#phillip alman x reader
To New Beginnings (One Shot) - Phillip Altman x Reader
[quick note: I hope I got Phillip right, I think nothing’s ooc for him in there but if so, my apologies] It’s been 2 weeks now that you’ve settled in town in your appartment and you finally allow yourself to socialize a bit because if you’re gonna live there fot the unforseable future, you’ll need friends to talk to or you’ll insane pretty quick. Or at least get some drinking buddies for the time being. You enter the bar, eyeing the interior and the people already seated there. As you scan the counter, your gaze stumbles upon a tall man, lounged over a pint and naturally you find yourself drawn to him immediately. You make your way to the unoccupied stool next to him, making him turn his head towards you and you can see a grin forming on his face as you sit down. - “This seat wasn’t taken I hope ?”, you ask nonchalantly, pretty sure you already know the answer he’s gonna give you. - “Well...it is now”, he says as he eyes you up and down quickly. “Can I get you something ? My treat”, he adds before he downs the rest of his glass in one go. - “What’s the occasion?”, you question him as he signals the waiter for another round. - “My father died and I cannot bear being at home with all my siblings & their better halves right now... so I’m mourning the old man in my very own way”, he explains matter of factly but yet still mischivious somehow.
- “My condoleances”, you reply and he nods to thank you. “So this is how you deal with bad news, huh ? Interesting...”, you remark as the waiter comes to you both. - “Yup, but I’m opened to suggestions if you have anything better in mind”, he retorts as he raises his glass to tell the waiter he’s taking another one & looks over toyou to let you order a drink. - “Make it two”, you respond, waiting for the waiter to leave before you take your attention back to the handsome stranger sitting next to you. “I may have a thing or two...”, you start to say, trying to see if this raises his attention and it does, as he clearly lets you know with one nod he’s listening. “But first, let met have a drink since you’re obviously ahead of me on that front”. - “I’m a gentleman, I’ll even get you another if you wanna settle the score”, he lets out with a smile, making you smile back and slightly shake your head from his over confidence. The waiter puts the 2 pints in front of you  you reach for yours, raising it to toast with him and take a couple of gulps before putting it back on the counter. - “So you’re from around here I gather”, you ask him without looking at him directly, knowing that if you did, you’d let him know he already got you hooked. - “Yeah, I grew up here, I left when I went to college”, he answers while toying with the hem of his glass and you can’t help but follow the gesture from the corner of your eyes, noticing the veins covering the back of his hand. “I don’t remember seeing you before so I’m gonna take a wild guess by saying you’re not”, he goes on after, giving you a quick side glance. - “And we have a winner!”, you mock over jokingly while smiling a bit. “I’m from France actually”, you explain shortly. - “Wow, that’s a long way from home for you. How did you end up here if you don’t mind me asking”, he says, looking quite surprised by the news since you don’t have the appauling accent that goes with it. - “My dad was working at an embassy, so we moved around a lot. Hence why I don’t sport the usual all so very recognizable french accent you were expecting as I told you where I’m from”, you state with a slight grin on your face, seeing his with a ‘caught red handed’ expression written all over it. - “Touché”, he retorts proudly with that same accent you just mentionned. - “Oh & he speaks french too”, you poke at him playfully. - “That’s about how much I know of the language I’m afraid”, he confesses with a pout. “But maybe you can teach me some more... I’m always up for learning new things...”, he adds, not even trying to hide the innuendo since he’s got his eyes fixed on you. - “Oh I’m sure you do”, you confirm with a small grin, taking another sip of your drink. “Any idea as when you’d like to start your lessons?”, you ask, slowly turning your face to him to see how your question is welcomed on his side. - “As soon as possible I’d say. I’m an eager learner”, he comments as innocently as he could but the grin on his face makes it hard to believe him. - “Somehow I don’t doubt that”, you say knowing you’re already playing in on his game but not caring anymore about where it’ll lead you next as it’s pretty obvious by now. “But I must warn you, there’ll be some tongue twisters here and there”, you throw at him, almost proud of the subtle pun you just made, knowing he’ll jump on the occasion to add another one in. - “Oh yeah... Well, I’ve been told I make good use of mine so I’m up for the challenge”, he shots back as you predicted, full on grin on his face, not even trying to hide his intentions anymore. He’s a suave bastard, you have to give him that & the chuckle you let out at his comment makes him smile even more and that sight makes your insides melt. You have to take a good sip of your drink to regain some composure, a gesture that doesn’t go unnoticed by the giant main sitting next to you. “Are you blushing ?” - “I’m not blushing, there’s a lot of people in here, it’s getting hot & you’re standing so close ignoring the basic meaning of personal space isn’t helping either”, you managed to answer almost convincingly. - “My bad, sorry”, he says raising his hands to show he’s serious saying it but still, that grin remains on his face. “But in my defense, red suits you”, he adds, earning a stern look from you that fades away the moment he gives you that damn smile again. Making you wonder how many times he got out of trouble in the past by doing this. - “Do women really fall for that anymore?”, you ask as a way to deter the topic off of you. - “You tell me”, he responds raising his left eyebrow equivocally, making you roll your eyes while you shake your head slowly. you’re both almost done with you drinks now & anticipation is building up but you kinda love the rush it provides you at the moment. It’s been some time anything as remotely exciting has been happening to you. Your last tryst was almost a year ago, after you broke up with your latest boyfriend of 7 months because he couldn’t handle the fact you earned more money than him. How little it takes sometimes to threaten one man’s masculinity... The seat next to you is freed up during that lapse and another guy sits in, ordering a drink as you put down yours, crossing your gaze & taking it as an invitation it seems as he starts looking you up & down like you were some item in a window shop. Your body tenses immediately, something was wrong with him, you could feel it and luckily Phillip steps in to cut his hopes short. - “You’re a man of good taste, no doubt about that but she’s already taken. Best luck next time pal. Shall we get home beautiful ?”, he says gently putting his hand on your lower back, selling the lie to the guy and you nod, a shiver going down your spine and you can’t really tell if it’s coming from that creep and how he’s still staring at you or the heat of his hand is spreading on your skin, even through the fabric of your top. - “You read my mind babe”, you manage to reply with a smile that’s meant to be flirtatious, leaving your seat in the process, Phillip throwing a knowing grin to the other man, his hand still on your back as you both set off of the bar now. You stand a few feet from the entrance when you turn around to face him again. “Thanks for that, I appreciate it”, you say a bit disturbed by all that just happened. - “Don’t mention it. Plus I had to defend my spot, first come first serve,” he responds smiling at you. - “What a charmer you are, saying something like this in front of me”, you remark, still amused. - “At least I’m being honest, that has to count for something, right ?”, he asked, forming a little pout, poutting on his best innocent face making you chuckle once again. Damn him and his inexplicable charm over you. - “Jury’s still out on that point”, you object even if you’re stepping toward him already, raising your head to look at him directly. “I’ve just realized I don’t even know your name”, you point out, your eyes peeled on his plum lips, waiting for him to reveal his first name. - “I’m Phillip”, he answers holding your gaze,” Enchanté”, he adds before he smiles again, seeing on your face the effect his little stunt had. - “Enchantée Phillip, I’m Y/N”, you reply matching his facial expression. And then time stands still for a few seconds as none of you speak or move, just staring at each other, probably both pondering what to do next after that awkward moment in the bar. Someone exits the door at this point and you chuckle as you both are taken aback by the sudden burst of your bubble. Once the man is gone or out of hearing range at least, you finally look back at him. “I usually don’t do this but...”, you say hesitantly before you keep goign,” would you like to take another drink at ply place ? I’m just warning you, I still haven’t unpack so there’s a lot of mess around”, you add, cursing yourself internally, not knowing why you felt you needed to mention this in the first place. - “I can help with that if you want. I can use the distraction...”, he replies his eyes fixed on you, making you feel another wave of heat rushing directly to your cheeks. - “Well since you’re offering so nicely, it’ll be rude of me to say no”, you retort with a tiny smile. He signals you to lead the way  you both walk toward your cars, agreeing that he’ll follow you toyour place for convinience reasons. As you sit behind the wheel, you cant’ help but let out a small squeak of excitement & glee before you start the car and drive to your destination. It’s a quick journey and you wait for him in front of the building’s hall. Once he’s next to you, his frame’s again underlined by the difference of hieght between you two but you keep that thought to yourself & start climbing the stairs to get to your flat. You fumble for a second with your keyes, making him smile even if you can’t actually see him and as announced, the place looks like it’s been used as a storage unit. Only the bare necessities are installed. The couch, the bed, some furniture here and there but clearly, you hadn’t had the time to properly make the place your ‘home’ yet. - “How long have you been in town ?”, Phillip asks, breaking the ambient silence. - “2 weeks, I got a job offer I couldn’t let slip away”, you answer, taking your shoes off. “Make yourself comfortable”, you add, going to the kitchen to grab the glasses. - “Nice. What was it ?”, he questions while taking a look around, hands in his pockets. - “Ill be teaching French in a couple of highschools”, you say to him as you step back into the living room. “What’s your poison ? I’ve got some Jack, bourbon, rum and some vodka”, you list, handing him his glass. - “Jack please”, he replies and you go to the cabinet, extracting the bottle from it and go back to him to pour out the drinks, leaving it on the coffee table once you’re done. “To new beginnings”, he adds as a toast, smiling softly to you. - “And to your father”, you outbid, clinking your glass against his before taking a sip to ease your nerves. He nods faintly and does the same. - “So I’m the first guy you’ve brought over then ?”, the tall man asks mischiviously, clearly amused of the situation. - “ You are yes, and the first I’ve ever brought to my place after just a drink actually,” you mention honestly. You couldn’t explain it or make sense of it but something drawned you to him, like a moth to the light. - “i’m honored”, he jokes, putting his right hand over his heart to emphasize the feeling. “I promise I’ll behave”, he grins and you shake your head lightly, knowing in how much trouble you’re already in with that damn smile of his. - “What if I don’t want you to ?”, you ask, faking innocence ans you raise your glass to your lips, knowing the motion will be scrutinized by the intended target. As expected, when you look at him, his stare is fixed on your lips and you relish your little victory. - “Then I’ll do whatever you’ll tell me to do”, he manages to say after he took a deep gulp. - “Be careful now, I could take you up on that offer too...”, you retort as your upper lip sets on the rim of the glass, purposefully taking a sip as slowly as possible. It’s fun teasing him a little as he seems to be more than a willing participant to that little banter you’ve got going on. - “I kinda hope you will”, he admits as he’s getting closer to you now, head tilted forward and you’re pretty sure he’s about to lean in to kiss you but he stops and puts both your glasses aisde on the nearby coffee table. Your eyes follow his every move and you can’t help thinking about how graceful he is despite his size and how bad you wanna feel those big hands of his running up & down your whole body (the sooner the better you might add...). Once again, you both stand still, staring at each other and you’re holding your breath without knowing it. You realize he could crush you easily, he’s a good feet taller than you, wider too and yet it’s terribly arousing to feel almost helpless before him because you know he won’t do you any harm, not with how he’s looking at you right now. No, that look wants to do you so good... So when his left hand finally lands on your cheek, you melt under his touch, the anticipation giving you the final push to raise on your feet to annihilate the space between his lips and yours. He smiles against them for a second, amused by the motion but soon after he’s giving in just as much as you are and you feel his other hand settling on your waist. You can’t say how long you remain there, trying to explore each other’s mouths but at some point you have to step back, slightly out of bretah. Inhaling deeply, your tongue brushes your lips and you can feel the taste of whisky on them, just as intoxicating as his plump lips in your opinion. Noticing his chest moving as rapidely as yours, you’re relieved that you’re not the only one this is ravalling up. - “Where’s the bedroom ?”, his raspy voice resonates as he’s gently stroking your botton lip with his thumb. - “Over there,” you indicate with a short nod and the next second you find yourself lifted from the ground like you’re nothing more than a pillow, making you giggle a bit. You’re really gload you decided to go out tonight and something’s telling you that the feeling’s mutual.
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