phloxclan · 6 months
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solargoose · 3 months
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Jumpbird and Fallendrizzle, characters from a clangen game I'm currently playing (not Phloxclan, although I do want to make this one a comic too, once I've gotten plenty of practice with Phloxclan!).
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phloxclan · 3 months
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Plus new sprites for Fuzzypaw and Weevilsun! Ignore the age discrepancy with Weevilsun's, she's 11 moons and I wanted to wait to take the screenshot until it was her adult sprite.
Also Fuzzypaw's face swapped which side is white in the sprite, which I just find funny.
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phloxclan · 17 days
One last extra for the night - unused sprites! These are all cats who joined, did absolutely nothing, and then died shortly after (like, within a moon or 2). I cut them out of the summaries to save space, but these are the ones who had pretty sprites, so I saved them!
Starting at the top row and going down they are: Meadowantler and Jaggedleg, Bunny and Yellowkit, and Slumbertuft.
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Slumbertuft and Meadowantler have my favorite names, but Yellowkit was my favorite design. He was also the only one that didn't actually die - my computer crashed and I lost 5 moons (save regularly!). Those moons included a few deaths, 2 litters being born, and Yellowkit being found as an abandoned kit.
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phloxclan · 17 days
Some moons later, all is peaceful, all is well, and an exhausted cat is found, having collapsed at the border.
Wolftrail, Ghostshadow, and Furledfalcon carry her to camp, although they aren't hopeful. The tortie is old, and she barely stirs when they lift her. Ghostshadow thinks she's too light. Wolftrail thinks she smells familiar.
Wolftrail realizes why as soon as they enter camp. Many of the cats seem vaguely curious or concerned, but a startled cry comes from a few of them.
"Mom!" Darkpond shouts, racing over to crouch beside the elderly tortie, who Wolftrail now knows is Coppersight.
Peatwish is there in an instant, too, gently checking for wounds. Soon, she steps back, shaking her head. In a quiet voice, she tells Darkpond that Coppersight isn't injured, but she's very sick.
"It seems she's used the last of her energy to get here." Peatwish says, gently stroking Darkpond's back with her tail. "I don't think....well, let's move her to my den, where she'll be more comfortable."
The cats carefully move Coppersight, and she seems to breathe a little easier once she's out of the sun. Darkpond settles down next to her, carefully licking her ears. Shiveringstripe pushes in a moment later, joining them.
Auburnstar appears at the entrance, blinking kindly at Darkpond. She stares at Coppersight with a strangely forlorn expression. If Coppersight hadn't been taken, she would have been Copperstar. And then what would have happened? Who would her deputy have been? Auburnstar owes her leadership to Coppersight's disappearance, but that doesn't mean she's glad it happened.
And I've done terrible things. Maybe the clan would be better if she'd been leader, if a different cat had been deputy, and leader after that. Auburnstar remembers, almost involuntarily, guarding the camp the night Fireblur slipped out for a walk. The night Ratstalk followed after. She remembers arguing with Ottercinder over that poor Antclan apprentice. Going for a walk with Dewglade, and letting Ottercinder follow them. Grabbing Ottercinder by the scruff and tossing her over the cliff, into the swollen river below.
And there's another thing bothering Auburnstar, although she won't say so outloud, not here where Coppersight's kits could hear. We ended the war with Antclan on Weevilstar's sacrifice and the lie that Coppersight was already dead. If any Antclan cats saw her...
Lichenspeck joins Auburnstar, looking longingly at her family. Auburnstar knows she misses Paleflicker, the kind cat who rescued and adopted her. Darkpond and Shiveringstripe had helped raise her in Paleflicker's absence, but Auburnstar could still see hesitation in her eyes.
Until Coppersight begins to stir. Shiveringstripe glances up at Lichenspeck, beginning to motion to her, then hesitating.
"Will you get your kits? And Ghostshadow?" Shiveringstripe calls quietly. "She'll want to meet her great-grandkits, I'm sure."
Lichenspeck nods, darting out of the den. Auburnstar steps aside, hesitating for a moment before her eyes find Bouncespeckle. Motioning for her to join her outside, they find a quiet corner.
"Do you think..." Auburnstar hesitates, rephrasing her question a few times in her mind.
"Just ask." Bouncespeckle says, rolling her eyes.
"Will she live long enough to cause problems with Antclan?" Auburnstar says bluntly.
"No. I'd be surprised if she makes it through the moon." Bouncespeckle replies. Her words are matter of fact, but her tone is soft as her eyes track Lichenspeck, Ghostshadow, and the kits.
Auburnstar sighs, relief and grief warring in her heart.
"Don't feel too bad." Bouncespeckle advises. "She's very old, and she's been through a lot. It's a miracle she returned at all. Coppersight will spend her final moments safe and warm, surrounded by her family and clanmates, and the clan will remain at peace. This is the best possible ending."
Auburnstar pushes her misgivings to the side, nodding.
"This is the best case scenario for all of us."
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phloxclan · 4 months
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Yeah, I misspelled develops in the first panel. Just pretend it isn't there.
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phloxclan · 3 months
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phloxclan · 5 months
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(I'll go ahead and say that yes the fox in Hemlockpaw's flashback was rabid, but the one that bit Umberstar wasn't. Rabies is part of the clan's backstory, but not its future. You don't need to worry about any Phloxclan cats, other nearby clans, rogues, loners, etc. getting it. Of course, that doesn't mean the cats won't worry about it.)
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phloxclan · 6 months
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Get booped by Phloxclan!
(Starting with the starry paw and going to the right it's Phloxpaw, Raventuft, Fuzzykit, Sweetheart, Springsprout, Weevilpaw, Coppersight, Hemlockpaw, Copseshiver, Lilacbat, and Umberstar)
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phloxclan · 3 months
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And Hemlockstripe's new sprite
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phloxclan · 3 months
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Raventuft's ready to fight pose and little baby Oatkit were my favorite parts to draw!
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phloxclan · 5 months
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Here we are, the Phloxclan family tree! Blue stars indicate a cat is in Starclan, red stars mean a cat is in the dark forest, and a cat without stars is either confirmed alive or has an unknown status.
In addition to sending asks for the Phloxclan cats to answer, you're welcome to ask questions about any cat that appears on the tree :)
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phloxclan · 5 months
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phloxclan · 6 months
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Plus new profile for Coppersight :)
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phloxclan · 6 months
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phloxclan · 6 months
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