#pierrot la Lune
petitmonsieur1 · 1 year
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Pierrot the moon
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cla-oh · 4 days
🎵My Little Pierrot🎵
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I was inspired by "Au Clair de la Lune", a little french lullaby.
It's differents from what I'm used to draw, but I think it turns out great!✨
I also discover a passion from Pierrots and Clowns from 19s century, so I draw them everywhere
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zahra-rose · 10 months
« A ceux qui font sourire on ne dit pas merci.
Je sais, oui, mais ça ne fait rien ! Sois ignoré !
Va donc, laisse la gloire à ceux qui font pleurer.
Je sais bien qu'on dit d'eux qu'ils sont « les Grands Artistes »...
Tant pis ! Ne sois pas honoré !
On n'honore jamais que les gens qui sont tristes !
Sois un paillasse, un pitre, un pantin que t'importes…
Fais rire le public, dissipe son ennui et s'il te méprise et t'oublie…
Va, laisse-le, ça ne fait rien
On se souvient toujours si mal de ceux qui vous ont fait du bien ! »
- Deburau (1951), Sacha Guitry
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philippejalbert · 1 year
Au clair de la lune 🌛 Petite berceuse pour bébé
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cameronspecial · 5 months
dad!drew , coming home from the hospital after giving birth and bring the baby home , and the first night with the baby !
Their Own Little Party
Pairing: Dad!Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.6K
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“You know you could’ve driven faster,” Y/N comments, tossing the strap of the diaper bag over her shoulder. Drew peeks into the car seat where his sleeping daughter is and smiles. He unbuckles the seat, taking her out gently. His head moves like a dog shaking off water, “Are you crazy? I had two precious cargoes in the back. I wasn’t going to go any faster than that.” She giggles and goes to his side. “I feel like you could’ve done that without driving so slow. I mean, Baby, even that little old lady flipped you off,” she notes, opening the front door for him and switching the lights on. He sets the car seat down and drops to the floor to start taking Mila out of her car seat, “She was mean.” Y/N watches as he picks up their daughter. “This is your home, Pumpkin. We are now in the front entryway, where I’m going to teach you how to tie your shoes and put on your jacket in that funny way kids do,” he whispers the next part. “After I figure out how to do that.” “Are you going to do this for every room?” she questions. Y/N finds it adorable, but giving birth and worrying about being a mom has really drained her. All she wants to do is get to bed and she knows Drew is going to take forever with his tour. He can read her like fortune-telling tea, “Why don’t you go sleep? I can handle putting her to bed tonight.” 
“Really? But we need to parent together and this is her first day home.”
“I’m not going to stop you from missing out on this milestone if you want to help. However, I hope you know that even though she is only a few days old, I do feel like we are doing this parenting thing together. We don’t need to do everything together for us to be doing this together. Sometimes we’ll just need to take turns.”
It would be nice to go through this milestone with Mila, except Y/N has already gone through a nighttime routine with Mila during their time at the hospital and she would much rather sleep than experience the same routine in a new setting. Relief spreads across her and she steps onto her tippy toes to kiss him. “Thank you so much, I love you.”
Crying comes from the baby monitor and Y/N is about to get up to care for the child in need, yet the wails stop and this gets her running out of the room. She hears the floorboards creak and a male voice she recognizes comes from Mila’s room.
"Au clair de la lune,
Mon ami Pierrot,
Prête-moi ta plume
Pour écrire un mot.”
She peeks into the room to find Drew holding Mila, who is only wearing a diaper, against his bare chest. He is quietly singing into her ear and swaying in the spot where he stands. Y/N steps forward, the floorboard announcing her entrance. He freezes and turns towards his wife. “Hey, you should be asleep,” he whispers, walking close to her. She wraps her arms around his waist from the front and nuzzles her head beside Mila’s, “I was and then this little one got fussy. It seems like I was missing the party though. I must say that it is very rude of you not to invite me.” He chuckles. “I’m sorry, your invitation must have gotten lost in the mail,” he jokes. The two of them don’t exchange any other words; instead, they spend the night cuddling in their own little party with their little family. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura
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pompadourpink · 11 days
With respect to the earlier post of hot french actors please share some hot french movies/tv shows. Or simply some good shows and movies to watch
Hot movies:
Yves Saint-Laurent (by Jalil Lespert)
La baie des anges
La collectionneuse
La vie d'Adèle
8 femmes
Le mépris
Et Dieu créa la femme
La piscine
Belle de jour
La folie des grandeurs (in a romantic way)
Un été brûlant
Une femme de ménage
Trois coeurs
Swimming pool
Good movies:
Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain
Le scaphandre et le papillon
La jetée
Joli Mai
Pierrot le fou
A bout de souffle
Mon oncle
Les 400 coups
Le voyage dans la lune
Les enfants du paradis
Le samouraï
Cléo de 5 à 7
La boum 1 + 2
Peau d'âne
Le Magnifique
L'homme de Rio
Le rayon vert
De rouille et d'os
La haine
Le grand bleu (weirdly sexy)
La grande vadrouille
Le grand blond
Les tontons flingueurs
L'année dernière à Marienbad
Ciao pantin
120 battements par minute
La classe américaine
Les demoiselles de Rochefort
Les parapluies de Cherbourg
Notre Dame de Paris
Les rivières pourpres
Les diaboliques
L'assassin habite au 21
And many more! La folie des grandeurs has been my favourite French movie since primary school so I would add it to the second list - must-watch if you're the "most ardently" type.
(I can't help with shows, I haven't seen many French ones!)
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memoriae-lectoris · 26 days
The agent of change was, to begin with, a humble strip of waxed paper from the year 1860. Scratched on the paper is the voice of a woman singing the French folk song ‘Au clair de la lune, mon ami Pierrot’. Made on 9 April 1860, it is the oldest surviving evidence of the technology of recording, pre-dating Thomas Edison declaiming ‘Mary had a little lamb’ on his tinfoil phonograph by seventeen years, and making the man who created it, Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville, the true inventor of the new technology.
Scott de Martinville had patented his machine, the phonautograph, in 1857. It worked by making impressions on the paper, which had been blackened by an oil lamp, using a stylus that vibrated when someone sang or spoke into a large barrel-shaped horn. But Scott de Martinville had no way of playing the recording back: running a stylus back over the indentations in the paper would destroy them. The paper rolls with his recordings were stored with his patent instructions at the Academy of Sciences at the French Institute, silent as the grave, until 2008, when a group of American audio historians and engineers used digital scanning technology to convert the markings back into sound. The French folk singer of 1860, miraculously, sang again.
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¿Y quién dice que es triste Pierrot? Usted y yo estamos sentados uno al lado del otro, ni siquiera hemos cuidado para protegerse de los copos de nieve, confeti eran suaves sobre la piel, que parecía tan frío, pero sin duda, muchos menos de los besos que intercambiamos en el marco de la sala vieja, querida. "... Au claire de la lune, Pierrot mon petit ...". El carnaval era la alegría de los participantes no era comparable a la nuestra, era mucho más pequeño que un cilantro, muy similar a las máscaras. El enrojecimiento de la cara, no era por el frío, pero la emoción del amor y se separó el polvo blanco, así que nos levantamos al amanecer para llorar de la risa alegre deseo de amor. Nos despertamos un silencio antinatural, sólo la melodía más hermosa del carnaval se la llevó con él: la de nuestros corazones latiendo juntos.
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l8news · 7 months
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McAnime: McDonald's adoptará la identidad "WcDonalds" (que sale en varias series de anime como parodia de McDonalds) para lanzar:
Una "Salsa WcDonald's" de sabor picante para nuggets.
Varios empaques de comida con el logo de WcDonalds.
4 capítulos de manga con un "elenco de clientes y empleados de WcDonalds" creados por el ilustrador japonés Acky Bright.
4 cortos de anime creados por Studio Pierrot, el estudio japonés que produjo series como Naruto, Bleach, y Tokyo Mew Mew.
Según un comunicado de prensa, WcDonalds estará disponible "en más de 30 mercados globales" a partir el 26 de febrero de 2024. Tanto los cortos de anime como el manga serán lanzados en el portal WcDonalds.com cada lunes del 26 de febrero al 18 de marzo. [x, x]
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rayondelun3 · 1 year
Au clair de la Lune
J'n'ai jamais vu Pierrot
Je lui laisse sa plume
Je me demande ce qu'il écrit
De beau
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charlyfuk444 · 1 year
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pierrot la lune
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leylayilmazx · 1 year
“Au clair de la Lune, Mon ami Pierrot, Prête-moi ta plume, Pour écrire un mot.” Leyla sang as she walked into the home tagging along the twins and Antoine. They’d all been for a long walk and play in the park, and the girls decided she needed to learn a French child's song. Even though Leyla had very little idea as to what she was singing, she enjoyed learning (even if Olivia tremendously made fun of her whilst Chloé was trying to be supportive.). After all, Antoine was going to need to know all sides of his heritage. 
“Hey!” She said, as she finally reached Lisette. “Sorry we’re a bit late. We stopped for some food on the way because we got tired after the running about.” Picnic was a good idea until it wasn’t.
As she took off her shoes, and made sure Antoine was still asleep, she made her way to the woman, kissing her on the cheek. “You mind if I get a glass of water before I move along?” 
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ugocentrique · 14 days
Pierrot, la légende
Au clair de la lune, mon ami Pierrot. Rien n’aurait pu me prédestiner à cette rencontre et pourtant, j’ai rencontré Pierrot. Je suppose qu’on a tous rencontré un Pierrot, mais laissez moi vous conter l’histoire de mon Pierrot. Pierrot je l’ai croisé dans le milieu ostréicole, et à la seconde où j’ai croisé son regard, j’ai su. Solide et vieux gaillard avoisinant la soixantaine, un véritable…
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iconauta · 8 months
A Moonlight Serenade (1904) Georges Méliès
A Moonlight Serenade (French original title: Au clair de la Lune ou Pierrot Malheureux) is a 1903 film by Georges Méliès starring André Deed. It is film number 538-539 in the Star Film catalog .
At night, in the courtyard of a house, Pierrot (André Deed) begins his serenade. Out of the dwelling comes a nobleman, angry because he is awakened by the music, threatens Pierrot by ordering him to stop, then re-enters the building. Left alone, Pierrot falls asleep near a low wall and begins to dream. Clouds in the sky let appear gigantic moon on whose sickle comfortably lies a beautiful maiden. To this Pierrot decides to dedicate his serenade and resumes strumming his little guitar, the exasperated landlord bursts into the courtyard and with two of his servants attempts to capture the inappropriate Pierrot who, however, manages to escape to the moon in the arms of the beautiful maiden. Suddenly the moon turns into a giant eye before disappearing into the black sky. The master of the house, locked out, knocks to be opened, but his servants do not recognize him and beat him to a pulp.
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phylax999 · 9 months
Salut à toi, mon Pierrot, je rentre sans frapper,
Merci pour les cadeaux, ma chandelle est éclairée,
La Lune, tout là-haut est illuminée,
Le ciel est si beau, quand l'hiver est enchanté ;
Je te porte avec foi, viens près de mon cœur,
C'est vrai qu'avec joie, la vie est meilleure ;
Je peux être le roi ou le serviteur,
Dès lors que j'en fais le choix, c'est mon bonheur ;
Pour l'Amour de Dieu, prends soin de toi, Pierrot,
Illumine de mille feux, incarne ton héros,
Moi, je suis amoureux de ce qui est chaud,
Le Soleil est mon vœu, et l'Amour est mon sceau.
Romain Borlet
- Brys, Enfant de l'Univers -
Poésie : Au clair de la Lune.
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nosoulsheresorry · 10 months
hernia or hospital songs.
i dont know if we were permanent residents when i got my hernia.
but i know a doctor was pushing down on my abdomen and asking me if it hurt. and it felt like a quiz, like i had to get the right answer. and i just didnt know when to say yes because he was pushing pretty hard, i mean all of it hurt, sir. yes there and there and there too and also there and then, well, and then i knew i fully knew. it hurt a lot. i remember lying to my mom just to have an explanation as to why i had a bump and now we knew, i was lying. because it hurt!
and then the anesthesiologist asked me if i knew au clair de la lune. i did not.
au clair de la lune
mon ami pierrot
prete moi ta plume
pour ecrire un mot
ma chandelle est morte
je nai plus de feu
ouvre moi ta porte
pour lamour du dieu
au clair de la lune
pierrot repondit
je nai pas ta plume
je suis dans mon lit
va chez la voisine
je crois quelle y est
car sa cuisine
on bat le briquet
au clair de la lune
laimable lubin
frappe chez la brune
elle repond soudain
-qui frappe de la sorte?
il dit a son tour
-ouvrez votre porte
pour le dieu damour
au clair de la lune
on ny voit quun peu
on chercha la plume
on chercha le feu
en cherchant dla sorte
je nsais cquon trouva
mais je sais qula porte
sur eux ferma
its nice to know that my hospital song is a euphemism, a fun little double entendre.
i remember first hearing it again in kindergarten. recognized it instantly. finally learned my own hospital song.
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