#peter b parker x hispanic reader
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yyuangss-main · 2 years ago
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summary ; the spider—men with a hispanic reader who loves to dance a lot and how they are at bailes.
pairings ; miguel o’hara, miles morales (wrote this with earth-1610 miles in mind), hobie brown, pavitr prabhakar, peter b. parker x hispanic fem!reader
note ; because i can’t find any hispanic reader fics for miguel and miles so i’m about to take matters into my own hands and no one can stop me ✌️🤩 added hobie, pavitr, and peter b because why not <3 vale if you see this hush and just read
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• — miguel o’hara !
you found out he can dance and never stopped bugging him about it ever since. he’s somewhat rusty but give him a couple seconds and he’s ready to go. he’s really good, same par as you just not so enthusiastic about it. still, miguel loves that dancing is your favorite thing to do.
told you that he’s a romeo santos fan and you busted out laughing. to this day, seeing a romeo santos song in his playlist makes you laugh and he’s like “leave me alone”. you asked him if romeo was better during his aventura era.
yes, this also means he’s the number one bachata lover but keeps it a secret from everyone, especially you.
the first time you two ever danced it was to imitadora in his so called office. miguel had to make sure no one came in. he’s the type to have one hand on your lower back to pull you in and he has your other one in his, up beside of his head. whole time he’s dancing with you he’s telling you how much he loves you and has you like “o—oh okay 😳”
no space in between you guys whatsoever. he wants to have you as close as possible and sometimes rests his chin on the top of your head as you two dance to whatever song is playing.
he’s definitely an arm around your waist type of guy. you took note that it was his first instinct when dancing. whether it be when you are in la rueda together or it’s a dance that needs a pair, his arm instantly goes around your waist. also probably the kind of guy who dances with an arm around your waist while both of yours are around his neck.
you’re also an arm around the waist when it comes to this man. i mean, why else is he gonna have that slutty waist if you can’t have your arm around it? anytime you guys are dancing and his arm is around your shoulders, you take this into your advantage and hold onto his waist. he’s like “stoppp 🙄”
miguel is at the age where he just criticizes every song you guys are dancing to. do not look at him when a song he hates is on. he’s staring at you through the corner of his eye just saying ‘don’t you dare’ cause wym you wanna dance to prince royce with him?
makes compromises especially if you have told him you like that song or artist.
“que canción tan fea. no se quien le dijo a valentin elizalde que podia cantar.” (t: what an ugly song. i don’t know who told valentin elizalde he could sing)
“miguel, ya callate por favor.” (t: miguel, be quiet already please.)
most of the time, he doesn’t go in the center of the circle with you. not in a bad way, miguel just loves seeing you dance and capture everyone’s attention. he never gets tired of seeing that smile on your face when you’re dancing with your tias and putting on a show for everyone.
if you want him to dance with you for the entire night, he will. that’s no issue for him. besides, certain bailes he’s the one that’s glued at your side and takes you to dance.
bonus; miguel likes taking a break from all his screens once in a while and starts dancing with you. whenever this happens though, miguel prefers to play slower songs or anything where you two don’t have to move around as much. as long as he’s holding you, that’s all he wants. and he admits to romeo being better in aventura. last verse in ella y yo is all you need as proof.
his dance skills when you first started dating: nine out of ten
his dance skills presently: ten out of ten
his favorite genre and artist: bachata ; romeo santos
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• — miles morales !
when you two first started dating, he knew how much of a dancer you were. you’d always post some videos of you and your cousins at quinces or bailes. so when you both were hanging out by yourselves in his room, you started playing some music to dance with him. then he just looks you in your face to tell you, “nah yeah i can’t dance sorry.”
you called him a “yo no sabo” kid and he was highly offended. regardless, he was very willing to learn because he doesn’t want you to feel like he doesn’t care.
you have so much stamina when dancing he cannot keep up with you. from the minute everyone is allowed to start dancing, you are the first one there and he’s along with you. miles decided to count how many times you sat down throughout a baile and it was three times. those three times were simply because the hosts asked the guests to sit down.
he doesn’t know how you can transition from one genre to another so quickly. half a second ago you both were zapateando together and now they have corridos playing. you were so fast to put you hand on his shoulder and reach for the other, meanwhile the poor boy is trying to process the new beat which is much slower and he trips on his own feet. he’s also very shy compared to the rest when it comes to dancing.
feel like he enjoys listening to female artists a lot more to the male artists.
miles is surprisingly good at tejano, huapango, and wepa. so much so you had to ask him to teach you and he was like ‘neehee what was that, you yo no sabo kid?’
he’s definitely more of an arm around your shoulder type of guy. it just makes it easier for him to pull you towards him and so you two take your steps together at the same time. likes it when you bring your arm around him too or if you hold his hand.
one time, you invited his parents to come along with him at one of your cousin’s quince. you found out miles’ dad is the exact same as he is. even when his parents were dancing, his dad was doing the same things as him. miles is just a carbon copy.
at that same party, miles left to the bathroom for a couple minutes and when he came back, his dad was sitting by himself at their table. meanwhile, you and his mom was nowhere in sight. he asked where you two where at and his dad just said, “on the dance floor,” and pointed to you and rio getting cheered on by your entire family while being in the middle of the circle.
it made him feel happy and once again, offended, because you were dancing with his mom and because you weren’t dancing with him. you and rio got along super well but the way she was having the time of her life with you made miles know he made the right choice.
offended for a third time because you took her to a birthday party you got invited to instead of him. it’s around ten pm when he gets a video of you and his mom getting cheered on while dancing to some cumbias and pulling dance moves he’d never seen before. his first thought once he’s done watching the video is, “yup. she’s the one.”
bonus; miles is really great at la quebradora. you can really thank his spider—man strength for most of it. it didn’t take you guys long to perfect it and once you guys show it off at a baile, his whole nervous demeanor is gone for the remainder of the night. he’ll constantly ask someone to record you guys when doing la quebradora and posts it whenever he can.
his dance skills when you first started dating: six out of ten
his dance skills presently: nine out of ten
his favorite genre and artist: tejano ; selena
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• — hobie brown !
hobie’s really at bailes to eat. like. nothing else to it 😭 you’ll invite him and he’s already thinking of all the to go plates he’s going to bring back home. yes yes, he dances with you. why wouldn’t he? but that food?
hobie gets you in trouble every time with your tias. they baby him saying “mi pobre hoberto, verda que no te da de comer?” (t: my poor hobart, she doesn’t give you anything to eat right?”) and he’s like “no tia 😖” and they give him two plates he’s smirking at you talking about some, “grassy ass.”
off the bat, he’s already preferring corridos, norteñas, bachatas or anything you have to dance to as a pair because of the height difference. he loves being able to hold you close and just look down at you.
though even with songs you don’t need to be paired up with, he’ll do it regardless. hobie just loves the idea of being close to you even in your most favorite thing to do.
he’s one to stick to the basic dance moves and sometimes he doesn’t put much effort when dancing which makes you mad. he knows it does he’s just doing it on purpose because he’s evil.
hobie understands spanish to a good level thanks to you. he likes singing the lyrics with you as you guys dance together. you’re so passionate about it and sometimes he just stops to admire you, a smile on his face.
prefers a lot of the older artists compared to the newer ones. has a bit of a hate relationship with corridos tumbados. doesn’t really want to dance to those and won’t ask you. if you ask him, then he’ll go but you take note he sits there, judging the song as he eats his fifth plate of rice and barbacoa.
he’s an arm around the shoulders type of guy too. it’s just connecting back to the height difference. this makes it easier for the both of you as well so at least one of you can lead. easier for him to lean down and give you a kiss on the side of your head.
likes it when you tug on his arm, dragging him to go dance with him because a song you both like is on. he thinks it’s really cute how excited you get.
bonus; hobie knows which artists you like and the songs as well. he even made a playlist of it to listen to whenever you’re not around. pretends to be shocked when a song or artist you like comes on even though he requested it so he could ask you to dance.
his dance skills when you first started dating: seven out of ten.
his dance skills presently: eight out of ten.
his favorite genre and artist: corridos ; chalino sanchez
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• — pavitr prabhakar !
off the start pavitr was so good at dancing that you barely had to teach him much. instantly, his favorite genres are cumbia and merengue. you’re both in your own world when they come on. he prefers them the most since he likes that you have to move around more to them.
the main thing you had to teach him was how to zapatear. pavitr had the most trouble with that since there were so many different versions of it. he quickly caught on though by looking at you and your family members dance it from the sidelines. he struggled a bit even after grasping the concept but now it’s in his favorites too.
more of a hand holder when it comes to dancing. he just finds it easier to pull you around and give you a spin. but also it gives him a bit of stability and that you both are moving at the same time together.
surprises you with some dances you didn’t even know he was practicing on. they played la iguana one time and pulled you to the center with him. next thing you know, pavitr’s doing la iguana and you’re just staring at him in shock as everyone’s recording him.
loves, loves, loves it when you tell him that everyone at el recalentado was talking about him turning up and being the life of the party. they had asked you if he was columbian and they began guessing what race off his dance skills. until you told him pavitr’s indian and they were so surprised. he got dubbed as a hispanic by everyone there. he feels so special when you tell him. it has him giggling and kicking his feet, “aw your family likes me :)”
pavitr loves doing el grito with los tios. he just likes feeling included in everything. he heard them do it once and just went along with it. you side eyed him wondering how more of a natural he is than you are. is he secretly hispanic? you’ll never know.
texts you one day saying, “your aunt is celebrating your cousin’s birthday. do you wanna go to the party with me?” and you’re like “babe wym?” yes, you saw that right. he gets invited now before you. pavitr is now immediate family. he’s legit the first one to receive an invitation now.
he’ll surprise you by taking you to some bailes he knew about. please do matching outfits with this boy when you guys go 🙏 he’ll dress in your culture’s traditional clothes. in fact, he even starts wearing them as an every day outfit. you find it cute and can’t help but give him a kiss.
that being said, you guys don’t come back home until after three from a baile. you always apologize to your parents but they know that you and pavitr are having the time of your lives. you both love dancing just as equally and you’re glad you found someone who loves it the same way you do. and you both complain about how your legs hurt the next day together.
i mean it when i say no one can take you guys off the dance floor for anything 🙅🏻‍♂️
menace to society when duranguense plays. society being you because he saw a video of this couple spinning really fast while dancing duranguense and they called it “el tornado”. he started doing it every time the genre comes on. turns out he just thought the video was hilarious and loses his mind over it.
bonus; he was one time blasting la mama de la mama at the max volume with hobie driving an old honda civic, driving at full speed down the streets chasing an anomaly in their spider suits. no reason for them to even be in a car, they just wanted to jam to the song.
his dance skills when you first started dating: nine out of ten.
his dance skills presently: gets snatched up by your tias to dance with instead of you.
his favorite genre and artist: merengue ; k—paz
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• — peter b. parker !
first time he ever went to your family party early stage of you guys dating and everyone was like, “how did you two get together?” he’s like “haha yeah i don’t know myself.” when he literally bagged you like this except he said his name instead.
he’s actually standing with los tios as they all watch their wives get down on the dance floor and they’re stuck recording the entire thing for el facebook live. except unlike los tios he’s over there like 😃🤳🏻. he is your top supporter and then tells one of them, “yeah that’s my wife :)” as if they didn’t already know.
his icloud hasn’t been backed up in six years and finally asks you why it keeps saying it. turns out he has over thirty thousand videos in his phone of you at parties dancing. refuses to delete any of them.
he wasn’t the best at dancing when you guys first started dating. okay he was terrible. there was no saving him. which was such an issue for peter because you were always dragging him to bailes and he would have zero rhythm. of course, you started teaching him whenever you guys had time. he practices on his own sometimes just to save you the trouble.
peter tries his hardest to learn because it always makes you an extra amount of happy when you two are dancing together. just do not take him when merengue comes on. he refuses to go.
for one, he’s too stiff dancing it but his legs? how do you dance this every time it’s on let alone continue after the songs change? he’s in pain and had to sit out for the rest of the party the first time he danced merengue. to this day, peter still feels the burn in his legs.
also an arm around the waist type of guy. he loves it a little too much. he likes having both of his arms around your waist while you guys dance to norteñas. he never takes his eyes off you and he likes to give you kisses during the songs.
dumbass accidentally dedicated a narco corrido to you meanwhile you just had to smile and nod at him.
you don’t leave him with los tíos for a long time anymore because he ends up becoming a whole new person. he got drunk with them and all of a sudden, peter just magically knew how to dance. he was having a whole dance battle with one of your tios and won. he’s like, “ya viste? 😃 dicen que gane!” (t: did you see? they said i won!”) where the hell did you learn spanish from? has no recollection of him speaking it the next day.
in fact, he’s actually a whole new persona when tierra caliente music comes on. you still don’t know why and won’t ever find out. the roles end up getting reversed and now you’re dragged to dance with him instead.
needs about two to three weeks to recuperate. what do you mean you guys are going back again? begs you to let him stay home and sleep so he doesn’t need to go to el recalentado.
bonus; definitely said big booty latinas was his weakness to you thinking you were his favorite tio when he was drunk at one point. cried the entire way home because you “kidnapped him from his big booty latina and she was gonna beat both of you up.”
his dance skills when you guys first dated: zero out of ten.
his dance skills presently: eight out of ten.
his favorite genre and artist: norteñas ; seto vargas
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howdoesagrapewrites · 2 years ago
𝐏𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐲𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
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Cw: I'll use the canon ages for this piece, but this is not the case for all my work, gender neutral reader, may be kinda masc aligned, pre-atsv movie, no proofread, fluff, found family?
Hobie Brown x hispanic!punk!reader & Gwen Stacy (platonic)
It was the early morning, specks of not-so-warm sun would creep to your face and wake you up, Hobie was laying beside you, you didn't try to wake him up, you might as well try to wake up a rock. Hobie was a much heavier sleeper since his spidey senses kicked in, relaxing now that he had a clearer notion of danger, however, your spider senses did the opposite, leaving you alert at all times. You stretched, like a cat, groaning as you sensed the sleep wash off your body and put on sweatpants to go into the kitchen, you'd probably return to bed after eating, it had been almost a month since you were home. Almost a month listening to Miguel tell you that your mission was to "observe and report" an anomaly that may or may not happen. Almost a month of wanting to call off Miguel on his bullshit, for one, having the lamest most half-assed theory of what's "canon" and two, for giving you a boring job away from home.
As you set foot in your kitchen, you saw an unfamiliar figure, you put on a battle stance, who was this person? Why didn't your spidey senses warned you? Were you that tired? You examined how to proceed, the intruder seemed rather small, but you've seen some shit in the spider society and know that age or even species should not be a reason to underestimate your opponent, they were standing still next to the open pantry, they heard you, you run to them in an offensive stance, ready to fight, but she backs down, panics, and apologizes, you feel like a brick was comedically thrown your way as you realize you were about to throw hands with a sixteen year old.
"Ay, mija, I'm sorry-" you blurt out when she explains Hobie let her stay here, and she was also part of the spider society
"Do you think I can eat something? There's a lot of jars in here but I don't know what are they" she asked, still hesitantly
"Yeah, we have yogurt, fruit, granola, eggs"
Gwen accepted the granola, she had thought that Hobie would live off instant ramen or anything of that sorts. As you quietly shared breakfast with (a tense) Gwen, Hobie came into the living room and threw a shirt your way, you were very grateful as you were topless because you couldn't find you pajama shirt this morning (later saw Gwen was wearing it).
Hobie yawned loudly and opened his eyes widely remembering he forgot to introduce you two
"aye crap- forgot you were back, y/n, this' Gwen, 'been letting her crash for a few days"
You side eyed him, playfully feigning an angry expression before eating another bite of breakfast and ignoring him
Your guest saw this interaction and started stimming a bit
"Mornin' Hobie, I- I'm sure I can crash at Peter's or someone else's place tomorrow now that Y/N came back, thank you for letting me stay here" she tried to seem unbothered but it didn't really work
"No, no, I don't mind you staying here, I was just annoyed that this moron Hobie didn't told me and let me scare you this morning, you really can stay as long as you need"
Hobie hugged you from behind and kissed your cheek "no need to get aggressive, luv"
Gwen Stacy had went through a lot. A lot. Losing her best friend, a rather... Difficult relationship with her father, being technically a wanted criminal, but on top of that and more, Gwen was homeless, literally and emotionally.
She saw how some spiders were able to live a let's call it "normal" life, Peter B. Parker being a father, Hobie Brown having a stable relationship, Jessica Drew with a baby on the way, but there were others, Miguel, Peni, and maybe, her, Gwen really thought that she was one of those spidermans that had to fly solo, fight alone, after Peter's passing, she was sure she didn't want "distractions", but then Miles came along, and now he was lost too.
She was grateful for both you and Hobie housing her, and looking out for her, and even if she didn't want to admit it, you gave her a home again. The playful banter, the food waiting for them at home after a concert, your smile in the crowd cheering for both of them, the nicknames, the sleepovers with Pavitr, she had friends again, you and Hobie took the role of older siblings to her and Pav, even when Hobie was a force of chaos, he never badly endangered any of his loved ones.
Gwen was a little shy to admit how natural the domestic dynamic felt, like now, with her accompanying you to get "groceries", you talked the whole way walking across the grafitti filled streets, until getting to an abandoned building, not that she wasn't acquaintanced with crusty old sketchy buildings already (living with you two) but this was no supermarket.
"It doesn't look like there's groceries in here" she said with a quirked brow
"Just you wait" you responded as the door was opened and you said hi to the people inside, she waved back to the strangers that seemed to welcome you two, it was an odd crowd, but weren't all crowds odd? People of all ages, ranging from infants playing, to elders in battle jackets with antifa imagery. There were large windows that let the sun light up the place, this was probably a mansion in its glory days, multiple pots with different herbs and flowers were hanged in the walls, and a big open gate that showed the garden, with a small chicken coop and full of colorful and lively crops of vegetables and fruit trees.
"Ready to shop?" You asked with a toothy smile
"What?" Gwen followed you to the garden
You handed her a basket "Take what you'll eat, I'll get mine and Hobie's food"
"Like... Just take it?"
"Yep, take what you'll need, no more, no less, if you want eggs, they're inside, trust me, you don't want to get in that coop, el gallo is a fucking menace"
She took some fruits and other goods, you handed a lady another basket and then left with Gwen
"Did we just got all this for free?" The blonde asked staring at the basket full of food and ingredients
"Not really, I made a basket of pan de pascua and a pot of ropa vieja"
"Oh, so is like a trade, that makes more sense"
"I mean, if you ain't got nothing you can still take, you can also help around the garden and stuff. You see, Gwen, you can't be an anarchist if you don't give a shit about the people around you, the people in need. In a world like this, kindness is revolutionary."
Maybe Gwen was starting to understand a lot more than her canon had prepared for her.
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sugarzandsweetz · 2 years ago
Filter Malfunction (Miguel x Reader)
Lyla plays another prank on Miguel as he is talking with (y/n)
Part 1 here: https://www.tumblr.com/sugarzandsweetz/721424652758630400/wardrobe-malfunction-miguel-ohara-x-yn
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“Miguel! Are you here?”
Miguel shoots up from his hunched over form, feeling and hearing his spine crack. ‘Fuck!’ Miguel thought, trying to find a place to hide. Which is redundant as he is standing on his floating platform.
For the last couple of weeks, Miguel has been avoiding (Y/n). His confidence was shaken after Lyla’s prank with his suit. (Y/n) couldn’t look Miguel in the eye after the incident.
Whenever Miguel hosts a meeting, (y/n) would be on the other side of the room. Neither of them acknowledged each other.
Many of the spiders have taken notice of the shift in the force between Miguel and (y/n). Peter B. Parker tried to talk to Miguel about it but almost got his head bitten off. Plus, Hobie got a device thrown at his head when he taunted Miguel.
“Miguel! I know you’re up there! I see your brooding figure!” called out (y/n).
‘Why does everyone keep saying that?’ Miguel thought, annoyed. “I’m busy.” he called down.
“What are you talking about? Lyla called me and said you needed to talk to me.”
Miguel has a lost look before he becomes annoyed. “Lyla,” he growled, glaring at the holograph AI that is sitting on his shoulder like a devil. The heart-glasses wearing AI sticks her tongue out at him.
“You two need to talk.” Lyla said before flickering away.
“Tu poco—“
“Miguel? Who are you talking to?”
Miguel almost jumps out of his skin when he hears (Y/n) speak. The Hispanic male spins around, startled to find (y/n) standing behind him.
‘I hate not having spider sense!’ Miguel thought, his face growing flushed.
“You’re face is red.” (Y/n) said, smiling a little.
“Well—I may still be a bit . . . flustered after our last encounter.” Miguel admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
(Y/n) laughs, nodding. “It caught me off guard, but it’s okay! Lyla was playing a prank. She does that all the time.” they said in understanding.
“You can say that again.” Miguel mumbled.
“So did you need to talk to me or did Lyla put you up to this?” (Y/n) asked.
“No!” Miguel said quickly, cursing himself for how fast his response was. “I mean—I did want to talk to you.” he corrected himself.
“Oh! About what?” (Y/n) asked.
Miguel’s brain stalls as he tries to think of an excuse. As he tries to think of something, he notices that (y/n)’s eyes drift upwards. The spider person is staring at something above Miguel’s head. Amusement is written on their face.
“What?” Miguel asked.
“Oh, nothing.” (Y/n) said, hiding a small smile.
“Hmm?” Miguel hummed, confused. “So, I wanted to talk to you about your latest mission. When that anomaly came to your world,”
Miguel turns to face his console as he speaks. When he turns around, there is a burst of laughter.
Hearing (y/n) laughing is like hearing bells. It’s soft and lovely to hear. But he is confused.
“What is it?” Miguel asked, turning back around.
(Y/n) falls over laughing.
“What?!” Miguel cried, becoming a bit annoyed.
“Bunny ears and tail!” (Y/n) said, pointing at him.
“What?” Miguel said.
It hits the man what (y/n) is saying.
‘She didn’t!’ Miguel thought, spinning around to look at his reflection in the console. His eyes widen when he sees holographic bunny ears on the top of his head.
‘Lyla!’ Miguel thought as he turns and looks down to see a holographic bunny tail.
“LYLA!” Miguel roared finally.
(Y/n) is laughing their butt off as Miguel curses at the AI in Spanish.
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hellodeez · 3 years ago
Hey everyone I'm a new fanfic writer so heres some stuff about me and what i write etc!!
You can call me Nene or K (they're both nicknames to my actual name btw).
I like drawing, reading, playing video games, and music.
I'm gay and my pronouns are He/Him/They/Them
I write for Gender Neutral, Male and Trans masculine readers! So if you're feminine identifying please do not interact! Also y'know the basics for the dni's and stuff.
these are for the type of stories that i'd be willing to write ♥️= romantic 💫=platonic 💪= maybe some suggestive stuff at most (example: "hey i see you write for Grayson can you do ♥️💪 and the story being...")
Shows and other things i write for:
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick ♥️💫💪(please please PLEASE REQURST FOR HIM I LOVE HIM SMM)
Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra ♥️💫💪 (there's not enough of him 😞)
Alejandro Vargas ♥️💫💪
John Price ♥️💫💪
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish ♥️💫💪
Simon "Ghost" Riley ♥️💫💪
König ♥️💫💪
Resident Evil
Carlos Oliveira ❤️💫💪 (i love him sm PLEASE request for him 🙏)
Leon S. Kennedy ❤️💫💪 (my babygirl ❤️)
Chris RedField ❤️💫💪
Karl Heisenberg ❤️💫💪
Ethan Winters ❤️💫💪
Detroit Become Human
Hank Anderson ❤️💫💪
Gavin Reed ❤️💫💪
Connor ❤️💫💪
Markus ❤️💫💪
The last of us
Please specify if you want it to be from the show or game!!
Joel Miller ❤️💪💫
Ellie Williams 💫
Dina 💫
Inside Job
Brett Hand ❤️💪💫
Andre ❤️💪💫
Myc ❤️💪💫
Reagen Ridley 💫
Gigi 💫
Peter B. Parker ❤️💪💫
Spider Noir ❤️💪💫
Miles morales 💫
Peni Parker 💫
Spider Ham 💫
Things I won't write‼️
I WON'T write for female readers!
Angst (sorry it's just hard to write 😞)
Nothing weird (ex. incest, pedophilia etc.)
Things I will write!
Hispanic reader
I'll POSSIBLY write smut, maybe just headcannons though idk
Platonic and romantic relationships
x Masc!reader
And maybe some other stuff idk I'm new 😭
Also please please PLEASE if you're feminine identifying PLEASE DNI! You have NO idea how much ive seen people who are feminine identifying interact with posts not meant for them and it makes me uncomfortable! I hope you understand
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