#physician liaison partnership
andrewnicholas · 5 months
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Elevating Healthcare Strategic Business Development
Healthcare business planning is essential for success in the dynamic healthcare industry. Whether starting a new practice or expanding an existing one, careful planning is crucial. Begin by defining goals, understanding the target market, and identifying unique value propositions. Develop a detailed business plan that outlines services, marketing strategies, financial projections, and operational workflows. Regularly review and update plans to adapt to changing market conditions and ensure continued growth and success.
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roberthumesandiego · 6 months
Through the Eyes of a Healer: A Day in the Life of an Emergency Medicine Physician
Stepping into the fast-paced world of emergency medicine is akin to embarking on a journey into the heart of chaos and compassion. Emergency medicine physicians, often referred to as ER doctors, navigate the unpredictable terrain of life-threatening emergencies and acute medical crises with skill, empathy, and unwavering dedication. In this illuminating exploration, we shadow an emergency medicine physician for a day, gaining insight into the challenges, triumphs, and profound impact of their noble profession.
The Morning Rush: Preparing for the Onslaught
As the first light of dawn breaks on the horizon, the emergency department stirs to life, anticipating the impending surge of patients. For the emergency medicine physician, the morning rush is a flurry of activity – reviewing overnight admissions, coordinating with nursing staff, and ensuring that essential supplies and equipment are readily available. With a steaming cup of coffee in hand and a sense of purpose in their stride, they brace themselves for the challenges that lie ahead.
Triaging: The Art of Prioritization
In the bustling chaos of the emergency department, triaging emerges as a crucial first line of defense. The emergency medicine physician, alongside skilled triage nurses, assesses incoming patients with precision and efficiency, categorizing them based on the severity of their condition. From minor injuries to life-threatening emergencies, every patient receives the attention they need, with the most critical cases prioritized for immediate intervention. Through the art of triaging, lives are saved, and critical interventions are expedited.
On the Frontlines: Managing Critical Cases
As the day unfolds, emergency medicine physicians find themselves at the forefront of patient care, managing a diverse array of critical cases with skill and expertise. From cardiac arrests and trauma injuries to acute respiratory distress and neurological emergencies, each case presents unique challenges and demands quick thinking and decisive action. Armed with a comprehensive knowledge of emergency medicine principles and advanced procedural skills, the physician orchestrates a symphony of care, collaborating seamlessly with nurses, technicians, and specialists to stabilize patients and initiate life-saving interventions.
Navigating Uncertainty: Embracing the Unknown
In the unpredictable realm of emergency medicine, uncertainty is a constant companion. Patients arrive with a myriad of symptoms, often with incomplete medical histories and ambiguous presentations. The emergency medicine physician must navigate this uncertainty with grace and confidence, relying on clinical intuition, diagnostic acumen, and evidence-based practices to guide their decision-making. Despite the inherent challenges, they approach each case with a sense of curiosity and determination, embracing the opportunity to unravel medical mysteries and deliver optimal care.
Communication: Bridging Gaps, Building Trust
Effective communication lies at the heart of patient care in the emergency department. The emergency medicine physician serves as a liaison between patients, families, and the interdisciplinary team, conveying complex medical information with clarity and compassion. Whether delivering difficult news, obtaining informed consent for procedures, or coordinating follow-up care, they strive to build rapport and instill confidence in their patients, fostering a sense of trust and partnership in the healing process. In the midst of chaos, communication becomes a beacon of reassurance and empathy, guiding patients through moments of vulnerability and uncertainty.
Teamwork: Strength in Collaboration
The emergency department operates as a well-oiled machine, with each member of the healthcare team playing a vital role in delivering high-quality care. The emergency medicine physician works in tandem with nurses, paramedics, respiratory therapists, and ancillary staff, harnessing the collective expertise and resources of the team to optimize patient outcomes. Through effective communication, mutual respect, and shared goals, they forge bonds of camaraderie and mutual support, creating a dynamic environment where collaboration thrives and patients receive the comprehensive care they deserve.
Emotional Resilience: Navigating the Human Experience
Amidst the chaos and intensity of the emergency department, the emergency medicine physician is witness to the full spectrum of human experience – from moments of triumph and resilience to profound loss and grief. They must navigate these emotional highs and lows with resilience and compassion, drawing strength from their sense of purpose and commitment to healing. While the weight of responsibility can be heavy at times, they find solace in the knowledge that their efforts make a tangible difference in the lives of their patients and their families.
A day in the life of an emergency medicine physician is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the profound impact of compassionate care. From the frenetic pace of the morning rush to the quiet moments of reflection in the depths of the night, they navigate the complexities of emergency medicine with grace, skill, and unwavering dedication. Through their tireless efforts, lives are saved, suffering is alleviated, and hope is restored. In the hallowed halls of the emergency department, they stand as beacons of healing, embodying the noblest ideals of medicine and the enduring spirit of humanity.
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bocsau · 9 months
Community Access Care Programs
Community access care programs provide low-cost health screenings and education to people with complex needs. Often, these programs are able to help individuals navigate the health care system and find affordable health insurance.
Argus community access care is one of the largest NYS Department of Health approved ACCESS (formerly case management) providers in NYC. Our caring staff is available 24 hours a day to assist participants in finding and obtaining health, housing & support services.
Community health centers (CHCs)
Community health centers (CHC) are non-profit, community-driven organizations that provide a range of healthcare services. They are primarily focused on helping underserved populations access primary care and health promotion programs. These organizations are governed by a community-elected board of directors.
They remove barriers to care that include financial, cultural, language, and geographic limitations. They also work with other agencies in the community to address other social determinants of health, such as housing and food.
While CHCs are not free clinics, they offer affordable medical and dental care, and discounted prescription medications. They are open to anyone, including uninsured and underinsured patients. They can even help patients find the best Medicare plans on GoodRx. Additionally, they have been early adopters of care coordination and integration. This is especially true for those states that have expanded Medicaid, according to KFF. These states have 60% more community health center Medicaid revenues than those that have not. This money allows CHCs to expand their outreach and hire more primary care physicians.
Program directors
Whether they work for non-profit or corporate companies, program directors are responsible for overseeing the company’s programs. They ensure that these programs are in line with the company’s goals and budgets. They also create strategies for the success of the programs. To succeed as a program director, you must have strong management skills and extensive business knowledge.
The job description of a program manager can vary from company to company, but many of the duties are the same across industries. These responsibilities include planning, scheduling, and strategizing for program goals. They also help develop budgets and other business-related documents. They also serve as a liaison and spokesperson for the program.
Often, these positions require long hours. They may have to arrive at the office early or stay late to make sure everything is ready for the next day. In addition, they must be able to work well with multiple teams and people. These jobs are usually demanding, but they can be rewarding when you have the right skills.
Social determinants of health
The social determinants of health are the non-medical factors that influence a person’s quality of life and health. These factors are determined by a person’s environment, including where they live and work. They affect a person’s ability to eat well, get an education, and live in a safe and healthy community access. They also determine a person’s access to healthcare and their ability to afford medical treatment.
Social determinants are the root causes of health disparities. They can be seen in the wide differences in outcomes among individuals and groups, as well as in the inequities within the healthcare system itself. To improve the health of our nation, these factors need to be addressed by government agencies, private companies, philanthropy, and community- and faith-based organizations. This can be done through new partnerships, creative initiatives, and innovative delivery models. This approach can help ensure that all patients receive the care they need to stay healthy. These efforts can also prevent discrimination by ensuring that all people are treated fairly.
Federally funded CHCs
Community health centers, also known as Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC), are not-for-profit organizations that provide comprehensive medical care, low-cost dental and vision care, and pharmacy care. They are primarily located in medically underserved communities and serve both insured and uninsured patients, and reduce the need for expensive hospital-based and specialty care.
CHCs are largely funded by grants from the federal government and receive additional revenue from patient fees, third-party payer reimbursements, and Medicaid. The majority of CHCs are non-profit organizations and have boards of directors made up of local volunteers.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many CHCs used telehealth to reach patients who couldn’t make it to their office. Some even gave away products like N95 masks and at-home rapid tests. KFF found that implementing ACA Medicaid expansion improved the ability of rural CHCs to meet patient demand and boost quality of care. However, reversing or phasing out expansion could significantly undermine these gains.
Moreover, it would be detrimental to the health of many low-income patients.
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Instructions to Become a Specialist Doctor
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Expert specialists center around a specific field of medication, for example, cardiology or urology. All pro specialists have numerous long periods of instruction and preparing in their picked fields. Clinical fortes are commonly worthwhile profession decisions. As indicated by Salary.com, as of November 2009 the middle pay for a cardiologist is more than $295,000 every year; the middle compensation for a urologist is more than $303,000.
Win a pre-drug college degree, which takes around four years. A proper college class of study incorporates science, science, material science, arithmetic and English. Your understudy guide will suggest the courses you should take.Gain an advanced education from a certify clinical school, which takes an additional four years. Clinical school educational plans incorporate homeroom study, lab work and clinical revolutions during which you get hands-on experience treating patients in different fields of medication. Clinical pivots incorporate crisis medication, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, medical procedure and psychiatry.
Complete a residency program in your chose strength. The length of the residency program relies upon the claim to fame you pick, yet as indicated by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) it as a rule takes three to five years. The primary year of residency is here and there alluded to as an entry level position. Clinical understudies apply for residency programs before moving on from clinical school; space is restricted and programs are serious.Take the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) to get authorized to rehearse medication. Become guaranteed in your preferred claim to fame by a part leading body of the American Board of Medical Specialties. The ABMS comprises of 24 part sheets, speaking to fortes, for example, crisis medication, neurological medical procedure, obstetrics and gynecology, clinical hereditary qualities and anesthesiology. You should breeze through a test to become board guaranteed. Apply through the state clinical board in the state in which you wish to get authorized check here.
Capabilities for a Surgeon General
With each new Presidential organization, another gathering of Cabinet individuals are chosen. These world class scarcely any will prompt the President in every single public issue and be a basic part in our nation. The Office of the Surgeon General regulates the tasks of the whole U.S. Branch of Public Health and Human Services. The Surgeon General, it might be said, is the specialist of our nation and is liable for guaranteeing that we are given the best data accessible with respect to clinical conditions.
So as to turn into the Surgeon General, an individual should initially turn into an authorized doctor. Turning into a doctor is a protracted cycle that starts with a four-year college degree. People should then finish three years of clinical school, trailed by a residency. Also, it is suggested that a doctor who is keen on turning out to be Surgeon General acquire a second degree in a field that centers around the political world so as to completely comprehend the parts of the political side of the position.
Candidates for Surgeon General are typically those whose work experience revolves around offering an assistance to other people, combined with the information on the most bleeding edge innovation. Likewise, the situation of Surgeon General will require broad experience working in the general wellbeing area, for the most part 15 to 25 years. An individual ought to likewise include contribution inside the network and neighborhood governments. Likewise, public acknowledgment and grants can help in giving forthcoming up-and-comers an edge.
Notwithstanding the necessary instruction and experience, possibility for the situation of Surgeon General ought to have a stage that they advance, for example, finding a solution for infections, for example, disease or HIV. People ought to likewise consistently organize inside the clinical and political fields. Likewise, doctors should turn into a specialist in their field, giving the most forward-thinking information and treatment choices. Competitors should show empathy and commitment to their picked field just as have thoughts for change later on for medication.
Instructions to Become a Doctor of Internal Medicine
A specialist of inside medication, or internist, is a master who treats grown-up and juvenile patients. An internist regularly fills in as an essential consideration doctor, as indicated by the American College of Physicians. This job requires the capacity to analyze perplexing cases and treat a wide assortment of ceaseless and intense conditions. Notwithstanding the instruction and permitting vital for all doctors, internists get post-doctoral preparing that prepares them to treat the entire patient.
Meeting all requirements for Medical School
By and large, clinical school candidates must finish a four year certification before confirmation. Albeit no particular major is important, planned specialists must take the necessary essentials, which ordinarily remember classes for English, math, science, science and Mbbs China consultancy.
Notwithstanding school records, clinical schools require scores on the Medical College Admission Test, or MCAT, and letters of proposal. Admission to clinical projects is profoundly serious, and universities likewise think about the up-and-comer's authority capacity and extracurricular exercises, as indicated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Going to Medical School
Clinical universities get their accreditation through the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, or LCME. Clinical school for the most part takes four years, with the initial two years dedicated to class and lab work in subjects, for example, brain science, organic chemistry, life structures and clinical morals. Understudies additionally learn quiet consideration strategy, for example, how to take a clinical history.
During the second two years, forthcoming doctors get hands-on experience treating patients in clinical settings under the oversight of experienced specialists. For instance, they complete turns in interior medication, psychiatry, medical procedure, family practice and gynecology.
Finishing a Residency
Clinical school graduates must finish a three-year residency to qualify as masters in interior medication. Occupants ordinarily invest the majority of their energy in a medical clinic or facility, where they complete pivots in center zones of inner medication, for example, general medication, coronary consideration and outpatient care.
Graduates likewise pick elective turns in different regions of inner medication, for example, dermatology and ophthalmology, and in subspecialties of inward medication, for example, rheumatology and clinical oncology.
Accomplishing Licensing and Certification
Before having the option to rehearse, internists must meet all requirements for a state permit by passing the U.S. Clinical Licensing Examination and satisfying any extra necessities of the state. Then again, doctors who've gone to an osteopathic clinical school take the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination.
An authorized doctor who has finished a residency in interior medication can take tests from the American Board of Internal Medicine to qualify as board-guaranteed. Despite the fact that accreditation is discretionary, it exhibits that the internist has satisfied high public guidelines of competency in inside medication.
Selecting a Subspecialty
After residency, an internist may pick extra preparing to qualify in one of the numerous accessible subspecialties. Subspecialty preparing, called an association, regularly takes somewhere in the range of one and four extra years, contingent upon the decision. Subspecialties incorporate young adult medication, cardiovascular sickness, basic consideration, gastroenterology, irresistible infections and hematology, among others.
Alumni of partnership projects can fit the bill for extra confirmation in the subspecialty by breezing through tests from the American Board of Internal Medicine.
2016 Salary Information for Physicians and Surgeons
Doctors and specialists earned a middle yearly pay of $204,950 in 2016, as per the U.S. Authority of Labor Statistics. On the low end, doctors and specialists earned a 25th percentile pay of $131,980, which means 75 percent earned more than this sum. The 75th percentile pay is $261,170, which means 25 percent acquire more. In 2016, 713,800 individuals were utilized in the U.S. as doctors and specialists.
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astrotherins · 5 years
Compatibility Aspects From Irene To Baekhyun
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Irene's Sun Trine Baekhyun's Chiron Orb: 4° 7'
This is a life-changing relationship that results in both Irene and Baekhyun being presented with opportunities to heal past wounds in order that they may live fuller and richer lives. Together they enjoy a sense of liberation that comes from truly loving another person. Baekhyun is more likely to take the role of teacher or healer, having a significant effect on Irene's life choices. In this role Baekhyun is also challenged to take a long, hard look at himself before imparting his wisdom. The adage "physician heal thyself" could be a theme for Baekhyun. In return Irene learns much from Baekhyun's experiences and insights, perhaps even discovering her true-life purpose. This is true for intimate relationships, and also for student-teacher and patient-healer liaisons. Either way this can be a gentle, loving union based on mutual respect and compassion.
Irene's Mercury Conjunction Baekhyun's Mercury Orb: 4° 1'
Communication plays a central role in the success of any relationship whether it be a love union, friendship or work association. This combination indicates a meeting of true minds. Irene and Baekhyun are able to converse easily with each other, sharing the stimulation of exchanging thoughts and opinions. Perhaps they also share a similar outlook on life. Irene and Baekhyun understand each other and feel at ease together, enjoying each other's company. Lively conversations and shared pastimes feature in this relationship. They are able to appreciate each other's sense of humor and make light of any difficult arguments, often finding a creative way of approaching problematic subjects. In other words this is a harmonious combination and augurs well for the relationship. It is likely that Irene and Baekhyun's communication takes the form of letter writing or the exchanging of notes, or perhaps even electronic mail. Whatever the form of communication it is important that both Irene and Baekhyun keep in touch. This is an ideal combination for a personal love relationship and friendship. It is also beneficial for a work association, which requires an intelligent and energetic approach to a joint project or task.
Irene's Venus Conjunction Baekhyun's Sun Orb: 3° 26'
The combination of the Sun and the personal planet Venus is a positive one for personal relationships. It suggests that there is a sense of harmony and abundance in this union. It's likely that Baekhyun and Irene felt a strong attraction when they first met, possibly falling deeply in love. The durability of the attraction depends on other connections between the planets. However, Baekhyun and Irene are likely to remain friends even if they do not maintain an intimate partnership. Both Baekhyun and Irene feel at ease in each other's company, because they both feel that the other person is contributing positively to the union. As a result Baekhyun and Irene can relax and enjoy the benefits of their friendship. They seem to be able to settle arguments in a friendly and loving fashion, communicating with ease. Baekhyun feels that Irene enhances his sense of self. He feels valued by Irene and this helps him to truly shine in the world. Irene feels that her creativity is enhanced by her relationship with Baekhyun. The warmth and generosity of Baekhyun helps Irene better express herself in relationships. Perhaps Irene also benefits financially through her association with Baekhyun.
Irene's Venus Square Baekhyun's Saturn Orb: 5° 19'
The planet Saturn is an important ingredient in any committed relationship. On a positive note this planet indicates the commitment and security needed for a long-term association. However, in this case the path to love is rocky and there are likely to be obstacles which require hard work if this relationship is to be lasting. On the one hand both Irene and Baekhyun love each other and want to form a successful and loving bond. However, on the other hand they have to strive hard to overcome their misunderstandings of each other. Irene wants fun and pleasure. She has a lot of love to give, but has difficulty finding avenues through which to communicate her feelings to Baekhyun. Irene believes that Baekhyun may be blocking any progress in their relationship, inadvertently spoiling the fun. At times Irene fears that she will be stifled as the relationship continues. Baekhyun does take this relationship seriously, perhaps a little too seriously. He has difficulty overcoming his concerns about how the relationship should progress. Baekhyun may be a little too rigid in his beliefs, fearing true intimacy. The challenge for both Irene and Baekhyun is to face their fears and find a path forward. With hard work and determination they can build a secure partnership based on mutual respect and love. While this combination of planets can indicate a serious personal relationship, it can also depict a partnership formed for the purpose of an artistic or creative project requiring both inspiration and hard work.
Irene's Venus Trine Baekhyun's Uranus Orb: 5° 9'
This combination of planets indicates an instant and vital magnetism. It is the type of attraction in which Irene and Baekhyun take one look at each other across a crowded room and feel the sparks. Romance is alight and the relationship develops at a rapid rate. Friends are amazed as the couple's union becomes more and more intense. In the short term this relationship provides fun, excitement and stimulation for both Irene and Baekhyun. The long-term scenario depends on other aspects of their relationship and the ability of both Irene and Baekhyun to respect each other's need for autonomy. It is all too easy for the initial flame to burn out of control. For this reason this combination of planets can be more prominent in relationships that contain the intrigue of a love affair, rather than the stability of a long-term union. Irene feels particularly struck by Cupid's arrow, ignited by the very presence of Baekhyun. She wants her love to be strong enough to keep the spark of excitement in the relationship. However, Baekhyun is hard to pin down and is likely to become bored once the initial excitement starts to fade unless he is given plenty of room to be independent. It may be difficult for Baekhyun to make a commitment to this relationship unless he is given the freedom to inspire Irene without feeling tied down to promises. A strong bond can be achieved if Irene and Baekhyun can find the right balance between intimacy and personal freedom. If this is achieved then they can both enjoy a long-term relationship full of joy and romance.
Irene's Mars Sextile Baekhyun's Mercury Orb: 4° 58'
There is an instant spark of attraction when Baekhyun and Irene first meet, and this continues during the course of the relationship. The spark is likely to be an intellectual one, which may or may not result in a sexual attraction. Baekhyun and Irene are stimulated by each other's company, enjoying lively conversations and energetic activities. Both Baekhyun and Irene learn much from each other and enjoy facing challenges together which in turn help them to move forward in their own lives. This combination of the planets Mercury and Mars is ideal for any working association, which requires co-operation and drive in order to complete a challenging project. However, it can also be beneficial for personal relationships involving individuals who enjoy change and challenge. Baekhyun is challenged to use his wits in this relationship. Irene's drive and determination force Baekhyun to clarify his thoughts and opinions. Baekhyun is likely to find this aspect of the relationship exciting. In turn Irene enjoys Baekhyun's intellectual input which helps her achieve her personal goals. Together Baekhyun and Irene may dare to take risks in their lives which lead to adventures that might otherwise have been missed.
Irene's Mars Square Baekhyun's Mars Orb: 2° 50'
Arguments and tension are rife in this relationship. Both Irene and Baekhyun have a strong drive to spend time together, but have difficulty heading off disagreements. The problem is that their desires are in conflict. This is true for friends and work colleagues, and also for lovers where the tension can adversely affect sexual relations. At times Irene and Baekhyun feel as though they are competing against each other. They view each other as egotistical and arrogant, whereas in fact they are both exhibiting these traits in the relationship. The trouble is that both Irene and Baekhyun are acting as if they are on opposing sides rather than working in harmony. The challenge is to try to join forces if they want a long-term relationship. A joint activity into which they can direct intense energy could prove helpful. Another tactic may be to give each other plenty of time to pursue separate interests.
Irene's Jupiter Square Baekhyun's Venus Orb: 2° 24'
Love and excitement are strong themes of this relationship. Both Baekhyun and Irene feel a strong attraction and enjoy many pleasurable activities. Together Baekhyun and Irene enjoy good fortune, exploring the realms of higher learning, culture, religion or metaphysics. They may delight in travelling to foreign lands, meeting new people and discovering different ways of life. Alternatively they may take delight in joining a study group closer to home. Initially this union expands their horizons and the attraction is strong. It is difficult for Baekhyun and Irene to remain committed to each other, unless there are other indications of commitment in their association. The trouble is that Irene cannot seem to settle down, always looking for new horizons. She wants romance and excitement on a grand scale and expects Baekhyun to join in. Baekhyun also wants romance, but needs the security of commitment. Irene does not want to make a commitment. Irene enjoys her freedom and cannot understand why Baekhyun is so insecure about their relationship. As the relationship progresses Irene becomes more impatient which in turn increases Baekhyun's insecurities. Unless there are other aspects of the relationship, which indicate commitment and stability, this union, is likely to falter on rocky ground.
Irene's Jupiter Trine Baekhyun's Mars Orb: 3° 5'
Baekhyun and Irene are able to combine their talents well under the positive influence of the planets Mars and Jupiter. Their association provides them both with a zest for life. Baekhyun has the drive necessary for any joint projects, and Irene has the know-how and planning capabilities. Baekhyun and Irene set goals, work towards them while overcoming obstacles along the way. Together they successfully achieve their ambitions. They enjoy collaborating, gaining the respect of each other in the process. Baekhyun admires Irene's inspirational ideas. In turn Irene appreciates Baekhyun's initiative and energy. As well as working together Baekhyun and Irene also delight in playing together. It's possible that they enjoy sharing travel and sporting activities. Whatever joint project they undertake Baekhyun and Irene enjoy good fortune.
Irene's Jupiter Conjunction Baekhyun's Chiron Orb: 0° 37'
A beneficial and joyful relationship is the result of this combination of the planet Jupiter and Chiron. Irene and Baekhyun are able to close the door on problems and hurts from previous relationship and enter into this liaison with a sense of joy. Together they heal each other's emotional pain, gaining understanding and insights into relating. Irene and Baekhyun have common values and teach each other the joy and comfort that comes with a responsive and understanding union. Together Irene and Baekhyun enjoy exploring new territory, perhaps in the healing, spiritual or teaching faculties. Irene is a positive influence on this union, bringing an optimism and enthusiasm that is attractive and bountiful.
Irene's Saturn Square Baekhyun's Venus Orb: 0° 59'
The planet Saturn is an important ingredient in any committed relationship. On a positive note this planet indicates the commitment and security needed for a long-term association. However, in this case the path to love is rocky and there are likely to be obstacles which require hard work if this relationship is to be lasting. On the one hand both Baekhyun and Irene love each other and want to form a successful and loving bond. However, on the other hand they have to strive hard to overcome their misunderstandings of each other. Baekhyun wants fun and pleasure. He has a lot of love to give, but has difficulty finding avenues through which to communicate his feelings to Irene. Baekhyun believes that Irene may be blocking any progress in their relationship, inadvertently spoiling the fun. At times Baekhyun fears that he will be stifled as the relationship continues. Irene does take this relationship seriously, perhaps a little too seriously. She has difficulty overcoming her concerns about how the relationship should progress. Irene may be a little too rigid in her beliefs, fearing true intimacy. The challenge for both Baekhyun and Irene is to face their fears and find a path forward. With hard work and determination they can build a secure partnership based on mutual respect and love. While this combination of planets can indicate a serious personal relationship, it can also depict a partnership formed for the purpose of an artistic or creative project requiring both inspiration and hard work.
Irene's Saturn Sextile Baekhyun's Mars Orb: 4° 31'
Commitment is a central theme to this relationship. Baekhyun and Irene are striving to build something concrete whether it be a future together or work project. Together they have the strength and wisdom to achieve a shared ambition. This is not a flighty association. Both Baekhyun and Irene are aiming for a long-term and stable partnership. For this reason the union is likely to involve a contract, perhaps a business or marriage contract. There may also be a strong sense of destiny linked with this union. Baekhyun contributes the drive and initiative and Irene possesses the stability and practical aptitude. Baekhyun wants to move forward, inspiring Irene to overcome obstacles that stand in their path. Baekhyun is full of enthusiasm, whereas Irene is more cautious. At times Baekhyun pushes Irene forward. At others Irene restrains Baekhyun, proving that there is wisdom in a slow but sure path. Together they achieve success in their joint enterprises in the long term.
Irene's Saturn Quincunx Baekhyun's Jupiter Orb: 0° 18'
A strong bond is formed as a result of this combination of the planets Jupiter and Saturn, but not necessarily an easy one. Baekhyun and Irene have difficulty find the right balance between boldness and caution. On the one hand Baekhyun is the risk-taker in this relationship, the person wanting to explore new territories and activities. He is excited by the many possibilities available as a result of this partnership's resources and feels constrained by Irene. This is because Irene errs on the side of discretion. She believes that a slow but sure approach is a sure sign of success. Irene believes in the edict "moderation in all things", whereas Baekhyun espouses the adage "nothing ventured, nothing gained". Neither Baekhyun nor Irene listen to each other. Both have trouble seeing things from the other person's point of view. This is true of friendships, marriage and work associations. It is possible that Baekhyun and Irene have met in order to learn something from each other in order to become stronger and wiser for future relationships.
Irene's Saturn Opposition Baekhyun's Chiron Orb: 0° 48'
This union is fraught with difficulties, mainly because of Irene and Baekhyun's past experiences in relationships. Hurtful experiences from previous important relationships have a negative impact hampering both Irene and Baekhyun's ability to build a secure and loving relationship. Rightly or wrongly, Baekhyun often perceives Irene to be stern and critical. He has trouble allowing himself to be vulnerable. As a result past hurts are compounded rather than healed by this union. In turn Irene fears emotional intimacy, putting up barriers that hinder the growth of this union. On a more positive note other aspects of this relationship may strengthen the bond between Irene and Baekhyun enabling them to overcome their difficulties and establish a secure and loving association.
Irene's Uranus Trine Baekhyun's Sun Orb: 2° 33'
This is a relationship full of verve and romance. Baekhyun and Irene are attracted to each other from the moment that they first meet and continue to experience excitement and joy in each other's company. The relationship brings something new and original into Baekhyun's and Irene's lives and they both feel enlivened as a result. Life becomes more of an adventure when Baekhyun and Irene are together. Their relationship may run a somewhat erratic or unorthodox course, but Baekhyun and Irene are both happy in the knowledge that theirs is a unique union. Baekhyun is excited by Irene's creativity, which somehow enhances his personal goals. Irene helps Baekhyun to see life in a new and different manner, freeing Baekhyun from past inhibitions. Irene knows that she has encountered someone who truly appreciates her as an individual. Irene can better express her original thoughts and ideas as a result of her relationship with Baekhyun. Together Baekhyun and Irene may explore an unusual hobby or pastime such as new technology, metaphysics, science, electronics, humanitarian or environmental concerns.
Irene's Uranus Conjunction Baekhyun's Uranus Orb: 4° 16'
This combination of the planets Uranus indicates an electric connection which excites both Irene and Baekhyun. They feel that they are on the same intellectual wavelength, and welcome each other's creative ideas. Together they enjoy innovative projects. Technology, science, politics, the environment, metaphysics and world events may spark their curiosity. The key is intellectual stimulation and joint discovery of new uncharted territories. Their relationship undergoes periods of upheaval, but on the whole both Irene and Baekhyun prefer the unexpected changes to settling into a routine. Together Irene and Baekhyun are able to enjoy independence, enabling each other plenty of freedom to pursue their individual activities.
Irene's Uranus Conjunction Baekhyun's Neptune Orb: 5° 14'
This combination of the planets Uranus and Neptune is not a major contribution to this relationship. However, it is likely that life can be approached in a new and imaginative fashion for Irene and Baekhyun as a result of this union. Together they stimulate growth and change in each other. Irene is particularly interested in keeping this association fresh and alive. She finds Baekhyun's ideas and opinions intellectually stimulating, prompting her own creative ideas and shared activities. Baekhyun's imagination is more to the fore in this relationship. He is able to express a more intuitive side of himself. Together Irene and Baekhyun share insights and this encourages their ingenuity.
Irene's Neptune Trine Baekhyun's Sun Orb: 0° 26'
Romance and love are central themes of this relationship between the Sun and the planet Neptune. This can suggest a romantic liaison in which both people are blessed with a sense of being with the right person at the right time, or it can mean a friendship that is based on a joint artistic project or spiritual interest. Perhaps they enjoy spending time in the natural surroundings of the beach or countryside. Either way, Baekhyun and Irene are likely to enjoy escaping from the harsher realities of life into a world of their own creation. Fantasy and creativity play a strong role in Baekhyun and Irene's union. They have compassion for each other, understanding the other person's nature. In particular Baekhyun feels soothed by Irene's presence. Baekhyun feels that Irene shares in his dreams, that here is a person who truly understands him and the meaning of their relationship. As a result Baekhyun can relax in the presence of Irene. On the other hand Irene feels great love and compassion for Baekhyun, knowing that Baekhyun is willing to believe in her. Both Baekhyun and Irene are able to let go of selfish desires when it is needed for the betterment of their union without unduly sacrificing their own personal needs. Perhaps they may even pursue an altruistic activity together.
Irene's Neptune Conjunction Baekhyun's Uranus Orb: 1° 16'
This combination of the planets Uranus and Neptune is not a major contribution to this relationship. However, it is likely that life can be approached in a new and imaginative fashion for Baekhyun and Irene as a result of this union. Together they stimulate growth and change in each other. Baekhyun is particularly interested in keeping this association fresh and alive. He finds Irene's ideas and opinions intellectually stimulating, prompting his own creative ideas and shared activities. Irene's imagination is more to the fore in this relationship. She is able to express a more intuitive side of herself. Together Baekhyun and Irene share insights and this encourages their ingenuity.
Irene's Neptune Conjunction Baekhyun's Neptune Orb: 2° 14'
This planetary combination of Neptune is not a significant one in relationship astrology. It indicates common values, which can help form a basis for a relationship. However, many other combinations of planets will make a more significant contribution to this union between Irene and Baekhyun.
Irene's Neptune Sextile Baekhyun's Pluto Orb: 5° 4'
This planetary combination of Neptune and Pluto is not a significant one in relationship astrology. It indicates common values, which can help form a basis for a relationship. However, many other combinations of planets will make a more significant contribution to this union between Irene and Baekhyun.
Irene's Pluto Opposition Baekhyun's Sun Orb: 3° 49'
This combination of planets indicates a relationship that is life changing, whether it be a friendship, love union or work association. Both Baekhyun and Irene feel a powerful attraction for each other in the initial stages of the relationship. It is as if they are both compelled to relate, perhaps even in response to strong opposition from outside sources. Once the exciting first stages of the union have passed, it is likely that both Baekhyun and Irene become embroiled in a struggle for dominance. There is no longer an impetus for change and the challenge has become wearisome. Now Baekhyun and Irene's relationship resembles a battleground in which both try to change the other. It is possible that these battles become emotionally abusive, perhaps even violent. It is important for both Baekhyun and Irene to avoid senseless battles from which neither emerges triumphant. Money may be at the root of the problems, or it could be that sexual matters are a key theme in this relationship. Either way it is likely that Baekhyun feels overwhelmed by this union to the point where he suffers from low self-esteem. There could be a tendency for Irene to try to bully Baekhyun that may only make matters worse. Baekhyun is faced with the challenge of delving deep into his personal resources to find a sense of self-value. Irene is a powerful force in this union and needs to learn how to use her power wisely.
Irene's Pluto Square Baekhyun's Saturn Orb: 1° 55'
The combination of the planets Saturn and Pluto indicates that this is an important and challenging relationship, although not necessarily an intimate one. Baekhyun and Irene have difficulty relating to each other, both approaching the association from different angles. Baekhyun tends to communicate with Irene in a serious and cautious manner, hoping to run a stable course. However, Irene feels restricted by this method of relating and wants to break out. Resentment can build up on both sides causing friction that is difficult to resolve.
Irene's Pluto Sextile Baekhyun's Uranus Orb: 2° 6'
Although not a major contributor to this relationship, the combination of the planets Uranus and Pluto indicates common values. A drive for growth and change is at the basis of this relationship. Baekhyun and Irene complement each other whenever they join forces. Baekhyun is likely to be the one who seeks answers and innovative ways of approaching tasks while Irene provides the answers after delving into her own personal resources.
Irene's Pluto Sextile Baekhyun's Neptune Orb: 1° 8'
This planetary combination of Neptune and Pluto is not a significant one in relationship astrology. It indicates common values, which can help form a basis for a relationship. However, many other combinations of planets will make a more significant contribution to this union between Baekhyun and Irene.
Irene's Pluto Conjunction Baekhyun's Pluto Orb: 1° 42'
This planetary combination of Pluto is not a significant one in relationship astrology. It indicates common values, which can help form a basis for a relationship. However, many other combinations of planets will make a more significant contribution to this union between Irene and Baekhyun.
Irene's Chiron Sextile Baekhyun's Sun Orb: 4° 57'
This is a life-changing relationship that results in both Baekhyun and Irene being presented with opportunities to heal past wounds in order that they may live fuller and richer lives. Together they enjoy a sense of liberation that comes from truly loving another person. Irene is more likely to take the role of teacher or healer, having a significant effect on Baekhyun's life choices. In this role Irene is also challenged to take a long, hard look at herself before imparting her wisdom. The adage "physician heal thyself" could be a theme for Irene. In return Baekhyun learns much from Irene's experiences and insights, perhaps even discovering his true-life purpose. This is true for intimate relationships, and also for student-teacher and patient-healer liaisons. Either way this can be a gentle, loving union based on mutual respect and compassion.
Irene's Chiron Square Baekhyun's Mercury Orb: 1° 28'
This is a difficult combination of the planet Mercury and the asteroid Chiron. Baekhyun and Irene have difficulty communicating in a manner that is rewarding. Instead they seem to hurt each other's feelings through saying the wrong thing. In particular Irene seems to upset Baekhyun. The problem is that old hurtful memories surface in this relationship. Baekhyun and Irene have subconsciously attracted each other in order to learn valuable life lessons, but the journey is not smooth. Baekhyun is particularly sensitive to the words used by Irene, and has difficulty listening with emotional calm. Baekhyun may accuse Irene of being insensitive and uncaring; however, Irene feels wrongfully accused. She genuinely struggles to find a better way of communicating what she means. These misunderstandings could lead to a breakdown in the relationship, or they could finally result in a better understanding of themselves and each other. Either way compassion is a key ingredient to successfully overcoming past hurts and developing loving communication.
Irene's Chiron Opposition Baekhyun's Uranus Orb: 3° 14'
Healing and growth are possible in this relationship, but the road to new understandings is bumpy. The challenge for Baekhyun and Irene is to forgive and forget loved ones, who have hurt them in the past so that they can move forward in their lives. Baekhyun may force radical changes in Irene's life, which are initially painful but eventually prove healing in certain ways. Irene's insecurities may prompt Baekhyun to re-evaluate his commitments to the relationship. The success of this relationship will largely depend on other aspects of Baekhyun and Irene's union.
Irene's Chiron Opposition Baekhyun's Neptune Orb: 2° 16'
Baekhyun and Irene cannot fully enjoy this relationship because of fears and insecurities. They both have difficulty letting go of past hurts, which adversely affect this current union. As a result Baekhyun and Irene are both pre-occupied nursing their own hurts and cannot see the other person's point of view. Any joint projects in the arts, spiritual matters or medicine are particularly prone to misunderstandings and difficulties. Baekhyun often feels confused, wondering why Irene reacts so negatively to his actions. In turn Irene believes that Baekhyun fails to fully understand and appreciate her talents. Together they need to take time to listen to each other and gently discuss areas of contention.
Irene's Chiron Trine Baekhyun's Pluto Orb: 0° 33'
Personal growth is one theme in this relationship. Both Baekhyun and Irene embrace change. Together they are willing to live life to the fullest, breaking free of habits or anything that blocks their progress in life. Baekhyun and Irene may be at the centre of organizations involved with spiritual matters, personal growth, medicine and medical breakthroughs. There may be a strong sense of destiny attached to this union. Baekhyun provides the impetus for change, preferring to challenge Irene's previously held beliefs and patterns of behavior. In turn Irene is able to respond to Baekhyun in a way that enables him to achieve his goals. This is a rewarding relationship as long as each person enjoys stimulation and transformation.
Irene's True Node Square Baekhyun's Mercury Orb: 2° 35'
Good communication is the key to many successful relationships. However, this union between Baekhyun and Irene is fraught with misunderstandings. There is a strong bond, but it is likely to be intellectual rather than emotional. Perhaps Baekhyun and Irene have a common interest or friend, something that links them. Both Baekhyun and Irene believe that fate has played a hand in bringing them together, but there are obstacles strewn in their path. This connection has faulty wiring. They may hold different opinions on a variety of matters. Baekhyun and Irene spend much of their time together trying to sort out misapprehensions.
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drtheronmoodley · 3 years
Theron Moodley’s Pursuit of Ethnical and Strategic Marketing Approach to achieve Success
Dr. Theron Moodley leverages years of experience in Obstetrics and Gynecology as an empathetic medical physician. He’s currently a faculty member for the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Clinical Medicine, and College of Health Sciences at the University of KwaZulu Natal, located in Durban, South Africa.
Theron Moodley helps move challenging and large-scale initiatives forward with tactical thinking and an influential, innovative, and authentic leadership style. At the core of his vision, he aims to promote health via changes in medical research, education, and patient care and improve patient quality across the community and organizations.
Dr. Theron Moodley takes pride in his research to eliminate pediatric HIV infections while using consensus, relationship, and strategic partnerships building skills. This article will focus on a carefully constructed marketing approach Theron Moodley uses to achieve his goals in the most sustainable way.
Theron Moodley Uses Ethical/Smart Marketing to attract desirable Patients
According to Theron Moodley, Women’s Health providers, in most cases, have been experiencing an increase in competition due to practice and consolidation mergers. Also, the providers face issues in reimbursement drops. Due to the higher deductibles era, their patient procedures and visits are also down. He also points out that some providers are even increasingly utilizing cash-pay services.
Some providers are transitioning away from obstetric care in other cases involving high malpractice insurance costs. As such, Dr. Theron Moodley shares a concern for many OB/GYN practices underperforming due to ineffective promotional messaging.
To cope with such issues, Theron Moodley employs smart, ethical OB/GYN marketing for achieving results. He does so while facing the dynamic environment within Women’s Health practice.
Using Online and Website Marketing
Dr. Theron Moodley is also well versed in the use of online and website marketing with effectiveness and efficiency. He ensures top results with the following activities:
Print collateral marketing includes brochures, fact sheets, niche topic brochures, flyers, and doctor bio sheets.
Advertising via Radio
Advertising via Print including Newspapers, Magazines, and other publications
Advertising via TV
Physician liaison training
PR (Public Relations)
Office staff marketing training
Theron Moodley Uses Strategic Marketing/Advertising to Overcome Practice Challenges
As a professional obstetrician and gynecologist, Dr. Theron Moodley is always ready to change his practice.
He advises aspiring physicians to start with a comprehensive analysis alongside evaluation of their practice. It can help determine its goals, strengths, challenges, opportunities, and other details involved in its marketing success. In doing so, you’ll be able to achieve your unique goals by developing and implementing a strategic plan in line with your OB/GYN marketing and advertising needs.
While tracking marketing results and following the data closely, Theron Moodley follows the strategic approach to the fullest. Throughout his career, the strategic mindset has helped Dr. Theron Moodley communicate with the audiences effectively, appeal to patients with better insurance, attract more patients, and strengthen referral relationships.
Dr. Theron Moodley Stands Out by Taking Effective Actions
Theron Moodley knows the importance of distinguishing between his reputation and brand. Moreover, he does so in a way that makes him stand out, overcome the competition, and thrive by inspiring professional and patient referrals and building trust. In his experience, reaching women in the workplace has become necessary.
He encourages newbie physicians to use direct marketing to raise their visibility ethically. You can also do that by extending your presence in the medical community via practice representatives.
Dr. Theron Moodley vehemently advocates for an individualized and effective OB/GYN marketing and advertising plan that works fine for your situation. It does not matter whether you wish to overcome marketplace disadvantages, win more doctor referrals, differentiate yourself from the competition, transition to other areas, or get more patients to call you.
For more information visit:
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andrewnicholas · 5 months
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Extensive Healthcare Data Analysis
Healthcare business development is crucial for staying competitive and meeting the evolving needs of patients. By focusing on strategic partnerships, innovative service offerings, and market expansion, healthcare providers can enhance services and reach more patients. Developing strong relationships with payers and stakeholders, investing in technology, and implementing efficient processes are key components of successful business development in healthcare. With a proactive approach to growth and adaptation, healthcare organizations can thrive in today's dynamic healthcare landscape.
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freesuitwhispers · 4 years
Global  Patient Registry Software Market CAGR, Volume and Value 2020-2026
Summary – A new market study, “Global Patient Registry Software Market -2019-2026”has been featured on WiseGuyReports.
Global Patient Registry Software Market Overview
Patient registry software is a database that provides the hospitals and health care providers with the patient data for evaluating the effectiveness of the service subsequently providing the evidence-based care, monitoring patient outcomes and managing the gaps in the care. The major objective of the patient registries software is to make the medical care transparent using the collected data and to optimize the service. The database possess detailed information about the progress of diseases, treatments and their side effects. The web-based solution makes this possible in real time, thereby providing participating physicians with a direct, additional benefits.
The global patient registry software market was worth $XX billion in 2018 and is forecasted to reach $XX billion by 2026, at a CAGR of XX% during the forecast period.
Also Read: https://www.medgadget.com/2020/09/patient-registry-software-market-2020-global-key-players-trends-share-industry-size-segmentation-opportunities-forecast-to-2026.html
Market Drivers:
Increase in adoption of EHR’s and information technology related services by healthcare providers globally to improve the effectiveness of their service. With the increase in geriatric population globally and increase in the prevalence of the chronic disease lead to advancements in healthcare management are driving the global patient registry software market and expected to remain high during the forecast period. For instance, in September 2017, Liverpool heart and chest hospital NHS Foundation Trust extended partnership with Allscripts for the use of EHR.
According to the world population prospects: the 2017 revision, the geriatric population (60 years and above) is increasing at a rapid pace than younger age groups. The geriatric population is expected to rise form 962 million in 2017 to 2.1 billion by 2050 globally.
Major factors hindering the global patient registry software market are privacy, data security related issues and lack of availability of skilled & trained resources.
Market Segmentation
Global patient registry software market is segmented by disease registry type, software type, pricing structure, end users and by region. Disease registry Type includes Alzheimer's disease, Diabetes, Orthopedics, Cardiovascular, Cancer, & others, and by functionality, type includes patient care management, health information exchange, point of care and research. Software type includes integrated & standalone and end users include hospitals, ambulatory service centers, clinical laboratories, and others.
A disease registry is a special database that contains information about people diagnosed with a specific type of disease, and most disease registries are either hospital-based or population-based. Disease registry segment dominates the global patient registry software market due to increase in government initiatives for developing disease registries and increase in usage of disease registries by pharmaceutical companies for clinical research and expected to remain high during the forecast period. About 75% of hospitals and health networks in U.S use disease registry to manage gaps across the population.
For instance, in June 2018, TRINETX a global health research network started using real-time world patient data from electronic health records, tumor registries to improve the clinical research.
Global Patient Registry Software Market – Geographical Analysis
The global patient registry software market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America, and ROW.
North America dominates the global patient registry software market due to the high adoption rate of patient registry software by clinical centers & hospitals, increase in need for integrated systems in healthcare and presence of key players in the region. High awareness among the U.S citizens regarding patient registry system and high presence of modernized health care infrastructure, and it is expected to remain high during the forecast period.
Texas cancer registry the largest cancer registries in the united states is a population-based registry established in collaboration between Texas department of state health care services and center of disease control and prevention a foundation for measuring the cancer burden in Texas, health disparities, progress in prevention, etc.,
Global Patient Registry Software Market – Competitive Analysis
Mergers between the key players in patient registry software to expand their business portfolio and software development into advanced systems (AI and cloud-based technology) are driving the global Patient Registry Software market.
In January 2019, Society of cardiovascular magnetic resonance (SCMR) and HeartImaging Technologies (HeartIT) partnered to launch a global cloud-based reporting database.
In May 2018, ImageTrend merged with the State of Tennessee for EMS data collection and trauma registry reporting.
In May 2018, Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) merged with IQVIA to expand disease registry into the New MOVR Data Hub.
Major market players in Patient Registry Software Dacima Software Inc., Global Vision Technologies Inc., ImageTrend Inc., Liaison Technologies, McKesson Corporation, Optum Inc., Phytel Inc., Quintiles IMS Holdings Inc.
Target Audience:
• Equipment Suppliers/ Buyers
• Service Providers/ Buyers
• Industry Investors/Investment Bankers
• Education & Research Institutes
• Research Professionals
• Emerging Companies
• Manufacturers
FOR MORE DETAILS : https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/5613670-global-patient-registry-software-market-2019-2026
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ynsespoir · 5 years
6 Ways to Increase Primary Care Referrals
One of the main ways a healthcare practice can increase their referrals is by maintaining positive relationships with patients and providers. This is imperative to a successful practice.  Specifically, creating and maintaining connections with physicians is essential to creating a strong referral network and a steady flow of patients.  Here are 6 ways to grow your practice and increase referrals:
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1.Meet the PCPs
The first step is to set up an appointment to meet with the primary care physicians and let them know about your educational and professional qualifications and the quality of experience that you have in your vertical of medicine. Discuss how the quality of life of your mutual patients can be improved by diagnosing common problems related to your field. You can give incentives/gifts or offer to help in an area that you know they need help in. By doing that, they will remember to refer patients to you. Keep in mind, you’re likely going to get shunned a lot during this step, but it’s important because now your name will be in the conversation at their practice when discussing referrals.
2.  Create content about how your care can help their patients
Producing content about your specialty, or recurring topics in your area, is a precious source of patient attraction and a way of convincing the PCP that you are capable of taking care of their patients because the more authority you demonstrate in your field of specialization, the more they trust you to be the ideal professional to work with.
To highlight your content, you can publish to your blog or post on relevant social sites like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
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3. Don’t underestimate the power of free lunch
Offer to take them out to lunch or for coffee at a time convenient for them as this will offer them the opportunity to relax, and this will provide you the opportunity to engage them and get to know their referral patterns and routine. Don’t be afraid to go somewhere different, such as TopGolf!
4.  Invite them to come and have a firsthand experience of your service in your clinic.
For example, if you are a cardiologist, you invite them to not only see the quality of your CT images but experience the machine themselves. You can do this by giving each primary health care physician a picture of their hearts.
They will see firsthand how professional and impressive your services are and the personalized care you give.
5.  Hire great people
Another way of increasing referrals to your clinic is by hiring someone, sometimes known as a physician liaison, that carries out the tasks of relationship building. I want to re-name that title to Practice Coordinator, someone who builds human connections. Your referring physicians are humans who have
Qualities you should look out for in a physician liaison are:
Ability to Follow-up
Excellent attention to detail
Be able to negotiation
Able to communicate effectively
Knowledge of CRM and E-Mail marketing solutions
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6.  Start a primary care meet-up
Starting a meet-up is a resource for getting connected with your colleagues, patients, and primary care providers. This would naturally create effective referral partnerships and an understanding of what you do as well as the PCPs. You can think of it as building a friendly bridge which supports the specialists and the primary care physicians and the community in general organically.
When we do this at our practices, I like delivering a handwritten letter and a small gift like the Amazon Echo Dot.
I mentioned human connection once or twice. That is what has single-handedly increased the number of referrals our healthcare practice receives. What we have learned and incorporated into our practice is the desire to form and maintain a real relationship with your referring physicians and not treating them like another practice in your referral book.
from Health Care Technology – ReferralMD https://ift.tt/2HQfALb via IFTTT 6 Ways to Increase Primary Care Referrals Health Care Technology from topofbestone https://ift.tt/38GnxhK via IFTTT
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jobsaggregation2 · 5 years
Part-Time Registered Nurse
Sheltering Arms strengthens the education, well-being, and development of high-need children, adults, and families across the New York metro area. We serve nearly 20,000 people a year from the South Bronx to Far Rockaway. Through compassion, innovation, and partnership, we respond to our community’s greatest needs and enable individuals to reach the greatest heights of their potential. Joining our team is an opportunity to collaborate with hundreds of dedicated colleagues who represent diverse backgrounds and talents as we work together to make a measurable impact for our neighbors in need. Every role at Sheltering Arms brings with it new opportunities for advancement and development so that team members can achieve their professional goals while helping others reach for theirs. Job Summary: Provide and coordinate the delivery of health care services for all individuals as assigned. Provide in-servicing and training to staff regarding health, medical care and medication administration. Recertify and/or certify staff for medication administration as required. Essential Functions RN full-time- Shall be responsible to oversee up to 50 individuals at various sites and locations; Part-time RN will oversee up to 20 individuals receiving services at various sites and locations. Responsible for the supervision of unlicensed direct care staff in the performance of nursing tasks and responsibilities. Conduct AMAP, Diabetic, and Insulin trainings to unlicensed direct care staff and program management. Responsible for developing an individualized plan for nursing services for all individuals receiving nursing services. Conduct annual clinical performance evaluations for unlicensed direct care staff for procedure that include but not limited to medication administration. Conduct observation of staff administering individuals’ medication on a quarterly basis and must be documented and available for review upon request. Provide direct health and personal care to program individuals. Perform and supervise treatment procedures as ordered by the physician. Coordinate total health care services for all individuals. Observe symptoms, reactions and needs of individuals and request necessary medical follow-up. Maintain direct contact with physicians and other health care personnel and see that staff understands and carries out medical orders completely and promptly. Arrange for needed follow-up medical care and ensure that written reports are received and acted upon in a timely manner. Maintain accurate and current medical charts on all individuals. Review Nursing Care Plan on a monthly basis to ensure that residents’ health care needs are met. Requisition and order medical supplies. Keep daily record of all medications administered and ensure all medications are properly stored, locked and maintained. Act as liaison between the agency and health care services. Performs other duties as assigned. Qualifications Bachelor’s Degree Registered Nurse Attended AMAP Training OPWDD and experience working in community based programs preferred. Human service background with nursing experience. Ability to work cooperatively with staff and clinicians of various disciplines. Patience and willingness to learn new skills. Effectively supervise direct care staff. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY STATEMENT It is the policy of Sheltering Arms Children and Family Services that the Agency wholly complies with the equal treatment of all employees and applicants for employment without unlawful discrimination as to an individual’s perceived or actual race, creed, color, national origin, alienate, citizenship status, gender, gender identity, age, disability, marital status, partnership status, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, or veteran status in all employment decisions, including but not limited to recruitment, hiring, compensation, training and apprenticeship, promotion, upgrading, demotion, downgrading, transfer, layoff and termination and all other terms and conditions of employment. Physical Requirements: Must have the ability to complete all direct care worker and standard administrative and support tasks including but not limited to hands-on care with consumers, climbing up and down stairs, operation of computers/phones/fax/printer/copy machine, and the ability to lift and move consumers (if necessary) up to 200 lbs, ability to lift boxes, furniture, and equipment up to 30 lbs. Additional Application Instructions Please attach your most recent updated resume. Ref: https://www.linkedrn.com/jobs/16508867-part-time-registered-nurse-at-sheltering-arms-children-and-family-services Reference : Part-Time Registered Nurse jobs from Latest listings added - JobsAggregation http://jobsaggregation.com/jobs/technology/part-time-registered-nurse_i6275
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nox-lathiaen · 5 years
Part-Time Registered Nurse
Sheltering Arms strengthens the education, well-being, and development of high-need children, adults, and families across the New York metro area. We serve nearly 20,000 people a year from the South Bronx to Far Rockaway. Through compassion, innovation, and partnership, we respond to our community’s greatest needs and enable individuals to reach the greatest heights of their potential. Joining our team is an opportunity to collaborate with hundreds of dedicated colleagues who represent diverse backgrounds and talents as we work together to make a measurable impact for our neighbors in need. Every role at Sheltering Arms brings with it new opportunities for advancement and development so that team members can achieve their professional goals while helping others reach for theirs. Job Summary: Provide and coordinate the delivery of health care services for all individuals as assigned. Provide in-servicing and training to staff regarding health, medical care and medication administration. Recertify and/or certify staff for medication administration as required. Essential Functions RN full-time- Shall be responsible to oversee up to 50 individuals at various sites and locations; Part-time RN will oversee up to 20 individuals receiving services at various sites and locations. Responsible for the supervision of unlicensed direct care staff in the performance of nursing tasks and responsibilities. Conduct AMAP, Diabetic, and Insulin trainings to unlicensed direct care staff and program management. Responsible for developing an individualized plan for nursing services for all individuals receiving nursing services. Conduct annual clinical performance evaluations for unlicensed direct care staff for procedure that include but not limited to medication administration. Conduct observation of staff administering individuals’ medication on a quarterly basis and must be documented and available for review upon request. Provide direct health and personal care to program individuals. Perform and supervise treatment procedures as ordered by the physician. Coordinate total health care services for all individuals. Observe symptoms, reactions and needs of individuals and request necessary medical follow-up. Maintain direct contact with physicians and other health care personnel and see that staff understands and carries out medical orders completely and promptly. Arrange for needed follow-up medical care and ensure that written reports are received and acted upon in a timely manner. Maintain accurate and current medical charts on all individuals. Review Nursing Care Plan on a monthly basis to ensure that residents’ health care needs are met. Requisition and order medical supplies. Keep daily record of all medications administered and ensure all medications are properly stored, locked and maintained. Act as liaison between the agency and health care services. Performs other duties as assigned. Qualifications Bachelor’s Degree Registered Nurse Attended AMAP Training OPWDD and experience working in community based programs preferred. Human service background with nursing experience. Ability to work cooperatively with staff and clinicians of various disciplines. Patience and willingness to learn new skills. Effectively supervise direct care staff. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY STATEMENT It is the policy of Sheltering Arms Children and Family Services that the Agency wholly complies with the equal treatment of all employees and applicants for employment without unlawful discrimination as to an individual’s perceived or actual race, creed, color, national origin, alienate, citizenship status, gender, gender identity, age, disability, marital status, partnership status, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, or veteran status in all employment decisions, including but not limited to recruitment, hiring, compensation, training and apprenticeship, promotion, upgrading, demotion, downgrading, transfer, layoff and termination and all other terms and conditions of employment. Physical Requirements: Must have the ability to complete all direct care worker and standard administrative and support tasks including but not limited to hands-on care with consumers, climbing up and down stairs, operation of computers/phones/fax/printer/copy machine, and the ability to lift and move consumers (if necessary) up to 200 lbs, ability to lift boxes, furniture, and equipment up to 30 lbs. Additional Application Instructions Please attach your most recent updated resume. Ref: https://www.linkedrn.com/jobs/16508867-part-time-registered-nurse-at-sheltering-arms-children-and-family-services Reference : Part-Time Registered Nurse jobs Source: http://jobrealtime.com/jobs/technology/part-time-registered-nurse_i6645
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Medical Billing Company - Finding the Perfect One For Your Business
As a full-time medical practitioner, what are your key expectations of performance from a Medical Billing Company? How can they make it up to your desired administrative regulations and make you a better medical practice? With time, you realize that many professional medical practitioners have legally simplified their business by outsourcing the very needs to be responsive-official administrative work so that they can more concentrate on their patients and treat their mental or physical illness concerns in the most effective way.
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Authorized medical billing service providers take a total charge of your clinic/hospital daily various tasks. Particularly which includes maintaining patient’s liaison, doing quality assurance of the healthcare provider services, scheduling appointments, filing and retrieving insurance claims,  generating electronic medical coding-alphanumeric symbols which encompass the diagnosis, applied medical procedures, comprehensive report of the other medical services and equipment-everything which is being utilized at physician’s lab.
Putting all this groundwork together, a Medical Billing Company is your go-to-room to increase the profitability of your business while increasing efficiency. Apart from it, it gives the practitioner peace of mind and legit additional time to improve on its expertise, and thus, new clients are easily attracted as a result of hiring an experienced Medical Billing Company. We suppose if you’re reading this, you’re on your way for choosing one to ease your business administrative operations so before you finalize a medical billing company; these are some necessary things you should look for:
1. Experience Matters
Carry out research work with prior consent. See which company is holding enough experience and how long they have been servicing in the industry? Is their website is filled with honest reviews and also do read out the customer’s testimonials to have an idea if you’re close to the right one. Look for companies who have big numbers of experience.
2. Fast Access To Your Account & Ensuring Payments At Time
The billing sector of any business; overseeing account and finance is one of the most complex areas where you can’t afford errors. A devoted medical practitioner doesn’t have any extra time to eye on account statistics, but a medical management company has adequate resources that access to your accounts and keep a check on your organization’s financial updates. They are not entitled to receive your payments, so don’t worry; you will be the one handling your money.
3. They Must Know About ICD-10
Check if the company has a command over the latest practice of medical billing and coding. Adeptness in the newest version of the International Classification of Disease code is the key to error-less coding. Your chosen billing partner should know how to code accurately with ICD-10 as it minimizes the risk of insurance claims getting rejected.
4. Ability Of Detailed Billing Reporting
The hired staff should be able to execute detailed medical billing reporting on unpaid customer invoices, unused credit memos by date ranges, which is also readily understandable. Creating the crucial medical billing reports are perceived as value-added services, which make this practice more profitable.
5. Communicate the Staff Size
If your project is a large-sized based, get to know about the staff size from your billing partner in the first place. Having a big staff size with a team of experts matters when it comes to handling the sudden increase in the broadsheet billing.
6. Verify if the Company is HIPAA Compliant
Protect your business first and foremost. Inspect if the company you’re planning to do partnership is ISO-certified, which means verified by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant.
7. They Should Offer Flexible Payment Options and Time Reminders
Wide range of payment options makes the transaction easy. Ask you’re billing vendor if they offer a variety of secure payment options and would they like to apprise you with timely reminders for continuing a smooth deal.
8. What Software Based Billing Company It Is
It is, however, possible that you ideal software requirement for your billing needs may vary from your billing vendor. Therefore, It is advised to avoid any miscommunication by confirming a specialized medical billing software for handling your bills.
9. Continuous Improvement Process
Your medical billing company should regularly make improvements on the cash flow process and should provide further recommendations to win the untouched areas of concern-strategical approach is important.
Evaluate these areas before you land upon the final decision of hiring any Medical Billing Company. Get more specific about what you want and see if the second party understands that well.
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Global Patient Registry Software Market
Market Analysis:
The Global Patient Registry Software Market accounted to USD 808.0 million in 2016 growing at a CAGR of 12.6% during the forecast period of 2017 to 2024. The upcoming market report contains data for historic years 2015, the base year of calculation is 2016 and the forecast period is 2017 to 20
Definition: Global Patient Registry Software Market
The global patient group of chronically ill is on the rise across multiple diseases. This rising patient figure is making a high claim for patient registry software across the world. The software allows users to create long term documentations of patient histories which extremely helpful for a physician in handling his or her pool of patients with chronic illnesses
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GET SAMPLE REPORT : https://databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-patient-registry-software-market
Drivers and Restraints:
Growth in acceptance of electronic health records.
Enactment of government initiatives to form patient registries.
Rising burden to advance the quality of care and reduce healthcare charges.
Growing use of patient registry data for post-marketing surveillance.
Lack of trained and skilled expertise.
Market Segmentation:
The global patient registry software market is segmented by type into disease registries, health service registries and product registries.
Competitive Analysis: Global Patient Registry Software Market
The patient registry software market is highly fragmented and is based on new product launches and clinical results of products. Hence the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, clinical trials, market initiatives, high expense on research and development, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of patient registry software market for global, Europe, North America, Asia Pacific and South America.
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Major Market Competitors: Global Patient Registry Software Market
Some of the major players operating in patient registry software market are IBM, McKesson Corporation, Inc Research Holdings, QuintilesIMS, Liaison Technologies, ifa systems AG, UnitedHealth Group, Premier, Inc.,Evado, Invitae Corporation, FIGmd, Global Vision Technologies, Inc., Dacima Software Inc., HealthDiary Inc., Velos Inc., Medstreaming, Lumedx, ImageTrend, Inc., phamax AG, ArborMetrix, CEDARON, ARMUS CORPORATION, VersaForm Systems Corporation and Healthmonix among others.
ACCESS FULL REPORT : https://databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-patient-registry-software-market/
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Email : sopan.gedam@ databridgemarketresearch.com
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nsula · 6 years
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Natchitoches Regional Medical Center is a Louisiana Sponsor of Flavor of Louisiana, Northwestern State University’s spring seafood extravaganza that will take place from 6-11 p.m. Friday, March 22 in Prather Coliseum.  From left are Sean Baylor, NRMC Physician and Community Liaison; NSU Development Officers Danielle Cobb, Erin Dupree and Jill Bankston, NRMC CEO Kirk Soileau and Tom Matuschka, vice president of business development and philanthropy at NRMC.  Flavor of Louisiana is presented in partnership with the Louisiana Seafood Board with proceeds going to support NSU student scholarships and academic programs. Guests will be able to sample a variety of seafood dishes prepared by chefs from throughout the state, along with craft beers, specialty cocktails and desserts.  Options for meat-eaters will also be available.  Tickets to the seafood extravaganza are $65 per person or $125 per couple. Sponsorships are available at the $5,000 (Louisiana), $2,500 (Bayou), $1,000 (Magnolia and Pelican – separate benefits) levels and include reserved seating and other perks.  The $5,000 Louisiana Sponsor level is a double sponsorship with the Natchitoches Dragon Boat Races, a day-long event set for Saturday, April 13 in downtown Natchitoches. Proceeds from the Dragon Boat Races will benefit First Year Experience programs that encourage freshmen students to be active participants on campus. Information on tickets and sponsorship for Flavor of Louisiana, Dragon Boat races and other upcoming events is available at northwesternalumni.com or by calling (318) 357-4414.
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andrewnicholas · 5 months
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A Comprehensive Health Assessment of Growth Readiness
Healthcare strategic growth involves deliberate planning and execution to expand services, improve patient outcomes, and increase market share. It encompasses various initiatives such as mergers and acquisitions, partnerships with other healthcare organizations, and the development of new services or facilities. By implementing strategic growth strategies, healthcare organizations can enhance ability to meet the evolving needs of patients and communities, achieve operational efficiencies, and remain competitive in the healthcare landscape.
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pharmaphorumuk · 6 years
Ashfield Healthcare Communications appoints new Global Commercial Director
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Ashfield, part of UDG Healthcare, a leading global healthcare services provider, has appointed Ben Beckley as Global Commercial Director of Ashfield Healthcare Communications. Ben takes up the position on 8 October and be based in Boston, USA,
As Global Commercial Director, Ben will be responsible for leading the global commercial strategy, developing business plans and ensuring all growth opportunities are optimised across the Ashfield Healthcare Communications global network. A significant part of this role is to drive the day to day business development cycle of our growing business, removing barriers to success and working in partnership with our agency business unit heads to deliver our overall commercial plan.
Doug Burcin, President of Ashfield Healthcare Communications, said: “Ben is a great cultural fit and talent addition to the growing Ashfield team. His track record has demonstrated strong entrepreneurial skills, commercial awareness and a tenacious focus on winning. Ben’s experience, energy and enthusiasm will move the business forward and I’m excited to be working with him.”
Most recently, Ben served as global managing director and rare disease village business unit lead at Havas Health & You. He was instrumental in growing awareness of the company’s capabilities across a variety of service offerings including strategy, branding, medical communications, market access, analytics, and digital services. Previous to Havas, Ben was SVP, Accounts at Precision for Medicine Group, leading client service at their Boston office: Precisioneffect.
Ben Beckley added “I am thrilled to be joining Ashfield Healthcare Communications at such a pivotal time for the company. I look forward to applying my passions for service, quality and brand strategy to Ashfield’s very unique and compelling value proposition.”
Ben will join the organisation’s executive team as a member of the Ashfield Healthcare Communications board, who are responsible for the strategic direction and overall competitiveness of the organisation.
About Ashfield Healthcare Communications
Ashfield Healthcare Communications, part of UDG Healthcare plc, provides global solutions for clients, adding value through unique insights and tailored, scientifically rigorous, multichannel, healthcare communications offerings. Its mission is to improve lives by helping healthcare professionals and patients get the medicines, knowledge, and support they need. Ashfield Healthcare Communications’ multichannel and specialist agencies include ACUMED, Ashfield Digital & Creative, Ashfield Healthcare Communications K.K., BlueMomentum, Cambridge BioMarketing, CircleScience, Cirrus Communications, Clinical Bridges, CodonMedical, Create NYC, FireKite, Galliard, Gardiner-Caldwell Communications, GeoMed, iMed Comms, Infusion, MicroMass, Nyxeon, Pegasus, Physicians World Europe, QXV Comms, Scientific Connexions, Seren Communications, StemScientific, Watermeadow Medical, and Zoetic Science.
For more information, please go to www.ashfieldhealthcarecommunications.com
About Ashfield
Ashfield, part of UDG Healthcare plc, is a global leader in commercialisation services for the healthcare industry. We partner with our clients across Advisory, Healthcare Communications, Commercial, Patient Solutions and Medical Affairs to build creative, scalable and tailored health solutions that are executed flawlessly, to deliver positive outcomes for patients and add value to your business. The company has more than 7,000 employees, operates in 24 countries across Europe, North America, South America and Asia and works with more than 250 businesses, including all of the world’s top 25 pharmaceutical companies.
Its mission is to partner with its clients, helping to improve lives by ensuring healthcare professionals and patients get the medicines, knowledge and support they need.
Ashfield provides contract sales teams, customer service reps, medical science liaison officers, remote detailing, nurse educators, medical information, healthcare communications, market access, market research, training, event management, digital, creative, pharmacovigilance, audit and advisory services.
For more information, go to www.ashfieldhealthcare.com.
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from Pharmaphorum https://pharmaphorum.com/partner-content/ashfield-healthcare-communications-appoints-new-global-commercial-director/
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