one managed to use literally all of the flour and sugar we had before I was able to stop him.”
“Okay, yeah, that’s—that’s different. So they’re all just, like, slightly off?”
“It’s more like if someone took the sliders for their personalities from their video game characters and messed around with them?” Roman pinches the bridge of his nose. “Sorry, I’m not doing a very good job of explaining this.”
“No, no, I got it. That’s a good analogy.” Virgil glances at the door to the Imagination. “So—wait, is that where they come from?”
“They can come from any of the doors, they just mostly come through this one since it’s my side and not Remus’s and…um…”
Virgil raises an eye when Roman’s cheeks start to flush. 
“God, this is embarrassing.”
“I’m not here to make fun of you,” he reminds, “I’m just worried.”
“You have to promise you won’t tease me.”
“Okay, I promise.”
“Wait, really, just like that?”
“I’m only an asshole to you when it’s funny, Roman.”
“Your definition of ‘funny’ needs some work.”
“You need to stop dodging the question.”
“Fine, fine, okay, it’s just…” Roman takes a deep breath. This is mortifying. “…sometimes I would summon them, okay?”
“You’d summon other versions of us? What for?”
“To…to…” He twists his hands together. “To…comfort me.”
Silence. Yep, this was a mistake. This was the worst decision he could have made here and he wishes this were a not-real version of Virgil so he could just yell cut and have this experience not be actually happening. 
“…brace yourself, Princey, you’re getting a hug.”
Roman barely has time to finish asking the question before Virgil’s arms are wound tightly around him, his face buried in the crook of his neck as he tries to shove Roman into his chest. Roman just wraps his arms around him too, carefully twisting his fingers into the fabric of Virgil’s hoodie. 
“Nope.” Virgil tightens his grip as Roman makes to pull back. “You get hugs now. No buts about it.”
“Do I get to ask why?”
“Aside from the fact that you’ve just told me you didn’t feel like you could ask us for comfort so you had to summon other versions of us?”
Roman wisely keeps his mouth shut and just rests his chin on Virgil’s shoulder. Virgil makes a noise that sounds vaguely like that’s what I thought. 
“Ah, shit, Princey, no,” Virgil mumbles, pulling back and looking Roman in the face, “I’m not—I’m not mad at you, okay? I’m—okay, I’m a little mad at myself and everyone else, but mostly I’m just sad, okay?”
“Since when have you been so transparent about what you’re feeling?”
As soon as he says it, he bites his lip so hard he almost draws blood. 
“Shit, Roman, don’t do that.” Virgil taps his chin. “Leggo, come on. I’m just—you’re gonna make yourself bleed, let go—there, that’s better. I’m trying to be better about it, okay, that’s it.”
Roman just nods. Is…is he sure this isn’t some other version of Virgil? There’s the big door to the Imagination in the hallway, after all, maybe…
“It is really me, by the way, I can hear you thinking about it over there.”
“Wait, you can what?”
“Not literally, Princey,” Virgil says, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, “but thanks for telling me I’m right.”
Roman makes a face and goes to pull away when Virgil just chuckles and holds him tighter. 
“Okay, that was mean.”
“Yes, yes, it was.”
“Look, just—you can come to us, okay? You don’t have to make versions of us that you think will comfort you ‘cause we won’t.”
“You—you mean that?”
“You see J around anywhere?”
Roman glances around. Sure enough, there’s no Janus. “Alright. I’ll—I’ll try.”
Virgil smiles at him—not a smirk, not that weird half-smile thing he does when he’s trying not to laugh, but a real smile—and claps him on the shoulder. “That’s all we can ask for, Princey. And uh, let me know if you need help catching any rogue versions of us, okay?”
Roman just nods dumbly as Virgil waves and walks out of his room. 
He glances at the door to the Imagination, still firmly shut.
“Hey, Virgil?”
Virgil takes out a headphone. “What’s up, Princey?”
“Have you seen Remus anywhere?”
“He said he was spending the day with the Kraken brood.” Virgil frowns. “Why, something wrong?”
“Well, he told me he was doing that too and there’s currently a Remus on top of the fridge doing his best to replace the water in the ice maker with slime.”
“What the—oh. Oh, is this one of the—okay. Yeah, what d’you need?”
“I think he’s only going to respond to your tempest tongue and I can’t do that.”
“Yeah, yeah, I got you.”
Virgil tucks his phone into his pocket and sets his headphones on the bed as he follows Roman down to the kitchen. Sure enough, there’s a Remus perched on top of the fridge, cackling wildly with his hands full of what looks like a blended version of Slimer from Ghostbusters. 
“Remus,” Virgil calls, many-layered voice getting the little gremlin’s attention, “get down from there.”
Remus pouts somehow while still cackling and lobs a handful of goo at them. Roman quickly summons an umbrella and blocks it. 
“Remus,” Virgil warns, “don’t make me come up there.”
Remus just cackles louder.
“Alright, you asked for it.”
He closes his eyes and concentrates for a few seconds, growing two feet taller and reaching up to scoop Remus up like a feral raccoon. He screeches, goo still saying everywhere, as Roman quickly grabs Virgil’s shoulder and sinks them out to his room. Virgil blinks, adjusting to the quick change, and Roman waves at him frantically by the open door. 
“Chuck him in!”
“Don’t have to tell me twice!”
One gooey, cackling Remus later, Roman slams the door shut and lets out a sigh, reaching out to poof away the remaining slime. 
“Oh, that’s sick. Can you clean everything like that?”
“No, just the Imagination messes. Thanks for your help.”
“Eh, no problem. Used to have to do that when we were younger anyway.”
“…ah. I see.”
Virgil looks at him oddly when Roman suddenly appears to deflate, only to realize that Roman didn’t get to grow up with Remus. “Oh, hey, I didn’t mean—“
“No, no, it’s quite alright. We’re…well, I suppose we’re making up for lost time now. I certainly wouldn’t’ve known to just…” He makes a picking-up gesture with his arms. “How long have you been able to grow like that?”
“I think it’s a fight-or-flight thing.”
“Got it.”
There are a few moments of awkward silence. 
“Well, I should let you get back to…what were you doing?”
“Oh, I was watching this show on Netflix. It’s called My Name.”
“Wait, is that the one about the girl whose father gets killed in the first episode and then she goes on this whole journey to try and find who was responsible?”
“Yeah, ‘ve you heard of it?”
“I was going to try and watch it! What episode are you on?”
“Uh…episode two. I’m not that far into it yet. But there’s only, like, six episodes or something.”
“Would you—would you want to watch it with me? Not like together, together, but—like a book club sort of thing?”
Virgil is not going to helplessly smile at how cute Roman is when he’s all eager, he’s not. “Sure. That’d be fun.”
He is going to smile when Roman grins so wide it looks like his face must hurt. 
“Therapy isn’t enough,” Virgil announces as he strides into Roman’s room, “I need to be weird about that old man.”
Roman chuckles and looks up from where he is at his desk, typing away at his computer. “So you watched the next episode, huh?”
“Look, I don’t know why he insists on making everything as dramatic as possible, but he does and it works for him.”
“So this is about that scene where he just rips his shirt halfway open for no reason, huh?”
“For no reason? Excuse me?” Virgil flops on Roman’s bed. “It is his gay-given right to be that dramatic and it’s working for him.”
“Seems like it’s working for you too.”
“Don’t act like you’re above it, you spent twenty minutes waxing poetic about how the framing around him sitting in his office chair was poetic cinema.”
“Yes, because I’m a storyteller and I can appreciate the use of framing in film and television to contribute to said story.”
“Uh-huh. How’s the writing going over there?”
“Don’t talk to me or my Untitled Document (1) ever again.”
Virgil laughs, head lolling back against the pillows as Roman shakes his head in mock sternness. “He’s so gone for him.”
“Who is? The assistant for him or him for the dead guy?”
“You’re correct and you should say it.” He squints at the screen. “Wait, what’s a gender-neutral term for parent?”
A pause, then the rustle of fabric. “I want you to repeat what you just said to yourself.”
Roman does. “I might be stupid.”
“‘Might be,’ he says.”
“Shut up.”
“What’s the word I’m looking for that is like the exact word I’m looking for?”
“Leave me alone.”
Another laugh from behind him as he continues trying to type. But the thought of actually having Virgil here to talk about something they’re both watching is a lot more tempting than working on this idea that isn’t even due for a few more weeks anyway. He chews on his lip for a second before saving his work and closing it down. He did have more than half of it completed, thank you very much. 
He turns around, seeing Virgil sprawled over his bed like it’s his own, scrolling on his phone, and just takes a moment to look. 
Virgil looks…happy. It’s a good look on him. 
“When you’re done staring at me, I got a post to show you.”
“What is it?”
“Slow-motion GIFs of that moment.”
“Move over, then.”
By this point, when Roman asks him for help with wrangling an escaped version of one of them, they can do it while having a conversation. 
“I followed one of the main blogs in the fandom yesterday,” Virgil says as he grabs two of a Janus’s arms. “They followed me back.”
“Oh, really?” Roman grabs two more and starts hauling him toward the Imagination, deftly knocking aside a swinging cane. “You got to mutual status that quickly?”
“They said they liked my meta posts. Gave you credit, of course—“
“As you should.”
“—but yeah, they seem cool. It’s weird, I know it’s not like actually having a celebrity you can interact with, but it’s like—“
“It’s like being relatively famous just by having them know you. Do you think they’re laughing at your silly little jokes every morning,” Roman teases as they get the squirming noodle to the door, “while they’re having breakfast?”
“Thank goodness, maybe they’ll spare me when the cops come to kill all of us.”
“Or a rival gang.”
They shove the weird version of Janus back into the Imagination and shake themselves off. Roman picks up a piece of paper and jots it down. 
“Is it just me,” Virgil mutters, “or are they getting…weirder?”
“This is the first real weird one you’ve seen.”
“That has some implications that I do not like.”
“Uh-huh.” Roman shudders. “Just you wait. They’ll get weirder.”
“Is it too late to back out of this?”
“No. I can stop asking you if you want.”
Virgil reaches out and knuckles Roman’s shoulder. “I’m kidding. I couldn’t leave you to deal with all of that on your own.”
Roman doesn’t look at him for a moment, fiddling with the fingers on one hand. “I dunno, it’s just…this is pretty much a direct result of me not being able to deal with my own problems by myself, so…I would understand if you wanted to stop having to deal with them.”
Virgil looks at him for a moment. Then, out of nowhere, he says: “you know, sometimes I struggle with feeling useful.”
Roman whips his head around. “What?”
“Well, you guys come up with ideas, I’m only here to…point out the problems. Not that I’m not saying that’s not useful, but like…I gotta wait until you do all your work before I can even think about doing mine, do you get what I mean?”
“I believe so…Virgil, you—“
“So when you ask me for help with this,” Virgil says, speaking smoothly over him, “it makes me feel useful. This…this helps me too.”
Roman stops, staring at him in something that’s almost wonder. “It does?”
“Yeah, Princey. We—we’re all damaged in some way. We just gotta find someone else whose damage is compatible with ours.”
Roman blinks a few times as a slow smile spreads across his face. “Why, Virgil. That was almost poetic.”
“Shut up.”
“No, really, I’d love to see what you could write—“
“Shut up!”
“Hey, Roman?”
Roman looks up from his desk. “What’s up?”
Virgil shifts his weight from side to side. “Can we—this is a stupid question.”
“I’ve adjusted my expectations accordingly.” He shuts his laptop and turns to face him. “What can I do for you?”
“Can…can we go into the Imagination?” When Roman pauses for a moment, he quickly keeps going. “It’s just—I know I see it a bit when we throw the others back in and there’s not really a big difference and it’s all what you make of it but I just—you know what? Never mind. This was stupid.”
“No, no—“ Roman quickly stands up to catch Virgil’s elbow as he turns to leave— “no, Virgil, it’s not stupid. I’d love to take you to the Imagination.”
“You…you would?”
“Yeah. Do you wanna go now?”
“Aren’t you busy?”
“Mindlessly scrolling, that’s it. Come on,” he coaxes, leading Virgil back toward the door, “it’ll be fun.”
Virgil keeps watching him warily until Roman manages to get them through the door. He closes it firmly behind them as Virgil stares around at the field they find themselves in, littered with wildflowers and grassy hills as it stretches out almost endlessly in front of them. 
“Do you like it?”
“Princey, this is…this is fucking pretty.”
Unbelievably, Roman feels himself start to blush. “You like it?”
“Fuck—yeah, Roman. This is—how do you not spend all of your time here?”
“Well, it gets a little boring just staring at fields of flowers forever, and sometimes—“
As if on cue, a massive bank of thunderclouds rolls in overhead and it begins to rain. 
“Sometimes it does that,” Roman sighs, already turning back to the Imagination door, “I’m sorry, I really can’t predict those, they just happen sometimes. Come on, you can borrow something dry, I don’t…”
He trails off when he notices Virgil’s not next to him. He looks back. 
Virgil stands in the middle of the flowers, his head tilted back toward the sky. The purple-black of his hoodie almost perfectly matches the purple-black of the clouds. His eyes close, feeling the rain on his face, hands slightly outstretched as if to welcome it. He looks—he looks—he—
“Can I—can I kiss you?”
Virgil looks at him and chuckles. “Getting real cliché, huh, Princey? Was this your plan?”
“N-no, not necessarily, I—wait, what? You’re not surprised?”
“I’m kinda surprised you asked first, but you are Romance.”
“You—you—“ Roman blinks. “Wait, you want to kiss me too?”
Virgil just grins and walks up to him. 
“Hi,” he murmurs as he kisses Roman, both of their eyes fluttering shut as the rain pours over them. 
Roman doesn’t need to worry about this not being the real Virgil. He’d never be capable of Imagining something as incredible as this. 
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb  @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance @whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti
If you want to be added/taken off the taglist, let me know!
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saibug1022 · 9 months
Sanders Sides Masterlist
It has been a while since I wrote for Sanders Sides but I still love it and the stuff I wrote for it so here it is! A lot of it was for prompts, in which case I'll put the prompt instead of a title.
"Have you ever kissed anyone before?"
Summary: The story of two theater dorks and their first kiss.
Fluff, with a hint of hurt/comfort
Summary: Logan is a very gay disaster and completely in love. His boyfriend knew the first part, but he wasn’t supposed to know the second. Not yet. Maybe Logan should pay more attention to his surroundings.
Summary: Roman is pining, plain and simple, and he is trying so incredibly hard to get something, anything, out of Logan. It happens eventually just not at all how Logan was suspecting.
“You could never ruin anything.” “Your comfort and happiness is more important to me than some stupid dinner.”
Summary: Janus is so excited for his anniversary dinner with Remus. Well, okay, excited may not be the right word, but he was happy to go out with Remus and make fun of all the rich people and dress up. Until his period reared its ugly head and triggered his dysphoria. Shit.
One Day
Summary: The aftermath of Putting Others First when you're in a secret relationship...
Summary: Logan prided himself on knowing many, many things. What he did not know was why on Earth Janus Schwartz insisted on following him around.
Impromptu Ice Cream Dates
Summary: Remus wants to flirt, Virgil wants to do his homework, and his email apparently wants to give him a panic attack.
Kissing on the sofa, foreheads pressed together, breathy, soft, tender. “God I love your face.”
Summary: Remy wasn’t one for sappy hipster blog quotes but he did have one that he liked: “I loved you so much I forgot what hating myself felt like.”
“I love you, but I need you to go away because you’re really bloody distracting and I have to pass this test tomorrow.”
Summary: Of course, the one time Remy tried to Study
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meowthefluffy · 2 years
i feel like a lot of taylor swift songs describe cupid! au prinxiety, and just canon prinxiety in general
slenslen paper rings is so goodddddd UGH
another contender is delicate but from vee’s POV
‘is it cool that i said all that?// is it chill that ur in my head?// cause i know that its delicate’
also canon prinxiety i feel like gold rush is such a virgil pining song i will never shut up about it-
but it could also work in the cupid au??
‘what must it be like to grow up that beautiful?// i cant dare to dream about you anymore’
wosnwls anyways i am normal about both sasi and taylor for sure (lying)
You are literally so right omg I know I wanna make a lyric comic for the cupid au but I just don’t know what song to do
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hyperfixated-homo · 2 years
when u want to do things but the only thing you can think about is a sanders sides school for good and evil au
anyways im gonna rant abt this because im tired and i can SO
virgil as agatha for obvious reasons. town witch but he has a heart of gold and is actually really caring and compassionate is like,,, so virgil.
patton as sophie. besties with virgil AND thinks he deserves to be “good” AND makes bad choices for love AND also gets to be evil for a hot second bc i love me some badass patton.
roman as tedros. do i even need to explain. perfect prince and also!!! endgame prinxiety!!! and also some royality bc ya girl is a ✨hardcore multishipper✨ and its my second favourite roman ship
janus as hester. i wanna see the enemies to friends plot with patton. also he gets to be a badass witch so yeah thats not even a question actually
remus as hort? perhaps? he’s icky and weird and kind of a dork and i kinda think hes amazing. also anything hort says is remus material fr
orange as rafal. he’s a bitch who manipulates patton into falling in love with him and then uses him to make everything bad because he is evil incarnate
i was a bit lost on logan but i think i wanna make him lady lesso. hear me out. her attitude is fucking immaculate and also i think him pining over rafal and once being exactly in pattons situation would be reallt interesting? i dunno who else he could ne tbh. i could make him beatrice but my kinnie heart says NO. or dorothy ig but shes a vain idiot sometimes idk
and as extras emile as dean dorothy and im thinkin remy as the brother???? maybe???? perhaps??? the man who was murdered??? mr good man??? (i forgor his name lmfao)
bonus points for:
virgil gets a cat
cute prinxiety moments (seriously i want. to watch them slowly fall in love. i wanna watch roman learn to care for and understand this man who disobeys every rule he’s ever known. i want slow burn unexpected romance. refusal of feelings. intimate moments in the moonlight. fighty and flirty banter. this is so important to me please)
janus should get. a massive snake tattoo that comes to life instead of hesters bird. it would be so cool
pining intruality anyone?
virgil and patton repairing their friendship PLEASE i want them to be FAMILY AGAIN
thank you for coming to my tedtalk
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writingsoftheghost · 4 years
Summary: The after of the newest asides (fwsa) Virgil appreciation, prinxiety bonding.
Patton squeals happily when Roman returns to the mindscape.
“You did it!” He cries excitedly, immediately wrapping the princely side in a hug. He freezes almost instantly and quickly retreats, “S-Sorry, Ro. I didn’t mean to jus—”
Roman smiles at him tentatively, “It’s alright, Pat.” Patton smiles back at him for a second before Roman remembers why he’d even been hugged in the first place. His smile turns to a wide grin, “Thomas has a date on Friday!” He screams happily.
Patton giggles, “We’re all so happy, even Logan is in a good mood.”
“That’s correct,” the logical trait says from the kitchen doorway. A small smile also gracing his lips. “You and Virgil make quite the team.”
Patton’s eyes light up, “Where is Virgil?” He asks, “I’m so proud of him.”
Roman nods, “He’s still with Thomas. Trying to calm down a little. I don’t know how I’ll ever thank him for ‘throwing us out there.’”
The purple clad trait rises up then, his eyeshadow a glittery purple still. He’s not paying attention to where he is.
“There he is!” Virgil jumps and looks up at the prince quickly. “Our knight in shining eyeshadow!” Roman grins at him.
Virgil’s cheeks redden, “I was just...making up for past mistakes.” He looks down and scratches the back of his neck, “I mean, I’ve caused Thomas to miss a lot of opportunities in the past. I can’t change those, but...maybe I can be better in the future?” He looks hesitantly up at Roman.
Roman runs at him and scoops him into a hug, spinning him around in a circle, “I can’t thank you enough for making this happen!”
Virgil makes a noise of discomfort, “Down,” he mumbles quietly.
“Sorry, sorry,” Roman sets him down hurriedly. “Oh! And I promise we’ll make a better plan for the date! Everything’s gonna go great!”
Virgil’s eyeshadow darkens to a sharp black. He groans, “Oh god, the date.”
Roman hurries to rectify the situation, “No, no. It’s okay! We have plenty of time to prepare! There’s no need for you to worry about that now!” He resists the urge to pull Virgil into another hug, he settles for patting him on the shoulder, “Now we should celebrate! Thomas has a date!”
Patton grins, “We’re all very proud of you, Virgil.”
“Thanks, guys,” Virgil mumbles, “And I really appreciate the encouragement, but I’m...freaking exhausted, frankly. Is it okay if we do something...quiet?”
Roman nods eagerly, “We can do anything you want, my dear emo. Can I suggest movies?”
Virgil nods, “That sounds okay...”
Patton smiles, “I’ll make snacks!” He rushes into the kitchen.
Logan follows him, smiling at Roman and Virgil before leaving entirely, “You’ve both earned some down time. I’m glad you two managed to collaborate today.”
Virgil smiles weakly after him, flipping onto the couch as soon as he leaves.
Roman glances at him with concern, “Hot Topic? Are you okay?”
Virgil groans into the couch cushions, “I’m. So. Tired!”
Roman chuckles, “Would you rather just take a nap? I’m sure Patton and Logan would understand.”
Virgil shakes his head, “I want to hang out with you guys.”
Roman nods, “Alright.”
Roman queues up several of Virgil’s favorite movies, sitting next to the emo side and Logan on the couch.
“Logan! Onesie!” Roman demands of the nerd with a disapproving glare.
Logan rolls his eyes, “Fine.” He snaps into his unicorn onesie, failing to hide the small smile on his face when he does so.
Patton giggles at his side, “Is everyone ready?”
Everyone grabs a snack from the coffee table as Roman hits start.
Two movies in, Virgil starts to nod off. Roman doesn’t say anything as he feels the anxious side lean into his shoulder, he strokes the darker side’s hair away from his face gently.
“Sleep well, my stormy knight,” He turns the volume on the tv down slightly as Virgil’s soft snores fill the living room.
I wanted to write something for the video. Sorry I didn’t work on anything ongoing lol. Happy video day!
Taglist: @idont-freaking-know @aceawkwardunicorn @kawaiikat54 @emo--nightmaree @a-yeet-bop-bop-boom @me-a-mess-morelikelythanyouthink @katlikethesword @tranquil-space-ninja
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lovelivingmydreams · 2 years
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maybeamagpie · 4 years
Dream about you - part 2
part 1
Prinxiety - human roommates AU
Warnings: English still isn’t my first language.
Notes: I am bored. I am in quarantine. I think I can write so...
Virgil wasn’t quite sure when the thought had crossed his mind to call his brother, but he was certain now was not the time to contemplate that choice. “Virgil, let me guess,” the frustrated tone in his brother’s voice was only amplified by the phone, “your, and I quote, dreamy roommate, did something attractive and you are in gay panic.” Virgil ran a hand through his hair. He considered disagreeing, then reminded himself who was his brother. “Am I that repetitive, Lo? I thought I switched between you and Jan often enough.” Logan sighed and the emo could practically hear him pinch the bridge of his nose. “Doesn’t matter. Why is it that both of you come for love advice to me? The-” “-certainly a not feelings-y guy? For whom feelings are the bane of his existence?” mocked Virgil. “I see my pattern is also very apparent. What is it that you need?” Virgil’s anxiety got the better of him when he checked if Roman wasn’t in close proximity. “Well... we cooked together,” the boy took a deep breath, “we made spaghetti and... I don’t know what he thought it was. Probably a rommate gesture or somethin’ but it didn’t stop him from looking stunning and princely and-” “-Virgil, to the point please.” “He had some sauce on his face and I started laughing and he ĺooked straight into my eyes and said, and I quote you by saying I quote: ‘it seems you’re really red around me Stormcloud, so I don’t think the sauce has somehow worsened my looks.’” Logan was silent for a while. “...he flirted?” “...maybe?” “Give me a second, Virge.” Virgil nodded (as if Logan could see that) and with a face that couldn’t have been more “I am completely comfortable, no worries, I am not calling my brother because of boy problems”.
From the other side of the call, Virge could make out a faint trace of a conversation. “Patton? What does one do, when someone flirts with them?” “Depends, does that imaginary person like the flirt?” “Let’s say yes.” “Well then... maybe flirt back? Or laugh, or-” “One additional condition, this person is now reevaluating their life choices, because they panicked.” There was a minute of silence. “Is it your brother and his dashing prince, Lo-Lo?” “...” “Don’t even try to lie, Lo.” “...Yes?” “Oh my god. Just give me the phone.”
After a bit of rustling, Vrigil was greeted by a cheery voice of his brother’s roommate. “Virgil! How is my strange dark son doing?” The emo smirked at the nickname. “Good! Good... as it can be. You’ve got the gist of it, so what do you propose?” He could hear Patton’s laughter. “Wow, I’d almost say you’re twinning with Lo-Lo in mannerisms.” “That was a terrible pun, Patt.” “That crushed me almost as hard as you’re crushing on Roman. Now, what did you say to that prince?” Virgil straightened his back, probably to distract himself from the gay thoughts that crept to his mind. “Word by word?” “Yep.” “’If I wanted a vampire, I would’ve been named Bella Swan.’“ Patton burst into laughter, which, Virgil could imagine, formed tears of happiness in his eyes. After a minute or two he calmed down. Or atleast was capable of speaking again. “And then you ran away, hid in your room and called Logan.” “I ran away, hid in my room and called Logan.” They said at the same time. “Tried asking him on a date?” “Let me check that with my anxiety... oh no, it said no way.” “Alright. Maybe you need a w-”
The call was interrupted by a furious knock on Virgil’s door. “Gimme a sec, Patt,” said Virge and turned to face the door, “what do you want, Princey?” Roman opened the door and walked in as if it was his. Unlike Virgil’s heart, it wasn’t. “You better clean up after yourself, Emo Nightmare. I’m not your personal maid,” he said, his hands on his hips. Virgil masterfully ignored the thought of his own hands placed there and just noddded. “Sure, I’ll just tell Patt-” “Patton? Your brother’s boyfriend?” “... They’re not dating, Princey.” “They aren’t? But I thought-” “Yes, it is that Patton.” “Right. Tell him I said hi.” “Will do, now get out of my room before I throw something at you.” Roman smirked and tilted his head. With shining eyes he went out.
“Sorry, what were you saying?” asked Virgil the second he put the phone back up to his ear. “You know, Virge, if you want a certain someone to like you, maybe it’s not the best idea to throw them out of your room.” That wasn’t something Virgil wanted to think about right now. “Y’know what? I’ll talk to you later, I have some dishes to do. See ya, say goodbye for me to Lo.” Virgil didn’t wait for the other’s response and just hung up. Now the mission was dishes and avoidance of a certain prince Charming.
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askintothevoids · 4 years
The trio eventually get off the bus.
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Virgil jumps on Roman’s back while playfully hissing.
Roman giggles at Virgil’s actions.
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