#pierto maximoff x yn
Matching costumes
This is my first ever fanfic I’ve written 🙃 so I hope it’s ok. Let me know how I did and how I can improve ! :)). Also I have not proofread this so um yea 👍👍
Summary: Y/n and pierto have been dating for two months, but what happened when they get matching costumes and pierto can’t help but say those three words.
“Piet”? “I have something for us”! You shouted into his room
You and pierto had been dating for two months and it was a week away from Halloween. You decided you would get a matching costume for your newly formed relationship.
You walked up to pierto smiling, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.
“I see bags y/n, what did you buy this time”? Pierto smirked at you.
You opened the bags to reveal two costumes. “Halloween costumes!” “What do you think babe ?” You had bought costumes from the move, hotel Transylvania. You had a black dress with striped socks for yourself, and for pierto, you had gotten him khaki shorts with a yellow shirt. You guys watched hotel Transylvania on your first date and you thought it was perfect to dress up as the cute couple, mavis and Johnny.
Pierto laughed and looked back up to you, “printesa, did you really pick the costumes from our first date”? “I love it”, pierto smiled at you
“Good cause you had no other choice,” you winked at him. “Now let’s get ready for Tony’s Halloween party, make sure to get every detail in !” You shouted as you left his room
Pierto shook his head at you with a smirk and you walked out. It was time for him to change.
You were almost done getting ready. You just needed your black lipstick to go with mavis’s look. Including the vampire teeth. You looked at yourself one last time and headed to the party. You texted pierto that you would meet him down there while you would meet up with Wanda.
Pierto texted you back saying that he was almost ready. He was still struggling to spray paint his hair brown. At least he got everything else right.
Once pierto was done, he made sure the silver in his hair was replaced by a brown bright color. He put on his backpack to finish the “Johnny look” and texted you that he was headed downstairs to the party.
As the party was getting more crowded, you began to drink and dance with Wanda. You guys were jumping to the music and having fun.
Pierto started walking down the stairs and came into view of you and his sister laughing your asses off whole dancing to the music. You guys looked hilarious and pierto smiled at this.
Pierto went up to you guys laughing, he looked at you and said,”You look cute dancing like no one’s watching yea?” You blushed as he said this but gave him a hug.
Wanda said hi to her brother as she asked to take a picture of you guys with your costumes on. You guys looked so cute matching, she wanted to save this moment.
“Alright now smile guys”! Wanda took the picture as she left to go find vision. You took pierto by surprised and grabbed his hand pulling him to go dance.
Pierto couldn’t hold back the smile that he had, looking at you while you danced your heart out. Pierto started dancing with you to the groove of the music. You started twirling around giggling as pierto looked up at you.
Without him thinking, he said something he couldn’t even control at the moment. You looked so happy he jsut had to say it.
“You’re so cute y/n!” Pierto laughed. “I love you.” Pierto stopped dancing in shock as he realized what he had said.
You stopped dancing in shock, you couldn’t believe what he had just said. You guys had only been dating for two months, neither one of you had said those words yet. You froze, you didn’t know what to do.
Pierto looked at you with fear in his eyes, afraid he might’ve messed up. “Y/n, I didn’t mean it, it’s just the dancing got to me and I wasn’t thinking-“
You grabbed his face, giving him a loving kiss. You didn’t break away from the kiss until you guys needed to breath. You smiled at pierto,” I love you too piet”. You blushed
Pierto just stood and blushed realizing that you were also in love with him. He leaned in for another kiss and as you guys separated, he leaned his forehead against yours smiling.
“I’ve been wanting to say that for a while now, I was just afraid to get hurt.” “Piet, I could never hurt you,” you said softly. He smiled contentedly as he spun you around. He started to dance again but even more happier than before. Almost like dancing for joy. You joined him and realized, this would be the man you would be with for the rest of your life.
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