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khalilhassan · 2 years ago
location — open mic night, deja brew.
character — @phoebeyates
It wasn't his fault he'd had a few drinks before stopping by the coffee shop, nor was his fault the buzz that ran through his system had him all too tempted to take the stage himself. Instead, he'd opted for a black coffee while he watched each and every performer give their best shot at crowd amusement. "You know, I've been known to kill some karaoke in my day, but I don't think that's the kind of performance they're looking for tonight and it's a shame, really. I guess I'll have to leave the stage to the real talent. Are you going up tonight?"
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max-cortez · 2 years ago
location — the jagged yard
character — @phoebeyates
While there were some clients he never bothered talking to again, there were those that he couldn't help but to check in on after the fact. "Knock knock," he hummed quietly as knuckles rapped against the wooden bartop at the woman's side. "Are either of these seats taken? And does it make a difference if I offer to buy the next round?" He was joking, of course, except he would buy the next round if she didn't mind his company. "I'll even pitch in two rounds if that's what it takes, but my limit is three, maybe four."
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parkerlcwis · 1 year ago
location — the bonfire bash of 2023.
character — @phoebeyates
"Don't tell anyone, but I put a reese's cup and a hershey bar in my s'mores." It was a sugar rush her father had taught her as a kid. He'd made a joke about not telling her mother, but the woman had always beamed a smile in their direction as the two of them made a mess with all the melted chocolate in between. "It's the best and only way to enjoy one if you ask me. And I don't believe in burning the marshmallow to a crisp. I know, I'm just full of unpopular opinions tonight. You want me to make you one? I promise, you won't regret it."
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nadiamorgan · 2 years ago
location — carnival games
character — @phoebeyates
"What are the odds I spend all of my money trying to win a stuffed animal? If you say high, well, I'd say you're absolutely right. I've always sucked at games. You'd think that for someone as competitive as I am, I'd be good, but nope." She smiled as she looked over the countless carnival games, each one offering a different kind of scam that only a few people would be lucky enough to beat. "I swear, I think that most of these games just take dumb luck. Which, I don't have a whole lot of these days." She'd cashed out her good karma years ago and now she was paying the price for the awful choices she'd made. "So, which game should we inevitably fall to first?"
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mayxlee · 2 years ago
location: bighorn hills
character: @phoebeyates​​ & maya.
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Maya was in a hurry, trying to juggle a million things at once. She had a pile of work to get through, errands to run, and appointments to keep before stopping by her mom's house to help her with a box of old belongings. As she walked down the street, her eyes were glued to the papers in her hand, trying to figure out the deadlines of the upcoming projects and thinking that something was wrong. With that thought in her mind, the brunette didn't notice the person coming towards her until it was too late. With a sudden thud, Maya bumped into the stranger, causing both of them to stumble. Mortified, dark hues glanced over at the young woman, as her face turned red. "Oh my God -- I'm so sorry. I didn't realize I wasn't paying much attention to where I was going."
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mctildatautou · 10 months ago
𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 : downtown 𝙖𝙫𝙖𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙗𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙮 : @phoebeyates Matilda and Phoebe had just wrapped up a huge breakfast at Amelie’s, each of them savoring their own dish with something sweet in the middle. It was the perfect way to start any morning. Though she didn’t often voice it, Matilda was intensely grateful for the friends she’d made in recent years.
"Did you hear that guy at the corner table?" Matilda asked as they stepped out of the restaurant. "He was definitely having a convo that did not belong at a restaurant table." She paused just outside the restaurant's door and turned to Phoebe. "Also, I'm heading to Skyline. If you’re not busy, come with me. I’ll even buy you to a pretzel and fill you in on my nonexistent love life."
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ingridlczano · 11 months ago
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"Yeah... snow can be a real pain in the ass." Ingrid chuckled nervously at the woman's offer, her mind racing with thoughts of potential danger. "Um, thanks for the offer, but are you like... a killer or something?" she joked half-heartedly, trying to gauge for her reaction. "I mean, I'm sure you're a lovely person and all, but you know, just gotta ask." She flashed a teasing smile before continuing, "And just so you know, I bite. So, if you're okay with that, then sure, I'll take the ride. But if you're secretly planning to off me in the middle of this snowstorm, then I might have to pass."
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With the heaviness of the snow fall, Phoebe frowned, deciding to cut her losses. “Nah it’s fine, not worth risking heading back up there when the weather’s like this.” One of the big advantages of moving to Downtown from Bighorn Hills was that the snow didn’t seem to be that much of an issue, and Phoebe almost forgot how bad it could be on this end of town. “Yeah, I’m sure. Oh really? I used to live a bit that way.” She gestured in the direction of the cluster of cabins she used to live by. “You sure you’re okay getting to yours in this? My car is like literally just down there, I can give you a ride? As far as the snow will let me anyway.”
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☆ @ingridlczano
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foster-notmatty · 1 year ago
—Starter for @phoebeyates Location: Foster's Car on Interstate 70
Foster reached across the center console to hold Phoebe's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. As promised, he'd told her about the road trip a week ago, but he'd kept mum about their destination no matter how many times Phoebe tried to coax the information out of him. And she'd tried many times, with tactics that became increasingly more difficult to rebuff. He appreciated the way she'd ultimately decided to put her trust in him, and an hour away from the state line, he figured it was time to put her out of her misery.
"Okay," he said finally, "I think I've made you suffer long enough. You wanna know where we're going?" He didn't give her time to answer, knowing her response would likely be something bordering between snarky and bratty. "I know you said you'd never been outside Colorado before, soo... I booked us a hotel in Utah for the night. And don't worry, I already asked — there will be absolutely no rabbits."
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leilabarak · 1 year ago
closed starter for @phoebeyates downtown somewhere
With the space in her current workshop starting to fill up, Leila had taken it upon herself to find a secondary location that she could store some of her things. After printing a list of places to check out, Leila had swung by to pick Phoebe up to come with her to take a tour around town and see what was available. The first few places had been too small and as they came to the last place on Leila's list, there was a weird air about the area. It was in a strange part of downtown that Leila had never been before and probably for good reason. As soon as they got out of the car there was a crackle in the air, a burning smell coming from the dumpster across the street. "Is that dumpster...on fire?" she asked Phoebe as they got out of the car, the sketchiness of the area not fully sinking in with Leila just yet.
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khalilhassan · 1 year ago
Khalil: hey, i know we haven't set anything for our bike riding lesson, but i just stumbled across a moving sale and this guy has a bike for sale and he said it would be the perfect fit for me. Khalil: no, i didn't tell him i couldn't ride and no, i don't plan on trying. Khalil: he wants fifty bucks for it? says he paid over three hundred a couple of years ago. looks brand new except for one of the pedals have a deep scrape on them. i don't know anything about these things.
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atlaswilliams · 1 year ago
Atlas blew out a sound of playful disapproval. "I'm a jacket kind of guy. Plus, I'm kind of always one of the big players." He bit back a grin, the lame joke causing a laugh to form deep in his throat. One that faded away in place of the overwhelming feeling of dread that always seemed to follow around the topic. "Long story short... I found out that my real dad is actually my uncle. Guess my mom was between gigs for a bit." He drummed at the air, mouthing the badumtss to lighten the blow. It sounded like a soap opera when spoken aloud, but his family had always been one for the dramatics. Another laugh spilled, this one followed by a defeated sigh. "Trust me. They had their favorite and I've made peace with that. I get it now."
He clocked the small smile, his joke having landed successfully. It wasn't a full on win for happiness, but it was a start. Confusion crossed over his features as she dropped the name of a man he'd known for some time. "Foster? I didn't," he trailed off, head shaking as his gaze landed on hers. "I'm sorry if it came off that way. I'm just saying. I would say that to him, by the way. I'd say it to anyone." He took pride in a lot of things, but it was overprotective nature that had him asking such a thing. A nature that stretched to every friend of his and strangers alike.
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“With you out there, we’d be lucky enough to get badges. Jackets are for the big players.” Phoebe joked, deciding to finally throw Atlas a bone. He was just trying to be nice, and just because she’d be in a foul mood as of late didn’t mean he deserved it. Especially when he seemed to be going through his own shit. “What happened? If you don’t mind me asking?” It had to be monumental for it to deem in a fall-out this size. When he mentioned his brother, Phoebe just shrugged noncommittally. Siblings had never been her strong suit after all. “I think it’s a myth that parents have favorites.” Though she only said that to make Atlas feel better. Her own father preferred his new family, and her mom preferred her boyfriends. The real myth was them not having favorites.
“Right?! Isn’t that disturbing..” She let out a soft smile. At his question, she took a moment before answering it. No, she didn’t want to dive back in. Phoebe couldn’t even feign interest in flirting in bars if she wanted to, being unfortunately so far gone for Foster it was like other people didn’t exist. She wondered what he was doing, right now. If he could look at girls in bars and not feel sick to his stomach at the idea of pursuing them. “If I was Foster, you wouldn’t ask that. That's sexist.” She found herself muttering, the name slipping out too easily, and she’d been forgetting momentarily she was withholding certain information. “But no, I don’t want to dive back in. Not right now.” 
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☆ @atlaswilliams
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carlavillanueva · 11 months ago
Characters: Carla Villanueva & Phoebe Yates (@phoebeyates) Location: Frederick's Farm, Bighorn Hills Closed Starter
Going out to the farm was definitely one of the best things to do in the neighborhood in springtime. Surely, it was more crowded today with the Spring Extravaganza in full swing, but it also made the place more fun. Carla headed towards the stand that was selling fresh apricots, the sight of the fruit enough to make her stomach grumble. "Those apricots look amazing," she commented underneath her breath before realizing that it was still loud enough for the woman next to her to hear here. Phoebe. "Oh, hi! It's nice to see you again. Phoebe, right?"
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parkerlcwis · 1 year ago
location — the jagged yard.
character — @phoebeyates
Genuine happiness had felt like a stretch for a long while. She'd avoided needing anyone and had settled for the seclusion of her cabin in the woods and the pretty view it offered to the mountains above. Old friendships had been enough for her and so had the bottles of wine and whiskey she interchanged. However, the last year had proven her theories all wrong. Putting herself out there for a new flame and friendships had been well worth the risk. So much that she was left with only regret that she hadn't done it sooner. The park ranger had shown up early to the bar where she'd agreed to meet one of her newer friends, though nothing felt new between herself and the other. They'd hit it off in an instance over a nerds rope, a day that Parker couldn't forget even if she'd tried. After a few looks over her shoulder, she spotted Phoebe, leaving her to turn and offer a wave and smile. "Got us the best seat in the house." Front and center at the bar, the main attention. "What are we drinking?"
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sebvora · 1 year ago
LOCATION — The Green Dragon Apartments ( phone call ).
WHO — Sebastian & Phoebe ( @phoebeyates )
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Calling Phoebe after the bombshell of big news had been dropped atop Seb and CJ’s heads only felt like a natural course of action, as far as he was concerned. Seeing that he couldn’t necessarily call Jeanie while she was working to let her know what was going on, and taking into account that he was avoiding the disappointed scolding he’d receive from Hunter for as long as humanly possible — well, that meant his best friend was the first one up to the plate to deal with whatever word vomit would come out of his mouth.
If she would answer, that is. He called once with no response, twice with no response, and the third and fourth time he didn’t even let it ring all the way before he was trying to call again. He stopped for a moment, only to text her a nonsensical string of question marks and exclamation points to signify that whatever the hell she was doing was clearly not as important as this.
Apparently, she didn’t think so. He stopped counting around ten missed calls and just felt relieved the moment that he heard something else rather than her cringey ‘leave a voicemail’ recording.
Okay, maybe he played it a little calm and collected before, but there was still a piece of him that was internally freaking out.
“Phoebe! What the fuck, man?! What the fuck do you think this is — time to unplug, you can’t answer your phone?! Bullshit, by the way. I know you’re on this fucking thing like, twenty-four fucking seven. You can see when I’m calling you, bitch.”
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He took a breath, loud and pointed, before he continued, “I have news. I just need you to like, promise me that you won't be mad?”
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nadiamorgan · 2 years ago
She wasn't perfect, but at least she could say that she wasn't sitting idle in a major turning point of her daughter's life. "I'm all in. I would like to know multiple experiences and learn from all of them." It wasn't a one story fits all kind of thing and the more she knew, the better prepared she'd be when the time came for her to meet her daughter officially. "Wow, so smooth lives are real. Good to know," she teased with a light smile on her mouth. She wasn't feeling like everything was okay, but for the time being, she felt like maybe it could be. "Really? That's amazing. I'll have to come by and see. How excited are you?"
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"Honestly, I am happy to help," she smiled. Nel was happy to be useful and she hoped that perhaps her advice could help somehow, hopefully make the road easier for Nadia's daughter than it had been for her at first. "Yes, I think that's a good idea, and she may have a completely different opinion to me." Maisie's story was different to Nel's and their deafness was different too, it was important to get a range of opinions. She smiled, taking a sip of her coffee, "I'm good, life is moving along pretty smoothly," she admitted, "I've got a few pieces up in a gallery next week, so that's pretty exciting."
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elifalvey · 1 year ago
LOCATION — Condom Sense.
WHO — Elijah & Phoebe ( @phoebeyates )
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Embarrassment was an emotion that Elijah hardly felt — at least when it came to his relationship with Aslihan, anyway. Condom Sense had long since found its way into the musician's regular routine of errands, and he honestly couldn't say that he contained an ounce of shame about it either. When she had told him earlier in the afternoon that the girls would likely be sleeping over at their grandparents' place tonight, he knew that he had to make a quick trip before he made his way back home from the studio, just to save them both a little precious time. And that was exactly what he did, the familiar chime of the bell above the doorway signaling his entrance. He hadn't paid much mind to anyone else that may have been shopping around him, although he couldn't help but be stuck in unescapable predicament when he rounded the corner of an aisle and Phoebe, of all people, was who had been standing there. Like a deer in headlights, he froze, having half the mind to try and discreetly shield what he'd been holding in his hands already. Okay, maybe there was a small inkling of mortification there. In this specific circumstance. "Hello," he said dumbly, because that was the only stupid thing that he could think to say, and he desperately hoped that he wasn't the only one of them wishing that it had been someone else.
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