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firethatgrewsolow · 2 years ago
For those interested, this is a post that a wonderful soul made on the lz site - it’s sort of a compilation of insider / back of house info about the technical aspects of the tours. It also mentions a few personal anecdotes. Really good read!
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Then and Now, Tony Stark aka Ironman #ironman #tonystark #machine #photonbeam #photonblast #arcreactor #marvel #marvelcomics #comicart #ink #brushpen #ironsuit #nanomachines #avengers #beekayokay https://www.instagram.com/p/BwnNDicF_EQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3shxw5anlurh
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babyawacs · 4 years ago
Can we keep the electrons spinninglongernow a pull after emission and push re emission. We can remove superpositionspairing @en ergy .@energy @ornl @nsagov @gchq @darpa @intel @amd @arm @samsung @huawei @apple .@apple .@tim_ cook @nsagov @gchq  Simplest example icna comeupwith:  ******** Sourcedrain 1: emmits single e- sourcedrain 2: ‎adjacent has a strong pull drain only e- triesto get there afteremmission with energy1 a piece of predictability Photonbeam holdsit with certainenergy‎ relaysit reroutesi t. Sofar so bad Sourcedrain 3: emmits a paired superposition Sourcedrain 4: adjacent pulls one of paired e- ends superpositi on Or photonbeam averts it and keeps em paired  *******
Can we keep the electrons spinninglongernow a pull after emission and push re emission. We can remove superpositionspairing @en ergy .@energy @ornl @nsagov @gchq @darpa @intel @amd @arm @samsung @huawei @apple .@apple .@tim_ cook @nsagov @gchq  Simplest example icna comeupwith:  ******** Sourcedrain 1: emmits single e- sourcedrain 2: ‎adjacent has a strong pull drain only e- triesto get there afteremmission with energy1 a piece of predictability Photonbeam holdsit with certainenergy‎ relaysit reroutesi t. Sofar so bad Sourcedrain 3: emmits a paired superposition Sourcedrain 4: adjacent pulls one of paired e- ends superpositi on Or photonbeam averts it and keeps em paired *******
Can we keep the electrons spinninglongernow a pull after emission and push re emission. We can remove superpositionspairing @energy .@energy @ornl @nsagov @gchq @darpa @intel @amd @arm @samsung @huawei @apple .@apple .@tim_cook @nsagov @gchq Simplest example icna comeupwith: ******** Sourcedrain 1: emmits single e- sourcedrain 2: ‎adjacent has a strong pull drain only e- triesto get there…
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ebmtracktwo · 6 years ago
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Booking out equipment
I was going to film today but i ran out of time so I’m going to have to film next wednesday or thursday
Today I booked out:
Sony FS5
PhotonBeam Lights with two stands
FS5 Prime Lenses
(Kris let me borrow an SD card)
I liked playing around with these as I couldn’t film, I really want to plan it more tbh.
The prime lenses are so amazing I can’t wait to try them out for this project. I love the Sony FS5 as well I like how it isn’t too hard to carry around and you can shoot in log. This is my favourite camera at the moment.
I set up the PhotonBeam lights as well which looked really nice but I tested how it looked on camera and how it looked without the lights and I think I prefer the genuine natural lighting so I’m going to take the lights back.
I forgot to get a tripod for the camera and green dots for tracking soooo need to do that as well.
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deejayiwan · 7 years ago
(Deejayiwan Music)
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babyawacs · 5 years ago
105am-123am nov2nd-3rd2019 : we need a trajector function,ie lets encode all so, that the qubits have many ways to conclude a function. if factorisation isnt the optimal way use multiplication. an automated best way pick. letsthink this through  #LNL6  @ornl @energy @woz @tsmc .@intel @nsagov @gchq‎ .@woz @qualcomm @ti @hp .@googleai .@ibmresearch @ornl @losalamosnatlab @woz @nsagov .@gchq @w ired  @wireduk @intel  @amd@qualcomm @huawei @samsung @darpa  @googleai@ibmresearch @wired @wireduk @sciam @naturephysics @nature @harvardphysics it sounds so trivial but when the function says add 2+2+2+2 (just with sequential qubis) a trajector must say waidaminute, ihave a better functio n a n d a right qubit right now for right this function. dontworry, whichever the result itwillbe the absolute same result ‎ but i run it over a boozetree  gotit?‎ this. how do we implementthis trajector ‎ /// ‎ ‎ makers,lets spiral photonbeams and split paired electrons with function calls. or data sets.‎
105am-123am nov2nd-3rd2019 : we need a trajector function,ie lets encode all so, that the qubits have many ways to conclude a function. if factorisation isnt the optimal way use multiplication. an automated best way pick. letsthink this through  #LNL6  @ornl @energy @woz @tsmc .@intel @nsagov @gchq‎ .@woz @qualcomm @ti @hp .@googleai .@ibmresearch @ornl @losalamosnatlab @woz @nsagov .@gchq @w ired  @wireduk @intel  @amd@qualcomm @huawei @samsung @darpa  @googleai@ibmresearch @wired @wireduk @sciam @naturephysics @nature @harvardphysics it sounds so trivial but when the function says add 2+2+2+2 (just with sequential qubis) a trajector must say waidaminute, ihave a better functio n a n d a right qubit right now for right this function. dontworry, whichever the result itwillbe the absolute same result ‎ but i run it over a boozetree  gotit?‎ this. how do we implementthis trajector ‎ /// ‎ ‎ makers,lets spiral photonbeams and split paired electrons with function calls. or data sets.‎
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105am-123am nov2nd-3rd2019 : we need a trajector function,ie lets encode all so, that the qubits have many ways to conclude a function. if factorisation isnt the optimal way use multiplication. an automated best way pick. letsthink this through #LNL6 @ornl @energy @woz @tsmc .@intel @nsagov @gchq‎
.@woz @qualcomm @ti @hp .@googleai .@ibmresearch @ornl @losalamosnatlab @woz @nsagov .@gchq @wired @w…
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babyawacs · 5 years ago
by some nighttime test theme recent week (!)molecules stick better (on whatever?) (!)dueto new electron. did pharma buy a license? itseems to really matter. lets rehabilitate scientists @sciam @nature @naturephysics @harvard  //// ‎ ‎ #LNL6 makers,lets spiral photonbeams and split paired electro ns with function calls. or data sets.  @ornl @energy @woz @tsmc .@intel @nsagov @gchq‎ .@woz @qualcomm @ti @hp .@googleai .@ibmresearc h @ornl @losalamosnatlab @woz @nsagov .@gchq @wired  @wireduk @intel  @amd@qualcomm @huawei @samsung @darpa  @googleai@ibmresearch @wired @wireduk @sciam @naturephysics @nature @harvar dphysics
by some nighttime test theme recent week (!)molecules stick better (on whatever?) (!)dueto new electron. did pharma buy a license? itseems to really matter. lets rehabilitate scientists @sciam @nature @naturephysics @harvard  //// ‎ ‎ #LNL6 makers,lets spiral photonbeams and split paired electro ns with function calls. or data sets.  @ornl @energy @woz @tsmc .@intel @nsagov @gchq‎ .@woz @qualcomm @ti @hp .@googleai .@ibmresearc h @ornl @losalamosnatlab @woz @nsagov .@gchq @wired  @wireduk @intel  @amd@qualcomm @huawei @samsung @darpa  @googleai@ibmresearch @wired @wireduk @sciam @naturephysics @nature @harvar dphysics
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by some nighttime test theme recent week (!)molecules stick better (on whatever?) (!)dueto new electron. did pharma buy a license? itseems to really matter. lets rehabilitate scientists @sciam @nature @naturephysics @harvard
#LNL6 makers,lets spiral photonbeams and split paired electrons with function calls. or data sets. @ornl @energy @woz @tsmc .@intel @nsagov @gchq‎
.@woz @qualcomm @ti…
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babyawacs · 5 years ago
#LNL6 makers,lets spiral photonbeams and split paired electrons with function calls. or data sets.  @ornl @en ergy @woz @tsmc .@intel @nsagov @gchq‎ .@woz @qualcomm @ti @hp .@googleai .@ibmresearch @ornl @losalamosnatlab @woz @nsagov .@gchq @w ired  @wireduk @intel  @amd@qualcomm @huawei @samsung @darpa  @googleai@ibmresearch @wired @wireduk @sciam @naturephysics @nature @harvardphysics itriedto comeup with an efficient way but igot cooked afternoon i ts whati could get togetherfornow letstryit imsure youre brilliant in photonbeamtypes howtouse the sourcedrainpairing and whatis data whatisfucntionset //
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#LNL6 makers,lets spiral photonbeams and split paired electrons with function calls. or data sets. @ornl @energy @woz @tsmc .@intel @nsagov @gchq‎
.@woz @qualcomm @ti @hp .@googleai .@ibmresearch @ornl @losalamosnatlab @woz @nsagov .@gchq @wired @wireduk @intel @amd@qualcomm @huawei @samsung @darpa @googleai@ibmresearch @wired @wireduk @sciam @naturephysics @nature @harvardphysics
itriedto comeup…
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babyawacs · 5 years ago
‎this is tomake eFficient interconnects,youknow they make billions of electronline interconnec ts one ach cpu. linking the qubits iwanted a photonic link  @woz @nsagov .@gchq @wired @wired uk @intel ‎@amd‎@qualcomm ‎@huawei @samsung @darpa ‎@googleai@ibmresearch‎ @ornl @energy @tsmc .@intel @nsagov @gchq ‎ simplest fix forinstance: LNL piezos regulating which photonbeam gets to which segmented qubit cluster,onlyto tweak clutter fo rmation‎ ‎ butimsure wefind sthbetter than li
‎this is tomake eFficient interconnects,youknow they make billions of electronline interconnec ts one ach cpu. linking the qubits iwanted a photonic link  @woz @nsagov .@gchq @wired @wired uk @intel ‎@amd‎@qualcomm ‎@huawei @samsung @darpa ‎@googleai@ibmresearch‎ @ornl @energy @tsmc .@intel @nsagov @gchq ‎ simplest fix forinstance: LNL piezos regulating which photonbeam gets to which segmented qubit cluster,onlyto tweak clutter fo rmation‎ ‎ butimsure wefind sthbetter than li
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this is tomake eFficient interconnects,youknow they make billions of electronline interconnects one ach cpu. linking the qubits iwanted a photonic link @woz @nsagov .@gchq @wired @wireduk @intel ‎@amd‎@qualcomm ‎@huawei @samsung @darpa ‎@googleai@ibmresearch‎ @ornl @energy @tsmc .@intel @nsagov @gchq
simplest fix forinstance: LNL piezos regulating which photonbeam gets to which segmented qubit…
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babyawacs · 5 years ago
simplest fix forinstance: LNL piezos regulating which photonbeam gets to which segmented qubit cluster,onlyto tweak clutter for mation @woz @nsagov .@gchq @wired @wireduk @intel ‎@amd‎@qualcomm  ‎@huawei @samsung @darpa @googleai@ibmresearch‎ @ornl @energy @tsmc .@intel @nsagov @gchq ‎ butimsure wefind sthbetter than limiting clusters with melding LNL2  layer onit‎ ‎
simplest fix forinstance: LNL piezos regulating which photonbeam gets to which segmented qubit cluster,onlyto tweak clutter for mation @woz @nsagov .@gchq @wired @wireduk @intel ‎@amd‎@qualcomm  ‎@huawei @samsung @darpa @googleai@ibmresearch‎ @ornl @energy @tsmc .@intel @nsagov @gchq ‎ butimsure wefind sthbetter than limiting clusters with melding LNL2  layer onit‎ ‎
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simplest fix forinstance: LNL piezos regulating which photonbeam gets to which segmented qubit cluster,onlyto tweak clutter formation @woz @nsagov .@gchq @wired @wireduk @intel ‎@amd‎@qualcomm ‎@huawei @samsung @darpa @googleai@ibmresearch‎ @ornl @energy @tsmc .@intel @nsagov @gchq
butimsure wefind sthbetter than limiting clusters with melding LNL2 layer onit
(!)each reflective metamaterial…
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babyawacs · 6 years ago
@apple @atom .@energy @ornl ./@ornl @darpa @nsagov @gchq @wired ./@wired @woz ./@apple #Superposition #intrinsically #auto #correcting #declinate #photon #qubit #qubits @googLe @huawei @intel @amd @qualcomm @wired @samsung .@wired .@wireduk @google If
@apple @atom .@energy @ornl ./@ornl @darpa @nsagov @gchq @wired ./@wired @woz ./@apple #Superposition #intrinsically #auto #correcting #declinate #photon #qubit #qubits @googLe @huawei @intel @amd @qualcomm @wired @samsung .@wired .@wireduk @google If
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@apple @atom .@energy @ornl ./@ornl @darpa @nsagov @gchq @wired ./@wired @woz ./@apple #Superposition #intrinsically #auto #correcting #declinate #photon #qubit #qubits @googLe @huawei @intel @amd @qualcomm @wired @samsung .@wired .@wireduk @google
If entanglement is real. Which idoubt its inthe photonbeam then anyway. Its matter ofdeclination now. Where which mystic entanglement. Which electron…
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babyawacs · 6 years ago
Why wouldn't you wrap a line off code around a cylinder, inbinary ifu want,andshootout e- into photonbeams @woz .@woz @wired @wireduk @intel .@intel @amd .@qualcomm .@amd @qualcomm @apple .@apple @google @tmc @huawei .@huawei @texasinstruments @ti @e3 @l3
Why wouldn’t you wrap a line off code around a cylinder, inbinary ifu want,andshootout e- into photonbeams @woz .@woz @wired @wireduk @intel .@intel @amd .@qualcomm .@amd @qualcomm @apple .@apple @google @tmc @huawei .@huawei @texasinstruments @ti @e3 @l3
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Why wouldn’t you wrap a line off code around a cylinder, inbinary ifu want,andshootout e- into photonbeams @woz .@woz @wired @wireduk @intel .@intel @amd .@qualcomm .@amd @qualcomm @apple .@apple @google @tmc @huawei .@huawei @texasinstruments @ti @e3 @l3 @arm @armholdings .@arm @darpa .@darpa @nsagov .@nsagov @gchq .@gchq
Theycannot measure quantumstates not 2^232 Soweshouldnt But directly hammer…
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babyawacs · 6 years ago
Why wouldn't you wrap a line off code around a cylinder, inbinary ifu want,andshootout e- into photonbeams @woz .@woz @wired @wireduk @intel .@intel @amd .@qualcomm .@amd @qualcomm @apple .@apple @google @tmc @huawei .@huawei @texasinstruments @ti @e3 @l3
Why wouldn’t you wrap a line off code around a cylinder, inbinary ifu want,andshootout e- into photonbeams @woz .@woz @wired @wireduk @intel .@intel @amd .@qualcomm .@amd @qualcomm @apple .@apple @google @tmc @huawei .@huawei @texasinstruments @ti @e3 @l3
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Why wouldn’t you wrap a line off code around a cylinder, inbinary ifu want,andshootout e- into photonbeams @woz .@woz @wired @wireduk @intel .@intel @amd .@qualcomm .@amd @qualcomm @apple .@apple @google @tmc @huawei .@huawei @texasinstruments @ti @e3 @l3 @arm @armholdings .@arm @darpa .@darpa @nsagov .@nsagov @gchq .@gchq
Theycannot measure quantumstates not 2^232 Soweshouldnt But directly hammer…
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babyawacs · 6 years ago
the brilliant french doubt theycan ever measure quantumstates reliably. Isay wedoont have to What theother qubit people make, is microwave gates Isay the electrons in the photonbeam stay atleast-paired inthe beam altering photonbeam until dissassmbled. T
the brilliant french doubt theycan ever measure quantumstates reliably. Isay wedoont have to What theother qubit people make, is microwave gates Isay the electrons in the photonbeam stay atleast-paired inthe beam altering photonbeam until dissassmbled. T
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the brilliant french doubt theycan ever measure quantumstates reliably. Isay wedoont have to
What theother qubit people make, is microwave gates
Isay the electrons in the photonbeam stay atleast-paired inthe beam altering photonbeam until dissassmbled. Then jump a layer down or up. Each with closed written out. Or open out.
And the combination layerwise knowing photon in and out and written…
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babyawacs · 6 years ago
What them make is microwave gates Isay the electrons in the photonbeam stay atleast-paired inthe beam altering photonbeam until dissassmbled. Then jump a layer down or up. Each with closed written out. Or open out. And the combination layerwise knowing
What them make is microwave gates Isay the electrons in the photonbeam stay atleast-paired inthe beam altering photonbeam until dissassmbled. Then jump a layer down or up. Each with closed written out. Or open out. And the combination layerwise knowing
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What them make is microwave gates
Isay the electrons in the photonbeam stay atleast-paired inthe beam altering photonbeam until dissassmbled. Then jump a layer down or up. Each with closed written out. Or open out.
And the combination layerwise knowing photon in and out and written layerring in and out is a lot of data and control And sure withadded control layers Arounb example cylinder
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babyawacs · 6 years ago
@huawei @samsung @apple @ibm @intel @amd @arm @qualcomm @wired @wireduk @intel @amd @nsagov @gchq @darpa How doyou!wanna measure 2^312 quantumstates Isay wedonthaveto just use each state intrinsically. And as used is measured #nsa #darpa #gchq howmany l
@huawei @samsung @apple @ibm @intel @amd @arm @qualcomm @wired @wireduk @intel @amd @nsagov @gchq @darpa How doyou!wanna measure 2^312 quantumstates Isay wedonthaveto just use each state intrinsically. And as used is measured #nsa #darpa #gchq howmany l
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@huawei @samsung @apple @ibm @intel @amd @arm @qualcomm @wired @wireduk @intel @amd @nsagov @gchq @darpa How doyou!wanna measure 2^312 quantumstates Isay wedonthaveto just use each state intrinsically. And as used is measured
#nsa #darpa #gchq howmany layers andlayers of electrons do youneed to use a photonbeam up completely, or howmany ps per electron count:) Stop complaining about physical…
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