#photogenic immortal boi
muttsterion · 4 months
Maybe. He did take a lot of photos when he grew up to be a famous scientist, most of them with him smiling brightly. (But I always chocked that up to Kenny being very photogenic. Mr. "Get my good side". :P)
I'd like to think Kenny at some point realizing or maybe always had some level of awareness of how photogentic/good he looks but never outright shows or says anything about it. Or on the rare occasion a roundabout way of saying it as with "Get my good side!".
Wishes there was a way I could have had my NK tell him
"Kenny ? Every side is your good side." right to his face. XD
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shardofhope-fanfic · 1 year
A celebration of life for a very special rat.
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Juice Box, May 2021 to April 5th, 2023
I knew that neither of them would be around very long. I was told time and time again that they only lived 2 years or so, 3 if you were lucky and 4 if you had an immortal on your hands. I thought I would have been ready for it, when the time came. I had seen people and pets pass before. I was wrong.
I'm not going to talk about his sudden failing weight. I'm not going to talk about him shrinking compared to his brother. I'm not going to talk about the medications and special diet I used to try and ween him back to health. I'm not going to talk about the half a dozen vet visits I took him to in two months, trying to buy him comfort and health for as long as I could. And I'm not going to talk about the gradual recovery, only for a steep decline to suddenly take him within 36 hours. That's not what this was about. This is a celebration, a show of love to the little gremlin that improved my life tremendously even while causing me problems. The best I can give him now is a digital memory that will, luck serving, even outlive me. An extension of existence that only I can provide. A digital rat ghost, and a way to show off my best boy to the world, one last time.
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I had bought them on a whim. I was working nights, my mental health was at its worst, and like all fools, I decided on a bit of retail therapy. I have no idea how I landed on a rat breeder site, but it went downhill from there.
I drove for 3 hours after a 12 hour shift to pick these two goones, Juice box and Jimmothy from the breeder. Those are the names I gave them because at that point I was delirious from caffeine and excitement, so named them the best I could
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I had no idea what I was getting into whatsoever. You look at that adorable, photogenic man and tell me you expected trouble! But he was. Although not as brash and indipendet as his brother, he was a escape artist through and through. He was the one that first broke out of the cage when I wasn't looking. I found him 10 min later, watching me from the trash can.
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And then under the dresser
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And later, on the bed after breaking into the snacks.
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I would later have to modify the cage to keep him and his brother from escaping. What I learned first is that rats were smarter than you would give them credit for. They would engineer escapes if they caught me slacking, pull things through the bars of the cage, the works.
But what I learned about my pocket puppies was a diffrence of personality. Jimmothy was, and still is, a tank of a rat. Even at two years old, he fights off my younger rat Jeepers with ease. The man is nearly 500 grams but according to the vet is "Healthy as a old man could possiably be, if a bit fat." Hes always had a personality to match. A rowdy, demanding rat with an independence streak a mile long Juice box turned out to be a god-damned goofball.
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Jimmothy, if given the ability, would mug you for cheese. Juice box? oh he would just share it and try to be your friend. There wasn;t a brain cell rattling around in that head that wasn't dedicated to friendship. So he was a goofy, dumb little goblin.
Unlike his brother, he would sometimes come up and just flop in your lap, or hang out on your shoulder like a fuzzy parrot. He didn't pretend he didn't want your love like his prideful brother.. He had no pride, only love in his little heart.
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He of course, cuddled most with his brother, something he grudgingly went along with. he was the runt after all, and like the little brat he was he got what he wanted. But that didn;t mean he shunned human company completely.
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He would let me pose him for these silly little photos as well, but I didn't just use him for my own artistic desires, I enjoyed some smuggle time as well.
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not to mention he would groom me constantly. At first I thought it was just something tastey on my hands. I would not assume love out of this simple act. But after some tests, washing my hands with non sented soaps, and even showering, he still groomed me. A simple act that showed me how much he cared, in his own little air headed way. I find it funny that I have so few picures of this act, despite the fact he would do it for half a hour if allowed. I guess I was too busy enjoying the moment.
That's not to say his brother didn't love me, Juice was just more willing to show it. Jimmothy had his ways but he was much like a cat in that respect. I was also his second fav. His love for his brother was unmatched, even when he was being a bit of a bully.
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They would fuck with each other constantly, steal food from each other constantly, and play wrestle. Pretty much brothers through and through. Little shitheads that they were
But although his brother hadn't aged a day, Jimmothy began to slow down. I won't torment you with that slow painful process. But what I will share with you is a small ray of sunshine. A small, warm moment, from me to you. And a comfort most other rat owners needed to hear.
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As he got older and started to slow down, he grew more gentle and more attached. he would run to me during their playtime and cuddle into me. He would bury his little face into my shirt. He would even hide under my shirt. The little scamp was most likely getting away for his more energetic younger brother. But then he started getting sick.
And all he did was seek time with me. He would, even wobbly and ill as he was, clamber up to the cage when opened and try to climb up my arm. He would fight me when I went to put him back in the cage, weakly, but still. I thought at the time he was seeking comfort and quiet with me, while the other two healthy rats ran rampant. Now, I'm half convinced he did it for me too. I had thought them animals, smart, but animals none the less. I am convinced he knew his time was coming far before me, as I stubbornly fought to keep the reaper at bay for a few months more. But he sought me out for comfort, to be held, every single time, even when he could barely move he strive to climb up my shoulder or fall asleep in my arms. He felt safe. He trusted me when he must have been scared
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The last week he spent alive was spent close to me. He didn't want to wander so I would keep him at my desk, so he would be close. He had put on weight that week, and had been eating pretty well and responding to antibiotics. But on his last day on this earth, he refused to eat but would bury himself in my warmth whenever he could. I remember watching shitty youtube videos while petting him the entire morning, a day I had had off for once in a long time. I was showered from the gym and in fresh clothes. I put him down in his pet bed, tucked him in, and got a little writing done. And then he was gone. It's the only comfort I had, really, that I was with him when he died. That although I wasn't holding him, he didn't feel alone, he didn't feel scared. Rats tend to go out loud, screaming and fighting. Juice box passed so quietly that I only noticed when I picked him up and he was cold. I am sure, that he knew he was loved. All your rats know that you love them. Take some comfort in that although their lives were short, you were their entire world.
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padfootagain · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Baby
Just a little drabble for Ben's birthday! I hope you like it! It's very cute and silly :)
Happy Birthday Ben!
Pairing: Ben Barnes x reader
Word Count: 1193
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You were beginning to regret your choice of present for his birthday.
He had been dreaming about this expensive camera for months, hesitating in buying it or not because he had one already that was still working perfectly fine even if it was starting to get a bit out of date. You had argued that he had more than enough money to buy it and that he should do so if it made him happy, but Ben was a reasoned person that sometimes rationalized things a little too much. His generous nature would have pushed him to buy it in the blink of an eye if you had been the one wanting it, but if it were for himself, he was more willing to weigh the pros and cons.
So, as his birthday came closer and he was still indecisive about his camera, you had secretly bought it for him. And as he unwrapped his present, he had tears in his eyes and a touched smile on his face, proof, if you needed any, that you had aimed for the perfect gift this year again.
But it had been about two hours since you had offered him his gift, and you were beginning to regret it. At first, he played with the new functionalities on it, and tried different settings, and that was completely normal. But two hours later, and he had still not put his camera down, which started to be a little annoying.
What was even more annoying though was the fact that he was now taking pictures of you. Which you didn't always mind, if the light was right and you were sharing a memory together. But now you were just washing the dishes, with foam up your wrists and your hair a mess, and feeling everything but photogenic at that moment.
You heaved a sigh, giving him a pointed look.
"Ben, what are you doing now?"
"Enjoying my present!" he answered with the most adorable excited tone, and you felt your will to scold him melt already.
"I'm not even doing anything interesting or looking pretty right now," you argued, but he looked at you with a frown.
"You're always pretty. What are you talking about?"
You rolled your eyes but were unable to refrain a smile.
"I am not always pretty. It's just love blinding you."
"That's not true. You're beautiful, period."
"I wasn't pretty when I puked on your shoes when I had a stomach flu."
"The puking part wasn't sexy, but you were still beautiful. It's the vomit that was disgusting. Can't believe you destroyed my favourite pair of trainers..."
"It was more than a year ago!"
"You're the one bringing it up again! Now, look at me, and smile."
Instead, you stuck your tongue out at him, making a silly face that made him laugh, and he took a picture of you anyway.
"You're adorable when you're annoyed," he grinned, making you even more irritated.
"Don't push your luck, birthday boy," you warned him, waving a dirty plate at him as a threat.
He merely laughed in response, coming closer to hug you from behind, wrapping his arms around your stomach to press your back into his chest.
"Thank you for the camera, I love it," he whispered in your ear, his breath against your cheek eliciting goosebumps across your arms, and his words making you smile.
"I'm happy you like your present."
He hummed in agreement, before dropping his head to gently kiss your shoulder.
"I love you more, though," he went on in the same quiet tone. "I'm just happy we can be together this year, instead of me working on another continent or whatever. That's the best gift you could give me, to just be here with me today."
You turned your head to drop a peck on his cheek, his dark beard tickling your lips.
"I love you too, you sappy baby," you answered, making him laugh again.
"You're even cheesier than I am, don't deny it," he argued, burying his face in the crook of your neck, his beard rough against your skin, but you actually loved the familiar feeling.
"Yeah, maybe... but I reckon that you love it."
"I do. I love you."
"I love you too."
"I'm gonna print all these pictures I've just taken, by the way."
"Why? I'm not doing anything!"
"You're being yourself, domestic. And that's all I really want with you. I want us to be domestic around each other. I want us to be so damn used to being around each other that we barely remember how it was before we were together. I want these little scenes with you, like you washing the dishes, or getting up all grumpy in the morning. I want that kind of intimacy with you. I want to be here for everything, doesn't matter if you're dressed up or puking all over my shoes."
You brushed a tear away before it could fall and Ben could see it.
"Who's the cheesiest now, huh?" you asked, feeling your throat tightened and your voice dropping of an octave as a result, while your heart was ready to burst with affection.
"I guess I am."
"I do want that with you too, you know?"
"No, you're still the cheesiest little heart there is," he grinned against your neck, making you roll your eyes. "But I have an idea, and you need to give up on the dishes for me to try it. Washing can wait."
"Should I be worried?"
"Hmm... Let's say that... I'd like to try to take a new kind of pictures."
"A new kind of pictures? What does that mean?"
"Let's say... it'll be more comfortable for this activity if we're in the bedroom."
You laughed, the sound bright and happy and making a grin find its way to his lips without his consent.
"I see... Well... it is your birthday after all."
"It is."
"So... I guess, I shouldn't say no, right?"
"Hmm... I mean, you can if it makes you uncomfortable. But it's not like I haven't seen you naked hundreds of times before, and didn't know your body like the back of my hand by now."
"If you know me so well, then no need for pictures."
"Art should always be immortalized."
You laughed at him, shaking your head at his silliness.
"That was a terrible line!"
"You loved it.  Come on, come back to bed. You know you won't regret it."
He gave you one of these glances you couldn't resist to. The seductive ones, with full-blown pupils you could barely see the shape in because of how dark his irises looked. He bit down on his bottom lip, and you knew you were gone for good. The effect the man had on you should have been illegal...
And the worst was that you knew he wasn't lying, or gloating. You wouldn't regret climbing upstairs to your shared bedroom, of that you were certain.
So, the choice was easy to make, and the dishes were abandoned for the rest of the day, when you and Ben had more important things to attend to.
Taglist:  @ponycake27​​ @horsesreign​​ @xinyourdreamsx​​ @jbluevelvet​​@notkeppeki @daynigt-dreamer-stuff @fudgeflyss​​ @stuckupstucky​​@snek-shit @suchatinyinfinity​​@i-padfootblack-things  @buckybsarmy @heyohheyitsgabi​​@jigsawlover10 @emyyjemyy​ @addictedtofictionalcharacters​​ @staringmoony​​
@geeksareunique​​ @giggleberts​​ @sad-orange-thoughts​​ @aylinnmaslow​​ @benbarnes-world @ladyblablabla​​ @madamrogers​​ @drinix​​ @joelynnp @mxrihollxnd @rockintensse​​ @newtstarmander​​ @iammadeofstarsandlazyness @shinebrightlikeafanbase​​ @wangmangagavroche​​
@presstocontinue​ @ilmiopiccolounivers0​
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dangermousie · 3 years
Here are my one sentence hot takes on possibly upcoming cdramas (rumored in the next few months)
Ancient Love Poetry - I love Xu Kai, Zhou Dongyu and romance xianxia but the trailer looks hella generic so here’s hoping since it’s likely to air instead of Immortality (my views on that swap are CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED just like BL.)
Being a Hero - a rare modern drama that sounds potentially dark and angsty enough for my tastes; just make the hot men suffer, that’s all I ask if you want me to sit through the anti-drug propaganda.
Broker - fool me once etc but apparently I am a fool because despite the fact that Luo Yunxi’s previous modern romance with an awesome female costar (Bai Lu) cured my insomnia, I am all hyped for Luo Yunxi’s modern romance with an awesome female costar (Victoria Song) mainly because I can smell the angst like camels can water.
Court Lady - if you watched Weaving Tale of Love and went “not enough weaving,” boy do I have a drama for all two of you!
Crush - I hear “cold male lead with serious angst and who’s blind (!)” and Pavlovian reflex activates.
Dear Military Uniform - how about not.
Dream of Changan - Cheng Yi in period clothes photogenically suffering as much as I will while I wait for MangoTV, which is going to air this, to ever post subs.
Falling Into Your Smile - it’s Xu Kai’s turn to have Cheng Xiao try and fail to conceal her repulsion by him in romantic scenes.
Female Student Arrives At The Imperial College - I don’t tend to do period romcoms because I like to respect myself in the morning but I love Zhao Lusi so CONFUSION!
Glory of Special Forces - get your red hot propaganda right here aka what happens when you make a military recruitment video dozens of hours long.
The Glory of Youth - get your red hot propaganda right here aka what happens when you make a military recruitment video dozens of hours long, Mark 2.
The Golden Hairpin - pin me, baby! - I loved the novel and the trailer is short but good so this is one of my two most anticipated of this bunch.
Love Like White Jade - my IQ went down twenty points from the trailer alone which means this one is great if you want to feel superior to whoever wrote this, not so great if you realize someone dumb enough to greenlight this still has more money than you.
A Love Never Lost - I can put up with patriotism narrative when it’s this beautifully shot and cloaked in period clothes.
Miss Crow and Mr. Lizard - the plot of this is something a kdrama would have done circa 2005 so I NEED THIS RIGHT NOW even if’s modern.
Moonlight - I am snoring already so seems about right.
Novoland Pearl Eclipse - neither Yang Mi nor William Chan pick bad projects and the trailer looked amazing so there’s hoping; though something tells me they are not having it be a eunuch romance a la the novel.
Octogenarian and the 90s - only if I am senile.
The Rebel - the novel is good, that cast is A+++ (Zhou Yi Long! Tong Yao!) and I love period spies, so bring it on, even if the only thing they will make out with is Maoism.
You Are My Glory - they are both beautiful and can’t act so a perfect match aka my glory is that I don’t have to watch this drama.
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renzu-valra · 4 years
The Basics: Nobushige
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✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
In Garlemald. Elsewhere it is superficial. He has “friends” in high and low places and never needs for money. Of course, everything has its price. His health and his mental well-being the cost—both forcibly taken instead of offered in exchange for such “aid.” And they will continue to be the cost until he either dies or finds a method to escape them.
✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / deceased
Despite appearing as someone physically sound and moderately healthy, the truth is that he is far from it. Due to sharing his body with a decrepit, volatile entity not meant for the mortal flesh to endure, his personage has been slowly rotting away. Whilst it is simple enough to hide behind makeup and perfumes as well as delayed via other means, he is quite weak and growing weaker. Due to more recent “treatments” however, he has gained a modicum of strength, but what has been lost already cannot be healed.
✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / lower / middle / working / unsure
As someone who secrets himself away in an unknown location for the large majority of their waking hours and otherwise, it’s hard to consider himself as someone fitting into these rankings. However, those he affiliates himself with currently are of higher prestige and he holds himself to such standards besides.
✖ EDUCATION – qualified(?) / unqualified / studying
From a technical standpoint, he attended no schools and obtained no such degrees signifying his value academically, however he never once slacked when it came to learning. His youth was spent doing nothing but; and he also has a near photogenic memory when it comes to what he studied back then. He can write and speak several languages amongst other things.
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged / partnered / divorced / widow or widower / separated / single / it’s complicated
It was short-lived. He vowed never to remarry due to the respect he had for his late husband. Legally, he is not seen as being widowed however, as the death of his spouse was never recorded or made public knowledge.
✖ CHILDREN – has children / no children / wants children / adopted children
Depends who you ask. Nobushige considers the child living in his estate a younger brother. ‘Mother’ considers him her flesh and blood son. ‘She’ desires more and fantasizes about it when she is especially unwell. Nobushige has zero intent on ever being a father.
✖ FAMILY – close with sibling / not close with siblings / has no siblings / siblings are deceased / it’s complicated
He was raised by his brother for all his life save recently. As such, they are closer than anyone else could ever be. Yet they’ve recently been separated due to unforeseen events.. and if they reunited now, then who’s to say what will come of their relationship?
✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by both parents / other
His father died before he was born, and his mother shortly after due to mental trauma associated with his birth. He was brought up by his brother and another young boy besides.
✖ disorganized / organized / in between
✖ close-minded / open-minded / in between
✖ cautious / reckless / in between
✖ patient / impatient / in between
✖ outspoken / reserved / in between
✖ leader / follower / in between
✖ sympathetic / unsympathetic / in between
✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
✖ hardworking / lazy / in between
✖ cultured / uncultured / in between
✖ loyal / disloyal / in between
✖ faithful / unfaithful / in between
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / omnisexual / demisexual
It’s more than an orientation to him as he, plainly put; simply cannot feel such pleasures. The same goes for experiences like pain for example. He does not desire it as he cannot feel it.
✖ SEX – sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable
In regards to his own personage, it is considered a vile sin and something completely immortal without justification due to the severe (life-or-death) complex he has in relation to his own innocence. Whereas for others engaging in such acts he cares none for as they can do as they please. Neutral then, to the affairs of everyone else.
✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable
He considers “romance” in the conventional sense lacking. Base. Common. Unfulfilling. Its truest form unachievable by many. What then is its “truest form?” Is it something we even want to know?
✖ SEXUALLY – sexually adventurous / sex experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / uninterested
Would that he have never had the experience to begin with. Yet it was a necessary evil in order to make it to where he is today. If such a place can even be considered a good thing..
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
He has been trained in thaumaturgy, with a specialty in ice magicks; as well as with the blade. He has also trained some in self defense, however, given his current physical condition he can no longer take full advantage of his prior courses.
✖ LITERACY SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
One would assume since becoming blind this field of expertise would slack heavily, at least in terms of the written word. However, he is always practicing his writing even still and if you were for whatever reason communicating with him solely via letters, you would believe you were receiving letters from a prestigious literary master.
✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
To him, to pursue art is the grandest pursuit in this here mortal coil. On the surface, his artistic talent lays in his ability to design clothes and arrange flowers. Beneath that.. there lies another style of art he has deigned mastery of—conveying in itself a beauty incomprehensible to all save a selective few. As such, he will not share it with anyone else.
✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
He has not found opportunity to learn or tinker with mechanical devices of any sort, nor is there need for him to.
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codetrainwreck · 5 years
Geass Movie Super Ultimate Final Summary Extra Mega Sugoi Version (1/2)
Yeah I’m not updating the entire fucking summary post on an iPad in Japan. Here’s my summary of the movie after actually seeing it.
After the opening scene (5min DVD pre-release stuff), CC is talking on the phone to Shirley. CC thanks her for her assistance in getting Lelouch’s body back. Shirley has heard from Anya that CC has set off to revive Lelouch in mind as well and presumably called CC to check in on the status of operation get Lelouch his soul back. However, as the camera pans to Lelouch, we find that he’s a soulless moe blob.
In the capital of Zilkhstan, Milly interviews Shesthaal who is apparently also Zilkhstan’s PR guy (makes sense, he’s like the most photogenic person in the world). He talks about how: “Ooh it’s so terrible that Nunnally was kidnapped, she was doing peace-related things, how could anyone do this, wow I sure hope the person responsible is found”.
Also in the capital of Zilkhstan, CC and moe blob Lelouch are staying at a dumpy residence in what appears to be a slum or lower class area. Lelouch freaks out after squeezing a meat bun and tries to escape, but CC has tied the doors shut.
At night time, Kallen, Sayoko and Lloyd are running around the capital, being chased by Qujappat and his assassin gang when they CONVENIENTLY get chased to the same residence CC and Lelouch are staying at because this is Code Geass. The 3 of them explain to CC that Schneizel sent them to rescue Nunnally. Qujappat shows up and caps CC.
Qujappat recognizes them all as being lackeys of the UFN. And since he’s an asshole, not a knight or a gentleman, he Geasses her so she fights Sayoko and Lloyd. However, CC has regenerated by this point. Qujappat tries to Geass her as well but can’t. He then comes to the conclusion that, if you regenerate, and you can’t be Geassed, then you must be the former master of the Geass Cult. He “apologizes” for his rudeness and zip lines out w/his assassin gang. Back inside CC’s apartment, Kallen and the others discover Lelouch.
Offscreen, CC has recruited them to help her get Lelouch back, and the gang is shown driving away from the capital to the Wailing Prison, which is located nearby on the Gimsula flats. She explains that Lelouch might have gotten Charles’s code, but Cs’ World and also the access points got fuuuucked after Lelouch’s request, and the country of Zilkhstan has a section of the Geass Cult that broke off from the main branch so these Gates of Alam are located around the country, and one of them happens to be in the bottom of the Wailing Prison, and she needs that to get back Lelouch’s... uhh, essence. Kallen asks why the fuck CC just decided to do this on her own. CC replies that it was because they still have a promise.
During the day time, Qujappat reports to Shamna that CC showed up. The gang determines that the UFN is either going to attack Shamna’s temple, or the Wailing Prison. Shesthaal “umu”s (this is very important). Shamna orders Shesthaal to relieve Shalio, who is currently at the prison. Shesthaal, because he is a good boy, is enthusiastic to show the UFN lackeys how he fights.
Because this is Code Geass, the prison also happens to be the same prison that Suzaku is being held at. At said prison, Shalio is whipping Suzaku when he hears that Shamna has requested he return. As Shalio leaves, he sees CC among those who have stopped to do two-handed-eye-cover gesture while he passes by. CC, Lelouch and Kallen change into prisoner outfits while Sayoko disguises herself as a prison guard.
Inside the prison, they sneak in successfully then beat the shit out of the guards. CC gives one of the prisoners, Bitool, a guard’s keycard so the prisoners can be a distraction while they use the Gate of Alam. Buuuut, this is a big bamboozle. Bitool is the warden of the prison and already plans to deal with the UFN gang. CC flooding out the area to use the gate causes the Zilkh government to be concerned about the water levels in the temple, and Shesthaal has a real Marie Antoinette moment where he wonders why they’re going after water and not KMFs or something.
CC finds the Gate and goes in to the Thought Elevator with Lelouch. She finds souls scattered everywhere. As she approaches the small purple orb (which I’m assuming represents Cs’ World aka God aka the Colllective Unconscious after Lelouch dismantled it with his wish in R2), CC is surprised to find images of Marianne and Charles appear in the orb. Charles’s leftover essence has fucked Cs’ World. A mass of black souls encompass moe blob Lelouch, presumably an extension or influence of Charles’s essence.
Meanwhile, back in reality, the prison staff is fighting the UFN rescue squad. Kallen and Bitool fight in Ghedo Vakkas but Bitool corners her and captures her. The Fist of the North Star Beyblade dude captures Lloyd and Sayoko after threatening to blow up Sayoko with his 3rd beyblade launch (it was something like, the first two are to trap you, the third is to blow you up).
Back in the metaphysical world, in the Thought Elevator, CC has flown through trying to find moe blob Lelouch. She reaches up, and the individual souls of others have come to help her get Lelouch back, throwing their hands out towards him as well, allowing her to symbolically reach past Charles. Seemingly without resolution, CC is ejected from the Thought Elevator and spit out back in the prison where Fist of the North Beyblade and his 2 lackeys are waiting for her.
Fist of the North Beyblade shoots her, but seeing her not instantly dying, he realizes that she’s the one that Super Duper Elite Royal Bodyguard Captain Shesthaal was talking about. Before Beyblade can kill Lloyd and Sayoko, Lelouch materializes on a platform and Geasses the 3 enemies to kill themselves. Fist of the North Beyblade explodes his 3rd beyblade, causing CC to jump off into the water because even though she’s immortal and she can regenerate, this is Code Geass and we need an excuse to have CC wet.
Meanwhile, Kallen is being carted off to get used as a fuckdoll by Bitool and his gang because this is Code Geass and you know Kallen is pretty much only used for fan service because she has committed the heinous crime of Not Being CC. The movie hammers this point in by having her tied up like in R2. She even gets rescued later by Sayoko. JUST LIKE IN R2.
So, Lelouch is back, he’s fiddling with the prison security and map layout, then he finds Suzaku and goes to chill with Suzaku. Suzaku is not amused by how Lelouch is alive and thinks that even Zero Re;quiem was a big bamboozle all along. Lelouch invites Suzaku to beat the shit out of him, and Suzaku obliges. CC comes and stops Suzaku, saying that this wasn’t something Lelouch planned nor was he trying to bamboozle anyone - this was CC’s own desire.
Shesthaal and the military have surrounded the prison and ask for Zero and the UFN to turn themselves over. Additionally, if CC comes quietly, Shesthaal will see to it she be treated as a guest of the state. Like honestly... Why not just take this offer and Geass him? Anyway, Lelouch calls back on the channel that goes through the whole prison and calls Shesthaal an insolent piece of shit. Shesthaal remarks that he doesn’t care what Zero says about him, but warns Zero not to talk shit about his family. Lelouch then proceeds to insult his family for serving Zilkhstan for 120 some years.
Shesthaal gets triggered as fuck and gets That One Mad Face that all KimuTaka-drawing characters get and sends the royal guard in. Suzaku runs a distraction in a Ghedo Vakka, but Shesthaal assumes that’s a decoy and commands everyone to ignore it. Sayoko rescues Kallen, and the 2 of them plus Lloyd activate some Sakuradite containers that Bitool had laying around for God knows how many years and put them in Suzaku’s holding cell.
Since his unit was being ignored, Suzaku successfully escapes with Kallen and Sayoko and a container of Lloyd + the Geassed prison staff that Lelouch had help with the escape. Shesthaal swings down to Suzaku’s holding cell assuming Zero is there. He asks where Zero is (Nobbu VA work is very cute here btw), remarking he didn’t think Zero would run away else something would happen to Nuinnally. Lelouch activates the Sakuradite with 239408238094 button presses, killing both Shesthaal and my interest in this movie.
To be continued in part 2.
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valravnocs · 5 years
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NEW OC...... hell yea.
made with a mashup of Cyberpunk 2020 + Night Life, Drahomír is a vampire, born in 1719 + turned in 1813, who is currently 200+ years old. The son of a Marquis and eldest of three boys (with one twin sister), he was infected when he was twenty-two and driven from the marquisate after murdering both of his parents when unable to control his bloodlust. Beginning in the early 80s, Drahomír began to set himself up for great things in the future, and by the 2020s has become the single most powerful Fixer in the city. You want information? Drugs? Assassinations? Espionage? Illegal weapons and cybernetics? Fake identification or other forgeries? You come to Draha and his men. Almost everyone owes him some sort of favor, and no one can touch him. A member of the Kin faction called the Complex, Drahomír believes that humans should be beneath Kin, rather than that everybody should coexist— coexistence means hiding, and since Kin are stronger, have a myriad of supernatural abilities, and are near-totally immortal Draha believes there’s absolutely no reason for humans to be the world leaders. Where many powerful Kin who share his beliefs have joined the Morningstar Corporation (a global megacorp made up of Kin who work to realize the Complex’s goals by hiding within human society), Draha would much rather avoid hiding as much as possible. Megacorps face a lot of scrutiny, after all, and by existing in the criminal underworld during a time when strength- and longevity-enhancing cybernetics are commonplace Drahomír practically doesn’t have to hide at all.
Draha has a mixture of both Kin Edges (supernatural powers) AND cybernetics. For Edges, he has two natural powers all vampires share: drain (the ability to feed), and mesmerize (the ability to manipulate people’s minds). In addition, he has mistform (the ability to turn into mist and travel through tiny spaces/unseen), infection (the ability to willingly turn a human), armor (naturally damage-resistant skin), danger sense (the ability to sense that he’s in danger/where the danger is coming from), event manipulation (the ability to adjust the future; this takes quite a lot out of him, and while possible it would be a struggle to change the past/present), locate human (he has a psychic link with his human lover and can always find him), nocturnal vision, and photogenics (the ability to have his photo taken). For cybernetics, Draha has a skinwatch (glowing numerals showing the time implanted beneath his kin) and light tattoos, skin weave (additional skin armor), claws, a bug detector (ear implant to detect any tapped devices) and a voice stress analyzer (an incredibly accurate lie detector, essentially), a linear frame to boost his already very high strength, and one cyberarm with hydraulic rams (strength boost), reinforced joints, EMP/microwave shielding, and a transparent plastic covering
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fra99lotus · 5 years
Day 3 Reguri Week
- Come on, give me a nice smile!
- ...
Red lifted his face from the cereal cup and found a person sitting in front of him with his face covered by a giant last-generation cell phone.
From the top, he could see a tuft of auburn hair so he knew it was Green. Unfortunately, every morning he had some difficulty in waking up from his torpor, so it always took a few minutes before he recognized his surroundings, including his husband.
He snorted as he sensed what Green was trying to do and muttered slightly annoyed.
- Don't tell me you're taking pictures again. You know that I am unpresentable in the morning.
- Come on, don't be shy! I just want your photo where you smile!
In response, Red began to cover his face with his hands so as not to be immortalized again by his companion and when he heard him moan in a low voice he smiled sweetly.
Green was really unbearable ... he always lost a lot of time, when they were alone at home, doing themselves and taking lots of pictures of him. No matter what they were doing, the boy seemed to have his hand stuck to the phone he promptly pulled out as soon as he could take a picture of his beautiful husband.
Red hated being photographed, he thought he was not photogenic and above all that Green could use those shots to blackmail him into doing something or whatever.
He didn't know what their real use was ... in fact the young gym leader enjoyed putting the funniest photos on his mobile phone background or sending them to his best friend, Leaf to comment on them together. Or rather, Leaf tried to kindly respond to Green's continuous messages that said "DON'T YOU FIND MY HUSBAND BE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MAN IN THE WORLD ?! Look! Here he got dirty with toothpaste on his shirt!"
While finished his breakfast, his rival took a quick look at all the pictures he had taken since he woke up.
One where Red was still sleeping. One where Red opened one eye.
One where Red put a hand over the camera lens to censor himself.
One where Red (in his underwear) came out of bed and went to the bathroom.
One of the closed bathroom door.
One of Red, who had left the room, walked dead in the kitchen.
And then another couple of photos of him taking out the cereal box, the milk, and starting to eat.
Green smiled every time he ran his thumb on the screen. He really couldn't believe that there could be a nicer boy in the whole world.
He shifted his gaze to the companion who was about to finish breakfast and with a feline leap went to his side and taking the phone up in front of them took a selfie of both of them.
Red slipped a drop of milk from his chin in amazement and opened his mouth to say something but Green had gone to check on the photo.
- Oh damn, it came all blurry
- Green ...?
- Let's do another one! And this time smile!
- Green, at least spare me in the morning.
- Do not be a child! Now I want a nice selfie together.
The boy put the phone back into position, at which point Red thought that to make it stop as soon as possible he would have to play the game at least for a while. Then he raised his eyes to the sky but put himself in position with his eyes focused on the target.
Green looked back at him before shooting and slightly annoyed, pinched his cheeks.
- Ouch!
- I said I want a smile.
Red smiled politely for a few seconds in the direction of Green.
- So that's okay?
- You know what I meant! Idiot ... I just want a selfie where you smile too.
- Why do you care so much?
- Well ... because I have a lot of photos that portray us ... but never any where you look happy. In short, it almost seems like you're getting angry with me.
- ...
They remained for a few seconds staring at each other in silence in their eyes, until Green shook his head and came back as perky as before.
- Ah! Do you know what I care ?! I just need a new photo to add to my collection. Just watch the camera.
He returned with his face to his cell phone. Red in the meantime remained to reflect a little on the question.
He didn't want Green to think he wasn't happy to be in his company ... he didn't smile just because he hated that in times spent together, his beloved husband would waste more time taking pictures than being with him. However, it was decided to please him at least this time and two seconds before the photo was taken, Red showed a faint smile.
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chriswritesthings · 6 years
8 of the Good Bois in games
Video games have always been a platform onto which a person could fulfill their greatest wishes, sometimes that wish is to be the saviour of the world. Other times that wish will be to be the best at a certain discipline and for some it is to simply travel the world with a good boi at your side. For the uninitiated amongst us a good boi is a doggo or pupper, generally the term is gender neutral, however some people use it solely for male doggos, and can very rarely be a cat. It cannot be understated how important good bois are to any adventurer, they are a source of constant companionship throughout an adventure and are often the only characters that won’t betray you. Unerringly loyal, they are the adventurers best friend. In no particular order 8 of the best good bois in video games.
D-Dog - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
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Arguably the most photogenic good boi in this list. Venom Snake’s companion in MGSV D-Dog is the only actual canine member of the private military company Diamond Dogs. D-Dog can be found in the first mission of the game as a puppy. After being sent to your home base via the fulton recovery system D-Dog greets the player with puppy licks and a generally excitable personality. Revolver Ocelot then offers to train your new canine friend as an attack dog while you are on missions, eventually allowing you to bring to him on missions.  
D-Dog is an incredibly good boi with a winning smile and a well fitting eye patch. 11/10 would rescue with a balloon extraction system.
Boomer - Far Cry 5
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A close second in good looks after D-Dog, Boomer can be found very early on by the player after receiving a distress call from Rae Rae, Boomer’s original owner. Once the player arrives at Rae Rae’s farm they find the family dead and Boomer locked in a cage and surrounded by Peggie cultists taunting our good boi. After clearing out all the enemies around the farm the player then frees Boomer and he offers to lend a paw to the resistance.
Boomer is a Australian Cattle dog mixed with an unknown breed giving him a blue spotted coat and sports an incredibly stylish climbing rope collar his only downside is that Ubisoft won’t let him get into your car with you. 13/10 Spotted spotting dog #letboomerrideshotgun
Annoying dog - Undertale
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Simply known as Annoying Dog in the game files and by most of the community this good boi is supposed to be an in game representation of Toby Fox, according to Toby himself. The characters sprite either represents a Samoyed or a Pomeranian, there is debate over this as in the demo of the game Annoying dog is represented by spr_tinypomwalk and snd_pombark however the sprite looks closer to a Samoyed due to its pointed ears and tail.
Regardless of the breed of this wonderful boi he will appear during the Papyrus boss fight to munch on Papyrus’s ‘special’ bone before being shoo’d away. Despite being dubbed Annoying this good pupper continues about his life with gusto, something we can all appreciate in life. 11/10 amour spécifique pour la vie
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Dogmeat is a recurring companion throughout the Fallout games, appearing in Fallouts 1 through 4 meaning the only games he doesn’t appear in are Tactics, Van Buren, Brotherhood of Steel and New Vegas. In Fallout 1 and 2 Dogmeat is a mut found terroising an old man in Junktown, distracting him for the old man allows the player to recruit our good boi as a companion. In Fallout 3 he is a cattle dog and is found in the scrapyard area of the Capital Wasteland fighting Raiders, helping him defeat the raiders allows him to be recruited. Finally in Fallout 4 Dogmeat is a german shepherd, a highly loyal species of good boi who will love the player unconditionally, and most importantly is set as essential in the game’s code meaning he can’t die. 13/10 Immortal, omnipresent good boi guardian
Sif - Dark Souls
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The only good boi on the list that can’t be a player companion. Sif, also known as the Great Grey Wolf, is the companion of the Artorias the Abyss walker in the first Dark Souls game. While Sif is actually a wolf, that makes them a proto dog. Artorias and Sif would fight against the monsters of the Abyss together. Artorius eventually sacrificed himself to save Sif, and in return Sif guards his grave, making this good boi the most loyal on the list. Unfortunately to progress through the game the player must fight and kill Sif as one of the games boss fights.
14/10 Fights with a greatsword, gives a great sense of regret when fighting.
Timber - Far Cry: New Dawn
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Not much is known about Timber, the good boi companion in the upcoming Far Cry: New Dawn. What we do know however, is that he’s a Shiba Inu, this means one important thing. Timber has the potential to revive the doge meme in the post apocalypse. Additionally it has been noted that Timber, as well as all other animal companions will be able to ride shotgun with you. 12/10 much wow.
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muttsterion · 6 months
A Kenny trait we don't discuss enough: Boy's very photogenic. Something that hasn't stopped even as an adult. ("Get my good side".)
Ha true! He's photogenic without even trying most of the time. There's no taking a bad photo of the immortal boi. "Get my good side." Sir Kenny, all of you is your good side. XD
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narcisbolgor-blog · 6 years
What People From Your Favorite Memes Look Like Now
Imagine the worst school photo or prom picture that's in your family photo album, now imagine that photo album is the internet. Well, that's what life has been like for the famous faces behind our favorite hilarious memes. Luckily, while the internet may not be a place that forgets, it does give chances for redemption.
Remember faces like 'side-eyeing Chloe' and 'bad luck Brian' well, they are all grown-up. From hilarious to downright awkward, the expressions these 'celebrities' made are forever immortalized on the web, but now so are their transformations. Just like a fine wine, most of these stars have gotten better over time. And even though they are older now, these funny faces are still quite recognizable (don't worry the ridiculously photogenic guy is still ridiculously photogenic). Scroll down below to see your favorite meme celebrities then and now and don't forget to upvote your favs!
#1 Success Kid (Sam Griner)
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The meme originated in 2007, after Laney Griner uploaded a photograph of her son Sammy trying to eat sand to Flickr. The meme gained initial popularity captioned "I Hate Sandcastles", suggesting that the boy had just destroyed another child's sandcastle. Laney disliked the "I Hate Sandcastles" meme as she felt it made her son – who in fact loved sandcastles – look like a bully, but she embraced the "Success...
The meme originated in 2007, after Laney Griner uploaded a photograph of her son Sammy trying to eat sand to Flickr. The meme gained initial popularity captioned "I Hate Sandcastles", suggesting that the boy had just destroyed another child's sandcastle. Laney disliked the "I Hate Sandcastles" meme as she felt it made her son – who in fact loved sandcastles – look like a bully, but she embraced the "Success Kid" concept. She said that her son gets embarrassed by his association with the meme.
#2 Disaster Girl (Zoe Roth)
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The photograph of the girl and the burning house was taken by Dave Roth in January 2004 during the local fire department's live drill training two blocks away from his home in Mebane, North Carolina. While observing the fire, Dave caught his daughter, Zoe, smiling devilishly juxtaposed against the burning house. “I’d love for the meme to help me get into or pay for college somehow,” Zoe says. “But I...
The photograph of the girl and the burning house was taken by Dave Roth in January 2004 during the local fire department's live drill training two blocks away from his home in Mebane, North Carolina. While observing the fire, Dave caught his daughter, Zoe, smiling devilishly juxtaposed against the burning house. “I’d love for the meme to help me get into or pay for college somehow,” Zoe says. “But I ultimately want people to know me for me.”
#3 Side-Eyeing Chloe (Chloe)
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On September 12th, 2013, YouTuber KAftC uploaded a video titled "Lily's Disneyland Surprise… AGAIN," which shows two sisters, Lily and Chloe, reacting to the news of a surprise trip to Disneyland on their way to school. As the older sister, Lily, breaks into tears of joy, Chloe is briefly seen on camera with a disturbed look on her face that will forever be known as the 'Side-Eyeing Chloe'.
#4 Good Luck Charlie (Mia Talerico)
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It's a scene from the Disney Channel show "Good Luck Charlie". The expressive girl is often used as a synonym for "I don't know"
#5 Doge
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On February 23rd, 2010, Japanese kindergarten teacher Atsuko Sato posted several photos of her rescue-adopted Shiba Inu dog Kabosu to her personal blog. The photos included a peculiar shot of Kabosu sitting on a couch while glaring sideways at the camera with raised eyebrows, which is now known as the first picture of "Doge"
#6 Overly Attached Girlfriend (Laina Morris)
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In 2012 YouTuber Laina Morris uploaded a webcam video in which she performs a parody version of Justin Bieber's "Boyfriend" with personalized lyrics. The video was submitted in response to Bieber's announcement of an online sing-off contest in promoting his celebrity perfume "Girlfriend". But it wasn’t an easy trip from meme origin to YouTube success, Morris spoke about privacy issues following the meme's success. “Strangers were finding my personal Facebook...
In 2012 YouTuber Laina Morris uploaded a webcam video in which she performs a parody version of Justin Bieber's "Boyfriend" with personalized lyrics. The video was submitted in response to Bieber's announcement of an online sing-off contest in promoting his celebrity perfume "Girlfriend". But it wasn’t an easy trip from meme origin to YouTube success, Morris spoke about privacy issues following the meme's success. “Strangers were finding my personal Facebook page and talking to my friends. They were finding where I worked and trying to access my college records” Morris recalls.
#7 Trying To Hold A Fart Next To A Cute Girl In Class (Michael McGee)
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On March 2nd, 2014, Redditor aaduk_ala submitted a photograph titled "Trying to hold a fart next to a cute girl in class" to the /r/funny subreddit. When asked whether he has felt any regret about his internet fame, McGee responded: “My take on being ‘internet famous’ is cool and all. But I regret not copyrighting the picture right away because I could have made a lot of money there!”
#8 Ridiculously Photogenic Guy (Zeddie Smith)
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"Ridiculously Photogenic Guy" is Zeddie Little running in the 2012 Cooper River Bridge Run. When asked about the appeal behind the meme, Little responded: "I really don't know, but I kinda feel honored to be part of a joke that's in good spirit because sometimes the Internet can be a little vicious or jokes can get bent the wrong way. But these are all kinda, for the most part,...
"Ridiculously Photogenic Guy" is Zeddie Little running in the 2012 Cooper River Bridge Run. When asked about the appeal behind the meme, Little responded: "I really don't know, but I kinda feel honored to be part of a joke that's in good spirit because sometimes the Internet can be a little vicious or jokes can get bent the wrong way. But these are all kinda, for the most part, positive. It's funny that everybody is kinda taking like to it. It's, I guess, the most flattering way to get spread across the Internet."
#9 Bad Luck Brian (Kyle Craven)
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The guy in the picture is not actually Brian, his name is Kyle Craven. The Picture was first posted on January 23rd, 2012 by a long-time friend of Kyle with a caption “Takes driving test .?.?. gets first DUI.”
#10 Ermahgerd (Maggie Goldenberger)
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"Ermahgerd" is a rhotacized pronunciation of "oh my god". The meme first emerged on March 14th, 2012, as a post titled "Just a book owners smile…". The girl in the meme, Maggie Goldenberger, said that the picture was created in fourth or fifth grade when she and her friends seriously got into playing dress-up.
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Grumpy Cat is the nickname given to Tardar Sauce, a snowshoe cat that rose to online fame after several pictures of her annoyed facial expressions were posted to Reddit in late September 2012.
#12 First World Problems (Silvia Bottini)
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The woman from the "First World Problems" meme is actually an award-winning Italian actress
#13 Blinking White Guy (Drew Scanlon)
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The GIF comes from a live stream shot in 2013, when Drew Scanlon was a video producer at the popular gaming website Giant Bomb. During one of the team's weekly "Unprofessional Fridays" shows, Scanlon watched as editor-in-chief Jeff Gerstmann played Starbound, a two-dimensional action-adventure game. "I've been doing some farming," Gerstmann narrated, "with my h*e." Scanlon reacted with the expression now known as the "Blinking White Guy"
#14 Scumbag Steve (Blake Boston)
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The first known time this image was posted on Reddit was January 21st, 2011. A commenter in the Reddit thread identified the young man in the photo as Blake Boston, also known as "Weezy B." In an interview with Know Your Meme, Blake revealed that the picture was originally taken by his mother. "I have no regrets in my life …no matter what I do. I can completely f*ck up...
The first known time this image was posted on Reddit was January 21st, 2011. A commenter in the Reddit thread identified the young man in the photo as Blake Boston, also known as "Weezy B." In an interview with Know Your Meme, Blake revealed that the picture was originally taken by his mother. "I have no regrets in my life …no matter what I do. I can completely f*ck up on something and I still don't regret it. Because at the end of the day, that makes me who I am, so I wouldn't go back and erase anything, if I were to go back in time."
#15 Hipster Barista (Dustin Mattson)
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The first noted instance of Hipster Barista was uploaded on August 24, 2011. The guy in the picture, Dustin Mattson, expressed how he felt about the meme in an interview for Eater Atlanta: "I do find it discouraging and disappointing that there was so much exposure brought to an attempt at making a joke of a culinary industry and the professional barista. To me, it's very telling on how we laud...
The first noted instance of Hipster Barista was uploaded on August 24, 2011. The guy in the picture, Dustin Mattson, expressed how he felt about the meme in an interview for Eater Atlanta: "I do find it discouraging and disappointing that there was so much exposure brought to an attempt at making a joke of a culinary industry and the professional barista. To me, it's very telling on how we laud farm-to-table food, craft beer, cocktail mixology, but it's ok to have no respect for the specialty coffee world and the people who are committed to it. On the other hand, the whole thing only makes me want to work harder at my job, make better coffee, serve my customers better, and bring more positive exposure to both the company I work for, the barista profession, and specialty coffee as a whole. If anyone were to see my and my coworkers' work in the café, they'd see that it doesn't quite match up to most of the jokes made against the "Hipster Barista"."
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
50 years On Of Apollo 11's Journey, A Big Leap Into The Unknown
http://tinyurl.com/yxp4qjrk Apollo 11’s journey to the Moon had gone in response to plan (Representational Picture) Washington:  The primary 4 days of Apollo 11’s journey to the Moon had gone in response to plan, however simply twenty minutes earlier than touchdown, the ambiance grew tense because the crew encountered a sequence of issues. It was July 20, 1969, and because the world adopted the spacecraft’s progress, it briefly misplaced radio contact with mission management in Houston.  Then, because the lunar module Eagle was in the course of its descent, piloted by Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and mission commander Neil Armstrong, an alarm bell started ringing. Eagle had indifferent two hours earlier from the primary a part of the vessel, the command module, Columbia, the place the third crew member Michael Collins remained in orbit. It was an anxious second for Armstrong, a superb take a look at pilot and aeronautical engineer, however a person of famously few phrases.  “Give us a studying on the 1202 Program Alarm,” he radios to mission management. They’re instructed to maintain going. Houston realizes the onboard pc is experiencing an overflow, however all techniques are purposeful. Beneath them, the Moon’s craters are zipping by quick. Too quick, realizes Armstrong: at this price, they are going to overshoot the touchdown web site by a number of miles.  He switches to guide management and begins to scope out a brand new touchdown web site from his porthole. However there’s bother discovering the right spot, and it should be tight.  “Fairly rocky space,” he tells Aldrin. Aldrin continues to inform him pace and altitude readings from the pc. “Coming down properly,” he says. “Gonna be proper over that crater,” Armstrong replies. In the meantime, the gasoline is quickly depleting.  Houston continues to announce the variety of seconds left to the “Bingo gasoline name” — the purpose at which Eagle can have 20 seconds left to land, or abort the mission. It’s now 30 seconds left to Bingo. Armstrong, summoning all his expertise, is silent as he concentrates. The module involves a relaxation on the bottom. “Contact Mild,” says Aldrin, that means one of many leg’s foot sensors has touched down. The engines are switched off. “Houston, Tranquility Base right here. The Eagle has landed,” broadcasts Armstrong. “We copy you on the bottom. You bought a bunch of men about to show blue. We’re respiration once more. Thanks loads,” replies Charlie Duke, the CapCom or capsule communicator on the bottom.  Nazi rocket manHistorical past information that the quantity of people that labored on the Apollo program was 400,000. However two figures tower above the remainder for his or her contributions. In 1961, President John F Kennedy known as upon his vp Lyndon Johnson to beat the Soviets in house. “We’re in a strategic house race with the Russians, and we’re shedding,” Kennedy had written in {a magazine} the 12 months earlier than. “If a person orbits Earth this 12 months, his identify will probably be Ivan.” Johnson reaches out to the godfather of NASA’s house program: Wernher von Braun.  The previous card-carrying Nazi was the inventor of the V-2 rockets that rained destruction on London in World Warfare II.  Towards the top of the battle, he surrendered himself to the Individuals, who introduced him and 100 of his greatest engineers to Alabama, as a part of the key “Operation Paperclip.” Von Braun instructed Johnson that whereas the US was properly behind, they might conceivably beat the Russians when it got here to placing males on the Moon, in the event that they instantly began work on a large booster rocket. Kennedy would handle Congress later that 12 months, famously committing “to touchdown a person on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth” by the last decade’s finish. Eight years later, Richard Nixon was president when the aim was realized. In case of a tragedy, he had ready the next remarks: “Destiny has ordained that the boys who went to the Moon to discover in peace will keep on the moon to relaxation in peace.” However the extraordinary nationwide efforts paid off. All of it occurred quick, due to a clean test for the mission from Congress. Between October 1968 and Could 1969, 4 preparatory Apollo missions had been launched. Armstrong was chosen in December 1968 to command the eleventh.  Months from launch, Armstrong instructed Aldrin he was pulling rank and can be the primary to set foot on the lunar floor.  “I stored my silence a number of extra days, on a regular basis struggling to not be offended with Neil,” Aldrin later recalled in his memoirs.  “In spite of everything, he was the commander and, as such, the boss.” The large leapWhen the monstrous rocket designed by von Braun launched with the Apollo 11 capsule at its summit on Wednesday, July 16 1969, a million folks flocked to the seaside throughout from Cape Canaveral to observe. However many had doubts that they’d achieve touchdown on the Moon on the primary try. Armstrong confided in 1999: “My intestine feeling was that we had a 90 p.c probability — or higher — of getting again safely, and a 50 p.c probability of creating a profitable touchdown.”  For these in America, the ultimate descent would happen on Sunday night.  In Europe, it was already nighttime, however everybody was glued to their televisions, although they might solely hear crackling radio communications till Armstrong arrange his black and white digital camera forward of his first step. His grandmother had suggested him to not do it if he felt hazard; he had agreed, in response to the e book “Rocket Males” by Craig Nelson. As he climbed right down to the foot of the ladder, he noticed that Eagle’s footpads had sunk into the bottom by solely an inch or two, and the floor appeared very wonderful grained. “It is virtually like a powder,” he recalled. Then, over the radio: “Okay. I will step off the LM now.”  A pause, after which the immortal phrases: “That is one small step for man; one large leap for mankind.” Based on Armstrong, the road wasn’t scripted. “I considered it after touchdown,” he would say in an oral historical past recorded by NASA in 2001. One downside: with out the indefinite article (“a person”), it wasn’t grammatically appropriate. Armstrong mentioned he meant to say it, however agreed it was inaudible. What does the Moon appear like, up shut? Its shade varies with the angle of the Solar: from brown to gray to black as coal. And the decrease stage of gravity takes getting used to. “I began jogging round a bit, and it felt like I used to be shifting in sluggish movement in a lazy lope, typically with each of my toes floating within the air,” Aldrin wrote in a e book in 2009. Over the course of two-and-a-half hours, Armstrong picks up piles and piles of Moon rocks and takes images. Aldrin installs a seismometer and two different scientific devices. They plant the US flag, and depart behind a bunch of things together with a medal honoring the primary man in house, Russia’s Yuri Gagarin. Of the 857 black and white pictures, and 550 in shade, solely 4 present Armstrong. The bulk are of Aldrin. “He is much more photogenic than I’m,” he joked in 2001. Homeward sureBy the point they had been set to go, the astronauts had been lined in mud. Within the cockpit, “It smelled, to me, like moist ashes in a fire,” mentioned Armstrong. Collins had been ready up in orbit for the previous 22 hours. “My secret terror for the final six months has been leaving them on the moon and returning to Earth alone,” he later wrote.  “In the event that they fail to rise from the floor, or crash again into it, I’m not going to commit suicide; I’m coming residence, forthwith, however I will probably be a marked man for all times and I do know it.” Fortunately, the lunar module’s engine labored, it rendezvoused again with Columbia, and the trio started the lengthy journey residence. By the top, shorn of its further modules and gasoline, the capsule weighs solely 12,250 kilos, or 0.2 p.c of the launch weight of the totally loaded Saturn V rocket.  On July 24, it enters the ambiance, turning into for some time a fireball within the sky earlier than deploying three parachutes and splashing down safely into the Pacific. The US had dispatched an plane service to get well them. Nixon was on board. Elite divers extract the boys, who’re unhurt however malodorous after their journey, to switch them by helicopter to the ship.  There, they’re positioned in quarantine over the concern on the time that they could be contaminated with extraterrestrial microorganisms. At their first press convention, three weeks later, reporters requested the three males, now international heroes, whether or not they would ever contemplate returning to the Moon. “Within the Lunar Receiving Laboratory, we had little or no time for meditation,” replied Armstrong, ever to the purpose. None of them would return to house ever once more. After six extra missions, the Apollo program was terminated in 1972.  It was not till Donald Trump got here to workplace that the US would resolve to return to the Moon, underneath the Artemis program, named for Apollo’s twin sister.  (Aside from the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV workers and is revealed from a syndicated feed.) 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