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/!/he.lo pe.ra.syts/!/luhv.lee in.chro.post//
About Us_//uh.bout uhs//
We are a symbiotic pairing. Collectively you can call us Luhv or Luhvlee. We are 22 years old. Fine being called either Parasyt or Parasite. Please excuse occasional Parasite grammar. Fluent in Parasitical Phonetics.
Laiken (//ley.ken//) is the host. He/they pronouns.
Arsenic (//ar.se.nik//) is the Parasyt. It/he pronouns.
Our Interests_//our in.te.rests//
Parasitic literature, industrial music, dead things. Love in the Time of Science. Long walks through the pine trees. Sometimes language. Sometimes movies. Sometimes defunct Parasite forums.
Our Tags_//our taagz//*
#luhv.lee.wrdz = original text posts
#luhv.lee.piks = original photos/or other images.
#fe.thrz aand bonz = for our bone collection (and other gory stuff)
#e.ko doun uh.baan.duhnd.halz = music stuff (lyric from telepathy by emiliana torrini)
#buhgz ahr our frendz aand will ne.vr hurt uhs = entomology/ bug related
#phantasmanatomy = art of human body and organs
*liable to change as we figure out what we're doing here
Breaking character for a disclaimer: this is an unreality blog. Parasites, as I have depicted them here, are basically fantasy creatures. Feel free to play along if you'd like. If not all posts with text relating to Parasitc unreality will be tagged unreality.
also, the dividers are from bleedingspiral
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