#phoenix x gekko
floralflytrap · 1 year
Phoenix and Gekko share an intimate moment and forget to consider that their actions have consequences.
CW: Suggestive
Gekko was brand new to the Valorant Protocol, and extremely proud to be there. While it’s no Los Angeles, it’s going to become a home to him… eventually.
In the short time he’s been at the Valorant Protocol, he’s definitely gotten himself into quite a few messes. But nothing could possibly be as bad as the position he was in now.
Sure, Wingman robbed Killjoy multiple times.
Yes, Dizzy once blinded Yoru as soon as he entered the room.
100% had Thrash almost tripped Neon over countless times throughout the base.
And yes, Mosh had most certainly made a few messes here and there.
But Gekko was pretty sure that making out with Pretty Boy ™ is definitely against the Protocol’s rules, but is it his fault that Phoenix’s lips fit perfectly with his? And is it his fault if it feels all too right?
Phoenix’s tongue pressed against Gekko’s lip, and of course he allowed Phoenix entry. Their tongues met and Gekko could feel Phoenix analysing his mouth. How Phoenix’s tongue ran across Gekko’s tongue piercing and paused before exploring once more.
Gekko gave Phoenix pleased hums as he ran is hands over Phoenix’s neck. Gekko dragged his hands to meet Phoenix’s cheeks so he could control the angle of his face, possibly making the pieces of the puzzle fit even better.
Phoenix ran his hands down Gekko’s side, sliding over his hips to meet at the small of his back. The two separated their lips to catch their breath and admire the other. Gekko’s face heated up as he made eye contact with Phoenix.
“Fuck you’re beautiful Gekko”
Gekko looked at him, really looked at him deeply. Passion sparked fiercely in Gekko’s eyes as he leant in close to Phoenix’s ear.
“Say my actual name, Jamie” Gekko whispered before leaning back to catch Phoenix’s expression. Phoenix gazed down at Gekko’s lips before looking back into his eyes. He leant in close to Gekko’s face, before whispering back.
“Mateo, you’re fucking beautiful”
Their lips met again, quickly regaining the rhythm that they left off with. They grasped onto each other as if they’d vanish through the other’s fingertips. Like a moth to a flame, Gekko let himself get caught up in it all.
He loved when Phoenix moved away from his lips to grace his neck with attention. How he was patient enough to wait until he got to Gekko’s collarbone before marking him with hickies.
He loved Phoenix praising him, craved it even. He whined from the loss of contact and relished in the warmth he felt when it was regained.
Gekko was obsessed with the feeling of Phoenix dipping under his shirt to graze his fingertips across his waist. How the light touches ignited a fire that burnt ever so bright for the source.
He was obsessed with it all, in love with not just Phoenix, but the experience as well. The moment was everything Gekko could’ve wanted and more, and nothing could’ve ruined it.
Knock Knock Knock
“Phoenix, Jett hurt her ankle in training today and we need you to fill in for her in today’s mission.” Sage’s soft voice was heard through the door. “I hope the short notice doesn’t bother you.”
“Nah, it’s calm.” Phoenix said as he and Gekko untangled themselves from each other. “I’ll be out in 5 yeah?”
“That works, thank you Phoenix” Sage’s disappearing footsteps were heard as the room fell into full silence. The realisation of what just happened very quickly drilled it’s way into the two’s minds.
“Fuck…” Gekko cursed
“That just happened…”
“Fuck…” Gekko repeated, starting to anxiously pace around the room. “Fuck Phoenix… this is…”
“This could be bad…” Phoenix finished. Gekko started to run his hands over his hair out of stress. The only sounds heard were the sounds of the two’s own heartbeats banging loudly in their eardrums.
“Oh man I’m brand new here… and I already recieve leniency because I’m new but this… mierda, estoy jodida.”
“Gekko, calm down, it’s gonna be alright—“
“Phoenix you have the luxury of being an established member of the protocol, but me? Phoenix I’m brand new— They don’t have anything to lose with me!” Gekko grabbed onto Phoenix’s shoulders, his gaze flicking between each of Phoenix’s eyes. Phoenix’s eyes did the same, before a loud smack was heard.
Gekko felt a tingling rush fill his cheek.
“Shit man I didn’t mean to smack you, I just thought it’d make you come to your senses a bit?” Phoenix stumbled over his words, before letting a spew of muted curses leave his mouth.
Gekko breathed deep for a few beats, letting himself calm down.
“Gekko, realistically she probably didn’t hear us. These walls are thick. Neon doesn’t hear anything and she’s next to Raze’s room, and you know that she’s definitely getting it on with Killjoy.” Phoenix tried to rationalise in attempts to soothe Gekko more.
“Yeah… you’re probably right.” Gekko let a heavy breath out before continuing “Also, it’s chill that you slapped me, it grounded me, so thanks. Just maybe don’t get into the habit of slapping randoms?” Gekko quipped, which Phoenix smirked at in response.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He smiled, before sighing. “I’d love to chit chat Gekko, but you heard the woman. Duty calls”
Phoenix made his way to the door, Gekko in tow. He held his hand on the doorknob, but paused before turning it.
Gekko blinked.
“Let’s not get interrupted next time, yeah?” Phoenix said before opening the door and leaving, which left Gekko standing in the doorway of Phoenix’s room.
Let’s not get interrupted next time
Gekko ran his tongue over his lips and smirked.
Next time…
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kazvha · 5 months
Hey!! hope you’re doing well! anyways, if you could do a val x fem or gn s/o and what their favorite part of or thing about them is? (doesn’t need to be nsfw or anything like that! whatever ur comfortable with!) sry if this doesn’t make any sense🥲
Summary: Their favorite thing about you
Including: Chamber, Yoru, Cypher, Sova, Omen, Phoenix, Gekko, Iso
Notes: I'm doing mostly alr & thanks for requesting<3 Let me know if I understood it correctly!
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Chamber loves how accepting you are. You embrace all versions of him, the flirty Chamber, the serious Chamber, even the insecure Chamber he usually doesn't show to anybody. You don't judge him for his past mistakes. This makes him want to show the same amount of support for you.
Yoru's favorite thing about you is your competitiveness. He tried to tone his competitive streak down when you first met, but ever since you told him you didn't mind, you two compete in every. little. thing. The others think it's too much, but you two couldn't care less because it's fun.
Cypher loves your laugh. He's used to everyone being wary of him and his cameras, but then there's you, laughing heartily at his antics and his humor. It easily has become his favorite sound and it's so satisfying to hear.
Sova's favorite thing about you is your honesty. You always let him know your honest thoughts about everything and never hold back, even if the truth could hurt him. Because of that, he's able to trust you with his life.
Omen loves your hands. Whenever he feels cold and empty, which is all the time, your hands that softly caress his cheek and hold his fingers, bring back the warmth he has once felt. It comforts him and temporarily gives him inner peace.
Phoenix's favorite thing about you is your nose. He's a menace, he likes flicking it whenever he passes you and he thinks it's charming how it scrunches up in response every time. He also loves planting kisses on it.
Gekko loves your creativity and helpfulness. That you're offering to brainstorm with him whenever he has new ideas for strategies on how to use his crew in a battle or even for sketches for a new tattoo, means a lot to him.
Iso's favorite part is your eyes. Regardless of your eye color, he likes how bright your irises shine whenever you speak with him. It's a subtle sign of the affection you feel for him, which he also has for you.
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hollowbutcanlove · 1 month
Correspondence with Valorant agents Pt.2
TW: foul language
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writer-freak · 1 year
Valorant men reacting to you kissing them on the cheek
Request from @oyasumimosura: Can I request how valorant men would react to the reader kissing their cheeks when they successfully did their mission? Theyre not together but the Valo men got a crush on (y/n)
Characters: All the current agents besides Breach because I just really couldn't write him sorry
Warnings: gn reader, no pronouns mentioned, headcanons, maybe bit ooc, english isn't my first language sorry A/n: I'm so sorry for taking so long with this request I was grieving a lot and fell into depression, but now I'm feeling a bit better, so I immediately started with finishing up this request. Hope you can forgive the long wait and I hope you enjoy my writing<3
I will also finish the other requests soon most of them I already started before everything happened, but I still need to finish them
I had fun with this request, but I'm not so confident with writing Brimstone, KAY/O and Harbor, so I put them at the very end
Comments, likes and reblogs are appreciated like always🖤
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He is also pretty full of himself and would regularly flirt with you  Nobody thinks too much of it because this just seems to be his character but with you, he was actually trying to win you over He cheekily asked you if you would give him a kiss if the next mission was a success You kind of waved him off not really answering  Believing it to be one of his antics again and nothing would follow When he came back from the mission successful he went over to you  Before he could open his mouth to say anything you leaned in and kissed him on the cheek  You cheekily pulled away and then just went to the others talking about what exactly happened on the mission Chamber was slightly flustered but would cover it up, and follow you trying to talk to you Maybe you were more interested in him than he thought Sova
He is such a sweetheart
You were worried about the next mission believing it to be very risky
Sova comforted you telling you that everything would be fine 
You calmed down for now but of course, felt nervous again while the mission was going 
Finally, the team came back and you went straight to Sova wrapping your arms around his neck and giving him a quick peck on the cheek
He was surprised when you suddenly just ran into his arms but he enjoyed the affection 
He was surprised by the kiss but he probably won't have that big of a reaction in front of everyone 
Maybe a light flush on his cheeks and a smile on his lips but inside he is feeling way too much at once
He really likes you and hopes that soon he can ask you out
I think Gekko is normally affectionate with you and would come to you after your missions to hug you and stuff 
So you bought about also doing that for him so this time you waited for him to come back and just jumped into his arms when you saw him
You would welcome him back and give him a kiss on the cheek while he continues to hold you
He feels so giddy from your affection and gives some back to you
I could imagine him being a bit more shy when he has a crush on you because he doesn't want you to find out his feeling
In total though he thinks that you two should really start doing that for each other after every mission, even if you went to the mission together 
I don't know why you would give this man a kiss after a successful mission because he is gonna brag about it forever
With his outgoingness, he is gonna tell everyone about how you decided to give him a kiss
Even if someone tells him that a kiss in the wheel isn't special he will not listen to them
He just loves any kind of attention from you that he can get 
If you are fine with it he will also give you a kiss on the cheek 
He also wants to show you his appreciation and these interactions could spark a flame between you two
This kiss could maybe be the starting sign for you two
You talked to Jett and she dared you to kiss Yoru when he comes back from his mission 
Jett knows about Yoru's little crush on you and just wanted to see his reaction 
You easily agreed and then together you waited for the team to return 
When you heard them arriving you got up and quickly spotted him 
Jett didn't specify where you should kiss him so you pressed your lips to his cheek quickly 
He is just so smug about this kiss and will start teasing you 
Just talking about how you really missed him so much and couldn't wait for him to be back
I think under his exterior he is quite flustered but he wouldn't want anyone to know about that so he covered it up with teasing
Maybe this is even the perfect opportunity to ask you out on a date
This mission a hyphen just saved everyone and you really wanted to thank him for that
You went up to him and kissed his masked cheek telling him that he was amazing
It would take him a second to register what you did but the lingering warmth on his cheek showed him that this really just happened
That was unexpected and he would chuckle, thanking you for appreciating his work
He is happy that the mask doesn't let you see how much this little gesture actually affected him
But you can hear how happy he is just from his voice
It was a spur-of-the-moment thing, you just leaned in and gave his cheek a kiss 
Omen as we all know isn't really one to show his emotions outwardly 
It seems like he doesn't really care but he does thank you and the is just some sort of tenderness in his voice 
He could become embarrassed if you kiss him and then also give him a lot of praise for doing so well 
If you know him well enough though you would be able to hear the embarrassment in his voice though
We all know Brimstone is the more professional type and I don't know how well he would take to public affection 
You two are probably already very close because otherwise, I don't think he wouldn't have the most positive reaction 
But if you two are close then maybe putting aside that you kissed him on the cheek in front of everyone 
He would use the kiss to motivate himself and just know that there is always someone proud of him and his work 
Also, I can imagine some agents cooing when you kiss him just to embarrass you two even more
You just were happy to have KAY/O back so when he came up to you to talk you gave him a quick kiss on his cheek
So KAY/O is sentient and everything but I don't really know if he can feel you giving him the kiss
Even if for him personally the kiss emotionally maybe doesn't mean much he knows what it means to humans
He would thank you and verbally try to express how he recognizes the meaning of these physical gestures 
Maybe he would just show a heart on his monitor and I think that says enough for you
Harbor has such a positive energy who wouldn't want to give this man some affection
He would have such a radiant smile on his face when your lips come in contact with his cheek
The affection and praise would fill him with joy and he is someone who will give you affection back
Man this guy will give you the affection back tenfold 
He really values you and wishes nothing more than to have a closer relationship with you
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Thanks for reading and I appreciate all the support💙
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froggibus · 2 years
Hello how are you? Idk if this has been written before cause I can't find something like it but I request a simple valorant x reader where they used to have a crush on her in like highschool or whatever hehe
(maybe yoru, phoenix , jett.. if you can then gekko!!)
Reunion - Yoru, Phoenix, Jett & Gekko
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Genre: fluff! :)
CW: yoru being yoru, maybe a little ooc? mostly wholesome stuff
syd? doing a request? a miracle. technically reqs are closed rn but im still gonna work through a few of them
probably had a huge crush on you but would never admit it
the kind of guy that would tease you/be lowkey mean to you just cause he likes you 
tsundere ass mf
after you guys graduate, he doesn’t see much of you after that 
and even if he does have lots of one night stands, this man struggles with emotional intimacy 
whenever he gets lonely he probably entertains the idea of cute lil y/n and what could have been if he wasn’t so shy 
when you join the protocol, it’s like he’s seen a ghost 
goes right back to that tsundere teenager and probably ignores you 
all the other agents warm to you right away tho so you’re naturally annoyed why this guy can’t let go of *whatever* you did to him in high school
on a mission with just the two of you, you finally confront him about his indifference towards you
things boil over and one thing leads to another and 
he kisses you
you’re literally so shocked you don’t even close your eyes
he pulls away, cheeks BURNING and refuses to look at you
“why do you have to make everything so difficult for me y/n?”
FINALLY admits he likes you after all this time 
he was flirty with everyone in high school, so you never caught on when he flirted with you
but this man was DOWN BAD
he probably asked you out at least once but you thought it was a joke/more flattery and brushed him off 
rip phoenix 
he tries to connect with you after graduation but life gets in the way, and then he joins the protocol 
whenever his relationships don’t work out or he’s on his last leg on a mission, he finds your face flashing through his mind 
when he gets back from a bad mission and still sees your face, he thinks he’s losing it 
“phoenix? you okay?”
bro is not okay
spends the next three weeks doing stupid stunts to try and impress you 
only succeeds in setting multiple objects on fire, spraining his wrist and getting a lot of lectures from Brim
you end up bringing him hot chocolate & rum to lift his spirits after he’s essentially put in a time out
“so, are you gonna tell me why you had a sudden bout of pyromania?”
sighs and finally admits he has a crush on you and has for a long time
you kiss him to let him know you feel the same way
and then the two of you spend the rest of the night getting drunk and laughing about how stupid you guys were in high school
she liked you a lot in high school and didn’t know how to express it
probably tried asking you out more than once and failed miserably
just stumbled over her words all cutely and then says “never mind” and runs away
you thought it was cute and never really thought too much of it
after high school, you think about her a lot and start to realize she probably liked you
and poor jett is so swamped with missions she barely has time to settle down
and even if she does, she can’t find someone to keep up with her 
she’s ecstatic when she sees you joined the protocol 
a second chance!!
you get a little flustered around her now that you know about her high school crush and you somewhat hope she still feels the same way
she’s surprisingly matured and isn’t nearly as flustered around you as she used to be
tries her best to make you feel included too
 it’s not long before her old feelings come bubbling to the surface tho
she’s probably the most emotionally mature of the group so she just straight up confesses to you 
both of you are tired from a mission and share a half kiss/half hug where you’re just leaning against each other 
he was definitely popular in high school but it never went to his head, he just did his thing and hung out at the skatepark 
bit of a rebel 
he mostly just admired you from afar, and if you were ever together for group projects, flirted with you lowkey
never anything serious or enough to make you actually realize how he feels 
but enough to keep him infatuated 
when Brim announces that you guys have a new agent joining the protocol, you do not expect it to be Mateo 
both of you are shocked (it’s like the Spider-Man meme irl)
you do your best to make him feel welcome, taking him around and introducing him to everyone 
you decide one night to take him out for drinks with some of the other agents!! 
everyone starts to leave until it’s just you and Gekko
you’re both a little tipsy and start talking about high school
he admits he had a crush on you in high school and that he’s super happy you guys get to see each other again
kisses you & asks you if you want to go out again
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motimatcha · 9 months
"will you kiss me?"
characters: gekko, yoru, phoenix. genre: fluff, maybe a little more than fluff in... everyone's part? The text was compiled with the help of a translator. There may be mistakes
Gekko smiles shyly and nervously scratches his cheek with his index finger. His embarrassment won't last long until he picks you up in his arms and carries you to his room. He lowers you onto the soft sheets slowly and carefully, the way a treasure should be treated. Gekko holds you with one hand between your shoulder blades, helping you lie completely down on his bed. Both of his legs are pressed into the mattress on either side of your hips, and one of his hands insistently seeks your hand to press his fingers together. Gekko looms over you and looks at you with his loving, devoted eyes and can't help but smile when he finds the same answer to his feelings in your eyes. He places his other hand on your cheek and you run one hand down his body, along his waist, along his emerging abs and eventually placing your hand on top of his. Gekko leans lower, kissing your lips chastely at first, but then corrects himself, kissing you hotly and passionately.
Yoru presses your entire body against the wall, leaving very little space between your head and his, let alone his lips. Yoru grins when he notices the anticipation in your eyes and the cheeky smile you use to provoke him into action. With one hand, Yoru rests on the wall behind you, next to your head; his fingers curl slightly, nails scratching the concrete surface of the wall. Yoru’s other hand touches your face, his thumb brushing your bottom lip. You let him lead the situation and the process because you know how dominance turns him on. Yoru pulls your head closer to his lips, giving in until your lips meet in a kiss. Yoru can't resist, he braces himself with both hands on the wall behind you while your hands slide down his neck and back.
Phoenix smiles. His warm, even hot hands touch your waist, and then with a sharp movement he pulls you closer to his equally warm body. Being so close to him, practically burying your nose in his neck, you can smell the ash coming from him; the pine forest-scented cologne he uses to mask his scent, and the coffee he drank this morning, the taste of which still lingers on his lips. You smile into his neck and wrap your arms around his waist, allowing yourself to crawl under his shirt. The back muscles are tense. Phoenix scoops you up into his arms, allowing you to wrap your legs around his waist and wrap your arms around his neck. Phoenix kisses passionately, igniting your inner fire.
I wanted to make a picture for each agent mentioned in the text, but I only managed to make a beautiful one with Yoru.
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wisteriaiswriting · 8 months
So, I saw your fear of needles post and I loved it! Could you do one where it's the opposite where the character hates needles and they go to reader for help (with Phoenix, Jett, Gecko, and Iso pls)?
𝔽𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝕠𝕗 ℕ𝕖𝕖𝕕𝕝𝕖𝕤 (ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕖𝕕)
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Words: 259
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He’s acting confident until the needle is injected, then he's almost crushing your hand in his grip while tears almost escape his eyes.
This guy has lit the infirmary on fire and will do it again. So only you and Harbor can be around him during these times.
Afterwards you’ll need to coddle the man, smother him in cuddles, affection and give him snacks. He needs it.
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Whenever she’s notified of any needed needles she will run and hide, so everyone has learned not to say anything. (Yoru still does, for fun of course.)
You’ll need to be there for her the whole time, for two reasons. For her comfort and so she doesn’t dash out. (Likely will succeed in escaping.)
Every time she gets a lollipop afterwards, continue treating her with sweets.
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Mateo needs all the support he can get, which includes you and his buddies. (If he can get Reyna in he’ll take it.)
This kid bruises so easily, right after he’ll give you puppy eyes and have you kiss it better. (Wingman applying the bandage.)
He’ll act like he’s dying. Covered in blankets with food and drinks surrounding him. Also playing a game that's designated for when he’s sick.
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He’ll call you in for moral support, never admitting his fear openly, leaving you to know.
Won’t get a band aid from Sage, instead getting one from the many packs you buy him. (Secretly enjoys the cutesy ones.)
Pamper night after, everything happens. Face, eye, hair masks, manicure and even a bath. Bath bombs and bath salts included.
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l0serloki · 2 years
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Long Missions!
Valorant Agents reacting to their S/O going on a long mission
(Gekko, Chamber, Phoenix, Sage)
CW : GN!Reader, eating (Chamber), mentions of sadness (Sage), mentions of anxiety (Chamber & Sage), sexual hints (Phoenix)
A/N : I’ve seen a lot of the Sage requests I got and thought she would be a fun one to add to this! I’m currently writing a lot so if I haven’t gotten to your request - it’s not on purpose!
Gekko :
He will BEG Brim to let him go with you. (Brim continues to say no.)
“Babe, I get we are saving the world and stuff but how am I going to sleep alone now.”
100% acts like the world is ending the last day.
“Y/N, hurry and come here! I need to hold you for one last second.. I want to remember how you feel!”
When you go to leave he will continue to wave goodbye and pretend to run with the jet.
“Don’t forget me babe!! I love you!!”
Gekko’s fingers dusted your cheek as the two of you laid in bed. He had just gotten done complaining for what felt like the five hundredth time about your upcoming mission.
“I don’t see why Brimstome won’t let me go. I am a total help to the team! Plus, imagine how lonely I’m going to be at home. Babe, you gotta do something about it!”
“Mateo, what in the world am I supposed to do?” You raised an eyebrow, watching as his chestnut hues fell.
“I don’t know.. Maybe give me a kiss?” He leaned forward, a grin spreading across his face.
You could only roll your eyes, leaning in to peck his lips.
“I’ll give you as many as you want if you stop complaining, dork.”
Chamber :
I just KNOW he sets up a special dinner.
If you don’t want to go out he will surprise you with it at home.
His darling has to have a comforting last day before they leave!
Long talks at the table & him discussing plans with you to make sure you’re okay. (And to put his anxieties at ease.)
He’s the type to rest on the couch with some soft music playing & just rubs your back. It makes him feel super close to you!
When you leave he will give you a kiss and a pat, threatening Brim to take care of you out there.
“You make sure to give Y/N backup, yes? If you don’t we will have problems..”
“Mon amour, are you okay? You haven’t ate much.” Chamber picked at his food, giving you a questioning look.
To be honest, you were worried about tomorrow. Brimstone had asked you to come along on a tedious mission for the whole week. You could already feel your bones aching and the longing for your bed and you hadn’t even left yet!
You shook your head, stabbing at the food your boyfriend made.
“Fine, Vin. I’m just stressed about the upcoming week. I know we went over everything, I am just not looking forward to it.”
Vincent hummed, leaning across the table to give you a forehead kiss.
“That’s a normal response, love. Let’s finish up and we can go lay down. Sound good?”
Phoenix :
“So you’re going without me. WOW. My own partner hates me.” (he is so sarcastic)
He takes you to the practice range to make sure you’re ‘top notch’ before leaving.
Be real though.. he finds your shooting hot and y’all end up making out.
“I guess I can see why Brim chose you. Still won’t be as bright as me though.”
Right before you leave, Phoenix gives you one of his jackets and a kiss on the cheek.
“Be safe, darling. I love you.”
“I cannot believe that Brimstone doesn’t think I’m fit for this mission! I mean come on.. You, me. We are the dream team!” Phoenix exasperated, hands flailing in the air. You could only snort as he continued to complain, pacing back and forth.
“I mean.. Who else would be there to protect you? Well.. More like you would protect me. That’s beside the point! I’m going to miss you.” Phoenix smirked, face touching yours.
“Oh yeah? How much?” You smiled, waiting for his snarky remark.
“Mm.. Why don’t I just show you.”
Sage :
She is a bit anxious but knows you will do fine!
“I will miss you a lot. I hope everything goes smoothly out there.”
She is really affectionate and makes sure that you’re mentally prepared to face enemies!
Cuddles in bed and a movie the night before!!
When you go to leave she will give you encouraging words & a kiss!
“You are so strong. I believe in you, my gem. I love you.”
Sage’s hand was wrapped in yours, head resting on your chest. Everytime she wasn’t invited on a mission you were going on she would get sad - not that she would ever admit that. The two of you had been cuddling in bed and watching her favorite movie in hopes to raise the mood.
You looked down at your girlfriend, her eyes drooped and her breathing was slowing down. You used your other hand to rub through her slick hair, bringing a kiss down to her forehead.
“Goodnight, my angel. I love you.”
A small smile appeared on her face, hand gripping at the material of your t-shirt.
“Night, honey. I love you too. Sleep well.”
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floppydiskettess · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if you could do headcanons for the valorant agents: Gekko, Neon, Yoru, Phoenix with sova and chamber or whoever you feel with an s/o that when they’re in danger is able to kill whatever or whoever’s endangering them wether it’s like 15+ people or so (like Millie with moxie from helluva boss)
hi anon! tysm for the request!!!! this was a blast to write ahhh!!! :D (also i love helluva boss omg)
but i hope i wrote this right!!!
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the two of you were on a mission at bind, it was simple. you go difuse the spike while he was assigned to watch your back.
he had to walk a few feet away to pick up wingman for five minutes, you would be fine right?
once he picked up wingman, he heard a loud bang behind him and a loud celebratory woop
"oh fuck."
he turned around and saw the familar wild colours from raze's showstopper.
"no no no! shit you good?" he called through the smoke
he hated the silence he recieved back. as the smoke cleared he saw your paint covered and burnt body.
"...cariño?...shit, wingman, go get the others. i got these guys."
he pulled out his customized spectre as he prepared to fight. he detained as many as he could before swiftly wiping them out one by one.
when the team arrived with wingman, sage quickly rushed to your side to aid you.
once he finished taking care of the enemies, he ran to your side
"i am so sorry...i thought i could go grab wingman but you got hurt...i am really sorry.."
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a/n: this is small bc i wrote a whole ass essay for neon and it deleted....im so mad...im just trying to summarize it
that was the last thing before you felt a sharp pain in your stomach as your vision went black.
you don't know what happened, but somehow yoru had gotten behind you. it was supposed to be a quick and simple mission. neon took A-site and you took B-site. unfortunately, right when neon approached B-site to check on you. she saw it.
red. the snow was covered in a beautiful shade of red. and it wasn't from your attacked. neon could feel electricity enter her fingertips as she lost control of her abilities.
you felt neon carrying you before falling uncomcious.
neon carried you to the jet and brought you to sage.
"im sorry...when i saw them like that i just...lost control of my abilities.."
"its ok, you did it to protect them. you saved them."
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he was just returning from his "run it back" when he opened his eyes to see the enemy phoenix staring back at him, aiming his ghost at his own forehead.
he went to grab for his ghost but he found an empty holster.
"ah shit."
"you really thought i wouldn't just take your weapon? i'm not as foolish as you are."
phoenix braced for impact as he heard the gun fire, but the shot never came. he nervously opened his eyes to see you standing infront of him, a gunshot hole through your shoulder as you pushed the enemy phoenix away.
"dear?! what the-"
he watched as your limp body falls to the ground, feeling worry and rage overtake him.
"oh fam...your gonna regret that." he says to the opposite phoenix as the rest of his team approaches for backup.
when skye arrived at the site to treat you, she did not expect to see 5 charred bodies sprawled across the ground.
"mate...what happened?!"
"they ambushed us. (name) saved me cause i made a dumb mistake. go heal them, i am fine." he said with a dark tone to his voice
when skye healed you and you awoke, you were immediately greeted to the smell of burning. you turned your head towards phoenix as you saw him crouch beside you.
"thank god...why would you do that?! i'm sorry if i had checked my surroundings better you would have-" he rambles
you cut him off with a kiss as you feel his tired body begin to relax.
"no. i should have thought of a better plan. i am sorry i worried you."
for the next few days of your recovery, he will be by your side assisting you with anything you need. both of you content to try and ignore what happened that day.
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prior to meeting you, he was an extremely anger filled person. he still gets angry easy, but not as badly as before. you taught him how to control his emotions
but if he were to see you ganged up on in a mission, he would just lose control.
he was over at A-site at haven preparing to extract the radianite, before hearing your frantic voice shout through the comms for backup.
his heart dropped, he realized why his site was so empty along with the others. they had five-stacked onto one site. you had gone to C-site all alone. shit.
he immediately threw the spike towards Astra who had accompanied him to the A.
"stay here. i will go provide backup."
"alone? alright...stay safe."
he quickly teleported to your C-site to be met with a shocking sight. your battered and blood covered body lying down on the rough ground. burns and scratches littered your arms and legs. phoenix..
he looked up from your body to see the enemy phoenix, jett, chamber, astra, and skye staring at him with bloodthirsty gazes. they had teamed up on you because you were alone... how fucking sick could they be to attack a helpless sentienel.
he felt himself snap as he caught the enemy phoenix's cocky smirk. the cunt was proud of what he did.
when you regain conciousness, you are lying on the ground surrounded by the shredded corpses of the omega agents, a stained red yoru standing above them with his famous butterfly comb stained.
he turns around and immediately runs to your side.
"shit...thank god you are awake. don't move. help is coming ok?" he softly whispers while carressing your blood matted hair.
"are they...?"
"don't worry about them, you are safe now darling..."
when you make it back to base, you find out he took them all down on his own. when astra arrived at the site she had to practically tear yoru off of where he was mauling the corpses of the omega agents bodies.
he was ordered to talk to sage about his anger, but he never regretted what he did. he did it to save you and all that mattered was he had you back with him.
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he is used to killing to protect those he loves, this is nothing new to him.
he might be a cold killer, but you always knew he would never hurt you.
if someone was threatening you, he would keep them away using blackmail, but if it was more serious, he was prepared.
he sat waiting at the doors for the agents who had gone on your mission to come back. he was ready to greet you but he never thought he would have seen KA/YO holding you slung over his shoulder covered in blood.
he immediately freezes as he watches KA/YO rush to Sage's office. but he quickly recovers and follows quickly behind silently.
when sage caught sight of your body, she grimaced knowing it was bad. she ordered everyone out and allowed her space to work.
cypher was left with no answers as to what happened, as he sat anxiously outside Sage's office he hears KA/YO's robotic voice informing Viper of what happened.
"they went to go flank A alone, but their cypher must have seen her coming. when we arrived at A-site they were gone with the spike, they must have ambushed y/n and left her there for us to find...it was..bad. skye was able to help a little bit but...when we got there, they were missing their hand. im pretty sure they were awake when they did it."
cypher could feel his blood BOILING. it was one thing to knock someone out, it was another to mutilate someone while they were awake. that wasn't fighting, that was mere torture.
he knew in this job people would get hurt. but he never thought they would ever go this far.
he was greatful you had lived, but he felt a burning feeling in his body.
as viper walked by, she stoped and turned to simply say.
"i know she was special to you Cypher, but don't do anything stupid. we don't need two people to revive."
he stood in place before walking to his room, he would make sure they couldn't hurt you. EVER again.
at the peak of night, he slipped out of his room and headed towards the armoury. he grabbed a ghost and a phantom before quietly walking towards the loading dock. he would make them regret ever hurting you.
in the morning, you were awoken to a tired looking sage.
"welcome back my child. you sure gave us a scare there. how do you feel?" she smiled wistfully
as she filled you in, you couldn't help but wonder where your partner was. typically he was by your bedside until you woke up.
"Ling...where is Cy?" you softly asked
she grinned at the nickname "don't worry, he is in brimstones office. your little boyfriend pulled a stunt to avenge you."
"oh god, is he ok? what did he do?" you sigh
"oh don't worry, he is fine! the agents who ambushed you on the other hand.."
you and sage converse for a while, before you see cypher nervously walk into the room
"my darling! how are you feeling? do you need anything?" he asks worriedly
"i feel good amir. don't worry. sage is taking good care of me!" you chuckle
he sighs in relief, he may have gotten a lecture (and maybe some cleaning duty...) but it was all worth it to see your face again.
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☤ Sage ☤
full battle sage mode
she would grab an odin off her copies body and just start spraying.
"you will not kill my allies!"
the second the enemies were down, she rushes to your side to heal you.
she will work all night if she has to, as long as it brings you back to her
"please wake up dearest...i can't live without you."
sorry idk what to write for sage HELP
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a/n: aaa tysm for the support on my last posts!! im so glad that people are enjoying these! :) im currently working on some other requests so stay tuned ^^!!
also i apologize for the delay!! i have kinda had a lack of motivation lately so i struggled to finish it...
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bo0neey · 2 months
You Give Me Butterflies
Pairing: Gekko x reader mainly. Mentions of others.
Fandom: Valorant
Synopsis: The Reader gets a second chance to fix her timeline and stop the radiant war. After following Kay-O, she's spat out early to face her own butterfly trail.
Type: Multi-Chapter
Chapter 1
This was it. Your first mission!
Your sturdy heel bounced repeatedly on the ships floor beneath you, metal heal clanking on a hollow surface. The beating carried upwards to your supervisor ears. While the woman didn't outwardly say anything, you could see her scowl and pale face twitching in your peripherals. Safe to say with her murderous aura and all: She was terrifying.
You had only been recruited a few months earlier (by complete accident). Your abilities weren't as obvious as some agents as they weren't visible - you relied on a 'host'. This only became apparent when a charming brit swept you off your feet and ran you out of an active explosion combat zone. As soon as he had set you down you were producing small flames on your fingertips. It was fascinating to yourself, the gobsmacked agent and kingdoms research labs it would seem as they had hooked you up to numerous machines in record time. They claimed they could enhance agents performance. Even create new ones!
This research however changed hands and got picked up by Viper early on. She changed how you were tested and what on and before you knew it she'd even recruited you onto the Valorant Protocol.
So now you sat in the flying contraption transporting you to a suspected site. The team were given a tip early that day and decided the chances were slim but not impossible. With such low chances they decided this would be the perfect chance to evaluate your training. You simple couldnt get that number out your head. It was low but still very much possible.
The ships interior was...basic to say the least. It was a dark metal with only two sets of dual seats. A pilot was obsolete in these smaller crafts.
The twitching woman was sat on her own in the row opposite. She had chosen to sit to your left leaving the seat in front empty and an easy spot to stare at. Next to you was Gekko. A young boy who had only joined a short while before yourself. Your ally was unaffected by your fidgeting and instead focused on petting the small creature in his lap-Wingman you seem to recall. He did however notice your grip on the seat growing more and more tense.
"Feelin' the nerves? I know before my first mission I was all jelly." You were snapped out of your thoughts in an instant, the impenetrable silence finally broken, and met the eyes of the green haired man. He instantly cringed at his words and tried avoiding your gaze, choosing instead to return his attention back to the creature purring in his lap. You saw a small pink hue covering the tips of his ears and could help but smile.
You knew you had an effect on people, a passive side effect of your ability. While you were definitely pretty you never needed to be the most attractive in the room for people to gravitate towards you. You chalked it down to your abilities way of securing a 'host'. And to be honest, you found him cute. The two of you chatted back and forth for the remainder of the ride, him saying strange assortments of words and you giggling along to his blushing cheeks. You were so engrossed in your chats that you hadn't even noticed your foot still or your grip changing from the seat to an appreciative Dizzy.
Your friendly chat was soon cut off by Vipers announcement: "We've reached site. I'll take B, you two on A. Gekko keep a close eye on a/n. I'd appreciate making this quick." The two of you nodded as she grabbed her shotgun and left the ship, not without a slight affectionate nod in your direction however. While she wasn't your mentor she had taken interest in your abilities and in turn you. It was small but enough to settle your stomach.
Yourself and Gekko approach the weapon crate. He pulled put his spectre and handed you your Marshal.
A large part of training is finding your combat style and complimentary weapon. You were undoubtedly best with a sniper rifle. You pick up the gun and sling it over you shoulder.
"I think I'll set up long. I'll be more use there."
Gekko nods and splits off to set up on site.
The site was an old town hall refurbished for radianite storage. It was set up into 3 main sections: 'A' which was the first room filled with radianite, 'B' the second larger room filled with radianite, and 'long' a long hallway between the two.
You take your slinged gun to a doorway with sights down long. You crouch down and angle the rifle to peek around the corner taking advantage of the long barrel.
You finally finish setting up when you hear a loud crash from the site to your right, B. Comms stays silent so you try focusing back on long but your mind keeps drifting to the site. A dangerous habit on a potential battle field.
You spot movement, a slight peek of some sort of shoe or something. You lock in and hold your breath: Behind the wall rounds a figure. Tall and slender in a white coat of sorts. You take no time in squeezing your trigger.
It all happens so quickly: the gun jolts backwards into your shoulders, pulsing shoots through your crouched body, your ears ring and the figure drops.
Training couldn't hold a candle to the real thing.
But you hold your position.
You figured if it was between going on site blind or helping from the side-lines, you had a better chance of getting picks here.
Your chest hammers against the metal in your arms, your breathing quickens and your fingers feel electric. Your brain is working overtime seeing movements in every doorway the second you skim elsewhere but once you look back: nothing.
You turn your attention to comms in an attempt to calm yourself, he might've been alone, but your met with a ghost. Comms are deathly silent. No indication of Gekko or Viper even being on the same map as you.
You wait a few more seconds and spot a second figure. This one is dressed in black, sprinting across the corridor towards your fallen enemy. You moved the scope to follow her movements but choose to refrain from shooting at this second, not trusting your hands just yet. If she stopped you'd make your move. There was no way you'd risk your position without backup.
Her black top came off the shoulders in a criss-cross fashion and ended just above her joggers. They were also black and flared out around her heeled boots, rounding into the soles. A relaxed uniform compared to the previous.
The woman stopped in her tracks, glancing down at the fallen agent, hands tightening around her gun. You hold your breath to still the gun, finger on the trigger.
She whips around in your direction, barrel facing you.
Your heart dropped.
You were looking in the mirror.
She was just like you.
Same uniform. Same hair. Same face.
It was uncanny.
Your fingers couldn't find the trigger and neither could hers.
Your thoughts were shattered by a bullet skimming the air millimetres from your face. You were inches from being shot. Hairs from death.
So you ran. You ran like the young agent you were and shut the doors, choosing to hide behind and catch the enemy off guard.
The door closed with a loud creak, enough to rattle your plan and quicken your heartbeat further. You dared not to even scope out the site behind the other set of doors. You waited behind the door. Waited for the enemies who never came.
Instead, you herd a familiar voice. "A/N?" It was a projected whisper from sites doors. While it was strange she wasn't using comms you weren't even sure they were working again yet, so you did the same and called out to try communicate positions: "Viper? There are two long."
You hadn't yet moved from your spot and watched out the doors instead. "You've shut the doors yes? Come site we need reinforcements." You waste no time slinging your marshal and unholster your pistol, a classic with charms dangling from the handle. You could feel the slick metal slip in your clammy grip.
As you make your way towards the open door you feel the air become thick, laced with chemicals - something new she'd been working on perhaps? She must've forgotten to mention on the way over. You see the air through the door is a thick green, light struggling to penetrate the thick smoke.
The coloured whisps tickle at your face and slowly engulf your figure. It was warm and strangely compressing. Especially on your throat.
In fact air was become scarcer by the second. You felt disoriented by the darkness and your movement must be getting heavier. "Is this stuff safe? Y'know without a mask?"
Behind you rings that same creak, muffled and impossible to tell from which set it omitted.
"Viper w-where's Gekko?" You were loosing control of even your voice. You felt helpless.
A cool pressure point stings on your head. The left side you think. A stark contrast to the suffocating air.
"Sleep well my dear."
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floralflytrap · 1 year
Gekko, Phoenix and Yoru with Photographer S/O | HEADCANONS
Word Count: 500+ I love photography as a hobby and thought yknow what, a photographer reader is so cute! love love love <3
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He loves the fact that you are into photography
After seeing your photography he begs asks very kindly for you to take photos of him for social media
Loves seeing the collection of cameras you have stocked up
He asks for cute couple photos all the time
You definitely take multiple photos with a Polaroid camera just for him x
You have a collection of pictures of him during training, which he has NO clue you have
He always says you should look at putting your photographs in competitions, to which you show him photos of you at the ones you’ve won, which is a substantial amount.
He’s proud that his partner is so damn talented and will 100% flaunt that
“Yo, have you heard about y/n? THE best photographer ever!”
You should be proud that he’s so proud of you <3
He saves all the photos that have fire incorporated into them in a folder called “FIRE PICZ 🔥🔥” like the loser he is
Your favourite photo of him is one you took while he was setting up the fire place. He truly looks good in warm, golden lighting.
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First he asked about the Polaroid photos you owned
You showed him your cameras and showed him how to use the Polaroid camera
His first photo with it was a shaky one of you (it immediately went into your phone case as soon as it developed)
Absolutely loves doing photoshoots with his buddies! Wingman is a natural at modelling!
You start printing out photos and make a scrapbook as a gift for Gekko
This man bawled like a baby when he saw it
You always sneak the cutest photos of him! Gekko is naturally photogenic, a fact that you VERY much value
He is your muse <3
Asks you to send the photos you take for photo dumps online, to which he always tags you
He starts randomly gifting you a shit ton of camera equipment? Like out of NOWHERE, and it wasn’t even compatible with your cameras. But it was the gesture that counted, right?
“Y/n! I’ve got a surprise for you, close your eyes!”
Turns out he actually bought you a whole new, flashy camera.
You cherished it, and used it so much (RIP old cameras, you had a good life)
The man received many smooches <3
Y’all also definitely have multiple polaroids of the two of you smooching
Your favourite photo of him is one where he is napping on the couch surrounded by his creatures. He looked so peaceful, and that is very beautiful to you.
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Was taken aback when he first saw you walking around with a camera
‘I’ve been dating this person and never noticed this whole ass camera? The fuck?’
Was “grumpy” when he saw the secret photos you took of him
He actually loved him, especially since you captured his good side
He loves the photos you take of him at casual locations and on dates
Makes them his profile picture
Although he hates you lovingly for the folder he found on your phone called “yoru eyeliner pics”
He will go through the shared folder you set up of your photos and look at them and smile because wow you’ve taken your time to set all this up and take these photos.
He feels special
Will be so chill about it to your face though, you don’t need to know he’s obsessed with the photos
Borrowed lipstick one time and told you to put it on and kiss him for a photo.
Cheeky mfer, that's why you love him though xx
Your favourite photo of him is one you took when he was waiting at the traffic lights after it had just rained. The way he looked surrounded by the city and lights reflected in the puddles on the road and sidewalk? To die for.
Thank you so much for reading <3
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kazvha · 1 year
Hi! May I request headcanons of Yoru, Gekko, and Phoenix (separately) trying to confess their romantic feelings to VP agent![Reader] [Gender Neutral], but some situations kept blocking their attempts to do so like last minute missions and other chaotic events that happen at the Valorant Protocol; then towards the end, they finally confess their feelings to them?
Summary: They want to confess to you, but they get interrupted.
Including: Phoenix, Yoru & Gekko.
Notes: Hi and thanks for the request! I'm new to the Valorant fandom and this is also my first time writing for it. I had some trouble bc of that, but I hope it's alright?👉👈 Enjoy!
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• He's so down bad for you
• When you joined the Valorant Protocol the two of you instantly clicked, mostly because of his social and welcoming nature
• Since he was way longer in the Protocol, he showed you around and taught you all the different stuff
• It didn't take long until he fell for you after you spent so much time together
• And as impatient as Phoenix is, he wanted to confess his feelings to you as soon as possible
• But every single time, the odds were against him
• For example, one time you were in the common room in the early morning, eating your cereal when Phoenix joined you on the couch
• The room was deserted and you were in a good mood, which made this moment a perfect time to confess.
• This man got so nervous all of a sudden and asked you some random question instead of saying the three words. "Yoo, is the cereal tasting good?"
• You gave him a side glance and hummed because you had the cereal in your mouth
• Phoenix wanted to say more, but Jett walked into the room and started a conversation with you, ruining his opportunity
• He was losing his mind the more time passed
• So eventually, he decided to confess to you in front of your room in the middle of the night
• Before anything could happen he blurted the words out as soon as you opened the door. "I like you. I like you more than a friend."
• Instead of watching your reaction, he looked around as if he was waiting for something to happen.
• When nothing happened, he whispered a silent "Ohh yeah baby, I won this time!", which only made you more confused
• "So what's your answer?" He ran his fingers through his locks and gave you a professional smile
• "Phoenix, please, it's 3 AM. Ask me again in the morning, I'm too tired to think straight." You closed the door on him
• But after thinking about the things Phoenix said for a few minutes, you opened the door to give him a positive answer
• To your surprise he was still standing there
• "I like you too."
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• It was how you treated him seriously and genuinely heard him out compared to the others
• When he first realized his feelings for you, he suppressed them. What good would come out of this?
• But he couldn't stop thinking about you. Every little thing reminded him of you. And it didn't help that you often had missions together.
• These bottled-up feelings would hinder his performance to the point he would panic every time on the inside when you faced an enemy
• It couldn't go on like this
• He tried to confess to you on the flight back from a mission. The others were in the front and you were the only two in the back
• "Listen, I-"
• Yoru couldn't say more since Brimstone had another mission for you
• "Mirrors have been sighted in that area. We have to get there quickly. Yoru, [A/n] make yourselves ready."
• A heavy sigh escaped him
• Next time he tried to convey his feelings to you in the range. However, Killjoy and Raze interrupted your moment to test out their new machines and bombs
• Even if they left you two alone again, you wouldn't be able to hear Yoru because of the ringing in your ears😭
• At this rate, Yoru got the feeling that he would never be able to find the right moment. This noticeably soured his mood for a few weeks. The other agents thought he lost a bet or smth
• In the end, he said it in the middle of the battlefield. He was done waiting, and you needed to know. So, before everyone went to their positions, he walked up to you
• "Hey, you're the person I like. So don't die on me now. I need to hear your answer later."
• With burning cheeks, Yoru fastly teleported to his position and left you with a surprised Pikachu face
• You also came clean after the mission. "Hey, I didn't die!", you smiled, "and I have feelings for you too. Possibly more than you can imagine."
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• When Gekko joined the Valorant Protocol, he stuck to you and Neon like glue
• In addition to being assigned to various missions together, you three also spent most of your free time together
• When there was nothing to do, you hung out in each other's room, went to a boba place, sparred together, etc.
• You three and Gekko's little buddies, quickly became close friends
• With time, Gekko developed romantic feelings for you. Of course, Neon noticed this fact which resulted in you and Gekko spending more time together because she gave you two some space
• Whenever he was near you, he felt giddy and nervous. Even his little crew became more touchy with you
• He wanted to confess to you when you two were drinking boba in a cafe. He waited till you finished your drink. "[Name], I gotta tell you something big."
• You shifted your attention to him, curious about what he was going to say. But suddenly a man who passed your table spilled his coffee on your shirt
• Let's just say, it got heated between you and this stranger, and Gekko had no moment to confess
• Next time, you were chatting with Neon in the common room, and Gekko wanted to ask you if you could speak in private. However, Phoenix dragged him off, so that Gekko could see his new moves. "Pheonix can't you show me your moves later, I'm reaaaaally busy right now..." He dramatically reached his hand out to you, but you didn't see him
• At this point he lost all hope
• But, Wingman came to his rescue!
• When Gekko's bored, he draws in his sketchbook. This book had tons of sketches of you (with lots of hearts😏). Wingman ripped out a drawing to give it to you
• When Gekko realized this and ran after him, it was already too late. You looked at the paper with surprise in your eyes then you turned around to Mateo, who was a blushing mess
• "Did you draw this?" "Yeah..." He gathered up all of his courage and finally told you his feelings with a nervous grin. "You know, I liked you for a very long time now, haha."
• "I kinda noticed that because I feel the same. Let's go out?"
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hollowbutcanlove · 7 days
Correspondence with Valorant agents Pt.4
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writer-freak · 7 days
Asking you out | Valo men x Gn reader
Characters: Gekko, Chamber, Sova, Yoru, Phoenix, Cypher, Omen, Brimstone, Kay/o and Habor
Warning: Gn reader, fluff, maybe ooc, english isn't my first language
A/n: I decided to go back to my roots and write some headcanons for Valorant. Haven't written for them in some time and I'm not up to date with the current lore so sorry for inaccuracies
Thank you for reading and Comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated and really motivate me to write more <3
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Gekko is usually chill, so he’d be more low-key when asking you out.
One day you’re hanging out, Wingman chilling on your lap, and he just casually drops it
“Yo, maybe we should, like, go out on an official date?”
He’s trying to seem nonchalant, but the way he scratches the back of his head gives his nervousness away
When you agree, he lights up, his eyes wide with excitement and a big smile on his face
“Sick! Let’s grab something to eat!”
He’d definitely text his mom right after and would update her on how everything went
Chamber has always been smooth, always flirting like it’s second nature
But when he asks you out, it’s a bit different
You’re used to his flirty remarks, but this time, after a successful mission, he walks up and asks
“If we succeed today, how about we celebrate together? Maybe dinner, just the two of us?”
His usual cockiness is a bit toned down, and there’s a vulnerability showing in his voice making it obvious he actually cares about your answer.
When you say yes, he recovers quickly with a grin, “I’ll consider that a victory, then.”
Sova is more straightforward and doesn’t really beat around the bush
After a long mission, he’d find you alone, pulling you aside. “You know I value you more than just a teammate, right?”
He’s nervous, but he says it calmly, watching for your reaction
If you tease him about being a softy, he’d chuckle, cheeks flushing slightly, before responding
“Perhaps I am soft… but only for you.” He’ll suggest something outdoorsy as a first date, like a quiet night under the stars, just something close to nature
Yoru’s got a reputation for being cocky, and he’d play into that even while asking you out
“I heard you’ve been into me for a while now?” he’d say, smirking, trying to act cool
He’s testing the waters, but there’s a slight hesitation as if he’s waiting to see if you’ll reject him or call out his bluff
When you agree, he’ll act like it was no big deal, “Yeah, thought so,”
But then, his smirk softens slightly, and he looks at you more seriously. “So, how about we make it official? I’m asking you out—me and you, a proper date.”
If you agree, he’ll play it off cool, but you’d still catch the pink on his cheeks before he quickly changes the subject
Phoenix doesn’t like wasting time, so he’d ask you out while you’re the two of you were joking around together.
“Hey, let’s stop messing around and go out for real,” he’d say, flashing that bright grin.
“I’m serious though. Gonna be the best date of your life, I promise.”
His usual confidence is there, but you can tell he’s nervous from the way he messes with his jacket collar
When you say yes, he practically lights up—“Aight, bet! You won’t regret it.”
Cypher’s approach is more subtle
He waits for a moment when it’s just the two of you, maybe working on something together
He’ll lean in slightly and say in a low voice, “I’ve come to enjoy our time together... Perhaps you’d also like something more?”
His tone is cautious watching for your reaction, but you can sense the warmth behind his words
When you agree, he smiles behind his mask
“I had a feeling you’d say that,” he’d say, his voice softer. “How about dinner—just us?”
Omen is less direct when it comes to asking you out
One evening, after sitting together in silence, he'd hand you something small that he knitted himself
“This is for you.” he’d say in his usual low voice
If you ask him why he was gifting you this, he’d simply reply, “I want to be together with you.”
When you agree, there’s no visible smile, but you’ll feel the shift in his energy, warmth that shows that he is happy you accepted
Brimstone is all about professionalism, so he’d be more cautious about showing public affection.
If you’re already close, he might approach you after a mission, saying, “I’ve been thinking… maybe we should spend more time together outside of work.”
He’s straightforward, and his voice is calm, ready to accept your rejection
If you agree, he will give you a small smile.
“Glad to hear it. Let’s keep it between us for now, though.” He’s the type to plan something simple but meaningful—dinner at his place, maybe
KAY/O is logical, and while he’s sentient, human emotions can be tricky for him
He’d approach you one day, saying, “I have observed our interactions. I believe it would be beneficial to further explore this connection.”
It’s a bit robotic, but you can tell he’s trying
If you agree, he’d probably show a small heart symbol on his display, acknowledging the sentiment behind it
“Thank you. I will strive to meet your expectations,” he’d add, with a surprising amount of sincerity
Harbor’s positive energy is contagious, and he’d be warm and positive when asking you out.
“You know, we always have a good time together,” he’d say with that bright smile of his.
“How about we make it official? Let me take you out properly.”
He’s all about showing affection, and if you agree, he’ll be beaming.
“You won’t regret it. I’ve got some amazing plans for us.”
He would make sure your first date is filled with fun and laughter
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Divider by: @saradika-graphics
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jesjokes · 6 months
My agent head canons :3
Brimstone: he’s such a supportive dad but also I could see him being a bear
Phoenix: Bisexual trans man
Sage: probably bisexual definitely a woman liker and trans fem
Sova: Trans man and mlm (hes so in love with harbor t4t)
Viper: Lesbian. No other way around that
Cypher: demiboy and 100% pan he doesn’t care and maybe poly
Rayna: bi and Demi girl
Killjoy: in lesbians with Raze 😻/ref also agender
Breach: trans bear 🙏 bi
Omen: aroace and agender, even pre accident he doesn’t seem like he’d be into anyone that and prefer platonic relationships and doesn’t fuck with gender
Jett: she likes women there’s no way (also trans fem)
Raze: lesbian
Skye: definitely Bi
Yoru: trans masc nb and mlm
Astra: non binary and pan
Kay/O: robot :3 (hes supportive and maybe a little fruity)
Chamber: token straight/J (hes the gayest of them all 🇫🇷) no but Fr he’s probably bi and a trans man
Neon: pan and non binary
Fade: butch lesbian (please save me 🙏)
Harbor: bi and leans towards men also trans man
Gekko: 100% trans masc nb and gay (hes so nb4nb with Iso)
Deadlock: Butch agender lesbian (again PLEASE save meee 🙏🙏🙏😋😋)
Iso: trans masc non-binary aroaceflux
Clove: amab Non binary and pan
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motimatcha · 9 months
Characters: Gekko, Phoenix, Yoru, Chamber
Gener: fluff
On a cold winter night, when the temperature outside drops to minus thirty-five degrees and a cold wind blows through the windows...
Gekko will offer to seal the cracks with tape. This hardly saves you, despite the fact that you used two rolls of tape.
Phoenix will turn on the heater to warm up the entire apartment, but this action, like trying to warm up the entire street, will have no effect.
Yoru, who is equally comfortable in the heat and in the cold to wear light clothes, will not offer anything better and more reasonable than to call the repair service and go to his home.
Chamber has never encountered this problem because he is rich and can afford to install insulation on his windows.
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