#phyllis schlafly wiki
steamedtangerine · 5 years
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Mad Magazine’s Academy for the Radical Religious Right
illustrations by Drew Friedman
Amazing just how accurate this 90′s Mad Magazine nailed it, as we still deal with “it” today: denouncing the media, stifling women in politics, bashing, computer generated art (ranging from fraud memes to videos making Pelosi look “drunk”), demeaning the enemy. etc.
If one wonders what “religious right” (of the 70′s-90′s) have to do with Trump and the Alt-Right now, check out the Council for National Policy (founded by Evangelicals like Robertson, Lahaye, Dobson, Falwell, etc. and funded by cultist “Messiahs” like the Rev. Sun Myung Moon and cultist MLM leaders like the DeVos family) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_for_National_Policy
Past and current members include Mormons, blood-thirsty Reconstructionists like John Rousas Rushdoony, rabid ERA-denouncer Phyllis Schlafly, Steve Bannon, Kellyanne Conway, Elsa Prince, Oliver North, Mike Pence, Larry Pratt, and more.
Too bad Mad was neutered in 2000 (along with a few other things like the X-Files and Simpsons) and can no longer pull the mainstream weight of providing a  healthy sense of skepticism and perspective many of us (including kids) need now more than ever.
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dailywikis · 4 years
Phyllis Schlafly Bio, Age, Wiki, Cause of Death, Husband, Children, Career, Net Worth
Phyllis Schlafly Bio – Wiki
Phyllis Schlafly is a central figure in the new Hulu series Mrs. America. She was a movement conservative and author. Her book, A Choice Not an Echo (1964), a polemic against Republican leader Nelson Rockefeller, sold more than three million copies.
Schlafly was born on August 15, 1924, in St. Louis, Missouri. Her birth name was Phyllis McAlpin Stewart. She died on…
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xprojectrpg · 3 years
Illyana Rasputin's birthday
2015: Maya posts a blog and says if you are not angry, you are not awake. Matt takes Xavin school shopping, but as they’re 17 and not 7, Xavin is not that into it.
2016: Sue sends Hank a birthday card. Gabriel texts Wade to ask for help with a drunken 21st birthday celebration. Clea makes a journal entry stating that she is ready to take on the new school year. Wade texts Marie-Ange regarding Gabriel’s earlier request. Everett, Clint, Kyle, Matt, and Topaz decide to volunteer their services to the school instead of sitting around on their lazy butts, mooching off Xavier all day. Quentin makes a journal entry describing in graphic detail what he’d like to do to Phyllis Schlafly’s grave. Garrison and Rogue visit the local Labour Day Fair, where Rogue once again deals with his one track mind.
2020: Life's a Beach: At the beach, Amanda and Kurt take a moment to check in with each other. Artie and Hope catch up during the clam bake.
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doiresearch · 6 years
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In the spirit of the United Nations' proclamation that 1975 was the International Women's Year, on January 9, 1975, U.S. President Gerald Ford issued Executive Order 11832 creating a National Commission on the Observance of International Women's Year "to promote equality between men and women." Congress approved $5 million in total tax-payer contributions ($22.7 million in 2017 dollars) for both the state and national conferences[1] as HR 9924 sponsored by Congresswoman Patsy Mink, which Ford signed into law.[2][3] In 1977 President Jimmy Carter chose a new Commission and appointed Congresswoman Bella Abzug to head it. Numerous events were held over the next two years, culminating in the National Women's Conference in November 1977.[4] Historian Marjorie J. Spruill argues that the anti-feminists led by Phyllis Schlafly had a more successful follow-up. They moved the Republican party to the right and defeated the Equal Rights Amendment.[5]
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xprojectrpg · 4 years
Illyana Rasputin's birthday
2015: Maya posts a blog and says if you are not angry, you are not awake. Matt takes Xavin school shopping, but as they’re 17 and not 7, Xavin is not that into it.
2016: Sue sends Hank a birthday card. Gabriel texts Wade to ask for help with a drunken 21st birthday celebration. Clea makes a journal entry stating that she is ready to take on the new school year. Wade texts Marie-Ange regarding Gabriel’s earlier request. Everett, Clint, Kyle, Matt, and Topaz decide to volunteer their services to the school instead of sitting around on their lazy butts, mooching off Xavier all day. Quentin makes a journal entry describing in graphic detail what he’d like to do to Phyllis Schlafly’s grave. Garrison and Rogue visit the local Labour Day Fair, where Rogue once again deals with his one track mind.
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xprojectrpg · 5 years
Illyana Rasputin's birthday
2015: Maya posts a blog and says if you are not angry, you are not awake. Matt takes Xavin school shopping, but as they’re 17 and not 7, Xavin is not that into it.
2016: Sue sends Hank a birthday card. Gabriel texts Wade to ask for help with a drunken 21st birthday celebration. Clea makes a journal entry stating that she is ready to take on the new school year. Wade texts Marie-Ange regarding Gabriel’s earlier request. Everett, Clint, Kyle, Matt, and Topaz decide to volunteer their services to the school instead of sitting around on their lazy butts, mooching off Xavier all day. Quentin makes a journal entry describing in graphic detail what he’d like to do to Phyllis Schlafly’s grave. Garrison and Rogue visit the local Labour Day Fair, where Rogue once again deals with his one track mind.
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xprojectrpg · 7 years
2015: Maya posts a blog and says if you are not angry, you are not awake. Matt takes Xavin school shopping, but as they’re 17 and not 7, Xavin is not that into it.
2016: Sue sends Hank a birthday card. Gabriel texts Wade to ask for help with a drunken 21st birthday celebration. Clea makes a journal entry stating that she is ready to take on the new school year. Wade texts Marie-Ange regarding Gabriel’s earlier request. Everett, Clint, Kyle, Matt, and Topaz decide to volunteer their services to the school instead of sitting around on their lazy butts, mooching off Xavier all day. Quentin makes a journal entry describing in graphic detail what he’d like to do to Phyllis Schlafly’s grave. Garrison and Rogue visit the local Labour Day Fair, where Rogue once again deals with his one track mind.
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