#photoshoot for the new hogan collection
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wirwerdensiegen · 2 years ago
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Gong Jun Studio Weibo Update 2023/08/17.
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bizarrequazar · 2 years ago
GJ and ZZH Updates — May 07-13
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
05-07 → A Weibo account posted photos of Zhang Sanjian, claiming that they had had a “chance encounter” with him at a night market in Thailand. Two Twitter accounts also posted similar photos. None of these accounts belonged to fans. 
→ The Instagram posted an animated music video.
→ Yang Yang posted four photos of himself and Gong Jun from the previous day’s livestream.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted nine photos from Go Fighting! episode 4. Caption: “The journey to the forest begins, and the boss @ Gong Jun Simon turns into a northwestern wolf and strikes bravely. Lock on #Go Fighting!# at 9 o’clock tonight, let’s set off towards the ‘King of the Forest’!”
→ BesTV posted six photos of Gong Jun from Go Fighting! episode 4.
→ Go Fighting! season 9 episode 4 aired. A link will be added here once it becomes available.
05-08 → Hogan posted two photo ads featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian) Gong Jun posted these to his Xiao Hong Shu shortly after. 
→ Deeyeo posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ The Instagram posted a sample of another fake song, this one entitled Believer and sung entirely in English.
→ W magazine posted a short video of Gong Jun getting ready for the 04-29 Louis Vuitton event.
→ Gong Jun posted the Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Chinese release poster to his Instagram. Caption: “The formula remains the same We are groot! ! !”
05-09 → Shortly after midnight, the whalers’ Supertopic was set to private, meaning only accounts who were already following it were able to post in it.
→ Weibo Fashion posted a video interview with Gong Jun from the 04-29 Louis Vuitton event. 
→ The Instagram posted ten photos of “Zhang Zhehan” rehearsing. In the hours following, some “paparazzi” photos and videos of the inside of the venue being set up were posted to Chinese social media.
→ Peng Lihu’s fake Golden Shield Weibo account was suspended. 
→ The Instagram posted seven more photos of “Zhang Zhehan” rehearsing at the venue site. The face is only partially visible in four of them. 
→ #ZhangZhehanBangkokConcert trended on Twitter and would continue to do so throughout the following two days.
05-10 → The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted a new trailer. Caption: “Accompany each other, join hands side by side, interpreting the game and heartbeat; head against the wind, dare to venture and fight, and unswervingly move towards the future.” Shortly after, they posted nine promotional stills from the show, including one of Gong Jun. Caption: “Start against the wind, and meet your opponent in love. Move in the game center and move forward in the company.”
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a video (flashing lights cw) of behind the scenes footage for a Fox Spirit Matchmaker photoshoot. Caption: “Elegant under the sky, and his elegance stands in the world. At the beginning of the month @ Gong Jun Simon looks back at his travels, and he was a gentleman, with love for the common people.”
→ Gong Jun also posted the trailer for Rising with the Wind. [subbed video] Caption: “Quietly moved, boldly favored, Xu Si advances and retreats.” This was reposted by his studio with the added caption: “Advance, strive for ideals; retreat, get ready to go.” and by the Rising with the Wind Weibo, caption: “Meeting against the wind, and walking side by side persistently, Xu Si's heartbeat came quietly!”
→ Gong Jun posted two promotional images for Fox Spirit Matchmaker. Caption: “Love originates and leads, it is Tu Shan.” His studio reposted this with the added caption: “The red thread is leading the world. At the beginning of the month @ Gong Jun Simon held a blazing break through ten thousand rounds, and he will surely become famous.” Three hashtags related to the show got on Weibo hotsearch. 
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→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a douyin of a shorter cut of the earlier Fox Spirit Matchmaker photoshoot. Caption: “Floating in the air, flawless and fairy-like, at the beginning of the month @ Gong Jun Simon is on the right path, galloping through the world.”
→ 1Zhenguoli posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ The whalers’ Supertopic was closed.
→ The Instagram posted a photo of “Zhang Zhehan” from behind on stage.
→ The first day of the Zhang Sanjian concert was held. [Full post about both days] tl;dr Multiple impersonators, prosthetic makeup, and paid audience members. Likely also deepfakes used for the screens, but so far I have not seen clear enough fancam footage to confirm this.
→ #Primordial Theater# appeared on the general Weibo hotsearch for exactly ten minutes before disappearing again. Undoubtedly bought, though its disappearance is very interesting. 
→ The Weibo administration account made a post warning about celebrity impersonation fraud.
→ All of the photos of the “concert” posted by Ranyi to Weibo were removed; Ranyi’s account was later banned for violation of community regulations. Photos and videos posted by Xie Yihua were likewise removed.
05-11  → Zhang Zhehan’s 32nd birthday! 🥳 Below are collected fanworks created in celebration, if you made something that I didn’t include please feel welcome to DM me!  Art: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25 (nsfw)] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] Charity Drives: [1] [2] Fanfiction: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] Fan videos: [1] [2] [3] New Subs: [2021 birthday livestream] [2021 birthday concert] Offline Events: [1] [2] [3] [4] Photo edits: [1] [2] [3] [4] Public screens: [1] [2] [3 (flashing lights cw)] Misc.: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
→ #ZhangZhehan and #HappyBdayZhangZhehan trended on Twitter.
→ The Go Fighting! Weibo posted the trailer for episode 5.
→ Fresh posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Yahoo! Taiwan posted an article talking about the Zhang Sanjian concert, referring to Zhang Zhehan as an “artist who insulted China”.
→ BesTV posted two extended clips of Gong Jun from Go Fighting! episode 4, [here] and [here].
→ The Instagram posted photos of “Zhang Zhehan” rehearsing and a really ugly figure the scam is selling.
→ The second day of the concert was held, see the link above for more info. Things were far more quiet during this day than the first, with many attendees giving excuses for not posting photos or videos. Many of the photos Xie Yihua posted were again removed by Weibo. (As a note, photos of the real Zhang Zhehan have by and large not been removed by Weibo for quite a while now.)
05-12 → #ZhangZhehan continued to trend on Twitter.
→ Gong Jun reposted a post in rememberance of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Added caption: “Remember the pain and pay tribute to the rebirth. Bless Wenchuan, bless the motherland!” His studio did the same, added caption: “May the dead rest in peace, the country and the people are safe!”
→ The Instagram posted eight photos from the concerts.
05-13 → HBW, an anti who significantly participated in 813, made a post supporting Zhang Sanjian and said his friend had attended the concert. 
Additional Reading: → There is a Twitter space being held tonight to recap birthday events and announce giveaway winners. → Much of what happened with the Zhang Sanjian concerts seems to be directed at targetting CPFs. It’s been noted that many fans of other celebrities and accounts unrelated to c-ent have been claiming the concerts’ legitimacy and trying to hostilely engage with CPFs about it; ignore and block.    Some elements of the concerts themselves also were clearly intended to appeal to CPFs: some background dancers wore the white Givenchy lock jacket that Gong Jun wore the matching jacket to in Dream Garden, and in some of the “chance encounter” photos Zhang Sanjian was wearing the tshirt Gong Jun wore to the 2022-09-16 LV fashion show.    A reminder that CPFs have so far been the largest faction arguing against the scam, they have reason to want to divide us. 
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bizarrequazar · 2 years ago
GJ and ZZH Updates — January 8-14
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
01-08 → Colgate posted photos of fans next to their cutout of Gong Jun, with an equal amount of both solo fans and CP fans shown (including a CPF with “junzhe” written in large letters on her bag.)
01-09 → MARRSGREEN posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun.
→ Legend of AnLe passed government review with 39 episodes, which got on hotsearch. It can be expected to air soon! 
→ Colgate posted photos showing public displays of their ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ 361° posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
01-10 → New regulations on AI generated images went into effect in China, requiring users to clearly watermark things like deepfakes and AI art to make it clear that that’s what they are. Unfortunately given that the Instagram is a) on an international platform and b) already criminal activity in the first place, this likely won’t help us here.
→ Calendars with white haired photos that the brand gave as gifts with purchases of over 850 RMB were shipped. On them, Wednesday was abbreviated as “WEN” and the dates were organized into rows of ten rather than weeks. 🤡 [photo] This resulted in infighting between whalers on Weibo about a (better quality) fan-made calendar which was given away for free by lottery, with some fans attacking it as “competition” against the official one despite it only being given away after sales had closed. Members of the scam ring were involved in instigating this.
→ The China Police official Weibo posted a promotional picture of Gong Jun, among a number of other celebrities, paying tribute to the third People's Police Festival. Gong Jun reposted this with the added caption: “The home that some people can’t stay in is the place you want to return to but are unable to. Ahead is difficult and dangerous, keeping the people behind you. Thank you for confronting danger! January 10th is the third #People’s Police Festival#, join me in paying tribute to the People’s Police!”
→ 361° posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ An article about the recent songs was published on Medium, giving an objective summary about the rapid rising and falling on music charts and addressing the concerns about whether Zhang Zhehan is involved. This is an article that was previously published on What’s On Weibo on 01-02 but taken down less than 24 hours later; it now includes more detailed research and overall has a more skeptical air to it. (Thank you for your work Ms. Chu, it’s very appreciated 🙏)
→ The Instagram posted ten travel photos.  Fan Observation: The last one seems to be an attempt to imitate the photo Gong Jun posted on 12-17 of the person in a hoodie taking a photo. 
→ Hogan tweeted three photos from Gong Jun’s Wonderland photoshoot highlighting their shoes.
→ Charlotte Tilbury posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
01-11 → Colgate posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun posted eight travel photos from Yunnan and a photo from the filming of Fox Spirit Matchmaker to his personal Weibo. Caption: “Some remaining film fragments​​​​” An hour later he also posted seven of these plus an additional one to Xiao Hong Shu, caption: “Shock!  Didn’t realize, there was still stock!” and four plus another additional one to Instagram, caption: “😏” 
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→ #GongJun trended on Twitter.
→ 2022 satellite non-prime TV rankings were released, with Gong Jun’s shows Dream Garden and Begin Again in the two highest spots respectively.
→ Honor posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun.
→ QuelleVous made a post linking Da Xiong (Gong Jun’s manager)’s current Weibo marketing account, where she has been leaking industry information in the same manner as on her previous account since 2022-04-06. These leaks include information about Gong Jun and Fox Spirit Matchmaker, and at the time of this post her most recent post was only a few hours ago.
01-12 → Esquire posted a teaser video featuring Gong Jun for their January issue. (1129 kadian) Caption: Before the lens focuses  he was already ready  What about you?” A few seconds of behind the scenes footage from this was leaked a couple days earlier, I will not be linking it.
→ The Instagram posted six more travel photos.
→ The clothing brand A BIG THANKS posted photos of Gong Jun wearing their coat.
01-13 → Esquire posted the double covers for their issue featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian) Caption: “Only those who have really traveled far will be grateful for every inch of land and their own feet. Compared with the past, @ Gong Jun Simon cares more about the future.” This was reposted by Gong Jun’s studio with the added caption, “The ripples are quiet, reflecting the willful reflection. Boss @ Gong Jun Simon releases inspiration in the camera, and everything can be traced.” It was also reposted by Hogan. (1129)
Half an hour later, Esquire also posted another teaser video. Caption: “‘I hope everyone can see a different side of me’, @ Gong Jun Simon has said this sentence many times, and he has done it.”
→ Colgate posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a video (flashing lights cw) of behind the scenes footage from the photoshoot. Caption: “The snapshots float, and move willfully. Boss @ Gong Jun Simon encounters the true self and enjoys every moment of freedom.” BGM is Como tu by Cannabeats, Zona Infame, and Klibre.
→ Esquire posted eight photos from their photoshoot with Gong Jun. Caption: “For @ Gong Jun Simon, growth is about seeing the gap between reality and ideal, and then working hard to close it.”
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→ Gong Jun posted both of the Esquire covers and four of the photos. Caption: “This is the first time I’ve tried a long curly hairstyle, hope you like it, thanks to @ Esquire” Esquire reposted this with the added caption, “Happy cooperation! ❤️❤️❤️ Looking forward to unlocking more new looks with Esquire in the future [3 shiba inu emojis]” Gong Jun also posted the photos to his Xiao Hong Shu, caption: “Anyway I think  It looks pretty good! 😛” and as two posts [here] and [here] to his Instagram, captions: “😜😜😜” and “Wuhu, looks good”
→ Hogan posted six of the Esquire photos highlighting their shoes.
→ The Instagram posted a clip of the third song.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted twelve behind the scenes photos from the shoot. Caption: “Boss @ Gong Jun Simon’s filming break is broadcasting 📸” They commented on the post, “Make up a colour” with a full colour photo of one of the photos rendered in monochrome in the main post.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a douyin of more behind the scenes footage. Caption: “Today's ‘set diary’! Capturing the willful and comfortable boss @ Gong Jun Simon under the camera” The BGM is a slowed reverb remix of the Ian Asher mashup of One Kiss by Dua Lipa and I Was Never There by The Weeknd (this took me so long to find, please listen ot it.)
→ Gong Jun was seen doing a photoshoot at Universal Studios Beijing, where he also watched the parade they were holding.
→ The Muses account (associated with Xie Yihua) posted an official statement discouraging fans from using the previous tactics to inflate sales activity, claiming that they had never encouraged this. (Bullshit.) They also made a post announcing the title Deep Blue Man for the album these songs will be compiled in. Fan Observation: Zhang Zhehan has always previously been associated with light blue. Them explicitly using dark blue is likely another intended smear, as the colour is associated with Kuomintang political party.
→ 361° posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
01-14 → #TheRealZhangZhehan trended on Twitter, staying there for over twelve hours.
→ The third song was released on YouTube and later Apple Music and Spotify. Fan Observation: It was noticed that comments from some familiar names (whalers) were made on the video six hours before it was posted. This can be done by initially posting the video privately and giving people the link, which results in the view and comment counts reflecting the actions by those with the link so it looks like the video is more immediately popular than it truly is once it’s made public. It’s therefore highly suspected that whalers were given the link specifically with this aim.
→ #GongJun trended on Twitter.
→ Esquire posted a video featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian) [subbed video] Caption: “Looking back on 2022, @ Gong Jun Simon said: ‘You can only make the best choice at the moment. Now that the choice is over, the rest will be handed over[.] Let time prove it, there is no regret, everything is good.’”
→ 361° posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ MUJOSH posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian) They later posted a behind the scenes video. (flashing lights cw)
→ QuelleVous made a post revealing which of Xie Yihua’s people is the one behind the Muses account (Zhao Yao).* A few hours later the account made a post saying it would no longer be active in order to “give Zhehan more focus.” *When I’ve included stuff about this account in the past, I believe I’ve usually just referred to it as Xie Yihua. I apologize for the mistake. 
→ Kangshifu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun posted nine photos from visiting Universal Studios Beijing the previous day. Caption: “Played all day hahahahahahahaha [three husky emojis]” This was reposted by MUJOSH highlighting their glasses. He also posted the photos to his Xiao Hong Shu, caption: “Happy New Year  🐼” and his Instagram, caption: “wuhu~”
→ An interview with BRTV that Gong Jun did for their Spring Festival Gala was released. [subbed video]
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted nine more photos from Universal Studios Beijing, these all of Gong Jun in Harry Potter robes. Caption: “Boss @ Gong Jun Simon's surprise trip, a day immersed in adventure and ‘wow’!” This was again reposted by MUJOSH.
→ 361° posted two photo ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ Esquire posted the article of their interview with Gong Jun. [partial translation]
→ CAPA updated their website, now including a list of their main leaders and subcommittees (aka a step towards more transparency.) It’s possible that this was something they were ordered to do rather than something they did voluntarily, but at this time that is only speculation.
Addition 01-16: Chinese film report posted a video of Gong Jun writing a blessing for the new year. [written translation]
Additional Reading: → Flora’s daily news
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This post was last edited 2023-01-16.
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bizarrequazar · 3 years ago
GJ and ZZH Updates — August 7-13
 <<< previous week || all posts || following week >>>
This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
08-07 → My #ZhangZhehanIsInnocent event took place on Twitter, getting that hashtag and #QuestionCAPA both trending for more than 36 hours. [archive of my tweets for it]
→ 361° posted two photo ads featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ #JusticeforZhangZhehan trended again for a couple hours after Instagram-believers got mad at our tag. It continued to be primarily posts about Zhang Sanjian with little to no mention of CAPA. 🤡
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→ Fresh posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun liked a post from Li Ronghao announcing the release of his song The Winner. Caption: “A sad love song is suitable to be taken when the heart is broken and the memory of love is better”
→ Go Fighting! episode 6 aired. Gong Jun did not appear in this episode as he was busy with filming. [full episode]
08-08 → Colgate posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ The Instagram posted more basketball photos.
→ Mengniu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Danny posted a group photo of his gym buddies, apparently not realizing that it included one of the body doubles without any of the digital manipulation, identified by his clothing.
08-09 → QuelleVous made a post revealing that CAPA were not the ones who kept Li Xuezheng off Weibo’s hotsearch around last December—the CAC were because they were investigating water armies. The truth of the matter seems to be that CAPA had an entire smear campaign already prepared, which was stopped by this.
→ Colgate posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ QuelleVous et al. shared that the account 海的法律人—which was registered 2 days after Li Xuezheng appeared, has been posting since January claiming to be a lawyer who knows him personally, and was the one to incite solos to attack law courts in April—is run by Peng Lihu. [1] [2] [3]
→ A hotsearch tag, #Wang Leitian alleged sexual harassment of women#, was used by toxics to smear Gong Jun and antis to smear Zhang Zhehan.
→ The Weibo account of Wang Peiwen (the fake girlfriend) began interacting with people again. The real Wang Peiwen has been paid off and the account is being managed by Sophie.
08-10 → Filming for Go Fighting! was cancelled due to worsening Covid conditions.
→ MUJOSH posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. 
→ LockNLock posted an ad for an air fryer. Caption: “🦀️ Have a bite of crab stick snacks?”
→ QuelleVous posted an entire exposé on Sophie’s dark past of being a rich man’s mistress before he dumped her for an actress. This is where they’re getting the inspiration for their fake girlfriend narrative. Zhang Sanjian’s narrative likewise seems to be based off of Sophie’s husband. [1] [2] [3] [4]
→ REAL1640 posted a Word of Honor behind the scenes clip wherein Zhang Zhehan sang part of the song Just Love You by David Tao to Gong Jun. (1640 kadian) Caption: “Listen to the song 🤫” Lyrics sung: “Said that you will always be with me, be my root and my wings, let me fly, and have a nest to go back to.” Fan Observation: The song is commonly used for weddings.
08-11 → Hogan tweeted a photo from the May L’OFFICIEL photoshoots of Gong Jun wearing their products.
→ A new promo image for Gong Jun’s upcoming drama Rising With The Wind was shared by Variety News on WeChat.
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08-12 → Viewership ratings for Back to Field were released, with the episode Gong Jun appeared in being the most viewed of the season.
→ Hsu Fu Chi posted a commercial featuring Gong Jun.
→ The brand’s Xiao Hong Shu account was wiped, and the Weibo accounts of Peng Lihu, Sanke, and Ma-ge were muted.
→ QuelleVous posted an exposé about Bai Ying, the reporter for Legal Daily who has written several articles defending CAPA and slandering Zhang Zhehan, one of which was found in December to have been an interview of himself. QuelleVous revealed that he did not disappear online as believed, but has actually been present on a side account where he has promoted the brand, the tea shop, the Instagram, and Zhang Sanjian, and has repeatedly slandered Gong Jun.
→ Addition made 08-18: The CAC released a list requiring the companies listed to submit their algorithms for inspection. The companies included Netease, Weibo, Youku, Baidu, and WeChat. [screenshots]
08-13 → One year since 813.
→ #AlwayswithZhangZhehan, #JusticeforZhangZhehan, #ZhangZhehanIsInnocent, and #QuestionCAPA trended on Twitter throughout the day.
→ Safeguard posted a two photo ads [here] and [here] featuring Gong Jun.
→ A Twitter space was held talking about 813, healing, and waiting for justice. [recording]
We’ve made it through 813 without incident. 🎉🎉🎉 Knock on wood and fingers crossed that the next few days are the same.
Additional Reading: → Flora’s daily fan news thread → Sheena’s charity drive is currently running until the 15th.
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bizarrequazar · 2 years ago
GJ and ZZH Updates — October 23-29
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
10-23 → Hsu Fu Chi posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Hogan posted a photo ad of their limited edition shoes featuring Gong Jun’s dog doodle. (1129 kadian) This was reposted by Gong Jun’s studio. A commercial clip for the shoes was also featured on Weibo’s opening screen.
→ Kangshifu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun posted a promotional video he did for Fresh, later reposted by Fresh.
→ The Instagram posted ten photos of “Zhang Zhehan” with white hair.
→ Kangshifu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. 
10-24 → Kangshifu posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun. The caption includes, “The scent of jasmine is strong, letting people continue to reminisce, like a friendship that never fades away.”
→ Cosmo posted a teaser video announcing that Gong Jun would be on the cover of their November issue, with the feature celebrating his birthday. Caption: “Age is just a number, facing life youthfully and enthusiasticly is the main theme. For the people and things he met in the past year, @ Gong Jun Simon chose to be grateful for the past and wave goodbye; for the upcoming new year, it is an unknown and a new expectation for the future. Bravely say ‘hello’ and enter the new year.”
→ Colgate posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun posted two photos of himself with new Tangle Teezer models. (1129 kadian) Caption: “It’s here it’s here! Tangle Teezer princess comb x Cinnamoroll joint style! I choose blue! ✌️” Tangle Teezer later reposted this.
→ Hogan posted the full commercial for the limited edition shoes. (1129 kadian) Gong Jun also posted it to his Douyin at the same time, caption: “Who drew the puppy, so cute!”
→ Cosmo posted the dual covers for the November issue, announcing that it was available for purchase. (1129 kadian) Caption: “This year, we have defeated a lot of confusion, grievances, withdrawal, and embraced ourselves countless times. While being grateful to others, we must not forget the hard work of ourselves in the past year. @ Gong Jun Simon regards gratitude as a promise, supports his parents, and the fans who never give up... ‘Also, be grateful to yourself who has been working hard, never giving up.’“ Gong Jun’s studio reposted this with the added caption, “In the bright and comfortable autumn atmosphere, boss @ Gong Jun Simon finds himself and embraces fruitful results!” Fan Observation: Some Zhang Zhehan solo fans bought copies of the magazine, watermarking their receipts with things like “haizhe support Gong Jun” and “haizhe wish Gong Jun a happy birthday.”
Half an hour later, Cosmo posted fourteen photos from the issue. Caption: “As an object to be stared at under the spotlight, @ Gong Jun Simon is doing his best in the state of subordinate work. And apart from the focus of the lens and the lights, there is a layer of life-like narrative on him. In the past year's turmoil, Gong Jun chose to face the miserable world with a more mature state of mind. After the storm passes, it will inevitably leave imprints, but it still retains the undamaged youthful heart.”
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Ten minutes later, Cosmo posted a video from the photoshoot. Caption: “As an actor's sensitivity and observation, there are different temperature vibrations in the perspective of @ Gong Jun Simon. Pure juvenile feeling and occasional childishness are all natural gifts. Days and nights filled with work can only give him a little time to satisfy the child in his heart and talk to him in his heart.”
→ Hogan made two posts [here] and [here] posting photos from the Cosmo photoshoot to highlight their shoes.
→ Tiffany & Co. posted three of the Cosmo photos to highlight their jewelry.
→ In a collaboration, Cosmo posted a commercial for Fresh featuring Gong Jun at the same time that Fresh posted two photo ads with him. Cosmo caption: “Love and sharing are the gifts that life gives us. It is warm and bright like the morning sun, making happiness naturally overflowing. Hiding beauty in the gentle warm sun and lighting up life with the magic of love is the most beautiful blessing that nature has given us.” 
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a behind the scenes video from the Cosmo photoshoot. Caption: “A small filming note, boss @ Gong Jun Simon turned into a farmer, packing the autumn harvest and romance together.”
→ Cosmo posted a video featuring Gong Jun. Caption: “Approaching his birthday, @ Gong Jun Simon recalls those wishes when he was a child, about cars, transformers, remote control planes, ‘All came true, both parents bought it for me.’ As for his wishes when he grows up, especially this year's, he said with a smile, ‘Birthday wishes, it won't work if you say them. But I will work hard and I will not let myself regret it.’“ [subbed video] Fan Observations:   -  During the line “break through the shackles of rumors”, he’s lying in a pose almost identical to that of his pfp after 813.
→ #GongJun, #SimonGong, and #龚俊Simon trended on Twitter (as he rightfully should have with how much I was losing my mind trying to keep up with everything).
→ Gong Jun posted six of the photos from the Cosmo shoot. Caption: “I have gained a lot, thank you to @ fashionCOSMO”’ He later posted six to his Xiao Hong Shu (13:18, 511 and 1129 kadian), caption: “Listen to me and give up! Give up being lazy and get moving!” and nine to his Instagram, caption: “Life is movement~”
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a douyin of more behind the scenes footage. Caption: “#Gong Jun The boss who was ‘surprised’ by a naughty 🎃”
→ 361° posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun appeared in a livestream for Hogan. [written summary with clips] [full recording (no subs)]  -  He mentioned that Fox Spirit Matchmaker will be wrapping soon.  -  When asked to pick a letter in the word Hogan in order to select a question, he chose the letter H.  -  When asked what sci-fi movies he likes, Gong Jun began to say “Director Nolan’s Ten—” then paused, smiled, and said, “All of Nolan’s movies.” There’s an old candy with a lot of evidence to back it up that he and Zhang Zhehan went to see Tenet together near the end of Word of Honor’s filming.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted ten photos of him. Caption: “Traveling through the realm of fantasy, boss @ Gong Jun Simon came from a trace, to capture inspiration tonight and explore more possibilities~” This was reposted by Hogan.
→ Hogan posted three behind the scenes photos of Gong Jun from the filming of the promotional material for the limited edition shoes.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted seven photos from the Hogan livestream. Caption: “The night has come, and it has become the focus of its own @ Gong Jun Simon.”
10-25 → Tangle Teezer posted two photos ads featuring Gong Jun. Caption: “To be honest, you didn't see enough @ Gong Jun Simon yesterday, right? Come~”
→ Hsu Fu Chi posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun’s silhouette to promote their upcoming livestream.
→ Charlotte Tilbury posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun.
→ Kangshifu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Colgate posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun promoting their upcoming livestream. They posted a second photo ad a few hours later.
→ Gong Jun posted a douyin of himself. Caption: “If I don’t say it’s cold it won’t be cold 😎” BGM is 陆政廷Lil Jet - 谁会被吻 (Who Will Be Kissed). [lyrics] Fan Observation: It was discovered that when the song is sent on Weixin, an AMV of Kimi no Na wa (Your Name) plays—the movie that Zhang Zhehan compared the “there’s a light on you” pose to and that Gong Jun’s Weibo header is from.
→ 361° posted two gifs from Gong Jun’s douyin with the caption, “‘Words are not important, look at pictures’”
→ Cosmo posted a section of their article about Gong Jun. Weibo caption: “‘The role is not what I give him, but the meaning of his own existence. The actor is only one of the carriers of the role.’ @ Gong Jun Simon understands and is compatible with the actor's observation and unreserved sensibility. The characters vibrate at different temperatures.”
10-26 → LockNLock posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Charlotte Tilbury posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun in the green suit. (You thought you were free from it? Think again.) (1129 kadian)
→ Colgate posted three photo ads featuring Gong Jun, including one promoting their upcoming livestream. [1] [2] [3]
→ Gong Jun posted the promotional photo of himself for the Navigating the New Era album, which a song performed by him will be featured on. Caption: “Leading the new era, forging ahead in a new journey ❤”
→ Sina Music posted promotional photos of all the participating artists for the Navigating the New Era album, including the one featuring Gong Jun.
10-27 → Going-to-work 🍬: Gong Jun was wearing a shirt from the brand Welldone and 361° Retro Daddy shoes (lol). The little orange friend was also present again.
→ Colgate posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Hogan posted a collection of photos from their livestream a few days earlier, including four of Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ VogueFilm released the full short film “Hello, Hello”. [English subs] Film synopsis from the caption: “In the world of the short film ‘Hello, Hello’, the human world is numb and mechanical, and remains unchanged. Clothes, rooms, and furniture are all monotonous white. All ingredients must be cut into the same size. People who are not in contact in reality must participate in online ‘social networking’ on time according to regulations... This is ‘Lin Yin’ who is imprisoned in a blank room. @ Zhao Liying's life. An AI created by human beings, @ Gong Jun Simon is endowed with emotions by code, but at this time, it is like a newborn child, full of warmth and curiosity towards the world. ‘What are you thinking?’ The screen flickered, and the AI ​​from the virtual world interrupted Lin Yin's thoughts, ‘I'm thinking about why people suffer so much.’”
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→ Cosmo posted another section of their article about Gong Jun. Weibo caption: “For @ Gong Jun Simon, growing up left a mark but did not take away his youthful heart. He would laugh at himself during filming, grab a prop tomato and take a bite. Such almost childlike moments may be Gong Jun's preciousness.”
→ Gong Jun’s studio reposted VogueFilm’s post with the added caption, “Virtual and reality are intertwined, time and space overlap. Boss @ Gong Jun Simon will witness the rapid collision between the future and reality with you.”
→ The Instagram posted six photos of “Zhang Zhehan” with Kele and one of the moon. Fan Observations:   -  His ears are wrong (again) and he’s missing the freckle on his finger. [side by side comparison]  -  The inclusion of Kele is possibly a response to discussion last week about a video from the tea shop in which Kele is very visibly distressed by the way he’s being handled. (animal abuse cw for the link) If it is a response to that though, it’s not a great one considering Kele looks quite upset in these photos.
→ Gong Jun unfollowed thirty-one accounts on Douyin. He is still following Zhang Zhehan’s deactivated account, as well as the official Word of Honor account. Fan Observation: One of the accounts he unfollowed was the deactivated account for his show Begin Again. The fact that he unfollowed it but not Zhang Zhehan’s indicates that he was able to distinguish the UID sequence.
10-28 → Hsu Fu Chi posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Youku resposted one of Gong Jun’s photoshoots from earlier in the week (the one with the car) to their Twitter.
10-29 → A Twitter space was held to discuss recent candy. [recordings] [written notes]
→ Gong Jun posted a vlog of recording Little Shoulders and the BAZAAR photoshoot released 09-02. [subbed video] Caption: “#Gong Take Notes VLOG# It’s ‘confidence’ [doge emoji]” BGM is September by Earth, Wind & Fire. His studio reposted it with the added caption, “Boss @ Gong Jun Simon 's Gong Take Notes is here! From the recording studio to the night walk, the immersive work experience card +1” It was also reposted by Colgate. Fan Observations:  -  Posted at 14:19, 511 kadian, 51129 with the date.  -  Some find is suspicious that he specifies that the time is 8:51 when he finishes work, commenting that he looks quite excited.  -  This seems to be the same evening he took the photos he posted on 09-10, dating the video 08-19.  -  The BGM has the lyrics “do you remember the 21st night of September?” 09-21-2020 was the day of the “ni bu pei” scene reshoot.
Additional Reading: → Flora’s daily fan news thread
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bizarrequazar · 2 years ago
GJ and ZZH Updates — September 4-10
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
09-04 → Chen Liying deactivated her Weibo account, possibly because she couldn’t figure out how to delete her pfp history that had a photo of herself in it.
→ A Twitter space was held by Bluebird, QuelleVous, and Flora discussing CPF plants within the fandom. [recording] [written notes]
→ LockNLock posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ 361° posted two photo ads featuring Gong Jun.
09-05 → Vogue published an interview with Gong Jun where he talked about his morning routine. [full translation] In it he said, “If you have a problem with your knees, don't do running, cycling, etc. Even though they seem easy, if you don't master the technique well, it will actually affect your knees.” Fan Observations:  -  One of the photos of his food includes a jianbing.  -  The fried eggs in the same photo are cooked in a style unique to Jiangxi. In other words, these were definitely cooked by his “ahyi” 😉
→ A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck the Sichuan region.
→ Gong Jun posted on Weibo, “May your hometown be safe 🙏” His studio reposted it, adding “May everyone be safe 🙏” A hashtag about this got on hotsearch.
→ Hogan posted one of Gong Jun’s recent photos, advertising their shoes he’s wearing in it.
→ 361° posted three photo ads featuring Gong Jun.
09-06 → Bluebird translated an investigation done by a Chinese fan showing evidence that a known CAPA plant was present during Zhang Sanjian’s recent hiking trip. This also shows that the mountain part of the trip took place on 08-18—not in real time with the Instagram’s posting as they claimed—meaning there was plenty of time for the footage to be edited.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a promotional video for LockNLock spoken by him, announcing that their contract has been renewed. LockNLock later posted this as well.
→ Colgate posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Madame Figaro made a post (1129 kadian) announcing the release of their issue featuring Gong Jun, with three different covers to choose from. Caption: “The sincerity and hot pillow of the youth are presented concretely by time, @ Gong Jun Simon looks back on the past, the opportunity is always there Invaluable. Autumn is getting stronger, creating a new style, and meeting a different Gong Jun” Gong Jun’s studio reposted this with the added caption, “Rich colors, multiple collisions. Step into the world of oil painting with boss @ Gong Jun Simon and feel the charm of art.“ The magazine sold over 70k units in the six hours that it was available. Fan Observations:  -  The veiled ballcap is one of a kind, borrowed from the Virgil Abloh exhibition. The full outfit includes a skirt, but it’s not clear from the photos if Gong Jun wore this.  -  The coat from the outfit with the fortune cookie hat is by John Galliano, Gong Jun is the first person to model it.  -  The rose suit has a sheer lace back, this is momentarily visible in one of the following videos.
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→ BEAST posted an illustrated commercial that includes a brief animaton of Gong Jun from their recent ads with him. The commercial is centered around the theme of reuniting with loved ones.
→ Madame Figaro posted thirteen photos from their photoshoot with Gong Jun. Caption: “Unrestrained youth, at ease like the wind, @ Gong Jun Simon has a vast expanse of his own world. Inadvertently, not deliberately, love has become the driving force for him to explore the interpretative path, and endless possibilities can burst out wherever he looks. At this moment, explore the interesting fashion universe with Gong Jun and record the fearless moments.” Gong Jun’s studio reposted this with the added caption, “Play fashion fun with boss @ Gong Jun Simon, and interpret multiple charms”
→ Gong Jun posted nine of the photos to his personal Weibo, caption: “Look at the picture and say it’s ‘art’ 😎“ This was reposted by Madame Figaro. He also posted nine to his Xiao Hong Shu shortly after, caption: “Anyway I think... very handsome 😛”
→ #GongJun trended on Twitter.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a behind the scenes douyin from the photoshoot. Caption: “‘Magic’ whirlwind walks in small steps, 🤓 come and follow the pace of boss @ Gong Jun Simon to feel the gorgeous autumn.“
→ Gong Jun posted ten of the photos to his Instagram, caption: “🤗🤗🤗”, and commented on it, “Finally I don’t have to take screenshots anymore... 😂” Fan Observation: His comment is possibly referencing the comments he left on his 04-02 sunset photo asking how to save a photo edited on Instagram without posting it. Interestingly, this older comment seems to have now been deleted.
→ Madame Figaro posted a short behind the scenes video. Caption: “From impatience to gentleness, @ Gong Jun Simon has found his own pace and goal.” They later posted another behind the scenes video. (flashing images cw) Caption: “Holding a sense of stun, no limit, and no slack, on the way to grow @ Gong Jun Simon owns comprehension. For him, ‘the only way to get rid of fear is to face it.’”
→ Gong Jun’s company donated 500,000 RMB to relief for the Sichuan earthquake.
→ Fans tried to donate to Weibo’s public welfare platform in the name of “Zhang Zhehan and Gong Jun’s fans” only to recieve an error saying that the name contained illegal content.
→ Tangle Teezer posted two photo ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ 361° posted three photo ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ The Chinese State Council announced that government agencies will tighten oversight on private industry groups, requiring them to work with relevant agencies, stipulating that they cannot publish anything representing the government, requiring government agents to be present for major administrative meetings, and requiring them to regularly report in to the relevant agencies. [paraphrased tweet]
→ Paparazzi published articles saying that Wu Lei and Zhao Lusi, the leads from the recent drama Love Like the Galaxy, are not a couple. This got on hotsearch.
There has been some longstanding tension between their CPFs and junzipis due to misappropriation by them of gay- and LLD-specific terms and fandom culture; their CPFs—soon joined by toxics—began to slander Zhang Zhehan under the hotsearch, with even mods of their supertopic participating and signs that water armies were used. A number of the leaders of the slander were discovered to be planted fans, one of whom is married to a man who runs a water army company: [1] [2] [3] [4] 
Junzipis have demanded that they apologize. At the time of this post, that has not yet happened and the fighting is still continuing. 
Additional reading about this: [1] [2] [3]
Some of the people attacking from their side have threatened to try to get Zhang Sanjian’s brand’s supertopic closed. Please do.
09-07 → #GongJun continued to trend on Twitter.
→ Colgate posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Hsu Fu Chi posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ LockNLock posted a compilation video with a voiceover by Gong Jun to celebrate the upcoming anniversary of their partnership. They later also posted a photo ad featuring him to announce a giveaway. (1129 kadian)
→ Mengniu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Kangshifu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Another new Zhang Sanjian echo wall Weibo account (creatively named “Zhang Sanjian echo wall is back again”) was deactivated.
→ It was discovered that Chen Liying’s daughter follows several of the big Wu Lei/Zhao Lusi accounts.
09-08 → The Instagram posted four more pictures from the “trip” and changed its pfp to a shirtless photo of Zhang Sanjian. The photoshopping is horribly obvious and he barely has any muscle definition, bad attempt.
→ LockNLock posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Tangle Teezer made a post advertising a giveaway that includes photos of Gong Jun.
→ A PSA spoken by Gong Jun about disaster relief for the earthquake was released.
09-09 → #TheRealZhangZhehan trended on Twitter.
→ LockNLock posted nine of their previous photo ads featuring Gong Jun to celebrate the upcoming anniversary of their partnership. 
→ Madame Figaro posted a collection of photos of male artists wearing blue plaid, including a photo of Gong Jun from 2021.
→ One of the mods for the Wu Lei/Zhao Lusi supertopic was replaced by a known anti.
09-10 (Mid-Autumn Festival) → The tag the fighting has been happening under got near the top of the general hotsearch, indicating that it has likely been paid for. This is quite worrying, as it shows an intention to draw attention to what’s happening.
→ Hsu Fu Chi posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Mengniu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Kangshifu posted three illustrated ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ Madame Figaro posted the article about Gong Jun featured in their issue. [full translation]
→ Gong Jun posted three selfies taken on 08-19, caption: “Happy Festival, sharing some selfies” (13:21, 511 kadian) The caption is in traditional Chinese and includes some... interesting character choices. His studio reposted it with the added caption, “Happy to mention the holiday benefits from boss @ Gong Jun Simon 🥮 Boss's selfies are high-definition, handsome and high-definition! 😎” Fan Observation: He kadianed with the same timestamp during last year’s festival.
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→ The Instagram posted a video for the festival using a still image of the moonviewing scene from Word of Honor but with Wen Kexing cropped out.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted six photos of him wearing a white shirt in a pool. Caption: “Ding! The holiday benefits have been delivered 😎, the summer heat has subsided, and the autumn is cool. I wish you a happy holiday with boss @ Gong Jun Simon! (It has been stored for so long, just waiting for today)” Fan Observation: The photos were taken at the Royal Begonia resort in Sanya.
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→ LockNLock posted a compilation video celebrating the anniversary of their partnership with Gong Jun.
→ #wordofhonor trended on Twitter.
Additional Reading: → Flora’s daily fan news thread → There are worries that the fighting with the other actors’ fans is intentional. 09-18 is a politically sensitve date, please be mindful of the way your actions could negatively reflect on Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
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