thorndamien1 · 8 months
Creo que se vería mejor sin el fondo/I think it would look better without the background. ☠️
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Perdón, me tarde mucho /Sorry, I'm so late ":/
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you-know-honey · 11 months
The L rule
Part 2/2
Sodo/Dewdrop x f!reader
Summary: You know what they say about short boys...
Word Count:3017
Note: bad english, the L rule is something that until now I have only heard in Latin America but if you are from other countries and have heard it, comment :).
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"Ahg, why don't you just shut your mouth already!" Sodo shouted as he rolled over on her bed for the umpteenth time. He had been trying to sleep but the loud laughter, excited screams, and occasional music coming from Aurora's room had prevented him in each of his attempts.
He hated sleeping in total darkness so he could see himself reflected in the mirror at the foot of his bed thanks to the small lamp on the nightstand next to his digital clock, soon it would be 2 in the morning, he kicked a little between his sheets before sitting down and running his hands over his face, trying to relieve his stress.
He looked pitiful, her hair was tangled, her dark circles had turned red, her brain that hurt and he felt his body heavy like bad marriage. He didn't understand why he felt this way, but really wanted to close her eyes and sleep for at least 15 minutes.
He knew that Y/N had some sleeping pills in her room, she was always the last to be able to sleep and he knew it, he had seen her many times lying on the couch in the living room looking at the ceiling, when he got up for water. She had not seen him any of those times and it was better that way, she made him feel stupid with each of their interactions. Whenever they had to interact he could feel a huge wall between them and then she would just escape from it. She knew she had a difficult temperament, but not so difficult that they would run away from it.
Although in the rituals he loved to give Y/N the flowers that the fans threw for him so that he could be close enough to hear her voice and see the euphoria on her face at the screams of the fans, he did not have the courage to get on the his stage and playing alongside her as if Swiss and Phantom were doing it. After all, she always escaped from him outside of the rituals and her coexistence was almost non-existent in the ministry. So he didn't know how confidently she could go and wake her up to ask for a couple of sleeping pills.
He left his room dragging his feet down the hallway, the music outside was a little louder and there were no other sounds, only music, he didn't understand how the others could sleep. The hallway was completely dark and it was obvious that fresh air had not passed through there for quite some time. It's not like he needed light to really see where he was going. The closer he got to Aurora's room the music became louder, it was a long list of Pop songs that Aurora had made with the other girls, he knew it because he had heard Y/N and Cumulus talking about it after the rituals. In general it was not a musical genre that he liked, much less at 2 am.
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The knock on the door brought you out of your reverie, at first like a light distant touch and then like a nearby hammering. You tried to go back to sleep covering your face with a sheet but it was completely imprisoned by Swiss, in fact you were too. Aurora hugged you by her torso on the right side and on the left side you found Swiss open like a starfish, Cumulus and Cirrus had been more sensible and was sleeping comfortably in bed. You rubbed your eyes as you pulled Aurora's arms from your torso, dodged the popcorn on the floor and collided with the small table next to the door, holding in a scream of pain for the sake of your sleepover companions.
You opened the door enough to just stick your head out, as your eyes adjusted to being open again. The cold and darkness of the hallway welcomed you along with a silhouette that you knew very well.
"Sodo?" You asked and the silhouette raised its head. His blonde hair cascaded to the side of his face, his eyes were red from lack of sleep so his gaze was icy and even more intense than normal, he hadn't bothered to put on a shirt, so he was just wearing sweatpants. You didn't expect to see him behind the door, much less like that.
“Y/N?” He asked, his tone seemed surprised the same as yours. "What are you doing here?" he asked immediately.
You thought a little about the answer, perhaps because your brain was still a little sleepy. "A sleepover," you answered after opening the door, showing the rest asleep. You allowed him to pass.
"What a mess…" he whispered as he walked in and something crunched under his feet, praying it wasn't a gummy or something sticky, he took it in his hands. It was a leaf, the same one that Swiss had used to count the 'famous' L rule. That alerted all your senses, you wanted to rip the leaf out of his hands and eat it to make the evidence disappear. "What is this?" He asked as he opened the paper sheet. When he looked at the contents he exhaled a mocking smile and turned to you. "Satan, what were you doing at this sleepover?"
You clearly understood what he wanted to imply and you snatched the page from his hands. "Nothing." You crumpled it again and threw it near Swiss, now you wished he had never explained that silly rule to you and you regretted taking that test.
Sodo kept the smile on his face, 'it suits him' you thought when he saw him smile, it's a shame his reason was mockery. Your look revealed that you were not comfortable with the situation, you knew Sodo and you knew that he would not allow you to forget that moment, you did not have the courage to take him out of the room so you took a long breath and after thinking about it a little, to speak but he went ahead.
"Can you turn off the music?" He asked you as he massaged his temples, he seemed a little sore. "I can't stand that sound anymore"
You rushed to unplug Aurora's mini rainbow speaker, which seemed to relax him a little but not for long. He walked to the door ready to return to her room and held his breath for a moment before letting her go completely, it was a more serious pain than usual. You were afraid to ask if something was wrong with him, because maybe it wasn't your business to know, even so letting him be in that state wouldn't be a good idea. The ministry hated that the ghouls were up late 'mistreating' their earthly bodies.
"Are you okey?" You asked, a silly question, yes. But the best way to handle fire demon.
Sodo sighed as if gaining the courage to ignore his pain and say a word.
"My head hurts and I haven't slept at all. I'll drink water and see what happens" I sigh again, I was really having a hard time but I was convinced that everything would really change with a tasteless glass of water.
You looked at your sleeping friends and closed the door behind you, just you and Sodo in the empty hallway. He seemed surprised by your actions and he watched your every move.
"I have some sleeping pills. Do you want some?" You answered as you walked towards your room. Sodo wasn't surprised by your kindness, that's just how you were. But he was surprised that you did not hesitate to help him, even if his relationship was only cordial. He went after you like a little dog in the hallway.
"Thank you…" He whisper.
"Because?" You asked, grateful that you didn't have him in front of you and that so far your nerves were more than controlled.
"To help me, I know you don't like me but-" you laughed and tried to cover yourself with your hand "Why are you laughing?" Sodo asked seriously. His walk stopped as did yours.
"Who said I don't like you?" You said as if he had mentioned that the earth was flat.
"Maybe you," Sodo replied, crossing his arms.
"Impossible, I would never say that. Of course I like you" you responded with great confidence in your words.
His eyes seemed to create bright sparks in the darkness, a hint of illusion.
"Then why do you always stay away from me? This is the first time we've talked like that." A checkmate for you.
You remained silent, you couldn't say that wasn't true, your way of running away and concluding conversations quickly had made it impossible to carry on a normal conversation with Sodo.
You clicked your tongue and continued walking, although you couldn't see it you knew that Sodo had a victorious smile on his face. You continued walking to the door of your room, listening to his footsteps behind you, you had some ideas of answers to give him, but none seemed right at this point.
“Come in,” you offered as you opened the door.
The floral smell filled Sodo's nostrils the instant the door opened, he was hit by a welcoming sensation. The moon illuminated almost every corner of the room. He walked cautiously, looking at every detail of the place.
"It's nice" Sodo said looking at some details of the room.
"Thank you, I'll go get your pills" You opened your closet and searching through your small medicine box.
You could hear his bare feet wandering around the room, the sound of the bed sinking, and the heavy breath of exhaustion coming from his nostrils. The lack of light inside your small closet delayed the search, your hands moved nervously between pills. You were beginning to feel the atmosphere was beginning to become heavier for both of you, especially for you.
"Are those my flowers?" you heard him say, you turned quickly to see him point to the numerous bouquets of flowers framed above the headboard of your bed. The question left his lips with quite a bit of joy.
You left the search "Yes" and sat next to him on the bed.
"I thought you threw them away when they dried." He seemed so surprised.
"Why would I? They're gifts and…I love flowers." You responded with a smile. After every show where Sodo had given you flowers, you framed them with great care so as not to drop a single petal, that kind act always melted your heart.
"I thought they meant nothing to you," he shrugged.
"Why? Because they came from you? You act like hates you" you laughed again.
"And it is not like that?"
"No! How many times do I have to say it? I would never hate you." You sighed “I thought I was a bother to you, you always seemed tired around me.”
"No, I don't-" he stopped and took your hands in his as if on impulse. "Yes, I tend to be tired. But not of you, I could never get tired of you." Sodo was nervous to say something like that.
You were more than surprised by his actions, he seemed like a different Sodo than the one you saw every day, for the first time in a long time you managed to look him in the eyes and maintain contact, still as a statue. You didn't know what to do with this version of him. The moon made his hair shine and his expressions were soft and clear.
You cleared your throat and averted your gaze, resuming the conversation. "Eh, yes I…keep each of the bouquets. They are a nice gift…" you said although not very convinced that it was the best way to continue the talk.
Sodo's mouth opened, wanting to complain for taking the focus of your gaze away from you, he was an impulsive boy and he made it known when his warm hand slid through the air until it landed on your cheek and made you look at him again. You seemed so surprised, so unaccustomed.
"Why don't you look at me?" He asked in a whisper, looking into your eyes, you could feel your insides shake and your breathing stop.
“I…don’t…I…don’t know…” you said, the words swallowed up by the whirlwind of emotion in your head, leaving each sentence incomplete. "Your look is very strong…"
Sodo smiled showing his fangs, he was a beautiful sight, he caressed your cheek warmly and walked closer to you. "Does he intimidate you? Does it bother you to look at me?"
"Well… you usually have a 'special' temperament and sometimes it's-" You tried to say it as gently as possible. You had very rarely seen him fight with the other members, Swiss always intervened and was the only one who could control the little gremlin, the nuns did not want to go through the hallway if Sodo was there, there was something dark about that fire demon.
"Spooky? You think I'm spooky?" There seemed to be a hint of sadness, he moved his hand away from your face, as if it would hurt your touch, as if he didn't expect you to think that way.
“Sometimes” you confessed, assuming that would break the mood.
Sodo sighed, now he could understand why you never approached him, he never seemed to have the doors open for a chat and getting in the middle of his tantrums was something only a crazy person like Swiss would do.
"I'm sorry, I was always the problem apparently…" he said.
"Well…" you responded "We're talking more tonight than we have in recent years, that's a start isn't it?" You laid down on the bed, with your legs falling over the edge of the bed, making yourself more comfortable, inviting him to do the same.
"Yes, I suppose so," he took your invitation eagerly and laid down on the bed next to you, staring at the ceiling together, their hands inches apart. "Can I ask you something?"
"Forward." You assured, turning your head to look at him.
"Why were they investigating the L rule?" He asked, he clearly knew what it meant and wouldn't be surprised if it was talked about at a boys' sleepover but why would girls look for that? He didn't think Swiss had influenced them. Your face turned a light pink and you babbled nonsense that made him laugh. At this point his headache didn't matter. "Tell the truth"
"Well… The girls, Swiss and I were doing a silly test you know, the kind that predicts the love of your life" you took a sigh before continuing "So we did one about the band"
"What was the results?" Sodo asked curiously.
"The result of Cumulus was Mountain" Sodo made an O with his mouth, in his mind he was beginning to plot some small pranks to annoy his tall and shy friend. "Cirrus's result was herself" did not surprise him, Cirrus' self-love was infinite "Aurora's result was Swiss and Swiss's result was Aurora, it was fun to see their faces" you laughed remembering the scene and Sodo laughed with you, he could imagine Swiss having a brain block from being paired with her best friend.
"And what was your result?" You dreaded the arrival of that question.
"You," you said, turning your gaze to the ceiling, as if it were the most interesting thing you've ever seen.
"Me what?" Sodo thought maybe there was, that wasn't possible.
"You were my result Sodo" you told him as you exhaled nervously.
He lifted his torso like a spring, he was very surprised and turned to look at you, you felt so stupid. You were immediately going to apologize but he interrupted you.
"Wow, I didn't expect that" he laughed with pride and excitement.
"The test said something like: 'all good girls want a bad boy'. He also mentioned the L rule about short boys" you excused yourself, completely blushing, covering your face with the back of your arm.
"Do you know what the L rule means?" he asked with a double meaning tone and a suggestive raise of his eyebrows.
"Swiss explained it to us" You responded and felt the bed sink next to you, Sodo had gone back to bed.
"Oh then…" he took a few seconds "So what do you think of the result?" he asked you again, he seemed so curious or morbid about your answer. For a second he could imagine you thinking about him in that sexual way and a knot inside him tightened with pride.
"It's just a silly test, it doesn't really matter" You finished saying.
"I'm not your type?" He turned to look at you, you still covered your face and bit your lower lip, trying not to say anything else. Sodo longed to see your eyes and discover the true answer in your gaze.
"It's not that…" you spat that phrase from your gut, maybe you were trying your luck, there was nothing to lose.
He leaned on one of his arms admiring you with an amazed face. His hand slowly approached your arm, took it and imprisoned it on the bed above your head, your eyes took a while to get used to the darkness again and they opened wide when they saw him almost on top of you, his hair fell on yours, his eyes they were completely enveloped in you, traveling from your eyes to your lips with shameless frequency.
"Sodo, what are you doing?" you asked, hoping it was just you misunderstanding the situation. But there was a dark gleam in her gaze, as if a beast was screaming after the angelic beauty of her face.
"I'll become your type." You shuddered under her words, a shiver running through your body and hovering in the pit of your stomach. He smiled.
I know what's coming and so do you, someone help me write smut, I can't believe I've been writing fanfics for years and I'm still embarrassed to do it 😫
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s4msatpat · 1 month
Ranma def transforms into a girl to be part of “girls night”
She loves chatting with the girls and doing each other’s hair and why not playing dress up!!
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ratguy-nico · 8 months
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Geneuary Slumber Party / Jealousy
And the jealousy part? Gene is messing with Courtney from when she tried to make her jealous with Alex, and Gene got jealous yeah but not for Courtney exactly XD
I LOVE "Roller? I Hardly Know Her!" I pray for another episode like that one every day 🛐
This is barely an homage to my first work that I ever posted here, the one who started it all. You know which one Im talking about 😉
Oh and by the way the party is in Courtney's house cause I wanted a pink room and Gene's room is not pink and I could swear we have never seen Courtney's room so I could lie and say is pink. And heavily inspired in Tina's room, I think both girls are very into pink and boys so it makes sense. I wish I had added more musical things but I was struggling so here it is. End of the room chat.
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glittertrail · 12 days
pasa link de ese space de tarot girlies please i'll take anything rn 🤲
aquí va (comienzan a leer las cartas cuando van por 1h y 12 minutos)
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lix-starshine7 · 4 months
Un murciélago :o
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skalqjqjahaja · 4 months
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(Plus por originalidad vvs 🤗)
Este blog va a tratar sobre algunos puntos super importantes que consideramos en conjunto las personas que trabajamos aquí, para poder lograr tener una pijamada cálida, agradable, de sana convivencia y sobre todo divertida.
-Decoración de pastelillos
-Historias terroríficas
-Pelea de almohadas
-Video de muestra
Paso a paso por su querida amiga Barbie🫶🏻
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Paso 1
-Decoración de pastelillos:
La manera perfecta de poder hacer que una pijamada funcione, y mantenga toda la noche la #positivevibe es definitivamente el azucar!
Los pastelillos son opcionales comprarlos, también pueden añadir mas diversión horneandolos en casa con sus amig@a. La decoración es libre, pero aqui te dejamos algunos ejemplos :
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Paso 2
-Historias terroríficas:
Otra forma de animar y darle otro giro terrorífico, son las historias de miedo.
Siempre hay leyendas de miedo, o anécdotas paranormales para compartir con amigos. No olviden las linternas y las sábanas calientes!
Aqui te dejamos las mejores historias que nos encantan para compartir 🥰
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Paso 3
-Pelea de almohadas:
Nunca puede faltar la buena diversión… Y que mejor hacerlo con una buena pelea de almohadas entre amigas!
-Trata de que las almohadas sean suaves, para evitar accidentes
-Hagan equipos, tomando en cuenta las habilidades de todas (fuerza, destreza y velocidad)
-No sobre pasar los limites de las demás.
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Aquí les dejamos un video donde mostramos las actividades chicas!
@barbie_gg_ez_77.skibiditoilet puso:
Hola mis guapuritas, estamos aquí en un blog mas, esta vez de algunos tips de su servilleta.
Espero les haya gustado, recuerden seguirme para mas!🥰😻🥳💖👄❤️
@raquel.queen.777 puso:
Asco tu programa, amiga. 🙄
La pijamada perfecta según Barbie ©
(Prohibida su venta para cualquier uso externo, leer los términos y condiciones, se aplican restricciones)
-Keila Ivanna Arellano Becerra (Raquel)
-Jessica Janeth Delgado Rivera (Barbie)
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galesinterlude · 2 years
😴 para que mi personaje le cuente lo último que soñó al tuyo.
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luego de un ratito en silencio, dando tiempo a ambas para espabilar un poco, se gira para voltear a ver a su amiga y asegurarse de que la escucha. "soñé que estábamos de vacaciones en un bonito viñedo en francia," su voz aún se escucha un poco enronquecida, pero sonrisita parece aún encantada por la idea. a veces, solo a veces, quiere ponerle pausa a la vida tan acelerada de la ciudad. esmeraldas buscan el sitio vacío de iris y cierra un momento los ojos, exhalando despacio por la nariz. "odio cuando iris tiene photoshoots tan temprano," de otro modo, estaría ahí fantaseando vacaciones junto a ellas. "¿tú soñaste algo lindo?" busca entonces su mirada, expectante. @hazcls
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steal-content · 2 years
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Te quedaaaas × × × #memes😂 #memepage #memesenespañol #xd #fyp #memesdaily #momazos #gato #pijamada #shitpostingespañol #shitpost #shitposting #craso #foryou #memeschile #foryoupage #edadmedía #fypシ #medieval #memeschilenos #chilememes #instachile #wc #memestagram #talcamemes #dankmemes #cat https://www.instagram.com/p/CoHvIzrupMS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aricastmblr · 2 years
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juantinarchive · 5 months
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📸: ireegleez
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misguidedleaves · 1 year
las chicas when they have sleepovers with their friends and get to sleep hugging them, feeling the safest, with the knowledge that everything is fine in those moments, and that they love each other
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caracoloco · 1 year
I dont care what anyone says kabru would listen to Dr psiquiatra 😤😤
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covenofprince · 2 years
@lvvckys said : " ¿quieres que me quede contigo? "
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"¿lo dices en serio?" no evita que sonrisita se cuele entre sus mejillas. la compañía le viene de maravilla porque justo ese día leaf duerme en lo de su madre, y se nota que el rostro se le ilumina con la propuesta. "—— ¿no tienes nada mejor que hacer?" inquiere ahora preocupado, pues no quiere cortar sus planes solamente porque él no quiere quedarse solo ese día.
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pikcchu · 2 years
🏷️ 𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟 & 𝒔𝒂𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒂 ⸝ @tvngeriine .
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' en tu ausencia entré en crisis y casi hago demasiados gastos de los que me habría arrepentido ' le comenta, mientras sirve frente a ella un poco de la comida que ha pedido para recibirla. ' no deberías irte tan seguido ' añade, sin hablar cien por ciento en serio. duda que ausencia contraria haya tenido mucho que ver con su pequeño instante de impulsividad, aunque es cierto que la ha extrañado en ese pequeño tiempo. ' ¿cómo la pasaste en tu luna de miel? ' busca detalles de las vacaciones contrarias, mientras se acomoda junto a ella, ocupando otra de las sillas de la cocina.
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diejager · 9 months
I'm back with my guilty taste (not so guilty actually) stepdad! König and dbf! Horangi....I like to swim in deep and dangerous waters. I'm sorry.
¡Sí, padrastro! König hierve crudo cuando salimos con Horangi sin él... Lo puedo adivinar. Tenemos una pijamada/fiesta con un amigo, que realmente lo es, con el consentimiento de nuestra madre. Ella conoce a nuestro amigo, confía plenamente en él, sin ningún motivo para decir que no a querer pasar la noche en su casa. Incluso admite que con nuestro regreso haríamos una linda pareja, en comparación con König y Horangi.
I leave the idea there.
(Tiemblo de sólo imaginarlo, ¡Dam! No puedo tener suficiente, ayuda)
I’m gonna be honest with you, I had to use google translate for this and the translations were uh… going left and right, but I think I understood the gist of it. cw: NON-CON/DUB-CON, DARKFIC, STEPCEST, rough sex, manhandling, creampie, p in v, unprotected sex, dacryphilia, blood kink, marking kink, wound, jealous stepdad!könig, tell me if I missed any.
König saw red when he heard that you were sleeping at a friend’s house, a boy’s house at that. Childhood friends, your mother told him, growing up together and having shared the same class until college when you went your separate ways while still keeping in touch since he lived right across the streets.
He knew the boy, he’d seen Kevin wave at your mother and you when he saw you, strutting up for a quick conversation; he’d heard Kevin talk to you on the phone and saw the smile growing on your lips and that bubbly laugh he wanted to own; and he’d seen you hang out with Kevin, waving him goodbye from your doorstep.
His blood boiled the whole night, making dinner with his wife awkward and his bedroom more heated, fucking up your mother with rough and mean sex, taking out a part of wrath on her until he had his hands on you.
He kissed his wife goodbye that morning, watching her limp out to her car and hiss as she sat down, but he didn’t feel guilty, anger still simmering under his skin. He waited for you in the living room, seating in the recliner that faced the door with his arms crossed and face scrunched up.
The moment he heard the knob turn, he surged forward, gripping you by the wrist and pulling you to your room, over the stairs and down the hall, shutting the door behind him loudly. He tore through the your clothes, ripping your panties with a shift of a hand and had you spread open for him. He was less than lenient with you, spitting on your hole and fingering you roughly, thick fingers pumping in and out of you and rolling your clit with his thumb.
He only did the minimum, stretching you out slightly so that you could feel every inch of him when he pushed in, wanting to hear whine and cry as he fucked you. He wasn’t teasing or playful like he usually was, in his haze of anger and jealousy, König was rough, domineering and mean. He split you in half on his cock, pounding into you with loud and hard thrusts, his balls slapping loudly against your slick-coated ass.
He had you folded in two, legs pressed to your chest, feet hanging off his shoulders as he towered you, his shadow looming menacingly over you. He bent forward, lips wrapping around your neck and shoulders, teeth biting into your skin, digging into your supple flesh and bleeding it, rivulets of ichor rolled down your fresh bite. He hissed and growled, spitting degrading insults, names, in your ear, relishing in the tears that fell from your lashes, sweet and salty drops that he lapped up with a bloody tongue.
He fucked you until he grew oversensitive, the leaky tip gushing ropes of cum inside you and his blood pumping through his bulging veins. He shuddered every time he came, watching your stomach bloat with his cock and cum, your pleasure painting a thick, white ring around the base of his shaft. Your room smelled of sex and sweat, your near unconscious form laying limp on the bed, fingers still grasping onto the sheets and legs spread over his elbow, eyes zoned to your heat.
“No more sleepovers, understood, Schatz?” Your stepfather growled, hand tilting your chin up to stare into his red-rimmed eyes.
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @havoc973 @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @dont-mind-me-just-existing-sadly @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @kaelysia @notspiders @velvetsoulweaver @petwifed @aldis-nuts @randominstake
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