leonsoletsky · 8 months
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❝ I THINK WE shouldn't do toasts. lenya and i are not drinking and toasting with water is just ridiculous. i appreciate how much thought you put into it, though, you'll have the chance to read them in seven months or so. ❞ / @karynasoletskaya + @petrosoletsky + @innasoletskaya
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hshqgossip · 3 years
favourite outfits? and who isn't showing enough skin?
not judging ball looks yet, but i will say i am DELIGHTED to see so many tits out looks ( • )( • ) #freethenip
gotta shout out out @lucianabxlla, @loladebelgique, @nikelykke​ (but only parade night 2) , @aalayncs for surprising us with some HOT looks.🔥🔥🔥 but @hshmimi, @inescroy, and @swababy stole the show!! 🥵 of course, hostess @vitoriadobrasil upheld brazilian pride with her parade outfits too.
among the gentleman, i unfortunately have to say that @jclvni and @petrosoletsky did in fact catch my eye 👀
sadly @fvmikc clearly didn't understand the assignment (even our favorite encapsulation of the madonna-whore complex *cough* fanni *cough* showed MORE skin) and @lconor could definitely stand to show a little more. i'm actually more disappointed by @isvbclv -- this dress code seemed TOTALLY up her alley and her looks are somehow....boring 🙃🙃🙃
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karynasoletskaya · 3 years
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“ i am so pleased to spend some time alone with you, petro. ” she offers a small squeeze of the shoulders as she walks around him to take her seat. placing a bottle of wine in front of him, she lets him open it and folds her arms on the table. “ i’ve been meaning to talk to you about monaco. what exactly happened? ” @petrosoletsky​
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highsocietyhq · 2 years
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anamariaabolivar · 2 years
It was a brisk morning. More brisk than either of the Venezuelans were used to, but that didn’t stop Alejandro from wanting to go play football in the park. So, with cleats on, shin guards on, and ball in hand, Alejandro had rushed out the door, ahead of his mother, hopping down the steps two feet at a time. Just to hear all the cleats come down at the same time. He was going to go run to the end of the driveway until he was distracted by a man. “¡Mamá!” Alejandro called out to his mom, not being cognizant of neighbors or it being earlier in the morning for some.  “¡Creo que un hombre murió en nuestro jardín!”
Ana María immediately appeared out of the house, her eyes wide, heart racing, and blood cold, before she saw on Petro. Face down. In her front yard. “Petro, Petro!” she called as she got closer, her arms wrapped tight around her torso. What the hell was he doing? And more importantly, was he okay? @petrosoletsky​
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diannayi · 2 years
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knock. knock. “mims- oh!” the person who answered the door was decidedly not the blonde she was looking for, and dianna raised a brow, as if he had intruded on her house instead of the other way around! “you’re the brother’s fiance, then?” she pushed in anyway, the squirming little labrador in her arms yelping happily at the sight of a familiar room. “she left this guy when they were visiting, he fell asleep under my cashmere throw upstairs.” finally, the little pup was let loose on the hardwood floor to scamper away and find his compatriots. “i’m dianna, by the way. mimi comes to my house when you guys are fucking too loud.” ( @petrosoletsky​ ) 
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helenadobrasil · 3 years
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“I know I shouldn’t be here ..” Helena peered down at Petro with a downturned frown. This a horrible idea. Helena knew she’d be chewed out to pieces but she couldn’t stay quiet. “I don’t wish to know what goes on in your life because it’s your business. I respect that please don’t drag my brother into your chaos. Life is messy enough. You may be struggling, which I am sorry about, but he’s good. A good man and friend. Just leave him alone.” 
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anastazyas · 2 years
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“ IT’S NICE TO BE BACK IN EUROPE, ”   she sighs, leaning back in her seat.   “ will i be seeing you and claude at the summer ball ?   i still need to find something to wear. ”    @petrosoletsky​
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mchaeleicn · 2 years
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“hey,” his voice was soft and a little hesitant like he wasn’t sure this was the best idea. “i just wanted to see if you were okay. i can’t...i can’t imagine what this is like. do you want some company?” @petrosoletsky​
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franciscobolivar · 2 years
†⋅ . ( @petrosoletsky​​​ )
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    “ petro, i don’t believe karyna left — nevermind. where’s marya? ”
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leonsoletsky · 3 years
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* ⠀ ⠀ 🦁 ⠀ ⠀ / ⠀ ⠀ task 11-46.⠀ ⠀ 、 ⠀ family dyamic ⠀ ❫
the soletsky’s are a unity, but not in the way one would think. their support isn’t unconditional, their love has limitations, their relationship isn’t and could never be judgement free, their tolerance to each other’s wrongdoings is minimal but their faith is everbearing. faith in them, as a group. they only work as a group. individually, they’re flawed. but their flaws cancel each other out in the same way their qualities are complementary. it didn’t click that they were meant to work as a team until they had to. until they had no one else to seek help from. it had always been their parents, not each other. for leon and inna, their father had the best advices; for karyna and petro, their mother would show a solution to any problem. it was a divided yet perfectly organized system. then it fell down and they had to reorganize it. each one of them finding a new role within the family to fill.
before the passing of their parents, they lived much more independent lives from each other; there wasn’t a single reason why the siblings had to be together so often. karyna would be pursuing her own ambitions, petro could be as care-free as he’d like with lesser worries, inna’s wish for privacy was far more respected and leonid even had a personal life. now, if a situation calls for it, they’re there no questions asked. karyna became the motivator: some wouldn’t consider this role to be half as important as the others, those would be deadly wrong. without her incentive, the others would hardly find the will to get up and keep fighting.  she’s the one to find them reason when they think there is none. petro became the problem solver: it could be unbelievable to outsiders, how can a man that gets in trouble so often have that as his role? that’s the answer, from experience. and for he takes after their mother. gizella croÿ-soletskaya always had a card up her sleeve, a solution for any problem, the surprise element. petro was taught well by her, he knows the ways through and around every inconvenience. inna became the master mind: and she defies all assumptions by being so. how could the youngest of the bunch have the most valued opinion and be so blindly trusted by the rest? that is because none of them have her talent to make up a plan on the spot. to know what’s best for their family and ukraine. and leonid became the doer: that was the only obvious role. he’s the representative, the face people associate the soletsky name to first, so it is his job and the others rely on him to act when action is necessary and so he does. even if the reason comes from karyna, the plan from inna or the solution from petro, leon has to be the one to call the shots. it is how they work. 
their old selfs though haven’t vanished completely. the slight division of the family can still be seen at times: leon and inna were always a duo. she’d follow him around when they were kids, he relies on her now that they’re adults. petro and karyna's are far more free-spirited than they ever could. they would study abroad as teens, build their lives outside of ukraine, they have so much of their mother’s ambition while inna and leon inherited their father’s grounded nature. one could say leon and inna are in the thinking side of the spectrum while petro and karyna are in the feeling. they exchange though, intwine even, all of them having been molded to be resilient, adaptable to fit into any situation they’d find themselves in. all given how different either sides of their families were. family is complicated, their father used to say. it’s a wonder how a croÿ and a soletsky matched so well when there’s so little in common ( opposites attract is the best way to describe it ). and they had to be able to please both. 
before, their worlds revolved around their own personal goals. what they wanted from life, though, isn’t the most important thing anymore. their world now revolves around ukraine and their family. doesn’t make it easy, oh how much they fight and disagree on so much so often. too much is expected and those expectations are rarely met. yet compromising comes naturally, even if tardy, when there’s a greater good to be sought. when the main goal is way beyond you and your inner circle. when literal lives are at risk every day and your decision could seal their fate. they understand it now, it’s the reason it takes them long to act. nothing happens without a full agreement, all four on board. it is leon’s name to be signed, it always is, but as long as his siblings are not there with him, that line where a signature should be will remain blank. 
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leonsoletsky · 3 years
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     - ‘ YOU SHOULD stay indoors a little longer. give people time to forget what happened in that dreadful party and your face. although the scot’s fist changed your jawline a little. ’ / @pctro​
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hshqgossip · 2 years
if petro and claude break up who should either of them pursue
@hshclaude and @mchaeleicn !!! @petrosoletsky and therapy. 💋💋
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hshqgossip · 3 years
who do you think will get the most kisses in rio? i hear ari braganca has already had seven >.>
we’re not surprised our blowjob queen is enjoying some tongue 👅👅👅 but based on his NASTY habits.....our bet is on the 👑 self-crowned 👑 whore of ukraine himself: @petrosoletsky ( with her track record though, @fannicroy is a close second!! ) 
is there someone we missed??
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highsocietyhq · 2 years
@petrosoletsky’s fc changed again to luke mitchell ! bridgerton dude is now open.
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diannayi · 2 years
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she wasn’t hungover, not in the slightest! but it was the unusual taste of beer that had left her with a slight headache and discomfort when facing the bright morning sun... surely that doesn’t count. “can you pass the... orange ju— oh!” she blinked a few times behind her large celine sunglasses, recognising the figure seated on her right. “you’re pierre, mimi’s brother’s fiancé, aren’t you?” ...or boyfriend ...or husband, it hardly mattered. ( @petrosoletsky​ ) 
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