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Click the link in my bio to subscribe to my monthly newsletter which starts going out next week!! Going into Monday like...Yep! This is what it is like when you love what you do, love the people you get to hang with all day and those that walk in the door. Thanks to my lovely @janineycashin for the boomerang shot (even after you worked so hard) the giggles with this still make me smile! So, this is the goofball, dork, passion filled, music loving, curly haired gal that is ready to see where we can go together! Apparently @erikaquest just one day off produces this! Hahahah or maybe it is the @carbon38 leggings and the @pilatesnerd shirt? Both make me happy! So, yes it is Monday but, I know something good happened for you today..so, what was it? I would love to hear so just DM me or shout it out! Also, go on and subscribe to the newsletter..who knows what will happen! check out Carbon 38 and use my code for 20% off! Hilaryoph20 #mondaysbelike #hilaryopheim #mentor #mentorshipprogram #pilatesteacher #pilatesteachertraining #goofygirls #pilatesstudioowner #wapilates #workshops #pilatesworkshops #pilatesmentor #letsseewherewecangotogether #pilatesgoals #pilateseverywhere #womenempowerment #pilatestinstructors #chuckrapoport #jumpshot #traditionalpilates #pilatesreformer #gratefuleveryday #beyou #happinesscomesfromwithin #carbon38 #positivityonly. #pilatesnerd
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This is Grant. He was my little boy. We had to say goodbye to him almost 3 years ago. It is still hard to talk about. As if it happened yesterday. I remember the first time back in the studio I thought I would be ok. I walked in and took one look at my friend and fellow teacher and sat down and cried. I got sent home by my crew. They were amazing during that time. Today a beautiful client came in and the minute I saw her face I knew something was wrong. She started to cry saying she had to say goodbye unexpectedly to her own little pup. I felt all my emotion as if it had just happened to me. I told her I knew how difficult and was she sure she was ok to be here. She said “yes. I knew you would know how I felt and that’s why I came”. So as my throat was full of my own memories and emotion and knowing what hers were as well I said “ok! “ We started on the mat a little shaky but soon the work flowed and conversation was on just what was in that moment. I saw her breathe, smile a bit, move and for that hour forget a bit for moments. When she left I wanted to again cry but I had my own session with my teacher. He knew and had heard our conversation. He was there when I had lost my Grant. Soon I realized he was doing what I had just done for my client. As I drove home I realized how true it is that Pilates heals, movements heals. Today it healed for a moment my client and I was so thankful she came and trusted me and Pilates. I know many of you have had losses as well. It’s hard but we keep going right? Today was a hard day but a beautiful one. I know Grant was there. My client came and trusted she would feel a bit better. I’m glad I could be there and understand. I’m glad Pilates could give some focus and moments today. #doglove #hilaryopheim #mentor #mentorshipprogram #pilatesteacher #pilatesteachertraining #pilatesteacher #pilatesstudioowner #wapilates #workshops #pilatesworkshops #pilatesmentor #letsseewherewecangotogether #pilatesgoals #pilateseverywhere #pilatescommunity #pilatestinstructors #furmommy #pilatesmat #traditionalpilates #pilatesreformer #gratefuleveryday #beyou #happinesscomesfromwithin #workit #challengeyourself #behappy
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Click link in profile for more info! Check out my little brother❤️ I believe that going through everything I did made me who I am. It gave me the outlook on life of “hey, it will all work out”. It got me super focused on me making things happen for me that I knew I wanted and could do. I also know that my parents did the best they could. No one is perfect. My not perfect childhood made me the person I am today. Everything we do leads us down the path we are on right? We make choices for ourselves and we choose to make it work or not. I have thought a lot on this as I prepare my workshop for 2028 PMA. Here is a question for you and you can DM as I would love to hear your experience. What is something that has happened in your life that you know changed the path for you? #hilaryopheim #mentor #mentorshipprogram #pilatesteacher #pilatesteachertraining #pilatesteacher #pilatesstudioowner #wapilates #workshops #pilatesworkshops #pilatesmentor #letsseewherewecangotogether #pilatesgoals #pilateseverywhere #womenempowerment #pilatestinstructors #houstonianbornandraised #pilatesmat #traditionalpilates #pilatesreformer #gratefuleveryday #beyou #happinesscomesfromwithin #workit #challengeyourself #behappy #communitymatter #pilatescommunity #livewell #instapilates
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