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could’ve been ii - leah williamson
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the weddings over. you have to return to barcelona but you didn’t think you’d be seeing leah again so soon and she’s determined to get her girl back, in any capacity.
5.9k words. somehow it's longer than the first part.
leah williamson x mead!reader
“right beth, pack it in. i’m gonna miss my flight.” you laughed as you pushed out of her tight hug.
“you sure you’re gonna be ok?” beth stroked your hair, tucking the hair that had fell from your ponytail behind your ear. “it’s a two-hour flight bethy, i’m sure i’ll be fine.”
“yeah, a two hour flight by yourself to a foreign country!” beth emphasised, ever the protective big sister. “i do live there beth.”
“i know and i hate it. i miss you already.”
“i miss you too, but i really do have to go.” you once again released yourself from beth’s grasp, leaning over to give you new sister-in-law an equally big hug.
you headed over to security and waved at beth and viv one last time. “call me when you land, or i’ll send lucy to your apartment.” you heard beth call as you went, giggling to yourself.
now you just had two hours to kill, by yourself, until you were due at your gate. you may as well get back up to date with paperwork having been away for just over a week. airpods in you started powering through your work, or at least you were until a song you’d long deleted from your playlist started playing in your ears.
your song. both of yours.
leah had a habit of calling everyone ‘my girl’, particularly you when you were together because once upon a time you actually were her girl. the first time she called you it was on your first date. she picked you up, took you for a picnic on an unusually warm february day and dropped you home like the charming woman she always was. as you left leah’s car she called after you, “see you soon for the next one, my girl.” and if you weren’t already smitten from the date then that certainly sealed the deal. the next time she picked you up, ‘my girl’ was playing through her car radio and you decided there and then that it was your song. you only let leah know about it after you’d made things official, but she was fine with it. 
the same song that used to fill you with love and remind you of the love of your life, now just made your heart sink. you weren’t her girl anymore and she wasn’t yours.
you gave yourself only 30 seconds to enjoy the song before you skipped to the next. your shoulders had been rid of a particularly heavy weight since yours and leahs blowout at the wedding and you didn’t really feel like having it back just yet. besides you had work to do and a flight to barcelona to catch. 
other than that one slip up at the airport, you barely had time to think about leah, being thrown straight back into your work had helped distract you.
“hola chica.” you heard a voice call from outside your office, “¿cómo estás?” (how are you?)
“simplemente perfecta” (simply perfect). you told the tattooed woman who’d since made herself comfortable on your other chair.
“i think that was sarcasm” mapi observed. “tell me all about the wedding.” she leant forward resting her chin in the palms of her hands, smiling at you so innocently.
you’d become very friendly with a lot of the girls that played for barca since starting there, having lucy and kiera introduce you to them had helped. they liked finally having a physio who was similar to them, that enjoyed football, that was around their ages. as of recent and thanks to a knee injury, you had a new number one fan by the name of maría pilar león. she was in your office most days for rehab so naturally you learned a lot about each other.
“nothing to tell, maps. my sister got married, i wore a nice outfit, got drunk, had an argument with my ex-girlfriend, drank some more and flew back.” you quickly explained whilst pulling her file up on your computer, only turning to glance at her once you’d finished talking. 
“perdone, repita eso.” (excuse me, repeat that.) mapi gasped. you talked in her physio sessions, a lot, but you’d never discussed you and leah deeming it not fair on her to spread her relationship history around barca femenis football team. 
“wore a nice outfit, got drunk.” you smiled.
“you argued with leah? leah williamson?” mapi exclaimed.
“woah, how’d you know it was leah?”
“lucia loves to talk, everyone knows. it’s sweet you didn’t want to tell anyone though.” she smirked at you. “so why the argument?”
“well we never discussed the breakup properly so, i guess it all just came out that night instead.” you told her, glad to have someone impartial to vent to. “hop up on the bed please, mapi. i need to check your still okay to get back on the grass today.”
“and how do you feel?” she probes as she lays back. you’d both gotten very used to talking about your personal lives during mapi’s appointments. the pair of you had spent so much time together that there was no way you could end up not being friends.
“i don’t really know. there’s like a weight lifted off my shoulder because i said everything i’d been dying to say for a while, but it hasn’t like helped. i still miss it, even after getting that bit of closure.”
“was she unkind?” mapi asked. 
“not at all.” you responded quickly. “i don’t think she really knew why it had ended to be honest. she seemed a bit shocked. we were both sat there crying for a while.”
“the leah williamson crying?” mapi’s head shot up from where it lay, leaning back on her elbows. “god you must have really done a number on her.”
“trust me she’s not as tough as she makes out, or she didn’t used to be anyway.” mapi took notice of how you fondly you still spoke about leah, of how you still held the memories of you and her close to your heart. 
“i don’t think she’s tough at all anymore based on what keira says.” you heard mapi mumble under her breath. “what do you mean? what did keira say?” your questions came at rapid speed in mapi’s direction, the concern and worry you held for leah would probably never go away. 
“i’m staying silent.” mapi held her hands up in defence as you gestured for her to sit up from the bed. “but i do think you should talk to keira for once, i can tell it’s been a little awkward between you two.”
“i mean she’s leahs best friend i don’t want to get in the middle so i just stay out of it completely.” you brushed mapi’s comment off. it wasn’t only keira you’d distanced yourself from after yours leahs split and you knew you’d lost a lot of friends in the process, probably through your own fault rather than anyone else’s. “right, you’re all clear. get your ass back out on the grass maria. i’ll come check in in a little bit.” sending her one final smile to send her off.
you thought mapi had left, thoughts of the team knowing about your previous relationship and what keira may have possibly said ran through your head as you began to wipe down the treatment table where mapi once lay. 
 “lo siento if i’m overstepping but i feel as if we’re good enough friends that i can say this to you.” mapi’s voice scared you from the doorway that she evidently hadn’t moved from yet. “i can see you still love her, i mean you’ve been here for over a year and you’ve not been with anyone else or even tried.” 
“well i-“ 
“don’t even try because i already know you haven’t, mi amiga.” she sent you a knowing look as you rolled your eyes. “you should fight for it, for her, if it’s something you really want because from what you’ve said and what i’ve heard it sounds like she wants to fight for you. i don’t know what happened at home between the two of you, but it must have hurt, but you said yourself you miss the relationship and i think you miss her as well. everything you get is meant for you, y/n/n, and i know you believe that too. just ask yourself if in 5 years, you’re still going to be wishing you’d never left because i think you will.” this time maria actually left the room and with it left you with a lot to mull over. 
“stupid footballers, always giving their stupid advice. idiota.” you scoffed.
“i heard that.”
you filled out the rest of mapi’s paperwork before you went out to see how she was doing back on the grass. it’s quite hard to fill in someone’s medical forms whilst simultaneously having thoughts of your ex-girlfriend spinning around your head but nevertheless you got it done and made your way outside. you were happy with what you saw from mapi, shooting her a quick thumbs up as she waved before trying to disappear back to your office as to not disturb the other girls.
“hola guapa.” (hi beautiful). alexia shouted to you from the pitch as she saw where mapi’s attention was momentarily diverted. 
“te hemos echado de menos.” (we’ve missed you). salma called out as she ran to where you were and pulled you in the hug, others following along in her footsteps.
“hola chicas, i’ve missed you too.” you smiled with salmas arm still wrapped around your shoulders. “vuelve y entrena por favor.” (go back and train, please.)
“tu español es tan bueno ahora, hermosa.” (your spanish is so good now, beautiful). alexia smiled at you as she was the next to pull you into a hug. most people who you met were surprised to hear how welcoming and friendly alexia had been to you. 
when you first moved to barcelona, it’s safe to say it wasn’t under the best circumstances. just coming off the back of a painful end to your relationship, you’d retreated inside yourself and in hindsight moving away from both your family and friends probably didn’t help but you knew you couldn’t stay where you were. keira and lucy were there who you of course knew through leah and beth, but the last thing you wanted to do was cause any friction for them and their national captain, so you kept to yourself and just got to work.
alexia was near the end of her acl recovery when you started your new position, immediately being put in charge of alexia’s rehab and care as you’d had more than enough acl experience working for arsenal. she was a lot sweeter than you’d imagined, her injury putting her in a vulnerable position and you were right there alongside her. you were both healing in your own ways, alexia physically and you emotionally, and your bond quickly formed through that. you didn’t just become alexia’s go to for her physical needs but also her emotional, supporting her through many ups and downs that came with her recovery, and she could never thank you enough for that. when the both of you had spare time, she’d take you around barcelona and had introduced you to her friends and family. you were right there on the side lines watching proudly as she made her comeback in the la liga match against sporting huelva and the friendship continued to blossom even after her recovery. 
“training is nearly finished. no te preocupes.” (don’t worry.) the famously hardworking and driven captain brushed off the end of training, knowing how excited the girls would be to see you again even if it had only been just over a week. “cenamos esta noche?” (dinner tonight?)
“sí, suena bien.” (yeah, sounds good.). alexia had also been a big help in you learning spanish, something you’d been determined to do since arriving in barcelona and you’d come a lot further than keira put it that way. 
“y/n, can i talk to you for a second?” speak of the devil, keira came over to grab you as the rest of the girls headed into the changing rooms.
“yeah, of course. everything okay?” you asked her, secretly hoping she’d be coming to talk to you about an injury rather than leah, but you had no such luck.
“i heard about the wedding.” keira starts and you let out a sigh. “i know this probably doesn’t help but she’s really torn up y/n.”
“yeah, me and her both.” you scoffed defensively. you weren’t really angry at leah anymore, so you weren’t sure why you were acting like this, especially towards keira, but after being pretty torn up yourself for nearing a year and a half you didn’t feel like hearing how it was only now affecting leah. “i’m sorry, it was just a lot that’s all.”
“she keeps asking about you. told me to keep an eye on you, check if you were doing okay.” kiera revealed, “even before this.”
“really?” eyebrows raised, you questioned keira, thinking that leah pretty much continued having the time of her life after you moved away. 
“all the time. she still cares about you and you were really good together. you were good for her.” 
“she was good for me too, until she wasn’t.” you recalled, a sad smile gracing your face which didn’t go unnoticed.
“and i’m sorry you lost the rest of us too. she’s not the only one that’s been missing you. i feel like we haven’t had a proper conversation in ages.” she laughed.
“yeah, probably not.” you laughed a long with her. “but that’s probably more so my fault, just didn’t want to cause any tension, you know? so i’m sorry.” 
“you really don’t have anything to apologise for, y/n.” she wrapped an arm around your shoulder and lead you inside so she could get showered and changed before the hot water was no more.
“i’ve done enough crying this week, don’t make me start again.” you joked as you parted ways, you heading back to your office to get back to work for the afternoon and keira to the changing room. “oh and heads up, she’s coming to the game on saturday, bye!”
brilliant. great. fuck.
you’d expected to have a little bit more time before having to see leah again, let alone speak to her. you and her hadn’t had to come face to face for a year and a half and now you were seeing her twice inside of a month. you’d hoped you could get over your meeting by doing the same thing as last time, avoiding her, but turns out the universe had different plans this time. stupid universe. 
you tried to distract yourself from the imminent encounter with leah and went to dinner with alexia, ingrid and maria, knowing that was a safe place where leah wouldn’t be bought up for a couple of hours. you always had a good time with those girls and were grateful that they’d took you under their wing even though they really didn’t have to, you weren’t even on the team. 
another story post of you and alexia looking particularly friendly at dinner. leah had seen enough of these over the last year and a half but this one for some reason stung her just a bit more than the rest. she used her secret instagram account enough to realise how close you were with certain members of the barca team. she was happy that you’d settled in over there and yet she felt a pang in her heart at the fact that used to be you and her and her teammates. it still should be. 
leah wasn’t sure whether you knew about her coming to the game. she wasn’t sure whether she should go at all really but she hadn’t seen keira in a while, having missed out on the last national camp due to her knee. you came first though, more so now than ever. after your intense conversation, if you can call it that, at beth’s wedding, leah realised how much she’d dropped the ball towards the end of your relationship. you weren’t coming first to her; you weren’t being prioritised and yet you still did that for her. perhaps she was a bit naïve to think that you’d simply fallen out of love with her and that you’d grown apart naturally. everyday she regretted the fact she just let you walk out the door without fighting for you. she truly didn’t realise what she had until it was gone. she used to come back to a warm home with candles lit, dinner prepared and a stupid cheesy film ready to watch. realising that the warm home she felt she had, that you made, felt the exact opposite to you elicited gut wrenching feelings for her. 
had she ever stopped loving you? absolutely not. had she stopped appreciating you? yes, which she now realises had been her fatal flaw. stuck in her own head coming off the back of the euros success, dealing with fame and recognition that she didn’t realise she’d ever have. everybody wanted a piece of the england captain but she forgot to save a vital part of herself for you. this realisation had triggered something in leah, she needed you more than you’d ever know and she knew you needed her too. she’d give you everything you ever wanted, she’d pull the sun out of the sky for you if you asked and she wanted to show you, in one way or another. if you shot her down, or if she was too late then so be it but leah would be damned if she didn’t try her very hardest.
getting lost in her own thoughts she hadn’t realised she’d liked the instagram story you’d posted of yourself at dinner. thanking god, she was on her second account, until she realised she wasn’t religious and she was most definitely on her actual public verified account. you’d definitely seen it. you were out to dinner with your new friends, potentially a new girlfriend, and she’d just liked your story. your ex-girlfriend had just liked your story. maybe it would make it less weird if she followed you again and then liked your story, so she did, and it was still weird. leah felt a little like a stalker and maybe she was doing a bit of stalking, but she thought it was safe. now she was definitely nervous about seeing you on saturday.
you’d long been home from dinner, only posting about it once you’d all left the restaurant. fans could be a little bit crazy sometimes and you knew both barca and arsenal fans followed you on social media with you being both beth’s little sister and heavily featured on the girl’s accounts at one point or another. the notification came through to your phone as you were mindlessly scrolling through tiktok having tried to fall asleep and failed, your mind running rampant with thoughts of seeing leah again. as if someone had read your mind a notification came through from that exact woman. oh god, she’d liked your story. why would she like your story? why would she like your story and then follow you? maybe she was trying to make it less weird before the weekend. well, if that was her aim she hadn’t succeeded. 
“pick up, pick up, pick up.” you mumbled under your breath, pacing back and forth across your bedroom. “hello?” a voice came from the other side of the line.
“hello? oh, thank god you answered.” a sigh of relief left your mouth as your best friend picked up the phone, albeit she didn’t sound very happy to be answering but, nonetheless. 
“what do you want? it’s like midnight, i’m trying to sleep.”
“well if i can’t sleep neither can you. leah just refollowed me on instagram.” you practically shouted at her down the phone.
“okay, and?”
“and liked my story.” you paused and she didn’t answer, only hearing a huff down the phone so you continued, “of me and the girls out to dinner, specifically a picture of me and alexia.”
“no, i meant and as in like ‘and what’s your point?’. she followed you, you also used to sit on her face until like a year ago.” she pointed out, crudely. 
“oh my god!” you grimaced, “she also stopped following me as soon as i stopped doing that so this is a big deal.” 
“y/n/n, i’m not being funny but it’s really not. i mean you saw her like last weekend. she’s probably just trying to make amends.” she points out, just wanting to go back to sleep at this point and trying to make you feel better before she goes. 
“but this just makes this weekend so much more awkward now. like-“
“wait hold on, the weekend? what about the weekend?” she cuts you off. you realise you may have failed to mention that you had an inevitable encounter with leah approaching, having been distracted since keira told you earlier in the day. 
you sighed, “she’s coming to the quarter final. to see keira.” 
“well why didn’t you lead with that?” she was definitely awake now. “you’re gonna see her. she’s gonna talk to you.”
“do you not think i know that? that’s why i’m freaking out even more.”
“no don’t freak out. it’s a good sign.” she reassured you. “she’ll probably try and speak to you and you didn’t leave things on a very good note, so the follow and the like is a good sign.”
“do you think?” you asked, biting down on your freshly manicured nails. another €40 down the drain now you’d have to get them done again. 
recalling the wedding your best friend tells you, “i know it’s a good sign. you didn’t see her after you argued at the wedding. you might’ve been crying in the bathroom, but she was in bits too. when i saw her, she was practicall shaking y/n, like really upset. i mean she made sure i knew where you were and went to you so it’s obvious, she still cares about you.”
“keira said the same thing.” you smiled to yourself.
“so, stop panicking. try and get some sleep, okay?” she tells you and you nod, forgetting she can’t actually see you, so you hum in response instead. “right, i have to go because i have a normal job that starts at 8am. not all of us can be a doctor to the stars.”
“i’m a physiotherapist.” you corrected her.
“you say tomato, i say tomato. goodnight, love you.”
“love you too.”
trying not to think about it, the next few days passed like a blur, filled with twinges of knees and possible injuries to which thankfully none were serious. with little anticipation, gameday rolled around. were you for sure going to see leah? no. was it a strong possibility? yes, especially with keira’s meddling. 
having a lovely view, thanks to alexia’s assurance, you watched from crowd as barca beat brann with a comfortable 3-1, earning themselves a place in the champions league semi-final. you applauded and cheered for the girls from your seat. frido soon noticed you though beckoning you to come join their celebrations on the pitch. as soon as the other girls noticed, it was clear that no one was taking no for an answer so you climbed over the barriers and with security reassured you weren’t a very dedicated fan, alexia helped you down to the pitch. 
you hadn’t seen leah yet today, beginning to think that maybe you’d come away unscathed, but she’d spotted you within the first 5 minutes of her arrival. maybe it was because she was actively looking for you but there was no proof of that so. she watched on from the pitch where keira had summoned her as the barca girls made you come down from the stands to celebrate with them. you never missed an opportunity to do that at arsenal either as leah’s girlfriend, beth’s sister or their physio. you were always there for the matches come rain or shine, win or lose and it was becoming increasingly more obvious that you weren’t there anymore. the conti cup final was happening in a couple of days and leah wished nothing more than for you to be in the stands where you belonged cheering her on, but instead you’d be here. 
“oi!” keira shoves leah out of her thoughts, “did you listen to a word i just said?” and looks around to see what had garnered leahs attention to which she found you in her sights. “stupid question, obviously not.”
“sorry.” leah mumbled, still yet to actually look away from you.
“you’re not sorry. you should go talk to her.” keira began her meddling. 
“yeah maybe in a bit.” leah smiled sadly at keira, the falseness of it not fooling her best friend for a second. 
you finally caught eyes with leah as alexia turned you in the direction of a funny sign that had her attention, but you found the blonde stood 15 metres from you a lot more interesting, especially the fact that she was already looking at you. so interesting that you hadn’t noticed alexia leaving until you felt her squeeze your arm and heard her tell you she’d be back in a minute. well now you were alone, the girls making their walk around the pitch to celebrate with the fans on the other side. you distracted yourself with a conversation with one of the medical staff that had been on the staff for today’s match, they informed you of the little niggles and twinges some of the girls had complained of during the game and half time. 
“muchas gracias. que pase buena noche.” (thank you so much, have a nice evening.) you thanked the woman with a smile as the rest of the medical team packed up to leave.
“de nada. buenas noches.” (you’re welcome. goodnight.)
pulling your phone out you made a note of what she’d told you. “hi.”
there she was. you wondered how long it would take between you seeing her and her approaching. 10 minutes apparently. “hi.”
“hello.” she said again, you giggling at the awkwardness she never seemed to grow out of. “wait i already said that.”
“yep, you did.”
leah was relieved that you were laughing, better yet that she was the one making you laugh, or even speaking to her after the way things had been left at beth and viv’s wedding. “can we talk?”
“ye-“ you were interrupted by a hold on your arm from a certain spanish midfielder. 
“estás bien?” (are you okay?) alexia asked, directing her attention to you not yet looking at leah. alexia knew all about your past relationship, you’d told her in one of your numerous physio sessions as she had told you about hers. well you hadn’t ever told her who it was only that said ex-girlfriend played alongside your sister but she’d figured it out with the small help of mapi telling her exactly who she was. 
“si, soy buena.”(yeah, i’m good.)  you smiled at her, not sure why she looked so worried for you. leah noticed your smile reached your eyes, a real genuine smile you were sending alexia. one she hadn’t coaxed out of you in some time, and she felt her heart sting once more. it was one thing seeing yours and alexia’s friendship or whatever it was through her phone screen but seeing it stand directly in front of her was worse than she thought.
“hola, leah.” once she saw that you were okay and seemingly unaffected (you were affected, just keeping it under wraps) by leahs approach, alexia turned her attention to her fellow blonde national captain. 
“hi. good game.” leah pulled alexia in for a handshake, trying not to let the jealousy that was bubbling inside her show on the outside. 
“oh, thank you. nice to see you.” alexia gave her a tight smile as she squeezed your hand and headed to follow the rest of the girls back inside. alexia was worried for her new friend, not wanting to see her return to the headspace she was in when she first arrived in barcelona. 
you and leah headed back towards the stands where coincidentally you’d only been sat a few rows apart. “how are you?” she asked as she gave you a hand to help you back over the barrier. 
“yeah, i’m good. how are you?”
“been better.” she sent you a sad smile. “i know you probably haven’t got much time but i just wanted to see if you’re up for getting a coffee or something before i go home on monday?” 
you were both surprised and not surprised at leah’s question. you’d expected to have a conversation with her but thought it might’ve happened today. mapi’s words of advice rang through your head. you did miss her a lot, you thought about her all the time. maybe having that closure without the arguing would help you process this. clearly, you’d been doing a pretty shitty job by yourself for the past year and a half if every time you saw her all the feeling came rushing back. 
“yeah actually, i’d like that. i’m free tomorrow morning?” you proposed.
“wait really? are you joking?” the smile appeared on her face. shed asked the question half expecting you to say no.
“obviously i’m not joking you idiot.” you laughed at her expression.
“tomorrows good. tomorrows so good.” she told you, still smiling widely. in reality, tomorrow wasn’t good. she had plans to go for breakfast with keira and her girlfriend tomorrow, but keira could wait. they’ll get lunch instead. 
should someone be this stressed to see their ex-girlfriend again? probably not. should they also be this stressed over what they look like to see their ex-girlfriend again? also, probably not.
you’d been up 2 hours before you were supposed to be after not sleeping much at all in the first place. you’d gotten your outfit ready last night, declining your invitation to the club with the team to celebrate to ensure that you had a fresh head in the morning. deciding that the outfit you’d chosen last night wasn’t good enough and you hated your entire wardrobe ended with about 4 outfit changes before you finally got in your car, 20 minutes after you were supposed to leave.
“i’m so sorry i’m late leah.” you rushed out as you sat across from her at the table shed been perched at for 25 45 minutes. 
“don’t worry, just had me thinking you weren’t going to show up.” she chuckled nervously, sliding the drink shed bough you over to you. “one iced latte with oat milk and one shot of vanilla and a shot of hazelnut.”
“you remembered.” you smiled at her. your coffee order had never changed in the years leah had known you and it hadn’t since. if you needed to be in work earlier than leah, there would be an iced latte on your desk promptly when she walked through the doors of the training centre. 
“hard not to remember when you probably consist of 90% iced latte.”
“so has keira shown you the barcelona sights?” 
“a few. found my favourite one yesterday at the game though.” she flirted. old habits die hard, i guess.
“i see you haven’t lost your charm miss williamson.” you laughed lightly. both of you dancing around the real reason leah asked you to meet.
“you seem really happy here, y/n/n.” leah pointed out. a bittersweet feeling to know that you were thriving somewhere else when she believed you should be in london, with her, but at least you were happy.
“yeah its been rough, i wont lie to you.” leah winced at your words, realising she’d been the reason for your move in the first place so she had no right to wish you were back in london. this was your home now. “you were a big part of my time in london so we said goodbye and then i had to say goodbye.”
“i know we left beth and viv’s on a sour note, but i really am genuinely sorry. for everything. the breakup, the neglect, the argument at the wedding. all of it.” she reaches across the small coffee table to grab your hand, something she always did to stop you biting at your painted nails. 
“you still have it?” you borderline gasped at the sparkle you noticed on leahs hand. as soon as you noticed she retracted her hand, as if moving it would somehow take back what you’d seen, but you held tightly.
“erm-“ she cleared her throat, not expecting you or anyone else to see that the ring you bought her still holds pride of place on her hand some days, today being one of them. “yeah, i just like to have it on sometimes. reminds me of a better time.” in reality, she was wearing it at the wedding and hadn’t taken it off since. how could she take the ring off if she hadn’t stopped thinking about the girl who gave it to her? 
“i didn’t mean to be so harsh towards you the other week, le.” you told her as you let go of her hand, falling back into your seat. “i think i just got overwhelmed. the whole day was a lot, you just got the brunt of it.”
“trust me i deserved it. if all i get of you these days is to be your punching bag, i’ll take it. it’s the least i can do.”
you chuckled sadly, knowing exactly what lead you and leah to this point but still wondering how you got here at the same time. “i miss you, y/n/n. i know i said it at the wedding, but it’s been a year and a half and some days i think i might be over it, that i might be ready to move on but i’m not and i’m really scared that i never will be.”
“i don’t want you to think that i don’t miss you because i do. all the time.” you confessed to her. “but that doesn’t change the fact that what happened and what you did really hurt me, leah. towards the end i was so afraid of you going to an event or a trip and leaving me that i didn’t realise i’d left myself behind already.”
leah hung her head. never in her life had she been so ashamed of how she’d treated someone, especially someone who loved and cared about her so deeply. you would have done anything for leah and a lot of the times you did. she always came first with you, and you did to her, until all of a sudden you didn’t. deep down you knew that it was partly to do with leah dealing with the sides of fame she never had to deal with before, becoming a household name within the space of a few weeks during the euros, but you also knew that you just weren’t her priority anymore whether she meant to do it or not. 
“but i’m really tired of being angry leah.” you continued, the word ‘but’ sending a slither of hope through leah as she looked back towards you. “and i do miss you, so id really like it if we could be friends again.”
“i’d really like that too. having you back in any capacity is more than i deserve and more than good enough for me.” leah smiled wider than you’d seen in a while. even on your stalks through instagram you knew that half those smiles were fake.  
the long awaited part 2! decided there will be at least 1-2 more parts of this just bare with me. enjoy🤍
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queen-of-boops · 2 months
"Doctor Lucas"
Alright friends, it's time to talk about my biggest LITG pet peeve. It happens all the time, I'm reading a Lucas villa fic or scrolling through Tumblr and I see it: "doctor Lucas". My brain immediately checks out, alarm bells blaring.
I want to be clear here, I'm not policing headcannons or what you can or can't do in fic, especially AUs, the entire point of AUs is to mix things up like careers or backgrounds, etc.
What I am saying, is that canonically, Lucas is a physiotherapist.
For some reason, of all the physios we have (Summer and Jack), Lucas is the only one that's often referred to as a doctor. Maybe it's because he works in a hospital, or maybe somewhere along the line fanon warped him into something else. But as an acute care PT, nothing will make me click out of a post/canon compliant fic/etc faster than "doctor Lucas" or having him do something wildly out of scope.
For one thing, the US is the only country that requires a doctorate for physical therapy. That being said, I can count on one hand the number of times someone even knows I have a doctorate, and I have never been called Doctor outside of the academic setting.
So what does a hospital physio do?
Preserve mobility: let's be real, sick people don't want to move, but lying in bed all day makes you lose strength and range of motion fast
Transfers: how do you get to a chair now that you suddenly don't have left leg anymore? How can I make moving less painful for you following major abdominal surgery? How do you move when you have new precautions and can't bend your hip past 90 degrees?
Gait: Do you need a walker now? A cane? Do you have weight bearing restrictions and need to figure out how to walk with them? Is your gait pattern unsafe?
Stairs: Are there stairs at your house? How can I make them safer for you and the person who's going to be helping you? What techniques can I teach you to help decrease pain and increase safety?
Balance: 99% of people in the hospital are at an increased risk for falls, how can I decrease that? What can I do to improve your balance?
Discharge recs: Where is the patient going after the hospital? Are they safe to go home or do they need rehab? Do they need any equipment to be safe at home? 90% of the time, the rehab department is the one making those calls.
Communicate mobility needs to staff and family: Most of the time, I'm the first one getting someone up. Do they need 2 people to sit on the edge of the bed? Does their right knee buckle when they walk? This is important information that the people taking care of the patient needs to know for everyone's safety.
We see patients post stroke, waiting on transplants, post surgery, after getting the transplant, chronically ill, etc. Patients on vents, with lines and tubes and drains all over the place, even with open surgical sites... they're all appropriate for therapy.
What physiotherapists definitely don't do:
Perform surgery or scrub up or observe or do anything even near the OR.
Give or adjust medications. I'm expected to know what medications do and look out for associated symptoms, but the most I can do is message the doctor and tell them what I'm observing.
Work with a crashing patient. It happens, you're in the middle of a session and a patient codes. Call the code and start performing CPR. But as soon as anyone else arrives, the therapist is the least qualified and least important person in the room. And if a therapist hears a code called, they're getting the hell out of the way to make space for the appropriate team to arrive.
Call time of death. Yes, patients die. Unfortunately, that's just how it goes. And yes, sometimes you come in to work only to learn that the patient you were working with yesterday passed away. But most of the time, if a patient is that close to dying, they're not appropriate for therapy. They're not dying in the therapist's arms or anything like that.
Use physical therapy as a stepping stone to become a doctor. There's not a ton of overlap tbh. I'm sure it has happened, but it's not like a PT degree is a degree that gets you into med school.
Listen, I LOVE my job. I get peed on, puked on, pooped on, etc. There are rude patients and emotional days and difficult conversations that need to be had, but at the end of the day I'm proud of being able to help people in need. You don't get into physical therapy if you don't love it. The pay isn't all that great and sometimes it's a very thankless job. Burn out rates are high, especially in the hospital setting. But those who stick it out are those who can't imagine doing anything else.
You have no idea how happy I was to see a character with my job who actually responds well to questions about it, so you can imagine how frustrating it is to constantly see my profession being overlooked or misinterpreted in the fandom.
Please, next time you go to respond to a post saying that you'd rather be stranded on a deserted island with Lucas because he's a doctor, or write a villa fic where Lucas talks about scrubbing in for surgery, keep this post in mind.
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Millie Bright x Reader
The All Clear
AN: just a quick lil thing I’ve written to celebrate today 💜
At the physio your girlfriend Millie was undergoing yet another fitness exam. The buzz around the World Cup squad announcement had spread through the building but Millie was hoping to be on the road back home by now. There had been a delay with some scans and paperwork she had to fill out for the end of season.
Millie’s perspective:
Glancing at my watch I knew time was running out to get back home in time for the 2pm announcement. I know I’m being announced on the team as Sarina called me a few weeks ago to see how my rehab was coming along. What was still up in the air is if I’m actually getting on the plane. I’ve been working so hard to be ready for the cup as it could be my last but I still haven’t been fit enough to train properly and the season ended without any minutes under my belt for a few months now. I’m nervous. I so desperately want to be on that plane, I want to take (y/n) to another country to watch me play, I want to be surrounded by my friends all summer. Now if this bloody knee could start cooperating that would be great please!
“Millie, can you see for a minute please?” the words of the lead physio echoed through the empty room and interrupted my negative thought spiral. Pulling myself up off the bench and into the office, I felt like I was a naughty school kid going into the headmaster’s office. “So, I know you’ve been talking with Sarina about making the World Cup and you’re worried about being ready in time. You’ve been working really hard on your rehab and I’m happy to tell you that you’re clear. You’ll be on the plane.” The words I’d been longing to hear didn’t sink in, just bounced off my ears and around the room until it hit me. A very delayed celebration came in the form of jumping into the air and screaming, slightly crying but extremely elated. “Thank you so much!” hugging my physio who’s done absolutely everything for me to get to this point, “you’re free to go” he said with a huge smile on his face.
Throwing my bags into the car and leaving the crutches behind - I need to get home, I need to tell (y/n). Glancing at the time, I think I should just about make it home for the announcement.
Your perspective:
“Mum’s late isn’t she?” petting the dogs on the sofa and glancing at your phone to see no new messages. Millie should be home by now and you were starting to get worried as you set YouTube up ready for Sarina’s press conference. It’s unusual not to hear from her in so long and she always texts you when she’s on her way home, maybe she’s been held up at the office. Flicking through your phone until 2pm came and your social medias were flooded with the squad sheet. There she was, your girlfriend’s name in black and white. You had no doubt that she’d be called up, it’s whether she actually makes it there that worries you. Nevertheless, you’d started packing for your trip abroad anyway. Millie always takes the mick out of your over preparation for holidays - starting to pack months in advance of the impending trip but you always remind her that she’s the one that forgets everything by doing it last minute. Sending your congratulations to the girls who also got called up, Sarina’s voice broke the silence in the lounge as all of your attention turned to the TV.
First question - are Millie and Lucy fit to play? Her answer vague yet a positive one. Listening intently to the rest of the interview until something made you rewind to play it again. ‘Did I hear that correctly? Millie being announced as captain? Oh my god, I did! Millie’s captain! My girlfriend’s the captain!’ Your mind racing with no one there to celebrate with apart from the dogs “did you hear that guys? Mummy’s the captain!” you stroked them excitedly as they climbed on top of you with their tails wagging. You barely listened to the rest of the conference just wondering where the hell your girlfriend had got to, has she heard the news? Did she already know and not tell you? Your phone calls didn’t connect as you started to get worried but you didn’t need to as soon after your third unanswered call you heard the familiar hum of her car pull up on the driveway.
Launching the dogs off the blanket as you ran to the front door and flying it open with excitement. The dogs ran out to the car, tails wagging and jumping up at your beautiful girlfriend exiting the vehicle. “Hey skipper” you winked as she approached you, met with a puzzled expression as she leant down to kiss you. “What are you talking about?” Omg, she doesn’t know! “You’re the captain! Sarina just announced you as captain!” your voice high and loud as you grabbed the remote to rewind the interview. Turning the sound up you let it play out, watching the news sink in on her face as her jaw dropped. “I’m so proud of you!” wrapping her arms around her neck watching her mouth turn from shock to pure happiness. Millie squeezed her arms around your waist as she picked you up off the floor “woah, watch your knee!” yelling and slapping her shoulder to put you down. Looking into your eyes she said the words - “I got the all clear, we’re getting on that plane baby”.
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nisshant · 6 months
Gain Real-World Experience with Physio Internships in Glitzy Singapore
Considering how competitive hiring is back home for newly licensed Physiotherapists lacking practical expertise? Taking a clinical immersion internship in Singapore could be a strategic career move to boost your skills and employability.
Despite its small size, Singapore has one of Asia’s most advanced and rapidly growing healthcare and rehabilitation ecosystems. Significantly funded by both public and private sectors, facilities leverage cutting-edge assistive technology and best practice care models tailored to its diverse demographics — making it the perfect interning launchpad for foreign Physios. #EnvoyStudyAbroad
Numerous hospitals and private centers located conveniently across this safe, glitzy city-state offer dedicated international internships lasting 3–6 months — enabling invaluable learning of novel treatment techniques to use back home later like Shockwave therapy, Antigravity training, Robotic rehabilitation etc.
You’ll also gain critical practical experience through rigorous supervised rotations in specialty areas that interest you — outpatient, musculoskeletal, sports rehab, stroke recovery, pediatrics etc. Add insights into cross-cultural care too while enjoying Singapore’s vibrant cosmopolitan lifestyle.
-Sarvesh Singh
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Website: https://www.sarahradovicphysiotherapy.com
Address: Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Sarah Radovic, a seasoned physiotherapist, operates a home-based clinic in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario. With over two decades of experience, she offers personalized physiotherapy treatments for a wide range of conditions, including muscle and joint pains, sports injuries, and post-surgical rehab. Sarah's practice emphasizes patient-centered care, combining evidence-based treatments like manual therapy, exercise prescription, and acupuncture to ensure effective recovery and long-term wellness.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahradovicregphysiotherapist
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seoexpertschennai · 7 months
Revolutionizing Healthcare: KEFI Home Healthcare's Comprehensive Services in Chennai
In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the demand for personalized and convenient services is on the rise. KEFI Home Healthcare emerges as a beacon of innovation, offering a spectrum of services that cater to the specific needs of individuals in the comfort of their homes. This blog will delve into the diverse offerings provided by KEFI, focusing on crucial keywords like "Post Stroke Rehab Care at Home," "Doctor Home Visit at Chennai," "Physio Home Visit at Chennai," and "Sleep Test at Home in Chennai."
Post Stroke Rehab Care at Home :
For individuals recovering from a stroke, the journey to rehabilitation can be challenging. KEFI Home Healthcare addresses this challenge head-on by providing specialized post-stroke rehab care at home. Trained professionals work closely with patients, offering tailored rehabilitation programs to enhance mobility, regain strength, and improve overall well-being. The convenience of receiving expert care within the familiar surroundings of one's home accelerates the recovery process, promoting a holistic approach to post-stroke rehabilitation.
Doctor Home Visit at Chennai :
KEFI understands the importance of timely medical intervention, especially when mobility is a concern. The "Doctor Home Visit at Chennai" service ensures that individuals receive prompt medical attention without the need to venture out. Experienced physicians are just a call away, ready to provide comprehensive healthcare services ranging from routine check-ups to urgent medical care, all within the comfort of the patient's home. This service not only saves time but also ensures that healthcare remains accessible to everyone.
Physio Home Visit at Chennai :
Physical therapy plays a pivotal role in the recovery and management of various health conditions. KEFI's "Physio Home Visit at Chennai" service brings expert physiotherapists to the doorstep of those in need. Whether recovering from surgery, managing chronic pain, or seeking rehabilitation, patients can benefit from personalized physiotherapy sessions tailored to their specific needs. The convenience of at-home physiotherapy fosters a conducive environment for healing, promoting consistency and adherence to treatment plans.
Sleep Test at Home in Chennai :
Recognizing the importance of sleep health, KEFI offers the "Sleep Test at Home in Chennai" service, allowing individuals to undergo sleep studies in the comfort of their own beds. Sleep disorders can have a profound impact on overall health and well-being, making timely and accurate diagnosis crucial. By providing in-home sleep tests, KEFI ensures that individuals can conveniently monitor their sleep patterns, enabling healthcare professionals to make informed decisions regarding treatment and intervention.
KEFI Home Healthcare stands at the forefront of the healthcare revolution, prioritizing accessibility, convenience, and personalized care. Through services such as "Post Stroke Rehab Care at Home," "Doctor Home Visit at Chennai," "Physio Home Visit at Chennai," and "Sleep Test at Home in Chennai," KEFI is redefining the way healthcare is delivered. By bringing expert care to the doorstep, KEFI not only enhances the patient experience but also contributes to the overall well-being of the community. In a world where healthcare is evolving, KEFI Home Healthcare is leading the charge towards a future where quality healthcare is synonymous with comfort and accessibility.
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marketingbiotronix · 11 months
Syrebo Stroke Hand Finger Rehabilitation Robot Gloves C12 Newest Model With 6 Training Modes
Feasible application of rehabilitation theory:SYREBO Hand Rehabilitation Glove combines with flexible robot technology and neuroscience,integrates active training and passive training,covers all stages of hand rehabilitation for stroke patients.
More hand rehabilitation training modes:C12 Syrebo robotic gloves have 6 training modes:passive training,finger mirror training,pinch training,extend training,fine motor training,functional training,cover all stages of hand rehabilitation for stroke patients.
Stronger power robotic glove for stroke patients:SYREBO hand rehabilitation robot gloves have three pumps driving power,help stroke patients with stronger power to drive flexion and extension,and there are 9 gears to adjust the strength.
Advanced finger mirror training:Syrebo hand rehabilitation glove innovates the design of the glove, increases the number of air pumps and the sensitivity of the sensor, can individually control the mirror training of single finger, controls finger movement more finely, and better helps stroke patients recover fine hand functions.C12 robotic glove also has wireless data glove,more convenient to use.
Unique static stretching:Syrebo hand rehabilitation gloves has advanced safe static stretching mode to decrease muscle tone and increase range of hand finger motion,imitates the stretching training of the rehabilitation therapist,can help stroke patients finger function recovery better.
Do you have the following Pain Points? It's time to have robotic glove for stroke patients!
Unable to eat/ dress himself independently
Unable to do rehabilitation training alone
Have no professional device when do rehabilitation training at home
Contact us / What's app - 9711991264,9015251243,8076549111,8076205625,9811564804,9212046677
Website : www.solutionforever.com
ADDRESS : F-400, Sudershan Park ,Moti Nagar ,Near Gopal ji Dairy ,ND-110015
#rehabilitation #rehab #physiotherapy #physiotherapist #physicaltherapist #physio #physicaltherapy #injury #physiocity # #physiotherapyindia # #physiotherapistlife #electrotherapy #sportsmedicine #bptstudents #paralysis #paralysisrecovery #handicapedcat #quadriplegic #spinalcordinjury #physiotherapyhospital #spinalcordinjuryawareness #specialcatsofinstagram #scirecovery #spinalcordinjuryrecovery #paraplegic #handicapped #pediatricphysiotherapist #elbowpain #paralyzed #rehab #medicaldevices #physiotherapylifestyle
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biotronixcaresalesteam · 11 months
Syrebo Stroke Hand Finger Rehabilitation Robot Gloves C12 Newest Model With 6 Training Modes
Feasible application of rehabilitation theory:SYREBO Hand Rehabilitation Glove combines with flexible robot technology and neuroscience,integrates active training and passive training,covers all stages of hand rehabilitation for stroke patients.
More hand rehabilitation training modes:C12 Syrebo robotic gloves have 6 training modes:passive training,finger mirror training,pinch training,extend training,fine motor training,functional training,cover all stages of hand rehabilitation for stroke patients.
Stronger power robotic glove for stroke patients:SYREBO hand rehabilitation robot gloves have three pumps driving power,help stroke patients with stronger power to drive flexion and extension,and there are 9 gears to adjust the strength.
Advanced finger mirror training:Syrebo hand rehabilitation glove innovates the design of the glove, increases the number of air pumps and the sensitivity of the sensor, can individually control the mirror training of single finger, controls finger movement more finely, and better helps stroke patients recover fine hand functions.C12 robotic glove also has wireless data glove,more convenient to use.
Unique static stretching:Syrebo hand rehabilitation gloves has advanced safe static stretching mode to decrease muscle tone and increase range of hand finger motion,imitates the stretching training of the rehabilitation therapist,can help stroke patients finger function recovery better.
Do you have the following Pain Points? It's time to have robotic glove for stroke patients!
Unable to eat/ dress himself independently
Unable to do rehabilitation training alone
Have no professional device when do rehabilitation training at home
Contact us / What's app - 9711991264,9015251243,8076549111,8076205625,9811564804,9212046677
Website : www.solutionforever.com
ADDRESS : F-400, Sudershan Park ,Moti Nagar ,Near Gopal ji Dairy ,ND-110015
#rehabilitation #rehab #physiotherapy #physiotherapist #physicaltherapist #physio #physicaltherapy #injury #physiocity # #physiotherapyindia # #physiotherapistlife #electrotherapy #sportsmedicine #bptstudents #paralysis #paralysisrecovery #handicapedcat #quadriplegic #spinalcordinjury #physiotherapyhospital #spinalcordinjuryawareness #specialcatsofinstagram #scirecovery #spinalcordinjuryrecovery #paraplegic #handicapped #pediatricphysiotherapist #elbowpain #paralyzed #rehab #medicaldevices #physiotherapylifestyle
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mvprehab · 1 year
Does Medicare Cover Physiotherapy?
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Whether you need to reduce pain from an injury, manage a chronic condition like arthritis, or even prevent future injuries, Medicare can help. But understanding what’s covered can be confusing.
Physical therapy, or PT, is a type of rehabilitation treatment that can help improve mobility and reduce pain. However, it can be expensive without insurance coverage. To know more about does Medicare cover physio, visit the MVP Rehab Physiotherapy website or call 0450603234.
Physiotherapy is a form of physical therapy that uses massages, exercises and treatments based on physical stimuli like heat, cold, electrical currents and ultrasound to reduce pain, help you move better and strengthen weakened muscles. It's used to treat conditions caused by accidents, injuries, health issues such as heart attacks or strokes and the natural effects of aging.
Often, physiotherapists will work in concert with other healthcare practitioners to treat conditions. They can be referred by doctors or patients may self-refer to a physiotherapist. Depending on the circumstances, a physiotherapist may also act as first-line access to patients in an emergency department.
To be eligible for physiotherapy under Medicare, you must have a chronic or complex condition. Chronic conditions are those that have been ongoing for six months or more and complex conditions involve at least two different healthcare professionals treating you. During your first appointment, the physiotherapist will take a detailed medical history and perform various tests to assess your injury or illness.
Physiotherapy can be covered by Medicare as long as it meets certain criteria. To qualify, you must have a chronic and complex musculoskeletal condition as defined by the Medicare Benefits Schedule in Item 10960. This means the issue must have been present for six months or longer and that it has to be a condition that needs treatment by three or more health care practitioners including your GP, podiatrist or dentist.
If you choose to attend a physiotherapist who is Medicare approved, the services will be covered by Medicare Part B. However, you will still be responsible for the Medicare Part B deductible and 20% coinsurance.
Some private health insurers offer physiotherapy as part of their benefits, while the NHS offers this service through a number of clinics. You do not need to be referred by a doctor to see a physiotherapist, as you can self-refer or book with one on your own through the Choose and Book system in Australia.
Medicare coverage for physiotherapy may vary. In general, Medicare Part B covers a portion of outpatient physiotherapy sessions as long as they are medically necessary and billed by an in-network provider. However, there are certain stipulations like a referral from your doctor and that the session takes place outside of a hospital or other facility. Also, you must be enrolled in Medicare Part B and have a doctor-created and regularly reviewed care plan to receive the therapy.
You are responsible for the Medicare Part B deductible ($203 in 2021) before Medicare begins paying 80% of the allowable charges. Additionally, Medicare requires that you complete a set number of PT visits before your doctor reevaluates the treatment. Medicare Advantage plans can offer different benefits, so make sure to check your specific plan’s coverage. For example, some Medicare Advantage plans have fewer out-of-pocket costs for home health care. Others have additional benefits for things like wellness programs.
In general, if a doctor prescribes physiotherapy, Medicare will cover the cost under Part B. To qualify, the patient must have a chronic problem that has been ongoing or expected to continue for at least six months. The chronic condition must also be complex, which means it requires the care of multiple healthcare practitioners. This could include a GP, a podiatrist, and a physiotherapist.
If the person resides in a nursing home, Medicare will cover physiotherapy under Part A. However, they will be required to pay a deductible ($1,556 per benefit period in 2022) and coinsurance. To know more about does Medicare cover physio, visit the MVP Rehab Physiotherapy website or call 0450603234.
Some private health insurers offer plans that combine Part A and Part B into a single plan, known as Medicare Advantage. These plans typically have a different deductible and coinsurance than Original Medicare. Check with your plan administrator to see if they provide coverage for physical therapy. Alternatively, you can opt for a Medigap plan to help cover these costs.
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mrphysiorehabunit · 1 year
M. R. Physio & Rehab Unit is a therapy Centre that provides physiotherapy and rehabilitation services. The company offers in-home physiotherapy and outpatient services at their clinics. Their skilled physiotherapists provide comprehensive treatment to help patients improve their physical abilities and recover from various conditions and injuries. They offer services for various conditions, including stroke, neck pain, cancer treatments, knee replacements, and more.
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Looking for Registered Physiotherapy Clinic in Whitby
Looking for Registered Physiotherapy clinic in Whitby, then We are committed to staying on top of the today’s bodily remedy gear and treatments. It is our purpose to create a friendly and professional atmosphere that you can rely upon for all your restoration desires.
We couldn’t be the offices we’re with out our extremely good crew. They are devote to supporting patients by way of ensuring they have the statistics they need to help with their restoration. Our team will discuss your recuperation system with you and what to expect. They are continually right here to answer any of your questions and address your concerns. It is our purpose to provide you a fulfilling experience each time you stroll thru our doors.
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If you or your loved one is in search of rehabilitation following a extreme contamination, surgical treatment or accident, our crew at Taunton Garden Physiotherapy & Rehab is right here to help. Located in Whitby, Canada, we provide Physiotherapy & rehabilitation to help our sufferers attain independence and an progressed exceptional of lifestyles following a prime illness or existence occasion that has impacted their day by day bodily functioning. Examples of situations that are often visible inside our putting encompass, but are not constrained to, joint replacements, cardiac and pulmonary conditions, strokes, bodily trauma, and other issues associated with surgeries or ongoing ailments.
Taunton Garden Physiotherapy is normally presented to patients after a clinic stay and includes round-the-clock care and therapeutic offerings. It can remaining everywhere from some weeks to months depending on an individual’s wishes and goals. At Taunton Garden Physio, we prioritize the comfort of our patients by way of making sure that our facility is welcoming and ready with staff who care about every affected person’s nicely-being. Our offerings are especially helpful for folks who might not be able to stay independently at home or who require care that can amplify past what their caregiver is able to offer.
Our Physiotherapy in Ajax department implements a combined version of medical care and therapeutic offerings. We recognize the importance of offering without problems to be had scientific attention and are staffed with compassionate medical personnel. These encompass physicians and nurses who monitor our patients’ recuperation and administer care when needed. Therapeutic services are furnished by way of our interdisciplinary staff of occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech therapists.
Related Blog Post: “Looking for Registered Physiotherapy Clinic in Whitby”
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rehabreadyhealth · 3 years
What Are The Benefits Of The Home Visit Physio In Greater Melbourne?
When someone suffers from a severe condition that impairs their motor skills, it can be challenging to get to a physio clinic & receive the therapy they need to recover. Fortunately, the team at Rehab Ready Healthcare can provide Home Visit Physio in Greater Melbourne. We boast a team of qualified physiotherapists who are more than capable of providing home visits regularly. Whether some person has suffered a stroke, head injury, neurological problem, or any other condition, we can travel to their home & offer treatment to optimize their recovery.
How can our Physiotherapists help?
Our Home Visit Physio in Greater Melbourne can travel to your residence to provide the help & support you need during this difficult time. Our most experienced physiotherapists will develop a tailored strategy based on your condition and other factors to restore natural movement and physical functions. From sports and work-related injuries to illnesses & disabilities, we can work with people of all ages & conditions.
The Rehab Ready Healthcare home Physio Consultation in Melbourne includes multiple sessions, the number of which will vary based on your needs & prognosis. Our qualified team will work to reduce pain, promote recovery & reduce long-term damage, to improve your physical performance & overall quality of life. Rehab Ready Healthcare has had tremendous success over the years, helping our clients to recover & achieve happiness.
Few Benefits of Home Visit Physiotherapy in Melbourne
Our home visit physiotherapy services offer a wide range of benefits for patients. In the earlier stages of recovery, it is more practical for a physiotherapist to visit the client's home. In addition to hands-on treatment to facilitate the patient's healing, our qualified neuro-physiotherapists will advise on optimal positioning and liaise with carers & family members to ensure that everything is being done to aid recovery.
Other benefits of Home Visit Physio are as follows:
A familiar & known environment helps patients feel more comfortable & relaxed.
A relaxed state of mind can enhance your treatment.
Fewer distractions can lead to more focused treatment & also improves progress.
Highly personalized care that takes your home environment into account.
It saves time & money due to not having to travel to the clinic.
The added benefit of supervised rehabilitation in the client's home is that we can work on the functional activities that the person needs to do most often during everyday life, like getting in & out of bed or up off a chair. Later, as they progress, they will be able to practice more intensive activities such as stair climbing under the supervision of our mobile physiotherapist in Melbourne.
If you want to learn Physiotherapy Falls Prevention Exercises to protect yourself from accidental falls, you should choose Rehab Ready Healthcare, whose physios will help you learn various beneficial exercises.
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onlycags · 4 years
Konuşmak ister misin? (Do you want to talk?)
My morning Cags thought of the day: he comes home from a long tiring painful day of rehab to find you laying on the couch or in bed in a big comfy hoodie and without a word he walks over lifts up the front of the hoodie and buries his head in and just lays there and you’re giggling a little and like oh hello you wanna talk about it but he doesn’t say anything and just holds onto you tighter so you two just lay there quietly while you rub your hands up and down his back until he’s ready to talk 🥺🥺🥺
Shoutout to @sammisze for this adorable prompt. Enjoy xx Word Count: 808
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Saturdays were the worst days for Çağlar. He dreaded them now and it hurt you to see him so distraught over what used to be his favourite days. Now, instead of a match day or a recovery, Saturdays were his longest rehab days with Sunday as his rest day. You knew he wanted to get better, but four hours of increasingly-hard rehab every Saturday was taking his toll. 
It was about six weeks into his recovery - with at least six more to go - when his Saturday got the best of him. He’d woken up in more of a mood than he usually did and you’d practically had to drive him yourself to Belvoir to meet up with the PT. “I don’t wanna leave you,” he’d pouted, clearly in pain as he kissed you goodbye.
“I don’t want you to leave me either, Çağlar, but if you don’t go work on your hip, you’ll never get better and I know you wanna be back out on the pitch more than anything else.” Çağlar sighed in a way that told you you were right and you pulled him into a tight hug. “You know I’ll be here when you get back, Yiğidim.” My brave man.
“I know,” Çağlar breathed, his forehead pressed against yours. 
He was gone seconds later and you missed him like crazy even though he’d only be gone a few hours. Winter was coming to Leicester and the morning was cold, so you quickly put one your thickest wool socks and flannel pants along with your favourite hoodie of Çağlar’s. You pulled it over your nose and mouth, closing your eyes as you inhaled his cologne, his scent never failing to calm you down. 
You took your Saturdays to read for your weekly book club, this month’s read easily getting you lost into the fictional world and before you knew it, Çağlar was coming back from rehab exhausted. 
Çağlar found you where he expected to find you: lounging on the couch looking warm and comfortable in his hoodie; he’d long-since given up any hope of wearing that hoodie himself, but he loved seeing you in it. Rehab with the physio had been more brutal than usual leaving Çağlar in more pain than before and he wordlessly made his way over to you. You let him do what he wanted, lifting your book off your chest so Çağlar could do what he needed to do.
With a heavy sigh, Çağlar lifted up the front of the hoodie and buried his head under the fabric. You could feel his stubble on your stomach and you couldn’t help but giggle. “Baby, you’re tickling me!” You set the book down on the table, making sure to save your place. 
Çağlar didn’t reply, save for a grunt and a shake of his head. Concern flooded your veins and you felt tears prick at your eyes. “Oh, Cags, baby, do you wanna talk about it?” His grip on you tightened almost imperceptibly, letting you know he wasn’t ready yet.
You could feel his warm breath on your stomach, Çağlar occasionally turning his head to press little kisses to your abdomen as your hands stroked up and down his back soothingly. It hurt you to see him like this but you didn’t know what else to do - you didn't want to push him and you knew the emotional toll it was taking on him to be injured and unable to do his job. 
“I just hurt...all the time.” The words were soft and muffled by the hoodie, but you listened closely, your heart breaking for him. “I think the cold made it worse today and the exercises were hard and I just...my body doesn’t feel like mine and I hate it.”
“Oh, baby,” you whispered, your fingers inching up to try to pull the hoodie off his head. Çağlar let you and the look on his face almost broke you. “Let me carry some of your burden, okay?”
You spent the rest of the afternoon listening to Çağlar talk about his injury and the frustrating six weeks it had been of rehab, your heart breaking a little more with each word but you knew it was helping him to talk about it with you.
“Thank you.” Çağlar looked up at you through his lashes, his head still resting on your stomach. You’d switched from running your fingers up and down his back to running your fingers through his hair and he hadn’t realized how much he needed your touch. You hummed in response, brushing your thumb across his cheek before resuming stroking his hair. Çağlar closed his eyes, his mind empty as he felt your nails on his scalp, the intoxicating feeling drifting down his spine as his breathing evened out and he fell into a deep sleep he so desperately needed.
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seoexpertschennai · 7 months
Revolutionizing Healthcare: KEFI Home Healthcare in Chennai
In the fast-paced world we live in today, the demand for convenient and personalized healthcare services is on the rise. KEFI Home Healthcare emerges as a beacon of hope, addressing the evolving needs of individuals seeking top-notch medical care within the comfort of their homes. This blog explores the transformative services provided by KEFI Home Healthcare, with a special focus on post-stroke rehab care and doctor and physio home visits in Chennai.
Understanding Post Stroke Rehab Care at Home
A stroke can be a life-altering event, affecting not only the individual but also their family and loved ones. The journey to recovery often involves extensive rehabilitation, and the idea of receiving this care at home is gaining prominence. KEFI Home Healthcare recognizes the significance of a familiar environment during the recovery process and offers specialized post-stroke rehab care at home.
The dedicated team at KEFI comprises skilled healthcare professionals, including physiotherapists, nurses, and caregivers, who work collaboratively to design personalized rehabilitation plans. These plans not only focus on physical recovery but also address the emotional and psychological aspects of post-stroke care. The goal is to empower individuals to regain their independence and enhance their overall quality of life.
KEFI's post-stroke rehab care at home includes a range of services, such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and psychological support. By bringing these services to the doorstep of the patient, KEFI aims to create a supportive and conducive healing environment, fostering a faster and more effective recovery.
Doctor Home Visit at Chennai
In addition to post-stroke rehab care, KEFI Home Healthcare offers the invaluable service of doctor home visits in the vibrant city of Chennai. Recognizing the challenges individuals face in accessing timely medical care, KEFI ensures that healthcare is not a distant service but a readily available resource right at your doorstep.
Doctor home visits by KEFI are designed to cater to a spectrum of healthcare needs. Whether it's a routine check-up, management of chronic conditions, or urgent medical attention, the team of experienced doctors is equipped to provide comprehensive and compassionate care. This service is particularly beneficial for individuals with mobility issues, elderly patients, or those simply looking for the convenience of healthcare delivered to their homes.
By offering doctor home visits in Chennai, KEFI Home Healthcare is redefining the traditional healthcare model, making it more patient-centric, accessible, and responsive to individual needs.
Physio Home Visit at Chennai
Physical therapy is often a crucial component of healthcare, especially for individuals recovering from injuries, surgeries, or chronic conditions. Recognizing the importance of physiotherapy and the challenges of traveling to a clinic, KEFI Home Healthcare extends its services to include physio home visits in Chennai.
The skilled physiotherapists at KEFI work closely with patients to assess their unique needs and design personalized rehabilitation programs. These programs are then implemented in the comfort of the patient's home, ensuring consistency and convenience. Whether it's managing pain, improving mobility, or enhancing overall physical function, the physio home visit service by KEFI aims to bring the benefits of physiotherapy directly to the individuals who need it.
KEFI Home Healthcare stands at the forefront of a healthcare revolution, offering a holistic approach to medical care that is centered around the individual. From post-stroke rehab care to doctor and physio home visits in Chennai, KEFI exemplifies the power of bringing healthcare services to the heart of the community. In doing so, KEFI not only enhances the accessibility of healthcare but also contributes to the overall well-being and happiness of those it serves.
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Tracy Meunier - #plant seeds of kindness
Blog Post 1 August 30, 2020
So what do you do when they tell you that you have brain cancer?
I started my career as Executive Assistant to the County Manager (thank you Mr. Allen Charles for having faith in my abilities!) on August 2, 1984.  It was 30+ degrees outside. After work I bought a fan for our 'little house on the prairie'.... Neil & I celebrated!
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Flash forward 36 years - and a career where I was fortunate to serve the community that has given our families such amazing support!
As an accountant, I've always tended to listen to advice - go to professional development sessions focused on building equity......save up for retirement...start a career that allows you to grow!
I made the decision to retire in early 2018. My dad was going through his cancer journey (prostrate cancer that spread in August 2018, resulting in him needing to be hospitalized). My siblings & I had an amazing opportunity to reconnect on a much deeper level as adult children with a man that we admired and adored more than words can describe. And so the new journey began - 11 months at the Barrhead Healthcare Centre and 5 months at Shepherd's Care. The goal remained constant - one day at a time, and to be thankful for each day we had together. We were so fortunate to appreciate the next 496 days together!!!
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At Dad's celebration of life in January 2020, Rev. David Pype spoke of the 'pillars of life':
- to have purpose
- to love
- to be loved (ie. allow yourself to let others help you, which can be difficult)
- to have hope
Flash forward to June 1, 2020 - my new retirement date!
 In mid May, 2020, when we were moving cattle to pasture, I started to get dizzy. Having been diagnosed in the fall of 2019 with osteoporosis, I did what any 58 year old would do - I 'google-dr'd it and self-diagnosed as having vertigo!
Because my family doctor had moved away from the community in the fall of 2019, I needed to find a new doctor. Imagine what he must have thought when I told him I might have vertigo!
He was patient with me & suggested we try some tests first. That was my 1st day of retirement - June 1, 2020.
As the week progressed, the dizziness got worse. That Saturday, I changed my self-diagnosis to a wax build-up. I drove myself to out-patients at the hospital. Only problem was that my ears were clear. The doctor suggested a brain scan.
This brought us to June 8 and a call from the Westlock Healthcare Centre. The first scan led them to call in of the doctor for what appeared to be a possible stroke. A second scan was done and results sent to my family doctor.
The next day, June 9, the doctor's office called and asked Neil & I to come meet with the doctor the next day.
 To say the news was crappy, disappointing and terrible is an understatement!!!!
 The C-T scan showed a growth of approximately 4 cm x 6 cm. The doctor had been consulting with a neurosurgeon from the University of Alberta Hospital. I was booked for an MRI on June 15.
Our world as we knew it felt like it was falling apart! We needed to search for our purpose! Survival mode kicked in!
And so, on June 15, 2020 I had an MRI, which confirmed the tumor. Surgery was scheduled for June 17.
 What type of cancer is it? It's called gliobastoma multiform (GBM for short). It's a terminal brain cancer. It's classified as a primary brain tumour - starting within the brain itself. It’s not thought to be caused by inherited genetics or environment - just bad luck! It is incurable and one of the most aggressive forms of brain cancer.
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Given the stark reality of our 'retirement time' together - there's 1 thing that cannot be taken away - HOPE!!!!!!!! Hope for research - Hope for successful trials! 
It's ok to be feel cheated. To be mad, sad, angry. It's NOT ok to have pity parties.
 There's a reason we are faced with the challenges that lie before us.
We need to figure it out - to find our purpose and persevere!
On June 17 I underwent surgery to remove the 'bulk' of the tumor, deep in the frontal lobe of my brain. The surgery itself caused a “retraction injury” to the part of my brain controlling movement on my left side- fortunately after a few weeks of working hard at rehab with the wonderful physio and occupational therapy team at the Barrhead Hospital I was able to use my left arm and leg again!
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 Over the summer I have been having radiation treatment paired with chemotherapy – the gold standard of treatment for GBM.
As of August 30, I have 7 more treatments left, before I get to ring the 'bell of glory', signifying that treatment is done (watch for pics on Facebook!)
September 2020 will see a break from treatments; late October/early November will be another MRI to see how the tumour responded to the treatment and map out the next steps.
Unfortunately, the tumor will re-appear – we just don’t know when. Currently, the median time is approximately 14.5 months. However, as mentioned above, we remain hopeful for some positive results of newer trials!
Others who have had GBM include Gord Downie of the Tragically Hip (who greatly advanced the conversation about GBM and helped to 'normalize' it), Presidential candidate Joe Biden's son, Senators John McCain, and Ted Kennedy.
Why am I doing a blog? I'm hoping to normalize the conversation about cancer.
It's ok to talk about it. It may help to find our purpose. Although it’s a terrible disease, it doesn’t need to rob us of who we are or what our purpose is.
 As I reflect upon my life, my family, my cancer diagnosis, there are 5 special songs/video’s I ask you to view:
Martina Mcbride In my Daughter's Eyes –
For my beautiful daughter, Sara, who wrote her Royal College exam in psychiatry on August 26. Sara has dedicated her life to serve others - my heart literally busts with a mother's pride! When I received my diagnosis, Sara and my family put their lives on hold to help me. I am forever grateful. I am excited for them to grow in their lives!
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 2.     Josh Groban - You raise me up.
For my kindest, gentlest son, Tyler. Tyler is an amazing son and human being. I am so proud of the man you've become!! You have so much love to share!
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3.     The Prayer (One World at Home version) - Celine Dion, Andrea Bocelli, Lady Gaga, Lang Lang, John Legend
In the same manner that psalms are our poems to God, this song is like a psalm to my siblings (and our theme song to 'Lindquist Lane' at our family cemetery in Mellowdale).
4. Courage - Tragically Hip.
Since my diagnosis, I've developed a link with Gord Downie. I am appreciative of his courage and gratefulness. He was a great poet that taught us lots! 
5. I Will Remember You -     Sarah McLachan
This goes without saying!
What’s the name of the blog?
#plant seeds of kindness
 Why the name of the blog?
As far as I go back, my family is a family of farmers. 
I am extremely proud of that! 
As farmers we plant, we grow, we experience success, we experience failure, we put ourselves ‘out there’, we learn resiliency.
Most importantly – WE NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!!
What's next? I’m hoping to be able to continue on with posts after treatments are done – stay tuned!!!!! 
#plant seeds of kindness 
 I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
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