#phone's still dead but they won't take my id at the store
candont · 10 months
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Now That's An Ending
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atseemzy · 4 years
Ateez Hongjoong/Mingi x Male Reader
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Warning: slight warning through the whole thing
Words: 3319
A/n: I wrote this for a school project but of course not with Ateez names in it but I change it for here!
I watch students crowd in the courtyard. I guess it's 2 o'clock. I look back at London who was still talking about some boys again like always and Paris ignore her as she play on her phone. Yup I said to myself just like any other day. I look to see what Paris was playing but instead she was mocking her sister. I shook my head as London punch her and continue to talk. I look away one more time looking at all the people walking around talking and laughing with their friends. I turn back around to find that the twins walk off without me again. I ran to catch up with them until my phone went out.
I stop and pull my phone out of my pocket looking at the ID that pop up on my screen. I didn't want to pick it up so I swipe the reject bubble and quickly ran to the twins who stop when they saw me stop.
"Was it your mom again." London ask.
I didn't really want to answer her at the moment. So I shrugged my shoulders and continue to walk.
Paris stop in front of me and said," you know that you have to talk to her now or later right."
I shook my head and said," Talking to her is like talking to a wall. She never listens and she won't tell me anything. Why should I answer her just to hear her complain and tell me I should have just done nothing with my life."
I watch as the two back away a little bit. I look down to the ground not wanting to see their face. I know somewhere that they were disappointed in me because of what I just said. I felt a hand be place on my shoulder.
"You know that we never meant to upset you M/n." Paris said to me.
I kept my head down some they would see how much I hate myself at the moment. They just didn't understand how frustrating it was when you want to know about family and all your mom ever says is that they didn't love her or me. That my dad left because he known that I was never going to be good son for him.
That what she says to me all the time over and over again. I look at the ground trying to think of a time that she didn't lie to me.
The twins were gone by the time I snap back to reality. I sigh and watch people walk by with their life. I wonder what the truth has in store for me. If I ever find out what the truth is. It like the same question all the time. Why did he leave? Why didn't my family love me? Is it my mom's fault for this? Why must there be so many question that need to be answer? Taking a deep breath I continue to walk to class that seem to be miles away from where I'm standing. It seem that every time I get closer to something it moves far away from my reach.
After class I walk back to the bench think of what to do now. I could go hang out with London and Paris or I could go home and catch up on some TV series. Maybe I could finally go to the store so that I have food in my apartment. Hm I look down at my feet trying to figure out what to do. I could do all three and just call it even after I'm done. I was snap back to reality again but a big gust of wind.
I look up to the sky to find large holes start to form in the sky. Everyone watch the hole in sky wondering or scared of what was happening. I stop looking around and rush to the math building. London and Paris have math so maybe they are safe. I quickly ran down the hallway looking for room 609. I stop in front of the door walking into the room to find that there was no one there.
"London," I yell through the empty room hoping they were hiding.
After waiting awhile and I didn't hear anything in the room but now I was looking out the window watching people after people be killed or people killing people in the courtyard. I thought back just couple of hours ago with happy people talking and laughing but now the courtyard was filled with bodies and blood.
The thought of one of them could be London or Paris or both made me sick. The sick feeling made want to know where the two where.
I made my way out the building looking around for anything that could kill me and looking at the ground for London or Paris. The scene in front of me was too much but it the only way to get out of the mess that lay down around me. I took a deep breath and continue to walk through the bodies till I made it to the street. The road was covered in red and the eerily silent made me uneasy.
"What do we have here," I heard a voice behind.
I turn around to see who it was but only to find two men there. I step back little bit once they got closer. They both seem to watch my every move not letting me get away from their stares.
"He doesn't seem to have a voice. What an idiot," the one with brown eyes said.
"Hmm it seem you might be right Hongjoong but we should still give him a chance to answer for himself or killing him wouldn't be fun like the others," the other said.
I quickly said," what are you?"
The question was the only thing that I had on my mind. The only stupid thing I could says might be my last words.
I felt chills run up my spine as the sun started to set. This isn't good I don't want to be here in the dark with them.
"We are running out of time Mingi." Hongjoong said.
Mingi look up to the sky and smile," I guess you're right."
I watch them closely so if they did try to kill me I could run.
Mingi step forward then stop," there something about you that I wonder." Hongjoong look at me and nodded to Mingi.
How did I get into this mess now? I step back but I trip on something and fell.
Hongjoong laugh out," look at that he scare Mingi."
Mingi smile and look down at me. I quickly got up in embarrassment.
Mingi ask," so do you have anything to say beside that stupid question you ask?"
I nodded and said," why does it matter?"
Hongjoong snap and grab my shirt bring me closer to them.
"Listen here brat you are wasting our time and I think it time for yours to be over," he yell to me.
I closed my eyes waiting for something but before anything could happen Mingi said," wait Hongjoong we might could use him if need too. Let keep him maybe he will be a good slave to keep."
Hongjoong drop me onto the ground and look back at Minhi then nodded. I got up but looking down at my hand that were now covered in blood. I felt light headed because of all the blood and the smell of dead bodies. I look around feeling dizzy and all the bodies blur into on dark red blurry circles. I step back kind of scared of what was going on.
"Catch him Hongjoong ," I heard Mingi says.
I felt arms pull me up as gravity pull down on me. The room I woke up in was a small room with no windows and one door stood to my right. The walls were a rusted brown color and the floor were damp. The only light that was coming into the room was a wall light that didn't give out much light. I look around the poor lighting room looking for something that maybe help me know where I was. I walk over to the door pulling on in then pushing on it but nothing the door was lock.
After for what felt like years the door open. I look at Jimin as he cross the room to me. I back away from him as he tried to touch me.
"Get away from me," I said to him.
He stood there looking at me and drag me over to the door.
"Sometimes you humans never listen," he said under his breath but just enough for me to hear him.
I tried to get up to walk but he was moving too fast causing me to fall and be drag to where he was taking me. I wasn't mad just frustrated that I can't get up. I felt tears in my eye as my frustration increase.
"Let me get up," I yell to him.
He stop and turn to me," you ever do that again and I will kill you where you stand next time."
He then wait for me to get up but as soon as I did he pull me harshly causing me to fall back down. The hallway was dark and at the end of it was a single door. Hongjoong didn't really talk much just turn around here and there to see what I was doing. Hongjoong open the door and threw me. I land on the ground and groan in pain.
"Hongjoong you should be careful with our guest," Mingi said.
Hongjoong rolled his eyes and walk over me to go sit down. I got up slowly making sure that Hongjoong stay where he was as I got up. I brush off my clothes from being on the floor. I didn't know what was going to happen but whatever it is I don't like it. I stood there waiting for something from the two but nothing came at all. The room was silent as I look around....
They didn't get up or say anything just went back to looking at the many maps and plans. I wish I could understand what they were saying but the language didn't sound like anything I knew or heard before.... it wasn't long before Hongjoong caught me trying to get out of the room that they were in. He quickly grab and pull me down the hallway and into the room where I was lock in early.....
Once I was in the room, he lock the door and walk away. I got up fast trying to get the door open again but fail. How could this room be so old but this door won't break..... I cry a bit as I hurt myself many time just trying to get the door open..... why won't it open....
After a couple of days being in the room that I woke up in I was finally got the door to open. I look down the long hallway where there was only one door at the end. I walk down the hallway slowly making sure that I didn't make to much sound. I place both of my hands on each wall to make sure that if the was hidden door I would find it.
Couple of minutes later my hand pass a bump in the wall. I stop and went back to it looking at it closely. I put my hand on the bump and push to see if it would move. Nothing happen so I grab onto the edge of the bump was pull back. It slowly open and I look in and there at the bottom I could see a road and hear noise. The noise was so loud that it sound like it came from the courtyard from the college. The thoughts about the college made me think of London and Paris. I wonder if they are trying to find me or at least trying to keep themselves safe. I snap back and sat down on the edge of the door step. I took a deep breath feeling my anxiety rising in my crest as I push myself off the edge.
The fall wasn't long and I landed on my knees. I rush to stand up and run but stop in this alleyway for safety. I look around and ran to the street where a whole bunch of people crowd. I look around the street till I saw a pair of eye that were familiar. He watch me closely like he was telling me to stay still and not move from that spot. Then it hit me that it was Hongjoong and he just saw me. I kept an eye out for him but then took off hoping that I would find a way out of this place.
After running for a while I came to a weird hole that was on the ground. I look down at it to see the half ruin college that I went to. I look back to see if Hongjoong had found me but nothing but silence was heard. I place myself over the hole and slowly push my foot down to see if it was open. My foot went down below the ground to the ground in my universe. I didn't waste anymore time and step into my universe.
The buildings look like war had spend out and the bodies made the air smell so bad. The blood on the street had stain the sidewalk and road. I look around thinking of a place that London and Paris might have went. I wasn't worried about Hongjoong or Mingi because I knew where I was going here and they didn't know where to go. I quick ran down the street to the apartment building that belong to the college. I quickly threw the door open and climb the stairs. I made my way to London's apartment. I open the door to find nothing but a notice that London wrote.
'To whoever is reading this there is a group of us that is moving to a safer place. There are clues to where we are. Hopefully you can find us. M/n if this is you I hope your safe and you find me because there is something I must tell you.'
I place the notice down and ran down the stair then into the road. I look around the street to try to a find a the clue. There wasn't nothing that look different but I don't know how long i have been and the other universe. It was frustrating and I slam my hand into the side of a building. I press my back against the building and side down. I sat there for a while not knowing what to do. I'm so lost and there is no one here.
The day was gone and I woke up looking at the mess of my town. Nothing is going to change what they ruined. The people that live here are now gone and all that is left is building from us. The sky was a greyish color with no sunlight at all. This universe had became their just from one attack. I felt tears run down my face knowing that this is the end of us.
I got up and continue to walk down the street watching for anything that could lead me to somewhere safe. I already made my mind up if I get caught by Mingi and Hongjoong I wouldn't fight it and go with them. I came to a stop at the cross road in front of me this was it wasn't there was a white mark on one of the stop sign. I went to the right to follow the mark way. After couple of more signs there was another one.
It seem like forever when I finally made it to the end of the white marks. It took couple of day to make it to the camp. I walk around slowly to see where everyone was. The silent made my stomach turn as I turn the corner of the building. I fell to my knees looking around at the bodies that laid on the ground. I didn't want to get up to check who they were because I was afraid to see London or Paris there on the ground just like the beginning.
I slowly got up and walk through all the bodies looking closely to tell if one was London or Paris. There she was on the ground and little bit farther was Paris. After an hour of checking there they were. I look away knowing that they wasn't alive. I fell to my knees and cry to myself. I felt like everything was done that there was nothing left. I step back having thoughts that clouded my mind and ran off. I didn't know where I was going but I didn't care. I stop and lay down in a grass area. I had let my thoughts take over and the tears wouldn't stop. I lost everything even my mom someone I didn't care about but it still hurt. I closed my eyes hoping that sleep would take over and in a couple of minutes it did.
The sound of voices fill my ear as I open my eye. Where was I? I got up off the bed and walk to the window. I look down at the street to find people walking down the road like nothing had happen just a couple of weeks ago. I look to find the college but instead I found a park. This was my universe so why isn't anything the same. I look down at the people that fill the street and remember the blood and bodies that were there before. I remember the twins and how I rudely told them to leave me alone.
I step out of room that I was in to find some answer somewhere. I walk down a long stairway and there was only two people at the end of the stairway.
"Mister Hongjoong would like to see you in his office," one of them said to me and I follow her.
When we got there I sat down in front of a desk waiting for her to leave so that I could get some answers. Hongjoong turn around and look at me.
"You really surprise me on what you did," he said to me.
I didn't say anything not knowing what I did.
He seem to understand me and explain," you were under so much stress you time travel to the future but Mingi and I ready knew you could." "
We waited to see if you would really do it," he continued.
"You made our job a lot easier and we thank you for that," a voice said from behind me.
I knew who it was Mingi. I didn't turn around but felt a hand be place on my shoulder and Hongjoong stood up to go to Mingi. I felt his hand be place on my shoulder too.
"We been planing this for years now and it was to just to put you in stressful situations to get what we needed." Mingi said.
I felt my energy slowly leave me as they continue to tell me of all the things that they had planned.
"To think now you just belong us now,"Hongjoong said.
This was it. This was my story to a painful past and a misery future.
- M/n
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ohmyprodigalson · 5 years
Can I request a Malcolm x reader where the reader is taken by the junkyard killer but she doesn't fit his MO (is a good church girl never done drugs and such) so he can't/ won't hurt her. But he knows that Malcolm is in love with her (maybe he was just getting ready to tell her?) and taking her hurts him so he uses her to taunt Malcolm. If not its ok!
I REALLY liked writing this one! Thank you for this prompt 🧡
Trigger Warnings: Abduction, violence towards a woman. 
Word Count: 2,105
(Y/N) and Malcolm were walking home from a date when she started to shiver. Even though she was wearing a heavy coat, she still managed to feel cold. So, Malcolm offered his scarf to her. She gladly accepted it and promised to return it to him in the morning. Time passed by quickly for them as they talked and laughed, until they reached their fork in the road. It was time for them to part for the night. She would walk in one direction towards her apartment, and he would walk another direction towards his own. He gave her a kiss goodnight, and as they parted, he almost said, “I love you.”
Malcolm thankfully caught himself before the words slipped out, but his heart was still racing. As he walked back to his apartment, he thought about how he would like to be able to say those words to her, but he wanted the first time to be special somehow. He was also a little afraid that she wouldn’t feel the same way towards him, but he tried to push that concern from his mind.
(Y/N) thought of the fun they had during their date as she walked alone, in the dark. She had never been afraid to walk alone at night because of all the streetlights, so she wasn’t paying attention when a windowless van came to a screeching halt in front of her. She was shocked into immobilization as the driver, wearing a mask, ran towards her. He punched her, stunning her with pain, and then picked her up and threw her into the back of the van. Before she knew it, she was trapped in complete darkness with nothing but cold metal all around her. (Y/N) screamed and cried out for help, but no one could hear her from inside the van as it drove quickly down the road. She looked for her phone, but he must have grabbed it out of her pocket when he threw her into the van.
(Y/N) started to shake in fear, and her face was in immense pain. When she reached up to cup her cheek, her hand brushed up against Malcolm’s scarf. It smelled like him – the warmth of the cherry blossoms in his shampoo and the musk of his cologne married together to form his unmistakable scent. (Y/N) lifted the scarf and held it against her face as she cried. Malcolm would know she was gone when she didn’t text him to let him know she had gotten home safe. It was something he always made her do. And when he found her missing, he would turn over every stone in the entire city until he found her. Malcolm would find her, and she had to stay strong until he did.
Malcolm thought it was strange when he arrived at his apartment with no text from (Y/N). She lived closer to their parting point than he did, and she should have texted him by now. Maybe she had to stop by a store? He waited for her text, but he never got it. Two hours and many unanswered calls later, he started to truly worry so he decided to go out and look for her. What if she just forgot to text him? If he found her safe and sound in her apartment, it would have still been well worth the walk to find her.
Malcolm walked quickly, looking for her along the way, but then he stepped on something. He bent over to pick it up, and when he held it in the light of the streetlamp, he saw that it was a delicate earring; the exact same earring (Y/N) had been wearing during their date.
Calm logic told him that she might have just lost an earring along the way, so he continued to walk towards her apartment and look for her. But his heart was racing and there was a small pit forming in his stomach. He banged on her door when he reached his destination, but there was no answer. There was no calm logic to be had now.
Just as Malcolm was about to call her again, his phone began to ring. The caller ID said it was (Y/N), and he answered without hesitation. “(Y/N)?! Are you ok? Where are you?”
There were no words, only screams. She sounded like she was a considerable distance from the phone, and Malcolm’s entire body stiffened. His eyes were wide as he listened to her blood-curdling screams.
He started to yell into the phone. "(Y/N)?! (Y/N)!!"
The man had drug her out of the van and locked her in a car. She looked all around her and scanned her surroundings for any clues about where she might be and who the man was. (Y/N) saw that she was surrounded by a bunch of other cars, and piles of cars that had been flattened. She was in a junkyard. He was the Junkyard Killer.
It all made sense now. He had abducted her to mess with Malcolm. Her cries for help turned into screams warning Malcolm. "Malcolm!! He's the Junkyard Killer!!"
The man thought about ending the call right then and there, but he was pleased that (Y/N) recognized him and he was intrigued to find out how Malcolm would react. He stayed on the line and listened for Malcolm's next words.
Malcolm’s voice was deep and dripping with anger. "I don't have to tell you that if you hurt her, I will kill you. But I do have to tell you that this is no idle threat. You know me. You know my father. And you know that we are the same. I will hunt you down, and when I find you, I will take great pleasure in making you suffer before you die. If you let her go now, I won't look for you. You have my word."
The Junkyard Killer laughed. "You can try." He hung up immediately and threw the phone on the ground, stomping on it until it shattered. He continued to laugh as he imagined the look on Malcolm's face, but then he turned towards the car (Y/N) was in. She had stopped screaming, but she was sobbing loudly. He had put her in a car under the crusher, but he didn't feel like killing her.
He did his research while figuring out who would be best to take away from Malcolm, and he found that she was the polar opposite of his usual victims. (Y/N) had a completely innocent soul. She'd never done drugs, she'd never hurt anyone, and she volunteered at the local animal shelter every weekend. Not only was she innocent, she was also pure.
The man couldn’t bring himself to murder her. He achieved his goal of hurting Malcolm, and nothing more needed to be done. However, he couldn't let her go. That would have nullified his threats, so he decided to leave her behind. If she died because she was never found, that blood would be on Malcolm's hands.
(Y/N) banged her fists on the car windows. How could Malcolm find her in a place like this? Was her tip-off enough? What if she was crushed by someone that worked there because they didn't check the car? What if Malcolm never found her? Still crying, she held Malcolm's scarf in her hands. (Y/N) had to have faith that he would find her and save her. But her cries were still too loud for the Junkyard Killer's liking. She could be found quickly if someone heard her, so he unlocked the car and opened it, punching her hard enough to knock her out. He locked the car again and left without looking back.
After the Junkyard Killer hung up, Malcolm gripped his phone tightly and looked down at the earring still in his hand. He was hyperventilating and his hand was shaking severely. It was already the wee hours of the morning, but he had to call Gil. He needed everyone's help if he was going to find (Y/N) in time.
Gil rubbed his eyes as his phone rang. He assumed it was just another call about a murder scene, so he answered without looking at the caller ID. He was met with Malcolm's nonsensical words, masked with hysteria. It woke Gil up in less than second. "Malcolm? What's wrong? Slow down!"
Malcolm forced himself to take a deep breath. "He took (Y/N)!!"
Gil stood up and went to his closet, getting dressed while listening to Malcolm. "Who did? Where did he take her?"
"The Junkyard Killer! He took her, and he's going to kill her!" Malcolm was frantic. His whole world was falling apart.
A while later Gil, Dani, and JT met Malcolm on the sidewalk where he found (Y/N)'s earring. He explained what had happened that night and told them about the phone call. He was still frantic. "I just don't know what to do. How can I possibly find her? This city is so big, and there are so many junkyards. I-"
Dani grabbed Malcolm by the shoulders and looked into his eyes. "You need to calm down. You can find her; you just need to take a deep breath and think. Profile the Junkyard Killer. What does he want from all of this? How would that impact where (Y/N) is?"
She was right. If he just focused, he could solve this puzzle. Malcolm looked to the ground, thinking as hard as he could. His voice was low and quiet, as if he were only talking to himself. "It's obvious he wouldn’t go back to his old junkyard. He wants me to find her; to see the pain he inflicted upon her. So he wouldn’t put her in a junkyard too far away, or in a weird location that I wouldn't think of. She’s close. Painfully close. So close that if I find her dead, it will hurt even more."
JT had already started to look for junkyards on his phone. He clicked on one and then turned his phone around to show Malcolm. "What about this one?"
Malcolm looked at JT's phone. The junkyard met all his criteria. But could it be this easy? Maybe the Junkyard Killer made it this easy for him to find her because she was already dead? Maybe it was because, despite how close she was, he couldn't save her? Malcolm tried to push those thoughts from his mind as he nodded.
He could barely contain himself when they arrived. Malcolm started to run through the junkyard, screaming (Y/N)'s name. When he finally found her car under the crusher, he ran to it. He peered inside and saw her lying there, unconscious, clinging to his scarf. Malcolm screamed louder and banged on the windows. Panicking, he looked around himself for anything to break into the car, but couldn't find anything. That's when he made eye contact with Dani and it hit him. He reached out to her and begged for her gun, but instead of handing it to him, she shot the driver side window herself.
After reaching in to unlock the car, he pulled (Y/N) out of the back seat. She was still unconscious, and he could see the dark bruise forming on the top of her head. He cradled her in his arms, cupping her cheek and rocking slightly as he cried. "(Y/N), please! Please wake up!"
The words fell out, and he didn't care who heard it because he desperately hoped he had said them sooner. "I love you. I love you so much, (Y/N). Please, please wake up!" She didn't move. This was the most fear he had ever felt, but it quickly turned to immense sadness as he bent over her, shielding her from the world while he sobbed.
(Y/N) heard his sobs and slowly started to wake up. Her head was throbbing, and she was exhausted from screaming and crying. Her voice cracked and was barely more than a whisper. "You found me."
The sun was rising and softly illuminating the world around them. (Y/N) stopped clinging to the scarf and clung to Malcolm's coat instead. He lifted his head to look at her and a small cry escaped his lips as a huge smile spread across his face. Malcolm whispered back to her, "Yes, I did."
He moved his hand to stroke her hair. "I'm so sorry. This happened to you because of me; because I love you."
(Y/N) smiled. "It's ok, Malcolm. This isn't your fault." She closed her eyes, safe in Malcolm’s arms, and she buried her face in his chest. "I love you, too." 
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