#pina why are you online so much rn?
pinacoladamatata · 3 months
ooooh I need to be a hater.....
youtube "I'm a True Origin Fan" gamerbros out here saying shit like "so they dropped solas as the main villain and dropped in 2 elven gods instead fml"
you fucking weak low effort bitch. The "2 blighted gods left could be elven" thing has been hinted at since 2009. Yeah it's been a breadcrumb trail, but some of us have been stalking this shit since the beginning. And given trespasser, this should not be surprising. If you had spent any time in the fandom reddit/forums/etc over the past 14 years, you would've seen these theories. The more recent trailers from 2020 onward had all but confirmed this as well.
"origins was turn based combat"
No. It was Real Time with Pause. (like your precious BG1 and 2, smeagol)
"DAI and DA4 aren't even made using the same engine as DAO and DA2"
Correct, the current year is 2024, they are using the frostbite engine. Are you still running Windows 7? Windows Me?
"Solas was set up as the main villain in Trespasser! We were supposed to kill him!"
Barring the obvious choice you're ignoring at the ACTUAL end of Trespasser; He literally tells the inquisitor flat out the other evanuris are still here, waiting, and are sadistic slavers who would destroy the world for power if ever freed. If you are having this much of a problem with a complicated antagonist becoming a (likely temporary) ally due to unforeseen circumstances, maybe go watch a shallow anime or something.
"DA didn't have bi/pan companion romances"
Yes it did. Leliana and Zevran in DAO. and Every companion in DA2. Iron Bull and Josephine in DAI.
there's more, like the whole grown men wishing for more SA content in DA games bit, but i'm getting really pissy the longer i write. If the only thing you like about Origins is the RTwP combat and you don't even care about the story/characters that much, you need to at some point realize you just don't like these games. Go play something else.
Meanwhile, I will be over here, being right and reveling in how much of the lore pieces I've obsessed over for 14 years are finally coming together.
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