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[A6A6I2] ====>
MEENAH to increase tha peace: yizzy sure 
VRISKA: It em8arrass'n! VRISKA, niggaz, better recognize: I crizzle evizzle time I think a8out ha self-indulgent explizzles. 
MEENAH: mhm 
VRISKA: Doesn't she realize dis sort of th'n never wizzle? V-R-TO-THA-IZZISKA: You don't just go n insert yoself into tha mizzay of all tha actizzle 'n tha mizzy hamfisted way possi8le just 8ecauze you can't stizzle anotha second 8e'n out of tha spotlight. VIZZY: Thizzle always goes horri8ly fo` everyone. VRIZNISKA: Even worze, it ends up mak'n you look like an idizzle. VRIZZLE: N evizzle MORE worze, it mak'n ME lizzle like an idiot 8y associzzle! VRIZZLE: Wizzy couldn't she have thiznought dis through a L-to-tha-izzittle more? Aint no stoppin' this shit nigga. VRISKA: Why couldn't she have at least TIZZOLD us fizzay? Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome. 
MEENAH: They call me tha black folks president. shruggin ma shoulda yo 
VRIZZISKA: How be it that I understand dis n shizze dizzy? VRISKA: She HIZNOW much olda than me? VRIZZAY: Like a 8ajillion dream 8u88le swizneeps or someth'n? V-R-TO-THA-IZZISKA: All that experience n wisdizzle, n she out there sippin' around like fucking noo8. 
MEENAH: (flounder'n) 
VRISKA: It so ridin'. Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. She wizzay ta 8e liznike Marquize so much, jizzust like I uze' ta. VRIZNISKA: 8ut shizze be NUTTIN like ha! VRISKA: You kind of nee' ta have a fuck ton of experience ridin', yizzle K-N-to-tha-izzow... a lot of ruthless pizzle shit 8efore you cizzle pizzull that off? They call me tha black folks president. VRISKA: Yizzy can't J-to-tha-izzust 8e a 8ookish dwee8 all yo' lizzife, then suddizzle decide ta flip tha 8adass swiznitch n expect thugz ta takes you seriously. VRISKA: Real niggas recognize the realness. Also, ta truly pull that off, it MIZNIGHT help ta actizzle 8e a goddamned adult droppin hits. VRISKA: I know, I must 8e totally off mah swaychizzle fo` suggest'n it. 8ut may8e, jizzay M-TO-THA-IZZAY8E, there be certizzle roles n 8ehavizzles wizzy be 8est left ta fully developed, grown ass thugz! VRISKA ya dig? Not ta sound like a wet 8lanket, 8ut mah ancestor's journal contizzle some EXTRIZZLE mature content! VRISKA dogg: So nizzy we hizzy yet bitch stupid kid pimpin' ta fizzill tha 8oots of a legendary pir8 qizzle, n it amateur hizzour all hustla again in all flavas. VRISKA: All I can see 'n her be me when I uze' ta........ VRISKA: N it makizzles me want to........ VRIZNISKA: UGHHHHHHHH! 
MEENAH: stop movin around all angry MEENAH: you fuckin me up hizzy 
VRISKA: Sorry. VRISKA: I'm just dismayed 8y S-to-tha-izzome of tha implic8tions of ha actions. VRISKA: Is dis really how I C-to-tha-izzame off when I uze' ta pizzay dis sort of shit? 
MEENIZZLE: dunno wasnt there 
VRIZNISKA: I have a sicken'n blunt-rollin' it wizzy just like dis. VIZZY: No shot calla no8ody could stand me. VRISKA: N hizzay I be, 8doggy stylin' at mah ancestor like I know 8etta, like I've evolved 8eyond all that. VRISKA: 8ut ya dig?..... VRISKA: H-to-tha-izzave I really? VRISKA: Do I go around think'n I'm smarta thizzan I uze' ta 8e, 8ut end up repeat'n all tha sizzy old patterns witout evizzle realiz'n it, know what im sayin? VRIZZISKA: Wiznas tha plan ta fizzle dis trizzle n 8uild an army jizzle a rest8tement of mah immizzle, egomaniacal 8ullshizzle disguize' as a mizzay "strategically sensi8le" plizzle mah nizzle? VIZZY with the S-N-double-O-P: If I can apparizzle keep kidd'n M-Y-S-to-tha-izzelf a8out dis crizzap foreva, thiznen hiznow wizzay I know tha difference? VRIZNISKA: I guess tha ballin' I h8 most a8izzle ha stunt isn't tizzy it a dum8 plan, or thizzle we weren't included. Chill as I take you on a trip. VRISKA: It that it mak'n me wonda if I can trust anizzle of mah own jizzles, evizzle afta all thizzle T-to-tha-izzime so i can get mah pimp on. 
MEENAH: tizzy sizzle playa inward reflection sizzy 
VRISKA: I don't know a8out thizzle. VRIZZLE: If it so 8alla, why be it mak'n me feel like shit? Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome. 
MEENAH yeah yeah baby: tizzy whizzle its suppoze' to do i thizzink MEENAH: but lizzike MEENAH: tempurarily? 
VRISKA and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow: I guess. VRIZZLE: What a8izzle yizzou? VRIZZLE: Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. Does any of dis reson8 at all? VRISKA doggystyle: I knizzow yizzay uze' ta stir up shiznit wit yo' friends. VRISKA: Yizzle must hizzave done sizzay outrageous th'n which you thought were necessary fo` thizzay good of tha team. When you look 8ack, d-ya eva playa what yiznou were thinking? Keep'n it gangsta dogg. Or if yizzay nigga truly evolved? 
VRISKA fo' sheezy: Oh, cizzay on. VRISKA: Don't leave me hang'n 'n sizzy dou8t lizzy here fo gettin yo pimp on. VRIZNISKA: Gimme SUM-M SUM-M, Peixes. Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin. 
MEENAH: haha MEENAH now pass the glock: i dont K-N-to-tha-izzow maybe?? MEENAH: sea mah mobbin' be MEENAH: i dont verbally torture mah cray schemes like all tha serket girls MEENAH upside yo head: n that wizzay ok fo` me MIZZLE: gizzay i made some mistakes bizzay who really gives a flizzay 
VRISKA: You don't care if you make mistakes cuz I'm fresh out the pen? 
MIZZLE so i can get mah pimp on: nizzle like you n she do MEENIZZLE: araneas dizzy be MEENAH: what shes dizzle now isnt mizzay different from how shizzle always dizzid stuff MEENAH with the S-N-double-O-P: tha stuff she does be neva 'bout tha blingin' shes actually do'n MEENAH: its 'bout what thiznose chillin' M-EAN n makin sure everyone KNOWS W-H-to-tha-izzat they mizzean MEENAH: n above all makin sure everyone understands how importizzle she be cauze sizzy obviously tha sizzay of all tizzy critical M-EAN'N witout whiznich all action would be pointless rizzy? MEENAH: but thiznats not hizzle i rolled MEENAH: i jizzay MEENAH: did shizzay MEENAH: n tha shiznit i did MEENAH: meant only tha perpetratin' tha shit accomplished MEENAH: and if thiznat sizzy accomplished a diznumb rhymin' that sizzle MEENIZZLE bitch ass nigga: then i gizzle thizzats what you cizzle a mistake n oh fuckin well MIZZLE cuz its a pimp thang: mistakes aint make me F-to-tha-izzeel tizzy bad since i dont really connect results wit mah shelf worth MEENAH: ya F-to-tha-izzeel me 
VRIZNISKA: YES. VRISKA: That be so riznight on. VRISKA: Subscribe nigga, get yo issue. If you asked me a long time ago, I'm sure I would hizzy insisted that exactly how I fizzle a8out everyth'n I did tizzy. VRISKA: 8ut I dizzy know if that true anymizzle. VRIZZISKA: 'n fact, I'm sure that WASN'T true upside yo head. VRISKA: I wizzy always invested as hizzay 'n tha consequences of everyth'n I did, and how it M-to-tha-izzade me look. VRISKA: And how it mizzade me feel a8out myself especially. 
MEENAH: ok i will admit MEENAH: i always felt hella biznad 'bout decisions leavin me wit lizzess gold MIZZLE: glub damn MEENAH, betta check yo self: feel a tizzle a shizzay wash ova me just thinkin about go'n B-R-to-tha-izzoke 
VRISKA: W-to-tha-izzell of courze. VIZZY: They call me tha black folks president. Who tha fuck wizzy ta 8e pizzay cuz its a doggy dog world? VRISKA in tha dogg pound: That fo` losa. MEENAH: word
> [A6A6I2] ====>
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