pinoyaksyonnewsph · 8 months
Speaker Romualdez, lower house prepared to amend the 1987 constitution
By: Pinoy Aksyon News
House Speaker Martin Romualdez said that the lower house is prepared for talks with regards to the changes needed to amend the constitution.
This is after a resolution was filed in the Senate that calls for a Constituent Assembly in order to make changes to the 1987 Constitution.
Romualdez pointed out that it is a necessity for a new constitution so as the country can progress along with the changes in the global economic scene.
According to those who advocate for this revamp, this is needed so the Philippines reaches its full potential.
This resolution is in line with the People’s Initiative goal that seeks a constitutional change.
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thxnews · 1 year
Marcos New Steps to Prevent Natural Disasters and Aid Recovery
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  President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has issued an executive order constituting the disaster response and crisis management task force to ensure clear command unity in government efforts in confronting challenges brought about by natural disasters through evidence- and science-based approach in crisis management. Through Executive Order No. 24 issued last April 30, President Marcos created the Disaster Response and Crisis Management Task Force composed of the: Office of the Executive Secretary, Department of National Defense (DND), Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Department of Health (DOH), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Department of Transportation (DOTr) and Office of Civil Defense (OCD). Under the EO, which takes effect immediately, the President will designate the task force’s chairperson and vice chairperson from among its members, with the member agencies also designating senior officials to act as their representatives to the task force. Among the task force’s functions include overseeing and coordinating preparation, monitoring and evaluation of disaster risk management plans and programs on disaster preparedness and response, as well as providing leadership in developing approaches to disaster prevention, mitigation and response. It is also tasked to collaborate with relevant government agencies and local governments, ensure an integrated approach in disaster preparedness and response, and deliver accessible assistance programs to affected communities. The task force is mandated to establish a calibrated national disaster mobilization system, exercise oversight powers over government agencies with relevant mandates on disaster preparedness and response, and engage the assistance of consultants, experts and professional advisors. Other functions include managing and overseeing the implementation of national, local and community-based disaster resilience programs, convening the members of the National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council for declaring and lifting a state of calamity, and approving disbursements from the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund. In support of regional and local disaster risk reduction management councils, the task force will organize Quick Response Groups which can be deployed during or in anticipation of the imminent impact of a disaster. Through the whole-of-government approach, the President’s EO mandates all government agencies, including government-owned or controlled corporations and government financial institutions, as well as state universities and colleges, to provide the necessary support and assistance to the task force. The implementation of the order will be funded by existing appropriations of the member-agencies of the task force, as may applicable, the contingent fund, and other funding sources identified by the Department of Budget and Management.   Sources: THX News & PCO. Read the full article
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literaryobsession · 2 years
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citigov · 3 years
Hoping for True Nationwide Resilience Against Natural Disasters
By Aerdna Wamilah
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(Source of photo: Manila Today)
Eight years ago, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake upheaved the Bohol grounds whereas a super typhoon called Yolanda hurtled through the Leyte area (World Health Organization [WHO], 2017; Madarang, 2021). These events differed in form, but they had destruction and death as their common denominator. The Bohol earthquake resulted in 222 unfortunate casualties, 976 wounded victims, and 79,000 ruined properties including homes (WHO, 2017). Due to the Super Typhoon Yolanda, 6,300 people perished and damages worth $ 2.02 billion were incurred (UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, 2017). Such are the aftermath of a natural phenomenon when the country weathering it is unprepared. Thus, it is no longer a natural phenomenon; it has become a disaster (Mactal, 2018).
Notwithstanding, “Every cloud has a silver lining.” In a bid to uplift the Filipino spirit, the media would publish articles, pictures, and videos (Love and Light Channel, 2020) showcasing how victims would carry out “bayanihan” and help one another survive. However, this has promoted an overoptimistic narrative called Filipino resiliency (Rabino, 2020), wherein victim endurance is glamorized despite the glaring lack of government response. Just last year with the Typhoon Ulysses, Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque released a statement that lauded Filipino resilience after a time when 39 people already died and victims were clamoring for help from the government: 
Kahit papaano po, binabati pa po rin natin ang ating mga mamamayan, ang ating local government units, kapulisan, kasundaluhan, dahil sa ating bayanihan, nabawasan po natin ang casualty (We still like to congratulate the people, the LGUs, and the military because of our unity, we lessened the number of casualties). (Geducos, 2020)
The fact of the matter is, no one if not very few would have died, got injured, or lost their home if there were adequate disaster preparedness and response. Since the Philippines is situated along the Pacific Typhoon Belt and Ring of Fire, storms and earthquakes would constantly befall the country (Asian Reduction Disaster Center, n.d.; Mactal, 2018). In my perspective, the only way to prevent natural disasters is for the country to develop resilience against them with the government at the helm. With the government possessing the decision-making power for the State, the former has the responsibility to actually protect the latter from harm (in this case, natural disasters). Hence, I would like to see the following changes. First, the government must actualize projects that can reduce hazards and risks in areas vulnerable to natural phenomenon. For instance, flood walls and dams may be built and reinforced to mitigate flooding; ensuring houses and buildings are away from fault lines and secured to withstand earthquakes (Mactal, 2018). To increase disaster preparedness, the government must have readied ample personnel and equipment to be utilized to ensure the victims’ survival as well as sufficient provision of supplies and relief goods for the victims. In terms of disaster response, the government must act on it fast (Mactal, 2018) and not be absent as the disaster is happening. Also, enough money should be allocated properly to this. The government must use the funds given to them by the citizens for counteracting these disasters, not being ignorant and leaving it to the citizens for financial donations.   
As a citizen, I have the duty of contributing to the achievement of these changes. Alongside others on social media, I will demand for the government to create and implement plans for disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. It is crucial to make a loud noise online to awaken the government into action and compel them to see these disasters as dire concerns. Second, I will participate in the elections and choose the right leaders who would definitely prioritize the citizens’ security and well-being above all. For the upcoming 2022 National Elections, I will vote for the candidates whose track records are clean and have been known to provide assistance or passed policies to aid victims of natural disasters. I will also look into their plans for continuing rehabilitation plans for the affected areas that were previously hit by natural disasters. This is especially vital for a lot of Yolanda victims have not yet gotten back their home (Abrematea, 2021), and so, would be likely to suffer a greater deal if another disaster would come to their area (i.e., Typhoon Odette in Leyte). 
On the whole, I hope to upturn the resiliency narrative: Filipinos should not be forced into enduring abject suffering. Instead, the resiliency should be anchored to the government’s proactiveness in bolstering emergency responses. It is high time to call out the government on their inadequacies that have resulted in every natural phenomenon transforming into a disaster. The government should start being proactive rather than reactive lest a bigger disaster like the anticipated Big One or another super typhoon would come at everyone’s peril.  
DISCLAIMER: “The views expressed in the essays appearing in this website are attributed only to the identified author/s, and do not represent the views of the entire group, the class, the course instructor, nor the university to which the student belongs.”
Abrematea, N. L. (2021, November 8). Leyte, Samar mark 8th year of Super Typhoon 'Yolanda'. The Manila Times. https://www.manilatimes.net/2021/11/08/news/regions/leyte-samar-mark-8th-year-of-super-typhoon-yolanda/1821393
Asian Reduction Disaster Center. (n.d.). Information on Disaster Risk Reduction of the Member Countries: Philippines. https://www.adrc.asia/nationinformation.php?NationCode=608&Lang=en
Geducos, A. C. (2020, November 13). Palace extols Pinoys for preparation, resilience during onslaught of typhoon ‘Ulysses’. Manila Bulletin. https://mb.com.ph/2020/11/13/palace-extols-pinoys-for-preparation-resilience-during-onslaught-of-typhoon-ulysses-2/
Love and Light Channel. (2020, November 13). Philippines Flooding - Filipinos' Spirit and Resilience Unshaken [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bkUyylVIP8
Mactal, R. B. (2018). Padayon 10 (Mga Kontemporaneong Isyu) [Padayon 10: Contemporary Issues]. Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. 
Madarang, C. R. S. (2021, November 8). On ‘Yolanda’ anniv, calls for climate justice, mourning for lost loved ones flood social media. Interaksyon. https://interaksyon.philstar.com/trends-spotlights/2021/11/08/204025/on-yolanda-anniv-calls-for-climate-justice-mourning-for-lost-loved-ones-flood-social-media/
Rabino, A. H. (2020, November 13). Calls for accountability, to not romanticize Filipino resiliency resurface after 4 strong typhoons. Manila Today. https://manilatoday.net/calls-for-accountability-to-not-romanticize-filipino-resiliency-resurface-after-4-strong-typhoons/
UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). (2017, March 31). Philippines: Destructive Tropical Cyclones from 2006 to 2016. Relief Web. https://reliefweb.int/map/philippines/philippines-destructive-tropical-cyclones-2006-2016
World Health Organization. (2017, July 12). Bohol Earthquake: One year on. https://www.who.int/philippines/news/feature-stories/detail/bohol-earthquake-one-year-on#:~:text=The%20earthquake%20affected%20over%201.2,in%20over%20340%2C000%20displaced%20people.
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siren-news-weekly · 7 years
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365+ days after his reign, we recap some changes that happened that rang a bell to everyone (and by everyone including the Millennials).
READ MORE: click this!
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lurvehandler-blog · 7 years
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Caucus . . . . . . . . . . . . . #igers #igersmanila #toyphoto #toyphotography #satire #satirephotograph #phgovernment
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gypsychamsy · 7 years
I unfollowed Rappler 5 years ago, since Aquino administration. I just had the 'sense n feels' that their articles weren't going my way ("my way" lol). Oh well, seems I was right. I just found, like 'recently' found an incredible writer (hands down 'researcher') that made me feel "I'm not alone"... again. Stay brilliant, 'Thinking Pinoy' 👋
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visayanbizpost · 7 years
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Agricultural Training Institute (Home of e-Extension in the Philippines)
#PHGovernment to intensify its campaign towards use of pigmented #rice varieties for the public to be “#caloriewise” and #bericeponsible. #ishareknowledge Department of Agriculture - Philippines ATIng Gulayan ng DA Be RICEponsible Philrice, Science City Of Munoz, Nueva Ecija MannyPiñol Luz Taposok e-Extension Program for Agriculture and Fisheries Alfredo S. Aton http://ift.tt/2hISMQL Full Story at http://ift.tt/2hISMQL Reblogged by Visayan Business Post - Local News for the Global Visayan
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cainnech · 8 years
Feels more unsafe
"Kung hindi ka guilty at wala kang ginawang masama. Hindi ka dapat matakot." —Some people from PH. This could make me or some people happy. At least we could freely walk in the dark streets of this country. But we cannot deny the freakin' fact that there are many criminals who can still eat in the fastfood chains, walk in the streets, and even ride the public transportations without even knowing that they do crimes. Today, as I write this blog entry, I've seen some articles wherein criminals were killed. Hindi ko ide-deny na nabibigyang hustisya ang mga krimen na ginawa nila pero is it normal that we are seeing such headlines containing "...an alleged criminal/drug addict were killed" everyday? Or should I say "is it going to be normal" na lang talaga? Dahil dito mas marami nang natatakot na lumabas tuwing gabi or even magpagabi. Bakit? Kung ang mga hinihinala pa lamang na mga kriminal ay napapatay na, paano pa kaya kami o tayong mga tunay na inosente? I guess it feels more unsafe now.
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optimisticprimeeeeeee · 10 years
I hope Philippine government must do an appropriate action, to the issues that the country is experiencing. 
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