#phoebe would’ve been a way better boyfriend than ross
nikkiruncks · 11 months
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Phoebe and Rachel moodboard
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impala666 · 4 years
The One With The Dozen Lasagnas Part Three (Uma Thurman)
Warning for some Sexual Harassment!!! If this affects in any way, please don’t read!!!! 
Previous Part (Part Two), Series Masterlist
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“What happened?” Monica asked Phoebe after she had dropped the mega bomb that Paolo, Rachel’s boyfriend made a move on her. 
“So he came in for a massage and everything was fine until..” Phoebe went on to explain that as she was massaging Paolo. Paolo kept stroking her legs as he laid on his stomach on the table. But it apparently got even worse when she told all of you that Paolo grabbed onto her ass. 
“Oh, my god.” All of you gasped in surprise and horror. 
“Are you sure?” Monica asked her just so she could keep the story straight. 
“Oh, yeah. I’m sure.” Phoebe told her as she smiled uncomfortably at Monica. “And all of a sudden his hands weren’t the problem anymore.” Phoebe cringed as she described that when she went to move around the table to get away from Paolo’s hands he rolled up onto his side with a smile on his face. 
“Was it..?” You started to ask but didn’t quite want to finish. 
“Oh, boy scouts could have camped under there.” Phoebe explained plainly for all of you to understand. Each of you making your own faces of surprise and disgust. 
“Ohhh,” everyone again said. 
“Ohhhh, what?” Rachel asked as she ran over so she could hear what Phoebe was dishing about. 
“Uma Thurman.” Phoebe quickly changed the subject. 
“The actress.” Ross helped using fake realization. To which all of you nodded and played along until Rachel walked away again and Chandler made sure that she was away. 
“So what’re you gonna do?” Chandler asked her as he leaned over the back of the couch.
“You have to tell her. You have to tell her, it’s your moral obligation as a friend. As a woman, I think it’s a feminist issue. Guys? Guys?” Ross asked the other two men, but you couldn’t help but look at him for how much he sounded like an idiot right there. But apparently Chandler and Joey weren't being of any help either. 
“Oh, yeah, you have to tell her.” Okay that you agreed with. 
“Feminist issue. That’s where I went.” Joey agreed, but you just looked at him blankly. 
“She is gonna hate me.” Phoebe whined at the mere thought of even telling Rachel. 
“Yeah, well…” Ross shrugged.
“Not ‘well.” You rolled your eyes at how this man was aggravating you. “I mean, how can she hate you?” Phoebe just rolled her eyes and shrugged. But Monica eyed you, encouraging you to continue. “No, I’m serious. It’s not like any of this is your fault, this was his disgusting choice.” You wanted to make sure that Phoebe wasn’t feeling guilty about any of this. “Believe me, I don’t think Rachel’s going to be mad you.” You told her with a smile as you reached over and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, and Monica put her hand on top of yours in agreement. 
It was later that day and Chandler, Joey, and you were at the furniture store looking at the various tables and chairs. “Here, how about that one?” Joey just pointed at what was in front of him. But he just made you cross your arms over your chest and glare up at him in annoyance; the three of you had already been there for over an hour. 
“That’s patio furniture.” Chandler pointed out as you swiftly nodded to Joey that it was true. 
“So what? People are gonna come in and think ‘uh-oh, I’m outside again.” Joey mocked.
“Well we can’t get that because it would just look ridiculous.” You spoke your truth. 
“What about the birds?” Chandler asked pointing to a horrible table set where the chair backs had different kinds of birds on them, to which to scrunched your face up and shook your head.
“I don’t know birds just don’t say “Hello, sit here.” Joey said, also voting no.
“You pick one.” Chandler said to Joey. 
“How about that one?” Joey pointed to an option that was even worse than Chandler. The seat was covered in ladybugs and the chair back looked like it was taken out of somebody’s body.
“So forget about the birds but big red insects suggest fine dining?” Chandler complained to him. 
“Oh, my god.” You groaned. “Just let me pick one because we have been here forever and clearly I have better taste than the both of you combined.”
“Then pick one Miss. Architectural Digest.” Chandler joked again as he gestured to the variety of different tables. Joey laughing at both you and Chandler bickering.
“How about this one?” You suggested the one you three had been standing by the whole time that had chairs on top of it. 
“Eh, I think it’s too I don’t know, feminine.” Chandler mentioned quietly. 
“How can a table be too feminine?” You asked. That was the dumbest thing to call a table. “Fine if you wanna get the birds! Get the birds!” You told him, you just wanted to get out of the store
“Not like that I won’t.” Chandler mumbled complaining about your attitude. “Kip would’ve liked the birds.” He pouted. Making both you and Joey to slowly turn your heads and glare at him.
“So what do you think?” Chandler asked as Joey looked down at you waiting for you to smile, but when you didn’t he just wrapped his arms around your waist which made you smile a little. 
“I think it’s the most beautiful table I’ve ever seen.” Ross answered honestly as you all looked down at the new foosball table that the boys had bought when you weren’t looking.
“I think I gave you two one job, but I’m too lazy to return it to the store.” You also answered honestly. 
“Don’t you dare.” Joey threatened you for even joking about taking the table back. 
“So how is this going to work. You’re gonna balance plates on these little guys’s heads?” Monica asked, at least someone was on your side for this. 
“Who cares? We’ll eat at the sink.” Joey scoffed her off. “Come on lets play.” Joey and Chandler took up one end as you and Monica took the other end. 
“Heads up, Y/N/N.” Monica told you as she passed you the ball and without a second thought you pushed the ball right into the goal. “Score! You suck!” Monica mocked them for how easy it was to make that shot. So Monica and you promptly high fived each other and did happy dances while both boys across from you just pouted and glared at you.
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knives-out20 · 4 years
The One With The Fight - Chandler Bing x Male!Reader - FRIENDS
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Fandom: FRIENDS (1994-2004)
Pairing: Chandler Bing x Male!Reader
Warnings: Spoilers For Season 2 Episode 21,
Notes:  Okay, Listen, At Least I’m Giving You Guys SOMETHING, Here!
You walked down the sidewalk and over to Central Perk, the only thing in mind being your need for coffee. You reached the coffee house and were about to go inside, when you noticed something- or, some people, more like.
Two guys with Ross, and your boyfriend, Chandler in the middle of the street.
You furrowed your eyebrows, sticking to the red brick wall of the building beside Central Perk, watching as crowds started to form, pointing and mumbling at the four men. “The hell is he doing-?" You mumbled, only then realizing their fighting stances. Jeez, someone took Street Fighter a little too seriously.
"Alright, come on, man! Let's do this, already!" One of the men, wearing a blue denim coat, exclaimed.
"Before I forget, are we hitting faces?" Ross asked, raising a finger, Chandler and him exiting their previous fighting stances. If he knew you were there, he would've seen you roll your eyes at the fact that he was asking this right before a fight. 
The other man, wearing a leather coat, spoke up. “Of course we're hitting faces! Why wouldn't you hitting faces?" He asked.
"Well, because I have to work on Monday. I have a big presentation." There goes Ross, and the weird way he says 'presentation'.
You cringed just by hearing him say it.
The denim coat guy spoke up, turning to his friend. “You know, I got to show this apartment, tomorrow. And, y'know, this whole no-faces thing might not be a bad idea.”
"...Okay," the second guy spoke up again, "nothing from the neck up.”
"Alright" Ross nodded, the four of them resuming their fighting stances.
"Or the waist down-" he spoke up again. When the denim guy looked at him, he said "Dana's ovulating" having the denim guy smile and ask "oh, really? You guys trying again?", Leather coat guy giving a shy "yea.”
"God, no neck up or waist down? What kind of weak fight IS this?" You muttered, crossing your arms. “Strictly the middle part?"
Chandler made Ross turn to face him. So let me just get this straight- so we're, uh, strictly talking about the middle?"
You smiled a Chandler saying the same thing you did, but it got cut off when the guy in the leather coat shoved Ross with a come on!", Ross yelling a "hey!" back.
The four of them regained their fighting stances again, Ross yelling "you want some of this, huh?" as Chandler jumped a little. “You want a piece of this, huh? I'm standing here!"
As Ross was yelling, Chandler finally caught sight of you. “(Y/n)?" He wheezed, eyes going wide.
You pursed your lips, giving him a slight wave. “Chandler" you returned, chuckling. “Got yourself in quite the situation, baby" you grinned, glancing at the two strangers.
"W- I'm- they're bullies!" Chandler pouted.
"'Bullies'? Chandler, you're full grown men. We call them 'dickbags' now" you snorted, tilting your head.
Chandler glanced at Ross and back to you, shrugging. “Aren't you gonna come help us, (Y/n/n)?" He asked, groaning when you replied with "three against one isn't all that fair, Channy.” He then noticed two guys sneaking their hands onto a hat behind the two guys Ross and him were about to fight.
Wait, is that Chandler's hat?
"Hey, hey!" Chandler regained the three guys' attention, pointing at the two thieves by you. “Those guys are taking our stuff!" He yelled, a hand on Ross' shoulder.
"Where?" Ross called, nodding at you, then seeing the two men rush by you.
"Get out of the way, look out!" The man in the denim coat yelled, leading his friend, Ross, and Chandler in a chase after the two thieves. 
You grabbed Chandler's hand right as he passed, following them in a run.
"(Y/n), what-?"
"What? And just let them take your hat? No way, honey" you scoffed, tugging him to speed up. You followed the men down the street, letting go of Chandler's hand so that you could push your hair out of your face.
Chandler was more focused on running, so he didn't see the jump rope he was about to trip over.
"Chandler, watch out!" You called, but it was too late. You watched as Chandler tripped over a little girls jump rope, stopping by him immediately. “Chandler, oh my god-" you panted, kneeling down.
"Go, go get 'em" Chandler coughed, weakly turning to look at you as he lay on the pavement."Go on, baby. Go kick their asses and get my kets.”
You exhaled, nodding and speeding after the men, past the two guys with Ross and grabbing the back collar of one of the thieve's shirt. 
The sudden half stopped the second thief, giving that enough time for Ross to knock him in the face.
You grunted, bringing a clean swing to the guy you had a hold on. You grabbed the hat when he dropped it, kicking him in his legs and punching him across the face again. You turned to the one Ross got, kicking him in the stomach.
"Nice shots, (Y/n)" Ross panted, turning to you.
You panted, watching as the two guys finished the thieves off. “Thanks. Lets go get Chandler.”
You walked at Chandler's side as he lead the five of you into Central Perk, gently touching his lip to see if he was bleeding
"God! That was- that was amazing, that was incredible! You guys- you guys kicked butt" Ross praised, sitting on the couch.
"Us? What about you guys?" The guy in the denim coat asked, lightly punching your shoulder. “Your mysterious friend here really had that first guy's ass. Man, you really gave it to ol' mister clean back there, he was a big guy.”
You nodded smiling softly s you helped Chandler sit down.
"Yea, he was, wasn't he?" Ross asked, turning to Chandler.
Chandler smiled mockingly. “Yea, I wouldn't know, having missed everything, like my boyfriend kicking ass for me" he hissed, holding your hand. Chandler glanced up at you, "thanks again, for stepping in, by the way.”
You smiled down at him, "I'd fight anyone in the world for you. And don't be so hard on yourself, any one of you guys could've tripped over that little girl's jump rope.”
The guy in the leather coat turned to you, then the guy in the denim coat did the same."Wait, so you wouldn't-" "hold on, your boyfriend?"
You raised your eyebrows, holding one of Chandler's hands in both of yours. “I'm very coordinated, or so I've been told. And yes, boyfriend. Is there a problem with that?" You asked, gaze turning cold. You tilted your head as the two men shook their heads, looking scared of what you'd do to them. You smiled, "good.”
"So, listen, are we...?" Ross turned to the two men in coats. “Guys, are we, uh, are we okay here?"
"Oh, they better be okay, there. I just whooped a guys ass for all your keys and jewelry in Chandler's hat" you scoffed, bring his hand to your lips for a quick kiss, catching Chandler's smile on his face when you did.
The man in the leather nodded, as did the man in the denim. “We're okay" the latter told, Ross mumbling "alright.”
Chandler forced a chuckle, "okay, so can I have my hat back?"
After a couple beats of silence, the man in the denim said "no", shaking his head.
"Huh," Chandler nodded, turning away. In a flash, he was out of his seat, grabbed his hat off the man's head and ran behind the couch, but fell.
You jumped up and went around to check on him. “Idiot" you sighed lovingly, getting on top of him and hoisting him up by his shoulders. “Hey, Ross, help me bring Chandler back up?"
"Look at her" Phoebe said, all seven of you turning your attention to Monica in a costume behind the counter of the diner she worked at.
"Hi, Monica!" Chandler chirped, having you giggle and lightly shove him. He had a window seat and you sat beside him with his arm around you, Joey beside you and Rachel, Ross and Phoebe across from you.
Monica looked up, with her fake, pink glasses and puffy, blonde wig. Her jaw dropped when she saw all of you, and you saw her groan in embarrassment.
"Hey, nice boobs!" Phoebe called, as the rest of you waved at her.
"Guys, guys, check this out" Chandler whispered, turning to the napkin holders. He input a coin at the top, and pressed one of the buttons on the bottom, swinging his head back over to the counter when the familiar beginning of YMCA start playing.
"Oh my god-" you cackled, turning to look for Monica through the legs of the other workers, who were all up on the counter, already starting to dance. Chandler, you, and the others all smiled and started nodding to the beat, Chandler's grip around you pulling you closer to himself. You laughed with the other when Monica got up at the end of the counter and danced in a mediocre fashion, which was worth it because of the ringing of a beautiful sound in your ears- Chandler's laughter. You knew of no sound better than Chandler's laughing, so you turned around to catch a glimpse of his smile.
He nodded at you. “What?"
"Nothing, just..." you slowly licked your lips. “Just wanted to see you smile.”
"Aww, aren't you cute" Chandler cooed, leaning in and softly kissing you. “I love you, (Y/n). And, seriously, thanks for coming with Ross 'n' me earlier.”
"No prob, baby. I love you too, Chandler.”
Chandler gazed at you for a while longer, breaking the heartfelt moment when he dumped a handful of coins on the table. He winked at you as the group all dove in to take as many coins as they could, sure to use them to make Monica dance more using the machine. You joined in too, desperate for more of Chandler's happiness.
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mtvswatches · 4 years
Friends 2x08 The One With The List
Previous Recaps
In a nutshell: Everyone finds out about THE KISS. Chandler buys a laptop. Ross writes a list. Monica works for Mockolate. There’s a lot of staring at the rain out the window while U2 plays in the background.
Chandler: Chandler gets a new laptop and he’s obsessed, and honestly? Same. He then comes up with the idea that Ross should create a PROS/CONS list for both Julie and Rachel so that he can decide who to be with… because that’s exactly how all matters of the heart should be decided, right? To Chandler’s credit, he feels terribly sorry for coming up with the idea of the list and for not thinking on his feet and preventing Rachel from reading it (not that she didn’t deserve to know, but she deserved to have her feelings spared, you know?)
Joey: Joey’s solution for Ross’s conundrum? Threesome. But he’s the biggest fangirl once Ross breaks up with Julie and Rachel shows up at the apartment. I always loved Joey’s softer side.
Monica: Monica gets a job for Mockolate, creating Thanksgiving recipes. It’s a somewhat “comic” – in the “I know this is supposed to make me go haha” sense – relief in the midst of all the Ross-Rachel drama. Mockolate doesn’t get the FDA approval in the end, but Monica earns her pay anyway. And she also probably got some side effects.
Phoebe: Ross asks Phoebe to play a song in order to defuse the awkwardness of the situation - Julie showing up at the coffee shop, oblivious to the fact that her boyfriend had been smooching with Rachel the night before. Phoebe then played the iconic song “Two of Them Kissed Last Night”. HE MUST DECIDE.
Rachel: Rachel shares her excitement with the girls about THE KISS. Her exhilaration quickly dwindles, though, as she sees how A) Ross is still with Julie and hasn’t either told her about them nor has he broken up with her, and B) Ross hasn’t called her. Ross was already making her question her own worth. In the end, Ross kind of made up his mind, and Rachel is so happy that he’s going to get her coat, and then she sees the list on the computer (how contrived was the way she had to parade herself all through the apartment in order for her to face the computer and read what was on the screen? Why didn’t they just leave the computer on the kitchen counter? Did the computer have to be next to the printer, is that why?) And then the printer starts working. The boys try to distract her, but it’s too late, she saw her name there and she needs to know what it was about. Rachel OBVIOUSLY outsmarts them, and ends up reading the list. Kind of ditzy. Too into her looks. Spoiled. Just a waitress. Ouch. She’s disappointed and hurt, and rightfully so. To this day, Rachel words still hit close to home:  “Imagine the worst things you think about yourself. Now, how would you feel if the one person that you trusted the most in the world not only thinks them too, but actually uses them as reasons not to be with you.” There’s no worse feeling in the world than having someone you love spew at you the most awful things you think of yourself but try to convince yourself are not true – when they say those things, it’s confirmation that they’re true, and that you’re not good enough. I applaud Rachel for standing her ground and not letting Ross walk all over her. But it’s painful to watch her be so heartbroken.
Ross: I see how the contrast they showed between the girls and the boys reacting to Ross and Rachel’s kiss is supposed to be funny, but who are we kidding? Ross would actually act like one of the girls. This is the guy who has been holding a torch for the same girl SINCE THE 9TH FUCKING GRADE. Am I really supposed to buy that he would just be: “oh yeah I kissed her, tongue, yeah”? REALLY? He’s been DREAMING about this moment for YEARS, literally. I’d say he would be a tad more excited, right? While he is excited about the prospect of being with Rachel, he is still very much in a committed relationship with Julie. They were about to get a cat, remember? And this is the episode where Ross’s “Nice Guy” schtick starts to show. He says he feels all torn about it, but if he truly were, he would’ve told Julie what happened the previous night. Instead, he continues to pretend everything is okay with Julie while making Rachel feel like the other woman. He was the one who came back to the coffee shop, remember? He was the one in a relationship, who shouldn’t have cheated on their partner, right? Anyway, Ross follows Chandler’s advice to compile a list comparing Julie and Rachel. And while it is sweet how Julie’s biggest con was that she was not Rachel, the whole comparison thing is simply despicable – especially considering how quickly he came up with the list of flaws for Rachel. Eventually, he does the right thing – sort of – and breaks things off with Julie. Goodbye, Julie. You won’t be missed, but you were a nice girl who deserved much better than Ross Geller. Ross thought he could have his cake and eat it too, but Rachel did not want anything to do with him after reading his list. He then climbs into the girls’ balcony, with a list of all the things he loves about Rachel. Which would’ve been an amazing romantic gesture. You know, if he hadn’t written that other list in the first place. There’s no convincing Rachel, though. Ross reasons that if things were the other way around, there was nothing she could’ve said that would make him not want to be with her. Which is 100% unverifiable. There’s no way to know he would’ve been so mighty. Actually, considering how petty he can be, I’d wager he wouldn’t let it go, but whatever. His argument is proven invalid, though, when Rachel argues that she would never write the list in the first place. Ross gives it one last shot – he sends a song request to a radio show, with a message for Rachel.  But not even the radio host is on Ross’s side.
One Iconic Scene:
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Ross and Rachel’s first break-up in front of the whole gang.
Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi. Thanks!
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unsaid-stardust · 6 years
Friends !! (For the show thing , just to make it clear) ( i wasnt randomly sending u the word friends) (okay bye)
honestly I would’ve been chill either way! lol
My favorite Episode: There’s sooooo many to choose from….I really like The One With Unagi tho….actually any episode that focuses on Monica and Chandler I really likeMy least Favorite Episode: I actually….don’t have one….
My favorite Arc: Rachel! While I don’t particularly like her as a character, I definitely think she changed for the better in the end
My lease favorite Arc: Ross! He expected Rachel to just stay in New York and didn’t support her going to Paris when he knew that it would be a really good opportunity for her! 
My favorite ship: Monica and Chandler…They’re SO much healthier than Rachel and RossMy favorite character: It’s a tie between Monica and Phoebe!My favorite season: probably season 6!My least favorite: season 8!Who I wish would have stayed till the end: Phoebe’s boyfriend Gary! I really liked him! Who I wish would have left the show sooner: Elizabeth Stevens! While she was an ok character, i did not like that Ross was dating a student at alllllllWho I think is the most cheated character: Joey! He’s SUCH a sweetheart and he gets NOTHINGWho got more screen time than they maybe should: Ross…he’s just a big whiny baby What drew me to it: I watched an episode for the first time on prom night and started watching it casually on tv then I saw it was on netflix when I went to college so I started watching it from the beginning! What kept me watching: the humor for sure! It’s actually so funny!If I would recommend it: hmmmm….I’d tell you that if you’re looking for a show that you could binge easily and want something light with good humor, then Friends is perfect
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onestowatch · 4 years
Navvy Opens up About Heartbreak, ‘Cats,’ and Her Latest EP [Q&A]
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“I've been thinking about it recently,” Navvy says down the line from Auckland. “Why do people write songs?” It’s a good question, one the NZ-based popstar has been mulling over with her newfound spare time. “I've realized you write songs when words aren't really enough anymore. The emotion has to be so strong that saying this stuff wouldn't get it out enough, you need to sing it,” she explains. “That's the most dramatic High School Musical thing ever, but I think it's really true.”
Navvy’s reasoning explains her debut set of EPs, a trilogy that traces a brutal case of heartbreak. It started when she was unceremoniously dumped by her long-term boyfriend, kicking off 2019 with a heady dose of despair. Instead of channeling it into watching vintage romcoms and checking to see if her ex had viewed her Instagram story, she made The Break Up EP - about exactly that. Next came No Hard Feelings, a collection of tracks about being almost over it; finding solace in family and being scared to be happy. “Part of my brain was like, ‘You're feeling better, so stop writing that you're sad because you're not really sad anymore.”
Now she’s closing off the story with The Final Pieces EP. And she’s come out the other side swinging. Lead single Pieces showcases Navvy at her best - written and produced with London-based producer Starsmith and her longtime collaborator Wells*, it’s all sparse production laced with husky falsetto, and a ripper of a chorus about having her pieces back together. “It's kind of wrapping up the stories of what that year meant for me,” she explains. “I don't really have any interest in releasing an EP where none of the songs go together,” she says of her choice to thread a narrative through the projects. “I wanted it to be a body of work.”
2020 has thrown its own set of hurdles - normally Navvy does most of her songwriting, photoshoots and fun popstar things in London (New Zealand is for resetting) but hopping on a plane across the world isn’t exactly on the radar right now. Still, she’s finding a way through, taking some much-deserved downtime and jumping on international Zoom writing sessions with the likes of Norwegian producer Martin Sjølie (of Sigrid fame). We caught up with her to chat heartbreak, the Cats film, and celebrating release day at the casino.
Ones to Watch: So how does a Zoom writing session actually work?
Navvy: It's super weird. Though one I did the other day was really fun - I had a producer in Norway and a songwriter in Sydney. Usually the whole thing about a session is the vibe of the room, so trying to create that online is difficult. We kind of hypothesized that in six months’ time everyone's going to start releasing songs with a disclaimer attached, like, ‘Sorry! we wrote this on Zoom, it's not great!’ But I feel like the one we wrote is actually really cool, so we felt very happy with ourselves.
What's your expert advice on getting over a breakup?
It's annoying to hear, but really, time is everything. I remember when I was in the depths of my despair and mum was just like, you need to give it time, it will be ok. And I was like, you don't know! You've never felt heartbreak like this!
It’s annoying when mums are right.
Also, I can't really hold grudges. And I think that that left more room in my heart and my brain to start feeling ok. If I was angry at him, it would've been harder. But I could be like, ‘Oh, well he's actually someone who I spent some of the best years of my life with, and I couldn't let myself throw that away just because he didn't want to be with me anymore.’ Everyone gets to make their own decision and he just didn't want to be with me. Thinking about it logically is a really difficult thing to do when your heart is involved, but I also think it's the best thing to do.
That’s very mature. I would probably be a petty bitch.
*laughs* I think both ways are appropriate. I can see how people are like that, but it's just not me - he's still one of my best friends. This has been my only relationship and my only break up, so who knows what the next one will be like. But I can't imagine having someone in my life for so long and then never seeing them again, that just blows my mind.
Has music helped you process it?
100%. Especially songwriting with other people, because I'm telling my story to them and they're being like, 'Oh I've felt like that.’ And then I get to release it and have people from literally all over the world messaging me on Instagram being like, ‘Woah, that's exactly how I feel’. Or, ‘That song has gotten me through a breakup.’
Are you thinking about an album after this?
I don't think I'm quite ready for an album yet... I love albums, they're one of my favorite things, but I don't want to just put 12 songs on a CD and call it an album. That's not something that’s interesting to me. An album to me is a really big commitment, and I don't take it lightly. It takes more thinking than just putting things together. I really like EPs because they're like mini albums, preparing me. But the dream is to do an album.
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What are the albums you keep coming back to?
In lockdown I listened to a different album every day while I went for a walk. The ones that stuck with me from that were the Kacey Musgraves album, Conan Gray's new album, any Taylor Swift album, obviously. One of my favorites is Sufjan Stevens’ Carrie & Lowell, and The Beach Boys’ album Pet Sounds is one of my favorite albums of all time.
Strong choices.
But I can't jump into an album halfway through, I really have to listen beginning to end. If I’m going on a 20-minute drive I listen to a podcast because I can't start an album and not finish it, it panics me. But if I'm going on an hour drive, then I’m all about an album.
I read that you were second on your Spotify Wrapped which is amazing. Who was first?
Taylor Swift. I listened to Lover a lot. But yeah, I really do listen to my own music loads, which is funny. There's something about going on to my artist page on Spotify and being like, woah, that's me.
Does it still feel strange to see yourself there?
Yeah, it's so weird. I just don't understand how anyone gets used to it. Literally every time I hear my song on the radio it's like, out of body. It’s unbelievable to me that someone at a radio station thought my song was good enough to play. So many songs are released every day. And especially because it's not my name - my name’s not Navvy, it's Phoebe. So, it will often take a second to realise they're actually talking about me.
Do you tap into a different space when you’re doing Navvy stuff?
Sometimes I like to think of it as Hannah Montana and Miley Stewart. I'll be living my normal life, helping my friends move flats, and then that night I'll do a session with a producer I've looked up to my whole life, and I'm like, ‘How is this real? How am I doing both of these things?’
Besides Taylor Swift, who would you really love to work with?
I would love to work with Julia Michaels. I'm such a fan of what she does. She writes a lot with Justin Tranter who I’d also really like to write with. I'd love to write with Ross Golan, he wrote Dangerous Woman with Ariana Grande. He also wrote a musical and I love musicals. I would just love to sit down with him and have a chat.
What's your favorite musical?
That's a really loaded question.
I'm a musical fan so I say this with love and respect.
Cats is my favorite musical of all time.
Cats! What were thoughts on the film then?
I actually loved it, but I think because I'm such a Cats fan I was always going to love it. I think it's the best music for a musical ever. Between my 15th and 16th birthdays, I watched at least a scene of the old Cats movie every day.
How are you going to celebrate when your EP’s out?
My family and I will go to the casino in Auckland and we'll all get $20 and try and win big. That's how we celebrate in this house. I don't really drink or party or go to the casino ever, but on release day my whole family goes. The first time we won a lot of money, so we're like, ‘It's going to happen every time!’ But it hasn't happened since.
You actually won?
I think the first time collectively we won over a thousand dollars. It was insane. We were playing roulette.
That’s a good omen.
I think so too. But we couldn't go for the Pieces release because we were in lockdown. So, we're going to really have to go hard for the EP.
Well I hope you win big, both at the casino and with the EP.
Anything else you want to add?
By the time the EP comes out I hope they’ve arrested Breonna Taylor's murderers. If not, arrest Breonna Taylor's murderers.
Sign the petition here: https://www.change.org/p/andy-beshear-justice-for-breonna-taylor?recruiter=1103177438&recruited_by_i
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exo-tic-reactions · 7 years
Chuffing |Baekhyun
Devynn pov
You know I’ve never done anything wrong. Sure some students claim being muggleborn is bad, and that I’m only a mere 5'4. Not to mention I often am told I suffer from RBF, and being a blushy, sensitive, perceptive, herbology and potions lover, who adores quidditch but unfortunately I hate heights. I’m a copper haired girl with green gray eyes that often look glazed over? Maybe that’s why I’m so unapproachable.
A bright smile adorned my lips as I sauntered into the potions classroom that mere Thursday morning. With a bounce I plopped down next to my group of friends, that included Jhope, jungkook, and Haley. The three greeted me with tired smiles and a wave from a suspiciously looking Baekhyun. Said boy’s eyes lit up at the sight of me and he waved enthusiastically successfully catching my attention. This boy? Well not to brag but yup ladies I claimed him. The loudness and energy included when he asked me to be his girl.
I waved back smiling as he blew me a kiss before going back to his unusually quiet conversation with the other two who make up the terrible three or beagle line as I call them. Chen was a mischievous Ravenclaw from France who had snatched up the lovely halfblood Chiara. It surprised everyone but they make a lovely couple. Even more odd was Chanyeol and Phoebe both in rival houses. The smol 5'3 and 6 foot giant oddly enough were an adorably disgusting couple. The three beagles were quite the troublemakers and it wasn’t hard to decipher who their next victim and by the way they were staring at two Ravenclaws, I knew it was bound to end in laughs and a load of humiliation for the poor Victor and Ross.
The bell rang and I grabbed my things no headed out of the class parting ways with Jhope and jungkook while Haley flanked my left and Devynn took up my right. We weaved our way through the students to the grand hall which was full of students from every house mingling into the crowd. We sat at the Gryffindor table and ate our meals in silence. Well I was eating in silence as my green-gray eyes narrowed on a mischievous looking Chanyeol and Baekhyun sitting at the Ravenclaw house table, conversing quietly with Chen, no doubt evil and mischief evident in their ‘chat’.
I felt a nudge to my left, effectively breaking my scrutinizing gaze on my boyfriend and his mischievous circle and glanced over to see Jhope nodding toward the grand hall entrance. Low and behold the two arrogant boys stood, Victor and Ross. Two Ravenclaws who weren’t exactly on Chanyeols favorites list, especially after they harassed Phoebe, a 5'3 pureblooded Slytherin girl who was anything but her so called ‘cold presence’. The two took advantage of her height and purposefully stole her glasses and scattered her books across the cement floor on the steps. To say Chanyeol was angry was an understatement. He was absolutely livid. Sure the glasses could’ve been fixed by a twirl of a wand but Chanyeol was steaming with red got anger because this wasn’t the first time they’ve harassed Phoebe. They’ve ruined two pairs of her robes, gotten glitter all over her, including her hair, and they’ve made her house lose points. And on many of these occasions, not only had Chanyeol almost snapped, but Lisa, Brooklyn, and Sofia too. But Phoebe is a girl who decides to turn the other cheek and gather her books silently as Lisa would fix her glasses. Then she’d turn on her heel and walk back to her destination a silent plead for her friends to ignore them and they would, but Chanyeol has seen Phoebe’s silent tears and aches as she was targeted and he decided enough was enough, he was getting revenge and what better way than to get the other two that make up the rest of the mischievous three?
The two boys walked past Slytherin and threw a sneer in Phoebe’s direction before smirking as she shrunk in on herself not saying a word. They sat at Ravenclaw unfortunately, that was where the three beagles sat with a less-than-pleading-and-calm smirk was directed at Victor and Ross. This tension only thickened throughout dinner and once the two Ravenclaws finished they abruptly stood up and began to walk out the doors opposite of where they entered, which was where Rebecca, Brooklyn, Chiara, Phoebe, and I sat. (We had invited her to sit with us to get away from the source of annoyance and arrogance.)
Without warning the trio of beagles stood up, with revenge clearly forming in their eyes, and pointed their wands at Victor and Ross. Or they attempted to because when the smoke cleared the two Ravenclaws were perfectly normal, Rebecca, Brooklyn, Chiara, Phoebe, and I were a different story. Instead of the two Ravenclaws being turned into lion cubs we took that form instead. The boys glared as Victor and Ross snickered and the se bid time they sure as hell didn’t miss turning them into mice. The two boys squeaked and scampered out of the room as quick as possible. I would’ve laughed and I did, until I realized I had freaking shrunk and grown paws and a tail that swished behind me and I wasn’t the only one. Rebecca’s blue eyes were a stark contrast to her brown pelt in her small form. Chiara attempted to yelp as she rolled off the bench and onto the floor and gold irises glanced at us from the floor in a pitiful whimper. Brooklyn had a fiery pelt and adorable brown eyes as she scrambled off the bench toward a shocked but sympathetic Yixing. He picked her up gently and cradled her in his arms as she purred nuzzling his arm. Phoebe jumped onto the table, struggling to pull herself up and on her pink nose was a pair of glasses far to big for her feline facial structure. I pushed her onto the table before jumping up myself and eyeing my reflection in the silver bowl in front of me. My pelt was a copper color that was shiny and my green-gray eyes were a much larger shape to accompany my new body. Whiskers my cat stared at me with a more shocked expression than Yixing. I turned from her back to my reflection to see that my Veela part of me was coming out, bringing even more attention to me. I pulled my gaze from the bowl to Phoebe who was looking less than impressed with her boyfriend. Chiara jumped up into the table next to me swooshing her tail back and forth analyzing the trio in front of us.
Chen had his jaw dropped in astonishment, Chanyeol was resembling a gaping fish, and Baekhyun had a hand covering his mouth eyes wide as saucers. It was a silent stare down before the trio of beagles burst into loud laughter at our state. They even had the nerve to double over and laugh. Well until Rebecca was suddenly in Chanyeol’s face flashing her rather sharp teeth with a hiss. He scrambled back away from her and Kai had walked over and coaxed her away from ripping apart the trio. She chuffed a “whatever” at him, not that he understood she was a lion and couldn’t communicate like a human, and turned on her heels and made her way back to us. Phoebe did a U-turn and hopped down by Rebecca. Chiara and I gave the boys a glare before joining our fellow felines and darting from the grand hall. Brooklyn jumped down from Yixing embrace and darting after our forms.
“I can’t believe they turned us into lion cubs!” Chiara hissed as Rebecca continued to brush the tangles out of her now mane hairstyle. The charm the boy’s caster had worn off finally and now we were dealing with the effects from after being turned back to human, like our gnarled hair.
“I have no words. I mean how do you miss two boys that were at least 5 feet away from us?” Rebecca murmured as she got another tangle out of Chiara’s hair.
“Hey at least they got them the second time. Besides I’d rather have been a lion cub than a mouse.” Brooklyn ventured in as she plaited her hair to her right side.
“True true, but still. They turned their own girlfriends into lion cubs and then they laughed at them!” Rebecca exclaimed finally smoothening Chiara’s hair out.
“Well I don’t know about you ladies but I think we should get some revenge. What do y'all say?” I suggested watching as each girl got a mischievous smile in her lips, even Brooklyn.
The next morning we headed to the grand hall in search of the trio of trouble as we called them and it wasn’t hard to find them as they were huddled in a circle at Gryffindor’s table. Kai noticed us first and elbowed Chen in the side nodding toward us. The trio looked up with the most sheepish look I’ve ever seen. The guilt was practically written on their foreheads and we would’ve given in if it weren’t for our motivation for revenge. You see when you put one Gryffindor, two Ravenclaws, and two Slytherins together you get a concoction that screams either genius or you better run bitch. There’s no in between.
Baekhyun stood up guilty and shuffled forward with Chen and Chanyeol on his heels, an apology at the tip of his tongue. It never came because suddenly Brooklyn had her wand out alongside Rebecca and the trio of trouble was no longer three handsome boys, but three colorful parakeets complete with jewelry and painted claws. A squeak of astonishment left their mouths or should I say their beaks.
“There. We’re even now.” Rebecca exclaimed before strutting off toward the Ravenclaw table high-giving Rose as she sat next to her.
“Consider this our forgiveness. Have fun boys, the charm will wear off within a few hours.” Brokjlyn giggled before taking Yixing hand and pulling him to the Slytherin table to enjoy breakfast.
I kneeled down, somewhat level with Baekhyun and cupped my hands, a silent commend to jump in them. Baekhyun perched him self on my arm instead and I pulled him up as I stood back up. “Next time have better aim yeah?”
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