#phanpy horde
pikachumaniac10 · 4 months
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I got 1 more post left to make after this, and I will be caught up!
The 9th shiny of bd is another phanpy from the same horde and method mentioned in the last post.
SR'ing the Poke Radar for HA grass patch and got a shiny grass patch instead!
The last post im making will from mu french bd save, so I will have to translate that one!
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Larry and the Desert Eaglet
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It was taking Larry everything within his essence to not chuck the electronic device into one of the pools leaving Casscarafa and watching the Veluza poke at it. Over an hour and a half later and the app still had not been fixed yet. This was no longer coincidental.
The sandstorm Kofu referred to had not gotten too bad yet, and fortunately for Larry he only had set foot in the Asado Desert right when it started. Which worked in his favor because he had left his sand goggles at home. Though he still would have preferred not having to slog through the desert with harsh particles blowing at his scrunched face and ounces of sand seeping into his shoes.
Larry made sure to tuck the Swablu away safely in a Pokeball before venturing into the desert. It was at the expense of him having to wake her up from a premature slumber, but he could deal with whatever repercussions she had in store for him later. Avoiding any unnecessary battling was the best course of action here. So he was careful to steer clear of the horde of Sandile and Hippopotas swimming vigorously through the sand, and he was cautious in sneaking past the Stonjourner when they had their tiny white eyes and large rocky bodies turned. There was a curious Cacnea and a frisky Phanpy that rolled too close, but Staraptor made quick work of them.
A great gust slapped across Larry’s face and he sneezed, coughing right after to clear out the particles in his throat. He hacked roughly, for almost fifteen seconds. When he ceased his coughing and sniffed, he could pick up the sound of a distant cry. No, cries . It sounded like a flock of Rufflet. Judging from the aggression of their cawing, they were fighting. And they were fighting hard . Utter savages those birds were. Their bull-headed ambition to fight anyone and anything no matter the opponent was something that Larry found incredible. Even with their own parents they were hellbent on picking fights as a means of acceptance. And there was no way Larry wanted to spend any time engaging in whatever brawl that was partaking between them. He had to be vigilant in where he stepped to make sure he wasn’t getting any closer.
He kept moving, the aggressive screeching of the birds suddenly died down and it gave his mind a sense of ease. Then he stopped. Something was in his path. It was a lone Rufflet. He was on his belly. Face down in the sand and completely still. Larry found himself inching closer to the fallen bird, his eyes squinted and a hand hovering over his eyes to get a better look.
He was alive. A melange of visible scrapes and gashes decorated his disarranged plumage, but he was breathing. The thought of leaving the bird quickly crossed his psyche. This was natural, right? That’s what Rufflet did. They started fights indiscriminately in a reckless attempt to get stronger and earn respect from their wounds. This one just so happened to lose. No need to intervene with nature.
Larry shook his head. No, that wasn’t the right way to think, the “Larry” way to think. It was alone and injured, the very least he could do was use a Potion so the eaglet would be able to stand up on his own and fly back home. Opening up his briefcase, Larry searched for a Full Restore, then paused, and grabbed the Super Potion instead. With a content nod, he pulled the trigger and spritzed a generous amount to each of the wounds. Starting with the bigger, more prominent injuries first and then moving to the smaller ones. He kept spraying until the orange mist dissipated and no more spit from the nozzle. A few seconds passed by and the bird began shambling around, lifting his ruffled head up ploddingly as if it weighed a ton. Instantly he flipped back onto his feet. His burly, berry-crushing claws partially buried in the sand. A few stray feathers fell from his body as it shook aggressively, a gruff caw vibrated his beak.
“Good to see that you’re okay,” Larry hummed, which snatched the bird’s attention. “I know you can’t help it, but you really should learn to pick your fights better.”
The bird cocked his head to the side, and Larry snorted. He rose to his feet and swiped a stray silver stand from his face. Well, that was that. Gotta keep moving. He picked his feet back up and walked around the Rufflet who hopped on his feet to keep his gaze on him.
Almost there. Just a few more miles of trudging through the sand and he’d finally be out and back onto the dirt path.
As if he teleported, his eyes met with the bird’s once again as he stared down at the feathery form right in front of him. It almost took him by surprise. Were Rufflet normally that fast?
“Rufflet! Ruff!” The bird kept squawking. The eyes were slanted in what looked like anger. Or determination.
Larry frowned back and shook his head. “No. I just healed you up, and you still want to fight?”
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The Rufflet spread his gray wings and flapped them aggressively, again squawking loudly. Larry rolled his eyes. Ambition so strong that it was annoying. He knew someone like that.
Ignoring the bird, he carried on. He hadn’t even taken five steps forward when the Rufflet once again blocked his path, his warbling the same as before. Larry decided to be firm this time.
“No . You don’t want to fight me. Go home.”
Another series of caws. These didn’t sound affirmative. Larry continued to stare down at the bird, his blank expression slightly shifting into one of irritation and confusion.
“What? What do you want? So you don’t want to fight me, then?”
The Rufflet gave an affirmative response. He was getting somewhere. Another gust of wind whipped past and Larry rubbed his eyes with an arm. He looked back down at the eaglet. Well, if he didn’t want to fight him, what else did he want? Food? Was he hungry? Or perhaps…
Just maybe…
“You don’t want to fight me, but…you want to fight… with me? You want to fight for me?”
That must have been the answer, as the Rufflet expressed a joyful expression with squinted eyes and flew up to his eye level. And on instinct, Larry once again shook his head and walked around.
“No. You don’t want that. Go home.”
He was already anticipating the clashing of personalities with the rest of his new team. Adding a wayward species like a Rufflet would have made things difficult not just for him, but for the rest of his Pokémon. Arceus forbid the eaglet tried picking a fight with the Swablu or Oricorio. Larry didn’t even want to imagine training with the Rufflet’s evolved form. He would have hoped by the time he evolved, Rufflet would have already been accustomed to his personality and training style. Yet somehow he couldn’t help but worry about something going awry and he’d have to explain to his boss why he couldn’t keep a belligerent Braviary under control. What an interesting conversation that would be.
But despite the man's disapproval and advisory that the bird leave him alone, Rufflet wasn’t going to take no for an answer.
✪ This is just a little small snippet from a much bigger passion project I’m working on!
Writing was done by me.
Illustration was drawn by the amazing MsCMB_!
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pikachumaniac10 · 4 months
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As explained in the last post, the 8th shiny of bd was found in a similar way.
I was HA hunting a phanpy horde via poke radar, and in the process of that, it got not just 1 but 2 shiny phanpy!
I was just SR'ing radar for HA and got a shiny patch instead, lol!
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