#pinecone coneybear
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toooliix · 1 year ago
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i had a moment
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unfortunately-its-chip · 5 years ago
Therapeutic Sleep Over
[Sexual Awakening Slumber Party]: (Continued Closed) RP
Chip sat in front of a rambling Leaf, talking about all the things they could do together that night. Chip wasn't quite paying attention due to him thinking about what Pinecone had said earlier at dinner. That was the gayest Thanksgiving he had ever been too, gayer than Easter at Logainne's house.
And that was really gay.
Why the hell was he even thinking about this? He was going to have a fun sleepover with his friend and that was it. Nothing more! But yet his head was still full of Pinecone and her stupid gaydar and her stupid brother and her stupid everything! This was all so stupid! It's not like Pinecone was actually right, just because she was smart didn't mean she knew everything. Right?
"Stupid." He mumbled to himself as he sighed. He felt really stupid right now, and he was supposed to be the cocky one!
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coneybear-leaf · 5 years ago
Dinner’s ready! (Continued Closed) RP
“Dinner’s ready, guys!” Marigold poked her head out from the kitchen.
“I’m done dealing with you.” Brook said quietly, and ran up to her room. Probably not gonna see her again tonight.
“That should do the trick. And Chip, in that rant, you said that Leaf was the only boy you really like. Care to elaborate.” Pinecone pointed out as she sat down at the table, next to Paul.
Leaf sat down at the table, not saying anything. He didn’t really want Chip to know what happened at home, and he wanted tonight to be a nice evening where everyone got along. That did not happen, clearly. “I’m sorry about... them, Chip.” He mumbled.
The rest of the Coneybear kids, excluding Brook, all sat down at the table, with their parents soon following.
“I’d just like to thank everyone for keeping it together for the night, and especially for the Tolentino’s for coming to join our lovely family tradition. Thank you Leaf for inviting them. Hey where’s- where’s Brook?” Marigold started the whole Thanksgiving speech thing.
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coneybear-leaf · 5 years ago
Karaoke with the Coneybears! (Continued Closed RP)
Leaf, Chip, Marigold, and the rest of the Coneybear kids, excluding Brook, headed to the living room to start karaoke. Pinecone had a list for everyone to fill out what song everyone is going to sing, along with songs that are strictly forbidden.
“Yay!!!! Who wanna go first!!” Leaf clapped, waiting for a response from someone.
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unfortunately-its-chip · 5 years ago
"Wow and you say I'm bullying you? You just threatened to beat me up." Chip crossed his arms and tilted his nose up at her. "Don't be such a hypocrite. You really should learn your manners. And if I'm being honest I'm not trying to be mean, I just don't understand how you could be so mean to Leaf." Chip let out a sigh.
"I mean he's great! He weirdly sees the good in everyone even if they're bitches. How could you not like him?" Chip asked as he uncrossed his arms, placing his hands on his hips.
"He loves his siblings and you reply with calling him dumb. I don't get it."
Thanksgiving at the Coneybears’: Closed RP starter!
Leaf had told his family about Chip (and possibly his family) coming over, and they had started preparing for three extra people! What’s a few more? Leaf had set the table, with help from Paul, while his mother, Pinecone, Marigold, and Brook finished the food and desserts and such. Mr. Coneybear, Rasin, and Landscape set up homemade decorations around the room. They were ready for Thanksgiving! But were they ready for guests? Who knows.
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coneybear-leaf · 5 years ago
Thanksgiving at the Coneybears’: Closed RP starter!
Leaf had told his family about Chip (and possibly his family) coming over, and they had started preparing for three extra people! What’s a few more? Leaf had set the table, with help from Paul, while his mother, Pinecone, Marigold, and Brook finished the food and desserts and such. Mr. Coneybear, Raisin, and Landscape set up homemade decorations around the room. They were ready for Thanksgiving! But were they ready for guests? Who knows.
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unfortunately-its-chip · 5 years ago
Chip didn't even bother looking at Marigold, not to mention he didn't want to either. Like hell he was doing to talk to the girl he got publicly horny for. But at the same time he was just so shaken about this current topic that her prescense didn't matter. He just turned to Leaf and began to speak again.
"You didn't do anything wrong. I just didn't expect such a big thing to come out." He laughed a bit. "Pretty crazy but you're cool dude, we're cool." Chip then began to look at Pinecone after realizing what she said.
"Nope. No. Nu-uh."
Dinner’s ready! (Continued Closed) RP
“Dinner’s ready, guys!” Marigold poked her head out from the kitchen.
“I’m done dealing with you.” Brook said quietly, and ran up to her room. Probably not gonna see her again tonight.
“That should do the trick. And Chip, in that rant, you said that Leaf was the only boy you really like. Care to elaborate.” Pinecone pointed out as she sat down at the table, next to Paul.
Leaf sat down at the table, not saying anything. He didn’t really want Chip to know what happened at home, and he wanted tonight to be a nice evening where everyone got along. That did not happen, clearly. “I’m sorry about… them, Chip.” He mumbled.
The rest of the Coneybear kids, excluding Brook, all sat down at the table, with their parents soon following.
“I’d just like to thank everyone for keeping it together for the night, and especially for the Tolentino’s for coming to join our lovely family tradition. Thank you Leaf for inviting them. Hey where’s- where’s Brook?” Marigold started the whole Thanksgiving speech thing.
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unfortunately-its-chip · 5 years ago
Chip thought about which song he would sing, something fantastic or something genuinely funny? Well, he had never sang in front of Leaf's siblings so maybe he would make a good singing impression for them. Of course he believed he was a great singer though he had some...voice crack incidents before...but let's not talk about that! He'd have to do something good, hmm. HE HAD IT!
Something from a William Finn musical! God, Chip loved William Finn musicals! Falsettos? In Trousers? LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE? He would fucking sing, Falsettos.
The Games I Play, hell to the yeah.
Karaoke with the Coneybears! (Continued Closed RP)
Leaf, Chip, Marigold, and the rest of the Coneybear kids, excluding Brook, headed to the living room to start karaoke. Pinecone had a list for everyone to fill out what song everyone is going to sing, along with songs that are strictly forbidden.
“Yay!!!! Who wanna go first!!” Leaf clapped, waiting for a response from someone.
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coneybear-leaf · 5 years ago
“Oh! Okay!! Well like I was saying, we can bake cookies or brownies or cupcakes in the morning, play some board games tonight, uhh...” Leaf did some lip trills to help him think of more stuff, and shook his hands. “Ah! We can dance to music!! I got a new speaker that we can play music from!! It’s so cool.... It doesn’t even need wires or cables to hook it up!! Marigold got it for me and Landscape to put in our room and it’s so cool!!! Oh! Um, um... we can...... build a pillow fort!! And have a pillow fight with my siblings!! And just talk!! I never get to just talk with anyone!! My siblings always tell me to shut up or just talk over me and I can never finish my thought. So then I forget it, and then I usually leave the room and do something else!!” Leaf went on. And on.
“Ahoj, kluci. Jaká byla večeře a jaká je vaše homosexuální panika? Vidím, že posloucháš jen mého bratra. Dobře, nikdo jiný nebude.” Pinecone said, walking into. Wherever Chip and Leaf were. Probably Leaf and Landscape’s room. Landscape is sleeping on the couch. (She spoke in Czech.)
“Ahoj, Pinecone!! I didn’t understand a thing you said other than ahoj!! I know that means hello! I think. Right?” Leaf waved to his sister.
Therapeutic Sleep Over
[Sexual Awakening Slumber Party]: (Continued Closed) RP
Chip sat in front of a rambling Leaf, talking about all the things they could do together that night. Chip wasn't quite paying attention due to him thinking about what Pinecone had said earlier at dinner. That was the gayest Thanksgiving he had ever been too, gayer than Easter at Logainne's house.
And that was really gay.
Why the hell was he even thinking about this? He was going to have a fun sleepover with his friend and that was it. Nothing more! But yet his head was still full of Pinecone and her stupid gaydar and her stupid brother and her stupid everything! This was all so stupid! It's not like Pinecone was actually right, just because she was smart didn't mean she knew everything. Right?
"Stupid." He mumbled to himself as he sighed. He felt really stupid right now, and he was supposed to be the cocky one!
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unfortunately-its-chip · 5 years ago
"I think it does. I don't really know Czech like whatsoever at all. But I think I did hear something like the word homosexual? I don't know I'm sure I did." Chip tilted his head, giving Pinecone a look.
"Maybe you and your so called perfect and on point gaydar can elaborate?" Chip was pretty tired of all this gaydar stuff but hey he didn't really care at this point.
Gay Away Pinecone!
Therapeutic Sleep Over
[Sexual Awakening Slumber Party]: (Continued Closed) RP
Chip sat in front of a rambling Leaf, talking about all the things they could do together that night. Chip wasn't quite paying attention due to him thinking about what Pinecone had said earlier at dinner. That was the gayest Thanksgiving he had ever been too, gayer than Easter at Logainne's house.
And that was really gay.
Why the hell was he even thinking about this? He was going to have a fun sleepover with his friend and that was it. Nothing more! But yet his head was still full of Pinecone and her stupid gaydar and her stupid brother and her stupid everything! This was all so stupid! It's not like Pinecone was actually right, just because she was smart didn't mean she knew everything. Right?
"Stupid." He mumbled to himself as he sighed. He felt really stupid right now, and he was supposed to be the cocky one!
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coneybear-leaf · 5 years ago
“All you need to know is that I called you out on your gay panic and thanked you for listening to Leaf ramble on and on. Nobody else does.” Pinecone explained to Chip.
“Gay panic? Is Chip gay? Are you gay? Why is he panicking? Why are you panicking?? Are you okay, Chip!!” Leaf said to both his sister and Chip.
Therapeutic Sleep Over
[Sexual Awakening Slumber Party]: (Continued Closed) RP
Chip sat in front of a rambling Leaf, talking about all the things they could do together that night. Chip wasn't quite paying attention due to him thinking about what Pinecone had said earlier at dinner. That was the gayest Thanksgiving he had ever been too, gayer than Easter at Logainne's house.
And that was really gay.
Why the hell was he even thinking about this? He was going to have a fun sleepover with his friend and that was it. Nothing more! But yet his head was still full of Pinecone and her stupid gaydar and her stupid brother and her stupid everything! This was all so stupid! It's not like Pinecone was actually right, just because she was smart didn't mean she knew everything. Right?
"Stupid." He mumbled to himself as he sighed. He felt really stupid right now, and he was supposed to be the cocky one!
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unfortunately-its-chip · 5 years ago
"I'm not gay! I assure you I am completely straight, girls are cute. And I may be close with you but I'm not gay, I just enjoy that homey touch." Chip said, quoting the beautiful Mitch Mahony himself.
"Cuddles and hugs and all of it can be completely platonic, Pinecone. I'm honestly incredibly disappointed that you would assume it's romantic so fast." Chip crossed his arms and looked away from her.
"Because it isn't romantic. At all."
Therapeutic Sleep Over
[Sexual Awakening Slumber Party]: (Continued Closed) RP
Chip sat in front of a rambling Leaf, talking about all the things they could do together that night. Chip wasn't quite paying attention due to him thinking about what Pinecone had said earlier at dinner. That was the gayest Thanksgiving he had ever been too, gayer than Easter at Logainne's house.
And that was really gay.
Why the hell was he even thinking about this? He was going to have a fun sleepover with his friend and that was it. Nothing more! But yet his head was still full of Pinecone and her stupid gaydar and her stupid brother and her stupid everything! This was all so stupid! It's not like Pinecone was actually right, just because she was smart didn't mean she knew everything. Right?
"Stupid." He mumbled to himself as he sighed. He felt really stupid right now, and he was supposed to be the cocky one!
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unfortunately-its-chip · 5 years ago
Chip glared at Pinecone, shaking his head as he motioned toward his mother. See, his mother wasn't as up to date as a lot of other people in the world. This subject was very poorly spoken of by her.
"Gaydar?...What is that some kind of homosexual thing?" Mrs. Tolentino let out a laugh. "She's looking at you, look out Chip." While his mother laughed, Mr. Tolentino simply rolled his eyes at her.
"Haha, yeah.." Chip mumbled awkwardly as he picked up his drink and took a sip trying to avoid any more conversation on that topic.
"So! Who's next?"
Dinner’s ready! (Continued Closed) RP
“Dinner’s ready, guys!” Marigold poked her head out from the kitchen.
“I’m done dealing with you.” Brook said quietly, and ran up to her room. Probably not gonna see her again tonight.
“That should do the trick. And Chip, in that rant, you said that Leaf was the only boy you really like. Care to elaborate.” Pinecone pointed out as she sat down at the table, next to Paul.
Leaf sat down at the table, not saying anything. He didn’t really want Chip to know what happened at home, and he wanted tonight to be a nice evening where everyone got along. That did not happen, clearly. “I’m sorry about… them, Chip.” He mumbled.
The rest of the Coneybear kids, excluding Brook, all sat down at the table, with their parents soon following.
“I’d just like to thank everyone for keeping it together for the night, and especially for the Tolentino’s for coming to join our lovely family tradition. Thank you Leaf for inviting them. Hey where’s- where’s Brook?” Marigold started the whole Thanksgiving speech thing.
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unfortunately-its-chip · 5 years ago
His attention was pulled off of Pinecone and onto Leaf. Chip fell silent for a bit while he thought of a decent answer, he didn't really know but he would go for it anyway! He cleared his throat and sat up.
"Private stuff, nothing important of course! It's just us messing around ya know?" Chip shrugged it off with a smile.
"Right Pinecone?" He eyed her awkwardly as he waited for an answer.
Dinner’s ready! (Continued Closed) RP
“Dinner’s ready, guys!” Marigold poked her head out from the kitchen.
“I’m done dealing with you.” Brook said quietly, and ran up to her room. Probably not gonna see her again tonight.
“That should do the trick. And Chip, in that rant, you said that Leaf was the only boy you really like. Care to elaborate.” Pinecone pointed out as she sat down at the table, next to Paul.
Leaf sat down at the table, not saying anything. He didn’t really want Chip to know what happened at home, and he wanted tonight to be a nice evening where everyone got along. That did not happen, clearly. “I’m sorry about… them, Chip.” He mumbled.
The rest of the Coneybear kids, excluding Brook, all sat down at the table, with their parents soon following.
“I’d just like to thank everyone for keeping it together for the night, and especially for the Tolentino’s for coming to join our lovely family tradition. Thank you Leaf for inviting them. Hey where’s- where’s Brook?” Marigold started the whole Thanksgiving speech thing.
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unfortunately-its-chip · 5 years ago
"GUYS I'M NOT HIS BOYFRIEND. You know I'm not his boyfriend right!?" Chip shouted covering his face, he looked back up at them.
"Why would I be his boyfriend? That's like the last thing that would ever happen. I'm just saying he's a good person and it seems wrong to insult him. Does that make me gay? No. I'm just being nice. Nice! Just because I'm nice doesn't mean I want to hold his hand or..touch his hair and spend every minute with him...right!?" Chip scoffed.
"Do I look gay to you?"
Thanksgiving at the Coneybears’: Closed RP starter!
Leaf had told his family about Chip (and possibly his family) coming over, and they had started preparing for three extra people! What’s a few more? Leaf had set the table, with help from Paul, while his mother, Pinecone, Marigold, and Brook finished the food and desserts and such. Mr. Coneybear, Rasin, and Landscape set up homemade decorations around the room. They were ready for Thanksgiving! But were they ready for guests? Who knows.
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unfortunately-its-chip · 5 years ago
Chip shot Pinecone a look.
"Which I don't! You guys need to understand that I dont have a crush on Leaf. Why does everyone think I have a crush on you?" Chip looked over at Leaf with a confused look.
"We're just bros chillin' out. Guys being dudes, ya know?" Chip chuckled, "We're just friends and that's all I think of Leaf. As a friend. So you can get your theories out of here because I don't have a crush on anyone at the moment. I'm single and out of the game." Chip pointed at himself proudly.
"Plus, Pinecone your gaydar is probably broken because you're detecting some false facts."
Thanksgiving at the Coneybears’: Closed RP starter!
Leaf had told his family about Chip (and possibly his family) coming over, and they had started preparing for three extra people! What’s a few more? Leaf had set the table, with help from Paul, while his mother, Pinecone, Marigold, and Brook finished the food and desserts and such. Mr. Coneybear, Rasin, and Landscape set up homemade decorations around the room. They were ready for Thanksgiving! But were they ready for guests? Who knows.
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