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This town is Mine and I rule its tracks!!! #shootmedash #cosplayshoot #cosplay #manikcosplay #abandonedplaces #tresspassing #traintracks #gwenomcosplay #gwenom #615rocks #memphisphotographer #photographerinmemphis #lifegoals #gettingthere #offcameraflash #offcameraflashphotography #freestyle
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When your a photographer that loves light, you light your wedding! #memphisphotographer #jessieannephotography #newbornphotographerinmemphis #memphisnewbornphotographer #photography #photographerinmemphis (at Jessie Anne Photography) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs_8P2fAXhs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xnpd24bivec3
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Waiting anxiously to see Dr. Grant... I get so happy to see him I just could burst!!❤️😊❤️😊 #jessieannephotography @shelbycenter #memphisphotographer #photography #newbornphotographerinmemphis #memphisnewbornphotographer #memphisbabyphotographer #babyphotographerinmemphis #photographerinmemphis (at Shelby Center Hospital for Animals) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs8zj2GA3rq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12sm8q19szp3p
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Let the brightness peep in behind me while I radiate awesomeness! #shootmedash #professionalphotographer #photographerinmemphis #portraitphotography #portraitphoto #freestyleshoot
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They call it the batman building.. one more reason for harley to wait for him thr!! #shootmedash #photographerinmemphis #photographerincollierville #photographeringermantown #photographerincordova #cosplay #cosplayIQ #style #harleyquinn #615cosplay #freestylefashion #freestyle #swag #dccomics
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Serenity! #shootmedash #photographerinmemphis #photographerincollierville #kidsportraits #kidportrait #shelbyfarms #shelbyfarmsparkbook #agricenter #agricentermemphis #dreamykids #dreamylook #kidsareawesome #portraitphotography #candidportrait #serenity #sunset Check out more at: https://ift.tt/2KQSuaD
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Cant wait for Sunflowers 2019!!! #shootmedash #photographerinmemphis #photographerincollierville #sunflowers #portraitphotography #mothersonlove #myfamily #familyiseverything #outdoorportrait #magmodcommunity #magmod #magmodsphere #agricentersunflowers Check out more at: https://ift.tt/2KQSuaD
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#shootmedash #photographerinmemphis #photographerincollierville #shelbyfarms #shelbyfarmspark #womenportraits #freestyle #offcameraflash #magmodcommunity #magmod #memphislife #901photographer #901memphis Check out more at: https://ift.tt/2KQSuaD
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Senior Citizen Family Portrait #shootmedash #photographerinmemphis #photographerincollierville #901photographer #familyportraiture #portraitphotography #seniorcitizenlife #loveneverend #loveneverends❤️ #photoshoot #parentsarethebest Check out more at: http://bit.ly/2IgIar5
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This sweet girly was amazing at her senior session a couple weeks ago, call us to book your senior session and be amazing too!! #jessieannephotography #memphis #memphismoms #memphisphotographer #photographerinmemphis (at Jessie Anne Photography)
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Playing cards with my hunny while waiting on the fireworks! #jessieannephotography #memphisphotographer #photographerinmemphis
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A beautiful sunset on the front porch, sometimes the best shots aren’t taken with a big fancy camera... just goes to show it’s more about talent and having the eye and creativity for something then the equipment! #nofilter #jessieannephotography #memphisphotographer #photographerinmemphis #sunsetinmemphis (at Jessie Anne Photography)
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Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak!!! #shootmedash #photographeringermantown #photographerinmemphis #photographerincollierville #style #elegance #fashion #classy #fashionIQ
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Your darkness is a symphony... Played in explosions of silence to a crowd that has fallen in love with noise If they refuse to applaud you It isn't because your music isn't beautiful It is because they have no idea how to love what they don't understand And that, my darling, is the most horrific flaw in this mixed up world - Christopher Poindexter My composite no 4..yay!!! #shootmedash #shootwithdash #photographerinmemphis #photographerincollierville #composites #compositephotography #art #darkportraits #bleeddark #fineartportraiture #fineartportrait #photographyrocks #darkangel #darkisbeautiful
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When time reminds... Composite 3 #shootmedash #compositephotography #photographerinmemphis #photographerincollierville
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Class Redefined! Shot at the fuse bar at opry! @gaylordoprylandresort #shootmedash #shootwithdash #photographerincollierville #photographerinmemphis #fusebarnashville #fusebar #oprylandhotel #barphoto #barphotography #barphotoshoot #gorgeous #bold #classy #nashvillebar #615bar
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