#phillipe de clermont
hb-writes · 2 years
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No idea what this is actually supposed to be from, but saw the gif in the search and my immediate thought was that this is Rebecca Bishop-Clairmont on one of her timewalking journeys with her twin, Phillip. Rebecca can't timewalk, but Phillip can, and the pair frequently go back in time to visit their grandfather, Phillipe, at Sept Tours.
Matthew obviously loses his mind whenever his 10-year-olds just up and disappear for a few hours. He wants to go after them and bring them home, but Diana talks with Phillipe's ghost, so she knows the twins are being looked after on their journeys to the past. She tells Matthew to just relax.
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tbookblurbs · 9 months
Shadow of Night - Deborah Harkness
4/5 - Elizabethan England (the details really shine here), Diana gets some magical control, Phillipe <3
Most of this book takes place in the past and I found Matthew to be high-handed and overbearing for about half of the book. What was ideal about this is that Diana also finds him to be high-handed and overbearing and rightfully reprimands him for his behavior.
Elizabethan England is also described in glorious detail, and I really enjoyed the time spent giving such an in-depth look at daily life in one of these households. This time in the past also introduces the reader to Matthew's father, Phillipe, who is larger than life and unfortunately dead in the present. He's more of a force of nature than any of the other vampiric characters we've met before and I found myself actually very sad to realize that he wasn't going to be in the next book. He also puts on one of the coolest wedding scenes I've seen in a while. There's a PG-13 level sex scene here, but I'm not in these novels for the sex so I wasn't irritated by it.
There are a lot of characters here, some of which I lost track of over the course of the book, and many of them felt more like set-dressing than real people. That might be a dealbreaker for some people, but I read Tolkien for fun so an extensive character list is nothing new here.
The best part for me was Diana starting to master her magic and working on her "weaver's cords". It gives a bit more of an explanation for the Mary-Sue-ness of her magic prior to this point and also reveals that she's not singular in this skill, but that it's rare due to intercommunity persecution.
This book also adds to the politics and overall menace of the Congregation while adding some gruesome details into the book they've been looking for.
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skylarmoon71 · 2 years
Baldwin De Clairmont (A Discovery of Witches) - Extra
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The first few weeks are challenging. You do your best to follow every instruction Diana gives.
“You can’t force it.”
Your hands drop and the little glow at the center of your palm disappears. You sulk, dropping into the chair.
“This is hopeless. I can’t do it.The more I try to control the harder it becomes.”
“That’s because you aren’t trying to control it, you’re trying to stifle it. You’re afraid to draw too much, so you’re pulling very little.”
Diana flicks her wrist, and the very same flame that had ignited in the room earlier is back. Except this time it looks more centered than your own. Her palms close, and all at once it’s gone.
“I was just like you. I rarely used my powers at the very beginning. I thought life was better without them. But now I have something I’d like to protect.”
Her eyes drift to the back, possibly thinking of the nursery. You send a smile.
“Your children are beautiful.”
“Thank you.”
You’re both seated now.
“When I met Baldwin I thought they were his kids. He just looked so domesticated and happy. I haven’t really ever seen him smile other than when he’s with Rebecca and Phillip.”
“Maybe he hasn’t found a reason to smile yet.”
You ponder on that.
“So..he’s not seeing anyone?”
Diana has a big smile.
“Who’s asking?”
You’re a bit embarrassed now.
“Am I being that obvious?” You flush.
“It’s endearing. Have you told him?” You shake your head aggressively.
“Of course not. I don’t think he's very interested. He doesn’t seem like the type. “
Diana nods in understanding.
“It’s been my experience that the De Clairmont men have a harder time admitting their feelings. Give it time. I’m sure when you’re both ready, the opportunity will present itself. “
“I guess so.”
You had just as much experience in magic as you did relationships.
Maybe time really was the key for both of the mysteries in your life.
“Don’t forget the assignment due on friday. Be daring, step out of your comfort zone.”
With those words the class ends and your gaze diverts to your slides. It was easier to teach about ethics and making willful decisions than actually implementing it into your life. There’s a hollow knock at the entrance and you lift your head. The familiar tailored suit is the first thing you see.
“Baldwin, what brings you to this part of Oxford. Spotted another witch?” You poke fun at him. When he gets closer you notice the bag in his hand.
“I brought a peace offering of sorts. In our first meeting I was rather rude. I hope this can suffice as a reasonable apology.” He holds out the paper bag, and you take it. When you reach in, there is a single rose laying on the container of food prepared.
“My mother is quite the cook. She insisted that I prepare her recipe specifically for this occasion. A sincere apology. Very hard to come by, especially from a De Clairmont. "
To your surprise, he smiles. You can’t stop the blush on your cheeks.
“Thank you..really. This is very sweet.” Your heart is racing, and you know it’s too much to hope that he doesn’t hear.
“My pleasure.”
You place the container on your desk, lifting the rose. Inhaling softly, you smile.
He’s so charming that it should be a crime. Your eyes raise, a bit startled that his eyes haven’t truly left your form since he entered. He’s close enough that you get a good whiff of his cologne. It is alarming how tempted you are to close the distance just to get a better smell of him. You’ve known this man no longer than a few weeks.
“I’m assuming you have more classes to attend to, so I will not take up any more of your time.” He takes one step back.
“Enjoy your lunch.”
With a soft bow, he moves away, turning on his heel. There’s not much you can say. So you watch his confident stride as he leaves.
Baldwin’s trip to Matthew’s home was usually due to his relief that his visits were no longer due to some conflict. Another was well..more personal.
“Can you say uncle Rebecca.” Baldwin bounced the infant in his arms with a smile. Trying to pull the words out of the child’s lips.
“Come on dear, say uncle.”
“Still trying to get my daughter to pick a favorite, brother.”
Matthew raised a brow and Diana couldn’t stop the little laugh that left her at the way Baldwin tried to play it off as if he hadn’t been caught red handed.
“I’m certain she loves me more.” He claimed with his head held high.
They all paused at the little murmurs, and Rebecca smiled, her two front teeth peeking out.
Baldwin’s eyes lit up brighter than a star as he jumped to his feet with a cheer.
“Yes! I’m your uncle, good job Rebecca!”
His praises made her continue to giggle cutely and Matthew couldn’t stop the smile at how elated his brother was. He’d always hoped that he could regain his family to the unity he knew he could have. Seeing Baldwin so unapologetically happy was more than he could ask for. Diana rushed to Rebecca’s side, pressing little kisses to the girl’s face as Baldwin continued to celebrate, like an adult of course.
Jack walked in just then with Phillip in his hands.
“Father, you won’t believe what happened. Phillip, he said my name!”
Jack was wearing a similar expression as Baldwin, and Matthew couldn’t help it. He released a loud laugh that his wife shared with him.
“It seems our children have found their first admirers. “ Matthew chuckled.
One thing he knew for sure, these children were protected.
This particular afternoon Diana insisted that you do something stress relieving. Not the usual learning spells or harnessing flames in the kitchen. So as you sat on the roof of your house, your eyes directed at the stars. The vibration of your phone is what pulled you attention. You looked down, smiling at the message.
“Diana told me you’re resting today. Would you like some company?”
Your pulse increased just a little at the suggestion of an invitation.
“I would like that.”
You copied your address, sending the link to him.
The fluttering of clothing in the wind makes you look down. To your surprise, there he stood. Wearing a loose sweater and jeans. It was a little weird seeing him without a suit. For a moment you just stare. Because who knows how long until you’ll see him so relaxed.
“Aren’t you going to invite me up?”
You blink.
“Y-Yes of course!” You scramble to your feet, accidentally missing a step. You jolt when your feet skid down the side.
You shut your eyes in a panic. All you hear is the swishing of the wind as you’re caught.
You haven’t crashed, so you can only assume that Baldwin just saved you. He’s holding your bridal style, and you finally open your eyes. You’re in awe, because his feet aren’t on the floor like you expected. Both of your feet are hovering above the ground. You’re at the right level with your roof. If you moved a bit closer, you could probably jump back on. Baldwin’s eyes follow you as your bodies begin to drift slowly to the ground. His feet touch the dirt, and he lets you down slowly. You look around, the small sparks of light fading as if they weren’t even there.
“Did I..do that?”
“I assure you it wasn’t me.”
You can hardly believe it.
“It appears you have more control than you initially thought. Well done.”
He’s wearing that smile again, but this time it’s amplified. Because it’s doubled with pride. You’re still somewhat holding onto him.
“Thank you for..catching me..”
“My pleasure. In the future I insist that you be more careful.”
He pushes a stray lock back, and you let out a soft breath. This time, you know that it’s impossible to calm your heart down. The way his eyes now bore into your own, it’s driving you a bit crazy.
“Your heart is racing.”
He murmurs.
You swallow.
“W-What do you expect?”
He shifts, leaning a bit closer. This time, his hand moves to your cheek. His gaze falters. Because he can’t resist looking at your parted lips. They’re so inviting. Alluring. He slowly moves in. The suspense nearly makes you hold your breath. Your eyes lowering in anticipation, but before they can fully connect, he pulls back. His eyes move to your hand that’s gripping his sweater, and he takes notice of the slight shake in your palm. He moves back.
“I..I apologize.”
You’re confused by his words. He’s no longer within your reach. You can see what appears to be shame.
“Baldwin you-”
He gulps, rushing off. He’s gone before you can say much more, and you’re just left standing there.
For the days that follow, you don’t see him. You’re a bit scared to go to Diana’s, because you aren’t sure you can deal with running into him there without it being awkward. So you make excuses about adjustments to your schedule. It’s apparently working, because Diana never pressed. You feel like a coward. Why couldn’t you just talk to him like an adult. Maybe it’s because whenever you close your eyes, you see that guilt.
He really thought he’d done something wrong.
That’s what made it worse. There’s a good chance that he’s still thinking that his actions were unwanted. It makes your chest hurt.
So you can only imagine how he feels.
“Is there a reason you are hiding out here?”
Matthew’s voice startles you.
You shuffle, reaching to start packing your items from the desk. Unconsciously your eyes move to the door. He sees the hope in your eyes, recognizes it. Matthew’s mind drifts back to the conversation he’d recently had with his brother.
“Did she say that she was frightened?”
“She didn’t have to Matthew, I could see it. Her hands were shaking.”
“Is it possible that she was merely nervous? From what Diana has told me, fear seems out of the question. “
Baldwin halts his pacing.
“What exactly did Diana say to you?”
He hadn’t meant to disclose that particular information.
“It doesn’t matter what she said. Why not just talk to her?”
Baldwin looked about ready to pace again.
“There’s no use, I was reckless. She’s barely even learned how to use her magic. Am I not just taking advantage of her kindness. I should not have gotten involved.”
“We both know that was never an option.”
Baldwin’s attention is now fixed on him.
“I’ve seen the way you look at her brother. What you desire from her is much more than friendship. You yearn for her, crave her. The same way I have always been taken with Diana.”
Baldwin’s hand clenched. Sometimes it was annoying the way he was always able to read his emotions.
“What is it with us witches that keep putting you Clairmont’s under a spell.”
Diana walked out from behind the hallway, moving to Matthew’s side. Baldwin felt a bit bashful that not only did his brother know of his affections for the woman, but now so did Diana.
“I cannot stop thinking about her. “ He admitted helplessly.
She could clearly see the last couple of days had not been easy. Especially juggling the assumption that the one he cared for so deeply was afraid of him. Diana merely gave a smile.
“Then tell her how you feel. “ She urged.
“The rest will work itself out.”.
That’s what he’d said. Now that Matthew was standing in front of you, it was so obvious to him. Had you been scared, there would have been more panic. Not this flustered reaction. He could see anticipation, longing as you hoped that Baldwin would just waltz in. On cue, the very man stepped forward from behind the door. You halted your actions, and Matthew gave a nod.
“I will leave you to it.”
His steps grew further away, and when you heard the door close, you forced yourself to calm down. Baldwin closed his eyes, tilting his head to the right. The thumping of your heart brought a smile to his face. He’d heard enough beats to differentiate between panic and excitement.
“Are you that happy to see me?”
Your eyes sprung open as if you just realized that he could in fact hear your heart running a mile a minute. Fidgeting, you do your best to get everything at a reasonable level. Baldwin only stopped when he was standing on the same platform. He was closer, yet still at a distance.
“I came to apologize for what happened. I should not have been so impulsive. I never intended to make you uncomfortable.”
So your suspicions were correct.
“Why..why did you think I was uncomfortable?”
“Your hands, they were trembling. I just assumed that you were-”
You can’t imagine being afraid of him. Not anymore.
“I was just a little nervous.” You confess.
“I-If I’m being honest I’ve always been a bit cautious in relationships. Not everyone is willing to accept that they might be dating a witch. When I found out I guess I kept at a distance. I was always scared I’d become like my mother so I figured it was better to save someone the trouble.” You wring your hands self consciously.
“But then you and Diana showed up. For the first time in a long time I was hopeful. For my magic and..”
Baldwin is unconsciously getting closer.
“For you..”
Those are the words that get to him.
“So you don’t fear me?” It sounds like he needs to reassure himself.
“Well I mean you do frown a lot. You’ll get wrinkles, immortal or not.” You smile at his unimpressed look at the little jab.
“But no, I’m not afraid of you. You just make me a little nervous. Especially when you look at me like that.”
Like you’re someone he’s infatuated with.
“Would it be okay if I were to..”
You nod eagerly.
He moves quicker than you expect, and you squeak when his lips are pressed to your own. His hand immediately finds purchase in your hair. You moan at how demanding this kiss is. Like he’s being starved of it. He takes a step forward and you move with him, hand flattening on your desk behind. Baldwin reaches for your thighs, hoisting you unto the desk. He doesn’t part to get a breath. No, the adjusted position has given him better access.
He’s standing between your legs, and you grip at his coat, trying to push it off his shoulders. He’s happy to oblige. It’s off in seconds, and your fingers dig into the shirt. Baldwin tilts his head, and you open your mouth to get a better taste of him. He inhales, and you release another moan when he pushes off the items on your desk to give you some space. You lie back, and he climbs on top.
The sound of something hitting the floor from afar is what makes you both pull away.
Standing inside your classroom now is one of your students. He looks a bit shocked. That shock changes quickly.
“Yeah Ms. K get it!!” He cheers. Your face is every shade of red.
“J-Jonathan wait!”
“Don’t let me stop you, see you tomorrow!” He’s gone, slamming the door.
Your eyes move back to Baldwin who’s panting, hair disheveled.
You bite your lip, pulling him back in for a kiss. He groans, pressing his palm to the desk as he returns it with just as much need.
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letters2fiction · 7 months
Welcome to Letters2fiction!
The concept here is to send in a question or a letter request, and you’ll get a response from your fictional character of choice, from the list below. Please stick to the list I’ve made, but of course, you can ask if there’s some other characters I write for, I don’t always remember all the shows, movies or books I’ve consumed over the years and I’m sure I’m missing a lot 😅
Status: New Characters added - Thursday March 21st, 2024
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A Discovery of Witches:
Matthew Clairmont
Baldwin Montclair
Gallowglass de Clermont
Marcus Whitmore
Philippe de Clermont
Jack Blackfriars
Sarah Bishop
Emily Mather
Diana Bishop
Ysabeau de Clermont
Miriam Shepard
Phoebe Taylor
Gerbert D’Aurillac
Peter Knox
Father Andrew Hubbard
Benjamin Fuchs
Satu Järvinen
Law and Order:
Rafael Barba
Sonny Carisi
Joe Velasco
Mike Duarte
Terry Bruno
Peter Stone
Hasim Khaldun
Nick Amaro NEW!
Mike Dodds
Grace Muncy
Kat Tamin
Toni Churlish
Amanda Rollins
Olivia Benson
Rita Calhoun
Casey Novak
Melinda Warner
George Huang
Sam Maroun
Nolan Price
Jamie Whelan
Bobby Reyes
Jet Slootmaekers
Ayanna Bell
Jack McCoy
Elliot Stabler
One Chicago:
Jay Halstead (Could also be Will if you want)
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz
Dante Torres
Vanessa Rojas
Kevin Atwater
Sean Roman
Matt Casey
Kelly Severide
Joe Cruz
Sylvie Brett
Blake Gallo
Christopher Hermann
Violet Mikami
Evan Hawkins
Mayans MC:
Angel Reyes
911 verse:
Athena Grant
Bobby Nash
Henrietta "Hen" Wilson
Evan "Buck" Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Howie "Chimney" Han
Ravi Panikkar
T.K. Strand
Owen Strand
Carlos Reyes
Marjan Marwani
Paul Strickland
Tommy Vega
Judson "Judd" Ryder
Grace Ryder
Nancy Gillian
Mateo Chavez
The Rookie:
Lucy Chen
Tim Bradford
Celina Juarez
Aaron Thorsen
Nyla Harper
Angela Lopez
Wesley Evers
BBC Sherlock:
Greg Lestrade
Mycroft Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Simon Basset
Daphne Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Kate Sharma
Edwina Sharma
Marina Thompson/Crane
Jamie Fraser
Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser
Frank Randall
Black Jack Randall
Brianna Fraser
Roger MacKenzie
Fergus Fraser
Marsali Fraser
Jenny Fraser Murray
Ian Murray Sr.
Ian Fraser Murray
Murtagh Mackenzie
Call The Midwife:
Shelagh Turner / Sister Bernadette
Dr. Patrick Turner
Nurse Trixie Franklin
Nurse Phyllis Crane
Lucille Anderson
Nurse Barbara Gilbert
Sister Hilda
Miss Higgins
PC Peter Noakes
Reverend Tom Hereward NEW!
Horacio Carrillo
Peaky Blinders:
Tommy Shelby
Downton Abbey:
Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham
Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham
Lady Mary Crawley
Lady Edith Crawley
Lady Sybil Crawley
Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham
Isobel Crawley
Matthew Crawley
Lady Rose MacClare
Lady Rosamund Painswick
Henry Talbot
Tom Branson
Mr. Charles Carson
Mrs. Hughes / Elsie May Carson
John Bates
Anna Bates
Daisy Mason
Thomas Barrow
Joseph Molesley
Land Girl:
Connie Carter
Reverend Henry Jameson (Gwilym Lee's version)
Midsomer Murder:
DCI Tom Barnaby
Joyce Barnaby
Dr. George Bullard
DCI John Barnaby
Sarah Barnaby
DS Ben Jones
DS Jamie Winter
Sgt. Gavin Troy
Fleur Perkins
WPC Gail Stephens
Kate Wilding
DS Charlie Nelson
Sergeant Dan Scott
NEW! Once Upon A Time
Regina / The Evil Queen
Mary Margaret Blanchard / Snow White
David Nolan / Prince Charming
Emma Swan
Killian Jones / Captain Hook
Mr. Gold / Rumplestiltskin
Neal Cassidy / Baelfire
Peter Pan
Sheriff Graham Humbert / The Huntsman
Jefferson / The Mad Hatter
Robin of Locksley / Robin Hood
Will Scarlet
Zelena / Wicked Witch
Alice (Once in Wonderland)
Cyrus (Once in Wonderland)
Jafar (Once in Wonderland)
Tiger Lily
Prince Eric
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Tinker Bell
Red Riding Hood
Aurora / Sleeping Beauty
Prince Phillip
Prince Thomas
NEW! The Vampire Diaries / The Originals
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Caroline Forbes
Elena Gilbert
Bonnie Bennett
Enzo St. John
Niklaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Finn Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Davina Claire
The Pirates of the Caribbean:
Captain Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
Elizabeth Swann
James Norrington
Harry Hart
Eggsy Unwin
James Spencer / Lancelot
Alastair / Percival
Roxy Morton / Lancelot
Maximillian Morton / The Shepherd
Orlando Oxford
Jack Daniels / Whiskey
Dreamland Billionaire series - Lauren Asher:
Dirty Air series - Lauren Asher:
Ladies in Stem - Ali Hazelwood books:
Fourth Wing - Rebecca Yarros:
Xaden Riorson
Dain Aetos
Jack Barlowe
Rhiannan Matthias
Violet Sorrengail
Mira Sorrengail
Lillith Sorrengail
Bodhi Durran
Liam Mairi
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theroyalthrones · 1 year
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Behind the Scenes | Clermont Palace |Grenoble, Lavande
beginning | previous | next
Transcript Under the Cut
CAROLINE ALAIRE Are you guys done? Phillipe has already arrived! LAURIE ALAIRE We're coming, we're coming, Care. Have you always been this mental about time management? CAROLINE ALAIRE This is important to me, Laurie. And it should be to you as well. CAROLINE ALAIRE I'd like to show my future husband, that my family is not as messed up as some would believe. LAURIE ALAIRE Laughs We're coming. Walking down the hallway LAURIE ALAIRE Are you driving Caroline? CAROLINE ALAIRE Of course not, I'm too jittery right now. AUBREY STUART I can drive if you want me- CAROLINE ALAIRE That's not neccesary. Our driver has been ready for 30 minutes already.
CAROLINE ALAIRE If someone wasn't primping his hair for an hour… (fade out) Walks Giselle and Laurie past eachother, Laurie turns around. LAURIE ALAIRE (shock in his voice) Giselle? She stops and turns around. GISELLE DE LA VALLÈIRE …Laurie? LAURIE ALAIRE …Elle. I can't- You're… 4p LAURIE ALAIRE You look so… Different. GISELLE DE LA VALLÈIRE Chuckles Not in a bad way I hope. LAURIE ALAIRE (startled) Never. Beautiful as always. GISELLE DE LA VALLÈIRE It's been a very long time. You've also…grown. GISELLE DE LA VALLÈIRE I heard you were back in town. 5p LAURIE ALAIRE W- where did you go? When did you come back? GISELLE DE LA VALLÈIRE It's been a year. LAURIE ALAIRE (shocked) A year- CAROLINE ALAIRE Introduce us, Laurie. GISELLE DE LA VALLÈIRE Oh! Is this little CareBear?
LAURIE ALAIRE Oh yeah, introductions. Caroline and Aubrey this is Lady Giselle de la Vallèire. Giselle this is my sister Caroline,… and Aubrey Stuart. AUBREY STUART His Girlfriend. GISELLE DE LA VALLÈIRE Caroline! It's so good to see you! GISELLE DE LA VALLÈIRE Pleasure to meet you both. I'd love to catch up some more. But I've got a meeting with your mother, Laurie. LAURIE ALAIRE My mother? GISELLE DE LA VALLÈIRE Yes, I'm running a bit late. LAURIE ALAIRE Sure, I'm sure we'll bump into eachother again. GISELLE DE LA VALLÈIRE I'd love that… I'll see you around.
They start walking away. AUBREY STUART How do you know her? LAURIE ALAIRE …
LAURIE ALAIRE … AUBREY STUART Hey,you look sick. Are you alright? LAURIE ALAIRE It's nothing AUBREY STUART Am I underdressed? I didn't bring anything better than this. LAURIE ALAIRE Why didn't you pack anything better? AUBREY STUART (whisper) I didn't know! Maybe I can ask your sister- LAURIE ALAIRE You can't keep bothering my sister, there are more important things she's worrying about! AUBREY STUART (hurt) … Oh, ok. 12p ERIC TOUSSAINT I apologize for that. Preparing for a wedding is nonstop it seems. CAROLINE ALAIRE Tell me about it! Let's hope Laurie's bride takes the lead. CAROLINE ALAIRE If she left it up to him, they'd have it in some dirty club.laughs LAURIE ALAIRE Cut me some slack, Linny. Whoever I marry would happily get married in a barn for all I care. 13 CAROLINE ALAIRE (rolls eyes) Laurie's full of himself, Eric. You'll learn that soon enough. ERIC TOUSSAINT (laugh)
LAURIE ALAIRE (sarcastic) Ha ha CAROLINE ALAIRE That reminds me, Giselle? LAURIE ALAIRE What about her? ERIC TOUSSAINT You mean Lady Valliere? I heard she's been abroad for the past 10 years. CAROLINE ALAIRE Oh! No wonder she's not at the top of social society. She's so beautiful so you'd think…
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butternuggets-blog · 14 days
@baldwin-montclair @adowobsessed @sylverdeclermont @nicki-mac-me @thereadersmuse @kynthiamoon @wheresthesunshinesblog @adowbaldwin @beautifulsoulsublime @lady-lazarus-declermont @adarafaelbarba-blog @dogblessyoutascha
Part Sixty-One
Summary:  Baldwin Montclair had a string of ex girlfriends, a single child, and a  lifetime longer than most people could dream of to make all kinds of  mistakes. His family knew one which kept coming out of the woodwork to  irritate him every other century
Also on AO3
Philippe watched the light flicker and die in Martin's eyes.
Perhaps that was the wrong thing to say...
Martin turning around and striding out of the room snapped Baldwin from his own fugue.
'Wait, Martin!'
Philippe sighed and sat back in his chair. He had intended to help Martin, but he hadn't expected the young man to focus on the wrong part of the promise.
I did say that I would help him. I was not lying about that.
Splinters filled the hall. Wood dust motes danced through the air and the carpet was ruined. Baldwin was lying on his back in the middle of an obliterated solid oak table, the shattered pieces propping him up as he stared unseeing at the ceiling.
Philippe scanned him quickly. Shock; not dying.
Martin was nearly away down the corridor but half-turned back, framed by the doorway.
'If any De Clermont sets foot on my lands going forward,' Martin spat, 'I will be sending them home in pieces.'
‘You just cost our son his mate.'
Ysabeau��s glare could have levelled a city.
Philippe had been both dreading and anticipating his wife's return from Brussels. Baldwin still wasn't speaking; his middle child had been in a catatonic stupor since Martin had left three days ago and it was all Philippe could do to get him to eat.
Philippe held up his hands in supplication, then flinched out of the way as a pair of his own throwing daggers buried themselves in his chair.
'When I left for Brussels, I expected to return and find everything unchanged. So you can imagine my surprise when I come back to find Sept Tours upended.'
'My servants whispering behind my back, my children unable to look me in the eye,' Ysabeau tapped another pair of knives against her fingertips. 'Our son -your second eldest - lying grief-stricken in his room; Martin, who has, at times, been both asset, ally, and honoured guest-'
Philippe flinched out of the way again as Ysabeau drew her arm back and let the daggers fly.
'- swearing revenge on those who have wronged him and murdered his child, and my husband- my husband cowering in his study instead of searching for the murderers responsible.'
'Cowering?!' Philippe scoffed, and nearly lost an ear to an axe that went whistling past his head and buried itself in his desk.
'Are you hunting?!' Ysabeau never yelled. She enunciated sharply. 'What happened when Hugh died? Martin leapt to the pursuit without hesitation and now, when he comes begging on bended knee for assistance you tell him to wait?!'
Philippe dodged the hand axe but not the arrow Ysabeau shot from a longbow that she had pulled seemingly out of nowhere. He fell to his knees on the carpet with a pained grunt, looking up at his wife through teary eyes.
'Oh, forgive me,' Ysabeau cooed, sickly sweet false patience wearing wild, stormy eyes. 'I am sure this will blow over soon. After all, it is not as if Martin is known to hold a grudge.'
Ysabeau marched out of the room, slamming the door shut behind her.
Phillipe slowly lowered his head into his hands as Yvette’s ghost watched him from the window.
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inkpromise · 7 months
so, so much of gallowglass's immortality has been spent in solitude. he's like a buoy floating at the outskirts of ocean de clermont. first, his small little family is disowed for the scion hugh attempted. for, what? pride? ego? a father's ache at letting his son go? whatever it was, it was, ultimately, the first fracture that put distance between gallow and the family proper.
we don't see any real interaction between gallowglass and the family except for matthew, who does not read ( to me ) as someone who treats gallowglass like family. gallowglass is a walking weapon and a walking shield to be sent on tasks for political or physical gain. he stood vigil, sent messages, and took up space. it would very much make sense to me if that was something phillipe did and set the tone for matthew to do the same. although, as it was pointed out to me, phillipe also ends up giving gallowglass a lot more grace than anyone else in the family is allowed.
because of the guilt.
is that how matthew intended to come across? no clue. he is not in my brain and i will not try to assume what's in that complex mind of his. but, that's certainly how it looks as they all travel across europe. well, the parts of europe that don't include france.
but, then you have this impossible task placed upon gallow. a secret task that no one else can know about so that the events of history don't affect the future that needs to come to pass. and, i think this is where he, even more affectively, puts a giant distance between himself and the rest of the de clermonts. he alone knows what he's supposed to do, especially after phillipe's death. he alone knows what he waits for and what puzzle pieces need to be placed.
not to say that he would turn anyone down if they ask him to perform a task. especially baldwin. gallowglass might joke about baldwin being a grump but there is zero question in his mind about whether or not the eldest surviving son is doing his best for the family.
all the while, poor gallowglass is falling deeper and deeper in love with an ideal. someone powerful and someone who saw through his position of servitude. someone who refused to bow in this world of carefully placed chess pieces.
he fell in love with a wish.
and i also think that was why he alone was tasked with waiting for her. did phillipe bank on his love? perhaps. did phillipe bank on that emotion festering until diana was just as much goddess for gallowglass as she'd been for phillipe? probably. i think gallowglass puts that together in book of night and it's the reason he walks away from the family again.
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valiantsword · 6 months
it's so bittersweet to have a verse like adow where i'm thinking of all the knights that arthur took into immortality with him. ( drystan / tristan, lancelot, & galahad, so far ) and how his kingdom has essentially stood tall ever since he and guinevere came to power. sure, phillipe gets in the way. sure, he probably fights with various other de clermonts all the time. sure, he's always telling everyone to fuck off because your rules do not stand here. sure, there was probably a dracula on his ass at some point in history. BUT! his family is whole!!! he gets to not only love guinevere but also lancelot!!! they get to be HAPPY.
in contrast to his regular ol' main verse where he mainly walks alone until even that hurts too much and he hangs out with the guard for a little bit.
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baldwin-montclair · 3 years
It’s a shame we didn’t get to see any of the de Clermont sisters in the show (we don’t even get to meet Stasia in the books).
So, these are my idea of what they look like:
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yellowfeather84 · 4 years
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A Discovery of Witches | 2.03
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bellameblake · 4 years
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A Discovery of Witches Season 2 Episode 6
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ADOW 2x06: Diana and Matthew’s Wedding
This episode seemed to be a most appropriate Valentine 💝 for this weekend. 
I loved everything about the wedding. Some small things that stood out were Diana’s fabulous collar, Matthew and Diana’s affectionate touching of foreheads after their long kiss, and Phillipe applauding at the end, clearly filled with pride and love for his son and new “daughter.” And of course, I loved the priest! I only caught a little of his French but he was so expressive, his meaning was clear.
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patrickian · 3 years
Couldn’t stay away
So, big fan of James Purefoy... hear that he’s going to be in a show based on some books. Binge books, binge show. Expected to fall in love with Purefoy’s character, Phillipe de Clermont. Which I do. But let me tell you... that Baldwin came out of left field and tackled me hard. *fans self* Now, I’m back here on this site basking in gifsets of that bad ass in a suit, Baldwin Montclair. No shame.
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butternuggets-blog · 7 months
@baldwin-montclair @adowobsessed @sylverdeclermont @nicki-mac-me @thereadersmuse @kynthiamoon @wheresthesunshinesblog @adowbaldwin @beautifulsoulsublime @lady-lazarus-declermont @adarafaelbarba-blog @dogblessyoutascha
Part Fourty-Four
Summary:  Baldwin Montclair had a string of ex girlfriends, a single child, and a  lifetime longer than most people could dream of to make all kinds of  mistakes. His family knew one which kept coming out of the woodwork to  irritate him every other century
Also on AO3
It was cold in the chapel.
Weak sunlight filtered through the windows, contrasting with the torches in sconces on the walls to deepen the shadows between them. In the gloom, Martin sat with his back to the wall, torc in hand.
"-that God has so few friends; if that is the way he favours them, he ought to have still less."
Martin's laughter echoed back to himself. Across from him, on the opposite wall, Hugh's shield, armour and sword rested on a metal frame Matthew had sunk into the stone floor. The plaque beside it read
In Memoriam
Hugh de Clermont
Beloved Son
'I hope you like the flowers' said Martin. Carnations and forget-me-nots wreathed Hugh's shield and gauntlets; a reference to Fernando masked by double meaning. Underneath the real ones flowers made from iron held the figure up, like vines grasping each piece of the mannequin together.
It had been Martin's gift to Fernando, and one that had received a chilling response from Philippe until his need to grieve his son had outpaced his dislike for his son's choice of mate and he had let the matter go.
'Well!' Martin rocked up onto his feet, stretching. 'I had best walk to the main gate. Your father is throwing a party for no particular reason again and he will be ushering guests in shortly.'
The cold breeze that started from nowhere as he turned to leave felt like hands pressing gently on his back. Martin gave a small smile, and walked outside.
'Still Baldwin.'
Baldwin chuckled affectionately as Martin shrugged.
Beautiful. Like music.
He went to sit on the bench next to Baldwin, who shuffled over to give him space.
'Have you been up to anything new of late?'
Baldwin shook his head. 'Much the same as ever, I am afraid.'
'You need a hobby,' said Martin, observing Baldwin over the rim of the tankard a passing serving girl had rushed over and placed in front of him. 'You know, I think you should get into finance.'
'Yes, the mighty desk warrior; earning honour and glory through paperwork.' Baldwin sneered.
Martin grinned, nursing the tankard and leaning forward.
'Let me tell you the story of the king from Mali with the Midas' touch...'
Philippe had toured the room twice, mingling and talking with visitors and locals. When he made it back to the high table again he was annoyed to see Baldwin still sitting at the edge of the room, listening to Martin rambling on.
He had specifically requested one or two individuals be here today so Baldwin could gently persuade them to follow Philippe's plans.
Now that he had a moment to properly observe his son, Philippe could tell Baldwin was listening to Martin. Really listening. He was staring at him with a focus that Philippe hadn't seen before; there was a warmth in his gaze that went beyond fondness, and a slight suggestion that he could start smiling at any moment.
Oh no.
A millennia of willpower was the only thing which stoppered the scream of white-hot fury clawing up Phillipe’s throat. He ground his teeth and hissed.
His boy, his second son, mating with a thrice-damned nuisance?!
Insipid meddler.
‘Somebody has caught up with the rest of us it would seem,’ Marthe muttered quietly as she passed by Philippe’s elbow. Ysabeau placed a hand on his to ground him and remind him where they were, and he let out a long, long breath.
‘All of you knew?!’ Philippe hissed.
'If you confront them, they will deny it and end up hurting each other. It will be better to let them come to a conclusion on their own.' Ysabeau squeezed his hand, and Philippe, reluctantly, squeezed hers back.
Author's Notes
The joke that Martin tells was recorded in Facetiae, a collection of jokes published in 1470, written by Poggio Bracciolini. This chapter takes place circa 1324, so the joke is not era-accurate, but I couldn't find one from the 1300s.
The full joke:
"One of our fellow citizens, a very witty man, was labouring under a painful and lengthy illness, was attended by a Friar who came to comfort him, and, among other words of solace, told him that God thus especially chastens those he loves, and inflicts his visitations upon them. “No wonder then,” retorted the sick man, “that God has so few friends; if that is the way he favours them, he ought to have still less.”" (Medievalists.net)
Canonically Matthew made a shrine to Hugh in the chapel of Sept Tours out of Hugh’s shield, gauntlets, hauberk, coat of plates, sword and helm. We see a plaque on the wall in the show, so I incorporated both.
Oh the screaming. The screaming that occured when Philippe found out about what Martin had made. Matthew was, is, and will probably still be on his father's shit list for the next few centuries for keeping Martin's gift a secret from him. But in the end the entire family banded together and told Philippe to "build a fucking bridge, we want to mourn our brother/son/father/significant other" and it's a reference to Hugh's home in Spain*, so what's the big deal?
*Fernando and Gallowglass nearly broke Martin's ribs hugging him.
Carnations are the national flower of Spain.
I think that it takes a lot of energy for a ghost to materialise into corporeal form. Vampires and daemons cannot see ghosts immediately but they can feel their touch; witches can, of course, see ghosts in full whether or not they are actively trying to be seen.
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inkpromise · 7 months
gallowglass has spent a singular term in the de clermont's seat on the congregation per phillipe's rules. everyone quietly agreed that it would be best if he never did it again.
and i feel like this is a great time to clarify something. when i mention gallow's disinterest in his part to play or that he's simply a weapon to the family that doesn't mean he isn't capable of espionage and immortal chess. gallowglass is very intelligent and more than capable. if he weren't an intelligent member of the family, he would not have lived long no matter how strong he is.
it comes down to the fact that gallowglass doesn't want to. games take entirely too long for his preference on problem resolution. he was born into viking culture. he fights. problem? solves it with violence. whatever outcome is had pretty quickly ( unless we're talking long term siege or warfare, which is a different matter entirely ). still much more quick than orchestrating economic collapse.
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A Discovery of Witches + @glorianas
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