#piknik naukowy
matylda-cas · 1 day
Creativity - June
After pulling an all nighter, the go-kart was finally complete. Most of the stuff was working and we were even able to drive it. It was an amazing feeling that we proved that if there is a want that there is a way. Overall, working on the project was something special that I will never forget. In the morning we transported it to Stadion Narodowy where we exhibited it on Piknik Naukowy. Moreover, my own smaller project was also working as intended and smaller children were loving it. ANOTHER PIKNIK SUCCESFULLY COMPLETED!!!
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julianoleksiukcas · 2 days
Service - June
Attending the piknik Naukowy. I was one of the people that had their own zone in the piknik naukowy. I presented a project I worked on for the last year which was a model of my glider.
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nataliatupalska · 1 month
As another service I took part in piknik naukowy my role was to hand in flyers to people entering the event and tell them why they should visit our place. I did an amazing job since me and my friend handed in all of our flyers and so many people came to our place that it was hard to take care of everyone. In the end I am happy that so many people came to us and admired our hard work.
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alicjaniemczykcas · 3 months
Setting up the tent for Piknik Naukowy- service June
Today people who are taking part in Piknik Naukowy had met in order to build a place for school to show off projects. We had to bring the tables and chairs, set up the mat for children, and put up a tent. I have struggled as it was extremely hot, and physical work was required. We had also helped and built the experiments for the Piknik.
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mateuszszczepanskicas · 3 months
CAS Interim Reflection of DP1
Reflecting on my experience of CAS during DP1, I must say it was an enriching journey for me. I highly enjoyed CAS because it provided a variety of activities in which I could explore my various interests and develop new skills.
Whether it's participation in Sejm school meetings or taking photos for some projects, each brings something new to be learned in the process. Perhaps the most rewarding one was volunteering to walk local people's dogs, as it combined doing something I loved with a service to the community. The most challenging time that I had in this position was being able to manage time properly and balancing CAS activities with academic responsibilities. In the beginning, this was a bit hard for me because I used to feel pressured by the two entities. Eventually, I found my way through by having a tight schedule and organizing my priorities well. It was not just a way for me to use my time wisely, but also taught me the value of organization and discipline.
CAS has helped me develop many abilities and skills, but the most vital development was collaboration and leadership. For instance, preparing an exhibition on Piknik Naukowy are experiences of working in a team and leading the said team to achieve its common goal. These honed my communication skills and enlightened me about working together for common goals.
Dealing with issues that are of global pertinence was the learning outcome I found most difficult to get into. I have been doing some activities at the local level, but it was a little challenging for me in the beginning to link these activities to the bigger scenario in the global perspective. This process involved researching the global problems and how my small initiatives could tie up with international issues. This widened my horizons and deepened my realization of the global-local interconnection. In simple terms, CAS during DP1 has been a process of growth, personal and skill development, and a story of experiences. It has tested me in ways I never expected, opened up an arena where my most significant individual and community contributions could stand proud, and, on the basis of this, a better journey with more tremendous enthusiasm and commitment in DP2.
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Preperations for piknik naukowy, I spent over 12 in school in a row and later continued at my friends house we still have over 24 to finish everything.
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antonipiskorski · 4 months
Creativity 9 (May)
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On May I focused on improving the projects I am helping in on the Piknik Naukowy. I tried to make this piknik the best one which happened till now. Additionally I continued learning new cooking recipes and improving my general knowledge.
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jantaczanowskicas · 4 months
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May Service 2
The actual making of the leaflet is a fun task, I like messing around with logos and combining them to signify teamwork between organizations. Im not finished yet but I already designed a large part of it, but so far, I like the job. It will definitely help with organization of Piknik Naukowy.
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CAS- creativity post 2
For my second creativity activity this month I participated in the physics circle. For now Im working on the old dna model, on which I worked on previously, last year in may. After the Piknik Naukowy it was in a rough shape and it just needs to be re-done completely. I managed to disassemble it, segregate it into the sugar phosphate chains and the base pairs parts and make a list of the needed parts to each molecule that im gonna be building. This year the DNA is supposed to be twice as big, 2 segments (8 rows) instead of the previous 1 segment model. For now I managed to build a one segment model for the open day. My future plan for the work I will be doing is to make a new project with Alicia, who also attends the circle. After the topic for the picnic is announced we will start thinking of ideas.
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For my reflection I would like to say that I think this is a good activity for the creativity strand because by attending the circle I practice my skills like communication or manual work. I also learn a lot about physics and other sciences and I also help to represent the school in the open days or the science picnics.
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matylda-cas · 1 day
Creativity - June
The day of the Piknik Naukowy was nearing and the projects were not all finished, so there was a LOT of work to do for each one. I first finished my own smaller project, so I would be able to focus on the more complicated ones as they still required more work. Overall, as per tradition, the night before piknik we realized that there was still stuff that had to be done but the school was closing so we had to call around and find a person that would be able to transport the projects that required attention as well as the equipment we needed. After some time we managed to find one of our families friends that had a van that was able to transport the go-kart as well as all of the other equipment. We went to Karols house where we worked on the project for the rest of the night.
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julianoleksiukcas · 3 months
Service - May
I helped my friend Franek in his work one the go-kart. This experience taught me that even when things don't work out at first we still must try to find a solution rather than simply give up on out goals. I have a really good time while helping my friends prepare for the upcoming, piknik naukowy.
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nataliatupalska · 1 month
As service in June i decided to help in preparations for piknik naukowy in which our school was participating I helped to put everything in station narodowy and prepare our place for demonstrating our innovations. I felt like I could’ve helped more since the whole occurrence needed a lot of people to help. Byt even so I am happy that I was able to help and that I took part in this big event.
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alicjaniemczykcas · 3 months
Piknik naukowy- service June
Today, I have helped during annual Piknik naukowy. My role was to show children how the motion is being inluence by different shapes of lanes. I had a lot of fun. I enjoyed explaining physics to kids in a very simple language. At first it was difficult for me to transfer the knowledge I have into something that children will understand, but with time I have learnt how to do it properly.
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mateuszszczepanskicas · 11 months
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Service Blog Post:
On the 21 st of October, 2023, during the open day at the Physics Faculty, Lena Kaliszewska and I had the privilege of managing the Matter Chamber. Our role for the day was to conduct engaging experiments with gas, liquid nitrogen, frozen CO2, and vacuum conditions. We guided visitors through these experiments, explaining the science behind each demonstration and providing a hands-on experience for all who attended.
Reflection: Running the Matter Chamber on the open day was exciting. Showing people cool science experiments made me realize how much fun learning can be. It also reminded me how education can make a big difference in our community, and I'm eager to keep helping out with Piknik Naukowy.
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arseniy-bykov · 1 year
Service March - Piknik Naukowy visit to Centrum Kopernik for details and info
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In March I and a few other delegates from school went with Professor Miszta to the Centrum Nauki Koperniku during regular school time for a preparing lecture about the Piknik Naukowy event that will take place at the end of May. The whole preparational meeting was organized very professionally with food prepared for the delegates and interesting speakers that answered all the questions.
Reflection: This year's Piknik falls on a very busy weekend which will combine RaszMun and my CAS project. However, I believe we got very well informed and there is still a lot of time to prepare and do everything needed for the event.
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antonipiskorski · 4 months
Service 7 (March)
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I spent March helping Mr Miszta, with preparations for the Piknik Naukowy, after school. I helped in preparing the arrangement of the projects on the event, preparing them and buying things for these projects.
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