#pieck x porco if you squint
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lluvrss · 21 days ago
sometimes i like to think that when porco galliard was a child he had an interest in cameras or watches
as a child he always sees portraits maybe of marleyan officials or nobles & imagines what it would be like to be in their place.
maybe when he sees a camera for the first time instantly capture a moment in full detail— he becomes obsessed
he wants one of his own but he knows that eldians are rarely allowed such things. he doesnt tell his parents who focus/project so much onto him becoming a warrior so he fixates on it in private.
like sometimes he sees a beautiful sunset or maybe a moment where the sun hits pieck just right & he wants to capture it & stay in it forever, or at least have something to remember her by when her time is up
or maybe watches where his grandpa would tell him & marcel old stories about war & where he got the watch & what it meant to him back then, what it still does.
it inspires porco so much to do better as a child striving for the title of ‘honorary marleyans.’ he wants to know how it works, how it truly tells time & how to make one.
and when he glances at a clock or a general’s watch he’s reminded of his grandfather, his parents who still mourn marcel, who don’t tell him they’re so obviously disappointed in him for not being granted a titan.
when he sees either one, he’s reminded of the life he’s always secretly dreamed about. the life he dedicated himself into achieving for his brother & family, and the life he will never have.
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amywritesthings · 1 year ago
gingerbread sweet. / a reiner holiday ficlet
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pairing: reiner braun x f!reader ( attack on titan / shingeki no kyojin ) word count: 1.1k summary: It's the Titan frat's annual gingerbread house competition. Your boyfriend, Reiner Braun, is determined to win. You, however, are determined to distract.
tags: modern au - university, holiday fluff, gingerbread houses, all the marleyans are in a frat bc i said so, devoted boyfriend!reiner, light sexual tension credit: dividers by @saradika
welcome to the eleventh day of the twelve days of amymas !!
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“Does the door look crooked to you?”
"The what?"
"The door. Look at it."
There’s nothing more amusing than watching your hulk of a boyfriend crouch over a tiny gingerbread house.
Reiner Braun squints as he presses a gumdrop to the front — circular windows make it modern, or so he claims — then pauses.
Distracted by a very minor detail, you can already feel his anxiety running his brain a mile a minute: a lopsided door may deduct a few points from Marcel's arbitrary points system from this very arbitrary holiday competition.
Because he's absolutely fucking determined to win.
Granted, the bragging rights are his, but the grand prize will not be — Reiner, of course, rarely rides this hard for something he wants.
No, he’s too willing to put everyone else's wants and needs above his own.
So the grand prize of the Titan fraternity annual gingerbread house competition is going to go to you, hell or high water.
He’s going to win you that goddamn spa day gift card that Marcel has been dangling as a sweet little incentive no matter how long it takes him to mold this gingerbread house into his image.
"I think it looks straight."
The tip of his pink tongue pokes out a little from his pressed lips as he leans in closer. "...I trust your eye more than mine."
The blonde sits up to fish for the green icing piping bag. He's gentle with the way he eases the icing along the edges of the tiny confectionary door.
(An icing wreath, like this couldn't be anymore adorable.)
“Reiner?” you coo.
“Yeah, babe.”
Flat. He’s in the zone.
“You know you don’t have to slave over this thing, right?”
You scoot your chair closer to his, dropping your temple to his large tricep.
“I can buy my own spa day card.”
“False,” he corrects. “I’ll buy you the spa day card myself, but if I gotta cheat Porco out of winning for the third year in a row. Pieck’s gone at least five times on our dime.”
"When were the other two times?" you ask, not correlating the math.
"Well, our freshman year," Reiner begins, using the green icing to make little bushes at the foundation of the house, "we did a Valentine's day relay race that ended up with Bert in urgent care with a broken nose. Then, the one-and-only pool party chicken fight tournament — Pieck and Porco fought dirty."
"Is that why it was the one and only?"
"Yeah. Bert got another bloody nose, but that time from Annie going a little too hard."
He snorts.
"We had to save him from becoming the next Owen Wilson, so — no more chicken tournaments."
Titan frat is… well, excessively competitive, you've learned in your year or so of dating Reiner.
(Blame Porco and the new pledge, Eren Yeager, for only exasperating in this year with the month-long holiday challenges.)
You shrug a shoulder. “I could help.”
“And mess up your pretty nails?” Reiner shakes his head, glancing briefly through his peripheral vision. He smirks. “Ain’t no way.”
Reiner’s also very giving, during this season — in more ways than one.
First it was the fully-paid-for manicure yesterday.
Then it was the reservation for a Christmas Eve dinner to your favorite spot in the inner city.
Now he’s trying to win Marcel's approval in this ridiculous decorating contest in your name, and you feel… well, loved.
(There's no disputing that you've won the boyfriend lottery.)
Which, of course, means you have only one thing you can do in this situation.
He’s too wound up.
So you reach down to the pile of icing supplies strewn about, picking the small red accented tube.
You swipe some on the tip of your finger, mindful not to get it under your nails.
Reiner doesn’t even see it happening.
He’s too busy playing fixer-upper on the front side of the house, his too-big hands delicately toying with the too-small decorations he’s pasting on the cookie.
You wait a few seconds, letting him place the door where he wishes, before swiping the icing over the side of his neck.
Reiner tenses, turning to see what the hell just hit his neck, but he’s too late—
You’re already leaning in, sliding the tip of your tongue along his skin.
The man gasps, dropping his own piping bag to the supply assortment below.
“What are you—”
“Decorating,” you murmur nonsensically, grinning from ear to ear as his attention disappears completely from the gingerbread house to you.
“The guys are in the other room,” he rasps, eyes wide.
The pledges, he means — banished to the enclosed patio as they work on their own poorly-designed houses.
Through the last year while dating Reiner,  you’ve learned very quickly how sensitive he is.
Sometimes all it takes is a look to get him hard.
Your ego has never recovered, and it’s not deflating now.
Except his eyes soften and a gentle chuckle exits his throat when his golden eyes search your face.
“Wait, you got—”
His hand gently cradles your jaw. 
“Hold still, baby.”
His thumb raises to swipe at your nose, where his smile only grows.
You stay still, obedient to his command, unable to stop looking at him.
God, he’s gorgeous.
He’s so fucking gor—
Something touches your lips, and you belatedly realize Reiner’s taken it upon himself to push the red icing along the seam of your lips, parting them easily.
You can taste the sugary sweetness on the tip of your tongue.
“Shit, sorry." When your brows knit in confusion, Reiner explains himself. "Seems like I missed a spot.”
His pupils dilate as his gaze drops to your lips, as if he’s ready to devour your whole.
Your entire body turns into flames.
“Just one spot?” you murmur, and a wicked smirk crawls to his mouth.
That same thumb drops to glide the remaining icing over your chin.
“I fear it's a couple of spots, but don't worry. I'll get you cleaned up.” He tilts his chin. “I take care of my girl, remember?”
(As if you could ever forget.)
His words get your blood pumping. Pledges and wandering eyes be damned.
“What about the gingerbread house?” you murmur, entranced by the way he continues absently swiping icing over your jaw, chin, and cheeks.
(Marking a trail his lips will devour.)
“We can bring the icing upstairs,” Reiner suggests with an innocent shrug. You know it’s anything but. “I’ll finish that damn house eventually, but I have something sweeter to tend to.”
Before you can say another word, the blonde stands from his chair and gently takes your hand into his.
You easily stand with him, unable to stop giggling as he tugs you eagerly upstairs.
He’s determined to win, yes, but to him —
He’s already won.
He has you, after all.
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kaigarax · 1 year ago
Everything I Could Never Say
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Porco Galliard x Reader
Quote: "Fall in love with someone you knew." & "Fall in love with someone that inspires you."
Someone You Loved: Featuring the Soldier
Porco Galliard had been acquainted with death all his life.
He’d never personally gotten very close to death but many of the most important people in his life had been taken away. Death was like a friend of a friend that you’ve never quite liked but never been able to leave behind. Though, Porco supposes that choosing a life in the military wasn’t the smartest choice if he hoped to avoid death.
From his brother Marcel who died when he was twelve during an accident to his best friend Pieck who died when he was twenty one during their first deployment. The countless soldiers he’s fought side by side with seemingly nothing but nameless faces in the wind.
And now, it seems, you.
Porco can’t help but feel awkward as he stands at the entrance. There’s a light drizzle in the sky yet it does nothing to cool the weather. It’s humid and Porco’s suit sticks to him. It also doesn't help that his arms and legs ache from the long flight. He’d been working out in hopes of getting the stress out but it seems as though his stress has come back full force in the shape of both mental and physical anguish.
Your parents had invited him to the service the day before but he hadn’t been able to get the time off. At least he’d be able to attend with everyone else. Actually, it’s quite fitting because while Porco had been close with you growing up he feels as though you’re almost a stranger now.
It’s a horrible thing to realize and even more devastating to think about yet seems almost fitting.
The woman standing at the counter greets him with a slight nod of her head as she asks for his name.
She hands Porco a badge and name tag.
It’s not his name that’s been written down.
Of course it was something like this. Something you would have loved. Not just would Porco not know anyone there but he wouldn’t be able to pretend to know them either. You always did seem to find amusement over stupid little things like this. But it was one of the things he loved about you.
The room’s larger than it looks. It’s white and round, with photos lined up across the walls. It looks more like an art exhibit than what it really is. But you would have liked it that way. In fact, Porco wouldn’t be all too surprised to hear that you planned this all out yourself.
The horrible ache in his arms and leg suddenly doesn't seem to bother him as much. The pain suddenly seems so little. So little compared to the aching in his chest.
He never realised how much he missed you.
It’s as though all those feelings he’d pushed down suddenly came rushing back and crashing down. The world around him is spinning and he can’t seem to catch his breath. He wants to run out but his feet don’t move. It’s hard to focus his eyes and he has to squint to look at the photo in front of him.
The man in the frame looks deeply concentrated on something in front of him. The camera’s capture him from his profile and highlights the ginamours background behind him. The spotlights seemed to have all turned to point at him, as if saying that ‘here is the main character. Watch him succeed’. Porco thinks that he can almost hear the cheers and feel the anticipation of the crowd as they wait for something incredible to happen.
You chose not the moment before or after but right then, before the world comes crashing down. Like the deep breath right before a storm. The words ‘with baited breath we await the storm’ are engraved at the bottom.
It’s… a nice photo.
Porco wonders if there’s one of him too.
What you might have written down for him.
His erratic heart seems to find some calm in the photos you’ve left behind. No, he thinks, they aren’t photos but rather art. The blood, sweat and tears that you gave in hopes of leaving something greater than you behind. The pieces of you that would forever stay here in the world of the living. Did you regret leaving something as amazing as this behind? Did you regret leaving-
The photo of him surprises him. Porco remembers the day you took that very one. He remembers how you pestered him for the entirety of the day in hopes that he would go with you to see the fireworks. How excited you were because your parents had finally gotten you the camera you had been begging for.
You had wanted to take a photo of the starry sky and light show.
And Porco had been in such a bad mood that day.
He’d been upset about something stupid his brother had done and wouldn’t do anything productive until Marcel apologised. Of course Marcel never apologised and you had done almost everything you could to make him smile.
Actually, now that Porco thinks about it, he doesn't think you ever did see the fireworks that day. After taking that photo you had left, your cheeks flushed red.
Truthfully, Porco thinks he looks a little… cute. Of course he looks every bit of the snot-nosed brat but even brats can be adorable children.
The words ‘Take 574’ are plastered beneath its portrait.
He once told you that he believed there were exactly 574 stars in the sky. Of course, being an adult, Porco now knows that there are millions (if not billions) of stars in the sky but that number had been so large. One of the largest numbers he had been able to count up to back then. It’s funny to think how small the world seemed to the two of you.
Back when Porco thought that it would only always just be the two of you.
He used to think that that was how the world would always be. Him, you and everyone else.
It’s a shame that life did not allow it to progress the way he had hoped it would. Though, that’s likely mostly to the fault of him. He’s almost certain both yours and his lives would have been different if Porco had…
“You’re that boy from the earlier photos, the Soldier, aren’t you?”
Porco turns to see the Mentalist. A man with dual coloured hair split straight down the middle. You talked about him quite a bit in your letters. About his brilliant mind and how thrilled you were when he had chosen to take you under his wing.
Looking at him now, Porco isn’t all too sure why you were so enamoured with him. Sure, he has a flashy appearance but he doesn't seem to exude the same brilliance you spoke of. Perhaps it’s just perspective? Though Porco has always been rather biased when it comes to the Mentalist. Afterall, why would you need to be tutored by someone in a different profession?
“Yeah.” Porco gives the Mentalist a slight nod, “how’d you know? Most people are surprised when they learn it’s me in those photos.”
The Mentalist smiles, “you have the same eyes.”
Porco raises a brow.
“And the same expressions.” Adds a newcomer.
The pair turn to see a white haired man. Porco instantly recognizes him as the Athlete. He’s shorter than Porco would have expected. Average height for an average person but definitely short for a professional athlete. He has startling eyes, something akin to a bird, and a very loud voice.
Porco recognizes him, not because of his exotic features or fame but because of you. He was, afterall, your latest muse. Or rather… last muse.
The Mentalist turns to look at the newcomer, a curious look in his eyes, “the Athlete?”
The Athlete flushes, “I was never really a fan of that title.”
“Why so?’ Asks the Mentalist.
“Because it always felt so…” the Athlete trails off, looking into the distance towards a photo of you.
“Different from who you felt you were?” Suggest Porco.
“Yeah.” says the Athlete, his gaze still glued to your photo.
Porco eyes follow the Athlete’s. He’s surprised that they managed to find such a recent photo of you. Actually, he’s surprised they managed to find one of you at all. You always did prefer to be behind the lens. It captures that youthful glow Porco remembers you having. You don’t have dirt in your hair or the baby fat that lingered into your early teens, but you have all the same warmth and excitement.
“You know, those are the titles she picked for you,” the Mentalist smiles, though it doesn't reach his eyes, “I think she would have wanted you to look a little deeper into it.”
Porco snorts, “and what’s yours supposed to mean, Mentalist?”
“Well, I’m a magician, aren’t I? She was always very impressed by my extraordinary mental prowess.” The Mentalist smirks though Porco can see the sadness in his eyes, “though when she said it, she always meant eccentric. Considered calling it ‘the Mad Man’ at some point.”
Perhaps he had been too quick to judge him. Afterall, this man had chosen to go to your funeral and final exhibition. This man clearly, at one point, cared about you. This man, despite seeming to be everything Porco stands against, stands here trying to smile because he knows it’s what you would have wanted.
Porco tries his best to muster up a smile, “she wanted to call mine ‘the Brat.’”
The eyes of his two companions seem to fill up with laughter.
The Athlete eventually clears his throat, “did you two know her well?”
“Not as well as I’d like to.” Says the Mentalist.
“At one point,” Porco shrugs, “did you?”
“I’m not sure.” Answers the Athlete.
“Well you’re here so you must have meant something to her.” says Porco.
“And she must have meant something to you.” Adds the Mentalist.
Porco has always wondered what kind of person you turned out to be. The you he remembers is one who always chased after him. A clumsy girl that was scared of almost everything. Did you fall in love easily? Did you stand up for what you believed in? Until now, Porco never really realised how much uncertainty there was surrounding you.
Though, what he does know for certain is that you must have been brilliant. Why else would all these people have come for you?
“So, what’s ‘the Athlete’ supposed to mean?” Asks the Mentalist.
“Oh,” the Athlete flushes, “well it’s actually a bit of an inside joke, I think.”
The Mentalist turns his head to the side, “you think?”
“Well, she always talked about how she admired athletes. Talked about how she loved the way they ‘sparked’. Honestly, I’m surprised she chose me in the end.” There's a small smile that forms in the corner of the Athlete’s mouth, “I guess she couldn’t help but be impressed when she watched me play.”
Porco fights the urge to roll his eyes.
Not at the Athlete’s expense but yours.
Of course you have a type.
“Have any of you talked to the others?” Asks Porco.
“The others?” Questions the Athlete.
The Mentalist turns to look around the room, “the other Muses?”
“Oh,” says the Athlete, “no. Honestly I’m not really familiar with anyone else here. She never really spoke about the other… muses.” The word muse both sounds foreign from the Athlete’s mouth and feels foreign in Porco’s ears. “I’m basically a stranger to everyone else here. What about the two of you?”
“I’m in the same boat as you.” says Porco.
Then they both turn towards the Mentalist.
The Mentalist shrugs, “she always did like her distance.”
And Porco hates how true that statement seems to be and how deep it really sinks.
While the two of you had spent your developmental years together the other half of your life had been spent with you exploring the rest of the world while Porco slaved away in the army. Sure, the two of you exchanged letters but those could never be compared to the raw expressions and emotions that someone had whe face to face with another. A perfectly crafted collage of words and sentences that you’ve chosen to construct in order to create the perfect image that you know he would like to see.
Did he ever really know you at all?
Did either of these two?
Did any of these countless people?
Your distance had always been Porco’s least favourite thing about you. But distance seemed like such a little thing when compared to the vastness of everything else that made you, you. The distance was what made you, you.
The distance between you and Porco was one he could never quite bridge. So he could only ever love you from afar and wonder what it might be like to hear you call out his name. In the middle of a night after a nightmare; in the middle of the day for something mundane; in anger after the midst of an argument; and after the argument with remorse.
Fall in love with someone you knew.
Everything I Could Never Say
The first painting Porco has ever completed took three years from start to end. He’d always been interested in painting when he was young and dabbled in the art when he entered high school but wouldn’t truly indulge in the art until you left. All the time he’d spent with you would eventually become all the time he’d have to devote to his new hobbies.
For the longest time, the finished painting lay collecting dust in the back of his closet. He was never really pleased with the finished product but never truly found the heart to throw it away.
Eventually, the painting managed to make its way into the hands of an art collector. Porco’s mother had been having a yard sale and he had convinced his mother to throw the piece in with the other items. Someone clearly must have been impressed with the work because he’d soon find himself swept up in a whirlwind.
Now, the painting hangs up against a large white wall.
You’re standing at the edge of the doorframe, in the painting, a warm smile on your face. Your foot is out the door but your head is turned back as if waiting to hear one last message. As if waiting for one last thing. Your eyes are soft as you take everything in for the last time.
It’s Porco’s childhood home that he’s painted you in, recognizable with the ugly stain on the side of the door and messy rack of shoes that’s been pushed up against the wall.
Back then, Porco wanderers if you might have stayed in there just a moment longer if you had known it would be your last time ever seeing the place. And, if you had stayed a moment longer would those words at the tip of his tongue ever be said?
Would he have been able to utter that single word that lay at the tip of his tongue?
Even if you had stayed just a moment longer he knows he would have never said those words. He couldn’t. Not because he was afraid of the rejection but because he knew you would stay if he asked. That a single word from him was all that it would have taken to change the very course of your lives.
But you were never meant for such mundane things.
You were meant to see the world - and how could he be the reason why you’d never get to experience that? The world was meant to see you - and how could he deny the world someone as amazing as you?
‘I missed you.’
The second painting was made years after the first. Years after Porco had already mastered and perfected his craft.
He’d been going through a slump when he bumped into you. The both of you happened to be visiting your childhood homes at the same time when you stumbled into one another. Porco had been going for a morning run while you (as usual) were out with your camera. It was almost nostalgic.
You’d been so happy that you practically strong armed him into going to a breakfast joint with you.
So much more grown up then you had been before, yet still with that spark in your eyes. The same bright expression yet your smile seemed to hold so much more wisdom behind it. Ideas and phrases that he’d never imagined you’d say before.
So familiar, yet different.
And that’s where he paints you.
Somewhere in between the state of familiarity and unknown.
There, in the breakfast diner, with a tired smile. You’re resting your head on your arms as you tell stories about the life you’ve managed to live without him. And it feels so different from words on a page. It feels real yet imaginary at the same time.
The slump he’d been going through had seemingly evaporated as he got to work on that painting of you that very afternoon.
Seeing how much you’ve changed back them seemed to set something off in him. It was a good kind of change. One that shows you've grown a lot from the immature and young person you had been before. That life has changed you for the better. It’s the kind of change that everyone goes through at one point but something you never notice until the change has occurred beneath your noses and now you’re a different person.
You’re a different person. Changed. And that thought made Porco happy yet sad at the same time.
And those words lingering in the back of his mind stay. Not because he can’t bring himself to say them but because they only stand to make all the change that has happened seem more real. Seem so… less imaginary. He’s scared that sadness will become the forefront of his mind if he allows himself to utter those words. So he doesn't. So he didn’t.
‘Why not?’
Barely a week after Porco’s finished the second painting does he come up with the idea for this one. Refamiliarizing yourselves with one another is an easier process than Porco would have thought. You fit like puzzle pieces. At first he’d been scared that you’d be much too different but he supposes that he had always been quite the pessimist. It’s not as if distance could have changed someone so much. Or at least not someone like you.
Porco’s decided to invite you to the bar, seeing as how you seemed to be experiencing a slump similar to one that he had just the week before.
A fresh environment is always a good way to spark some inspiration - and there’s no harm in a few drinks here and there. Or at least that was what Porco thought before he actually brought you there.
You’re five drinks in with two hours of complaining.
Love has never come easily to most and you had certainly not been an expectation. And that difficulty had brought Porco a long list of complaints and woes about the various troubles you’ve found yourself with.
And it’s this tired and troubled expression that Porco decides to paint you with. It’s so different from the other wistful expressions Porco has made and so different from anything that he’s ever seen you with. It’s refreshing and reminds him that, like him, you’re still young and learning. That there’s also so much life that you have yet to live as well. Of course, there’s still a softness in your eyes.
There always will be, he thinks.
The bar in the background is buzzing with action and Porco tries his best to capture everything. The people dancing in the background, despite no music playing. The bartender swiftly attends to everyone there while the waitress seamlessly moves through the crowd.
And Porco, who has grown weary from listening to your complaints can only think about you. About how he still feels so strongly about you despite knowing that you’ve changed from the innocent and naive girl he knew before. He thinks about how your hand would feel if you were to just reach out and grab it.
He thinks you’d blush bashfully but wouldn’t pull away. Porco has always known of his affect on you and is happy to see that that hasn’t changed.
But he can’t bring himself to ask you to give him a chance. Like before the words just don’t seem to leave his mouth. He can’t see the benefits of risking what you already have for something uncertain. Especially if it doesn't work out.
‘You’re my inspiration.’
The fourth painting is created two weeks after the second and third.
Porco’s mother had heard you were in town and basically forced Porco to invite you to dinner before you head out for some other foreign country. You’d been commissioned by some famous singer to take photos of them for their next concert and you were never one to turn down such an exciting job.
You’d leave as early as next Monday but before that you would attend dinner with Porco and his parents.
The dinner was short and mostly filled with subtle hints from his mother that the two of you should get together. Parents always did that, didn’t they? Put their heads into a situation when they think that two individuals would fit together instead of trying to read the room and see why they aren’t. But Porco can blame his mother, not when she looks so happy talking to you.
Eventually, you head into this room (though it’s more like a studio) and see the first three paintings he’s made.
Porco would have thought you’d been weirded out if not a little uncomfortable but you were ecstatic. He daresay inspired. Thinking back on it he supposes that you, being an artist yourself, saw it more as a mutual and professional relationship rather than something romantic and personal.
You told him that he’d be able to make it professional. That his work would go on to be more popular than your own.
Then, for the first time in years, you ask him to take a photo.
Porco paints you with a bright smile. An excited one that resembles the ones you used to always have when you were young. You can’t see the top half of your face as you hold a camera up towards the viewers but anyone looking can tell that looking at him (or the viewer) with a warmth that’s reserved only for those that you hold in the highest regard.
Back then, Porco wondered if you thought about those paintings of his when you left. If you wondered about the other people he might have painted or the other things that might have inspired him.
If you knew that you inspired him.
He never found himself able to tell you that himself. It was simply… too embarrassing. Or at least back then it had been too embarrassing. Now he wonders how you might have reacted if you knew in the first place.
‘Would you like to dance?’
A year after your brief meeting in your hometown Porco receives an invitation to your latest showcase. It’s a traditional sort of galla in commemoration of your latest Muse, ‘The Dancer’. Porco doesn't know much about the dancer - just that you happened to meet them while photographing the wedding and were taken aback.
Porco had only decided to attend because the gala was being held close to where he happened to be staying.
And here is where he takes the inspiration for the fifth painting.
Everyone, including you, is wearing masks and beautiful flowing clothes. The women are in bright dresses and the men in warmly coloured tuxedos. The dress code had been formal but Porco hadn’t been expecting something like this. Porco had gone to the gala wearing a dark green suit, his military uniform.
He’s given strange looks but the only gaze that really matters is the one from you.
He paints you from the side as you stare off into the crowd. Your clothing is breezier and lighter than what the others around you are wearing and it matches the green Porco has decided to wear. You’re staring out onto the dance floor but all Porco can see is you.
Your hands are behind you back in the painting. As if you’re peacefully staring out at something scarene.
And here, Porco wonders if you want to head out onto the floor. He wonders if you’d take his hand and dance with him. Everyone here seems to be watching you with baited breath but they don’t seem to come any closer. A distance between you and everyone else.
Would you want to dance with him?
He wonders if you even know he’s there.
But you have always been like this. The kind of person to get so swept up into a single moment. Unaware of everything else around you.
Or course, Porco never does manage to ask you to dance. But how could he? Not while you were looking at someone else the way he looked at you.
‘I love you.’
The last painting of you is the last moment Porco had spent with you before everything had come crashing down. But it isn’t painted after that moment. It isn’t painted for years and years. It isn’t painted until then.
The canvas is a mixture of blacks and dark blues with a brilliant array of colourful stars.
You’re standing waist deep in water with you back to the audience staring up at the dark sky being filled with splashes and blurs of colour. Bright pinks, blues, yellows and greens. Momentary flashes of colour that have come to be known as fireworks. Porco tried his best to capture the awe and amazement despite not being able to see your face.
You dragged Porco to the late night carnevil to see the fireworks. The two of you had agreed to meet up a year before but Porco hadn’t been expecting to stay here this late into the night.
The two of you had somehow ended up falling into the water when the fireworks had begun.
It was a brilliant moment.
You loved the flash of colour in the sky.
Porco loved the flash of life he saw in your eyes.
And after that night Porco had planned on painting this picture of you immediately. But then… he got sick. And then life got in the way. One major mission and then another life event. And another day of rest would push it onto the next agenda and so fourth.
And it isn’t until he hears the horrible news that the world around him seems to slow.
No, his world had halted.
In all the pain and misery, Porco finally emerges with this piece of you. A cumulation of his blood, sweat and tears. A cumulation of everything he never managed to say. The three words that he wishes he could have at least told you once.
And it’s strange.
Back then, he’d never been able to say those words - and he doesn't think he ever would have even if things had been different. He’d have never been able to say those words because he knew that you never felt the same way that he had.
“Who is she?” Asks a young girl.
Porco thinks that she reminds him of you. Sure her appearance and clothing is different but she has that same wonderfilled and innocent smile you did when you were in the springtime of your youth. So bold and excited for the world that you’ve yet to meet.
And Porco smiles, “someone I loved.”
Fall in love with someone that inspires you.
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nectardaddy · 1 year ago
Thirteen Years [Porco Galliard x reader] 6
Present Day 
The early morning sun broke through the thin curtains that were placed over the window, shining through and hitting the young man's face. He scrunched his eyes, still closed, and repositioned himself by turning over, hoping to escape the rays that protruded though. The feeling was warm and inviting, although not much light had shone through, the sun gave a pleasant sensation to the man. Half awake, but his mind still clear he heard a small knock on his door. The knock was gentle, and waited for a response rather than barging in, it was quiet enough Porco believed he was dreaming it. Not yet awake, he stayed silent, until the knock was heard once more. He was pulled from his dream like state and let out a small groan, the one behind the knocking believing this was an invitation. 
A slightly disheveled, but wholesome, young woman stepped in and a small laugh left her lips. "All these years of getting up early and here you are asleep." She mused as her taller, blonde acquaintance stepped in after her, the door closing behind the two of them. 
"All these years of you two never leaving me alone is finally catching up to me," he mumbled before pulling his blanket closer to him. His voice was rough and low, having just woken up not on his own accord. 
The blonde man laughed, too loudly for Porco's liking at such an hour, "we even let you sleep in for two hours, it's 8 o'clock Porco. You'll ruin such a great day by staying in bed." Zeke's voice made him groan again, the statement making him think of what his father said to him over the years. But the younger blonde wanted nothing more than sleep to take him over once again, having been up most of the night. Much to his dismay, he felt himself becoming more and more awake as moments passed by. 
He opened his eyes, squinting at the sun beaming into his room. His features wore agitation, having been woken up earlier than we would've liked by his friends. "What do you want?" He asked, his voice still rough but not nearly as low as before. 
Zeke stifled a laugh at the young man before him, "you look like shit. More than you always do, that is, what the hell did you do last night?" He asked, now sitting on the end of his friend's bed, uninvited. Although dramatic, Zeke's observation wasn't entirely wrong; dark circles hung under his friend's eyes, his hair messy, and his shirt wrinkled and disheveled. He looked tired and unkept, something very out of the ordinary for Porco.
As if to add fuel to the fire that Zeke had already lit, Pieck piped up, "he was with (Y/n) last night. I saw them on the roof when I was heading home." The woman smiled gently, almost too caring for her own good; however, she knew what teasing she had started. "They looked quite cozy together," she added with a giggle. A small bit of payback for all the names he threw at her never hurt, especially knowing it would only go as far as Zeke picking and teasing. 
The older Titan shifter let out a loud laugh, "on the roof? You absolute dog! You'd better be happy it was only Pieck who saw!" His words insinuated such activities that made Porco's cheeks flush, making him look all the more guilty though nothing of the sort happened. The man howled with laughter, Pieck couldn't help herself in laughing either, "here I was thinking you'd never make a move on them, and it turns out you made plenty!" 
The young man, who was now fully awake scowled at the two, and grabbed the nearest object to throw at the man in front of him who couldn't stop himself from laughing. A pillow was all that laid next to him, although he didn't care, and threw it at the man. "Shut up! That's not what happened, four eyes!" Porco's voice was exponentially louder in comparison to before. "We just- talked," he added, quieting his voice down, not wanting to catch his mother's attention from next door. He sat up in his bed, the oldness of the wooden frame creaking under the shifting of weight, and sighed. 
His friends stayed silent, hoping to not cause another outburst early in the morning. Porco's rough fingers ran through his hair, attempting to fix what his sleep had made of it. A few strands of his blonde hair hung over his forehead, thinking to himself it was good enough. The young man held tired features, not exhausted per usual but enough to be an inconvenience for the day. "We talked all night actually, it surprised me," he commented, "catching up, I guess if you want to call it that?" He asked rhetorically. Porco's mind turned to the revelation he came to last night and he swallowed harshly, wracking his brain whether or not to admit it to his friends. 
A silence fell over the once loud room, the pair waiting for him to continue speaking. Both Zeke and Pieck knew the man held something in his mind and was moments away from blurting it out; he looked deep in thought and he cracked his knuckles to try and take his mind off of the anxiety inducing decision. He took his time cracking his knuckles, finger by finger and joint by joint until the last finger popped and he stared down at his hands. "You both will probably think I'm a fool for just realizing. . ." he stated. The two before him waited in anticipation, although knowing what he meant, it wouldn't fully solidify unless spoken from him. "I love them." 
The three words left his lips with ease, and he wanted to say it more but chose not to. Although fear of unrequited love panged his heart, he still felt a sense of joy of pinpointing and naming the emotion. His former agitated expressions changed as he let the sentence flow off his tongue; he was happy. Grey eyes seemed brighter than usual and he wore a small smile; his overall demeanor changed, in the moment he didn't seem rough and crude, but approachable and caring. He couldn't imagine that the emotion did this to him, though he didn't mind. 
His friends stayed silent, processing the information that was just given to them. They knew what he felt far longer than he did; however, hearing him admit it left them speechless. Porco looked to his friends and fear overcame him in an instant, it scared him that they didn't say a word. It scared him what they might be thinking. It scared him that maybe he made the wrong decision in telling them. "You should tell them," Pieck spoke, "you're living a short life. Try to get as many years as you can with them," she advised softly. 
Thirteen years. He only had thirteen years and he felt his heart sink. "Only thirteen years with them. . ." he mumbled. Thirteen years was decent amount of time until he realized how days, months, and years flew by. He never noticed how time passed so quickly until he inherited a Titan, it was then he noticed how long his friends and acquaintances had left in life. Zeke had 5 years, and Pieck and Reiner both had 6; although this life span wasn't always granted. Annie, Bertolt, and his older brother were all examples of what happened in war. He was granted thirteen years to live but it was never a promise. 
"Right," he mumbled, staring down at his blanket that still draped over his lap. Grey eyes became clouded as he sat deep in thought, how should he go about this? What should he say? Should he say anything at all? Questions rattled on in his mind relentlessly; he believed that once the emotion was discovered things would be simpler, but fear plagued him instead of confusion. He believed that he was braver than this, that it should be easy, but possible unrequited love made his confidence backtrack. The young man had the confidence of an army; however, a single person held the power to make him weak at the knees.
Two Months Prior
Loud yells of happiness and drunkenness were heard from the small house. The ambiance of it all was joyous and exciting, but filled with alcohol and late teenage idiocy. The celebration that ensued was for Porco's inheritance of the Jaw Titan and his last night of "freedom" before he began his training. His colleagues believed it was in the best interest to make the last normal night he had pleasant and lively, rather than riddled with grief and anxiety. 
Zeke, Pieck, and a few others that Porco knew from the internment zone all sat together in his parent's kitchen, laughing and enjoying each other's company. "Stop handing him drinks, Zeke! You know he won't refuse them," you spoke with a laugh as the older, quite tipsy, male handed Porco yet another drink he didn't need. 
"Why would I refuse?" Porco asked rhetorically with a half drunken smile, "who knows when the next time I get to drink is?" You rolled your eyes at his comment and chuckled at the collection of empty bottles he had next to him. The drunken male was easier to get along with others than usual, though he only had his friends around him, his aura was less rigid than normal after drinking. He seemed happier, talked more, and his overall personality to others was more palatable. 
"Every time you say that you get too drunk for your own good," you quipped with a smile. "Please don't make me forcibly put you to bed again," your comment earned a few laughs from the others in the room. The male scrunched his nose in mock frustration before he laughed. Although he vaguely remembered the night it still remained one of his favorites amongst friends. They had nothing to celebrate other than everyone being around, which was a good enough excuse for all to indulge themselves.
"Come on now, tell the whole story you were just as drunk (Y/n)," he retorted. "I woke up to you laying on my floor," he began with a laugh, "you didn't even remember how you got there nonetheless why you stayed on the cold floor." In the moment, the memory made a cheeky smile fall on his features. Your confused and disheveled state he found you in that day was enough to make him smile whenever it crossed his mind.
Zeke let out a loud laugh at Porco's comment, "what would you'd rather they do, join you? I would've kept my ass on the floor too." Zeke's, although rhetorical, question made the blonde chuckle, his eyes flicking towards you and back to the older man.
"I wouldn't have minded if they joined me," he spoke before tipping the bottle he had to his lips. He no longer grimaced at the taste of the liquid like he did before, his drunken state making the alcohol taste weaker than it was. "I'd be stupid to pass up a golden opportunity like that; no one likes being drunk and lonely."
The drink you had in your mouth was swallowed harshly upon hearing this and your cheeks flushed. Porco often made little comments similar to this one when he was under the influence. Never inappropriate but they always toed the line of flirting, which made you wonder. You heard Pieck giggle beside you, seeing your surprised expression from Porco's comment was something she found humorous.
Pieck tore you away from the male's conversation to solely talk to you. Both you and the young woman were relatively sober, agreeing that both of you would "babysit" the others when the time came. "If I had to say, I think Pock is trying to flirt with you," she mused. The pink hue from earlier was still grazed upon your cheeks as your eyes flickered to the male she spoke about and back to her. 
"No way in hell, Pieck, he's just drunk," you replied but couldn't help but let your mind wander to the thought. Wondering if the young man was actually trying to flirt or just seeking attention from you, rattled on in your head. You lifted the bottle you had to your lips once more, hoping that a slight buzz would push the lingering thoughts to the side.
The night continue on, laughs and idle chatting amongst growing intoxication. The collection of booze from the start of the night soon dwindled to none; Pieck taking her leave in helping the others get home safely, haphazardly holding Zeke's arm to aid him in walking as she flashed you a smile before shutting the door. Your eyes flickered over to the blonde male, obviously too drunk for his own good, and chuckled. "You're going to hate yourself in the morning, y'know? 6 o'clock comes awfully early," you mused.
You heard him let out a tired laugh, "yeah," he replying simply, focusing on not slurring his words, less was better. His gaze turned to you, usual clear grey eyes now clouded from intoxication, and tried to fixate on you but the blurriness of his eyes gave no avail. "Come here," his words short and simple, "I can barely see you and there's no chance in hell I'm getting up."
Letting out a laugh from his comment, you obliged, pulling your chair closer and taking a seat next to him. A drunken smile made way on his now slightly pink features, his skin hot from the nights drinking. You watched as his hand reached for the seat of your chair, scrunching your brows in curiosity. "What are-" however, your words were quickly replaced with the screeching of wood across the floor. He had grabbed a visible part of the chair you occupied and pulled, in result jolting you and the chair much closer to him.
"Much better," he commented, disregarding the surprised expression you wore. The action wasn't disconcerting, though it left you bewildered. Although in separate chairs, the closeness made you feel breathless. His hand staying in the free spot of the seat of your chair, though you could feel his fingers unknowingly brush against your knee. "Now I can see your pretty face," the addition to his sentence made your face heat up, undoubtedly seen.
"Pock-" you started, but stopped just as soon, unable to find the right words to say. You wanted to kick yourself for the way you felt, like an embarrassed kid in primary school. "You should get some rest," you managed to speak, your heart thumping loudly in your chest. A part of you liked the situation you were in, the proximity, his words, his actions. But the other felt disheartened by the thought that these were only drunken words and actions.
His eyes scanned over your face, taking in every possible detail he could. Although drunk, he hoped he could remember it. "I may hate myself in the morning, but a few more minutes won't kill me," he remarked. You soon found comfort in the closeness, no longer feeling embarrassed or skittish. "I just," his smile faltered slightly before continuing, "don't want you to go- not yet. I won't get to see you for awhile, I want to get whatever I can left."
His words were unbelievably slurred, though it held a certain sincerity to them that made your heart flutter. "It's not like you'll never see me again, Pock, I'll still be here," you noted. "So don't start getting all sappy with me, you're drunk enough you might start crying." The joke made him laugh softly, something you hoped for. You loved to hear about how he felt, but it wasn't the time for him to lament, he was much too intoxicated.
"Touché," he spoke before his smile returned. His mind felt numb, no longer racing as it usually did, the effects of the alcohol making his energy finally decline. Though he couldn't seem to take his eyes off of you, despite his fatigue. Too under the influence to realize, he took a deep sigh, his smile still plastered on his cheeks. "I'm way too lucky to have someone like you stay in my life, 'a miracle really. Shit, if you're still dumb enough to stay by my side in thirteen years I guess I'll just have to marry you before I die," he slurred with a small shrug. 
You knew the young man hadn't the faintest idea what he had just said, but it still had the effect in yanking at your heart strings. Your eyes flickered over to him quickly as soon as the words left his mouth and gazed at him in shock, heat increasingly flowing to your cheeks. Unable to decide whether to laugh the comment off or simply start crying - confusion and admiration bubbling up inside you. The blonde had no earthly grasp of what he said or did anymore, much to your dismay, but you took the small window of time as an opportunity. "I guess you should," you spoke softly.
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gatoru · 2 years ago
𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 || aot characters x you
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their favorite songs to play while fucking you, and how they do it
characters: eren, armin, reiner, porco, jean, levi, hange, pieck, annie
cw: unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), dirty talk, marking, hair pulling, face sitting, squirting, dom/sub dynamics if you squint, fingering pet names (sweetheart, baby, sweetie), praise, afab!reader, mommy kink for annie. (let me know if i missed anything) +18 ONLY!
eren: all mine - plaza
eren likes to feel like he owns you, even if he doesn’t – he likes to place his hand on your neck, lightly squeeze it as his hips move against yours. a shaky breath leaves his lips, your eyes roll into your skull: he can feel your climax approaching when you run your nails through his back, making him hiss in pleasurable pain. “tell me, who does this pussy belong to, huh? say my name when you cum around my cock.”
you do, too fucked out to choose anything else other then him.
“you, eren! ‘m yours”
“that’s right baby” he says, as your body spasms “all mine”
armin: die for you - the weeknd
armin likes intimacy when he’s fucking you – he likes to worship every single inch of your body, making eye contact with you as he does so. he’s the type of person who prefers slow and deep rather than hard and fast, slowly – awfully slowly – rolling his hips against yours. one of your legs is hooked on his shoulder, and he lays a gentle kiss on your calf, blue eyes staring into your. 
“you look so pretty like this baby, so fucking sexy” he breathes against the shell of your ear. “so fucking pretty”
reiner: quick music doodles - two feet 
reiner is an intense guy, and the song helps setting the mood. the atmosphere grows thick with want, and he looks like he’s about to devour you when you crawl to his lap. you throw your head back once he brushes the tip of his cock against your aching entrance. it doesn’t matter how many times you fuck him, the stretch is still there – still setting your insides on fire. 
his palms are firm on your waist, helping you while you attempt to take all of him. you’re bouncing on his cock, adrenaline pumping through your veins. 
“yeah, go ‘head baby, take all of it”
porco: reckless - arin ray
listen, porco is one cocky motherfucker. you don’t have to see him to know there’s a teasing smirk blooming on his lips as he enters you, holding a fistful of your hair with one hand and laying a playful smack on your ass with the other. you whine, moving your ass towards his hips, silently begging for more. 
his arm hooks around your stomach, as porco brings his body closer to yours. he doesn’t build up, fucking you hard and fast from the get go. 
“you’re so tight, fuck-” he groans, biting the soft skin of your shoulder. “gripping on me so tight, feel so good around me”
jean: sativa - jhene aiko
jean likes the build up before actually fucking you – he likes your nervous smiles and giggles, the way you shiver when he places a large hand on your thigh. he likes the sensuality of it, the warm feeling on his stomach once you palm him though his jeans, mid kiss. 
he likes milking orgasm after orgasm out of you, jean is entranced by the way your body squirms when he pushes his dick inside your needy cunt.
“too much-” you try to say, too lost in the feeling. jean moves the hair out of your face.  
“shh, it’s okay baby” he kisses your neck, his hard cock fully inside you now. “i know you can gimme one more.”
levi: L$D - asap rocky 
levi craves relief when you meet him at night. he wastes no time in telling you what he expects from you, giving you a set of rules and expectations. more than anything, levi loves putting you in your place. 
one of his hands holds both your wrists against the soft mattress as he pounds into you, relentlessly. 
he’s feral on top of you, marking your body – claiming you as his prized possession. levi likes to swallow your whines when you cum, kissing you. his stamina never betrays him.
“i know you love to act out, sweetheart” he says, condescendingly. “but you have to face the consequences now” 
hange: let me love you - ariana grande
hange likes to feel connected to you, needs to taste every inch of your skin – big brown eyes looking straight into yours as they eat you out. 
their slender fingers grip on the fat of your thighs, squeezing them. their tongue laps at your sensitive clit, overworking your pearl of nerves. hange gets lost in your taste, groaning against your drenched cunt when you grip on their dark brown hair. your juices squirt out of you, as a thread of curses leave your lips.
“taste so good baby,” they mumble against your pussy. “can you do that again for me?”
pieck: white tee - summer walker
pieck likes to feel close to you – she loves the way her name leaves your lips. 
with a couple of digits curling inside you, as your hips roll against her hand, she lays open mouthed kisses all over your chest. her warm, wet tongue plays with your nipples, making you squeeze your eyes shut in pleasure.
“pieck, pieck.” her name falls out of your lips, like a mantra. almost as if she’s all you know.
“gonna cum around my fingers?” you nod, unable to speak. “give it to me, wanna feel that shit”
annie: fetish - selena gomez
annie likes to feel needed – she craves to hear your cries, begging for her. 
your mouth waters as she crawls on top of you, a smile nothing short of wolfish blooming on her lips.
“ready sweetie?” she asks, looking down at you. 
“yes mommy.” you reply eagerly,fingers gripping the fat of her thighs. she climbs up, her wet cunt hovering over your face. 
she moans once her pussy comes in contact with your warm mouth, as you desperately taste her. you can’t properly breathe but that doesn’t matter. your tongue swirls around her clit, moving in all different directions that make her breathe heavily and move her hips against your face. 
“you’re so good to me baby, always taking what i give you. if you behave, i might let you breathe”
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bruhstories · 3 years ago
neighbours from hell
summary: a prank war between you and porco begins, until you pull the ultimate prank
pairing: porco galliard x fem!reader, implied reiner braun x fem!reader (they're not actually together), armin arlert x annie leonhart
warning & content: smoking, drinking, unprotected sex, oral sex (fem receiving), edging (if you squint), praising, fingers in mouth, v fingering, enemies to lovers
word count: 7.7k (my longest fic so far lol)
a/n: this is a mess, i am a mess. good night
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Every night, every single night, he'd have a girl at his place. At least you found out his name was Porco by how much they screamed it.
Hmpf. Porco.
Who the fuck names their kid pig?
God, it was infuriating to the point where you were a moan away from calling the cops. Your last resort and only sliver of hope was turning the volume up in hopes either he or she would be too disturbed by the music to continue.
In all fairness, you didn't care what he was doing, as long as he did it quietly, because damn it, you had work the next day. You weren't a saint, nor a prude, but really? There's quiet hours for a reason. Whenever you had a guy around, you either finished before 10 pm, or not scream your lungs out. Well, you didn't havea reason to scream, most men didn't fuck your brains out so you just faked a few moans and that was it. And you were pretty sure the girls Porco fucked were faking it. Either that, or he was some kind of a sex god.
He didn't like you either. Who the fuck blasts music at 6 in the fucking morning? That's when his sleep was most precious, but you just had to ruin it. Sure, you had great taste in music, he could admit that, but not at 6 am. He never once stopped to think that if he can hear your music, you can hear his sexcapades.
The layout of the building was simple — square, and your flats just happened to meet in a corner, giving him a nice little view into your living room, and every single morning, when your music woke him up, he'd catch you dancing by yourself, and what seemed to be screeching the lyrics. Fortunately he didn't hear that.
Your lives were different, for lack of a better word. His was random, spontaneous, chaotic, your was organised, tidy, peaceful. The only thing you had in common was how you spent your weekends — you with your friends, Porco with his. Every weekend you'd be at Eren's, or Connie’s, or your place, while Porco would chill at Reiner's or Pieck's, or his place. That was a rule that neither of you broke, unless there was a good reason to do so.
"Armin has a girlfriend!" Sasha screamed through the phone.
"Bullshit!" You almost knocked the cup of tea off the table.
"I'm serious! He wants us to meet her tonight at Eren's."
"Oh my God, so he's serious about her! I'm so excited!"
"Be there or be square, loser!"
"Are you kidding? I can't wait to tease him!" Sasha could feel your grin through the speaker.
Annie was so cool. You had a lot of things in common with her, especially the love for period dramas and music, and she seemed pretty comfortable around you, so it didn't take long for your group of friends to merge with hers. You were lowkey excited, because it's been a while since you met new people, and while you absolutely loved your friends, you didn't mind making new ones.
Of course, that didn't mean you stopped hearing Porco’s girls having strokes on the other side of the wall. You bought ear plugs to try and muffle the sounds, but you were beginning to think he was murdering them. One night, you decided to go out your balcony for a smoke. You didn't always smoke, but desperate times called for desperate measures, so you placed the cigarette between your lips, hoping this might kill some time until you could go back to bed. Leaned on the exterior wall of your flat, you blew the thick smoke. The moans seemed to stop, thank fuck, but you didn't expect him to come out for a smoke.
"Can I go back to sleep now?" You deadpanned, startling the shit out of him.
"Huh, didn't think you'd be a smoker." He inhaled the smoke and blew it in your direction.
"You didn't answer my question, Don Juan."
"Didn't think you'd be wearing lace lingerie, either." He ignored you, opting to stare at your figure.
"Fitting name, you are a pig." You covered yourself better with the bathrobe before stubbing your unfinished cigarette and going back inside.
Your unapproachable and cold attitude only fueled his fire, because after that exchange of words, Porco made it his sole purpose to annoy you.
And annoy you he did.
Sometimes he had two sexcapades in one day, those days you really wanted to relax, read a book, have your parents over. And it really pissed you off. In fact, it pissed you off so much that you installed Tinder just so you could hook up with guys and scream their names whenever Porco was nice and quiet. You would moan and mewl, whimper and chant the guy’s name even if you couldn't give two shits on who you were fucking, all in the name of war.
It worked like a charm. It infuriated him to the point that he ended up asking you to pipe down. And without a shred of empathy or care, you simply smiled and told him "no."
Naturally, this meant that Porco had to take matters into his own hands, and while he truly wanted to strangle you, he didn't want to risk getting arrested over someone so insignificant to him as you. Thus, he did the next best thing — pranks.
The first prank he ever did was smear shoe polish on your doorknob. When you left for work and touched the icky cream, you just knew it was him who put it there. Luckily you paid attention, otherwise you would have smeared it all over your white skirt, so you went back inside, washed your hands and wiped the doorknob. You tried to give him the benefit of the doubt and hoped it was just some kid, but you knew better than that. You knew Porco had the mental age of a thirteen-year-old.
And so did you, apparently, because the next thing you did was order a pizza on his name and address and laugh your ass off when the delivery guy harassed Porco for his money. He got his payback when he threw a bunch of fake insects into your balcony when you were out for a smoke. The way you screamed is forever stuck in his head — he even wiped tears from the corners of his eyes when you jumped on the purple ottoman, fear written all over your face.
You thought of a clever way to get back to him, but it required time, and it required patience, and your patience was running thin. Still, you went with the plan, you bought a bag of bird food and stored it in your pantry. Whenever Porco was asleep (which was usually when you woke up), you carefully scattered the seeds on the railing of his balcony, because he never came outside unless he smoked, and he only smoked after sex.
Jesus, you learned his fucking schedule for this petty prank, but it was worth it, because in a few days he woke up to entire flocks of pigeons, sparrows and even magpies shitting all over his balcony. And little innocent you just couldn't comprehend how this happened.
"Birds must really like you." You'd shurg whenever you caught him scraping the crusty bird shit from his tiled balcony floor.
"Fuck off, I know you did something to bring them here, you witch." He would tell you and you just pretended not to know anything about it with a smile so bright that would put the sun to shame. But behind that pure smile lay hidden your most devious and mischievous intentions. Fuck him.
Ding! One (1) new message from Eren:
7 pm, my place
It's Annie's birthday tonight and you're getting all dolled up for it. You're finally going to meet her friends, and honestly you can't wait to have a drink, relax, maybe flirt with someone. You need to get Porco off your mind. He did stop with his pranks, surprisingly, but you know he's probably cooking something big. You hear him slam his door, then you hear the keys and you know he's leaving. At least he won't be ruining your night of fun. Not today, Satan. You take a look at the time, 4 pm, and decided to take a shower and start getting ready. Normally you wouldn't waste this much time putting on makeup, and while you don't want to overshadow Annie since she's the birthday girl, you still want to look good. Who knows, maybe you'll meet the love of your life tonigh. You know it's going to be one hell of a party, because those are the only type of parties Eren hosts, so you pick a few outfits, take a picture of them and send them to Sasha.
First one, definitely.
But that one's so slutty, Sash.
And? Weren't you the one who said "i'm gonna get shitfaced and bang one of Annie's friends" or do i not remember correctly?
I was drunk when I said that.
Drunk you is better than sober you.
Fuck you too. I'm gonna pick the second one.
Fine, if you wanna look like a nun.
There's nothing wrong with the second one. Sure, it's not as revealing as the first one, but the colour looks good on you. It's a simple sundress, and it would look good with your denim jacket and trainers.
Six pm and you're ready to go out the door, until you step on something that looks like an envelope. It's signed by Porco, and you're terrified to open it. Very cautiously, you tear it open, revealing a simple card that says sorry. Alright, maybe Porco canredeem himself. You open it and‐
Pink glitter flies everywhere, especially on your face and outfit, and the inside of the card reads have fun washing this off, bitch-face.
This little shit. This was his masterpiece of a prank? It's evil, so evil. After muttering a lot of curses and insults, you vaccum as much of the glitter as you can and change in the first outfit. You don't have the time to wash yourself, and decide to just go with it. It's a party, after all, and at least you don't have glitter in your ass. You really didn't want to dress in the slutty dress, but it is what it is. With a shrug, you take the gift bag and leave. You'll deal with Porco later.
Music blasts from Eren’s house and you know he won't hear the doorbell, so you call him to open the door, which he quickly does. Giving him a hug, you walk inside the living room, and immediately you notice unfamiliar faces, including a few people with their backs turned at you.
"You're late, slut." Sasha sneers, her hand waving at you.
"Sorry for being late, my fuckface of a neighbour gave me a pop-up card with glitter and I had to change." You explain, and Porco Galliard in the flesh turns around.
"What the fuck are you doing here?"
This has to be a joke. This has to be a fever dream. He's friends with Annie? You feel your blood boiling and a vein about to pop on your forehead.
"Me? What the fuck are you doing here?" You spit back, your grip around the gift bag tightening.
"I've been invited. Didn't know dogs were allowed in the house." Porco jeers and everybody audibly gasps.
"And I thought pigs were supposed to be out in the mud." You take a step closer to him, and Jean grabs your wrist.
"What, you want to hit me? I'll hit back, I'm all for equality."
"Yes, well, unlike you, I'm an adult and I don't want to ruin Annie's birthday." You turn to the birthday girl and hand her the gift. "Happy birthday! I'm gonna stay as far away from him as possible, if you don't mind."
"As if I'd want to be anywhere near you." Porco shouts back.
"I'm gonna kill him."
"If anyone's gonna kill him, it will be me." Annie guides you to the kitchen but not before introducing you to Pieck, Reiner and Bertholdt. At least they seem so much nicer than Galliard.
"Really, Porco? Y/N's the one you've been pranking?" Bertholdt shakes his head, a look of disappointment on his face.
"Hey, you don't know her like I do."
"We know her." Mikasa's angry, but she keeps her cool. "And we know she's petty, but you must've really pissed her off to get her to this point."
You could cut the tension with a knife. The last thing you wanted was to ruin Annie's birthday, or worse, her relationship with Armin, so after a few drinks you tell Porco that you're willing to be peaceful, just for tonight. He agrees. He cares more about his friend than this stupid war he has with you. And as immature as he is, you're pleasantly surprised to see him actually behave. The night progresses alright. Sure, you don’t exactly feel comfortable having Porco around, but you found yourself spending a lot of time with Reiner. He's the complete opposite of your unhinged neighbour — calm, reserved, nice, and sadly, a bit boring. Yes, the two of you have highly intellectual conversations, but you're here for a good time, not for a lecture.
"Wanna dance?" You eventually interrupt him, and he agrees, his hand placed on the small of your back to take you in the middle of the living room. He's not the best dancer in the world, but you're having fun, until you become bored again and slip away for a cigarette outside. Finally, some peace and quiet.
"Having fun with Braun?" Jesus Christ, his voice sounds like a fork screeching on a plate.
"Jealous?" You taunt Porco and he snorts.
"There's still glitter in your hair."
"Oh, really? Thanks, I didn't fucking notice." You blow the smoke in his face.
"God, I wish I could've seen your face." He laughs but you're not having any of his shit.
"What, you want a fucking reenactment?"
"You want another glitter card?"
"You want me to unalive you?" Venom dripping from your tongue, you stub your cigarette. "The only reason I'm not kicking your ass right now is Annie. You should thank her."
"You really think you can go toe to toe with me, doll-face?"
"The bigger they are, the harder they fall." You walk back inside, but your brain short-circuits. He didn't insult you? Worse, he gave you a compliment? Maybe he's just drunk. He is obviously drunk, but how drunk is he that he didn't insult you?
Around 2 am you begin to feel tired. Having to restrain yourself from physically hurting Porco drains you of every drop of energy, so when Reiner offers to take you home, you accept. When your uber arrives and you tell everyone goodbye, the last thing you see is Porco’s absolutely enraged face. You don't know what his problem is, but you get home and tell Reiner point blank that you don't want a one-night stand. He looks surprised that you even thought about that, but you tell him to sleep over, considering that ubers are more expensive at this time. After a little fight over who's sleeping on the couch, he wins, and you bid him goodnight, locking the door to your bedroom for good measure. You do have a stranger in your house, after all.
The smell of eggs and bacon wakes you up, and you wrap yourself in a blanket before unlocking the door and stepping out. The kitchen table is all set, a cup of coffee waiting for you, and Reiner humming a familiar tune.
"Did you put poison in the food?" You scrunch your nose when he hands you the plate.
"Who am I, Porco?" He snorts and you groan.
"Please, I don’t want to start my morning thinking about that pig." You take a bite of the toast.
"You know what, Y/N, I'm impressed. No one's managed to piss him off that much, not even me. And he hates me." Reiner sits down and you decide to take this opportunity to find out more about your enemy.
"Yeah, well, if he didn't have girls screaming at 3 in the morning, I wouldn't have any issues with him." You roll your eyes.
"He wasn't always like this, you know? He really loved this girl in college, but she cheated on him with his best friend. After that, he just became numb."
You choke on the piece of toast. Porco? In love? Jesus, this explains a lot. Then again, how were you supposed to know?
"He kind of vowed to never get attached to anyone anymore." Reiner continues.
"I'm sorry to hear that, but it’s not my problem.”
"Don't let this change anything, Y/N. If there's one thing Porco doesn't like, it's pity."
“Oh, don’t worry, I’m still going to insult him on every occasion.” You fork the bacon strip on your plate. “If I don’t, he’ll know why I’m being nice. Sometimes I wish I could unhear things.”
“Tell me about it.” Reiner sighs. “Thanks for letting me sleep over, by the way.”
“Don’t mention it. Sorry if you were expecting anything last night.”
“No, no. Besides, I kind of like someone already.”
Spending the first part of your morning with Reiner is something you never thought you would do. You’re not friends yet, but he seemed to be a dependable person, and it’s a breath of fresh air to know him. You let him take a shower before leaving, and walk him to the door.
“Go get your girl, Reiner!” You tell him before giving him a small peck on the cheek, right as the elevator dings and in stumbles an absolute wasted Porco. “And thanks for the food.” You smile, but your eyes linger on your neighbour for a few seconds.
“Don’t mention it. You alright, Galliard?”
“Fuck the both of you.” Porco tries to unlock his door but he keeps dropping his keys.
“Need help?” Reiner offers, but Porco just grumbles something that resembles a no, go fuck yourself. “Alright then, I’m off. Text me if you need anything, Y/N.”
“Will do! See you soon!” You wave until the elevator doors close and you’re left with a shitfaced Galliard. “You sure you don’t need help? Here, let me-“
“Didn’ I tell you t’ fhuck off?” He picks his keys up again and comes head-to-head with you, breath reeking of alcohol.
“Would you stop being a child for five minutes and accept my help?” You’re at your wit’s end with this man.
“Was’ the matter? Didn’t get enough dick ‘n want more?”
“Fuck. You.” You go back into your flat and slam the door so hard the hinges creak.
What a pathetic excuse of a human being. And how stupid of you to try and help him. Yes, you feel bad that his heart got broken, but this doesn’t give him any reason to be such a shitty person. Out of all the things he’s told you so far, this one takes the cake. You’re done with all the pranks and all interactions involving him. From now on, Porco Galliard doesn’t exist to you. In fact, this upset you so much that you decide to call Sasha and beg her to let you stay at her place for a week. You can’t cope having Porco in your perimeter, and fortunately, she says yes, and you pack your bags and go that same Sunday.
When he sobers up, Porco realises just how much of an asshole he’s been, and no matter how arrogant he is, he’s not an idiot. He has to apologise, so after washing up and changing his clothes, he knocks at your door. Nothing. He waits a minute, and knocks again. Still nothing. Maybe you went out.
Monday, he wakes up at 6 am expecting to hear you blast music, but it’s dead silent. It’s uncomfortably silent. Maybe you’re not going to work. He brushes his teeth and makes himself look more presentable, and knocks at your door. Nothing. Maybe you’re already at work.
Come Tuesday, and he waits by your door when you’re supposed to come home from work, hair gelled back and ready to apologise. And he waits. And waits. But you never come. Now he’s really confused because either you became a pro at avoiding him, or you moved out while he was asleep. Until he gets a text from Annie.
News travels fast, you dimwit. Do you have any idea how mad I am at you?
What did I do?
Oh, you asshole. You fucking asshole. You need to apologise to Y/N before I rip your head off.
Well, I’ve been trying but she keeps avoiding me. It’s like she moved out.
You’re not wrong about that one, wankstain.
What do you care, anyway?
Wait, what?
You’re prank war is affecting my relationship, and while your small brain might not comprehend what it’s like to be in a relationship, I need you to be on good terms with this girl.
Yeah, she’s staying at Sasha’s for a while.
In my defence, I was drunk and angry. The idea of her fucking Reiner, ugh ew.
She didn’t fuck Reiner, you waste of space. And even if she did, what do you care?
Oh no
Holy shit, that explains A LOT
I don’t know what you’re talking about, I don’t like her. EW.
Wait, back the fuck up. She didn’t fuck Reiner?
NO, Jesus. Maybe if you didn’t jump to conclusions, you wouldn’t be an idiot.
Since when do you like her?
You can’t always run from your responsibilities, Galliard.
Double blocked.
Just apologise.
Triple blocked.
If you want to redeem yourself, we’re all meeting up at Thorns and Roses Café tonight at 6 pm. Try not to fuck it up this time.
Fuck. Fine.
You don’t feel like going out, especially knowing that Porco will be there, but maybe he will man up and apologise.
Hah, as if.
Sasha acted kind of strange today when she told you about the gathering. You insisted on going back home to change after work, but she said you should all meet up at the café straight after work. Maybe she doesn’t want to waste time. You walk into the coffee shop, eyes scanning the tables to find your friends, but you’re somehow relieved no one’s arrived yet, because you need a minute to clear your head. You order yourself a cup of hot chocolate and sit down, and decided to read your book until someone arrives.
Porco arrives at the café and spots you from outside. Shit, maybe Annie’s right, maybe he does like you, because he finds himself unable to stop staring at the way you tuck your hair behind your ear, or the way you lick your lips after taking a sip of whatever it is you’re drinking, or the way you shift in the chair, trying to find a comfortable position. But he can’t do this anymore, he can’t go through another heartbreak. He doesn’t understand people who can break up and move on with their lives. Sure, he moved on from his ex, but the betrayal that he felt took a toll on him so badly that he became a completely different man. He’d be willing to change for you, he thinks, but what if you crush his heart? He cannot risk that, instead he’ll just apologise and move on with his life.
You lift your head from your book when you hear footsteps approaching your table, and blood freezes in your veins when the person you look at is Porco. Why couldn’t it be anyone of your friends? Or Annie or Pieck? Literally anyone else.
“Hey.” He says and you try very hard not to get up and leave. “Can I sit here?”
“I don’t know, can you?” You put the bookmark between the pages and close the book with a slap.
He looks like a scared cat, his movements cautious and tactful so as to not enrage you. It would almost be funny if you weren’t so bitter and furious.
“Y/N, I just wanted to apologise for what I said last Sunday.” Porco stares at his palm. “That was very… irreversible of me” He squints. “Irresponsible.”
“Did… did you write a discourse in your palm?”
“Bullshit!” You snatch his wrist and forcefully open up his palm. “I didn’t mean what I said.” You read out loud. “Are you fucking kidding me, you can’t even apologise properly!” The volume of your voice is a bit too high and you earn a few looks of confusion from others in the café.
“I’m bad with words!” Porco retracts his hand.
“Yeah, I figured that one out myself last Sunday when you more or less called me a whore. If anyone’s a whore, it’s you!”
“I deserve that.”
“No, what you deserve is a kick in the nuts. I thought, oh, maybe he’s not that bad, maybe he’s different, but the truth is, Galliard, you’re just like any other guy I’ve fucked — pathetic. You fool around with women because you have commitment issues, and not only did you put me through the misery of having to hear their fake screams, you’ve also toyed with their hearts and probably gave them false hope because, what? You got your heart broken? News flash, asshole, so did I, so did everybody else. Get off your high horse and realise that what happened to you, you’re doing to everyone else around you.” You finally breathe, no, pant, after getting up from your chair, and everybody in the coffee shop is staring at you. You made him angry, because if looks could kill, you’d be dead by now.
“Maybe If you weren’t such an uptight bitch and accepted my apology, Armin and Annie could live happily ever after in their perfect little relationship!” He mimics you by getting up. “And if you’re better than me, how come you’re not living your white picket fence life? Face it, Y/N, you’re just as bad as I am.”
“Takes one to know one. And don’t worry, Armin and Annie are going to be fine because I am out.”
“Out of what?”
“Out of your life.” You pick up your bag.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“I’m moving out, Porco. You won. Congratu-fucking-lations.”
He's too shocked to say anything, instead he watches you exit the coffee shop and sits back down.
"Way to fucking go, Galliard." He tells himself, hand covering his forehead, temples pulsating. Ah, shit, you forgot your book. He could run after you, apologise again and maybe mend things. But he can't. That's something the old him would do, the nice him, the happy him.
But he's not happy.
Finally, Porco processes every single thing you told him, and damn it, you're right. He deserved everything you said, but you don't. The words that came out of his mouth were unnecessarily disgusting and hurtful, and he picks the book up and leaves. He doesn't know where Sasha lives, so he'll just wait at your door, no matter how much time you need to you come back.
He knocks, and there is no answer.
With a sigh, Porco sits down, back leaned against your door. The nice old lady across the hallway walks out to take the bin out, and he offers to help her.
"You need to be more responsible, son." She says, voice quiet but firm.
"Excuse me?"
"Don't excuse me. It's not just that sweet girl that has to put up with your noise, it's the rest of us, too."
"Sweet girl? She's blasting music at 6 in the morning!" Porco can't believe his ears.
"I wonder why? Oh, right, because you're rude." She spits her sass at him, and he's actually ashamed, being lectured by an elderly.
"Okay, maybeI exaggerated with my hookups, I'll admit-"
"And to think she likes you? Whatever does she see in you?" The lady trails off, dragging her feet to the elevator. Porco’s ears perk up. Either she has dementia or he's beginning to lose his hearing, because there is no way in hell you would like him.
"Could you please repeat that, ma'am?"
"Huh? Oh, yes, she was very flustered when she spoke about you. I'm an old woman, sonny, not stupid. I know love when I see it. Either get that girl or watch her slip through your fingers, like Richard, may God rest his soul, did with me.”
“Riiiight, thanks for the advice, I guess.”
And with that, she leaves. Porco wracks his brain, trying to come up with a way to fix this mess. He doesn’t want you to move out, he’s had fun until now, but he never imagined this would blow up so badly. And you don’t deserve to move out because of a prick like him. He doesn’t have Sasha’s number, he doesn’t have your number, he could ask Annie to talk to Armin. Ugh, since when does he care? Better yet, why does he care? Porco Galliard neverfalls in love. Yet, when he thinks of your smile, your eyes, your lips, your brains, hell, even your tits, he realises that maybe, just this time, Porco Galliard does fall in love.
Before he can take his phone out and text Annie, the elevator dings, and the doors slide open, and he has a severe sensation of déjà-vu, only instead of him stumbling down the hallway drunk, it’s you, dragging a suitcase after you and practically walking in zigzags. Porco gets up, a hand reaching to help you, but you slap it away.
“Get out of my f-fhucking face, fhuck face.” You babble, trying very hard to form coherent sentences, brows knitted together and keys falling out of your hand. You bend down to pick them up and fall head first into a wall.
“Let me help you.” Porco offers, but yet again, you dismiss him.
“Stop being stubborn, Y/N.”
“Don’ worry, Porcupine, I’ll be outta yer life in a wheek.” You put the key in the hole and rest your forehead onto your door.
“I don’t want you out of my life, I want to help you get inside.”
“I said I don’t need your-“ the key breaks “-help.” With wide eyes, you stare at the broken piece in your hand. “Shit.” You giggle, waving the metallic remnant of what used to be a key. “What a predicament.”
“Y/N, you… did you…”
“Lock m’self out? Apparently so. Can’t go back to Sasha’s, her f-family’s over. Mayhaps Reiner’s?” You talk to yourself, and Porco feels a rush of rage taking over his brain.
“No?” You innocently ask, finally looking at him. Now he gets a better view of your face and your run-down mascara.
“Did you cry?”
“Yep.” You shrug, lips making a popping noise at the p.
“Why?” He searches the pockets of his bomber jacket for his keys and takes them out.
“Oh, this is a good one, you’ll love it.” You snort, index finger poking his chest aggressively. “I cried because of youuuu!”
Bad doesn’t even begin to describe the way he’s feeling. If he could go back in time and take back every single mean word he said, he would. Perhaps it’s not too late.
“I’m sorry. Y/N, I’m really sorry. I don’t expect you to forgive me, but, please, don’t move out.” Porco sighs, and you’re so surprised by his apology that you can feel the alcohol wearing off. Your facial expression softens, and you chew on your bottom lip. “I promise I won’t bother you, but please, for the love of God, stay over at my place. It’s the least I can do after being such a dick.” He opens the door to his flat, waiting.
“My, Galliard, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re ill-intended.” You hiccup, kicking your suitcase into his apartment. “Shit, my laptop’s in there.”
“I know you think I’m the world’s biggest douchebag, but I’m not a fucking sex-offender. I don’t take advantage of drunk girls.” He locks the door once you’re inside and sighs, until he feels your hand snake around his arm.
“What if I want you to take advantage of me?” Suddenly your voice isn’t giddy anymore, it’s low and dangerously seductive.
“You’re drunk.”
“Want me to sign a contract? I’m really not drunk.” You whisper in his ear.
“You literally hit your head a minute ago.” His breath hitches when he feels your breath tickle his skin.
“Clumsy.” You pull him away from the door, and he doesn’t resist. “Consider this payback for the glitter card.” You chuckle, and finally Porco picks up on the fact that your speech isn’t slurred anymore.
“You’ve got to be kidding me. This was your payback?” He turns around, and there’s a hint of pride in his eyes, like he’s impressed of the way your mind works.
“It worked, didn’t it? I got you to apologise — the ultimatepayback.” You chew on your lip before lifting yourself up on your toes to reach his ear. “I meant what I said before, I want you to take advantage of me.”
If you drove him insane before, now you’ve completely pushed him over the edge. One hand trails down your waist before his fingers dig into the plush of your hip, the other tangles with your hair when he grabs you by the nape. His lips are so close to yours, you can practically taste the mint toothpaste.
“You’re crazy. Any last words?”
“I know we’re on good terms now, but please, fuck me like you hate me.”
That’s all the approval he needs to crush your lips into a sloppy kiss, so intense and electrifying, like molten lava flowing through your veins. It’s much better than you had hoped, it’s rough and unlike any kiss you’ve had before, so naturally, you kiss back, surprising Porco with a moan when he bites your lower lip. He half-expected you to back off or kick him, not enjoy it. You don’t want him to pull away, but you also need air, so when you inhale, he takes his jacket off, and like in a trance, you do the same, but waste no time jumping into his arms, legs wrapped around his waist. Porco carries you to the nearest place he can drop you, the kitchen counter (remind yourself to wipe it in the morning), and lift your skirt up. You don’t have the time, nor the patience for casualties.
“You in a hurry?” He jeers, taking his shirt off. Oh, wow, he’s a lot more toned than you imagined, defined muscles visible in the LED lights of his kitchen. Alright, you’re beginning to understand those girls, you too would scream like a teenager, if not for the crumb of dignity left in you.
��Sometimes it’s better if you don’t talk, Galliard.” Your fingers tug at his belt, pulling him closer. The bulge in his jeans is as clear as the light of day, and it doesn’t help when he spreads your legs with his elbows, his calloused fingertips bruising your thighs.
Porco takes offence at your snarky remark, and in response, his palm meets with your cheek, gentle enough not to leave a mark, but hard enough to make you whimper.
"Did you just slap me?" You feign sorrow, and he backs off.
"Was that too much?" Concern is written all over his face.
"Do it again but harder." Your shit-eating grin has him sigh in relief.
"Yep, you arecrazy." He sinks his teeth into your shoulder, your fingernails scratching his back like a maniac.
Every touch has a domino effect on you — the more you feel his hand on your body, the more you crave, like a starving dog. It doesn't help that Porco wants to take his sweet time, kissing your neck, your lips, your tits, in no particular order. With him, everything is chaotic and magnetic, and you wouldn't want it any other way, except you're getting impatient. And needy, which is why you push him back to take your dress off.
"Eager, aren't we?"
"Less talking, more fucking." You demand, and you receive. His jeans fall at his feet, the tip of his cock poking out of his boxers, already leaking precum. What a sight for sore eyes he is, but you're not too bad yourself when you take off your bra, and he can't stop himself from pinching your nipple, just to see how you react.
"Ow!" You yelp, nose scrunched and brows furrowed, and his brain is scattered from how perfect you are to him.
In all honesty, no matter how much Porco loathed you when your prank war started, he found himself wanting to know how you'd take him, chant his name, buck your hips, lust for more, and the feeling was precisely mutual. You, too, often caught yourself thinking about him, how he’d take his frustration out on you, tease you, how he’d groan feeling how tight you are. Now here you are, completely exposed, aroused and a look on your face that would make a priest jizz in his pants.
"You're so hot." His fingers graze over your unclothed cunt, and even the gentlest of touches has you quiver, goosebumps dotting your skin. You retaliate by pushing your hips closer, to the point his cock presses against your cunt, sending shivers down your spine. The stimulation has Porco growl, and he slightly bends over, his toned body towering over your frame as he practically rips your cotton panties off of you.
"In a hurry?" You mock his previous words, but he doesn't bother responding, instead he tests the waters by dragging his index finger up and down your slit. Blood freezes in your veins, and you throw your head back, a weak moan escaping your lips.
"Fuck, wet already?" Porco doesn't waste any time slipping a finger between your folds, your body quivering at the foreign yet familiar sensation. Clearly your fingers can't compare to his, because when he adds a second finger you already feel too stretched out.
"Mmmore..." You mewl when he fucks your cunt, fingers curling to hit that sweet spot. His other hand quickly moves up your abdomen and gropes one of your tits in a way that should have you ashamed. But you're far from feeling ashamed.
Your last shred of human decency? Gone.
Your apprehension? Gone.
Your decorum? Gone.
Any coherence? Down the fucking drain.
"Don't worry, princess, you'll get more." Porco’s voice is low, and if not for the sticky situation, you could take it as a threat, so it comes as no surprise when he gets tired of fingering you, because he alsowants more.
Swiftly and without beating around the bush, he finally releases his cock from the confinement of his boxers, pressing the tip onto your slit, but not sliding it in. Not yet.
"Maybe you don't deserve it." He suddenly tells you, one hand stroking his shaft, the other bruising your thigh.
"What?" Desperation can be read on your face, because you don't care about hiding your feelings anymore.
"You havebeen a little bitch, Y/N." He muses, but you just can't take your eyes off the prize. "Don't think you deserve it."
You know exactly what sick game he is playing, teasing you, taunting you, pushing your buttons until you break. But you won't let him win. Not yet.
“Oh, Galliard,” you smile, hand tentatively trailing down your body, going over every curve and dent before stopping between your legs, “two can play this game.” You innocently let him know before lazily rubbing your clit in a circular motion.
Well, that backfired. For him.
“As if I’ll let you have the satisfaction.” He not-so-gently grips your wrist, pulling it away from you. You think he’s about to fuck you, about to shove his fat cock into your cunt. He’s not. “Don’t forget to beg for it.” Porco tells you before poking his tongue out and greedily giving your clit one long but painstakingly slow lick.
It feels electric, and once he’s had a taste of your saccharine pussy, he cannot stop lapping at it like a thirsty dog. It’s driving you mad, sending you over the edge you wanted to cross so badly. You try not to beg for his cock, try to stand your ground.
But you don’t really want that, do you?
“Fuck!” You whimper out in pleasure and excitement when you feel his fingers slipping between your folds again, velvet walls clenching around them, climax so close. “Shit, I’m coming!”
“No, you’re not.” Porco removes himself from you, and you could cry right now, eyes already brimmed with tears. “Be a good girl and clean up your mess.” Fingers pry open your lips, but it’s not like you’re resisting, instead happily sucking on them, cheeks hollowed and eyes lidded.
“Mmpf-“ You try to speak, so he allows it. “F-fuck me, please!”
Porco can feel his blood pressure rise and his cock twitch at the sound of your sweet voice echoing in his kitchen. You were right, two canplay this game, but two can also lose it, and right now, he’s losing it. Losing his mind, that is.
Inch by inch, he bottoms out into your slick folds and- for the love of what is holy, you are tight.
“Jesus H. Christ-“ Porco doesn’t even know what to say when your velvety walls cling to his cock. You, on the other hand, are delirious from the very first thrust, mouth agape, head thrown back, fingers gripping the edge of the kitchen counter like you’re bracing yourself for a rollercoaster ride.
“Shit-“ Your breath hitches when his hips begin to move, not even letting you adjust to his size. It stings, no, it burns like a motherfucker, but the more Porco thrusts, the less it hurts and the better it feels.
Feral is the only way to describe the way he’s fucking you, rough touches, scratches, bites. You wrap your legs around his waist, and that only incites him more, thrust becoming more brutal as he’s driven by his instinct and instinct only.
“God, you’re tight-“ Porco groans, forehead touching yours as you try, and pathetically fail, to contain your moans. Yes, you feel slightlybad for your neighbours, but you really can’t stop and think about that right now when you’re getting pounded into oblivion.
There’s a fire in his golden eyes, something you’ve never seen in any man, no matter how much they said they adored you. Porco isn’t anywhere near loving you, yet he knows exactly what you want, when you want it, especially when he’s mumbling praises — “good girl,” “you’re doing so good,” “you take it so well.”
“Fuck fuck fuck-“ Your core is hot and pulsing with each of his thrusts, and, shamefully, you feel that sweet relief you yearned for, waves of pleasure and electricity rushing through your body, leaving you a quivering mess. You really hoped you’d last more, but you’re quite proud to feel his cock throbbing and his eyes squeezing shut as he’s nearing his climax.
He doesn’t pull out until the very last minute, when his grip on your thighs has you squeak in pain, and he’s babbling incoherent sentences. The hot milky-white ropes of his seed end up on your abdomen, and he pulls away from you, your hand in his.
“Woah, haven’t had a load like this since-“
“Don’t. Don’t ruin it.” You laugh as he throws too many paper towels at you.
Alright, maybe Porco was wrong.
Having you in his kitchen, hair dishevelled, wearing nothing but one of his t-shirts while baking cookies at 3 am?
Maybe he could love again.
His eyes can’t leave your frame, and he’s almost afraid to touch you again, because what if he breaks you? What if he fucks up? What if-
“Pokko.” You break him apart from his sudden rush of anxiety with nothing but a word and a smile. “Talk to me.”
He sighs. It’s hard to talk about his feelings when he hasn’t done this in, what, ten years? And yet here you are, walking into his life and making him feel icky-lovey-dovey stuff again.
“I just- I can’t- Shit.” Since when does he stutter? “Can’t you ask me stuff and I’ll say yes or no?”
“Are you afraid?” The question breaks him.
Mentally, it breaks him because- yes! He isn’t just afraid, he is petrified and panicked at the idea of you abandoning him, or worse, him emotionally hurting you. Porco hasn’t been in a relationship since he had his heart broken. What if he can’t provide what you need? What if you get bored?
“Hey,” you drag a chair and sit down in front of him, a hand gently squeezing his, the other lifting his chin up, “I’m here, you’re here, we’re here together.”
“The cookies smell good.”
“You’re deflecting.”
“I know, sorry. I really like you, Y/N. Don’t wanna fuck it up, I guess.” Porco rests his cheek into your palm and you give him a quick peck on the cheek before checking on the baked goods.
“Guess what, same here. I’m not perfect, I haven’t had a relationship in a long time, but I’m willing to learn, if you want me around.”
“Yes!” He replies, a bit too eager, and you smile, having never seen him so happy before. He’s never seen himself so happy until now.
You take the cookie tray out of the oven and slap his hand when he tries to snatch one because “let’s not go to the ER right now.”
“I need to call a locksmith tomorrow.” You remember that you can’t get into your apartment.
“Or you could move in with me?” Porco suggests, not knowing if he’s pushing his luck or not.
“I could, but I would still need to get my stuff here. Can’t really do that, can I?”
“We could break into your apartment!”
“It’s gonna be fun!”
“Where are you gonna go? Back to your apartment?” He chuckles, pulling you into his lap.
“Bitch, I’ll go back to Sasha’s if you piss me off.”
“And miss this dick?”
“I’m definitely going back to Sasha’s.”
Porco was definitely wrong. He can love again.
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eremiie · 4 years ago
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❥ 16k words | nsfw | eren x fem!reader
❥ content - eren eats reader out,, eren also fucks reader ;)
❥ you don’t care much for eren’s fuckboy habits until he fucks over your friend, and you’re left to deal with the consequences. and eren’s left to deal with a revelation neither of you saw coming
this is based off the song karma by summer walker, so feel free to take a listen!
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"i just don't get it— like how foul could you be? if he didn't like me that's all he had to say, not play me like i'm some dummy,"
"historia," you stopped her ramble with a sigh, lifting your hand up as a gesture to say 'stop'.
"i told you, you should've just got with me." ymir snorted, throwing her hand around historia's shoulder, the blonde pouting, her eyebrows furrowing.
you place a hand on historia's lower back and gave her a condescending look. "i told you that you shouldn't mess with him, i wasn't trying to be dramatic or anything when i said that— i know eren... i gave you a heads up and you ignored it."
historia rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders. "i didn't ignore it, i just... thought it'd be different."
you scrunched your face up and pinched the bridge of your nose. "why exactly did you think it would be different?"
"instead of giving historia shit, _____," ymir emphasized your name, squinting her eyes at you. "why can't i just rock him? a good punch to the face is maybe just what he needs—"
"ymir, punching him will not solve anything. plus, i doubt historia wants you to punch him either."
"she can speak for herself, idiot. historia, my love, would you like me to knock eren out?"
historia sighed. "no, i don't want anyone to get knocked out. this is so confusing... and not to interfere with your friendship or anything but how can you just go hang out with him right after?"
you looked down at historia, removing your hand from her back and giving her a raise of your eyebrow, looking forward to wear the three of you were headed. you were going to hang out with eren; he was your closest friend who you met in middle school, and now shared a dorm with. it was finally spring break, and as his bestfriend you were invited to spend some time with him and his family for the vacation. eren had you pack bags for the weekend and wanted you to meet him in the front of the building, so that's where your feet were taking you while you conversed with your friends you met on your way. "historia, i said i told you not to fuck with him, what happens between you and eren doesn't have anything to do with me." historia frowned at you and looked down at her crossed arms and you felt a small sense of guilt curdling in your stomach. "i'll talk to him though."
"right now? cause he's right there." ymir said using her head to tilt towards the benches once she pushed the large doors to the outside open. you looked up and ymir was right, from a distance was eren standing up next to a shag of blonde hair and two other people that you couldn't identify as they weren't facing you. almost on cue, eren looked up, head whipping to your figure and a small smirk creeped up on his face until his eyes landed on the two next to you, that smirk dissipating almost just as fast, and him quickly averting eye contact, mumbling something that caused the rest of his acquaintances to turn their heads around. you shook your head and patted historia's shoulder noticing she was glaring at eren, but not as hard as ymir.
"yes, now... uh, i'll catch you guys later." you said waving off to them. "don't worry too much about him historia." and with that you began walking off towards eren. you studied his appearance, hair lazily threw back into his signature messy bun while stray pieces shied away from it. he wore a simple grey sweatshirt with black sweatpants to complete the lazy look, white sneakers on his feet, and when you trailed your eyes back to his face a boyish smile was present.
"hey." eren said simply, arms stretched out to pull you into a warm hug that you reciprocated, your arms wrapping around his midsection as he snuggled you into him, resting his chin on the top of your head.
"hey, eren." you cheesed, pulling back to wave to the rest of the group. "eren's brother," you watched zeke chuckle from where he was seated. you used your finger to point to yelena after, "yelena, pieck and porco!"
"i'm assuming you know my name and you're just being a fool." zeke announced, making you giggle and place your hand on top of his blonde locks. although you didn't see the upperclassmen much, you had no problem remembering their names, especially zeke and pieck as you saw them the most.
"right, of course i know your name, zeke." you smiled. "but what's the gathering about eren?" you motioned to the clutter of people, looking towards eren who's eyes were already on you.
zeke was faster than eren, answering the question before him causing eren to narrow his eyes at his older brother. "eren, my favorite brother here wants to take my car to see his mom and my dad."
you laughed at his words, the enunciation on the last part of his sentence making eren's eye twitch. "first of all i'm your only brother." eren said, rolling his eyes.
"and you guys share the same dad." you grinned as zeke nodded his head at your clarification, another burst of laughter being let out by you and pieck who shook her head at zeke's antics.
"hi, _____, it's been a while since i've seen you." pieck said, waving her hand as well, her head laid down against the surface below her.
"hey, pieck," you slid down onto the bench taking a seat beside her, porco's hand snaking around her back instinctively. "yeah it has, but that's because you're a year above me." pieck chuckled and nodded her head.
"precisely..." she hummed, moving a strand of raven black hair out of her face, eyes trained in the direction ymir and historia walked off. "who were the girls giving eren the dirty eye?"
your eyes followed pieck's. "oh, historia... and ymir." of course, her out of everyone would notice that. you silently praised pieck for being so observant. you looked up at eren to see him avoiding your gaze, his bouncing left to right.
"what did eren do this time?" zeke asked you, propping his head up on his palm as if he was genuinely interested in the conversation, although you were sure it was just to make fun of eren. pieck gave a confused look, her eyebrows coming together as she glanced between the brothers and you.
"more like what did the girls do to eren." yelena said calmly, a bored expression present on her face, her arms crossed leaning forward on the table.
you averted your stare at eren and propped your arms up on the table like yelena. "well, the blonde girl likes eren and they were talking or something, and um... he was messing with some one else at the same time. she's not happy about that, even though i told her not to mess with him."
"so what i'm hearing is it's her fault for messing with him after you told her not to? lesson learned." yelena scoffed, her large eyes portraying a mocking sorrowful expression.
eren shifted uncomfortably at the new eyes on him, letting out an exasperated sigh. "listen,"
"eren, you really can't defend yourself here." zeke cut him off, eyes widening to poke at eren's expense.
"i didn't know she liked me!" eren blurted out, hands flying out from his sides.
"so your brother's a dumbass too?" porco snorted, eren glaring at him with a huff, crossing his arms back.
"pock—" pieck started, being cut off by eren's rising tone.
"i'm not kidding, i didn't know!"
"so you didn't know a girl who you fucked and kept texting you after had feelings for you?" your retort was quick, head inching forward as your eyes narrowed at eren as if he was dumb causing eren to glare at you too, his lips in a thin line at your statement before placing his hand out for zeke to place the keys in his hand.
"okay, whatever, let's go."
"someone's upset." pieck added before placing her hand on your shoulder. "bye, _____, see you at the club tonight?"
"club?" your ears perked. oh, the club. as well as vacation for spring break, majority of your first and second years decided to takeover a club not too far from campus before people left off for their families. you had already packed a dress for the event when you packed your bags last night alongside eren. the event had just slipped your mind. "oh, yeah, yeah. if eren still want's to go."
zeke slapped the keys in eren's hand, you getting up from the bench with a wave to the remaining three, going to stand beside eren. zeke stood up as well, bringing you into a suffocating hug, his beard grazing your forehead before pulling back with a pat to your shoulder. "well, see you. tell miss carla i said hello because eren won't."
you smiled at zeke before eren grabbed your hand with his free one, giving it a small tug. "don't worry, i will zeke."
with a small "c'mon," from eren, he began pulling you away, you trailing after the boy until the two of you reached zeke's parked car. "you really need to get your own car." you murmured to eren as he opened the back door for you to throw your bag in, alongside his, then the passengers side before walking around to the drivers.
"nah, zeke's is good for now." eren slid into the driver's seat, adjusting the chair before starting the car, giving you a one over to make sure you were comfortable, noticing the way your face shriveled up at the smell of the car. "smells like cigarretes?" he asked you, a small smile upturning on his face, his expression almost softening.
you turned your head towards him with a reciprocating smile at his observation. "yeah, but it's okay. your mom's house isn't too far anyways." eren pulled out of the parking lot, letting your last statement resonate in the air while he watched for cars behind him, hand on the back of the head of your seat, brows furrowed in concentration while you opened up your phone, scrolling through your socials. you noticed the party tonight was the talk of today, almost everyone of your mutuals on your feed talking about it. it didn't sound too bad, and you didn't mind going either, getting to see your friends was enjoyable. "so we're going to that party?"
eren's eyes shot to your face from the rear view mirror, lingering for a little before going back to the road ahead. "as long as you want too— i mean, i want to. why? you don't have something to wear? i thought we packed last night."
"dummy, i'm just confirming with you. i have something to wear, you literally watched me pick out my clothes."
eren stayed silent for a couple minutes while beginning to grin at you unconsciously. "yeah, i saw it, the dress. i was gonna say you could borrow one of my moms if you didn't have one." he joked, looking to you to watch you give him a raise of your brow and an upturn of your lip.
"you're such an idiot." you looked back down to your phone to switch apps. "who's gonna be there that i know? i know sasha will probably go, i haven't seen her lately."
"me." eren said matter of factly, not even looking your way for a reaction.
you rolled your eyes, hitting him on the shoulder lightly. "i'm serious."
"im serious too."
"eren!" you whined his name, his look fixing on you again at the sound of his name before shifting away just as quickly.
"you know, the usual... sasha will probably be there, armin probably wants to see annie or something... connie... maybe jean, or reiner or whatever."
"or whatever." you mocked eren, lowering your tone to try to get his voice spot on, causing him to slap your thigh hard, you yelping and dropping your phone to rub at the abused spot, your leer shooting daggers at eren. "i'm telling carla when we get there."
eren only laughed, bringing his hand back to your thigh and moving your hand to soothe the supple skin with a flitting rub while you pouted at him. "she'd hurt me if i hurt you."
"you did!" your voice raising slightly, hand moving his away but not before pinching the skin on top causing him to hiss.
"sorry." his hand returned to your hand sitting on your leg, giving it a small squeeze of reassurance while he studied your face just in case you had a negative reaction.
you let his palm linger, the feeling almost comforting, and... and what? you couldn't pinpoint it, but for the majority of the rest of the ride, his hand stayed until he had no choice but to remove it when steering. a sense of anxiousness was relieved when he did, but you couldn't figure out why.
"go inside, i'll get our bags, my mom will be happy to see you." eren said, signaling to his front door with your hand, and you nodded walking to the small house. a sense of nostalgia was washed over you. you vaguely remembered coming over to eren's house so often and spending so much time with him, mikasa and armin. of course, mikasa being so busy with her own studies could only visit so much, but there were many times she came back to visit alongside you and eren, armin occasionally visiting as well although he had family to go back to as well. you and eren constantly did almost everything together, from indulging in video games he used to side eye you for wanting to play with him, to helping his mom in the kitchen with a grumble from eren, to getting into heated arguments and having to sit on the couch with carla since eren would kick you out of his room, only to be scolded by carla only minutes later. it was all enjoyable memories, even the arguments, and thank goodness to the closeness of the college to eren's old house. you were able to visit and relive those memories so often, a sense of warmth washing over you each and every time.
not only were you thankful for the proximity of carla's house, but you were thankful for her constant efforts to keep you and eren close. she was the one who suggested requesting a shared dorm, the one who constantly asked eren to bring you over, the one that never failed to ask about you every time she called eren. if you and eren ever lost your bond she'd be the first to know.
you walked up the steps, the door already unlocked as carla anticipated your arrival. as soon as you opened the door the significant scent of linen and apple flooded your nose, along with whatever she was cooking up. the mass of carla's dark hair was in your line of sight once you turned your head to the side, her body stood in front of the stove, and she whipped her own head around hazel eyes almost bulging out there head when she spotted your figure at the front door. "_____!" she exclaimed, immediately dropping the pan she was holding back onto the stove and rushing to you, embracing you in a loving hug. "my baby, i missed you so much! eren brought you!"
and eren, always on time stepped in behind you, his tall figure towering over you and his mom with two bags in his hand.
"and my real baby, oh i missed you both so much." carla pulled away giving you chaste kisses on side of your face, her long eyelashes fluttering against your skin as she cradled your jaw with her nimble fingers. her apron decorated around her waist smelled of fresh cooking, but her perfume lingered as well giving off a haze of peppermint.
she moved towards eren, her hands cupping his face and pressing a kiss to his cheek as well, moving her fingers to tug on his ear playfully before drifting down to his shoulder, patting his chest then pulling the bags out of his hand. "mom—" eren murmured, twisting his face at his mom's protectiveness as she dragged the bags out of his hand, going over to place them beside the staircase before coming back over, hands clasped in front of her guests.
"no, you just came, no need to try to put stuff away yet." carla said with a cheery smile, still elated at the arrival of the two of you. "i'm so glad you're here, i just finished cooking so let's all sit and eat before you try to do anything else." she began walking back towards the pan she left on the stove, head turned back with a knowing look at eren who would try to go put the bags upstairs. "come sit." and you and eren made your way to the round dining table, four seats present, yet only three would be filled.
"where's dad?" eren asked as he sat down, pulling the chair out for you first while you fiddled with your fingers, watching carla plate the lunch she prepared.
carla's movements slowed as she sat in thought for a couple seconds. "oh... he's at work, like always you know." eren looked down, nodding his head.
"so how's school going?" carla asked, heading over to place down a bowl. "chicken pasta salad, it's good, eat." she used her head to motion towards the food.
"it's going good, luckily i don't have that heavy of a workload like others, it's bearable, but of course still hard." you replied, as she brought over plates and cutlery, setting them down in front of eren and you, both of you immediately scooping some pasta onto your plates.
"and you, eren?"
"it's fine, mom."
"how about football? is that going good?"
"yeah, it's good too." you winced at eren's lack of effort in the conversation, hitting his elbow with your own, him giving you a confused expression before he placed his full fork in his mouth.
"zeke told me to tell you hi." you told carla as she came to sit in front of the two of you, plating her own food, eyes widening at the mention of zeke's name.
"well then how's zeke doing too then?"
"i don't know, i don't see him much, eren could probably tell you." you gave eren the opportunity to talk, looking at him to cue him to say something while you took another forkful of the pasta.
"he's probably fine too, i don't see him much either." eren replied with a shrug of his shoulders, picking at his food, and you sighed.
"how's sharing a dorm going? i hope eren's not too much, i know he can be a ruckus."
"it's good too, he's a better roommate than i thought he'd be at first." you let out a small laugh, remembering eren's old antics, how messy his room used to be, the dark green of his walls and the miscellaneous decorations he used to have sprung around. you couldn't wait to go upstairs and check that out again. "he's still a little messy—"
"but she always nags me to clean up so that doesn't matter." eren cut you off before you could attempt to compliment him and you rolled your eyes.
"i wasn't gonna say anything bad. yeah he cleans up a little more now but i always have to pick up a sock or something. plus, i'm the one who has to clean up before someone comes to visit. like mikasa or armin or something." you chose not to mention the countless girls that'd come in and out too.
carla pursed her lips looking up at eren with a slightly disappointed look. "you always have to keep your workspace and your room clean, eren. especially in the presence of others, i didn't tell you that all the time for no reason."
"i know, i know, mom."
"no you don't because if you did you'd keep your area clean in respect for ______." carla placed more of her food in her mouth with a shake of her head before moving her failing ponytail to her back from her shoulder, then looking up at you. her doe eyes were just like eren's, he was the spitting image of her and it's one reason why you could never forget her face. "how's mikasa and armin?"
"they're good too, mikasa couldn't come this time, she has too much going on i guess— but she's fine!" a slight moment of worry crossed carla's face, eyebrows turning up and lips frowning as she twirled her fork in the food in front of her.
"hopefully she can come next time, tell her to relax. poor girl, always has so much on her plate. i remember when she used to be here she constantly had to do eren's chores for him, what a doll."
eren scratched his head, looking down at his almost empty plate. "i did work too, she didn't do everything for me."
carla ignored eren's add on."and armin?"
eren answered before you could. "he's good too."
"i hope so, he's such a sweet boy." carla hummed. "so how long are you guys staying? and how long's your break?"
"only a week, we'll be here for this weekend cause zeke is gonna need his car back." your plate was almost finished as well, fork scraping against the ceramic.
"yeah, but later today we're heading back up to go to a party." eren said nonchalantly, eyeing his fork as he spun it in his hand.
"i hope that's okay with you— if you don't want us to go we don't have to." you hastily added in consideration for carla, eren's green eyes narrowing at you with a small frown. he clearly wanted to have some fun tonight.
"no, no! that's perfectly fine, you'll be here for the whole weekend, i'll let you kids have your fun." carla smiled. "i'm just glad you came earlier than waiting until after the party cause i know you'll get back late and i'll probably be sleeping. who's birthday is it?"
"it's not a birthday." eren stuffed the last of his food in his mouth, chewing before continuing. "just a spring break party before everyone goes home."
"oh? so that's what you do in college nowadays?" carla laughed, peering at eren's plate, content that he finished his food. you joined her in laughing, ushering yourself to finish up as well, knowing eren might get impatient with your pace at eating.
"i guess. there are parties all the time. but how have you been?"
carla beamed at your asking. "i'm good! nothing much, i wait for grisha to come home, although i'm usually just here alone. i have my hobbies though, i'm fine. i've been trying to make friends with the neighbors too, they have some younger kids that are enjoyable." as you listened to carla you finished your food as well, her getting up to gather the empty plates and take them to the sink. "thank you for asking, _____. eren, honey can you put the top on the pasta and put it in the fridge? i'll make dinner later just in case you want something else when you get home tonight."
eren pushed his seat back, standing up to do as his mom said, wandering towards the fridge. "that's fine, we should just give you a break, we'll eat the pasta again when we get back, you can just relax, right eren?" you said, watching carla and eren maneuver around the kitchen while you got up to wash your hands at the sink beside carla.
"yeah that's cool too. you don't have to cook mom."
carla pouted endearingly at the two of you with an "awe," leaving her lips. "the two of you are so sweet. i'll clean up, you can go upstairs now." and with that you and eren left her to her own devices, eren grabbing the bags at the stairs and almost pushing you up the stairs.
"that was good, i'm full." you sighed, as you walked beside eren down the hall until he opened the door to his old room. the walls were still a muddy green, a decision you're sure he probably regret now. miscellaneous posters decorated his wall, an oak desk sat idle in the corner of his room beside a collection of simple books. his bed was made, navy comforter sprawled out on the bed and plump pillows sitting pretty. his bed was big enough for the two of you to share, but carla always asked if you wanted to sleep in mikasa's room when you came. you always declined. "look at your certificates." you pointed to the certificates framed on the wall as eren set the bags down on the floor beside his desk.
"shut up." eren grabbed your wrist, pulling you towards his bed until you collapsed onto it beside him. “'m tired." he groaned, his face down into the cover below him, arm slumped over your waist where you laid. you were going to pester eren about his situation with historia, but you decided to leave him alone for the time being.
"you can take a nap before we leave."
eren turned his head to the side so his cheek was smushed against the bed instead, looking at your form, your head pointed towards the ceiling. "you wanna take one with me?"
you faced eren, giving him a stank face before poking his cheek. "just cause you're tired doesn't mean i am. i'll lay here though, i'll wake you up when we should start getting ready." you slipped your phone out of your pocket to check the time. "you have until like five thirty-ish. it's four."
eren squeezed your side, that same anxious feeling rising as he did so, pulling you a little closer, eyes shutting. "take a nap with me."
"eren, i'm not tired." he opened his eyes again, piercing green blue hues staring at you head on. he removed his arm from around you, picking his head up and scooting up to his pillow, now facing away from you with a huff. "whatever, i'll wake you up later." he didn't respond, and around fifteen minutes after, once he was asleep you got up from the bed.
shuffling downstairs, you turned the corner to the living room, seeing carla seated on the couch watching tv. "hi, mrs. carla." you said lowly, her head turning back fast as usual, and simpering when she saw your face.
"you're okay?" her hand moved to find the remote, turning down the volume on the tv as you came to sit beside her. her soft hand found yours, grasping it. "enjoying the stay so far, right?"
"of course. eren's sleeping so i wanted to keep you some company."
"that's too sweet of you. he's doing fine too, right?"
"yeah, probably just tired from staying up all night. he was up pretty late yesterday." you reminisced on the small argument you had with eren just the previous night before, you pestering him about his reluctance to sleep, him making you irritable being on the phone with who knows in the dead of the night.
carla nods her head in understanding. "so tell me more about the party."
you look up to the ceiling in thought as she rubbed your knuckles. "well, eren wants to go more than me. i wouldn't have minded staying here if he wanted too, but i guess he wants to see some people."
'hm, are you going to see some people?" she wiggled her shoulders in a taunting manner, and you chuckled in response.
"nope, just gonna chill."
"well... don't get too drunk or anything. i want my babies safe...” she looked at you with large eyes, curiousity present on her face. “are you seeing someone?" she asked abruptly.
you were slightly caught off-guard by the question, but were a little glad carla felt so comfortable basking in your private life. "we won't, don't worry. but um, no i'm not."
"i see... is eren? anything he's not telling me?" you pondered, not wanting to tell too much about eren's own personal relationships despite it being his mom. i mean— would you want someone telling your mom about you breaking girls hearts? you decided to enlighten her a little bit, make her feel like she was somewhat apart of eren's romantic life.
"he doesn't tell me much either, to be honest. i guess he's just trying his luck with girls. he has no problem catching their attention anyways, so i don't think you have to worry much about that."
carla looked at you, an unreadable expression visible on her face through the small moment of silence. she let go of your hand, putting hers back in her lap. "i'm glad you know it too." she half joked, looking to her lap. "... trying his luck?"
you shrugged your shoulders, feeling a tad bit uncomfortable, letting your hand come up to scratch at your jaw. "something like that... i don't know, he's just doing his own thing."
carla's eyes darted back and forth between you and her legs, trying to find something to say, mouth opening and closing every time she thought she had came up with the right words. "_____, i really like you, and enjoy your presence you know. you're really great to eren, i appreciate that. i want you to keep looking out for him, i want the best for him. whatever he has going on, help him figure it out, be the best version of himself as possible."
your words were so vague but you felt like she saw right through them. her words were so vague and you had trouble deciphering them.
"... of course, yeah, i'm looking out for him, he's my bestfriend."
"yeah... that's also true." carla sighed, and you hope she didn't notice the confusion that crossed your face for a brief moment.
saving you from the slightly awkward silence, carla turned the volume up on the television, the two of you sitting and watching whatever was present on screen.
soon enough, eren's foot steps were heard, both you and carla turning your head to see eren standing at the bottom of the steps, and irritated tired look on his face. he rubbed at his eyes, moving away some of the stray hairs in his face before slapping his palm back down to his thigh.
"what are you doing?" his voice was rumbly and deep from sleep, tone impatient.
"talking to your mom?" your response was more of a question, carla patting your thigh for you to get up.
"its six thirteen."
"i left my phone upstairs with you, grumpy." you glanced to carla. "he's always like this when he wakes up."
"i can recall." a chuckle left her lips as she shooed you away. "the two of you can get ready."
so you followed eren back upstairs, toeing behind him until you got to his room. you scurried to get your attire and products from your bag, and with your belongings in hand, you went off to the bathroom to get ready and give eren his own privacy.
soon enough you were dressed and freshened up. your strapped blush silk dress adorned with ruches up the side hugged every curve of yours, while your hair sat pretty. you sighed in content, grabbing your perfume bottle and spritzing yourself, the smell of vanilla engulfing your senses. you looked at yourself in the mirror appreciating the way you looked, your lips glossed, and your earrings dangled just above your shoulders.
from the mirror view you could see eren come in behind you, his eyes trailing down your body from your reflection in the mirror. you didn't bother facing him, only stepping slightly to the side to take a look at him as well, a plain black shirt on his upper half, accompanied by black jeans as well, and some sneakers. his pendant hung in his hand, gold watch to match on his left wrist. of course, he never did much to his hair, as it was still pulled back in the same ponytail from before his nap.
"sit down on the toilet." eren side eyed you before sitting on the lid of the toilet, you coming up in front of him to pull the hair tie out of his hair. "your hair's a mess, and i'll put the necklace on."
surprisingly, no complaints from eren arose, he sat quiet as you carded your fingers through his brown locks, pulling his hair back into a neater bun, flyaways still decorating his face in a more purposeful manner. hair tickled the back of his hair as well, but you liked the messy look. you grabbed the pendant from his rough hands, unclasping the back before putting it around his neck, him leaning forward to give you a better angle while he stared down at your feet. "better."
eren looked over you from where he sat on the toilet seat, a calm face present. "aren't you gonna get cold? or your feet might hurt." he pointed to your white heels detailed with clear.
"i'll be fine," you dusted his shoulder before he stood up, once again towering over you, seemingly more intimidating now that he stood straight up. "i have a jacket that i'll put in the car."
you and eren made your way back downstairs, your jacket and phone now in hand, eren likewise. carla practically gasped at the sight of you two, her eyes growing like saucers at your attire. "you guys look so cute!" she came over, taking your hands into hers. "all grownup."
"mom..." eren exasperated, grabbing your wrist to pull you more towards the front door, away from carla.
"eren, it's okay," you pulled out of his grip, turning back towards her. "thank you so much."
carla smiled, heading towards eren. "and my handsome boy," she swiped at his shirt, making sure there were no dust particles on it much like you had did earlier, then tugging at the key pendant on his neck, straightening the necklace. "you guys be safe, i love you."
eren placed his hand over his mom's, moving it down from the chain and back into her own vicinity. "yeah, love you too." his hand made a 'come on' gesture, and with a tilt of his head, you were following him again. "let's go."
"eren, wait." he didn't hear you, still making his way around the crowd of bodies, annoyance creeping up in your veins as you tried to keep up with him. "eren!" still, no response, only him still moving forward making you groan in annoyance. you rolled your eyes for the umpteenth time, and let them land on the bar next to you. "hitch!" you called out, her and the blonde next to her turning towards the sound of her name being called, who you soon recognized as annie.
hitch waved you over excitedly, almost bouncing in her seat at the sight of you. you made your way over, sitting beside her as she pulled you into a tight hug. "____, hey! didn't really think you'd be here."
"why not?" you hummed, bartender looking your way to see if you would hint that you wanted a drink.
"not sure, i just thought you'd be chilling in your room right about now. i was just telling annie about some boys, there's a lot of cute ones here if you want to get some."
"i'm good." you peered down at her drink, clear liquid detailed with greenery, a lime sitting on the side of the glass. "what are you drinking?"
"a mojito," hitch wiggled her eyebrows as she recalled the drink in a sing song voice. "wanna try it?" she pushed it towards your lips. you shrugged your shoulders sipping at her straw without a care. the drink stung a bit, your face twisting as you shook your head.
"i'll just get a martini. what's annie drinking?"
"dunno, probably water." hitch moved a piece of her hair behind her ear, glancing at the clear liquid in front of annie. "oh, yeah. like i was saying..." her voice trailed off to you as you began to talk to the bartender, ordering yourself a martini.
you sipped on your drink, only half listening to hitch. every time she tried to confirm that you were listening by going "right, _____?" you would nod your head even if you couldn't remember the last thing she said.
"_____, _____!" a familiar raspy voice was calling your name, pulling you out of your thoughts. you, hitch and annie once again looked towards the source of the sound, sasha's hand outstretched in your direction as she came forward, dragging along connie. "hey, you're here!"
you shot sasha a smile, putting down your drink and embracing her into a side hug, waving at connie as well. "hey, sash! yeah, how'd you know?"
"i went to go find connie so he could buy me a drink, and i saw eren and asked if you were here too. he said you didn't know where you were though, but what a coincidence." sasha made herself comfortable in the seat beside you, connie staying standing as there were no more seats to the left of sasha. "what's that?" she pulled your martini forward, putting it to her lips with no hesitance, beaming at the taste. "this, what's this?"
you laughed at sasha's antics, her presence making the event at hand all the more better, you missed hanging out with her, only having night classes with her the semester before. "it's a martini."
"yeah, connie, get me this!" connie let out a sigh and went to the other side of the bar where there was seating to comfortably order and wait for sasha’s drink. "he's so nice, i literally forgot my wallet, and that would've been so tragic if they had some good food here." sasha hummed, reluctantly pushing your drink back over in front of you. "how long have you been here?"
"not for long," you responded, taking another sip of your drink. "maybe like thirty minutes or so, eren left me like as soon as we got here so i've just been sitting with hitch and annie." you gestured to the girls beside you, hitch engaging annie in more conversation who almost forcibly listened, seeming to care less, although hitch told her anyways, getting the occasional nod from the blonde.
"oh, i've been here for like an hour now, i met this really cute boy. i don't know his name but he's blonde, and cute, like really cute." she clasped her hands together at the thought of the boy. "i danced with him, he was so nice, i need to find him again tonight." when connie returned with her drink she thanked him profusely, hugging his arm dramatically before letting him go so he could return to his other friends, waving off to you once more.
"well, find out his name maybe."
"i had it, i just forgot!" she pondered. "i think it started with an m, or an n or something, i don't know." you laughed again, taking another drink of the beverage in front of you ice basically being left in the glass, sasha beginning to drink hers as well. "you should come out to the floor and dance, it's literally so fun. plus, everyone else would probably wanna see you. historia is here! jean is too, and like— some other people."
"are you gonna finish your drink first?" you had no problem going out to dance, although you rather just watch from the outside.
"i'll take it with me. is that a yes? c'mon!" sasha exclaimed, picking her drink off the table and pulling you from your seat. you and sasha made your way through the surplus of bodies until you felt the surface under your heels change. you didn't see anyone you knew but you were sure sasha did as she perked up then looking back at you. "there's the boy, look!" you followed her direction of sight a boy with a middle part, blonde strands flopping at the sides of his forehead. he was cute for sasha, and the joy that glowed on her face made you smile.
you truly did miss her, and the excitement she brought into your own life, coercing you to go out to eat with her, begging to come over after classes despite it being night, and pushing you to attend parties and events.
"can i go over to him?" sasha begged, tightening her hold on your arm before making puppy dog eyes. "look," and with her finger she pointed towards a connie, him speaking while moving back and forth to the song playing loudly, music filling your ears. "connie is over there, i'll take you over." you sighed but couldn't help but cast a smile at her, her hickory ponytail bouncing as she took you over to connie.
connie was in the midst of talking to jean, who you recognized right off the bat, his ash brown hair scaping his neck, eyebrows lifting when he saw you approach with your friend. "connie— and jean, hey, jean. look who's here." connie glanced at you, then to sasha.
"i saw her earlier." he said, pausing from talking, his movements slowing. "but, hey again, _____." connie punched your shoulder lightly in a joking manner.
"well, i didn't," jean's hand rested on his chest as he spoke before pulling you into a hug moving the drink in his hand to the side as he did so, cheesing at you. "hey, _____. when did you get here?"
"when eren got here, if you've seen him."
jean's smile disappeared, an "oh," leaving his mouth blankly. "you look nice. how's everything?"
you stepped forward, closer to jean and connie as sasha left your side to go talk to the mystery boy. you grinned at the compliment, showing your appreciation. "thanks... i'm good, how about you?" you only really heard about jean through eren and sasha, also seeing him around campus more often than not. he was good company for the times you've been around him, but you and mikasa had to constantly get him out of scuffles with eren although they were pretty good friends.
"good, that's good. i'm good too. you're just now getting on the floor?"
"yeah, thanks to sasha. why? you wanna dance with me or something?" you joked, nudging jean's shoulder, earning a small laugh from connie as well that you could barely hear.
"jean you better watch it, this my girl." connie interrupted playfully, snaking his hand around your waist and pulling you closer in spite of jean. jean glared at connie before letting his drink run down his throat again, adam's apple bobbing.
"yeah, yeah, _____, wanna dance?" you complied, connie letting go of you and off to do his own thing as you came more up to jean, moving side to side with him as you mouthed the lyrics to the song. you relished in your movements, being able to loosen up and just dance, jean fluently following your movements as well, frequently mumbling the lyrics he knew. when granted you turned around letting your back hit jean's chest, his lip upturning as he looked down at you, watching you do your own thing. his free hand came down to your side to hold you in place as you danced, feeling the song playing. he studied your face from what he could see, noticing how carefree and relaxed you look. "looks like you needed a night out." he said loudly so you could hear.
"i guess. it's just nice to be able to see all of you at once, just letting myself live a little, especially since i don't get out a lot."
"you really don't. you should talk to sash more, have her bring you to some more parties or something like you used to always come to."
you bent over slightly, only so that you were no longer pressed flush against jean, letting your rear grind against him a bit. "you miss me? you can invite me out too you know, just depends if i'm feeling it that day or not."
"so you're asking me to text you more?" jean took your movements lightly, hand still resting at your side, his own body surprisingly cool albeit your actions, continuing to drink the beverage at hand.
you snorted picking yourself back up and adjusting your dress, swaying your hips once more. "jean kirschstein; always a flirt." jean and you both laughed, and he tapped your hip before gesturing towards the bar.
"you know it— but, i'm gonna get a refill, you enjoy yourself." jean began walking away, pep in his step and you chuckled to yourself, standing around until you took it upon yourself to find someone else you knew.
you walked slowly, looking for a familiar face, sasha almost nowhere to be found. you contemplated going back to the bar to sit down with hitch and annie again, or go converse with jean again, but you spotted armin wandering around almost aimlessly in the crowd as well, your face lighting up at the sight. "armin!" you called out, and thank goodness for his sharp ears, the blonde turning around almost immediately at the sound of his name. his smile was large and he came over,
you brought armin into a side hug, a funny look on your face. "armin, hey. you looking for someone?" you asked, referring to his walking around just seconds before you called for him. the blonde scratched the back of his neck, nodding his head with a nervous laugh. "yeah, um... annie, i was looking for annie." your mouth dropped into an 'o', eyebrows lifting up in surprise. you remember eren foreshadowing that armin would be there for annie, and it made you giggle.
"annie?" you smirked, watching his eyes dart around the club, avoiding your eyes. "well, i think she's at the bar talking to hitch. want me to come with?" you weren't planning on grabbing another drink, as you could already feel some of the alcohol buzzing through, but you of course weren't drunk, and you needed it to stay that way.
you felt a hard slap of a hand on your shoulder, whipping your head back to see sasha all bugged eye standing behind you, a concerned expression crossing your face. armin, noticing the drift of your attention gave a curt nod. "no, it's fine, i'll find her." then walking off in the direction of the small bar.
"_____, guess what, guess what!" sasha exclaimed, turning you around by your shoulder, her cheeks high from smiling hard, face flushed from the countless drinks you assumed she must've had since you saw her, another one present in her hand as you spoke. you could only wonder who bought her it.
"hi, yes sash, what's up?"
"the guy— he's literally so cute, and guess what!" she repeated, eager to have you try to guess her next statement.
"um what? you got his number?"
she profusely shook her head, bangs whipping back and forth as she stabled herself on your shoulder, pulling down the dress she was wearing before leaning into your ear. "he can cook too, he told me he's a chef, i mean can you believe that? i don't even know if i want to take him home." she giggled before pulling away, eyes going up to the ceiling in thought. "i should probably get his number too, shouldn't i?"
"well if you're not gonna take him home then you should probably get that now."
"oh, no," her hand paused on your chest while she took a swig of the alcohol in hand. "i'm taking him home for sure, i just got to get the number too, he's so sweet!"
sasha's energy was a lot, her eyes darting around once more. "look, eren's coming over," she pointed with her drink behind you and you turned back to indeed see eren heading over to the two of you, his eyes pointed down at his feet as he watched his step around the excess bodies of sweaty people clashing around him, careful not to step on any feet. "i'm gonna go use the bathroom because i really have to pee, then i'm gonna get his number, ok?" sasha said, you saying an "okay," as she stumbled away to find the bathrooms.
just as she stepped away, eren stepped forward, him placing his hand on your lower back to push you more towards him and get you away from other people. "hey," he said in a louder tone for you to hear.
"hey." your feet moved with eren's as you noticed he was side stepping in an effort to dance less awkwardly, making you hold back a laugh.
"are you enjoying the party?"
"yeah, its nice. i've seen a lot of people so far."
eren peered down at you, eyeing you with another indecipherable look, his tongue sliding over his bottom lip and his eyes squinting slightly. he moved his hand to your side in effort to turn you around, leaning down to your ear. "enjoy yourself a little more, dance with me, i haven't seen you all night."
you looked at eren, his head near your ear causing the deviate hairs on the side of his head to tickle you. "i am... and that's your fault, you left me almost as soon as we got here."
eren ignored your last statement, pressing his palm to the dimples of your back. "lower." he droned, curiosity crossing his face as he wondered if you would comply or not, although he was just messing around.
"eren!" you slapped his arm, another foreign feeling coursing your skin as he tittered in your ear before pulling back.
"what? you're my bestfriend, i'm just messing, plus you'd be at like— my legs anyways." eren gave you a testing gaze, watching you lift a brow up at his slick words. with courage, you challenged eren, pushing back on him a little more, letting your backside brush against him in the slightest playfully. eren's hand stiffened on your side before he turned you back around.
"did you feel that in your legs?" you didn't think eren would take you seriously. you could play around with each other like that, and sometimes you did.
"woah, stop..." he let out a shaky laugh, it sounding more like a huff of breath. "uh, i'm gonna go head over for another drink... do you want one too? i'll pay." his voice came out almost in a pleading manner, but you shook your head brushing him off.
"it's cool, one of us has to stay sober— i wouldn't want you crashing zeke's car either, he'd kill you."
"whatever... but, you sure?"
"yes, i'm sure... i'm gonna go find somewhere to sit anyways, i'm kind of sick of standing."
"i told you your feet were gonna hurt."
"i didn't say they hurt, i said i was sick of standing, stupid. go get your drink." you pushed eren forward a little bit, him looking over you one more time before letting you go, heading in the direction of the same bar almost everyone you had encountered had sat at at least once today.
you wanted to find somewhere to sit, and it wasn't too hard, a broad seating area with small lounge couches and seating in the corner of the club, and sitting one of the couches was pieck, surveying the area, a peaceful expression on her face as she sat with porco. you mentally high fived yourself for spotting another one of your acquaintances, striding over, watching pieck's face practically glow at your arrival, porco not caring much. "pieck," you held your hands out, gesturing to the dark haired girl. "comes to a party, and lays down with porco for half of it."
"so you finally found me." was the first thing she said, intertwining one of her hands with yours and pulling you down to sit with her, laughing at you. "i was out there earlier, and now i'm drinking. pock here wouldn't even let me be out there for too long if i wanted too."
"and let those filthy hands touch you? damn right." he grumbled, arm swung around the back of the seat the three of you were seated on.
"see? pock; forever the life of the party." pieck mimics your earlier tone, using her hands to gesture out like you before the two of you burst into fits of laughter. "but, i saw you being the life of the party and dancing out there."
you scoffed. "barely, i danced with only a couple people, that's all."
"sasha, jean, eren." she leaned forward, bumping you with her hand that held her drink.
"why'd you say eren like that?"
pieck looked to porco, almost snorting at your obliviousness before looking back at you. "he was watching you when you were getting down with jean, then you kind of... got down with him too." her eyes got wide mockingly, before she giggled at her own words, downing some of her alcohol.
"barely," you said again. "i'm just friend's with both of them— and jean is just naturally flirty i guess. i'm just chilling, like you."
porco looked over at your last sentence, eyeing pieck with a muddled guise, her catching on before lightly rubbing his hand that sat on his thigh in security. "not chilling like that, pock, she means i'm just sitting around."
"i'm not stupid, i knew that."
another burst of short lived laughter from you and pieck, porco rolling his eyes at the two of your antics. "well eren and jean are over there now."
you glanced over at the direction of pieck's gaze, spotting eren seated beside armin and annie, and a new face you didn't even see all night, historia talking to eren with a black haired girl next to her, arms crossed. jean stood on the other side of them, leaning on the counter seeming to be listening intently. something seemed off about the conversation but eren seemed to be nonchalant about it so you didn't think twice. "so annie was still at the bar? i guess hitch left her." you said mostly to yourself, recalling when you told armin where the stoic girl was earlier that evening.
"yeah," pieck still heard you. "look at annie and armin," she used her drink to gesture towards the two.
"cute, almost makes me want to get in a relationship, surrounded by all these lovebirds." you said jokingly, specifically aiming your sentence to pieck and porco next to you, and not so much annie and armin as you weren't even sure if they dated.
"i could pluck a couple candidates for you."
"i don't think you'd like my answer."
you shook your head at pieck, only letting the comment linger on your mind for a bit before letting your eyes wander back to historia and eren. they seemed to be having a heated conversation from the distance you were at, historia's drink in hand as she spoke to eren, her hands flailing at the same time while eren drank his own, seemingly half-listening. "was historia always here?"
pieck looked ahead to the bar as well. "i'm assuming you mean the blondie from this afternoon? i remember her, but i don't recall seeing her until probably just a couple minutes ago, why? you're gonna go over and say hi?"
"nah, she's a sweetheart though; she'd be happy to see me regardless, but, i think she might be a little annoyed with me because of what happened between her and eren. if i pass her later then yeah."
historia frowned as both her and you, despite your distance watched eren turn around to armin and jean, saying something that made jean burst out laughing and armin and the raven haired girl next to historia's jaw drop. what jean said after was inaudible from where you sat, but you could just see the words "eren," formed on armin's lip. your eyes widened as when eren turned back around historia's hand flew forward, drink wrapped around her fingers letting the contents inside of the cup spill forward onto eren's shirt, the red shade of the liquid seeping into it.
you gasped and pieck did too, her moving her hair out of her face to make sure the events that were splayed out were really happening. "oh my gosh," you muttered, standing up and taking long strides over to the bar.
armin's hand wrapped around eren's wrist, tugging him back before he could lose his temper on the small girl in front of him. "eren, leave it!" you could hear armin say, worry in his tone as eren shook out of his grip. but before he could do anything else in response you were in front of him, your eyebrows furrowed and your hands placed on the front of eren's shirt, avoiding the wet spots as you pushed him backwards a little.
"eren, hey, eren, stop!" you raised your voice slightly, his eyes still trained on historia who you stepped in front of, her stepping back, with the other girl, who you could now tell was mina, but you could only remember her so vaguely, hearing about her from eren more than seeing her more often than not.
eren looked down at you, his expression softening only a tad bit when he saw your own angered one as you tried to calm him down. you twisted your neck back to look at historia with a disappointed look, her looking almost surprised to see you here as well, as if she genuinely didn't know you'd be here. "historia..." you sighed more so to yourself before looking at eren's shirt again.
"_____, i can take him to the bathroom to help him." armin proposed, coming up beside you and examining eren's shirt as well. luckily because of the dark color it only looked like a water stain, but you knew it was irritating eren nonetheless.
"it's fine, i'll take him, thank you arm—"
"no, let's go, get your stuff." eren interrupted you, turning towards the barstool he was sitting on previously to grab his phone. his tone was low and domineering, almost telling you that yes, you were leaving right now, not that you had any complaints; you were already getting tired, hence why you took a seat with pieck.
"um, i left my stuff in the car, and i have my phone." you felt your chest to make sure your device was still tucked away, and it was, eren grabbing your upper arm and for the thousandth time that day, tugging you away. you could only look back with a sorry gaze at armin, noticing jean's still shocked expression, and realization dawning on historia's own face. you would have to shoot pieck a text later that night as well, as you could no longer see her as eren dragged you out the club.
once you took step outside the cold breeze hit your arm, but one of your arm's were still held captive so you couldn't rub your limbs to try and soothe the aching cold, getting annoyed by the way eren was pulling you along with him. "eren, let go." you pulled your arm back, and easier than you thought, your arm slipped out of his grip as the two of you reached the car. this time he didn't open the car door for you, both of you getting into your designated sides simultaneously, eren starting his brother's car again.
"what happened?" you asked almost immediately, eyes still looking down to the splotch of alcohol on his black top. you knew it would turn into a stain without the proper care of the material.
eren basically ignored you, looking over to your side once before beginning to drive off letting silence fall over the two of you. you huffed and looked out the window, resting your head on your palm and just letting eren's temper wash away with the car ride. you'd coerce him to tell you when the two of you got back to carla's house.
eren unlocked the front door, letting you get inside first. all the lights were shut, his mom most likely sleeping, yet the two of you were still quiet.
eren almost immediately began stripping off his shirt, first starting by placing both of his keys on the counter, alongside his phone, while you placed your own belongings beside his. he took off his tee, pendant slapping against his chest once the shirt was off. you used your right foot to kick off your left heel and did the same with the reciprocating leg.
before he could toss his shirt onto the table chair you reached out, grabbing it and going to flip on the kitchen light, heading over to the sink. eren studied your movements slightly surprised by your immediate efforts to help him, which to him should be no shock; you were always willing to help eren, always one step ahead of him before he could make mistakes, always rushing after him before his mistakes as well.
he came over beside you as you studied the stain, your delicate hands stretching out the fabric to examine it further. "what was she drinking?"
eren looked up from his shirt to your face, you too concentrated on the shirt to notice. "how am i supposed to know?" you gave him a browbeaten stare, him shifting uncomfortably before speaking again. "i don't know... it was something red i think."
"i'm gonna hand wash it and put it in the dryer. next time you wash clothes you can wash it too." you murmured, turning on the sink water before drizzling dish soap onto the black material. eren watched you silently, almost in awe at your domestic movements, your hands moving faintly yet firmly when you scrubbed at his shirt. he decided to break the silence instead of continuing to watch you.
"... i was just talking to armin and jean, and then she came over with her friend."
you immediately scoffed, breathing air through your nose at his last words, not even looking back at eren. "her friend? you know her name eren, i know you do."
eren stared at his shoes, tapping his fingers against the counter he leaned against. "yeah, mina. well they came over, and she was just talking to me like normal—"
"eren." your tone was almost threatening— like a mothers warning. you were glad he finally felt the need to tell you about the events that your mind was pondering on, but the way he sounded like he was attempting to dumb down the story itched you wrong. eren could tell by the tone of your voice that you were slightly upset, and he decided not to push any further.
"well she started talking to me about everything, her and mina were like... interrogating me about the situation, how i... played them," the words felt almost foreign coming from eren's mouth. you could almost see him visibly cringing from the angle he was at beside you. "and then i said something that she took the wrong way, i said it to jean and armin, then she threw her drink at me." the more he talked the lower his voice got until it was merely above a whisper, almost as if the embarrassment was only just dawning on him.
you let the quiet simmer for a little longer, ringing out the fabric in your hand before rolling up the material and making your way to the laundry room, eren following behind like a lost puppy. you brushed your hand against the laundry room door, turning to eren for confirmation that it was the right room if you could remember, and he nodded his head. with a sigh you threw the garment into the dryer, setting it to dry for only twenty minutes then letting the dryer run.
eren once again let his eyes follow you as you stepped in front of him crossing your arms, your brows coming together creating a crease between them, and your eyes squinted at him. "so why'd you do it?"
no response, only emeralds darting around the room to avoid your own strong gaze. you weren't angry, no, as cliché as it is you were merely disappointed— maybe even irritated, and of course confused.
"hm? what'd you get out of hurting them?" you stepped closer, eren making no attempt to step back.
"... i dont know, i—"
"you don't know? you just doing this for fun? cause it's not fun for them, and it's not fun for me when random girls always come up to me, like historia; telling me about what you did." you pointed an accusing finger at his chest. "like, i just don't get it eren." your hand came up to your face as you pinched the bridge of your nose.
eren was almost at loss for words, only being able to listen to you speak, and only able to observe the array of motions that came and went on your face in a single minute, observe how you tapped your foot against the hardwood floor, or the way you tucked your lip between your teeth in frustration every time you took a pause in telling him off.
"eren... i'm not saying she was right for throwing that drink on you, because she's not, but you," another brief pause, and your eyes meeting eren’s, a sympathetic look on them. okay, yeah you weren't mad, you just wanted to know what was going on through eren's head. "you can't keep just doing them girls like that, thinking that nobody's gonna bite back."
"______, i'm sorry..." he didn't want you to be disappointed, he didn't want you to be upset with him. it was some kind of heavy guilt that turned his stomach. he took it upon himself to grab one of your hands, and surprisingly you didn't pull away, his fingers rubbing your knuckles in an attempt to soothe your nerves. "'m sorry,"
"eren, you're apologizing to the wrong person." eren genuinely didn't know what to say, he knew you weren't the person to apologize to but he wanted your forgiveness as well. you let go of his hand moving it to the key around his neck, fiddling with it between your fingers as a mere distraction. he watched your soft fingers move, and it gave him a sense of comfort and fidelity, a warmness in his chest.
"i know..." his tone was filled with culpability, and it made you feel bad despite the position he put your friend in.
"you know, your mom talked to me earlier." you unconsciously slid your hand up his chest to his shoulder. your touch, your touch was enticing to him whether you knew it or not. "she said she wanted me to help you out and help you be the best version of yourself as possible." your other hand went on your hip to steady yourself further, but eren pulled it away and brought it to his other shoulder, you giving them a squeeze that made his stomach flip. "so that's what i'm trying to do, because that's what she wants, and because i love you."
eren practically choked when the words left your lips. not that he's never heard it from you before, no, being his best friend for so long it was such a casual thing to say 'i love you', and it was actually repeated more often than not. but now, why did it feel any different now? "i love you too..." he said hesitantly, bringing his own hands to your forearms, massaging the skin much like he did your thigh the previous morning. "you're not mad right?"
"no, if you can do better for me i won't be." truth being, he'd do anything for you. you let your hands glide up until you were cupping his face, giving his cheek a playful pat to show you weren't mad at him, then coming back down to tug at his chain, like his mom did earlier. "c'mon, let's go get changed."
and it hit him— he was awestruck.
it all made sense, fleeting touches he would give you, the way he relished in your skin on his, wanting you to be in his presence— better yet in his arms. the way your own touch on his; like you putting his necklace on for him, or you fixing his hair, how he would look at you in awe as you did so, how it gave him a sense of calmness. you were always looking out for him, and he didn't realize he was looking out for you too, always a protective grip on you, pulling him along with you, watching you from afar when he had the chance, searching for you when you've been away for too long. and you, when you would check on him, fix his attire, fix his necklace, taking after what you've learned from his mom just showed the mutual bond the two of you had, but the longer the bond stayed cordial, the longer he longed for you more. so when your hand slipped from his necklace and you began to walk around him he couldn't help but whine your name lowly and tug you back towards him, abruptly spinning you back around and letting his hands hold your jaw as he pressed his lips against yours, not considering the impact of the action in that brief moment.
you were caught off guard, the feeling of his full lips on yours felt oddly good, but it wasn't right— no it wasn't right at all to you, but to eren it felt completely right, like you were made for him, his other hand pulling you closer by your waist, the silk material of your dress underneath his hand making him squeeze tighter as if his hand would slip away.
you tried pulling away, and eren could feel it, your reluctance and your hands trying to push him away, but just a little longer, a little more, a little bit more time for his lips to engulf yours, until you both had to pull back for air, your nails leaving crescent moons on his chest from your efforts to push him away from you. he heaved, a croak of your name coming out as you shook your head despite the feeling of the kiss you shared sending the butterflies in your stomach abroad. "eren, no... i can't, you‚"
"no," he was desperate, his voice having that same pleading tone from when he asked you to get a drink with him at the bar. "it's not like that, this is different!"
your eyebrows pointed upwards, something in you did want to believe him but you couldn't. but then again, what would make him want to do that? when did he ever start finding you appealing? was it the kiss just now that made you realize that this wasn't the eren you always tried to take care of? that this wasn't eren jaeger whos ears would get red when his mom would tug on them, or who convinced her to paint his walls an ugly green, or the eren that'd kick you out of his room? this was eren, who grew his hair out to his shoulders, who joined a sports team and gained abs that rippled under his shirt which you finally noticed, eren who would make small sexual innuendos that probably had more lying underneath it than you thought.
this was eren that kissed you, and you kind of wanted to kiss him back.
"i promise." his lips were flushed, much like his face, small wispy hairs from the bun that would never stay put for too long swimming around his face. his palm still lingered on your waist but his other hand was now gripping one of your wrists on his chest. he never knew how to keep his hands to his self, and that only increased now. you didn't even realize he was inching closer, practically begging for more contact. "my mom would kill me if i played you anyways."
and so you let his lips collide with yours again, your mouths moving in synchronization this time around. eren's hands fumbled for the laundry room light before he tapped your thigh signaling you to wrap your legs around his waist. you knew his intentions but you still obliged. he shut the door and you wrapped your arms around his neck as he carried you to the kitchen light, doing the same as the previous room, him carrying you carefully in the dark, taking his time to get upstairs quietly with you in his arms until you both were in his room, him finally settling you down on the bed and turning on a dim lamp on his desk.
"shit," he mumbled watching you splay out in front of him, although your knees were touching as you laid back to hide yourself slightly while eren fumbled taking his shoes off. your dress was sliding up your thighs, and if you opened your legs you were sure eren would get a clear view of the cotton underwear you changed into that morning.
eren didn't want to be too hasty, he wanted to show you that this was gonna be about you and your pleasure, to show you that this wasn't another one of his flings and that you were important, you meant something to him but he just couldn't see it until now. so he towered over you, watching the way you bit your lip anxiously and it made his heart skip a beat, you were so cute, and he always knew so but the thought only audibly hit him now. he massaged your knees, one of his favorite soothing actions to do to you, until he slowly pulled them apart, feeling you tense up. "it's okay..."
so you moved along with him, and likewise, your dress slid up some more, eren pushing it up to your stomach, you lifting your hips to help him do so. he eyed you, making sure you were comfortable, and he couldn't help but lean down to kiss your lips once more, before pushing you further up the bed so he could lean over you. "you want this too, right?"
you nodded your head, letting out a shaky breath as his kisses trailed down your neck, eren using his arms to support himself as he leaned between your legs. you could feel the denim of his black jeans pressing up against you slightly and you clenched, your knees hitting eren's sides. "you gonna let me treat you right, make you feel good?" more kisses down your sternum, until they reached the cleavage of your breasts, eren looking up at you with those recognizable doe eyes, and you pulled his head back up, fingers brushing against his ears.
"yes, eren." his name, his name on your lips never sounded so nice.
eren turned his head sideways to kiss your palm before giving you a boyish smile then tugging at the straps of your dress. "want me to take this off?" he was so verbal, it made you feel so safe and secure. when you nodded your head he began to slowly pull the fabric off of you. he took his time, feeling every inch of your body, every curve beneath his hands, the softness of your flesh against his knuckles. he almost groaned out seeing your body almost bare in front of him. you were so pretty, it almost wasn't fair that it took him this much time to take action. "pretty." he spoke under his breath, but you heard it, and your hand slowly went to your mouth to hide your smile, your other one wrapping around your own waist to hide yourself, and eren caught on, moving your hands. "stop hiding, beautiful."
the compliments went right up your spine, your eyes fluttering as he skipped over your bra and let his kisses head down south, peppering your stomach in them. he let his fingers run up against your sides, eyes looking up to you for a second to make sure you were comfortable to where his hands and mouth were headed. eren's fingers dusted the waistband of your underwear, his teeth grazing the material as well before he pulled back, letting them snap against your skin, you hissing in response. "eren," you whined, feeling yourself grow even slicker from his onslaught.
"yes?" he said almost tauntingly. you could feel his hot breath over your lower abdomen, and you felt like you were being tickled. he decided to be a little slower, moving his hands to your thighs instead, rubbing at them, his fingers ghosting over your skin the closer he got to your heat, and when your mouth dropped open, the smallest moan came out of your mouth when he let his palm rest over you, he couldn't help but rut his length onto your thigh a little through his jeans.
when your legs spread more between him, he took it upon himself to go back down to the same position he was in, holding one of your legs apart by your knee while the other one attempted to pull your panties over your legs. eren was growing excited watching your hips lift up and your underwear fly across the room. his eyes were dark, hungry almost as he watched you try to close your legs again, but his hand was still holding them open as he stared at your glistening cunt. "damn," he breathed out shakily, jade eyes swapping between the view of your face staring at the ceiling in slight nervousness, and your pussy, sitting pretty in front of him, for him. "let me taste you."
you nodded your head almost too fast, and that urged eren on, him settling himself in between your legs. "you're so sexy," his thumb gave your clit a few test rubs watching your hips buck up slightly, and you could feel yourself pulse, aching for more contact, but eren was being painfully slow. he let his thumb drop down lower until it slide between your folds, gathering your slick on the digit, pride filling his body at how much coated his thumb. "you're so wet because of me." way to fill his ego. you rolled your eyes with a small chuckle that made him reciprocate, the childish smile returning on his face.
"stop..." you said, letting your hand fall to your stomach, the small moment of laughter making you a tad bit more comfortable. eren closed his eyes, pressing his tongue against your clit before flipping it and dragging it down to your entrance. before you could even buck your hips up his hand flew to your side, his fingers pressing into your skin, holding your hips in place, a whine leaving your lips that egged eren on. "fuck," the new sensation of his tongue on you, simply sitting on your hole had you wriggling underneath him. he opened his eyes to watch you, your head thrown back on your pillow, mouth agape your hand now kneading at your breast, bra pulled down around you waist, and eren couldn't help but smirk against your throbbing heat.
"you like that?" his lips moved against you and you visibly shuddered, causing eren to chuckle.
eren pressed a kiss to your clit before finally letting his tongue slip into your hole, a small gasp eliciting from you as you felt yourself clench around the wet muscle. he audibly groaned, the way you tasted and felt around him making him tighten in his pants. he pushed his tongue in and out, relishing in each of your gasps and the moans you tried to hide. he pulled back for a brief moment, bringing his fingers up to spread your lips. "don't hold back, i wanna hear you." and he slid his tongue up your slit before sliding it back in, essentially tongue fucking you, your back arching as much as possible under his restraint.
"eren, fuck— more," you hissed. it felt almost teasing, you needed something bigger, something to fill you up and fuck you good, and the thought alone along with eren's tongue venturing inside of you made you even wetter, and eren could feel it, slurping at your juices. the vibrations made you yelp out, his grip on one side of your hips tightening while he readjusted his fingers in a v-shape to hold your lips apart.
eren gave you a small break, pulling back for a brief moment to let you calm down before gently sucking on your clit. he let his tongue sit on it then went back down, this time taking his index and sliding it into you, a drawled out moan leaving you. your eyes squeezed shut, and no— no, it still wasn't enough, but it felt so good.
eren smiled to himself, seeing you shaking in pleasure, knowing it was him doing so, and let his fingers do some work, kissing up your thighs then nibbling on the skin slightly, your other leg sliding up and down on the bed and your toes curling. he pecked kisses back down your thigh until his lips met your clit again, lapping at it lightly and letting the cold air hit it before pressing his open mouth against it and sucking, small hums of content leaving him.
"i can't," you could feel yourself throb as eren pumped his finger in and out of you, curling them to hit that sweet spot inside of you and you almost cried out, that familiar feeling of an overload of pleasure creeping up on you. "i'm gonna come," and god, did he want to feel you cream all on his mouth.
"gonna come for me?" eren added another finger, feeling you squeeze around him as he continued to thrust them into you, letting his lips come back to lick at your heat as he fingered you faster while his other hand trailed up and down your sides instead of holding them down. you let one of your hands come back down into eren's hair, finding a grip on the brown locks and pushing his head down further, eren humming in content, sucking harder for your pleasure.
"yes, eren, yes!" you blabbered, the heat in your lower abdomen twisting around as you grind against eren's face until your orgasm tumbled over you, your hips stuttering, back arching while eren slipped his fingers out, taking both of your thighs on either side of his head and helping you come down from your climax while he licked at you until you were back calm yet your breathing uneven.
eren pulled off of you with a pop, his eyes meeting yours, but you only looked for a split second before you let them go down to his lips, covered in your wetness, and he smiled, his tongue slipping over his top and bottom lip. "you taste good, that was good..." he climbed over top of you until his fingers were prodding at your lips, asking for entrance so he could have you taste yourself, and you complied, lips parting and his digits slipping in while your tongue swirled around them. he curved his fingers, pushing them further down your throat as far as possible before slipping them out and coming down to kiss you, the taste of you even more apparent as your mouths met. he slipped his tongue in, grabbing your jaw and kissing you fervently, tongues dancing together for a bit before he reluctantly pulled away, pressing his forehead against yours. "good job."
your hands made quick work of pulling off your bra completely despite the ache from keeping your legs apart while eren shifted backwards off the bed as you watched him unzip his jeans, pulling down his pants until he was left in grey boxers. he pulled those down too, his cock slapping against his lower abdomen without shame and you nearly drooled when he took it in his hand, rubbing up and down the length while coming back over to his bed. you grabbed eren's hand, trying to keep your eyes off of his length making him let out a low laugh. "you scared?" he joked as you brought him down next to you.
"shut up— no, i'm not." your hands moved to his chest pushing him down to his pillows but eren sat back up, placing his own hands over yours.
"woah, it's okay, you don't have to." he realized you wanted to suck him off, but he didn't want to make it about him tonight as to not give you any ideas that any of this was temporary. he wanted to take it easy and pleasure you like he just did, make you feel good, and make you cry out his name, not vice versa. "you lay down." eren flipped the two of you, until you were back underneath him, and he took it upon himself to rub your breast, letting his thumb and index twirl one of your nipples between his fingers. his mouth came in contact with your other boob, talented tongue going to work at your reciprocating nipple for a brief moment before pulling back. "i don't know if i have a condom."
you glance up at eren, a frown forming on your face. you knew he messed around a lot and that somewhat worried you. "you don't have condoms here or something?" your eyes darted around his room.
"it's my mom's house, no i don't have condoms." eren was growing impatient, precum visibly leaking out his tip so he took it upon himself to smooth it down his length while he thought. "i'm clean though, i swear." he added. "i haven't had sex in a couple weeks either." you gave eren a wary look. "i'm not lying."
with a roll of your eyes you nodded your head and shifted around, but eren stopped you halfway, hand pulling your hip back down to the bed. "nah, i want to see your face, gorgeous." just as fast as he slipped out of his alluring mood, he slipped back into it and your lip twitched as his hand ran down your side until it was back at your thigh, eren pulling your leg further from the other. he looked down to position himself in front of you, mouth in an 'o' shape at the sight in front of him. he was about to fuck you, and fuck you so good. "you ready?"
so eren slid himself inside of you, both of you groaning simultaneously until he was buried at the hilt— and this is what you longed for. you felt so full and it felt so nice, the way he stretched you out was indescribable and your mouth hung open, small gasps coming out as your hand gripped at eren's forearm near your head. "fuck, you okay?"
albeit your eyes being squeezed shut and eren feeling like he was splitting you open, you nodded your head hastily, nails digging more into his skin. it had been awhile since you had sex yourself, so the feeling almost felt like your first again. "yeah... you're just, so— big..." you managed to breathe out. you should've kept your mouth shut, you could practically see eren's ego inflate, his lip twitching trying to suppress his smile.
he brought his palm to your face, smoothing over the skin with his thumb. "yeah? well you're so tight," eren pushed a little further until his tip was brushing your cervix, then his body coming back a little bit until his head was a distance above your pussy, collecting spit in the front of his mouth before letting it slowly drop down onto your clit, rubbing it in to soothe you further as he pulled out a bit, tantalizingly slow. "i'll go slow at first."
eren pushed in and out slowly like he promised, but it didn't last for long, his pace quickening fast, but luckily he continued to rub you in circular motions to help ease the pain until it melted into pleasure. "can't believe you're letting me fuck this pretty pussy of yours." he groaned out, his hips rocking against yours.
the way you wrapped around him, squeezing him impossibly tight wasn't fair. you felt exactly how he thought you would, maybe even better, and every thrust of him inside you had him holding back more and more. "shit, _____." his voice came out in a whimper, and his elbows were brought down to the bed while your legs wrapped around his waist in an attempt to pull him closer.
for you, the sensation was incredible, the way he pulled out just before he was no longer inside of you, then pushed in until you could feel him against your cervix, every time he hit it pleasure shooting up inside of you. it had your skin feeling tingly and your hands flying to grip at the sheets, small wails of pure euphoria coming out of you and edging eren on. "eren," you cried as his teeth began to nibble on your neck, sucking on it as well in efforts to mark you. his necklace sat cold against your chest as he sucked on your neck and increased your pleasure.
"yeah, i love hearing my name from you like that, say it again." he almost demanded, pumping into you harder, your body rocking on top of the bed with every time eren slammed his hips into yours, your wetness collecting on his pelvis. "again," he popped off from your neck watching the skin slowly darken, and he knew there'd be a hickey soon enough.
"eren!" you whimpered, rolling your own hips down into his, eren supporting himself on his arms again, bringing one up to wrap around your neck, giving a test squeeze. "fuck..." you choked out as he tightened his grip, almost surprised at the fact that you weren't trying to push his hand away. his fingers tapped against your neck before he pressed harder, coming down to kiss you again, tongue licking at your bottom lip, your breathing shortening from the lack of oxygen coming in or out. he pulled at your lip before making every thrust of his powerful, pulling out slow then coming back in strong.
"so you like when i choke you like that?" he mumbled against your lips before pressing his against your jaw. "you're so dirty... never thought you'd be like that." and finally he let you take in air, palm moving from your neck to your breast, giving it a nice squeeze.
eren lift your hips up a little bit so he could find that spot inside of you— and when he finally hit it you all but screamed, his hand slapping over your mouth and eren's eyes widening. "shut the fuck up!" his tone serious, as you forgot that his mom was only rooms over. you gave him a sympathetic look in apologies as he slid his hand from your mouth.
"'m sorry, but you feel so good..." you pouted trying to kiss him up in excuse. it had to have worked the way eren leaned forward so he could brush against your sweet spot again, this time you gasping.
"yeah? i feel so good?" he repeated.
"'atta girl," you were consumed in ecstasy, the praise, the stimulation, the feeling of his pendant against your skin, everything was surrounding you and that familiar feeling of your orgasm approaching began climbing again, you just needed a little more. "taking this dick like that— and liking it too." eren unwrapped your legs from his waist, his pace speeding up again. "i bet you want me to fuck you like this more often."
you groaned, your hand snaking down to rub at your clit again, and only after a couple rubs were you seeing stars, your back arching again, every nerve in your body being pinched as you came all over eren. a cry of his name came out over and over again and your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
he didn't stop, no, he was close himself, and the way you were pulsing around him as if you were trying to milk him was helping him to his end. your body went almost limp as you let eren finish. "fuck, fuck, i'm almost there too," he bucked his hips into you a few more times before pulling out and letting his hand finish him off, rubbing himself profusely until spurts of white came out flying onto your chest and stomach. "shit." he panted, and you were too, your breathing unstable, chest rising up and down after your orgasm. "shit."
eren rolled over until he was laid down beside you, your eyes struggling to stay open. eren let his rake over you, from the mark on your neck, to his cum splattered on your midsection, to the small sheen of sweat that covered yours and his body, causing some of his flyaways to stick to his forehead. he sighed in content before getting up to go grab a rag to clean you up.
"don't go to sleep yet." he said as he wiped and cleaned you up with a damp rag, cleaning himself off as well.
"why?" you mumbled with your eyes closed as you turned around so your face smushed against eren's pillow.
eren grabbed his boxers slipping them back on and contemplated handing you your underwear as well or letting you stay comfortable. seeing you wake up bare would cause a problem for him that he didn't want to deal with so he grabbed your underwear and helped slipped them on you, then rummaging through his bag for one of his shirts. "come on, let me put this on you." you reluctantly obliged, picking yourself up from his pillow and lifting your arms so he could slip his shirt over your head before climbing into his bed next to you, pulling you flush against him.
"you okay... was that okay?" there he went, checking up on you.
"yeah, you okay?" and there you went, doing the same.
"yeah... that was real good," eren kissed the top of your head. "i meant it when i said this is different." he rubbed your back, pulling you even closer, his legs tangling with yours as the two of you cuddled under the covers. it didn't feel as wrong to you anymore. a little weird? yes, but his words were reassuring. "i want something with you... i do. you do so much for me, we're always together, my mom loves you— i love you... i don't know, i just wanna be with you."
your heart was pounding in your chest, even through your tiredness. "can you show me you can be better first? work for me?" you didn't want to just hand yourself to eren that easy. "i want you to show me how much you love and care for me. get yourself together, settle down, then i guess you can settle down with me later."
"later?" it pang eren's heart a bit that he wouldn't be able to call you his just yet, but he was determined to do what it would take to get you.
"_____, wake up, my mom made breakfast." your eyes opened slowly at the sound of eren's voice. you turned over to see him dressed, sweatpants and a shirt on his body, hair slightly damp from what appeared to be a recent shower. "get ready, i'll wait."
with hesitance, you got up and got yourself cleaned up and ready. you threw on some leggings and a sweatshirt as you didn't recall any plans with eren nor his mom that evening, and with that you and eren head downstairs, eren's hand holding yours as he pulled you down, but he didn't drop contact with you when the two of you got into the kitchen. instead of holding your hand, he hopped up on the kitchen counter pulling you between his legs where you stood.
"good morning, when did you two come home last night?" carla asked from her position at the stove, flipping a pancake before grabbing three plates from the cabinet next to her and then turning around to face the two of you. neither you or eren missed the suspicious glance she gave you when she saw your stances, holding back her question so you could answer hers.
"probably around twelve... we left early." you said.
"i thought so, i heard something last night but i remembered it was probably just the two of you so i went back to sleep." carla slipped the last pancake onto the stack then handed eren the three plates to place on the kitchen table. "am i missing something?" she said giving you two a one over as she gave him the plates.
"no. there's three people and three plates." eren said as he placed them onto the table, and you rolled your eyes at his stupidity.
"no, like... you guys seem comfortable today." realization hit him as he turned around to his mom trying to hide his stupid grin, which told you to not let him speak.
"uh, me and eren talked yesterday." carla raised an eyebrow at you as she walked past you to put the stack of pancakes on the table, you following behind her to take a seat.
eren glanced at you then to his mom as she brought over a container of syrup and some forks and knives. "i'm trying to make _____ my girlfriend." he said blatanly, watching his mom freeze up as she put a fork and knife beside your plate.
"yeah... he is." you couldn't decipher her reaction, until a small smile appeared on her face as she pat your shoulder and took a seat with you and eren.
"i'm glad." she hummed. "it took you guys long enough... but why is he trying?"
you avoided carla's eyes, concentrating on pulling a pancake to your plate as eren seemed nonchalant about the whole ordeal. it was his mom, so of course he'd be less nervous about it than you.
"i told him i wanted him to get some things together first."
carla nodded in understanding as she began cutting her pancakes. "i see. that's good, just let me know if anything okay?"
"okay." you and eren said the same time causing carla to giggle.
"i'm talking to _____ not you." her tone had a hint of excitement to it.
she was happy, and something inside you was too.
you weren't sure if eren getting a drink spilled on him was karma or luck.
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kimmytrash · 3 years ago
Are We Going Steady? (Slasher!Proco x Fem!Reader)
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Character/ Pairing: Porco Galliard x fem!Reader (80′s Slasher AU!)
Word Count: 5221
Tags: Smoking, underage smoking and drinking, it’s the 80′s who’s in charge of these kids, cursing, mention of serial killers, mild gore very mild, character death, Choking, recording, dubcon (? it vague but its not idk but there’s the warning just in case), runaways, manipulation at the end if you squint, teenagers.
A/N: This took a while with work and hospital visits but it finally came together. Here’s my entry for @cyancherub​ wheel of misfortune collab. I spun up a Porco Slasher with Recording but I carried away. Allow me to apologize in advance for the practices in this fic I’m just here to remind you that it is based on the dynamics of the 80′s, grungy, glamorous, and just... why are these kids not supervised? So yea young adults, senior year, and Zeke... have fun.
I made a playlist for this if you gotta listen to music while you read!
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Things had not been the same since Marcel’s accident. Everything went by fast that spring; Reiner came out injured but survived, Marcel on the other hand…
 It took a lot of consoling for Porco to even go to the funeral.
Him almost cutting off circulation to your hand as he held onto it like a vice, he refused to go to the casket or even leave your side as others came to pay their respects. You had to go to the junkyard and retrieve Marcel’s things from the totaled 1975 Ford Granada their dad gave him for his sixteenth birthday three years prior, Porco couldn’t bring himself to see the wreckage. Not like there was anything left anyways, it was a pure miracle that even a hulk like Reiner survived with some major but not life-threatening injuries.
“Why couldn’t it have been that dumbass instead, hell we’d have been better off. I’d still have Marcel…” Porco grumbled as you sprawled on his bed with him. Back to back, you basked in the inhuman heat he radiated, you were used to the position by now; after the funeral and school year, he barely let you leave his side only going home every few days to be with family and wash your clothes before he rang your mom’s phone off the hook for you to come back. 
“You don’t mean that Pock;” using Pieck’s nickname for him made him groan, “don’t say that kind of stuff about others. What would you do if something terrible did happen to Riener?” The new hit from Billy Idol played softly in the background from his radio as you flipped through the newest issue of your favorite magazine. Speaking of Riener you needed to call him when you ran home the next day just to check up on him, not letting Porco know since that seemed to set him off.
“Didn’t I just-”
“You’d feel terrible, even though you feel like it isn’t fair at the end of the day you’d feel terrible if something were to happen to Riener after you said that. Now get up and get a shower you smell.” Even basic things like showering and remembering to eat had managed to elude Porco so you managed to remind him to shower every other day at least. His mom took him to the doctor a couple of times when she grew worried about his weight loss since the accident but he doesn’t tell her nor the doctor anything, only confiding in you which isn’t much.  
“Fine, at least sit in there while I’m in the shower, you can come back when I get out.” He muttered over his shoulder as he tore himself away from the comfort of his quilt. There it was again, barely able to have a moment to yourself even when it came to his hygiene.
“Damn, you act like we're a couple instead of best friends, what about that crush you have on Pieck?" You joked as you got up as well, it was best to appease him and the task over with.
The only response you received was him muttering something inaudible to you besides a murmur and a huff. The blonde removed his shirt as you closed the bathroom door and faced it, not daring to look away. Not that Porco was not attractive, you dared to say that if he was not your best friend you would be falling at his feet, but you wanted to give him some form of dignity at least.
“That was seventh grade;” the water turns on as he turns the faucet, “I grew out of it.” A hiss followed after, he did not let the water heat up enough with the dingy water heater trying its best to work. The bathroom soon filled with idle chit-chat and banter from you both as steam slowly rolled from the solid-colored shower curtain in the thirty minutes it took him to clean himself. Porco let you vacate to his room as promised as the water turned off and he grabbed his towel.
You plopped back down on the bed and resumed to flick through the magazine you were previously browsing. The air was knocked out of you as the bulky boy plopped onto your stomach. The magazine flung across the room by accident.
“Hey watch it, that’s the last issue for the summer!” You nagged as he chuckled and rolled over.
“Do you have to leave? I’m sure your folks won’t mind if you crashed here.” Oh geez, you almost forgot about the family vacation you were going on the day after next. You were celebrating your last summer at the beach and you’d be damned if you missed the opportunity to get a decent tan before school. Pock was a big boy he could handle himself for a week, it was probably for the best; you know, rip off the band aid quickly. You couldn’t possibly stay his crutch the whole school year, you planned on college and moving to the nearest big city right after, and Porco… after Marcel he just gave up. Yes, it was harsh, but it was also the truth, you’d just keep it to yourself.
“Sorry Pock but mom’s already bought my ticket and the swimsuit I have to go now.”
“But I won’t see you much before school starts after it because she’s gonna haul you off to the mall for school shopping,” Porco argued. He almost seemed desperate, almost like he would die without you there.
“Look big guy you can handle it, besides I can’t stay at your place during the school week so we’ll have to get used to the routine.” You reasoned, clearly, the level-headed one. A grunt came from him as he flopped around a bit to get comfortable, a sign he was done with the conversation. You get up and grab your magazine to resume it as you clamber back onto the mattress, deciding it’s better to not pursue or he’d be mad the rest of the night.
And so that’s how it went, the next day you went back home. You did your laundry, packed for the trip, ate lunch with your mom, even got to call Reiner. You made sure to catch him up on Porco’s health and find out all three of you were sharing the same homeroom, senior year should be fun. He wished you a happy late birthday and hung up soon after, you forgot your own birthday due to making sure Porco would be okay, your eighteenth birthday. Your mom consoled you as a few tears rolled down telling you not to fret because the trip would make up for it.
Your mom was right, that was the best trip you’ve ever been on. The time away from Porco and everything that was going on was nice, it left you time to figure out what colleges you were going to look at and you even got a short summer job for the last few weeks of summer. Of course, Porco was pissed when you told him, he said he understood but it still hurt that you made that huge decision without him. You shook him off and continued to bulk up your savings.
A week before school started was when it happened, so sudden that it stopped your little hometown. One of the girls in your senior class was found dead by the diner. Her name was Annie Leonhart, a quiet girl who was an enigma. She made good grades, was captain of the girl’s basketball team, she was active in school activities but no one knew anything about her. Other than she lived with her dad who was a strict military general, his job making him and his family jump from place to place. 
No one knew who did it, no one saw, the old diner never set up surveillance cameras and all suspicion pointed to it taking place in the back near the payphone. Judging by the fact that she was found inside the said booth, the phone had been used to bash her head and multiple stab wounds. The authorities never released her cause of death but they did announce a killer at large, unable to give a name or description they just enacted a curfew hoping that would quell the unease around the town. All preteens to young adults must be off the streets by eight p.m. no exceptions.
So you found yourself at Porco’s home once again, the hum of the ceiling fan keeping you company, he had dozed off a while ago. You, on the other hand, were supposed to be at home two hours ago due to the curfew. But on that hot summer’s night, a sheen of sweat on your forehead and the heater that is Porco laid with an arm slung across your waist, his face dug into your shoulder you just couldn’t bring yourself to leave him. With school starting in two days things were going to change and fast.
On the first day of school, a memorial for your classmate was held. Porco stayed close to you, his hand twitching every time they talked about how good of a student Annie was, how she had many friends, the lies made his blood boil unknown to you. You chalked it up to them not even batting an eye to Marcel dying, no memorial, no flowers, just ‘sorry for your loss.’
“Pock, calm down you’ll be outta here and back in class in no time.”
“Shut it (Y/N), just let me veg out and wake me when it’s over.”
“Damn, careful Porco, with charm like that (Y/N)’ll be dropping their undies for you.” Reiner gruffed from your other side. It was awkward being between the two, Porco’s animosity and Reiner’s obvious guilt in how things turned out.
“Eat my shorts meathead!” You squealed as Porco shot across you to sock Riener in the face. Luckily the science teacher, Zeke Yeager, managed to jump in and grab Porco by the middle, slinging him to the aisle in the auditorium. Bertolt managed to grab Riener, not like he was going to stop Porco though.
“You three;” a quick point to you, Proco, and Reiner, “my classroom. NOW!” Zeke Hollard and all three of you marched to his office.
“Nice going, Porco…” You grumbled.
“Shut the fuck up, better than being in that stupid auditorium for another hour.” A retort was shot back.
“You two, don’t make me repeat myself, sit down and shut the hell up,” Zeke said as he lit up a cigarette adding to the smell of stale smoke and cheap cologne in his office. You guess being the vice principal and the science teacher had its perks.
“One job. You dumbasses had one job! Sit there, shut up, and pay some damn respect to the dead but obviously, even that’s too much!” A puff of smoke left his nose. “Now here’s what I’m gonna do since nobody was hit, nobody was hurt, and it’s the first day. I’m going to let you three slide… on thin fucking ice, alright? You’re all eighteen, you’re all adults and you should act like it.”
You felt like a kicked puppy, Mr. Yeager was one of your favorite teachers. He never cared about cursing or smoking, he was not a hard teacher so passing his class was a breeze, in fact, the class felt odd when he was not calling you all dumbasses or brats. If only Porco hadn’t flown off the handle. Now he looked pissed off and frankly done with you and the other two.
The three of you scattered out of his office, Porco taking off to go smoke by the bleachers outside leaving you and Reiner by the lockers. The blonde scratched his cheek looking a little awkward. He never was good with people and since the accident, he became even more locked away
“Sorry about earlier, I didn’t think about Porco being still being hung up about the accident, it’s been months. I mean I know it’s not something you can get over but…” He trailed off.
“It’s okay Riener, really. To be honest Porco’s been off lately…”
“Breaking news this morning as two teens were found dead by the movie theater on main street. Victims were eighteen year old Ymir and eighteen year old Lara Tybur. The third victim, twenty year old Willy Tybur managed to escape to authorities and passed away in the hospital. A report states that all three had multiple stab wounds and their lower jaws were left hanging by a thread.” A news reporter stated on the tv as you and Porco lounged on his couch, your legs slung over his lap. August had quickly turned to September and then to October. Each day at least one teen would be found dead, it was never consistent though, one may be from your town while another from the neighboring towns of Maria, Rose, and Sina. 
The only things that the authorities can link with these crimes are the jaws, stab wounds, and macabre vhs tapes that the police found by the victims. A few people say it was the infamous Jaw Titan, a killer from back in your parents’ day, coming back to take his revenge for his dead brother while others say it's The Night Stalker. One victim that only managed to stay alive an hour or two after the vicious attack wrote out that they saw a male figure wearing a white mask with a long blonde wig, with that being the only description the authorities deemed the killer the new Jaw Titan.
A feather light kiss on the cheek brought your attention from the tv. You saw Porco, his hands slung across your lap, face beat red and grey eyes focusing on everything but you. Your own face flushed at the bold move as you planted your own on his cheek making it all worse. 
“Does this mean we’re going steady?” He asked as he finally looked you in the eye. It's not like you never thought about it, but did you feel the same way? You did reciprocate the action and that’s what couples do…
“Yea…” the words flew out before you could catch them. Not a moment to process it went by before Porco had a fist full of your hair and you two started to make out. Until his mom came home and threw a fit, not because you two were making out but because it was on the couch where they have family game night.
Over October the deaths ramped up, what was maybe two or three a month had turned into two or three every couple of days, and with the shitty tech the police had in your town finding the killer was damn near impossible. Even a couple of officers had died by their hands. With suspense raising and Halloween approaching something had to be done. Thankfully a couple of rebellious men who just so happened to be there did nicely on trial and with the Jaw Titan off of the streets, or so it seemed, the life turned to normal. No curfew, no killers, and now you get a Halloween dance with Porco.
“Do we have to go this stupid costume party?” Porco asked as he adjusted the mask on his face.
“Duh, that’s a dumb question. We finally get no curfew and a costume party! Think about it, you’re the big bad killer and I’m the survivor.” In all honesty Porco was glad to see you excited, with the curfew in place there wasn’t much to do but talk on the phone and read magazines. Not to mention Halloween had to be your favorite holiday.
Your mom slid into the den and started to snap pictures of you two with her trusty disposable camera, making sure to take them to the store and have them developed in the morning. She quickly rushed you out, reminding Porco that your curfew was midnight, no exception, not to do anything she wouldn’t do, and to stay out of trouble.
“Some nerd better come in clutch with the good booze in the punch is all I’m saying.” Porco levied as you two climbed up into his dad’s old pick up truck.
The gymnasium was packed with seniors, juniors, and sophomores all adorning costumes. Kitschy classic Halloween themed music playing in the background as teens did terrible renditions of the Monster Mash and Transylvania Twist. Cheap decorations hung from the ceiling and fog machines whirred to life as the dance began, you grabbing Porco’s hands and leading him to the floor and starting to twist your hips, a wicked smirk stretched on his lips as he pulled you closer.
You guessed about two hours passed by before students were stumbling around, obviously drinking the now spiked punch. Looking down at your own cup you debated on taking a sip or not, deciding ‘what the hell’ you shrugged and threw the burning fruity drink down your throat. You might as well keep yourself preoccupied while Porco was out smoking. 
You knocked back two more before the effects started to kick in and you quickly had to exit the gym into the hall of the school to the restroom. Too busy focusing on emptying your stomach you never heard the heavy footsteps outside the stall. Too busy to hear the girl calling for help outside the restroom’s heavy door. The only thing that alerted you once you finally disposed of the alcohol in your stomach was the screaming of the students in the gym and the smell of smoke.
Eyes wide, you jumped up and threw open the stall door, coming face to face with the white mask and long blonde wig of the Jaw Titan Killer. Stopping in your tracks, you couldn’t help the tears that welled up in your eyes as you thought of all the things you had planned, you never even got to tell Porco you loved him you had since you two were kids. The killer had you cornered, it was too stupid to try pushing him out of the way and you were sure he’d quickly grab you before you could make it over or under, not to mention the alcohol made you just a little slow. You weren’t drunk, you weren’t tipsy, you could feel that slug in your brain however. 
‘Guess this is how I die.’ You thought as he grabbed you by your collar, lifting you off the floor just a little. Your brain finally caught up as he opened the door to the hall, revealing two girls now dead with no lower jaws screaming from the gym as smoke poured out. Finally, finally you screamed and struggled as you were dragged down the hall towards the nurse’s office.
Hitting and kicking did nothing but piss him off, earning a shake or two here and there. He had a course in mind and you were going with him. The dingy nurses office smelled of cheap baby powder perfume and sterile isopropyl alcohol as you were tossed onto the rickety, uncomfortable bed, getting tossed back as you tried to hop up and make a break for it.
“Let me go, you monster!” You hollered as he turned to adjust the camera on a makeshift stand of the pull around the overbed table and books. The words made him stop in his tracks, broad shoulders shaking and heavy pants could be heard from inside the mask as he turned to glare at you through the eye holes. Pressing the record button he moved to the end of the bed, allowing the lens a perfect view of you, tear stains and reddened cheeks, as if to show off to it somehow. Like a sick and twisted home movie just for the cops after you were dead.
Grabbing you by the ankle you dragged closer to the killer, screaming and sobbing the whole way. A knee placed between your legs kept you in place as he held your wrists by your head. Soft hiccups and heavy breathing was all you could afford as he took a good look at your face. Trying to calm down and quell your quickening anxiety you tried to focus on what his eyes looked like, maybe if you just focused. They were grey, grey like Pock’s.
“What’s wrong, ain’t I supposed to be the big bad killer? Now listen Angel if we’re gonna make it out of here, you gotta stay believable.” He whispered quietly in your ear. Your eyes wide, you wanted to ask him why, you wanted to punch him in his face, you wanted to cry and hug him yet you only slightly nodded. A breath was heard, what you assumed was Porco keeping a chuckle in.
His hands moved, trapping both your wrists in one as his other hand went to your breast, feeling the fleshy mound through your shirt. You could feel his thumb attempt to swirl your nipple through the fabric as you looked away, you didn’t know Pock’s plan but you did know he needed you to act like you didn’t just consent to it. A gloved hand roughly jerked your face back to him by a vice-like grip on your jaw sure to leave bruises. He let out a growl that rumbled through the mask, and if you could you’d tell him that did something for you, feeling butterflies float down your stomach to between your thighs.
You could have kicked yourself when you instinctively let out a sigh as the hand that was torturing your breast went to the hem of your shirt, dipping underneath with a cold grip as he hiked up the fabric over your head, and off your wrists as you took the opportunity to act out a struggle. Your bra was next, the latches popping off as it was thrown to the floor like your shirt. In a flash your wrists were pinned in one hand again, the fight leaving you out of breath and a distinct bulge in Porco’s pants.
His knee moved up to press against your aching, clothed, core making you whimper and instinctively try to lift your hips and sway to get that much needed friction. Porco’s masked face jerked over to the camera, the red light blinking letting him know it was still recording, to give them a good look at the show he was putting on just for the police to find later. He wished he could throw off that damn mask and give you a proper roundabout but of course if he lets it slip now he would be done for.
“No,” You half whined, half sobbed as his knee moved with your hips as his free hand went to your pants and started to slide them down. Your shoes came off with them leaving you in your soaked panties and socks. With your eyes closed all you could focus on was the pressure and pleasure, you wanted and needed to get off. You were no virgin but it had been a while of pent up tension. 
A finger poked at your clit through your panties, rubbing tight circles as the cotton came into contact making you squeal and moan. Remember (Y/N) you aren’t supposed to be enjoying this dammit. After a while your panties were moved to the side in order to insert his index finger moving it in and out making you sigh. 
Porco must have thought you weren’t being believable for as soon as that sigh left you the hand holding your wrists was gone and around your neck, giving the gentlest of squeezes making you gush around Porco’s finger as your first orgasm hit unannounced. A second finger was added and another squeeze, your over stimulated core was fluttering, you weren’t sure you could take it. You just bared with it and rode his fingers again not ready to pussy out but also just ready for something more.
You whined as his fingers left suddenly, the hand around your throat letting a little of the pressure go as you heard the clinging or his belt buckle. Looking at him wrestle his member out of his jeans you noticed he was hard and ready, the tip red and already leaking a bit of precum. With a couple of pumps he aligned with your core, giving the camera one last look he slammed into you. No easing or anything, just one long push almost knocking the air out of you a little from the impact as you managed to ease out a whimper.
He wasn’t the longest but damn did the man have girth to compensate, it felt like you would split in two if it weren’t for the prep. Just like his entrance he wasn’t slow with his thrusts either, they were faster, deep, and hard just like his temper which you could tell was getting the best of him at that moment. Still you pushed your hands against his chest in a meek attempt to push him off but his other hand joined your throat as well. With both hands you truly felt like he was willing to kill you, it was violent and kind of hot and you would worry about that when it was over.
Heavy puffs of breath left as he continued to work his core, his hips twitching every so often, a good indicator he would not be lasting much longer. Every jerk had your body bouncing and the headboard of the shitty bed used for those with ‘tummy aches’ hitting the wall causing some of the sheetrock and plaster to flake off from the impact. You could feel it too, the intense pleasure as his hands bared down a little too tight on your throat, the looming threat of being choked to death, the ghastly white mask, the cock sliding in and out of you. It was all too much as your walls tightened and fluttered and you were overwhelmed with all the sensations, your vision going white as another orgasm hit and your walls clamping around Porco as he kept going. 
With a final jerk he was cumming inside, something you wished he could have warned you about, all the grunts and moans he was letting out prior couldn’t compare to the roar he gave as he emptied into you. His thrusts slowed down to a stop as he rode the high or his own climax, shoulders heaving and forehead sweaty under the mask. Forcing himself to move he readjusted his pants and stepped over to the camera, allowing it to get one last good look at your spent body he turned it off and watched as you drifted off.
“Hey, Angel, wake up!” A hand shaking you roused you out of your sleep, your head pounded and hips felt like they were on fire. You felt like you had been hit by a car, or a bus. At that point you didn’t care, all you wanted was either a pain reliever or to go back to sleep.
“What, leave me alone.” You whined out.
“Yea, see, that’s nice and all but I’m gonna need you to pay attention.” Porco’s voice raked across your ears as you looked at him finally. The events from what you guessed were last night came flashing back as you looked at the ratty hoodie and baggy pants you were wearing. You couldn’t help it as you jumped up to look out the window of the moving vehicle. The scenery moving past, nothing but corn and blaring sun.
“We’re way beyond Marley, Rose, and Maria, on our way out past Sina here soon. I was wondering where you think we should post up for a little while, lay low you know?” 
“You’re a dumbass…” You seethed at him as he kept driving, you wanted so bad to punch him in the face but the threat of a moving car and an accident kept you restrained.
Around late afternoon you two finally managed to find a motel far enough out of the way that you were safe to rest. Not a word was said between you two for the rest of the ride until you got into your room. The air thick with animosity and doubt, it could be cut with a knife if you really tried.
“Look, (Y/N), I know alot’s happened but hear me out…” Porco tried to reason.
“Shut up and quiet down you dumbass! They’ll hear us and let’s face it, you’ll go down with me because as far as the cops know you’re still alive and with your shitty acting it looks like you were a part of it too.” He hissed at you.
“Then explain to me, what happened, why.” You pleaded. For some reason you thought it was your fault, if only you didn’t leave for that vacation you maybe could have prevented Porco from thinking and acting on his actions.
“I don’t know, maybe because that whole shit hole of a town just overlooked everything. Marcel deserved better from them but as soon as his funeral was over and he was in the ground everyone went back to normal! The dirt didn’t even have time to settle yet before they were patting Riener on the back, offering scholarships to him… things that should have been Marcel’s! Then the meathead goes and tries to move in on you, don’t play dumb I saw it!” In that one explanation you finally saw it, the little boy who was scared. No big brother to help guide him, Porco was always close to Marcel, barely ever leaving his side. You had known them since you were three, you felt horrible for Marcel but you felt worse for Porco. 
“Well, now what? What happens? What about the tape?” You had to be there for Porco, you were all he had left now that he was on the run. 
“I wrapped it up and threw it out at the police station after I stole the car, just in time too, a couple of the guys got smart and broke the crawl window out in the locker room. Managed to get out and get the police, smart too considering I blocked every exit, even the fire exits.” He explained wrapping an arm around your waist; “I was thinking we change our names, get hitched, ditch the car in a couple of days and settle down. They wouldn’t know who I am and if you do something different we could get away with it.”
“Does this mean we’re going steady?” You joked leaning against him.
“Yea dumbass, I think it does.”
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plutowrites · 4 years ago
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Chapter One
➸ Zeke x f!reader multific
➸ next chapter | series guide
➸ a/n: i have nothing to say except zeke on the brain heavy rn..monkee man..grr...oh also pls lmk your thoughts!! i would love to hear all of them♡
“Since when were we allowed to smoke indoors?” Porco mumbles under his breath, coming up behind you. You feel his body press right against your back as he clumsily nudges his shoulder with yours.
You didn’t need to look around to find out who the culprit was, it could really only be one person. “We’re not, so don’t get any ideas.” You reply, wiping down the countertop with a damp rag. You make a face when your fingertip touches an unidentifiable, sticky substance but you make sure to clean it off real good.
“If he gets to do it, why can’t I? I don’t see you doing any—” Porco stops mid sentence when he looks up from his phone to meet your fiery glare. You bend down to grab a spray bottle filled with a combination of clorox and other cleaning products that you can’t name and wave it in his face.
“You don’t look busy enough, table 6 needs cleaning.”
Porco smirks like he knows something you don’t. “I’m officially off the clock princess.” He points to the owl shaped wall clock hanging above the exit door. “Sorry.” He fake pouts, except you and him both know he wasn’t sorry at all.
You bite your lip. “Where’s Pieck? She’s supposed to be in by now.”
“Dunno. She’s probably still sleeping.”
“But it's 8pm?”
“You say that like anything she does makes sense.” Porco shrugs. “I was going to ask if you were going to go to the party tonight but—” He shakes his head, laughing to himself. “looks like you’ll be spending saturday night with monkey man.” Before he heads out, Porco sends you a final salute, still wearing a sinister smirk on his face.
You totally forgot there was a party tonight. You sigh loudly, it’s not like you could’ve gone anyways. Besides, Connie was hosting and as much fun as his parties typically were, the police always ended up in his driveway before midnight—you doubt tonight would be any different.
After the last of the customers leave and you clean up the mess they left behind. You make sure to mop the floors, count the money in the register, and put up all the chairs. It was only you and Zeke left in the diner, the other workers heading out early after you told them to since it was a slow night. You hum to yourself as you spray down window after window with windex until your reflection in them was clear as day. It was sort of therapeutic for you, the same rhythmic motion of the flick of your wrist over and over again.
“You plan on working here forever?” You hear Zeke shout out behind you abruptly. You stop spraying and turn around to face him. He’s leaning against the very same countertop you just made spotless minutes ago and it’s taking everything in you not to scold him for it.
“Why do you ask?” You reply dryly, going back to the task at hand. You could go an entire shift not speaking directly to Zeke. The furthest any communication with him goes is you shouting out an order and him grunting in response to indicate he heard it. Once the food is ready he’ll press the bell and you would serve the food to the corresponding table, that’s it. And this system seems to be working fairly well so far for all parties involved.
“You bust your ass every time you come in here and for what? Minimum wage? Or do you get some sort of pride from being the most anal person here?”
“Not all of us can afford to goof off like you.” You spit back.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Zeke responds, you can hear the amusement in his voice—as if this conversation was nothing more than something he’s engaging in to pass the time. As if he didn’t just insult you despite how hard you work to keep this place running smoothly.
“Come on. You really need me to remind you that your parents literally own this place?” You scoff, squinting at him. What’s his deal?
“I guess you’re right but that still doesn’t explain why you work so hard, especially considering Carla looooves you.”
Your heart warms at the mention of Carla, the diner co-owner who you admire to bits. “I can’t let her down.” You shrug.
“You could’ve at least went to the party tonight.” So he was eavesdropping in the conversation you had earlier with Porco. You wonder what else he heard from all the way back in the kitchen. 
“Are you bored? You seem bored. How about you do something productive and wipe down the rest of the windows.” You pick up and throw the roll of paper towel situated on the ground near your foot at Zeke. He lets it fall to the floor without making any attempt to catch it.
“Ah but I’m having fun talking to you.” He coos, sliding himself into the booth nearest to you. He folds his hands like a school kid waiting to be called on and cocks his head to the side as he gazes at you. When he catches you staring back, he smiles. “What are your plans after you graduate?”
“Why do you care?” You answer his question with another question.
Zeke chuckles, shaking his head gently which makes the blonde mess on top of his head flop side to side. “Not one for conversation, I see. Makes sense why we don’t ever really talk to each other.”
“No one ever talks to you.” You snort but instantly regret it. You didn’t mean to come off as rude, you hated the way you sounded.
“Pieck talks to me.” He scoffs.
“She talks to everyone. She’s a sweetheart.” You find yourself making your way over to the booth and sitting across from Zeke. You convince yourself you’re only engaging in conversation because you’re bored and need human interaction. Closing up the diner by yourself always made you feel lonely. “You know you can go home right? I can finish up here by myself, I’ve done it a million times.”
“Oh trust me I’m not here to help you if that’s what you think.”
You roll your eyes. “Then why are you still here Zeke?”
He opens his mouth then closes it, struggling to find the right words to use. His grey eyes dart away from your face and down at his hands. A few awkward moments pass before you decide to break the silence.
“Zeke? Why are you still here?” You press, thoroughly intrigued by him.
“I need a favour.” When he sees your eyebrows raise in suspicion, he adds, “It’s nothing major.”
You exhale. “Okay. What is it?”
“Are you busy on the 24th?”
You knew immediately that you were—that day was Carla and Grisha’s vow renewal ceremony for their 20th wedding anniversary and you were attending, everyone from the diner was. “Yeah, I am and so are you.” You cock your head to the side in confusion, unable to pinpoint where he’s going with this. There’s no way he could’ve forgotten such an important event, Carla would never let him.
“Right.” His long, slender fingers drum across the tabletop. “I need you to be my date.”
A snort escapes your lips and your hand flies to your mouth. “Be serious Zeke, what do you want?” You ask, patiently waiting for him to break character and laugh with you except he doesn't. He’s staring at you with a blank look on his face.
“I am being serious, Y/n. It’s hilarious though right?” He says, still wearing that deadpan expression. “Laugh some more, it’s only my pride on the line.”
You finally stop giggling but the smile on your face remains. “Okay, I’ll bite. Why do you need me to be your date?”
“Carla has been hounding me about it for months, man. Eren has his date and she wants me to have one too.”
“What about the hundreds of girls and...milfs that show up here asking if Z is working?” You lean forward, pressing your hands flat on the table. “Why can’t you take one of them?”
“I can’t”
“Why not?”
“I can’t.”
“I just can’t! Okay? Damn. I wouldn’t be here asking you of all people if I didn’t have to.”
You close your eyes and pinch the bridge of your nose, letting his snarky comment slide. You’re trying to think of any way to get out of this and then it suddenly hits you. “Pieck.” You whisper and Zeke squints at you. “Pieck.” You repeat, louder like a mad detective who just connected the dots to crack their latest case.
“No.” Zeke simply replies, giving it absolutely no thought. 
You groan loudly, slamming your palms against the tabletop. “Why the hell not? She can tolerate you!”
“And you can’t?”
You ignore him. “Why not her?”
“Because I told Carla I was dating you.” He whispers, unable to look you in the eyes.
You must’ve heard him incorrectly, there was no way he said what you think he just said. “I beg your pardon?”
“Y/n I’m sorry. I mistakenly told her I was seeing someone when I wasn’t just to get her off my back. I thought if I made up this imaginary girlfriend she’d drop the subject but then she kept asking more and more about her and I kept feeding into it, describing this perfect person.” He exhales before continuing. “She asked if it was you and you should’ve seen the way her eyes lit up. She was so convinced it was you, Y/n and I didn’t have the heart to tell her that it wasn’t. I didn’t know how to tell her that this perfect girlfriend doesn’t exist at all.”
“Zeke” you sighed out in annoyance. “Did you even think this through? I go to the ceremony with you then what? We live happily ever after together?”
“Only if you want to baby.” You shoot him a glare and he smiles apologetically in response. “Sorry. After the ceremony is over you won’t have to talk to me ever again. I promise.” He raises both hands before placing one over his chest. “I promise.”
“How does that even work?” You groan, frustrated at Zeke’s lack of attention to detail. How could he possibly think Carla would buy this act for even a second?
“I’ll just tell everyone we broke up. Look it doesn’t matter, let me work out everything on my own. I just need you for one day.” He pauses before chuckling, like he just remembered something. “Well, every day leading up to that day too. We still need everyone to believe we’re actually a couple.”
You stare up at the ceiling, silently cursing Zeke for even putting you in such a predicament. You want to say no—you want to say no so badly but the vision of Carla’s face dropping when you and Zeke walk into the reception separately makes your stomach curl. You couldn’t do that to her.
“For Carla.”
“I’m doing this for her, not you.” You say and Zeke nods his head knowingly. “Two weeks until the 24th. We have exactly two weeks to convince everyone we’re together.” You wipe your palms on your work uniform and get up from your seat.
“Where are you going?”
“Aren’t you going to finish up closing?”
“Nah.” You grin sheepishly. “You are.” You watch him open his mouth to contest but you raise your hand to stop him. “You owe me Zeke. Big time.”
❀taglist : @bunny-xoxo​ @peachysimp​ @ackerpotato​ @expectoscamander​
© 2021 plutowrites
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unloved-cadillac · 4 years ago
pieck with an s/o who got injured badly on a mission 👀💔?
C/n: you got it, Anon! Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
Stay With Me.(Pieck x Reader)
Something felt off. Something didn’t feel right and Pieck knew this. Although the mission was going alright and soldiers were successful in killing the enemy, you were no where to be seen.
“Men! Where is L/n?” Pieck asks in her Titan form. “We don’t know, ma’am! We’ve lost contact with her after the explosion!” One of them yells back and Pieck’s breath hitches. She looks around frantically and she starts to panic.
Porco yells out to her and she turns to look at him. He runs with one hand in the air like it’s holding something. He sprints towards her and rests in front of her. “It’s Y/n. The idiot got caught in the explosion.” He says and rests you on the ground. Pieck leans down and looks at your disheveled form. Your legs were burnt and your uniform torn. But you were breathing. She saw your chest move and eyebrows relax. Pieck slowly takes you in her mouth and heads back to base, ignoring the tears that flowed down her face and the racing of her heart.
Fuck. Where am I? It’s so cold. Am I dead?!
Your eyes slowly begin to open but immediately shut when the bright lights shined on your face.
Yeah I’m definitely dead.
Squinting, you slowly begin to open them again and you feel the softness of a bed and covers all over you. “What?” You mumble and look around. The sun rays flowed through the little window of the room and it looked like it was early morning. As you woke up, the door suddenly opens.
“Y/n. You’re awake. About time.” The voice of a doctor says and walks to you to check your vitals. “Doc. What happened? The last thing I remember...was the...explosion. I was-” “Y/n.” You get cut off by the doctor who puts a hand on your shoulder. “It’s okay. You’re fine now. You were out for three days. Your wounds will heal in a couple of weeks but for now just rest.” He tells you and begins to walk out but stops by the door. Three days? He looks over shoulder and tells you: “Pieck’s outside. I’m gonna send her in.”
You nod and wait for her. But before she comes in, you have a look at your injuries. You lift up your blanket and see your legs. Still intact, thankfully, but really burnt. A few weeks will heal this? But you still had feeling in them and your arms had a few cuts and bruises and you had a large scar on your stomach.
As you were inspecting your wounds, your beautiful girl comes into your room. You look up and see her. She looked terrible. Like she hasn’t slept in days and her hair was more messed up than usual. “Hi babe.” You say and smile while she sits next to you. “Are you okay? How are you feeling?” She asks you in a hushed tone. You could tell that she holding back from crying.
“I’m fine. How are you? How was the mission?” You try to lighten up the mood and she just scoffs. You tilt your head and take her hand in yours. “Talk to me.” You say and she just jumps onto you. “Oof.” You fall back with her on top of you. “You idiot! You stupid idiot!” She yells and and hugs you tightly. “That’s-Thats a redundant, Piecky.” You word out and laugh a bit while holding her back. “I’m sorry.” Pieck sighs and looks at you and kisses your lips. “It’s okay. Just, stay with me. Okay?” She asks and you nod.
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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kai-uh-arcadian · 4 years ago
Ackersmith Cafe 
Pieck x Reader
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Word Count: 2.7k Cw: minor cursing Disclaimer! This is my first story/fic/head canon type thing ever, so feedback is much appreciated! ( :
* Lots of wholesome fluff ( : <3 *
Ships involved: Pieck x Reader, Hitchani, Eruri, Yumihisu,  Implied EreMika, Implied Niccolo x Sasha
⁃ Ackersmith cafe, a quaint, dark academia type coffee shop
⁃ Leading local competitor “mom and pop shop” of the Shiganshina county against Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts and Bakers Dozen
⁃ Used to be called “Smith Cafe” owned Grandma and Grandpa Smith before Mr. Erwin took over and married Mr.Levi
⁃ You and your parents have been going here since you could remember! Even before Mr.Erwin won his battle against cancer but lost his arm
⁃ Even though you’re in college now, it’s still walking distance from Paradis University and the neighbor university—Liberio University
⁃ You introduced your college friends, Sasha, Mikasa, and Annie to this place
⁃ You go here almost everyday to study and do uni homework
⁃ “Mr. Erwin!” You announced every time you walk in with Annie, Sasha, and Mikasa as the bells of the cafe ring
⁃ “(Y/nnnnnnn!)” he says waving his bionic arm that Hange, the other barista, made for him
⁃ (Hange chooses to work here every other weekend as a way to “relax” from their researching job, crazy right?)
⁃ “Hey twerp, when did you get so tall?”Mr. Levi flashes a smile from behind the counter, remembering you getting hoisted up on your dads shoulder while ordering a hot chocolate from when he was a trainee here a few years ago
⁃ “Mr. Levi, it’s been years since I was your height” you chuckle glancing at Mikasa, Sasha, and Annie stifling back a laugh at they witness this interaction
⁃ “Tch. You brats, I’ll kick you out any second!” he jokingly gets defensive
⁃ “Levi” Mr. Erwin puts a hand on the small of Mr. Levi’s back “Be nice to my favourite and most important customers! You’ll drive out our daily revenue” he laughs
⁃ “Yeah yeah whatever. The usual, brats?” Mr. Levi rolls his eyes holding back a soft smile
⁃ “Yep!” You all say in unison
⁃ “Should’ve guessed” as his rings up your guys’ total “I’ll bring it right out for you guys” he says before disappearing into the brewing station
⁃ You, Sasha, Mikasa, and Annie go to your usual booth right by the front window of the cafe
⁃ You 4 begin to pull out your computers and begin to do homework
⁃ Sasha and Mikasa are typing away on a shared Google Slide for a project they were both assigned to for their ENGL 2273 class they both happened to have together while you and Annie are looking out the window dozing off
⁃ “(Y/N),” Mikasa says grabbing your attention “Do your work.”
⁃ “Alright alright” you begin opening up a blackboard assignment your Professor assigned to you
⁃ “Slacking off again (L/N)?” Mr. Levi’s voice startles you as you look up
⁃ “No!” You shyly smile at him as you pretend to type away at the assignment
⁃ “Tch. Anyways, a white chocolate mocha latte with a glazed donut for you Annie, a hot, unsweetened, caramel latte for you Mikasa, a bacon, egg, and cheese croissant with a cinnamon dolce frappe for you Sasha, and a matcha frappe for you (Y/N). Anything else brats?” He smiles as he hands everything to you guys
⁃ “No thank you!” You say in unison once again before he nods and walks away
⁃ As you sip on your delectable drink, Annie’s face lights up and it’s not from the donut (this time)
⁃ “Eh? Annie, what’s got you smiling?” Sasha says nervously chewing on her croissant at Annie’s surprised face
⁃ “Oh.” Annie’s face goes back to the typical stoic look “nothing, it’s just I know those people about to walk in” she gestures to a tall, muscular blonde man, a tall, brunette who is visibly sweating, a dirty blonde man with an undercut, and breathtaking black haired women with languid eyes and a perpetual soft smile
⁃ “Huh? How?” Mikasa looks up from her work and towards the girl sitting to her left shoulder, peeking a glance at the group about to walk in
⁃ “Eh, I went to Marley high school with them. I had a few classes with each of them throughout the years but never really interacted too much. They aren’t mean or anything— I just recognize them. I think they go to Liberio university” she says taking another bite of her donut
⁃ “Her names Pieck Finger” Annie said with a mouth full of donut directly at you “I’m guessing you were wondering” she smirks
⁃ Your face heats up. Did Annie notice you were staring at her?! Oh no… if Annie noticed… did this mean that Pieck girl also notice?!”
⁃ “No no” you laughed it off, “I wasn’t wondering I was just staring off into space!!”
⁃ This earns a chuckle out of Mikasa, she read you like a book
⁃ The Liberio squad orders as your little Paradis squad begins to pack up after being there for about hour and a half
⁃ “Annie?” The muscular blonde says from a few tables over
⁃ Annie lights up a bit at the seemingly familiar voice coming from behind her
⁃ “Reiner?” Annie walks over to the table as you, Mikasa, and Sasha continue to pack up
⁃ “Oh! These are my friends (Y/N), Mikasa, and Sasha. We usually come here almost everyday” annie says as each of you light up at the sound of your name
⁃ “Nice to meet you all! This is Bertolt, Porco, Pieck, and I’m Reiner”
You 4 wave to the Liberio 4 and you make direct eye contact with Pieck, she smiles softly at you
⁃ “It was nice seeing you all again, we were just on our way out” Annie waves to the group
⁃ “It was nice meeting you!” You, Mikasa, and Sasha say in unison
⁃ You made eye contact with Pieck once again before exiting
The next day
⁃ you text the group chat during your last class of the day “Ackersmiths?
⁃ Annie replies “Hitch nagged at me this morning claiming she deserves more attention so I'm taking her on a date tonight. ”
⁃ Mikasa replies “I’m being forced to meet Niccolo today😐”
⁃ “Okay so you all hate me😩I’ll go alone” you respond to the group chat
⁃ “Yeah that’s exactly what we mean (Y/N)😪😪😪” Sasha replies
⁃ “Yeah whatever.😫 I’ll be over later tonight and bring you guys your usuals if you want” you reply
⁃ “You’re a saint!🛐” Sasha says
⁃ “Sasha’s dorm as usual? I’ll be there around 8 o’clock” Annie says
⁃ “Perfect, I’ll see you guys then, i know you guys love me🥰🥰🥰🥰” you sent the text and began walking to Ackersmith’s
⁃ you walk in and greet Mr.Levi and Mr.Erwin like always “Mr. Leviiiiii! Mr. Erwin!!! It’s your favourite customer!”
⁃ “Oh? I didn’t see Sasha walk in though?” Erwin banters back as you walk towards the counter
⁃ “Yeah yeah, be glad or else you wouldn’t have any pastries left to sell today” you laugh “could I get the usual please?”
⁃ “Of course! I’ll have Levi bring it out to you in a second” Erwin beams and heads towards the machines
⁃ You begin to head to the table usually sit at when you aren’t accompanied by your usual gang but it seems to be taken
⁃ “Grandpa Arlert!?” You exclaim
⁃ Distracted by your excitement, that ethereal black haired Pieck, walks in and sits at a table closest to the entrance by the window. She instantly notices you chatting with (in her eyes) a random sweet old man
⁃ “(Y/N)!” He begins to get up
⁃ “How’s Armin doing? I haven’t heard much from him while he’s been in France but Mikasa tells me so much, maybe too much,  about Eren’s studies abroad”
⁃ “He’s doing well, I miss seeing you 4 all the time. I’m about to be on my way but come see me anytime kiddo” he pats you on the head
⁃ “I’ll come by this weekend okay Grandpa Arlert?” He nods as you sit down and pull out your computer
⁃ Pieck is gazing out the window but every now and then she glances at you. She can’t help but find you adorable when you focus on something— you furrow your brows a bit, squint, and bite your bottom lip
⁃ As Pieck is totally engrossed in your cute little studying quirks, she quickly averts her eyes and your head snaps in her direction as the entrance bells chimes and a couple walks in
⁃ You focus on the couple as the blonde one in a flowy pink dress pushes the stroller to nearby table and the taller brunette one in slacks and a button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow goes to order (for the blonde one as well, you assume)
⁃ The gears in your head are shifting as you begin to figure out who the hell that couple could be as they are SO familiar to you
⁃ Then. A lightbulb! “Historia?!” You say to the women about three empty small tables away
⁃ (It’s a local favourite, how could you not see people you know here?)
⁃ (Y/N)?! You get up and start walking over to Historia’s table accompanied by a stroller
⁃ (Y/N)? The tall brunette walks over with a strawberry pastry and a plain croissant
⁃ “Ahh, Ymir!” You exclaim embracing her
⁃ “And who might this little one be?” You question while lovingly waving to inside the stroller which held a baby with dark hair, freckles, and bright blue eyes
⁃ Somehow(?) a perfect mix of Ymir and Historia
⁃ “This is baby Freida” (after her late sister) Historia grabs the about 7-month baby girl and gives her a kiss on her chubby cheek
⁃ “Sooo this is what you’ve guys have been doing since we left high school. I always wondered where you guys took off! You both completely went AWOL “ you chuckle while holding your index finger out as baby Freida grasps it
⁃ “Yeah, after high school I decided to take a gap year and Historia decided to become a CNA, I’m working on my realtor license” Ymir says taking a chomp out of the croissant
⁃ “I’m so happy for you guys! Seeing you guys and plus this cute little one just made my day. Could I hold her?” Your eyes looks as if they’ve been possessed by literal stars
⁃ “Of course!” Historia gingerly hands you baby Frieda and to your surprise, little Frieda giggles while you rub your cheek to the baby’s chubby one smiling
⁃ While this interaction is happening, Pieck has her eyes GLUED to you
⁃ Her heart is bursting at the seams right now. From seeing you interact with the sweet old man you refer to as Grandpa Arlert to you holding a cute ass child AH! Her heart IS exploding
⁃ It’s like she’s emitting a pink aura out of her body and little hearts are circling her as well
⁃ You hand baby Frieda back “it was nice chatting with you guys, text me if you guys are ever back in town!” And with that you retreat back to your original spot
⁃ Hyper focused on what you’re supposed to be doing on your screen you’re interrupted by Levi’s booming voice
⁃ “Hey brat, sorry it took so long. The blender got jammed, probably from all the stupid ice it took to make your dumb frappe”
⁃ “Also, you’re probably too oblivious to notice but, don’t look now, there’s a dark haired girl by the window who has been making googly eyes at you the moment she walked in”
⁃ (WINGMAN LEVI?!?!?!)
⁃ You nonchalantly glide your eyes over to where he was talking about and he referring to Pieck
⁃ THE PIECK FINGER from yesterday
⁃ Your face turns red as you grab the drink from Mr.Levi and begin to stutter
⁃ “I— uh-“
⁃ “Don’t think I didn’t notice your little interaction yesterday” he scoffs hiding a smirk
⁃ …is he referring to me staring at Pieck from the window????
⁃ (That sounds creepy but in an innocent young teen/adult puppy love way)
⁃ “If you’d like, I can send a drink over from you. She ordered the weirdest frappe-combo-shit yesterday so I remember it. It was a matcha frappe with strawberry purée and strawberry drizzle with matcha dusted on top of the whip cream…” he scoffed “but what do I know? I’m just an old married man”
⁃ “Yes! That would be perfect, I trust your gut Mr.Levi!” You hand him your card and he smiles as he begins to walk away
⁃ At this point you’re nervous. Yes you’re looking at your computer but you CANNOT think about anything else but how Pieck will react
⁃ Does she have a boyfriend? That (stupid) undercut guy?
- The tall sweaty guy?
⁃ Or maybe the muscular guy
⁃ No no, she looks too smart to date a meathead
- She seems too outgoing to date a super nervous guy
⁃ Or a seemingly fuckboy
⁃ But who am I to judge her preference?
-Is she even gay?
- She probably has a girlfri--
⁃ “Thank you for the drink” a sweet voice danced in between your clouded thoughts
⁃ You look up and you meet eyes with the one and only, Pieck
⁃ “May I sit here?” She gestures at the empty seat in front of you
⁃ (Mr. Levi’s plan worked?)
⁃ “Of course!” You shyly smile rubbing the back on your nape
⁃ “Your names (Y/N), right?” She took a sip of the drink
⁃ “Hmm.. Doing a bit of stalking I see. How’d you know my exotic drink of choice?” Those heavy words came out so smoothly you could barely react to the accusation
⁃ “Oh! Uh— no it’s not that” you instantly became flustered
⁃ The laugh she let out was so beautiful that it made you stop in your tracks
⁃ A bit of the puree was on her lips, which made them glossy and her head tilted back which let her flowy silky black hair waterfall off her shoulder
⁃ A bit of confidence shot through you
⁃ “Actually, a little birdy told ME that you were the one “stalking” and they decided I should do something to get your attention” you raised an eyebrow
⁃ Pieck’s angelic laughter came to an instant halt and her face become the same colour of the little bit of strawberry purée on her bottom lip
⁃ Now YOU were the one giggling at her reaction
⁃ “Don’t worry don’t worry! You waved your hands in a surrendering motion “in all honestly Mr. Levi said he saw you looking at me today and remembered your ..interesting.. drink from yesterday and also remembered about how I was looking at you when you walked in with your friends and suggested I send a drink over to you” you reassured
⁃ Oh shit
⁃ She giggled at how red your face got after realized what you had just told her
⁃ “Well if you’re going to be honest I will too, I thought you were the cutest thing yesterday. Today really solidified that thought because I mayyyy… have noticed you with that cute little baby” she gave you a languid smile fiddling with her hair nervously
⁃ Taken a bit aback from this
⁃ Are you hearing this correctly???
⁃ “Could I possibly get your number? Maybe later this week we could go on a proper date or something?”
⁃ “I’d love nothing more than that, (Y/N) she gives to the sweetest most genuine smiles there can be
After you exchanged phone numbers, you and Pieck spent about 2 more hours there talking about everything and yet nothing at the same time. You both shared pointless stories about each other’s upbringing, majors, fun stories about your mutual friend Annie, your own friends, and little sarcastic shots at one another here and there before walking her back to her dorm at Liberio University (about a 30 minute walk back to Paradis University)
She thanked you for the fun night by giving you a small peck on the cheek.
When you both returned to your assigned dorms
Pieck spent the night fangirling about you to Porco, Reiner, and a 4th year named Zeke
While you spent your night fangirling to Annie, Sasha, and Mikasa
“Oh (Y/N)!? Speaking about great things you find at the cafe, where’s the drinks? ” Sasha asked after your little spiel about Pieck
Ackersmith Cafe has always held a special place in your heart but the love you’ve had for the place just got deeper.
sorry if the ending sucks but lmk your thoughts!!!!!! (:
- Kyah
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aremie · 4 years ago
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 ;; Eren is dead, your friends are dead, Annie and Armin are probably starting a new life together, Levi and Mikasa are hiding together somewhere, and you are left alone. Left alone in misery, you try to bring Eren and your friends back to life by abusing the extent of your abilities.
𝗮 / 𝗻 ;; this is inspired by wandavision, some aot manga spoilers, ending is different, eren is crystalized, reader, eren and almost everyone twenty one here.
𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗺𝗲𝗿 ;; reader has abilities like wanda maximoff, you have powers like chaos magic, manga spoilers, don't read if you don't want to be spoiled. Different ending from the manga.
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞. ;; this fanfic has a different ending from the manga. eren is crystalized in this one, annie and armin are living their lives before their time is up, mikasa and levi are both in hiding and you are left alone. (this is canon-divergence with a little sci-fi in this.) titans are still existent. Everyone is 21 years old. PART ONE here.
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"SO WHY'D YOU join the program?" Annie Leonhart, a warrior candidate, finally spoke up after being silent for days.
"I joined due to my father forcing me to. He said that if i didn't, i would disgrace my family." You softly whispered, you didn't know anyone here and was too shy to interact with anyone.
"Oh." The blonde apathetically responded.
"What about you? Why'd you join?" You asked, being curious about the blonde's backstory.
You waited for her answer which took a few minutes for her to respond. She might have dealt with traumatic things, you thought.
"I joined for my father." She said.
"Ah." It was quiet for ten minutes but it wasn't an eerie type of silence. It was more of a comfortable silence than anything.
"My name is Annie. Annie Leonhart." She said, lifting her hand for you to shake. You smiled, immediately shaking her hand. "I'm [Y/N]. [Y/N] [L/N]."
"[L/N]? Like the House of [L/N]?" Annie asked, looking a bit shocked while you just nodded. "So that's why your father expected a lot from you." She lowly said.
"Mhm." There was a comfortable silence between the two of you as you two just sat there.
At least you made a friend, right?
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"Y/N? ARE YOU alright?" Your dear boyfriend, Eren asked while you were still on bed due to just waking up. "I'm alright." You responded as you slowly got up.
"Are you sure? You were crying while asleep. Do you wanna talk about it? Armin used to tell me that to feel better, you have to talk it out with the one you love." Eren asked once again, getting worried.
There. Right there. Armin's name was enough to pull your sanity back to reality. A reality where Eren was dead, Jean and Connie are mindless titans, Armin and Annie are building a new life together, Levi is probably in hiding with Mikasa and you were left alone.
You wanted to live in denial. You needed to live in denial. You wished that you were as careless when you were a child. Back when you didn't have anything to worry about. Back with Reiner, Annie and Bertholdt. Back with Porco, Pieck and the others.
You wished that you didn't join the warrior program. You wished you disgraced the family. You wished that you were never experimented on and never get this power.
But at the same time, you wished for a peaceful life with Eren. If you never joined the program, then you would have never met Eren or Annie. Or even your closest friends.
Eren's voice brought you back to reality. No, not in reality but the reality you have made. "Hmm?" You hummed as you got out of bed.
As if the earlier scene never happened, Eren grinned and hugged you which surprised you a little bit. "Eren, are you alright?" You asked as he continued hugging you. Softening up, you hugged him back but still wondered why he was hugging you.
"I love you." He softly spoke as he nuzzled his head to your neck. Smiling, you kissed his forehead and responded, "I love you too, darling. But would you mind telling me what is up?"
Eren grumbled, but still responded. "I'm fine."
"Are you sure? Do you wanna talk about it? Armin used to tell me that to feel better, you have to talk it out with your lover." You repeated his words, but due to you rewinding reality, it never happened.
"Its just that. . ." Eren tried to speak up but couldn't find the right words.
"Just what?" You asked him, getting worried.
"I— I don't know. I feel trapped. Like i'm enslaved and stuck. I think something's wrong, [Y/N]." He admitted.
"Its just that. . ." Eren tried to speak up but couldn't find the right words.
"Just what?" You asked him, getting worried.
"I— I don't know. I'm just worried that once we build a family, i won't be able to give us the things we need." He admitted, sighing in defeat as he laid his head down onto your lap.
You smiled softly and looked at him. "We're not yet married and you're already worrying about that?" You asked sarcastically. I mean, you were right, he hasn't proposed to you yet.
"Well, i know but—" You cut Eren off by kissing him softly. He was surprised but then kissed you back lovingly.
Maybe it's not that bad to stay in denial and live in this fake reality until the final days of your life.
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"Your Majesty, there's something wrong in Shiganshina, its urgent!" One of the royal guards yelled as they ran towards the queen. Historia, being oblivious to what was happening then turned around to see five royal guards tired and sweating.
"What? What's wrong?" Historia asked hastily, not knowing why the guards were panting and sweating heavily.
"Its— Its Shiganshina, we can't seem to enter the town and even if we tried, we would get thrown away by an invisible thing! Hitch Dreyse tried to do it but disappeared!" One of the guards explained.
Historia felt nervous. What was she supposed to do? An invisible barrier banishing people out? It seemed ridiculous but she knew that they wouldn't lie to her and so she decided.
"Take me there."
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"SO TELL ME, where exactly are you going?" You asked him, helping him tie his hair into a bun.
"I found a job as a doctor near our house and i need money to buy a rin—" Eren stopped himself while you just looked at him curiously.
"Money to buy a what?" You asked him, crossing your arms.
"Money to buy us food, darling!" He immediately answered. "Besides, we wouldn't be able to survive if i don't work. How could we buy the food we need if i don't work?" Eren reasoned.
"Uh, Magic?" You said. Your humor was always shitty but you were somehow saying the truth.
Eren just sighed as he kissed your forehead. "I'm heading to work." He said while you squinted your eyes.
"Alright then. See you, Love you." You said, getting curious about what he was intending to do.
"Love you too! I'll make sure to bring something home!" He lovingly said as he went to his workplace.
That was weird, you thought.
Once you were about to sit down, you heard a knock on the door. You sighed. You're not gonna get a break until the end of the day. Walking to the door, you were shocked to see a certain someone.
"Heya [N/N]!" The woman in your doorstep said.
The woman was Hitch Dreyse.
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"So why can't you enter this?" Historia asked as they were all near the town that was isolated.
"Nobody knows. Some say that it had some invisible barrier. Not to mention, all civilians that lives in Shiganshina are also stuck in there." One of the guards said.
"So all civilians that lived here are also stuck in this thing?" Historia asked, feeling dread and sadness. She failed as a Queen. What was she gonna do now?
"Mhm. They are either dead or stuck there. Nobody knows. The only one who entered the town was Hitch Dreyse and none of us have heard of her wellbeing for two weeks." The guard explained.
Historia nodded and told the guard to continue as she tried touching the electrical barrier. The guards noticed and tried to stop her but before they could, she disappeared suddenly.
The guards then immediately freaked out and took out their firearms. "Your highness?!"
None of them knew that their Queen Historia was stuck in a reality that her friend had created.
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jordanjaeger · 8 years ago
Porco Galliard x Female Reader: I Deserve Happiness, Too.
Porco watched as you slowly migrated around the library. Your hands were clasped behind your back while your eyes scanned through the many shelves full of books. You stopped occasionally to pick out a book and skim the back for a summary, returning it to it’s original spot when you found yourself uninterested. You continued this process for nearly twenty minutes, until finally, something caught your eye.
Porco’s eyes didn’t leave your figure as they followed you to a table occupied by four chairs. You pulled one out and sat down, your hues shifting back and forth as you read the back of the book. He noticed how your hair was slicked back into a low ponytail, your usual go-to hairstyle. He thought it suited you, mainly because it revealed to him your perfect features. Your skin was dewy and smooth, and your eyes, the ones that so seemingly always wondered with curiosity, were big and bold. He thought it was cute the way you squinted them whenever your lips curled into a smile, rounding your face like that of a laughing child.
He narrowed his eyes to your body. He often thought about how someone so fragile-looking could never join the military. You were tiny, and shorter than he was. To him you were like a delicate flower, whose overall personality resembled that of rose petals. Bright, beautiful, and sexy, just the way he liked it. Unfortunately, the amount of confidence he needed to feel brave enough to talk to you was still at an all time low. Not very appealing for a soldier according to Pieck.
Porco had spoken to her about his feelings regarding you, hoping to gain some insight on how to approach you correctly. He didn’t have much experience when it came to girls, and even with the few times he’s tried talking to one, they always turned him down due to his lack of compassion and kindness, two categories where Pieck dominated him in. So who better to ask for advice from than Pieck?
“(Name)’s a sweet girl. She's a little quiet, but will open up to anyone if you talk to her. You just have to be nice. She won’t bite.”
“I don’t know.”
“If you can jump into a mirage of bullets during a war, then surely you can muster up the courage to talk to a girl.”
“I guess.. But what if she doesn't feel the same way towards me? What if she thinks I'm some sort of monster?”
“She and I are friends, and yet, she does not resent me for my titan powers.”
“I just don’t think it would be wise for me to pursue someone like her, especially in my position.”
“Everyone deserves to be happy, Pokko. We live in a cruel world, where war and violence reign, and the people of Marley despise us Eldians for being descendants of the devil. We’ve been stripped of our childhoods, forced to fight alongside the military, and inherit a power that holds a burden over our heads for the remainder of our lives. It's tough being warriors, which is why it is so crucial that we find some sort of balance to keep us from losing ourselves. In your case, (Name) could serve as your balance. All you have to do is just talk to her.”
“You’re right. I’ll do it. And stop calling me that!”
Porco replayed Pieck’s words of wisdom in his head. She was right. After everything he had been through, he deserved to be happy, even if it was just for a little while. Who knows? Maybe once he finally confessed his feelings to you, you would admit to having feelings for him as well. At least, he hoped so.
Taking in a deep breath, Porco exhaled slowly through his nostrils in attempts to calm his racing heart as he arose from a nearby table and made his way over to you. His palms were sweaty in his jacket pockets, prompting him to take them out and let the cool air of the building reduce some of the moisture.
You noticed someone approaching you and immediately looked up from the first page of your book. Your heart flipped when you met Porco’s gaze as he stood behind the chair in front of you.
“Is this seat taken?” Porco asked bluntly.
You shook your head no, unable to speak right away due to the electricity circulating through your veins at the sight of your crush. You’d heard about him plenty of times before, but rarely did you ever get to see him as much as you had liked for reasons you believed were considered classified because of his new position as a titan shifter. So you were surprised when you saw him in the flesh again, a close-up of his handsome facial features you so desperately wanted to see after he had been away for four years.
Porco sat down and naturally folded his arms across his chest. He stared at you for a moment before dropping his attention to the book in your hand.
“What’s that you’re reading?” he asked.
Upon noticing your lingering stare, you quickly darted your eyes as he returned his attention towards you. You shut the book and turned it around for him to read.
“It’s called Liberty in Liberio,” you answered, realizing now how boring the book sounded compared to your previous opinion.
“Is it any good?” asked Porco.
“I just started,” you replied.
Porco didn’t say anything, feeling slightly embarrassed after he just watched you pull the book off of the shelf. Though he brushed it off knowing that you didn’t notice him before, so he was in the clear.
“(Name) isn’t it?” His plan was to play dumb, as if he hadn’t been observing you all of this time nor gaining information about you through Pieck. He just didn’t want to sound like some sort of stalker.
“Yes, it is,” you affirmed. You were utterly shocked to hear him say your name. He must have learned it by way of Pieck. After all, you both were mutuals of her.
“And you’re Porco Galliard,” you told him. “It’s an honor to meet you.”
Porco lifted an eyebrow. “An honor for what?”
“W-well,” you began, slightly confused by his tone. You hoped that what you were about to say next wasn’t going to offend him in any way. It’s not like you knew much about him or the details behind why he was chosen to become a titan shifter. “You’re the one who inherited the power of the titans and helped Marley win the war against the Mid-East. So, it is an honor to meet you.”
“Yeah well, it’s whatever. I was just doing my job,” said Porco as he rubbed the back of his neck. He felt himself blush a little at your praise, but deemed it unimportant for he had better topics to discuss.
“Anyway, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about,” Porco said. He rubbed his palms against his thighs, desperate to get rid of the sweat forming from the adrenaline rushing through his body.
You looked at him with sheer curiosity, waiting, wondering what on earth he of all people had to tell you. Porco hesitated for a moment. He placed his hands on top of the table and fiddled with his thumbs, then he sat back in his chair and began tapping his pointer finger on the table, his eyes searching for something, anything, to focus on but yours.
Just say it you dumbass. Stop wasting time and just get on with it he thought to himself.
“Um, Porco?” you asked shyly. He looked frustrated, and for a second, you thought it was because of something you may have said.
Porco furrowed his brows, irritated at himself. He chuckled at how ridiculous he was being as he looked up to meet your eyes and instantly felt his heart melt. He sighed, unable to procrastinate any longer. He had, no, needed to tell you.
He shifted his body to sit correctly in his chair and interlocked his fingers together in front of him.
“(Name), I know we’ve only just become acquainted, but I’d like to take the opportunity and get to know you more if that’s alright with you.” Porco’s words caught him off guard, just as they did you. You felt fire erupt in your stomach as your heart began to pick up in pace, causing your tanned skin to heat up like a red pepper.
“I’ve watched you for a while now, and I can’t seem to shake this feeling of wanting you. You’re absolutely gorgeous, something I don’t get to see every day, but also something I’d like to one day, maybe, come home to in the future. Y’know, if that’s alright with you.” Porco couldn’t keep his eyes on you as he felt his cheeks light up. He looked away, highly disgusted at himself for sounding so sappy, but also impressed at how his own words rolled off of his tongue so smoothly.
“I’d love that,” you whispered, regaining Porco’s attention. You were a blushing mess, but so was he.
He felt his confidence grow a little, and with a bold move, he extended his arm out and placed his hand underneath yours, gently holding your four fingers into his warm palm.
“Thanks,” Porco said, relieved as a small smile crept onto his face. “I’m really happy to hear you say that.”
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nectardaddy · 10 months ago
Thirteen Years [Porco Galliard x reader] 10
** Either chapter 11 or 12 will involve the big time skip from now to the beginning of the conflict with Paradis at the beginning of season 4 in the anime (idk what chapter that is in the manga oof sorry.) From there the timeline will go as per usual. I based my original timeline roughly 6 months after Porco received the Jaw Titan, so that would put the time skip around 3ish/4 years? (Someone correct me if I'm wrong, AOT's timeskips are rough). And note for the time skip: (Y/n) has never been a weakling and that becomes very apparent after the time skip.
*small TW: first part alludes to adult themes (nothing detailed or graphic, just mentions)*
The small taps on the door were enough to gently pull the blonde from his sleep, the tapping continued followed by the sound of the door knob being turned. Much to the person's dismay, the door didn't budge - it was locked. Another series of taps caused the male to groan, fluttering his eyes open but quickly shutting them again from the sunlight that shone through the window. The tapping didn't seem to stop until he finally opened his eyes, squinting from the light, and whispered, "give me a minute." With a yawn, Porco rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times, grey eyes finally getting used to the sun lit room. Flickering to the side of him, he smiled gently as you still slept beside of him. However, the calming aura around him soon turned to slight panic. "Shit," he whispered to himself, "I'm never going to hear the end of this."
"Open this damn door already," a man's voice on the opposite side of the door rang through the room. Zeke. The loud voice made the blonde move quickly to the door, not wanting him to continue yelling and to wake you. The man silently thanked a higher power that both parties had clothes on, a decision made for the sole purpose of his mother walking in - but thankful nonetheless. With a click and a small prayer, Porco cracked the door just enough to look at the glasses clad man and the woman whom accompanied him.
"Would you shut the hell up," he hissed. The pair glanced at each other, then back to Porco. Both of them were puzzled to see a nervous, almost panicked, man to greet them rather than the usual standoffish nature he settled on. "What do you want?"
Zeke scrunched his brows in confusion, "we wanted to talk to you about yesterday. . ." The night's events had caused his mind to completely forget what had happened between the two men, it now dawning on him why both Zeke and Pieck had showed up at his door once again. "We also needed to talk to you about something else, it's important." His sentence fell on deaf ears to Porco, solely focusing on the fight that happened the latter day.
"Oh- right," Porco paused before letting out a sigh. "Yeager, can we talk about this later? I-" however his words choked in his throat as he was interrupted by the sound of your voice in his room.
"Who the hell is that? That's definitely not your mother." The sound of your voice alone made the pair in front of him stare at him in awe. Porco only closed his eyes and took a deep breath, preparing himself for whatever laughter or antics ensued.
"Porco is that-?"
"And you guys-?"
"Yeah. . ."
"Holy shit," Zeke yelled and let out a loud laugh, Pieck letting out a small chuckle beside him.
"At this point just come in already, dammit," Porco groaned and let his door swing open. The pair locked eyes with you upon the door opening, seeing your eyes widen only made them laugh more. The once calm atmosphere of Porco's room was now filled with laughter and voices, and you let out a small sigh upon realizing you wouldn't be able to go back to sleep.
"So you punched me, but took my advise anyway? Huh-" Zeke shoved his hands in his pockets and chuckled as he walked in the man's room. The older blonde then turned his attention to you, chuckling as you tried to avert your gaze. "He put you through all that trouble yesterday too, I hope it was good at least?" Pieck snorted and covered her mouth as she laughed, making sure to avert her eyes from Porco at all costs as she did.
"That's enough," Porco warned, "everyone here obviously knows what happened so please, for the sake of my sanity just shut the hell up." A small silence crept through the room, the only sound being the small creak of the bed as Porco sat down. Creaking again from the shift of weight from you sitting up. Porco looked over at you and gave you a small smile, a small token for any embarrassment the situation had caused you. It was a simple gesture but one that made you return a smile as you leaned closer to him. Leaning your head on his shoulder, you felt him tense slightly but slowly go back to rest. The man wasn't used to any displays of affection, especially of those in front of his friends, though it brought a comforting feeling to him he enjoyed.
Pieck gave a soft smile to the both of you, it warmed her heart to finally see reciprocated feelings you both felt for years. "We told you so, Pock." He couldn't help but roll his eyes at her statement, although he knew it was true. Zeke's demeanor shifted, straightening his back and glancing over at Pieck who gave him a worried stare and gently shook her head. "Not now, Zeke, let them enjoy their day. Besides, we just woke them up."
"He has to know, Pieck, and you know it. There's no time the the present." Pieck's smile faded as she sighed, giving a nod and glancing back over at the two of you. Her eyes were sad, as if to warn about the impeding news that was to come.
"What do I have to know?" Porco asked, his smile faltering as his gaze shifted from you to Zeke.
"Yesterday is in the past, and obviously you got things sorted; however, there's something else we needed to talk to you about. And you're not going to like it," Zeke sighed and took his glasses off. The seriousness of his sudden tone made Porco swallow hard, half expecting what the man was about to say. "It isn't some sort of secret there's growing tensions between our country and the Mid-East Alliance, but it's gotten increasingly worse in the last few weeks. That being said," he paused and looked over to you. Sadness tugged at his heart strings as he once again shifted his gaze to Porco and continued, "we are now officially at war with them. We're expected to leave within the next few weeks, possibly a month. . ."
Porco's jaw clenched and the silence in the room made his ears begin to ring. An almost deafening sound to him that drowned out anything else in the room, any conversation that withstood the news was now completely canceled out. The young man stared off into his own bed sheets, beginning to trace each fold and wrinkle with his eyes as such a means to comprehend what was happening. 'War? After I've finally received the one thing I want in life and I have to- leave?' He thought to himself, then absentmindedly turned his attention to you. At the very moment seemed to be yelling at the older man in front of them; however, with the increasing volume of the ringing in his ears, he could only hear a muffled version. 'I can't leave them. . . Not now. Not in a war.'
"Get out." He said quietly, his thoughts swirling within his mind like a whirlpool to the point it made him dizzy. "Both of you, leave me the hell alone." His usual stoic expression held frustration, confusion, and grief - an expression you hadn't seen since his brother had passed.
The days after Reiner's return were sorrowful and overwhelming for the young man. The air was quiet and thick, almost struggling to breathe as moments of silence passed. His brother's death stayed in his mind, reminiscing over the past and realizing he will never get the chance to see his older brother again. Porco sat on his steps of the small house his family occupied, watching a line of ants march to their hill and disappear. He spent the days in solitude, keeping away from anyone in fear of breaking down.
Lost in thought, he didn't hear, nor notice, the footsteps approaching him until they were directly in front of him. He gazed at the old, brown boots a moment, recognizing them, before turning his gaze upward. He was met with tear stained eyes and a forced, small smile. Without a word, he shifted from the middle of the step to the side, giving you a silent invitation to join him. Upon sitting down next to the male, you took a deep breath. "How are you?" You asked cautiously.
"I'm as good as I can be with the news at hand," he spoke softly. Porco felt more at ease to show emotion around you, he expressed how he felt more with you than anyone else. "I'm coming to terms with being an only child. . " his voice was shaky and frail, cracking slightly as his eyes started to pool with tears. He closed his eyes and took a breath, hoping the tears would go away but it only made his eyes blurry and the tears fall on his pale cheeks.
You couldn't find the right words to say in the moment, so you settled for none, thinking that silence was the best option. The only emotional support you could give was gently placing a hand on his shoulder and squeezing. The comfort of your touch was enough to make the male's tears fall more, not yet being comfortable to cry in front of others until now. The many cracks to the dam he had built himself over the years had finally come to a breaking point, the dam crumbling to the ground and water rushing out. Tears slipped down Porco's cheeks as grief had got the better of him, small sobs now racking his body as he hunched over and put his head in his hands.
You couldn't help but be surprised a moment, realizing that the young man who rarely showed emotion was now fully displaying his sadness, confusion, anger, and grief. You hesitantly wrapped your arms around him, in means of pulling away in case he lashed out; but he never did, on the contrary he leaned into your embrace. Accepting the comfort and warmth that radiated from your being. He felt broken, now left with one half of a whole from here on out.
Grey eyes bore into the pair of Warriors in front of them that now held a shocked silence, having never seen an emotion so intense from the young Galliard. "Get the fuck out of my house," his words laced with venom, dripping with every syllable. There was an eerie quiet about the young man, the calm before the storm that was swiftly approaching in full force. He noticed Zeke pause, for a brief moment the man opened his mouth to speak but Porco was quick to speak ahead of him. "Get the fuck out of my house!" The repetition of his statement echoing off the walls in the small room, his voice loud and forceful, "or I'll get you out myself! Leave!"
The two stared a moment, one moment too long, causing Porco to stand up and take a step forward. "Alright, Porco, we'll go," Pieck spoke softly in contrast to the man, hoping to deescalate the situation. "I know everything is confusing right now, but you know where we are if you need anything." Her voice small, but the reassurance heavy within her statement. Giving you one small, reluctant, glance she ushered Zeke out of the door and followed behind him. The close closing with a thud until all was silent again.
"Porco?" You whispered, genuinely not knowing how the man would react to you once seeing how he reacted with his friends. The only response you received was a pained expression from the man as he looked over at you. He stayed standing, his bare feet against the cold, wooden floor, until he broke his gaze on you and turned it to the lamp that rested upon a small wooden desk. "Marcel electrocuted himself with that lamp the day before he left, y'know?" His rhetorical question carried him to continue, "he tried sticking his finger in the bulb socket when he was changing it out. He almost peed himself," he spoke quietly with a soft smile. "And to think, doing something that stupid they still sent him out there- he was a kid. . . So am I." His smile fell as he thought about how much life he had to live, or lack thereof because of a war they would make him throw himself at.
Shaking his head, almost to rid himself of his own thoughts, he sat down on the bed once more. "We're just kids. . ." He repeated, now leaning back until he felt his back connect with the plushness of his bed. His head rested next to where you were now sat, realizing you must have moved while he had gone blank. "(Y/n), I don't want to die." His voice was frail in contrast to the firm tone you had heard moment ago and his eyes seemed to swirl with that same emptiness you had noticed before just days prior. "I love you and I don't want to leave you here alone, I can't die yet."
"Then stay alive for me, darling."
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