bocekcicek · 6 years
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Johanna Punz
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juancarlosphotog · 7 years
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@photogrvphy.mag with ・・・ Juan Carlos @photojuancarlos documented dramatic events in the Iraqi city Al-Qayarrah preceding the Battle of Mosul. Photo © Juan Carlos www.photogrvphy.com #photogrvphy #photogrvphymag #photography #JuanCarlos #photojournalism #AlQayarrah #Mosul
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silverfineart · 7 years
Photogrvphy - Interview
“The exciting thing about landscape photography is waiting for the right moment. In our case, patience is not only a virtue but a precondition.” – Gerald Berghammer, Ina Forstinger
Gerald Berghammer and Ina Forstinger´s analogue black-and-white photographs originate in cities such as Vienna, Venice and Dubai, in the mystical landscapes of Iceland and the Mühlviertel in Austria and in the vineyards of Southern France. The photographer duo who publicize their work under the name SILVERFINEART PHOTOGRAPHY produce museum-quality prints in strictly limited editions. Each image comes in four sizes, is printed on classic analogue paper or as archival pigment ink print and is stamped, dated, numbered and hand signed. “Our main motivation, even obsession, is the thought that perhaps we have not yet shot our best picture. Finding the most spectacular subject formation and being able to capture it in the best light under a fascinating cloud is what continues todrive us forward.” says Gerald Berghammer.
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yasenevo · 6 years
Попал в шорт-лист. This project was short-listed here: http://grant.photogrvphy.com/winners-gallery/photogrvphy-grant-2018/urban/hm/893
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and more....
ABOUT US PhotogrVphy Grant is a non-profit initiative run by PhotogrVphy Magazine. Our idea is to evoke artistic activities. Together, we create space to take creative initiatives and promote new trends in photography. We strive to inspire participants to improve their photographic skills and develop their vision. We believe that each participant has potential and talent waiting to be discovered. PhotogrVphy Grant is a platform that allows you to gain experience and enter the world of professional photography. Artists have the opportunity to push their careers forward and be recognized by art galleries, curators, media, and cultural institutions from all over the world.
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photoglitz · 4 years
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#photo #photocontestIndonesia #photoboothku #photoshootvideo #photookftheday #photofrenzybooth #photobyir #photoassignment #photographyassociationcertified #photolikesmile #photosdohorse #photographysarawak #photographedbyzamanie #phototexture #photographythe #photoposition #photoillustrator #photographieanalogic #photographerpilihanmakawak #photoed #photographieartistique #photoherts #photographyslive #phototastic #photographymom #photogrvphy #photogallerybyeb #photographynatur #PhotoshootTime #Photographical https://www.instagram.com/p/CCl7wWKJn1R/?igshid=p6k2ncnnfk3k
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koch-michael · 7 years
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#happy to announce: Nominee Award in #Nature for the winning entry ETERNAL COLLECTION in the 2017 Photogrvphy Grant. . #eternal #collection #award #nominee #michaelkoch #art #photography #photogrvphygrant #nature&science (hier: London, United Kingdom)
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laciecredle15444 · 5 years
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Gregory Crewdson: Cathedral of Pines | PHOTOGRVPHY https://ift.tt/2KRPhVJ
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patrickjoust · 7 years
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Photogrvphy has an interview with me up on their site today: http://photogrvphy.com/interview-with-documentary-photographer-patrick-joust/
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В арт-резиденции «Дома Метенкова» пересменка: после отъезда второй участницы «Новых историй Екатеринбурга» Екатерины Юшкевич в уральскую столицу приехала Алина Десятниченко (Краснодар). Как и ее предшественники, она будет работать над проектом о городе на протяжении двух месяцев.
Алина Десятниченко (1991) — документальный фотограф, активно сотрудничающий с федеральными и международными изданиями. В ее портфолио большой список публикаций в различных медиа, в том числе в «Афиша Daily», «Таких делах», «Русском репортере», «Русской планете», «Секрете фирмы», Mediazona, The Calvert Journal и других. Алина изучала журналистику в КубГУ, окончила петербургскую школу фотографии «ДокДокДок» Михаила Доможилова, прошла через множество воркшопов, включая мастер-классы фоторедактора Андрея Поликанова, документалиста Татьяны Плотниковой и журнала «Русский репортер». В настоящее время она участница экспериментальной образовательной программы Краснодарского института современного искусства, курируемой художниками арт-группировки «ЗИП». Ее проект «Байкал чудес» был удостоен особого упоминания международной премии PhotogrVphy Grant.
В с��оих фотосериях Алина обращается к исследованию категории идеального, рассматривая эту тему в различных социальных контекстах. В проекте «100 % мужественность» она затрагивает проблему гендерных стереотипов, вместе с героями ее фотографий пробуя составить коллективный портрет настоящего мужчины. В серии «Станция Савелово» Алина изучает идею утопического и антиутопического и на примере района в Кимрах, где в 1937 году поселился Осип Мандельштам, выясняет, чем сейчас живет место высылки пораженного в правах нежелательного элемента, которому при советской власти запрещено было находиться вблизи Москвы, Ленинграда и союзных республик. Ее проект «Упиваемая чаша» посвящен излечению от алкогольной и наркотической зависимости через трудничество в мужском монастыре, а «Байкал чудес» — превращению семейно-родовых культов в своеобразный туристический аттракцион.
В рамках пребывания в арт-резиденции «Дома Метенкова» фотограф также планирует обратиться к исследованию темы идеального, попытаясь представить воображаемый мир уральского города — параллельный существующему, утопический, значащийся только в планах и фантазиях его жителей.
На приветственной лекции, которая пройдет в музее 22 марта, Алина Десятниченко расскажет о работе над своими предыдущими проектами и об уже начатых поисках новых историй Екатеринбурга.
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bocekcicek · 6 years
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Carlota Guerrero
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juancarlosphotog · 7 years
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@photogrvphy.mag ・・・ Juan Carlos @photojuancarlos documented dramatic events in the Iraqi city Al-Qayarrah preceding the Battle of Mosul. Photo © Juan Carlos www.photogrvphy.com #photogrvphy #photogrvphymag #photography #JuanCarlos #photojournalism #AlQayarrah #Mosul
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Photogrvphy Grant 2017
  Photogrvphy Grant awards $1000 annually to the applicant with the most inspirational photographic idea to support his visual project. Our grant is open for submissions without any fees (Free to Enter) to support all photographers from every corner of the world. We only accept series of photographs which share a common theme and are built as a one consistent project in the following categories:…
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Feeding pigeons in Trafalgar Square.
2007: NEN Gallery
1970: PHotogrvphy
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miss-rosen · 6 years
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As climate change ravages the globe, we bare witness to one of the greatest human-made catastrophes as it unfolds before our eyes in a series of increasingly inhospitable weather patterns that are decimating the landscape far and wide.
In Iran, climate change has taken the form of a drought, one that affects several regions across the nation including West Azarbaijan Province, Khorasan Province, Bushehr, and Kerman Province, where the drought is now going on 30 years in length. Encompassing 11.5% of the country’s landmass and 3.9% of its population, the drought has presented a larger problem in recent years as lowered rainfall has resulted in thousands of dried up wells. The native economy has taken a hit, as local farmers are no longer able to sustain their palm tree crops. Without income, the people now face a new series of challenges including lack of health care facilities and adequate plumbing to fend off disease.
Documentary photographer Mohammad Baghal Asghari traveled to the Kerman province during ten days of Iranian New Year, creating Forgotten Dried Land, which was nominated for the 2018 International Photogrvphy Grant. Here Asghari shares his observations photographing the plight of people living through the dawn of the sixth major mass extinction on earth.
Read the Full Story at Feature Shoot
Top: Pitgy is a village in the Jazmurian section in the southern Rudbar. A man carries a big tree to his house. He will make fences with this tree. ©Mohammad Baghal Asghari
Bottom: Village of the galo: The central part of Qaleh Ganj city, Kerman. The trees of the village are dried and their water reservoir is ruined. ©Mohammad Baghal Asghari
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wiqi4love · 6 years
PhotogrVphy Grant Contest for Worldwide Photographers, 2018
PhotogrVphy Grant Contest for Worldwide Photographers, 2018
PhotogrVphy Grant is a non-profit initiative run by PhotogrVphy Magazine.
Our idea is to evoke artistic activities. Together, we create space to take creative initiatives and promote new trends in photography. We strive to inspire participants to improve their photographic skills and develop their vision. We believe that each participant has potential and talent waiting to be discovered.
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