#pfft imagine being born in august
cin3maa · 29 days
Birthday in September buddies 🫵
WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! LETS GO‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥
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swanqueeneverafter · 6 years
59. Homecoming, Pt.5
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Storybrooke General Hospital. Henry’s Room. (Fiona visits Henry, gloating.) Henry: “No way. My mom would never burn it.” Fiona: “Oh, but she did. Whatever last bit of belief she clung to went up in smoke, just like the pages of your precious book.” Henry: “Not even you could destroy her belief completely. I'll stop you.” Fiona: “Oh, haven't you already tried that? Look where it got you.” Henry: “It's not just me. It's my family. We won't let you win.” The Rabbit Hole. (Emma sits at the bar reading through the storybook.) Emma: “You know, I’ve never actually sat down and read through this thing before.” Roni: (Dryly:) “You don’t say?” Emma: “Hey. I was the one out earning a paycheck. Neal didn’t have a job, so it was easier for him to sit around and play with Henry. To indulge his fantasies.” Roni: “Mary Margaret seems to think you hold her responsible for those fantasies.” Emma: “She does? (Roni nods:) That’s not true. (Sighs:) After Neal died... I was a mess. I lashed out, I... I tried to make sense of what happened. But I don’t blame anyone.” Roni: “That’s what I told her. And Henry.” Emma: “Wait. Does Henry think I blame him?” Roni: (Shrugs:) “I think he may blame himself. Having Fiona as a mother can’t be easy either.” Emma: (Shakes her head:) “She didn’t have to step in when she did. I don’t know what would’ve happened without Fiona’s help.” Roni: “All I know is, taking away Henry’s fantasy world isn’t the answer. If these stories somehow give him comfort, they can’t be all bad.” Emma: (Scoffs:) “You know he has both of us written as being his moms. Like, you and I, we’re together in this book? As lovers, I mean.” Roni: (Laughs:) “The kid has one hell of an imagination.” Emma: “You can say that again.” Roni: “Hey, I’m all for it. (Slides a shot glass over to Emma:) I think we’d make a hot couple.” Emma: (Smirks:) “You think so?” Roni: (Lifting her own shot glass:) “Smoking hot.” (Roni downs the shot and, smiling, Emma downs her own.)
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Mr. Gold & Son's Shop. (David enters the shop as Mr. Gold emerges from the back room.) Mr. Gold: “Can I help you with something?” David: “Oh, cut the act. There is no way you would let yourself fall under the power of your mother's curse when she's still awake.” Mr. Gold: “You don't seem very well. If you're looking for Dr. Hopper, his office is just down the street.” David: “All right. Enough games.” (David heads towards the back room.) Mr. Gold: “And where do you think you're going to? That room is off limits to customers.” David: “I’m not a customer and you damn well know it.” Mr. Gold: “Oh, I know who you are. You’re John Doe.” (David throws up his hands and enters the back room. Walking to a table, he lifts the sheet covering several bottles and spell books.) David: “You're awake. I know what magic looks like. What are you up to, Gold?” Mr. Gold: (Dropping the act:) “Clearly being in a coma improved your detective skills, Sheriff.” David: “Why have you been pretending?” Mr. Gold: “Because, believe it or not, I didn't entirely trust my mother when she cast the curse. And, as usual, I was right not to. Our agreement wasn't to put me in this pathetic circumstance here without Belle. She betrayed me. Again.” David: “What are you planning?” Mr. Gold: “To find out her true intentions. She told me Belle was off to see the world, but I know better. She'd keep her here for leverage, just in case.” David: “Well, Belle's gonna have to wait. You have to help me save my family. Our family. And then we can find Belle.” Mr. Gold: “I'm sorry, David, you're on your own. All I care about right now is Belle.” David: “That’s not good enough. You betrayed us and sided with your mother who sent us back in time. Back before my son was even born, which means he doesn’t even exist. Now I know you know exactly what it feels like to be separated from your son, so you’re gonna help me break this curse or I swear I’ll-” Mr. Gold: “Careful, Dearie. As you’ve surmised, we are indeed back in time. Back to a time where I am still very much the Dark One. (David takes a step backwards at this revelation:) Now, if you don't mind, I’ve got work to do. So please.” (Using his powers, Mr. Gold opens the shop door. Reluctantly, David decides not to push the Dark One further and leaves the shop.)
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Hangman's Island. Cabin Exterior. (Will and Robin sit around the campfire, not speaking to one another. Jasmine, Ariel and Aladdin exit the cabin.) Jasmine: "So, are you ready to go home?" Will: (Stands:) "Oh, we’re ready.” Robin: “We just don’t agree on where home should be.” Will: “I’ve told you, Robin, we can’t go back to Storybrooke. It’s cursed.” Robin: (Frustrated, turns to Aladdin:) “What do you think?” Aladdin: “I think... that if you truly are the baby I saw mere months ago in your mother’s arms, then the sorceress that did this to you shouldn’t be messed with.” Will: “Exactly! Thank you, mate. (Robin folds her arms, clearly unhappy with the lack of support. To Jasmine:) Are you sure you want to give us your last wish?” Jasmine: (Nods:) “I won’t be needing it. I know how to get Agrabah back.” Will: “Well, if you’re sure, then I think I’d like to go back to the Enchanted Forest. Beneath the tower where my sister was imprisoned. I know it’s a long shot, but at least it’s a start.” Jasmine: “Very well, I wish you luck, Will Scarlett.” Will: “Thank you, Princess.” (Will looks over to Robin who, agitated, nevertheless walks over to stand beside him.) Jasmine: (Lifting the lamp:) “I wish for our friends to be sent to Alice’s tower in the Enchanted Forest.” Aladdin: (Smiling to both of them:) “You keep out of trouble now.” (Raising his arm, Aladdin sends Will & Robin back to the Enchanted Forest.) Ariel: (After a moment:) “So where is it? Where’s Agrabah?” Jasmine: “In the jewel.” Ariel: “Really?” Jasmine: “Aladdin that's why it was in my pocket after I wished for it.” Aladdin: (Takes the ring and examines it:) “Oh, I can see my hovel from here. It’s a shame we can’t bring it back.” Jasmine: “I’m sorry I couldn’t use the last wish to free you. You should never have had to do this for me.” Aladdin: “Jasmine, I'd do anything for you.” Jasmine: “Thank you. But I have a better idea. My father used to tell me that duty had to come before love. So I told myself that losing Agrabah meant that I could never have love until I won it back. But when Jafar told me the same thing, I finally realized that the way to get Agrabah back was with the kind of magic that could break any curse.” (Stepping closer to him, Jasmine stands on her tiptoes and kisses Aladdin. Jasmine’s suspicions are correct and they share true love’s kiss, causing the ring to shine brightly. As the kiss continues, their surroundings change around them as Agrabah is restored.) Aladdin: (Breaking the kiss:) “Look what you did, Princess. You did it. You are a hero. (As he reaches for her, he notices his cuffs are gone:) I'm free. I'm free!” Ariel: (Walking forward:) “That is such a lovely ring. Hmm. Oh, now that the city's out of here, can I keep this?” Jasmine: (Both laughing, Jasmine stops when she realises:) “Oh no, Ariel! You're a long way from your island. I’ve stranded you here.” Ariel: (Waving this off:) “Nah. We're close to the Agraban Gulf. Once I hit the water, I'll be home faster than you think.” Jasmine: (Relieved:) “Oh, phew. So, you’ll join us for dinner?” Ariel: “I’d love to.” Jasmine: (Takes Aladdin’s hand:) “Good. Now let me show you my world.”
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Storybrooke. Marco/August’s House. Garage. (August is inspecting the Pixie flower given to him by David.) August: “Yeah, this is definitely a Pixie flower, and it should wake up Emma.” David: “What about Regina? We need them both awake as soon as possible.” August: (Considers:) “I don’t know how much magic is left inside here. Perhaps if we ground it down into a powder, slipped it into their drink?” David: (Nods:) “That could work.” August: “Of course, you’d have to keep them together long enough. Something tells me Killian won’t keep Emma out of his sight for long.” David: “Not a problem, Snow’s with them at the bar. If anyone’s capable of providing a distraction, it’s my wife.” The Rabbit Hole. (Emma sits at the bar as Snow hands her another drink.) Emma: "Woah, Mary Margaret, I still haven't finished this one." Snow White: "It never hurts to be prepared." Emma: (To Roni:) "How many has she had?" Roni: "If you can believe it, that's her first." Snow White: "Hey, as your boyfriend loves to point out, I have no life. I need this." Roni: "Misery, meet company." Emma: "All right, one more drink. I'm still technically on duty." Snow White: "Pfft. Your son just had an accident, you're entitled to drown your sorrows." Roni: "She's right. Now, tell us all about that no-good sheriff." Emma: (Smiles, shaking her head:) "I think you have ulterior motives." Roni: (Winks:) "I might."
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Snow White: (Notices people leaving:) “Hey! They're leaving without paying.” Roni: “Do you ever not tattle?” Man: “Do you have a problem with us?” Snow White: “Yes, I do!” Roni: “Well, Deputy, I think you’re needed here to keep the peace.” Emma (Turning in her stool:) “Okay, all right, let's all just calm down.” Snow White: “How 'bout a wager - loser pays both tabs.” Roni: (As Snow White walks over to the dart board with the three men, Emma swivels back to face the bar:) “Uh, so are you going to break this up?” Emma: (Sighs:) “No. I really think I'd rather be distracted, and this seems like an excellent distraction from you know, the things that I would like to be distracted from.” (She takes a drink.) Storybrooke. The Woods. (Fiona, along with Marco, Granny and several others, search for John Doe.) Fiona: (Angry:) “Do you people even know what a coma is? A coma patient doesn't get up and walk out without someone seeing something.” Archie: (Approaching with Pongo:) “No sign of him by the water.” Fiona: (Sighs:) “They haven't found him in the South Woods, either. I don’t have time for this.” Archie: “I know you’re busy, Madam Mayor, but you are his emergency contact.” Fiona: “Fine. But we’re moving the search party into town.” Granny: “We can't go back into town.” Fiona: “And why not?” Granny: “Because John Doe may still be in the woods somewhere. We haven't looked everywhere.” Marco: “She’s right. We haven't checked the mines.” Fiona: (Sighs:) “All right, you continue checking the woods and I’ll head back to town. The moment any of you find him, call me.” (The group murmur their ascent before Fiona turns and leaves.)
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Main Street. (David, carrying the powder from the Pixie flower in a small jar, heads towards the Rabbit Hole.) Killian: (Pulling up in a squad car:) "Hey. (Getting out of the car and standing in his way:) You're the one everyone's looking for aren't you? Come on, let's get you back to the hospital." David: (Shrugging off Killian's hand from his shoulder:) "I'm not going anywhere with you, and neither is my daughter." Killian: "Your daughter?" David: "You know, I knew this is what it'd be like if you two ever got together. That you'd slowly grind Emma down, manipulate her into thinking she needs you." Killian: "All right, mate. I think it's time for your medication, eh?" David: (Continuing:) "Guys like you are all the same. You wear women down until they believe that you're the best thing that ever happened to them. Well I've got news for you, Hook. My daughter is stronger than you'll ever be, and she is nobody's deputy." Killian: "All right, I've had enough of this nonsense, (Pulls out his handcuffs:) you're coming with me." (David hauls back and punches Killian hard in the face, knocking him to the ground. Taking the sheriff by the arm, he handcuffs Killian to the nearby bike rack.) David: "That was for my wife!" (David takes off running as Killian tries to get to his feet.) The Rabbit Hole. Emma: “Can I get another drink?” Roni: “You got it.” Emma: “Roni, how'd you end up a bartender?” Roni: “Well, (Chuckles:) it’s worse. I own the place. I got it in a shrewd business deal. But before that, I guess I spent my life making all the wrong choices. You know I er... I did have an ulterior motive for you not burning Henry’s storybook.” Emma: “Really?” Roni: (Nods:) “I guess you could call it hope. I actually did try to adopt once. (Smiles:) A beautiful baby boy. Then at the last minute, the adoption agency decided I wasn't a good fit. It just left a mark, you know?” Emma: “Oh, Roni, I’m so sorry. For what it's worth, you seem like mom to a lot of people around here.” Roni: (Nods:) “Which is why we have to help Henry. If we pretend we believe him, then he'll stop being defensive and finally believe the truth when he sees it. Trust me. The sooner the fantasy fades, the sooner he can heal.” Emma: “Okay, Operation Heartbreak it is.” Roni: “Hmm?” Emma: “Oh, that's just a thing from Henry’s book. Something he’d call it.” Roni: (Nods:) “I think we both need a drink.” (Suddenly the door swings open and David enters. Spotting the two glasses on the bar, he heads towards them.) Emma: “Hey, slow down!” Killian: (Over the radio:) “Swan! Pick up, Swan!” (As the loud cheers from the rowdy group in the corner of the bar cause a distraction, David takes out the bottle and pours the Pixie powder into both glasses.) Emma: (Picking up:) “Yeah, Killian, what is it?” Killian: (Over the radio:) “There’s a bloody escaped mental patient on the loose. He was headed towards the Rabbit Hole. Now get off your arse and do your job!” (Emma and David lock eyes before David takes off running.) Emma: (Slides her drink over to Roni:) “Duty calls.” (Emma grabs her jacket and takes off after David. Snow attempts to make her way through the rowdy revelers in time to see Roni pouring Emma’s drink into her own glass.) Roni: “Waste not, want not.” (Unable to make herself heard over the noise, Snow looks on helplessly as Roni downs the glass. Instantly, memories begin to flood Roni's mind's eye. From her first meeting with Snow White, to Daniel, to adopting Henry, to her first meeting with Emma and finally to Emma, Henry and herself living as a family. Roni gasps in shock.) Snow White: (Finally reaching the bar. Tentatively:) "Welcome back... Regina." (Roni looks to her, stunned. Regina is awake.)
To Be Continued.
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