#pianist!chuuya x singer!reader
send-allmyloving · 4 years
this is steph, pls that chuuya au! i need it 😭😭
Hiii steph!!
To everyone else: basically this is my moot who was listening to “Put Your Head On My Shoulder” and I instantly thought of a singer!reader with pianist!Chuuya who meet at the Bar Lupin, and after falling in love Chuuya confesses to reader with that song! There will be two parts to this; this is part 1.
Enjoy :)
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A typical Friday night at the Bar Lupin was nothing without its pianist, Nakahara Chuuya. The peaceful atmosphere was kept perfectly in sync with its customers as the jazz melodies floated out from the piano keys. Chuuya was a pro at keeping the guests feeling laid-back while simultaneously kept engaged by his wondrous piano skills and of course, for the younger ones-- his good looks, which have especially been popular among the ladies. 
Of course, there was always the singular exception from his audience whom would catch his eye after each final chord was stricken, and each time he looked at them, he felt his heart leap out of his chest. He could barely keep his composure together when he was around them, there was just something so... beautifully charming about them. Maybe it was the way their laughter echoed around the room like music, or maybe it was their smile that could outshine a thousand symphonies. Whatever it was, he was intrigued; he had to know more.
Which is why the next time he saw them, he didn’t hesitate moving straight towards them as they chatted away happily with the bartender, unaware of the redhead making his way their direction. 
That was, until they heard a deep voice speak to them:
“Fancy seeing a lovely one like you around here. You look quite splendid tonight especially, y’know?”
You turned around in a start, coming face to face with the attractive young pianist that was leaning against the counter, facing you with a flirtatious grin. Your cheeks became dusted a light shade of crimson as you registered the words that came out of the pianist’s mouth, feeling your face grow even warmer as he smirked at your flustered expression.
God, he was hot.
“At a loss of words, are we now, baby?”
You swore your heart did a somersault right then. baby?
Quite frankly so, you were at a loss of words. You would have never expected the Nakahara Chuuya, the handsomest pianist you’ve ever laid your eyes on, conversing with you-- no, flirting with you.
What the fuck were you supposed to say?
He smirked, pushing himself off the counter and taking a seat next to you, leaning his elbow against the counter. “Can I buy you a drink? Of course, you can say no, but I just thought it would only be fair to treat a pretty young thing like you to something nice for the night. Whaddya say?” he asked, an irresistible, syrupy-sweet tone saturating his gorgeously baritone voice.
Jesus. Why was he so damn smooth?
“I-I mean... you could, but...” you trailed off, fidgeting with the hem of your sleeves as you looked down.
You looked back up at him, feeling your skin grow even hotter as he arched an eyebrow at you questioningly. 
“B-but I’m... I’m trying to take it easy on the alcohol tonight... so...” you stammered, voice timid as you avoided his piercing blue eyes.
A stifled chuckle. You glanced back at him, worried you might have said something ridiculous.
Who were you kidding... that was ridiculous. Who would come to a bar and say they were “taking it easy on the alcohol?”
Chuuya let out a hearty laugh, then tapped the counter to get the bartender’s attention. “A glass of apple juice for the pretty one here, is that alright with you, sweetheart?” he said, a grin on his face. You swore you saw a glimmer of adoration in his eyes, but it was too subtle for you to distinguish when you just felt like you’d been mocked. You nodded quietly, brushing back a tuft of hair behind your ear sheepishly as you looked down at your lap.
“Hey, eyes up here, darlin’,” he said softly. You looked back up apprehensively, worried that he would say something that would make you feel even worse.
“I was just playing, gorgeous. It was just cute of you to say, is all,” he said with a gentle smile, removing his gloves before taking your hand into his. His palms were rough, but warm, and significantly larger than yours. He raised it to his lips, placing a soft kiss to the back of your palm. You felt your heart speed up to what seemed like a million beats per second, and you were pretty much frozen in place because how does anyone prepare for a sexy pianist to casually walk up to them and just start flirting, and then kiss their hand?
“What’s your name, angel?” he murmured, curious blue eyes meeting yours as he slipped his gloves back on. He placed a gloved palm onto your cheek, making sure that you were gazing straight into his eyes that sparkled like a summer lake. He was... stunning.
“(N-Name)”, you stuttered out, your fists gripping tightly to the fabric of your slacks. Your mind was way too occupied to even notice the glass of juice being placed at your side by the bartender. He’s so close, you thought, your mind racing with what on Earth you were supposed to do next. Should you run? Should you slap him? Kiss him? You had no idea.
“(Name),” he whispered, his fingers trailing absentmindedly through a lock of your hair as he stared at you. “Pretty name for such a pretty thing. Say, (Name), are you a singer?”
Your eyes widened at the sudden question. Yes, in fact, you did sing, but why would he ask that now? Did he want you to sing with him? Was he going to ask you to sing right now? Or was he going to make a lewd joke about how you must sound in bed? Or--
“(Name)? You alright, darlin’?” He asked, eyebrows furrowing in concern as he noticed the frantic look in your eyes. “Sorry, is that a touchy subject?”
“N-no! No! It’s fine, I just... I got a bit surprised, sorry,” you said hastily, shaking your head to indicate that he didn’t say anything wrong. The last thing you needed to do was make such a gentleman like him feel ashamed.
“I... I do sing, yes. But... I’m not really confident about it...” you said reluctantly, biting your lip as you looked away, drumming your fingers nervously against your lap.
He hummed in understanding, a soft smile playing at his lips. “Well, I just wondered, since you have such a lovely voice when you speak. I’ve always wanted to perform with a singer, you know,” he said warmly, his gloved hand caressing your cheek, the cool leather feeling soothing against your skin.
“O-oh.” So that’s why he asked. Well, at least one of your guesses was right; he did want you to sing with him.
“I bet you have a fantastic voice, angel. Can I hear a little bit, hm? I wanna get a sneak peak to see what I’m workin’ with,” he murmured, drawing back his hand with a slightly eager look on his face, expectant to see what you had in store for him.
You hesitated. “I... I really don’t sound that good,” you muttered.
Chuuya grinned. “Those who are modest are the best at what they do, is what Oji-san always told me. Now you’re really making me wanna hear you. Come on!” he encouraged, taking your hand once more and giving you a coaxing squeeze.
You sighed. Well, when you ask like that, what else can I do?
“Well... what do you want me to sing?”
He leaned forward, a playful smile on his handsome face, his long orange hair falling further over his shoulder. “A little love song, would be nice,” he said, his hand that was still holding yours intertwining your fingers together. “Maybe... ‘So This Is Love’ by Ilene Woods? Y’know, the Cinderella Song? I’m sure you’ve heard of it,” he said, a hint of an impish grin dancing along his lips.
God, what a little flirt. Too bad you couldn’t really get mad, your heart was busy doing cartwheels on its own, and your thoughts were rushing through your head like summer wind gusts.
You took a shaky breath, and he gave your hand another reaffirming squeeze.
You began to sing. As the first line left your lips, Chuuya’s breath hitched.
So this is love, mmm...
It was like heaven’s door opened up on him. Were you an angel? How else was such a divine voice spilling through your lips?
So this is what makes life divine
He felt like his heart was soaring. The melody that you sang made Chuuya feel like he was bathing in the nectar of the gods, that their was an eternal ray of sunshine that he could only feel. Were you a manifestation of Aphrodite? Was this why he felt so drawn to you, why he felt so entranced? Because goodness, he didn’t want to stop listening at all.
My heart has wings, mmm
And I can fly
I’ll touch every star in the sky
You weren’t just stunning, or beautiful, no. You were radiant. Your voice was heavenly, and he was considered worthy of having the honor of listening to it at his request.
He couldn’t stop staring. He felt his mouth hanging open in awe; he didn’t care. He was mesmerized. How could someone be so... so lovely?
So this is love...
Ah... so this was love indeed. Love at first sight, perhaps. Even after you had finished singing, and you were shyly telling him to stop gaping at you like that, which he eventually did, he was still struck speechless by how absolutely amazing you were, how musically gifted you were. How dare you talked down about your talent like that. He was so in love, with your voice, your beauty, your everything, and whatever else you had in store, he just had to know. He wanted to know all about you; he wanted you to be his, he wanted to be yours.
“Chuuya?” you quietly called to him, tugging the sleeve of his jacket. “Are you okay?”
Chuuya turned back to you, and beamed. He took both your hands, and planted a kiss to your forehead. “Your voice is beautiful, angel. Words can’t describe how amazing your talent is. Be my singer, hm? Perform with me.” he murmured to you, a glimmer in his eyes that seemed quite familiar to you.
Yep, that was definitely a look of adoration.
You smiled softly at him, nodding. You were intrigued with him too. You knew he wasn’t just some playboy freak who wanted a one night stand. He was dashing, yes, but you knew there was much more to him than just his striking looks and his jazz pianist skills. You wanted to dive deeper into the life of this musician. Right, maybe you had a slight crush on him, something you were sure would grow stronger. You wanted to know every part of him, and this was for sure a big first step.
He smiled back at you, a light chuckle slipping out of his mouth as he cupped your face, almost lovingly.
// Part 1 is done!! Get ready for Part 2~~
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send-allmyloving · 4 years
Pt 2. of the pianist!Chuuya fic!
You were the best musical duo in all of Yokohama. With your stunning voice and Chuuya’s nimble fingers playing jazzy riffs on the piano, everyone who watched your performances was enthralled the entire time by the sheer talent emanating from the both of you. And of course, the chemistry between you both was unmistakably noticeable. You and him would often steal little glances at one another throughout each of your performances, and occasionally flash each other a smile. You performed all the classic jazz songs, from Martha Tilton, to Ella Fitzgerald, to Frank Sinatra. Chuuya had a phenomenal voice as well, for someone who was so focused on the piano. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that you were perfect for each other. Your music lightened up any atmosphere that came into the Bar Lupin, and the owner was always grateful for your presence; he’d settled on giving you both freebies each time you finished a performance!
Months past, and the both of you had grown closer and closer to each other, with private practice sessions followed by long conversations in the lounge at his penthouse, complete with wine and soulful jazz playing on the record. He’d often take to flirting, and of course your timid little heart, though slowly coming out of its shell, was often prone to stutter at his various compliments and gestures; from the way he called you a “pretty young thing” to how he would gently brush a few strands of hair away from your face so that he got a clear view of your eyes, you were wrapped around his finger at that point. You were falling for him, hard. And he was falling for you. It was mutual pining, and quite obvious to the public eye. They would coo over even the smallest of gestures you would do for each other, or they would compliment how you two would make a great couple, to which the redhead would sling an arm around your waist before pulling you close, responding smugly with “I very much agree!” with a stupid smirk on his face, and you could never tell whether he was joking or not.
Even when he would look deeply into your eyes and praise you, in what you registered almost as a loving tone for the times you’d succeeded in something, or when he would take both your hands and press gentle kisses to the back of each palm before placing another kiss to your forehead when you were feeling low, your heart was always conflicted as to whether or not he meant it platonically, or something more.
That was, until a certain day.
“Hey,” Chuuya said gently, coaxing you out of your daydream state as you both sat at the bar. It was a cool evening, and you both had the day off, having been performing all week. “I have something I wanna show you,” he murmured, taking your hand before giving it an amicable squeeze.
“Hm? What do you mean?” You asked, tilting your head to the side curiously as you looked into his sparkling sapphire eyes.
Chuuya grinned. “You’ll see,” he said excitedly, before stepping off the bar stool, leaning over to tap the table to get the bartender’s attention. “’Ya mind if I play a little piano? There’s somethin’ special I wanna show everyone,” he said cheerily.
Your eyes widened a little. What did he mean special?
“The piano’s always open for you, Chuuya! Be our guest,” the bartender said, shooting him a friendly smile before gesturing towards the piano.
“Thanks!” he beamed, turning and walking towards the piano with a little skip in his step. He stops before the piano to turn his head and look at you, beckoning you forth. Nervous as to what he was planning, you shimmied forward towards the front of the room, just before the little stage with the piano.
“Take a seat for me, angel. I wanna show you somethin’ tonight,” he murmured, whisking himself over onto the piano bench.
Chuuya cleared his throat before calling out the the audience he had before him. “Ladies, gentlemen, non-binary individuals... I’d like to play something,” he said with a little smile, causing the audience to quiet down as to what was in store for them at this moment.
“It’s something that’s a little bit... special to me. For a special someone,” he said more gently now, his eyes trailing over from the audience towards you.
You felt a fiery heat rush up your face, meeting his eyes shyly. What on earth was about to happen?
Chuuya trained his eyes back on the keys, and he began to play.
You knew what song this was. It was your favorite song, the song you told him that represented love for you.
Put your head on my shoulder...
Paul Anka. The familiar lyrics fluttered through the air in a rich melody of love and warmth as the redhead sang, his voice an incomparably beautiful symphony that resonated throughout the bar. Everyone was captivated, but you...
As he looked at you with a familiar gaze that stirred up such strong emotions in your heart, you felt the song wrap around you in the most sincere, affectionate embrace.
Hold me in your arms, baby
Squeeze me oh-so tight, show me
That you love me too...
You understood now.
That familiar look in his eyes that he had now...
It was the same that he had all those moments before.
When he listened to you sing... when you told him silly jokes while you were tipsy on merlot...
Even when you were suffering, he was there, looking at you with a telltale emotion in his eyes that you couldn’t quite pinpoint.
Until now.
It was love. Pure, wholehearted love that flowed from his heart into yours as he sang, looking at you with absolute adoration. You felt the tears sting your eyes as you smiled at him.
God. You realized now, how much you loved him. How much you cared for him.
You loved everything about him. His kindness, his talent, his humor...
Every single damned thing.
Was this really for you? Could this be true? Was this his way of professing?
And the thoughts filled with uncertainty swirled through your mind once again, until he finished. Your breath hitched as the final chord of the piano rang throughout the bar.
The audience erupted into applause and whistles as he walked towards you with the most loving grin on his face. He didn’t care about all the cheers; his entire attention was set on you.
Ah. So your brain was playing you once again, huh?
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest. You looked up into his eyes, gripping the lapel of his jacket as he gazed at you, his fingers so subtly trailing across the small of your back in the softest of patterns as he leaned in to rest his forehead against yours, your noses brushing together ever so slightly.
“So?” he hummed in question, his beautiful blue eyes sparkling in curiosity, but with a tinge of hopefulness, and the slightest bit of anxiety. He didn’t know what he would do if you turned him down, because God, he was too damn in love with you. He just wanted you to be his to hold, to kiss, to whisper words of love to. He wanted you all to himself; he just didn’t know how he could let you go right now.
“What do you say, hm?”
He waited with bated breath, arms adjusting around you to hold you more firmly, like he was afraid you’d slip out of his grasp.
Lucky for him, though. There was no place right now where you’d rather be other than in his arms, just like this.
You said nothing, but smiled and met his lips with yours.
And as you kissed, Chuuya felt all the love you had kept from him pour into his heart, filling him with joy. Your lips were so damn pretty; he knew that already, and he knew they would be good to kiss.
He just never expected it to be this amazing. Your lips were soft, and you tasted like the apple cider and rum you were drinking only a few moments ago. Most of all, when he kissed you...
He felt at home. Like it was where he belonged.
The hoots and cheers died out, until all you could focus on was the way Chuuya’s soft lips moved against yours, overflowing you with a melody of his love and adoration; the way his embrace made you feel safe and warm, and happy.
Finally, you both found your missing puzzle piece. And there was no way you would ever let each other go.
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