#pikmin travel
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cossiemoss · 2 years ago
how's your pikmin
Sorry I didn't see this until now!
Hibiscus is doing great!! 🌺
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He's been taking a small break to regain his energy after the long trip. I tend to find him hanging out on a little, grassy sidewalk. It reminds him of Hawaii.
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Hibiscus on his favorite sidewalk.
He's been really into collages lately, and has been asking for postcards or magazines of the Hawaiian islands
( He was very surprised when we told him there's more than one island, and he'd only visited Maui. )
He's been cutting out the photos and gluing them to things.
He's really been getting into the native culture!
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At some point I saw him building a miniature scale model of Maunaloa 🌋 with sticks and sap.
He must be making another one because he asked for some more magazines and glue a few days ago.
Come to think of it, I haven't seen him recently... And I think my compass is missing?
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gamebunny-advance · 6 months ago
Nintendo out there just casually (kinda) confirming the "descended from humans" and "the wraiths are involved in all of the spaceship crashes" theories.
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Okay, they're not really "confirmations" but more like they're officially addressing the different theories that people have about the true nature of PNF-404 and are telling you to keep on speculating on your own time.
Take these translations with a grain of salt since they're machine translations.
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sillypikmin · 1 year ago
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ive seen a couple of glow pikmin / glowsap wraith concepts around ... here's my take on the idea , mama glowmin ...
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indi-artposting · 9 months ago
pikmin goes to Yosemite
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I love him :)
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cozystars · 2 years ago
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been thinking abt pikmin dudes (ty for the inspo @krizkrozapplesoz!)
[image desc in alt]
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benevolentdinosaur · 3 months ago
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Pikmin treats I got in Japan
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foofyarts · 1 year ago
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Tosses you various doodles of The Upturned
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nappotuna · 2 years ago
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🌟 opened up my shop for my stickers / buttons / select charms!
i'll be closing my shop on august 28 10:00pm EST.
shipping will not start until september 18 for onhand stock + preorders will not ship out until 1-2 months from preorders closing 💌
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bloodbrown · 1 year ago
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my favorite games of 2023. What are yours?
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wysteriaisapenguin · 1 year ago
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I may not have played a single pikmin game but I would die for the pikmin
Say hello to my yellow son!
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neap0litin-freak · 3 months ago
Pikmin is going to play in the salt mines in hallstat
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gamesline · 10 months ago
As a return to normalcy, after all the predestination and sexy lethal company monsters and youtube recommendations, John Michonski @servbot42 treats us to a nice, chill list of favs, as well as some accompanying tracks from each that he liked.
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motionpicturedemise · 1 year ago
myth's game writeup of 2023
i waited until the new year to finish this in case i managed to beat a game during december. i did not. ANYWAY.
this will contain new games as well as games i only got around to in 2023. light on spoilers but be warned
Octopath Traveler II (2023)
as far as i remember, this was the first new game I played this year, and god did it deliver. I've been a fan of octopath since the first one came out on switch in 2018, counting it as my favorite game of all time, so to have a sequel after all this time was thrilling. it did almost everything octopath 1 did and better. new path actions, day/night system, branching stories, fucking boats?? incredible.
my biggest gripe has to be the new hidden classes. I started with throne so getting inventor 10 minutes after my chapter one did definitely fuck up the progression a little bit. I think I preferred ot1 hidden classes. while the dungeons were underwhelming, the boss battles really make you fight for these secret techniques, something absent in 3 out of the 4 hidden classes of octopath 2.
overall: 4/5 BP.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed (2023)
xenoblade 3 as the end of the klaus trilogy really didn't sit well with me, for reasons that don't belong on my review of its dlc, but future redeemed fixed nearly every problem i had with base xc3 — both story and gameplay wise. it ties every xenoblade game and even some of gears and saga into a neat little 40 hour bow, and is truly a love letter to the entire series. I can only think of one problem I still have with it. the fucking menu music.
where do i even fucking start with this one really. relatively speaking, I'm a new xenoblade fan, having started xc1 in march 2022 during a harrowing experience with adhd meds, and since then it had kinda consumed me. I finished it in about a week, went on to watch xenoblade 2 because I had heard the gameplay wasn't great, and got my hands on xenoblade 3 day of release.
overall: 5 dance apples.
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (2023)
as someone who was not immune to the hype surrounding botw, I had high hopes for the sequel. hopes that were painfully, slowly, fed into a trash compactor over my playthrough. this is another game I got on release day, lining up outside gamestop in the heat, and lets not forget that it's the only first-party switch game with a price tag of seventy bucks.
the game plays like a tech demo. I have a lot of love in my heart for it. the story was better that botw, the world was more expansive than botw, but the problem here is that everything it does is directly compared to breath of the wild. it doesn't get enough time to shine, because we're in the exact same world as 6 years ago, but instead of pinkish black malice we have blackish pink gloom. i much prefer the runes to the zonai abilities, and the sense of wonder that permeated breath of the wild is replaced by a sense of nostalgia that just doesn't appeal to me much.
all of this isn't to say it's a bad game. I think it's a great game, honestly, but a great game that wasn't meant for me. I've seen the insane shit people do with ultrahand, but it just... isn't my style.
overall: 441/1000 korok seeds
Pikmin 4 (2023)
it's pikmin. i dont have much to say about it. it was a lot of fun, loved that part where i bulborbed all over those guys. im not a gameplay reviewer, at heart i mostly talk about story, and a game like pikmin doesn't have much for me to comment on. good fun. lived up to expectations. probably wouldn't replay.
overall: 7500 sparklium
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood (2017)
oh, stormblood... the rage you still fill my veins with. I'm not going to spend too long on this one because I have better things to do with my life than shit on an expansion everyone already hates, but let me make it clear I actually do have reasons for disliking it.
having ala mhigo built up since the very start of a realm reborn, only to have half of the ala mhigo expansion take place halfway across the star, was very disappointing. the monotony of the three areas in gyr abania compared to the three far east areas was very disappointing. the treatment of the people of the steppe and honestly that entire segment in the main story quest was very disappointing. hien, as a character, in his entirety, was very disappointing.
I will say it had strong parts. the 61-70 quests for several jobs were the strongest in their entire story (see: dark knight). the dungeons started to get more interesting. it gave us the quest Child Labor, which is hilarious and I'll never be finishing it because I want it there forever.
overall: 1/3 WHM Lillies.
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers (2019)
ffxiv immediately got better the second 4.0 was over. even the patch quests instantly shot up in quality. it's not even funny. the lead up to shadowbringers was the most fun I had had with the game since a realm reborn, and all of the first was heartbreaking to go through even though I was spoiled on That Character's Identity.
the duty trust system (is that what it was called?) made dungeons much more fun. getting to go through hell with alphinaud alisaie and thancred made everything 10x better, even if it was a lot slower. the story, again, heartbreaking — ryne's arc in particular felt like being stabbed by thousands of little needles while trying to play. in the best way, of course. and amaurot... amaurot. getting to quote our favorite knight in there was my 8th umbral calamity.
shadowbringers also marks when a lot of your job's functionality is really unlocked, so doing the level 80 raid series was genuinely a ton of fun. and again the thousands of little needles. i cried at least 7 times during the main story.
overall: 85/100 kenki gauge.
Katana Zero (2019)
possibly my favorite game this year. the protagonist, zero (or as i like to call him, katana from zero,) ticked all the boxes for a character I'd be absolutely obsessed with. true enough, i fell in love. the fast-paced gameplay, the diegesis of gameplay elements which would typically go unquestioned, and the care that seeps through every dialogue choice all solidify katana zero as one of my favorite game experiences ever. I'll leave it at this, because I encourage everyone to at least give it a try.
overall: Yes, that should work.
Fire Emblem Engage (2023)
this is one of the few 2023 releases on this list that I didn't get on launch, because at the time I had relatively little interest in fire emblem as a series. then I made a lot of friends who enjoy it, and in october, bestie sen decided to buy it for me as an early birthday present. everyone say thank you sen.
considering this is my first fire emblem game, i have absolutely no deeper insight into how it matches up compared to the others, and plenty of people more eloquent than me have already talked about that. what I do know is that the gameplay was surprisingly fun as my first tactical rpg, and the story was passable. all the characters were appealing in one way or another, and I'm still mad I had to choose between marrying kagetsu or fogado. they're both my husbands at heart.
overall: I didn't internalize enough of this game to come up with a clever rating.
Fire Emblem Engage: Fell Xenologue (2023)
I was expecting the dlc to continue the main story, so I put it off until I had finished the base game. in hindsight, I regret it, because I'd love to have brought the winds and twins with me to fight their evil versions and alternate universe dad. the story was... alright. I really liked all the small battle interactions between fell characters and our party members which they would've known. I instantly recognized fogado in chapter 1 because I am in love with him by the way.
overall: i dont know. 1¾ dragonstones
with 2024 upon us, I'll probably be writing reviews for games as I play them. I'm trying to use tumblr more as a social platform instead of just reblogging. we'll see how that plays out. if you like any of these games (yes, even tears of the kingdom) please talk to me about them! that's all for now. look out for my mangled thoughts on SANABI and Nier: Automata next :)
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indi-artposting · 7 months ago
his seat on car
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bleuberrygliscor · 2 years ago
pikmin 4 was made with so much fucking love in it.
i WANT developers to take LONGER to create their art and be paid MORE to work LESS hours and i am NOT FUCKING JOKING.
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ashelehaym · 2 years ago
Welp, Twitter's doneski. So I'm over here now!
Just a little bit, I'm Ashley, an enby transfem (she/they pronouns) and I make music and play funny games that make me cry. I intend to start uploading my music to YouTube soon so keep an eye out there.
Yes I get that I'm screaming into the void but forgive me
Oh and so I have an excuse to add tags, said "funny games" include the Xeno series, hence my handle's namesake, Chrono Trigger, Pokemon, Zelda, Pikmin, Hollow Knight, Chained Echoes, and most recently, Octopath Traveler. No spoils on the last one I'm not done it yet!
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