#piack a card
psychelis-new · 1 year
pick a pile: "Next important person you will meet"
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read something about the next person you will meet who will play an important role in your life. It could be romantic partner or platonic/friend, a boss/colleague/classmate or even some kind of guide/teacher (spiritual or mental). PLEASE BEWARE: it doesn't mean any of the people you have already met won't still be with you in the future or won't play an important role in your life, at all. It's just that in this specific reading we're focusing on people (and maybe even just one of them that you're supposed to know of now) that are yet to come.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
This is probably someone more in their masculine energy (doesn't have to be a man, I am seeing a beautiful woman tbh), someone strong willed, someone that may be luxurious (or very Taurus/Libra based) but also very warm, kind and generous. For someone, this person may be their boss, or a teacher of some kind; for others, this person will be a spiritual guide, as I think they can be very wise and enlightened too. For a few others we're talking possibly about a partner or someone that will take care of you even platonically, someone that will feel like home to you (even a friend/classmate/colleague, especially if a more experienced one that will try to help you learn and protect you eg. in your new endeavour). At first you may not understand them or "recognize" them (for some this person may belong to a past life connection or you may have known them when you were little or randomly in the past) but with time you'll get over this fear/insecurity of not getting or even not liking them (and why they help you or make you feel like they do). You can't also see them coming in at this time, and it's fine. Keep doing yourself, be more practical (especially if you spend too much time daydreaming or focusing on unimportant matters). This person may come in all of a sudden with a request or news. Whatever role they'll play in your life, they are gonna help you reach another level of self consciousness and self esteem, be more happy and determined (they may be very success-oriented, but also supportive). They will also teach you how to love yourself and focus on the right things without wasting time on useless stuff. They'll probably crack you open, and change you inside out.
song: halo | beyoncé
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pile 2
This may be someone in the spotlight or someone successful, someone that has to deal with other people and talk with them. Someone that communicates/talks a lot. Someone also quite confident and elegant (at least their energy is). They may be also positive and energetic, very bright and caring smile. For some of you we're talking about a colleague/boss, for others about a partner, for others... this is your future baby (who they'll become). This person is someone nurturing/caring or that you'll feel like nurture a lot. Your connection will be very healing too and will bring prosperity to both of you. I think, especially if you're gonna work together (you may be colleagues and partners too. I do think this connection will resonate with job -maybe the way you meet or what you need to do together too- a lot), you'll be able to reach a very important milestone/public success. This is someone that follows their heart very often, and probably someone you're destined to meet. You won't miss them though, as they seem pretty out and about or known. I think they may stop functioning when they first meet you -suddenly- (or it could also be you the one to stop functioning with them or at least not being able to articulate your words very well: they may be hot too or it can be their presence to make you feel a bit overwhelmed). You may have also dreamt of each other which may add to the surprise. This person is also someone patient (they do not rush things), someone you may meet at the right time (divine timing) and someone that loves a lot (not just you, but humanity) and may be liked/loved a lot (also by you ofc). They'll teach you about love too probably. This may also be someone reflective and that will make you proud and happy in some way (be it just help you/support in your job), or will try to. (For some of you: this could even be a delivery guy or someone working in a pub or something like that; for others they may be a life coach or work in a big agency or organization)
-you may be called by pile 4 too-
song: if i ain't got you | alicia keys
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pile 3
Here we have someone passionate but also sweet and pure. Someone joyful too. They may be younger than you, or more connected to their inner child or even be your future child. This is also someone smart in their own way. Someone that will bring healing to you or a specific part of you. Similar to pile 2 but also very differently. I see someone less connected to work and more to having fun. A real "child" (no offence, not in a bad way... just a very positive and hopeful/happy energy. Puppy-like, yes -it could be your pet?). You may give birth to something with this person, it could even be a different version of you or a job/hobby/idea (that may work on a bigger scale to help others too) or... indeed it could be you're giving birth to your child as they may be your future partner (I get a more feminine energy from them but ofc it doesn't have to be a woman). For some of you this may be someone you'll need to take care of. Someone you will have to protect and maybe teach something to (maybe your student or a patient, if you're a doctor/therapist or something). And they'll teach you something back. They seem to be very good at pondering, despite looking very impulsive and dreamy at first, they do have a very deep working mind, they understand things fast. They may help you understand or see soemthing in a different way. Very witty energy. They too still have a lot to learn and they're aware of that, but they're not worried: they'll learn when it's time. Maybe you'll learn this from them too. They'll bring stability and emotional balance in you (you may be able to balance each other well), or you'll have to find it in order to help them. You'll probably have to work on something together, especially if you both tend to fantasize or idealize something (or they do more than you): you'll find a way to bring your/their feet back on the ground by working together. It may be someone difficult to reach/connect with at first, it will probably require a bit more effort but you'll make it and build a very fruitful connection for both.
song: fetish | selena gomez, gucci mane
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pile 4
This person may be someone pretty organized and neat, someone you may share a soul connection with and probably have spent many life with them too. I think this is someone you had to reincarnate with and will meet to complete something and start something new (it could be about your personal life too). For this reason I guess it can be a romantic partner, but also a platonic one or a boss/colleague/guide of some kind. Someone you need to meet anyway. They'll bring change in your life (I feel someone may be called by pile 2 as well), and will help you grow emotionally and also be more yourself, trust yourself more. This is a long-term connection or something that will start as this anyway, something that will help you both and bring you both something positive, even appreciation from others (even in a "you've changed" way). Especially if you've been alone for most of your life and felt this way, this person is gonna be the one bringing you healing and changing this situation. They'll come in suddenly in your life in a pretty boldly way and teach you happiness and joy, and (unconsciously) how to get over all the self sabotaging/self doubt/self lacks/self anything habits you may have (maybe you'll be scared to actually be worthy of them or something like that, maybe fear being abandoned or just trying to push them away/idealize stuff a bit too much and try to avoid being present/real). There could be codependency tbh from any of you (more likely you). They'll bring stability in your life and probably make it turn 180° from how it is at the moment you'll meet. And it feels a fated meeting that you cannot imagine about. Again I do feel you will have to meet for a reason, which is doing something together, be it working on something (job/child/self... as resonates, more likely work on yourself though) or -more likely- on yourselves as people (especially you: for a few of you, I think this person may act in a negative way and help you open your eyes on what is not working in how you see yourself and let others treat you: you'll make a turn thanks to them and build much more confidence and boundaries). I think you may need to learn to receive, and they will help you in this in a way or another (especially if your past relationships -of any type, not just romantic but even family ones- have been pretty bad as it seems/feels like).
song: like i do | tracee elliss ross, kelvin harrison jr
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