n3actes · 7 years
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This photo of Peter Helm and his long-time friend Joey Heatherton was taken at one of my Elysée Wednesday gatherings. These Wednesday evenings began as an excuse to get my friend Tom Meade out of the VA hospital where he was languishing in deplorable surroundings after suffering a stroke. I was casting for the French version of my television series (Interview) so these evenings doubled as a night out and casting sessions which grew into something more when Ferrari pals began showing up from as far away as Japan ( @275gtb08191 ), Germany ( @thefilmportal ) and France. Peter was one of the most enjoyable characters in the Ferrari world and I never had so much fun as I did hanging with him and participating in his amazing antics... #ferrari #ferrariworld #ferrarilife #peterhelm #tommeade #thomassima #filmmaker
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godzillaslayer101 · 4 years
A Faustian Bargain
Faust I
The Peterhelm Theatre was quaint. That was the best word for it. There were around a hundred seats in the theater, some clearly meant for the enjoyment of nobility or high-ranking parents given the fine leather the chairs were fashioned with. The stage itself wasn't even that large, only able to hold up to twenty people. 
It was never meant to hold the collective student body of Chernobog, and it couldn't. It hadn't stopped Mephisto from squeezing as many people as he could for his first presentation, and it hadn't prevented him from doing it for the second time. Luckily his friend hadn't asked for any oil, but Faust was unable to relax. A sentiment shared with every other student sitting in the seats and the Reunion members standing guard at the doors and on the second floor. 
A floodlight turned on and a single person was revealed on the stage. 
"I'd like to thank you all for coming once again." Mephisto started, smiling as his green eyes raked across the room. He put his palm on his chest. "As a lover of democracy, it brings warmth to my heart that you all were able to so quickly elect a representative to bring your interests to me."
Because you threatened to flay them alive if they didn't, Mephisto. Faust thought but kept his silence from where he was hidden to Mephisto's left. His men had reported multiple incidents where the meeting room had nearly come to blows only for one of Mephisto's Possessed to pass by. It's thundering footsteps and pained howls enough to cow the children into submission. 
Faust was taken from his thoughts as Mephisto snapped his fingers. "Ursine ladies and gentlemen, give it up for your Student Council, President Natalya Andreyevna Rostova." 
Another stage light was turned on, revealing what had to be a seventeen-year-old Ursus Girl. She was dressed in a White Peterheim School uniform; she bowed to the student body. The only sign of fear was her trembling fingers. 
"I said, clap!" Mephisto shouted, saccharine voice becoming venomous. 
Thunderous applause broke out as each student tried to outdo the other. Faust still kept an eye on the students whose clapping was more restrained. The ones who could think were always the most dangerous. 
Natalya, to her credit, kept her fake smile and bowed. The clapping came to a sudden halt as Mephisto thumped the stage with his staff and inclined his head towards the new Student President. 
"Everyone, thank you for electing me as your student council president. I know these are trying times." She began with one of the biggest understatements Faust had ever heard. "But it is my belief that the Ursus student spirit is resilient and through cooperation with the Reunion Movement that we will come out of this...whirlwind of events stronger than ever. However, to do so any troubles you feel with our new teachers must be brought to me." She finished bowing once again and ceding the floor back to Eno.
Mephisto bobbed his head twice towards the poor girl, clearly pleased at her mediocre acting skills, and took back control. "Thank you for your kind words, Ms. Rostova." He began to inspect his fingernails, displaying the black veins on his hands to the whole student body. "However, there is a problem."
Natalya's smile was frozen in place, and Faust could feel the tension in the room rocket back up. He raised his crossbow up just in case.
 "You don't have any cabinet members."
Mephisto shrugged, "It's important to elect a leader, but no one man or woman is an island, but given recent events, I understand and forgive your mistake. In fact, To ease your burden a little. I've already chosen most of your cabinet. Come on out, girls."   
Faust watched as four girls walked from the back of the stage to the front. He'd assumed Mephisto wanted to make examples of them, but clearly, he had been mistaken. Two of them had been roughed up while the blue-haired one and yellow-haired one were practically curling in on themselves at the situation they had found themselves in. 
"I'd like to introduce your new Student Body General Zima and Student Body Lieutenant Leto," Mephisto said. He gestured to a brown-haired girl with red highlights in her hair and a girl wearing a uniform with yellow highlights. The Former glared at Mephisto, both her eyes bruised, and Faust resigned himself to killing her. The latter waved with her one good hand, the other kept in a makeshift cast.
Mephisto began to walk around the four girls. "These two already have quite the reputation and will be dedicated to ensuring Ms. Rostova's instructions will keep order. In fact, they'll be in charge of the fight clubs which I've heard are all the rage these days. And I do so hope they do a good job. Because if they don't, my big friends will have to take matters into their own hands, and while I'm sure they'll try their Originium ridden hearts out, they aren't the most delicate." 
 The whole student body couldn't nod fast enough. 
Mephisto came to a stop behind the yellow-haired girl. She practically leapt out of her skin when Mephisto's hand landed on her shoulder. "Well, don't be shy. I'd like the new Student Council Head Chef to introduce herself." 
"Hello everybody" The girl meekly began.
"Louder," Mephisto ordered.
"Hello everyone, my name is Lada. I'm a long time member of the Ursus Youth Scout, and I'm going to be in charge of making sure everybody remains well-fed here," The girl shouted, with the fakest cheerful voice. Everybody saw her trembling. 
"I'm sure you'll give it your all." Mephisto's piercing green eyes flicked to his side, and Faust flashed a signal to his men. 
Two bodies with bags over their heads fell from the ceiling before snapping taut as the ropes around their necks caused them to swing from side to side. 
Faust heard a few boys and girls panic, but the sounds of Crossbows being cocked and the growls of Possessed made them quiet down quickly. Faust's nose flared as he picked up the smell of urine. It was the newly appointed head chef. 
 Mephisto's smile was all teeth as he began to speak. "These two cooks were a disgrace to your school and tried to steal food from you. Since it was their first offense, they had the pleasure of dying quickly. Any other repeat offenders won't have such a luxury. And I'm sure little Lada over here is going to try her best to ensure you all stay fed. 
"I will, I promise, I promise." The girl screamed tears in her eyes.
"Good" Mephisto muttered, rolling his eyes before he moved over to the last girl in line. She was the youngest and had a hair full of blue hair. She clutched a large book to her chest. Faust's traitorous eyes briefly replaced her with a young, innocent boy with kind green eyes, and he shook his head to banish the illusion. 
"Now young Anna has a vital job. In fact, I've hadn't even told her what it is."       
  She was insurance. Zima had frozen in place, the murderous rage in her eyes being replaced by fear as soon as Mephisto walked over to the blue haired girl. 
Mephisto leaned forward like he was eager to share a secret. "She's going to be my personal assistant. School administration is such a hard job, and my talents make me more medically inclined." He turned to the newly appointed student council. "Ms. Rostova, you stay up here. All you other good girls can take your seats at the front." 
Once they were seated, he clapped his hands, the sound breaking the sudden quiet that had fallen over the room. "I know that this student council is unorthodox, but it's simply a fact we live in unorthodox times." 
Most of the positions were clearly made up, and Reunion was ransacking the city. Yes, Mephisto, that does count as unorthodox. Faust thought but once again kept to himself. 
 The theatre shook as two Possessed brought forward a chalkboard of all things. It was covered with sections of time "It might surprise you to know this, but one of our dear leaders in Reunion cares deeply about the educational welfare of the Ursus student body."
Patriot definitely hadn't had this in mind when Mephisto had gotten control of making sure the students were isolated. Faust was sure of that, but it could be worse. He glanced at just the two dead bodies still swinging from the rafters. So much worse. 
Mephisto gestured with his staff against the chalkboard. "I'll leave it to Ms. Rostova to elaborate." 
"Everyone, there will be three meals a day. All students will be scheduled into blocks that they will stay with. Lessons in Math, Arts, and Science will still be taught by the remaining faculty. However, a large portion of the day will be dedicated to physical exercise taught by Mr. Faust."
They what? Fausts couldn't stop his mouth from falling open. The girl was looking around the room, her confusion minimal to his. What was Mephisto doing? 
Mephisto sighed before walking over to where Faust was hidden under the illusion and clapped him on the shoulder.
"You'll have to forgive my friend. He's very shy." His best friend said smiling warmly at Faust. 
Faust dropped the illusion. He lowered his chin so that his face was hidden by his black sweater and raised his crossbow slightly. His friend elbowed his side, and Faust glared at him before sighing. "I will ensure all of you will be in the best physical shape possible." 
"Wonderful, Mr. Faust; I'm thankful we are in your care," Rostova said. And Faust resisted the urge to spit at her blatant flattery.
Mephisto took the praise in stride, rewarding the girl with a smile that lacked his usual malice. "Yes, Faust is...Faust is my best friend. I would have died many times over if it weren't for his wisdom and protection. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that he's the most important in the world to me...Other than big sis Talulah of course." He tacked on shocking Faust. 
"And it's because of that, that if I hear one word of any of you skipping his classes. I'll skip stripping you of your meals and go straight for flaying you alive or making you my Possessed." 
Mephisto's green eyes landed on Rostova, whose skin was almost as pale as her hair. "Am I clear?" 
"Yes, Dean Mephisto."
"Ha," Mephisto barked in laughter. "I'll leave it to the council to inform the rest of the student body of our policies going forward. Faust and I are going to set up your new lesson plans."
He turned on his heel and left. Faust hands flew through signals that ordered his men to keep him updated on the theatre situation and followed his friend out of the room. 
They walked through the schools winding hallways passing by classrooms packed with students before arriving at an office. The placard read "Nurse's office" his friend held open the door for Faust to enter, locked the door behind him, shut the blinds, hopped on the bed, and patted a spot for Faust to sit by him. 
The second Faust joined Mephisto, the white-haired Ancient sagged onto Faust's shoulder. He froze at the sudden contact. Mephisto had always been fond of doing this when they were younger, but ever since their discussion about Talulah, these moments had become fewer and fewer. 
"Go ahead, ask your questions." 
"How am I supposed to teach a bunch of kids?"
"Just teach them what the Flag Waver taught us." 
Faust stared at his friend. "You want me to teach a bunch of children, guerilla tactics." Faust was proud of the way he kept his tone neutral. It was a bad idea- no a terrible idea, but Mephisto hadn't been this open or restrained in weeks. In fact? 
"What happened, Eno" Sasha asked his best friend. 
Eno stiffened, "What do you mean?" 
"You're hardly sleeping, and when you do, you wake up screaming. And...I didn't think this was how you were going to run this lockdown." 
"You thought I was going to burn their food and leave them to fend for themselves. Let them experience an ounce of our childhood."  
Fausts silence was answer enough.
"It's tempting," Eno admitted. "But we need the students." 
Faust ran his fingers through Eno's hair. "Why?" 
"Sasha, Talulah's different." Faust froze. The words were so quiet, but they thundered in Fausts' ears all the same. "I'm a monster and a coward. But I think I'm ready to choose." 
Sasha continued to stare down at Eno, unwilling to even breathe. Was he dreaming? Was this happening? 
Eno looked up at Sasha, and Sasha couldn't even breathe at the fear within those eyes. 
"Sasha, would you leave Reunion with me?"
It was treasonous, stupid, and a thousand visions flashed through Sasha's mind of them dying horribly. 
But...But they had promised each other to suffer through life at each other's side, and for the first time in a long while, it didn't hurt to follow that promise. 
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n3actes · 5 years
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Car people seem to differ from people who view cars as appliances like a refrigerator or a washing machine. It's not that they don't use their cars to get from point A to point B but so many other considerations enter into their relationship with their automobiles--or motor cars, as Jenks would say. Aesthetics of design, integrity of concept, dynamics of performance at the limit--these constitute the essence of our interest and, it must be said, I never bought a car for its gas mileage or the provisions of its warranty (which explains a few of my Jaguar acquisitions and all of my Ferrari purchases). Car people view their cars as an instrument of adventure which, often as not, tends to void warranties if the facts were known and render irrelevant any form of practical consideration. (Continued in comments) #ferrari #ferrarilife #johnandrews #peterhelm #garywales #lakehughes #therockinn #harley-davidson #filmmakerslife https://www.instagram.com/n3actes/p/Bxb_ZIilLiv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=oo17rvkb0r0l
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n3actes · 6 years
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This photo shows me in my GTO in the late 60s/early 70s taking a corner on Mulholland Drive at speed. It is actually a frame capture from a film I made with Peter Helm that begins with our excursion to Willow Springs Raceway and ends in the canyons of Los Angeles. Though the resolution is poor, I love this image; it is more like an impressionist painting depicting the speed and excitement of owning and driving the car as it was intended--if not on a race track, at least with exuberance. Notice the attitude, or body English, of the GTO during its turn-in to the apex of the corner. I always thought that my Berlinetta Lusso cornered 'flat' through a turn, but the GTO showed me how 'flat' a race car could take the same corners. This goes to say that the speed with which I negotiated this corner had to be considerable for the GTO to show as much body roll as we see in the photo. I can almost hear the sound of the amazing Ferrari twelve cylinder engine on full song and, though I cannot be seen clearly behind the wheel, I can assure you I was smiling. #ferrari #ferrarilife #ferrari250gto #mulholland #peterhelm #filmmakerslife https://www.instagram.com/n3actes/p/BvbeM-IlEcZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lp8j4xoij20q
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n3actes · 6 years
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Peter Helm decided to paint tiger stripes on his Ferrari Tour de France Berlinetta #0647 for a lark which set tongues wagging at the Ferrari Owners Club, believe me. Where ever Peter showed up, a party started! I believe fellow FOC member and all-time Ferrari enthusiast Ed Niles took this photo. Ed later bought 'Tony the Tiger' after Peter rolled it thus ending a heated discussion with his wife at the time, the actress Brook Bundy... #ferrari #ferrariworld #ferraritdf #peterhelm #edniles #brookbundy #filmmaker
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n3actes · 6 years
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As I was looking at the image of me in the GTO passing Peter Helm in his SWB California spider on Mulholland Drive, I was reminded of another occasion when I made an illegal pass (crossing a double yellow line) on a narrow, winding canyon road during the same era. As those who knew me well can attest, I always obeyed all traffic laws at all times (except sometimes). I was going up Topanga Canyon from the beach in the GTO taking a maximum of pleasure from the winding road and enjoying the sound of the V12 engine as it reverberated off the canyon walls. The mechanical noises inside the lightly insulated cockpit were a perfect alternative to any music an FM radio or tape deck would have supplied and the sound of six twin-choke Webers sucking air through twelve unfettered velocity stacks always made me smile. It was a good day. Topanga Canyon is, for the most part, a tighter course than Malibu Canyon further to the north and there are few opportunities to make use of fourth and fifth gears. Slow moving traffic can impede the most adventurous spirit especially in the tighter sections where passing opportunities are rare and a double yellow line is offering the suggestion that passing other cars might be frowned upon even on those stretches where the road seems to be encouraging the act. On those occasions, first and (maybe) second gear in the GTO is commonly used resulting in a build-up of frustration at the opportunities being squandered by 25 mph cruising speeds. It felt more like loitering than cruising. (Continued in comments)#ferrari #ferrari250gto #ferraricalifornia #topangacanyon #peterhelm
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n3actes · 6 years
Ferraris on Mulholland--can you imagine the owners of Ferrari 250 California spiders and GTOs indulging in these antics today? Peter Helm is a friend with whom I spent a lot of time, back in the day, testing the limits of our Ferraris as well as that of polite society... #ferrari #ferrari250gto #ferrari250california #mulhollanddrive #peterhelm #filmmaker #filmmaking
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n3actes · 7 years
When I had my GTO, personalized plates were not offered in California but they were on offer in Nevada where my car was registered. It always amazed me when people would ask if I was the governor of Nevada because of the SM1 plate ignoring my long hair, Levi's and moccasins which seemed to mitigate against such a conclusion... #ferrari #ferrari250 #ferrari250gto #mulhollanddrive #benedictcanyon #beverlyglen #peterhelm #filmmaker#ferrariownersclub
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n3actes · 6 years
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One evening, actor and Ferrari pal Peter Helm and I were heading south through Laurel Canyon--me in the GTO following Peter in his California spider. As we raced down the Hollywood side, we came upon a slower moving pagoda-style Mercedes-Benz 280SL. We were going fast enough that slowing down--at least in Peter's mind--was not an option. As we passed by the country market in the canyon, Peter went around the SL and had just enough room to pull back into the lane again before the blind curve at the end of the straight. It is a diminishing-radius curve and, unfortunately, the move served to shorten the radius even further to such an extent that his Ferrari lost traction and the last sight I had before it disappeared was of the California spinning out and swapping ends as it rounded the curve. What I expected to see as I came around the bend was Peter and his California wrapped around a tree. What I actually saw was Peter continuing to pull away from the Mercedes driving--freewheeling--backwards looking over his shoulder and negotiating the series of tight turns near the bottom of the canyon as though it was a natural thing for him to do. No doubt the Mercedes driver had intended to impress his attractive passenger that evening. I wonder how impressed she might have been that he was beaten out by someone driving backwards down the canyon in a Ferrari. Peter's antics are legendary and one night he was stopped by the police for speeding down Gower Street near Paramount Studios. The officer, not realizing that Peter's Ferrari was right-hand drive, proceeded to write the citation to Peter's lady friend--the citation was dismissed in traffic court to the embarrassment of the police officer and the amusement of everyone else. The photo here shows Peter in his California with me and Gary Wales--first US owner of the Ferrari Breadvan--walking about in the parking lot of Gary's auto parts store that he owned at the time. If you crane your neck, you can just see my GTO out of frame to the right... #peterhelm #ferrari #ferrari250californiaspyder #ferrari250gto #ferraribreadvan #filmmakerslife https://www.instagram.com/p/BowNwYJHRNb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=161gz4963fxtj
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n3actes · 8 years
Filming with actor Peter Helm in our Ferraris on Mulholland Drive back in the day. #film #filming #filmmaking #ferrari #ferrarilife #peterhelm
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