#phoenix would never get the hang of it and it would drive edgeworth mad from across the courtroom
doydoune · 3 months
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oh to be a rookie attorney in France in love with the bitchy prosecutor next door
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greentrickster · 3 years
In the An Ace in Time AU, how does Franziska react to the events of Turnabout Goodbyes/get introduced?
Wow, haven't thought about this AU in awhile! Here we go!
Well, given that Edgeworth dies partway through Turnabout Goodbyes in this version, rises as a vengeful spirit, finds peace, and then just... continues to linger on this mortal coil for no particular reason? She's honestly pretty devastated at first. I mean, they didn't have the best relationship, but that's still her adoptive brother that she loves and he was murdered, he was so tormented in life that he became an angry ghost. It makes it impossible to ignore how much of a negative impact Manfred had on Miles, and drives home very sharply how much she does love her brother, that his death hurts so much.
She flies to Los Tokyo as soon as she finds out and goes straight to Peoples' Park, since that's where he tends to hang out when he's not with Phoenix or at the courthouse or Prosecutors' Office. In this world, vengeful spirits tend to look less human and can be kind of scary - Miles was very shadowy with a red glow to him when he rose, as well as his more tattered look, crown, and slightly less human features. When he found peace, his shadowy sections got a touch lighter, the red changed to his classic shade of pink, and his mouth shows up when he smiles now. Seeing Franziska again for the first time since he became like this was the first time he made the effort to look the way he did when he was alive, though he can't change his colours or give himself pupils. It meant so much to him that she came, he didn't want to scare her off by being all huge and any spookier than he could help. They found a private area in the park and had a long, long talk, and Franziska honestly cried a lot. Her brother might be here, but he still died, and she's still grieving his death, even as he comforts her as best he can.
From this point on, any case that Miles would have prosecuted, Franziska covers instead, she moves to Los Tokyo, takes over his old office, and begins a reign of fire and terror on the local criminal population. Miles shows up to help her sometimes, but he'll equally often help Phoenix, or just observe the proceedings and be super judgey, in that special way that can only be achieved when you're judging someone from beyond the grave. Franziska is never happy that Miles was killed, but she is grateful that she at least has the chance to spend more time with him, and improve their relationship (and prove to him she's the superior lawyer).
In an interesting twist, she actually has a bit of a soft spot for Phoenix in this AU. Vengeful ghosts aren't just dangerous because of any powers they might have, but because, over time, if they don't find peace, they become less cognizant and more aggressive, until they have to be banished by a sufficiently powerful spirit medium. Phoenix directly brought Miles peace by solving the DL-6 case and proving his innocence in court, and Franziska is eternally grateful for that. So Phoenix is one of the only defense attorneys that need not fear her whip, though she still doesn't give him an inch in court.
This also means she is absolutely livid when Phoenix is first disbarred from the Gramarye trial, and then killed in a mugging. She blames Klavier personally for this, and she plays an enormous part in Phoenix being allowed to continue raising Trucy in spite of being, you know, dead and a vengeful ghost. She has successfully blossomed into a beautiful young woman with no chill, and she's fully prepared to make it everyone's problem.
When the truth of the Gramarye case comes to light, Franziska is still mad at Klavier, but, oof, haha, that situation with the brothers Gavin brings back some very unfun memories of her relationship with her own father, haha, Gott Sie Dank for therapists on speed dial... Forgiveness comes slowly to her, but it is an option now, at the very least, and one that she's being encouraged towards.
Yes she becomes Chief Prosecutor, Miles is very proud of her and also teases her about it a lot. Overall she gets a chance to get a better support group, heal from her own wounds that Manfred left her, and really flourish. She still didn't get to prosecute with a bullet in her shoulder during the EnGarde trial. Fortunately they have a ghost Miles and spirit medium Pearl, so the trial continues both very similarly and very differently to how it did in canon.
...that was a lot, in retrospect, I hope you enjoyed it, and thanks for the ask!
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guilty-love · 5 years
And I added some more to the Demigod AU!
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And I wanted to recap this one more time because I changed so much, I might loose track of it. Also, be warned: MASSIVE wall of text incoming unter Read More.
First things first:  Because I am too lazy to change the ages of the characters I just allow older heroes to stay in Camp Half-Blood too. I know in Rick’s books most of the campers are teenagers but this is getting too exhausting for me to think about, when the whole AU stuff is just about having fun. So yeah, the characters will keep their ages.
- So, like I said, Klavier and Kristoph are Half-Siblings. Kristoph gets claimed at the age of 13, as a son of Athena. He becomes head counselor of the Athena cabin because he is smart and stuff. Klavier is very excited about getting claimed too.
- By the time Klavier turns 13 and gets claimed Kristoph is of course still head counselor and Phoenix, who is a child of Demeter, has become Mr. D’s right hand in taking care of the camp.
- When Klavier gets claimed by Aphrodite instead of Athena it comes to a shock. Both Gavins have been absolutely sure that Klavier is an Athena-kid too.
- But he isn’t and he has to move from the Hermes-cabin to the Aphrodite-cabin. He’s angry and sad and confused and so, instead of going straight back to the cabin he walks to the beach to get his thoughts straight.
- Daryan, his best friend and son of Poseidon, follows him to support him. Klavier, who is confused and angry wants Daryan to kiss him and tells him so. His friend refuses the first time but gives in the second because Klavier Charmspeaks him.
- Daryan then brings Klavier back to the Aphrodite-cabin and leaves him be for the night. Yet, the next day the Aphrodite-kids walk up to him during breakfast, asking anxiously where Klavier is. He has not shown up and neither the Hermes-cabin nor the Athena-cabin knows what has happened to him.
- Daryan gets worried first but Klavier shows up after breakfast as is nothing happened. Daryan gets angry but Klavier tells him that he has talked to his mom and that they have sorted things out and that he is more comfortable now with being an Aphrodite-child. Which is good.
- A few days pass and one day Kristoph walks up to Klavier, telling him that they are leaving camp the next morning. Kristoph is still mad at their dad for not telling them the truth and so he has decided to take Klavier, drive home and confront his dad with what the fuck he was thinking.
- Klavier agrees but is not happy about it. He sneaks into the Poseidon-cabin that night, Daryan it’s only inhabitant anyways and charmspeaks him into allowing him to spend the night. Daryan knows Klavier has used Charmspeak but he thinks is silly. He would have never sent Klavier away.
- They agree to talk every day, at the same time. Because phones don’t work they have to rely on iris messages. It works well for a while, but after a few days Klavier stops calling and stops responding.
- Daryan gets worried sick and for a week he starts running in circles, being a real mess. Apollo (son of a Apollo, great archer and healer, good with music) and Clay (amazing sword fighter but hasn’t been claimed yet) try to cheer him up but yeah, you know Daryan. It doesn’t really work.
- After a week, Daryan disappears from camp. He leaves a note, saying that he’s sick of not getting a quest and that he leaves on his own to check on Klavier.
- Two days later Trucy, who Phoenix (son of Demeter) has ‘adopted’ and who has become the new Oracle of Delphi has a prophecy about a black mist that clouds the land and robs beloved ones and a golden-haired hero that has to face hardships and pain (you know, your usual oracle-stuff).
- No one thinks much of it but the same day Klavier returns back to Camp Half-Blood, hunted by a monster (didn’t decide which one yet)
- It’s only thanks to Apollo and Phoenix, riding over on Pegasi, that he is saved. But he is severely hurt.
- He rests in the Big House and when he wakes up tells Apollo, Clay and Phoenix what he remembers: almost nothing. He doesn’t even know why he was chased and how he has come to Camp without a car.
- When Apollo tells him that Daryan is gone because he has been looking for Klavier because they haven’t talked in a week Klavier is shocked. His last memory is ending a call with Daryan and leaving his bedroom to talk to his dad who has just returned that night. Afterwards - blank.
- Klavier gets desperate for his brother and Daryan and prays to his mom - who is visiting him again. She resonates with Klavier’s love for his sibling and his best friend and tells him that he will see them again, she promises. He just have to be patient.
- Years pass and Klavier still waits for the quest to safe Kristoph and Daryan is called. Everyone else thinks both have died long ago - except for Apollo and Clay who have befriended Klavier. And Trucy, who takes care of those three idiots too.
- The four of them wanted to hang out when Trucy receives the quest for Klavier. He has to travel to California to find the black mist and dispose of it. Klavier remembers the prophecy Trucy had years ago, about black mist, and thinks that it has to be connected.
- He takes Apollo and Clay - who still hasn’t been claimed - and travels towards California.
- I guess you know where this is going to, right? Of course they find Camp Jupiter and of course they bump into a familiar face: Daian, Son of Neptune. Who unfortunately never heard of a certain “Daryan” but takes a pitty on those three Greek Demigods. He brings them to camp.
I haven’t gone any further with this, but of course the second Praetor besides Miles Edgeworth is going to be Kirihito, son of Minvera, who is a miracle himself. Minerva is supposed a virgin goddess but when Kirihito explains that he has not been born like a human child but that he has sprung from his mother’s head like a thought people are confused but not really questioning it. As a virgin goddess Minerva is not supposed to have any kids but because Kristoph is originally the son of Athena the one who altered his memory also adapted this story for him.
I don’t know who is the evil mastermind behind everything or where this is going (or what kid Miles is. Child of Jupiter maybe?) I will probably make some more updates on this AU because I am really having fun with this! :D
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