#petrol price in sri ganganagar
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tezlivenews · 3 years ago
राजस्थान में अभी भी इन राज्यों में महंगा है पेट्रोल-डीजल, इस शहर से 30 रुपए तक का अभी भी अंतर
राजस्थान में अभी भी इन राज्यों में महंगा है पेट्रोल-डीजल, इस शहर से 30 रुपए तक का अभी भी अंतर
जयपुर Petrol- Diesel Price Rajasthan : राजस्थान सरकार की ओर से वैट घटाए जाने के बाद जहां पेट्रोल के दाम में 4 रुपये प्रति लीटर तथा डीजल में 5 रुपये प्रति लीटर कमी आई है। वहीं अभी भी प्रदेश में कई जिलों में पेट्रोल के भाव 100 रुपए से ऊपर दिखाई दे रहे हैं। लिहाजा वैट घटने के बाद भी प्रदेश की जनता पेट्रोल- डीजल के भावों से ज्यादा खुश नजर नहीं आ रहे हैं। उल्लेखनीय है कि प्रदेश के कई राज्यों से तुलना…
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bengalbytes · 4 years ago
Fuel price hike: Both petrol-diesel cross Rs 100/L mark in Rajasthan's Sri Ganganagar
Fuel price hike: Both petrol-diesel cross Rs 100/L mark in Rajasthan’s Sri Ganganagar
Image Source : PTI Fuel price hike: Both petrol-diesel cross Rs 100/L mark in Rajasthan’s Sri Ganganagar  Sri Ganganagar, a small city in northernmost part of Rajasthan near the India-Pakistan border has become the first city in the country where retail prices of both auto fuels — petrol and diesel — have crossed the century mark. The city already had the distinction of having the highest pump…
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mhabrain · 4 years ago
राजस्थान में ब्रांडेड पेट्रोल की कीमत 100 रु। नवीनतम ईंधन दरों की जाँच कर���ं
राजस्थान में ब्रांडेड पेट्रोल की कीमत 100 रु। नवीनतम ईंधन दरों की जाँच करें
राजस्थान राज्य की चोटी पर स्थित श्रीगंगानगर जिला हैं , उस जिले में पेट्रोल की कीमत आसमान छू रही हैं. और पेट्रोल की कीमत 100 रुपये के पार पहुँच चुकी हैं, और देश में इंधन की कीमतों में भी बढोतरी  हो रही हैं, अभी हाल ही में श्रीगंगानगर जिले में पेट्रोल के कीमत 98.40 रुपये प्रति लीटर  थी पर अभी ब्राडेंड पट्रोल की किम बड़ा कर 101.15 रुपये प्रति लीटर कर गई गई हैं, 28 जनवरी से पेट्रोल और डीजल की कीमतों…
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economyandfinancialnews · 4 years ago
Petrol, diesel prices up 25 paise; Bhopal, Indore join cities with Rs 100/litre petrol
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Petrol and diesel prices on Wednesday were hiked by 25 paise per litre each, the third increase this week, propelling petrol price to cross Rs 100 per litre mark in more cities including Bhopal and Indore.
Petrol and diesel prices are now at record high across the country, price notification of state-owned fuel retailers showed.
In Delhi, petrol now comes for Rs 92.05 per litre and diesel is priced at Rs 82.61.
This was the third increase in prices this week and seventh hike since May 4 when the state-owned oil firms ended an 18-hiatus in rate revision they observed during assembly elections in states like West Bengal.
The price increase led to petrol rates crossing the Rs 100 mark in more places in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.
Fuel prices differ from state to state depending on the incidence of local taxes such as value-added tax (VAT) and freight charges. Rajasthan levies the highest VAT on petrol in the country, followed by Madhya Pradesh.
Bhopal on Wednesday earned the distinction of being the first state capital in the country to see petrol cross Rs 100 mark. Petrol in the city now costs Rs 100.08 a litre.
Indore had petrol priced at Rs 100.16 per litre.
Sri Ganganagar district of Rajasthan had the costliest petrol and diesel in the country at Rs 102.96 per litre and Rs 95.33 a litre, respectively.
In seven increases, petrol price has risen by Rs 1.66 per litre and diesel by Rs 1.88.
Since March last year, when the government raised excise duty on fuel to an all-time high, petrol price has increased by a record Rs 22.46 per litre (after accounting for a handful of occasions when rates fell) and diesel by Rs 20.32.
Oil companies, that in recent months resorted to unexplained freeze in rate revision, had hit a pause button after cutting prices marginally on April 15. This coincided with electioneering hitting peak to elect new governments in five states including West Bengal.
No sooner had voting ended, oil companies indicated an impending increase in retail prices in view of firming trend in international oil markets.
They said prices have been on a continuous uptrend since April 27.
Central and state taxes make up for 60 per cent of the retail selling price of petrol and over 54 per cent of diesel. The union government levies Rs 32.90 per litre of excise duty on petrol and Rs 31.80 on diesel.
In Mumbai, the petrol price was hiked to Rs 98.36 a litre on Wednesday from Rs 98.12, while diesel rates were increased to Rs 89.75 from Rs 89.48, the price notification showed.
Source: https://www.dailypioneer.com/2021/top-stories/petrol--diesel-prices-up-25-paise--bhopal--indore-join-cities-with-rs-100-litre-petrol.html
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tezlivenews · 3 years ago
राजस्थान में VAT पर रार! जानें जयपुर, कोटा, उदयपुर और श्रीगंगानगर में पेट्रोल के रेट
राजस्थान में VAT पर रार! जानें जयपुर, कोटा, उदयपुर और श्रीगंगानगर में पेट्रोल के रेट
जयपुर. केन्द्र सरकार की ओर से पेट्रोल और डीजल (Petrol-Diesel) पर एक्साइज ड्यूटी घटाने के बाद भी राजस्थान में गहलोत सरकार (Gehlot Government) ने इन पर लागू वैट की दरों में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया है. केन्द्र के इस कदम के बाद देश के कई राज्यों ने पेट्रोल और डीजल वैट की दरें घटा दी है लेकिन राजस्थान में ऐसा अभी नहीं हो पाया है. इसको लेकर राजस्थान में राजनीति भी गरमा हुई है. विपक्षी पार्टी बीजेपी…
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thenorthlines · 4 years ago
Who is responsible for the high fuel prices?
Who is responsible for the high fuel prices?
Uttam Gupta For lowering fuel taxes, the Centre and States need to see how tax revenue from other sources can be boosted. If they don’t, then consumers will have to pay high fuel prices perennially Faced with skyrocketing prices of petrol and diesel, (with petrol crossing the Rs 100-mark in Sri Ganganagar), Prime Minister Narendra Modi has blamed the erstwhile UPA regime for not doing enough to…
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riswanriz · 4 years ago
Who is responsible for the high fuel prices?
Who is responsible for the high fuel prices?
Who is responsible for the high fuel prices? Faced with skyrocketing prices of petrol and diesel, (with petrol crossing the Rs 100-mark in Sri Ganganagar), Prime Minister Narendra Modi has blamed the erstwhile UPA regime for not doing enough to increase domestic production, thus making India vulnerable to rising international prices, while Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas Dharmendra…
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years ago
10 वें दिन भी बढ़ीं तेल की कीमतें: राजस्थान के बाद अब मध्यप्रदेश में भी पेट्रोल 100 रु के पार, अनूपपुर के कोतमा में रेट 100.40 रु प्रति लीटर
10 वें दिन भी बढ़ीं तेल की कीमतें: राजस्थान के बाद अब मध्यप्रदेश में भी पेट्रोल 100 रु के पार, अनूपपुर के कोतमा में रेट 100.40 रु प्रति लीटर
Hindi News Business Petrol Diesel Price 18 February State Wise Update | Reasons Why Petrol Price Rising? Check Latest Rates In Jaipur Sri Ganganagar Bhopal Delhi Mumbai Ads से है परेशान? बिना Ads खबरों के लिए इनस्टॉल करें दैनिक भास्कर ऐप नई दिल्ली7 घंटे पहले देश में पेट्रोल और डीजल की कीमतों में लगात���र इजाफा जारी है। आज 10 वें दिन भी तेल कंपनियों ने कीमतें बढ़ा दी हैं। इसी का नतीजा है कि अब…
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lucknowite · 4 years ago
Fuel prices break into new highs hits century
Fuel prices break into new highs hits century
New Delhi: Petrol and diesel price continued to rally northward on Thursday, the 10th consecutive day when its retail prices rose across the country. In Sri Ganganagar town in Rajasthan, normal petrol price has shot up over Rs 100 per litre to stand at Rs 100.49 a litre. The global oil market remained firm and prices of both crude and products saw a big spike. Accordingly, oil marketing…
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newsmatters · 4 years ago
The curious case of petrol prices in India: Why international factors matter so little now
The curious case of petrol prices in India: Why international factors matter so little now
With rapidly rising fuel prices threatening to turn into a political hot potato, the government seems to have found itself in a firefight. Petrol (regular) prices breached the Rs 100 psychological barrier, a first for India, in Rajasthan’s Sri Ganganagar yesterday and in Madhya Pradesh today. Premium variants of petrol, on the other hand, had already crossed Rs 100 at some places in Maharashtra,…
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mehanstarknews · 4 years ago
Fuel Prices Today: Petrol nears ₹90 in Delhi, Diesel at ₹80.27 after 10 consecutive hikes | Check revised rate
Fuel Prices Today: Petrol nears ₹90 in Delhi, Diesel at ₹80.27 after 10 consecutive hikes | Check revised rate
Image Source : PTI Fuel Prices Today: Petrol nears ₹90 in Delhi, Diesel at ₹80.27 after 10 consecutive hike | Check revised rate Petrol and diesel price continued to rally northward on Thursday, the 10th consecutive day when its retail prices rose across the country. In Sri Ganganagar town in Rajasthan, normal petrol price has shot up over Rs 100 per litre to stand at Rs 100.49 a litre. The…
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globalexpressnews · 4 years ago
Fuel Prices Today: Petrol nears ₹90 in Delhi, Diesel at ₹80.27 after 10 consecutive hike | Check revised rate
Fuel Prices Today: Petrol nears ₹90 in Delhi, Diesel at ₹80.27 after 10 consecutive hike | Check revised rate
Image Source : PTI Fuel Prices Today: Petrol nears ₹90 in Delhi, Diesel at ₹80.27 after 10 consecutive hike | Check revised rate Petrol and diesel price continued to rally northward on Thursday, the 10th consecutive day when its retail prices rose across the country. In Sri Ganganagar town in Rajasthan, normal petrol price has shot up over Rs 100 per litre to stand at Rs 100.49 a litre. The…
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popularnews · 4 years ago
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Petrol Prices Breach Rs. 100/Litre Mark In Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan; In Metros Fuel Rates Go Up By Around 27 Paise
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thenorthlines · 4 years ago
Why oil price decontrol is a one-way street
Why oil price decontrol is a one-way street
AL I Chougule Retail prices of petrol and diesel have hit record highs across the country. On February 18, the price of petrol crossed the Rs 100 a litre mark in Rajasthan’s Sri Ganganagar district; the following day, it crossed Rs 100 a litre in Anuppur, Madhya Pradesh, while in Mumbai, it hovered around Rs 97. For the last two months, retail fuel prices have been consistently going up. Since…
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thenewsroom8 · 4 years ago
Soaring fuel prices to sharpen House panel focus on taxes
Soaring fuel prices to sharpen House panel focus on taxes
NEW DELHI: Soaring petrol and diesel prices are likely to sharpen focus on high fuel taxes when the parliamentary standing committee on petroleum examines the pricing policy on Thursday. Petrol is selling for more than Rs 100 in seven states and nearing the mark in others. Diesel has hit a century in Sri Ganganagar district of Rajasthan and ruling around Rs 95 a litre in other states. The…
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newsmatters · 4 years ago
Petrol nears ₹90 in Delhi, Diesel at ₹80.27 after 10 consecutive hike | Check revised rate
Petrol nears ₹90 in Delhi, Diesel at ₹80.27 after 10 consecutive hike | Check revised rate
Image Source : PTI Fuel Prices Today: Petrol nears ₹90 in Delhi, Diesel at ₹80.27 after 10 consecutive hike | Check revised rate Petrol and diesel price continued to rally northward on Thursday, the 10th consecutive day when its retail prices rose across the country. In Sri Ganganagar town in Rajasthan, normal petrol price has shot up over Rs 100 per litre to stand at Rs 100.49 a litre. The…
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