#phone pods for banks in dubai
800phonepod · 1 year
Unlocking Focus: Why Banks and Commercial Buildings Choose Phone Pods ?
Learn why banks and commercial buildings in Dubai choose phone pods to enhance focus and productivity. Explore the benefits of soundproof phone enclosures for privacy, reduced distractions, and improved efficiency. Contact the 800Phonepod for tailored solutions in Dubai.
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argyle-s · 7 years
The Shape of Things To Come Chapter 1/?
Rating:  Mature
Read at Ao3
With the help of Sara and M’gann, Kara travels back in time to a year before she becomes Supergirl from a future where all her worst fears have come to pass, and replaces her younger self.
Update: This story has now been betaed by @ifourmindbeso.  Any remaining mistakes are entirely my own.
Pairings:  Supercat, Supercanary, Sanvers, Others
Chapter 1 - Future’s End
The City of Argo, Krypton:  May 21st, 1977
Kara jumped through the shattered window of her childhood bedroom a moment before the floor gave way, but even the increased strength from Alex’s old exoskeleton didn’t gave her enough of a push to clear the distance to the Waverider’s waiting hatch.  Fortunately, M’gann was there to catch her.  One second, Kara was falling, the next M’gann’s right arm was a thick tentacle, wrapped around her waist, and the Martian woman was hauling her into the open airlock.
“Thanks,” Kara said as M’gann sat her on the floor.  M’gann didn’t really respond.  She just nodded as she released Kara, and hit the button to close the door.  Kara tapped her ear piece.  “Get us clear,” she said.  Almost immediately, she felt the gut twisting nausea that came with a time jump.  Not trusting herself to move during a jump without her powers, she just looked up at M’gann.
The blank look on M’gann’s face hadn’t change since Harley had died nearly a week earlier.  Kara wanted desperately to do something, anything, for her oldest remaining friend, but she didn’t know what to say.  She and Harley had been the only things holding each other together for the longest time.
There was a part of her that knew it wouldn’t matter, not if their plan worked, but she couldn’t help it.  The desire to help was still there.
She waited until she felt them exit the time jump, then she stood up and headed towards the bridge.  M’gann followed along silently as they picked their way through the debris-strewn corridors of the ship to where Sara was waiting for them.
“Did you get it?” Sara asked.
Kara held up the spy beacon.
“That’s it?” she asked.  “It doesn’t look like much.”
Kara shrugged.  “It’s not much,” she said.  “Just a paired-key homing beacon.”
“How is that going to change the course of the war?” Sara asked.
“If I play my cards right, this will add twenty-nine very angry Kryptonians to our side.  It will also keep the Hope function of the Anti-Life equation from ever falling into Darkseid’s hands.  If he can’t complete the equation…”
“Then we’ll only be fighting Apokolips, not the entire galaxy,” Sara said.
Kara looked around the ruined bridge of the Waverider, then back to Sara.  “Where’s Thea?”
“She’s bundling up the care package,” Sara said.
“Good.  Where’d you set us down?”
“On top of your apartment building,” Sara said.
“Um, are you sure it will hold the weight?”
“Doesn’t have too.  I’ve got the Higgs dampeners running.  The ship weights about as much as a bicycle right now."
“Alright then.  I guess it’s time.”
Sara nodded, and stood up out of the Captain’s chair.  Before Kara could turn away, Sara reached out and slipped a hand around the back of her neck, pulling her down into a kiss.  Kara reacted immediately, slipping her arms around Sara and pulling her close, kissing her with everything she had.  It wasn’t a long kiss, but it didn’t need to be.  After so many years together, there wasn’t a lot left to say between them.  Nothing, in fact, except thank you and goodbye.
Sara pulled back, and Kara gave her a weak smile, neither of them quite able to hide the tears in their eyes.
“Let’s do this,” Sara said.
*** The walk to the Waverider’s medbay seemed both too short and too long.  Too short, because she could be about to make everything worse, and too long because she was going to see her sister again, see Cat, Winn, J’onn, and all the people she’d lost since the war started.
She just had to die to do it.
“You have it?” Thea asked as they entered the medbay.
Kara nodded and held out the spy beacon.  “Be careful,” she said.  “My sister may not be up to the same standard she was at by the time Myriad was over but she’s still a DEO field operative.”
Thea shrugged.  “Honestly, I’m more worried about the other you,” she said as she put the spy beacon in the case with the three power rings, their power batteries, the portal generator Vibe had given her after the Dominator incident, and the Kryptonian Constructor Crystals.
“I should be down there before you, even with the Velocity 12,” Kara said.
“Here’s hoping,” Thea said.  She closed the hard case, then picked it up and slid it back into the cardboard box Gideon had fabricated for them, and started taping it shut.
Kara climbed up onto one of the medical tables and lay down.  “You ready, M’Gann?”
“Yes,” was the only reply.  The Martian stepped around the table so she could place her fingers on Kara’s temple, then looked at Sara.  “Whenever you’re ready.”
“Right,” Sara said.  “Gideon, I need the telepathic booster serum.”
“Of course, Captain Lance,” the AI said as a small door opened in the wall, and a loaded injector gun was extended.
“This stuff will work, right?”  Sara asked as she picked up the gun.
“Oh course.  The serum will allow Ms. M’orzz to open a telepathic link with Ms. Zor-El’s past and present selves and merge Ms. Zor-El’s present consciousness with her past self.  However, the serum is highly toxic, and will terminate Ms. M’orzz life functions within ten minutes of injection.  There is no antidote.”
“As long as it works,” M’gann said.
Kara watched as Thea picked up a second injector, and pressed it to Kara’s neck, injecting the Velocity 12 into her carotid artery.  Thea nodded to Sara, who stepped over to M’gann and inserted the needle into her neck.
“Go,” Sara said as she pulled the trigger.  Thea vanished along with the cardboard box in a swirl of blue lightning, and at the same moment, M’gann began to pull, tearing Kara’s mind from her present body, killing her in the process, as she forced Kara’s current mind to merge with her younger one.  It was agony.  Indescribable, beyond any pain she’d felt in a life far too full of it.  Feeling her mind ripped out of her body, forced through a place infinitely too small, before being crushed together with her younger self.  Her younger self, who was living everything that happened over twelve long years in a fraction of a second.
She’d been worried about this moment.  Worried she’d wake Alex, who was sleeping on the couch, worried she’d wake the whole building.  In the end, she needn’t have.
It hurt far too much to scream.
Kara Danvers’ Apartment. National City. Earth 38, September 14th, 2014
Kara sat in her bed, shaking as she stared at the box left on her bed.  She wanted to reach out for it, take it, tuck it away somewhere safe, but she was paralyzed by her own fear.  She’d hoped for this moment, dreamed of it, of the chance to go back and fix so many mistakes.  But now, in the moment, there were so many doubts, so many things she was afraid of.
The first, though, was easy enough to take care of.  Her glasses were already on the nightstand, so she didn’t have to take them off to sweep the apartment.  No bugs, no cameras, no surveillance.  She knew that wouldn’t last, but she was relieved that it was the case tonight.  She couldn’t afford a confrontation with the DEO, and if they saw Thea run into her apartment, or figured out that she had three power rings and power batteries in her hands, it would be an all-out war even J’onn wouldn’t be able to stop.  Kryptonians were powerful enough to scare the government without throwing weapons that could devastate entire worlds into the mix.
Fortunately, she never intended to keep them for herself.
She forced herself to move, to act.  All the fear was still there, but time was of the essence.  For now, she had to preserve as much of the timeline as possible.  There would be changes, that was the whole point, but nothing that would tip her hand too soon.  Nothing that would stop her sister from getting on that plane.
She used a touch of super-speed to tuck the box onto a shelf in her closet.  It wasn’t perfect, but it would do until Alex was out of the apartment, at which time, she could head up to the Fortress and tuck it away among all the things Kal didn’t want other people finding.  That would do until she could get the sanctuary crystals out of her pod.
She sat back down, picked up her phone, and checked her email.  Sure enough, there was a message containing a link waiting for her.  She tapped the link, and confirmed that their little stop in 1998 before they headed to Krypton had paid off.  With a decent broadband connection, and seventeen years to work, the AI Gideon had whipped up for them had built up a bank account that would make the Prince of Dubai jealous.
She sent a couple of quick commands to the AI before locking her phone and lying back down, using a Kryptonian Meditation to calm herself.  What she really wanted to do fish the spy beacon out of the box and turn it on, but it was too soon.  If she turned it on now, it would call Astra, but it would call Non and the other Kryptonians as well.  Because Astra still thought, or at least suspected, Kara betrayed her and Kara wouldn’t be able to tell her otherwise.  Not for another year.
But she could wait, and she could hope, and in a couple of very short hours, she’d be able to hug her sister again.
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800phonepod · 1 year
Unlocking Focus: Why Banks and Commercial Buildings Choose Phone Pods?
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In today’s dynamic business environment, maintaining focus and productivity is crucial for the success of banks and commercial buildings. However, with open floor plans and constant distractions, creating a quiet and private space can be challenging. This is where phone pods come into play. These innovative soundproof pods by Professional Soundproof booth developer in Dubai, have become a popular solution for unlocking focus and enhancing productivity in banks and commercial buildings. In this article, we will explore the reasons why these establishments choose phone pods as their go-to solution.
Enhancing Privacy and Confidentiality
1: Maintaining Client Confidentiality: Banks and commercial buildings deal with sensitive and confidential information on a daily basis. Phone pods provide a secure and private environment for employees to engage in client meetings, discussions, and transactions. With soundproofing technology, these pods prevent conversations from being overheard, ensuring the confidentiality and trust of clients.
2: Conducting Sensitive Conversations: Phone pods offer a dedicated space for employees to make and receive important phone calls without the risk of interruptions or background noise. This allows for clearer communication and enables employees to handle sensitive conversations with utmost professionalism and discretion.
Minimizing Distractions
1: Mitigating Open Office Disturbances: Open office layouts are popular in modern workplaces, promoting collaboration and interaction. However, the lack of privacy can lead to distractions and decreased focus. Phone pods provide individuals with a secluded area where they can work without disruptions, allowing them to concentrate on tasks that require their undivided attention.
2: Creating a Dedicated Space for Concentration: Phone pods create a designated space specifically designed for concentration and focus. Employees can escape the noise and chaos of the open office and retreat to these quiet sanctuaries to complete important tasks, engage in critical thinking, or simply take a break from the hustle and bustle of the workplace.
Promoting Productivity and Efficiency
1: Creating an Optimal Work Environment: Phone pods are engineered to provide an optimal work environment that fosters productivity and efficiency. These enclosed spaces offer comfortable seating, adequate lighting, and ergonomic design. It ensures that employees have the right conditions to perform their best work.
2: Encouraging Seamless Collaboration: While phone pods offer privacy, they also support collaboration when needed. Many pods are designed to accommodate multiple users, making them ideal for impromptu meetings or discussions that require a higher level of privacy. This enables seamless collaboration within a controlled and focused environment.
Design and Customization
1: Integration with Existing Interiors: Phone pods come in a variety of designs and finishes that can be seamlessly integrated into the existing aesthetics of banks and commercial buildings. Customizable to match any interior style, phone pods can range from sleek and modern designs to more traditional appearances.
2: Tailored Solutions for Unique Needs: The flexibility of phone pods allows for customization to meet the specific needs of banks and commercial buildings. From size and layout to additional features such as integrated technology, adjustable lighting, and charging ports, these pods can be tailored to suit the unique needs and workflows of the organization.
Superior Acoustic Technology
1: Soundproofing Materials and Techniques: Phone pods are constructed using advanced soundproofing materials and techniques. These materials effectively reduce external noise, creating a peaceful and focused environment for employees. The pods are designed to absorb sound and prevent it from escaping. This will ensure that conversations within the pod remain private and undisturbed.
2: Enhanced Audio Quality: The acoustic technology employed in phone pod ensures superior audio quality for both internal and external communication. With reduced background noise and echo cancellation features, employees can have crystal-clear conversations, improving communication efficiency and effectiveness.
Phone pods have become the go-to solution for banks and commercial buildings seeking to unlock focus and productivity. By enhancing privacy, boosting concentration, providing flexibility, and creating ideal meeting spaces, these soundproof enclosures offer a myriad of benefits. When selecting soundproof pod for your establishment, trust the expertise of 800-Phone Pods, the best phone pod company in Dubai. Elevate your workplace with top-of-the-line soundproof pod solutions and experience a new level of productivity, privacy, and efficiency. Don’t miss out on the transformative power of phone pods – contact 800-Phonepod today.
OFFICE Address –
RATW, DY 21, Al Jadaf, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Toll Free No: 800-737-4652
Mobile: 055 380 5148 / +971 56 392 5955
Website - https://800phonepod.com/
Our Social Media Presence –
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/800PHONEPOD 
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/800_phonepod/
LinkedIn - https://ae.linkedin.com/company/800phonepod
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800phonepod · 1 year
Unlocking Focus: Why Banks and Commercial Buildings Choose Phone Pods ?
Learn why banks and commercial buildings in Dubai choose phone pods to enhance focus and productivity. Explore the benefits of soundproof phone enclosures for privacy, reduced distractions, and improved efficiency. Contact the 800Phonepod for tailored solutions in Dubai.
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800phonepod · 1 year
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Unlocking Focus: Why Banks and Commercial Buildings Choose Phone Pods ?
Learn why banks and commercial buildings in Dubai choose phone pods to enhance focus and productivity. Explore the benefits of soundproof phone enclosures for privacy, reduced distractions, and improved efficiency. Contact the 800Phonepod for tailored solutions in Dubai.
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