#peta lawson
dwtsfun · 9 months
Dancing with the Stars Season 32 Week 2: I Have a Confession
So last night was week 2. And I was thinking of structuring this like last week, but only 1 and a half couples truly had me feeling energized about the night. So I guess we'll go back to the regular format. Because Jamie Lynn was eliminated, I'll just talk about her up here. After watching her dance, I wasn't shocked. With all the controversy that was following her, we needed to have at least one big week from her. We didn't get that at all. And outside of that one moment up in the skybox with Julianne when she redid that move from her cha cha, we didn't get much fun out of her either. So what happens when you have a controversial celeb (that people truly don't like) that has potential that is not even being scratched, who is kinda just there and not giving much in any department? You get a somewhat shocking (but not really when you think about it) elimination. If they wanted to stay, they had to do something to get our minds off of the Britney Jean sized elephant in the room. They didn't do that and I think I'm more shocked that they didn't vs the fact that she was eliminated. That being said, she went out on a positive note (for the most part). So hopefully she can internalize that.
The show itself was a snoozefest. Alfonso and Julianne have kinda been blah so far. The technique and performance quality of the vast majority of the stars was not good enough to have Latin night this early. I just feel like theme weeks should start week 4 at the absolute earliest. Week 5 is what I believe is ideal. Let everyone's skills get better so that we're not watching 4 couples stumble through a samba in week 2, all to fulfill a theme. And the dances that the pros have been giving to the celebs have been pretty ho hum across the board. So now let me start the recap.
Lele and Brandon- Samba (Score=21)- Lele did pretty well with this dance. This was the half a dance I was talking about and upon watching it back, I'm actually gonna up that to being fully impressed and I think this dance was underscored. It should've gotten at least one 8. I think Lele had an understanding of the technique and rhythm of the dance that none of the other samba doers truly understood. And her feet were pointed this time! Than you Brandon. I just want her to do some more refining things and she'll be set.
Tyson and Jenna- Salsa (Score=18)- What an improvement a week makes! Tyson was a completely different dancer out there. I just knew he wasn't a no hoper. We just needed him to get more comfortable out on the floor. What I want him to work on now is 1) getting the technique cleaner and 2) work on getting lighter on his feet. But he is definitely on the right path.
Barry and Peta- Cha-cha (Score=15)- Barry struggled a little bit more this week than he did last. But the foundation is there for him to give good Latin dances. He does have some rhythm and his technique is mostly nice. Those New Yorkers were really really nice. Now, we gotta get him to fix his pancake hands, work on the technique a bit more and loosen up them hips. But I really think these two could play spoiler to many couples this year if he keeps improving. And honestly, he might be a true dance contender.
Adrian and Britt- Samba (Score=15)- Mm. Okay so this was a challenge. So let me start with the good. His face was much better this time around. I also saw that he worked on cleaning up his footwork. Now, he struggled with the dance itself, he still needs to be lighter on his feet, the technique still needs work and he needs to do a better job of partnering Britt. Right now it's not working the way that it should. But if they stick around, I can see that getting better and him becoming a decent dancer.
Mira and Gleb- Salsa (Score=18)- Hmm. Okay. Mira has really nice technique. She has everything to be amazing. But she's currently petrified of the dances and she dances too light. I need Gleb to get her to realize that she's good. I also want him to tell her to dance through the floor and not just on top of it.
Xochitl and Val- Salsa (Score=24)- So I thought this was a good dance. It was missing something though and I can't really place my finger on what it was. Actually, I know what it was. It was too much and too fast. It's a critique I have of Val at least once a season. He jam packs so much into a dance that sometimes, his partners can't breathe. Xochitl did well enough, but I also felt like it might've been a little much and sometimes she got a tad behind. Also her arm in that last lift was not great. Very good dance though.
Ariana and Pasha- Samba (Score=20)- Ariana did alright for the most part part. There were several questionable moments where she either looked off balance or lost a bit of control. I'm gonna say it's her nerves right now because it's not bad. She's still a fantastic dancer and I'm also still worried about her fanbase. But she might benefit from the same things that Melissa Rycroft did in her first season. Only time will tell.
Mauricio and Emma- Salsa (Score=12)- Mauricio actually started out doing pretty well. The problems that most of the other men dealt with this week, he did not deal with it. That was up until he forgot everything. And then the routine crashed. I'm actually shocked that Mauricio didn't get eliminated this week. But I guess people really pulled through for them. I still don't think Mauricio will last long, but hopefully he can come back strong next week.
Alyson and Sasha- Tango (Score=19)- Alyson also had a major improvement this week. I have to admit, I didn't think we could get this level of dancing out of Alyson. But we got it and it was a legitimately good dance. Now, I want her to dance with more intention. She placed everything pretty well, but it wasn't as strong as it could've been. I also want her to relax a little bit more throughout the dances. But we're moving in the right direction.
Charity and Ezra- Cha-cha (Score=21)- As we know, Artem had COVID and had to sit out this week. So we got Ezra as a fill in and I'm glad we got to see Ezra in this capacity. I would not mind seeing him as a pro next season. Ezra is also gay and we're lacking that representation with Louis gone (even though Louis is a bitter and hateful ass bitch and I don't get that energy from Ezra at all) and I don't think we've ever had that on the women's side of things (please correct me if I'm wrong). Now onto Charity. It was cool. Technically, it was a great dance. But I feel like she was timid and stiff. I'll chalk up a lot of that to having a new partner and just being nervous in general. She'll be better as the show goes on, but this just wasn't her best.
Harry and Rylee- Salsa (Score=15)- Harry moves very small and is still terrified of these dances. I think he handled this one better and I saw some improvement. He stayed on time more. But it's still not great. I don't think he can get to a great or even a good level. But he is improving and he can shock us. I mean Alyson definitely shocked me this week.
Jason and Daniella- Rumba (Score=24)- This was the best dance of the night. I think Jason might be the one to beat. I have to see a ballroom dance from him but I do not have any reason to believe that he will really struggle with those based on what he's shown and the past work of Daniella. I did see the misstep that CAI was talking about, but wow, what a dance. I was incredibly impressed.
So that's what I thought about the show. Let me know your thoughts and I will talk to you all soon.
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indigokashmir · 6 months
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1920s Style
This tale follows Dr Walter, who marries the enchanting Kitty, only to discover her infidelity. As he navigates life's challenges, he embarks on a journey to China to combat a devastating disease plaguing a village. This cinematic adaptation is inspired by W. Somerset Maugham's novel.
If you're a fan of 1920s aesthetics, then this film is a splendid choice. It delves into the intricacies of human differences, the triumph over adversity, and the acceptance of our unique personalities. However, do brace yourself, as this is a poignant yet sensually restrained and beautifully crafted cinematic experience.
Isn't it truly fascinating how a film's aesthetics can transport us to a bygone era, immersing us in the essence of that time? This is the magic of creative minds and those who dare to think beyond the conventional boundaries.
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Behind the scenes.
We found the movie to be even more captivating than the original novel, with particular admiration for the cinematography and the exquisite depiction of Dr. Walter's rural Chinese residence. The creative genius behind the production design is none other than the Australian talent, Peta Lawson.
As per Ms. Lawson's website, she boasts extensive experience in film and movie production design. A graduate of the 'Sydney College of the Arts,' Lawesom has been at the forefront of creativity in numerous Australian feature films, television movies, mini-series, and TV shows. Her talents have also graced international productions from France, Germany, China, and, of course, Australia.
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Dr Walter and Kitty's Cabin.
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always-rolling-my-eyes · 10 months
Ok, no one asked, but here are my thoughts / impressions of the DWTS 32 cast, and I’m going to be honest, I had to google more people on this cast than any other season before so 😬:
Excited for:
Ariana Madix: I am obsessed with all things Bravo and the #Scandoval was literally my entire life for about for 4 months. She has dance and performing experience, and I think she’s going to be really good. Plus, having Pasha as a pro, the choreography he is going to give her 😍 (not to be morbid, but this is actually the couple I’m most sad that Len won’t get to see 😢)
Alyson Hannigan: I was a Buffy fan and loved HIMYM (until that god awful finale 🤮) so I am so happy (but very surprised tbh) to see her on the cast. Idk how much of a natural mover she’ll be, but I think she’s going to have a really great attitude and just enjoy the experience. I am expecting typical Sasha so…yeah 🤷🏻‍♀️
Jason Mraz: I’m mostly excited for him because he’s with Daniella tbh 😂 she always does such great work with her partners and is able to pull the very best out of them. I can see him being a good performer and them being a very strong team. Also, yay to new mommy, Daniella! 💗
Mira Sorvino: Romy! I know she has had a rough time (fuck you H*rvey W*instein🖕🏻) and I hope this journey brings her happiness and joy and she sees how much support she has and why, oh why did they have to partner her with Gleb 😩
Intrigued by:
Tyson Beckford: Wow. He is 😍 isn’t he? And apparently his only dance experience is a guest performance with Chippendales (shocking 😂) which will be interesting because we all know how Jenna is as a teacher 😬. I predict a lot of shirts being taken off 🙄 (but also 😏) And again, yay to new mommy, Jenna! 💗
Matt Walsh: Seen him guest star on almost every sitcom ever 😂 and I see his trajectory going one of two ways: he’s terrible and voted out early, or he’s the lovable guy the GP falls in love with because of his dedication and journey. He’s either low hanging fruit or a dark horse and with Koko as his partner, I would lean towards dark horse.
Mauricio Umansky: So…(separated?) husbands of Real Housewives are stars now? Whatever 🙄 and honestly out of all the House Husbands, I am unbelievably grateful this is the one they chose. (istg if it was any of those misogynistic animals from RHONJ, I would not have watched this season) but anyway, I think he’ll work hard but not take it too seriously (not in a bad way) and he’ll have fun with it. Plus, it will be a cold day in hell before I don’t support Emma Slater. And aren’t they both single? 😏 I want an entanglement in the ballroom! 😂
Barry Williams: I’m only intrigued because we’ll probably get some sweet Florence Henderson mentions / memories because of him 😢. And Peta is definitely the designated first out partner atp. But it probably works for her so 🤷🏻‍♀️ and yay to mommy x2 Peta! 💗
Have heard of them, but don’t know them:
Charity Lawson: I know she was the Bachelorette but other than that, I got nothing. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I always root for Artem, and he’s pretty consistent with his partners and choreography. That combined with Bachelor Nation, very possible they make the Finals unless she is absolutely, undeniably terrible (which I doubt) or if shenanigans happen
Xochitl Gomez: I’ve heard her name before, but I always thought she was a singer 🥴 my bad 😂 I haven’t watched anything Marvel related in almost two years, so 🤷🏻‍♀️ she’ll probably go far especially because of the Disney / ABC connection as well as Val being the most production assisted pro in DWTS history (sorry, but y’all know how I feel about Val 🤮 😂) but I do think she’s going to be fun to watch and actually be a good dancer, I just don’t have faith her partner will give her good choreography. We’ll see how (or if) that effects things (probably not)
Had absolutely no idea who they were:
Lele Pons: Influencer? I guess? She seems nice and I love how excited she is to be on the show. I think she’s going to be a lot of fun and maybe this can be a breakthrough season for Brandon🤞🏻
Harry Jowsey: Reality Star? Dating show? Youtuber? I have no idea tbh. And, not to go all Karen Smith, but if he’s British, why isn’t he on Strictly? ��� But very much looking forward to Rylee as a pro. I always enjoyed Lindsay as a teacher / choreographer, so let’s see if it runs in the family 😂
Adrian Peterson: I WISH I STILL DIDN’T KNOW WHO HE WAS. WTF 🤬 Poor Britt. To go from Daniel to this? The ultimate downgrade 😔
Don’t give one single fuck about:
Jamie Lynn Spears: I have made my feelings on this vile creature known 🤮 Apologies and best of luck to Alan (not really tho because I want her foul ass eliminated asap)
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sesiondemadrugada · 4 years
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The Painted Veil (John Curran, 2006).
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ashishvegan · 5 years
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@iheartvegans.co - On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate Lawson's outfit? 😍⠀ .⠀ @goatsofanarchy ⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #veganclothing #veganfortheplanet #veganinspiration #veganworld #vegantreats #veganactivist #veganinspo #veganforhealth #veganrevolution #justvegan #veganliving #peta https://www.instagram.com/p/B3qUET8j6WW/?igshid=1gsi6dwvuqtwv
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The Rise of Vegan Desserts
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In March 2019, a United Nations General Assembly meeting report declared to the world that there are only 11 years left before climate change becomes irreversible. In response, one of the most impactful steps suggested by experts around the world was veganism.
Several studies from the same year stated that veganism could be the single biggest way to decelerate environmental degradation. PETA says that one vegan can save around 219,000 gallons of water a year. Simultaneously, a study from Ipsos Retail Performance suggested that there had been a 300% increase in the number of vegans in the US between 2004 and 2019. This suggests that the market is in dire need of expanding its horizons and providing for this shift in dietary trends.
One thing that concerned many people who wanted to make the switch was the lack of dessert options. Most traditional dessert recipes use milk, sugar and eggs as their primary ingredients. The viscosity and creaminess of milk and its byproducts, the structure and stability that are provided by eggs, and the sweetness from the sugar are specific properties that are supposedly unmatched by plant-based products. However, vegan chefs and dessert creators are working towards finding plant-based alternatives for these ingredients.
For example, agar-agar is a plant-based alternative that provides the same jelly-like consistency that gelatin brings in desserts. Almond milk and coconut milk processed in distinct methods can be the perfect substitute to dairy-based milk. Flax seeds and chia seeds, which are superfoods, are alternatives to eggs. Jaggery, maple syrup and dates can replace sugar. Margarine works as a stand-in for butter. Combine these base ingredients with fruits, chocolate, flour, etc., and you have yourself a delicious and sustainable dessert. 
World class chefs like Nigella Lawson, Fran Costigan and Maggie Beer have recognized this need for change and created vegan alternatives to several of their world-famous dessert recipes. A lot of brands are creating ready to eat vegan chocolate bars and sweets that are indistinguishable from traditional desserts.
We here at Laumière create bite-sized delicacies aimed at revolutionizing the world of vegan sweets. Our products feature a variety of nutritious ingredients, including superfoods, dried fruits and nuts. We experiment with new flavour combinations every day to bring to you an array of sustainable, nutritious, and delicious desserts. We are here to support this rise in the trend of veganism and contribute to positive environmental change.
If there is one thing that the human civilization has managed to learn, it is that each one of us is capable of making a difference during our time on this planet. While you might think that one person cannot change anything, the studies suggest otherwise. And it is heartening to see that so many people are realizing this and taking to veganism, and so many businesses are catching up to the trend.
More about Laumière Gourmet Fruits
Contact info
3331 Pegasus Dr Ste 101, Bakersfield, CA 93308
Note: This article was originally published on www.laumieregourmet.com/blogs/news
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Although summer is almost over🍃I hope you enjoy this #veganized style recreation for an outfit #Twiggy wore while vacationing in Greece in 1968. (I loved wearing this outfit.:)) As always, my version is entirely #vegan. Fashion never needs to exploit animals---animals are not fabric. Twiggy Lawson is a fashion icon who's also been a champion for animals for decades, a lifelong veg (perhaps even vegan today) and a PETA spokesperson who's consistently stood up against fur in fashion.💫💫#veganstyle
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easyobsession · 7 years
DWTS24: WEEK 1 (Lo Recaps)
Instantly, she’s the first one out of the gate so you know she’s gonna be lowballed. What shocked me was just how low they went- that was a theme of the entire night for me, actually. I thought for sure we’d see some 8s and maybe one or two 7s at most. I liked it, myself. Fun, fast paced, and it seemed to match her personality and turn a stuffy quickstep into something cool and funky to bring her fanbase into the show. I thought her form was pretty damn good and considering that Val doesn’t water shit down, Normani held her own.
This was pretty much what I expected. It was nice, it was fairly clean and pretty and an awesome starting point. Artem riding in shirtless on a Zamboni and making them both super uncomfortable was a highlight of the night for me. On a completely different note, a lot of people are comparing Nancy her to fellow Olympic skaters and DWTS champions Meryl Davis and Kristi Yamaguchi. This is the portion of the review where I share why I find this to be complete and utter bullshit: Number one, Meryl is/was an ice dancer and competed her entire life with not only a male partner, but the same male partner. Big difference. Next! Number 2. Kristi yes, did compete as a singles skater as well and yes, is only a mere 2 years younger than Nancy. HOWEVER. THE KEY FACTOR HERE IS THAT KRISTI COMPETED ON SEASON 6 OF THIS STUPID SHOW. IN 2008. NINE DAMN YEARS AGO. If my math is correct (which is probably isn’t) she won when she was around 34 years old. Nancy is 45. AGE IS A FACTOR. IT ISN’T AGEISM, IT’S FACT. GIVE THE WOMAN A BREAK. I thought she looked nervous as hell, but really lovely. I think now that she’s got the jitters out, she’ll only go up.
He… oh my lord. Don’t get me wrong, he seems nice enough. But aside from the obvious, things got so awkward after it was over and it was just uncomfortable. I think he was trying too hard to be funny and he was so nervous on top of it all and it just all didn’t add up. And god love him, he knew. He knew and them saying it just made it so much worse. The poor guy. I’m leaving it at that. He gave it his best effort and I can never give anyone less than a solid and sincere applause for that. Good for him for doing it.
Here’s where I walk boldly in front of the firing squad and take my stance without shame. You all know how much I hate a showmance when it’s not my own idea, and DWTS overdoes them like the blackened fish thing on the menu I saw on vacation. He’s insane for what he does, but it makes him happy and I can support that. But I’m already annoyed with this gimmick. If they have the chemistry, we’ll notice, but don’t try to force it just as an attempt to make us forget the obvious eye-fucking last season despite James having a girlfriend. I’m just sayin’. Overall it was alright. It felt a little too Magic Mike for me. He’s stiff and he was off count almost the entire time, which I basically already assumed he would be. He’ll never be great but he looks like Jackson Rathbone and I like how Sharna calls him “Bonnah,” so if they quit with the forced gimmick and just let shit happen naturally I’d probably be the captain of this goddamn ship.  Next.
CHARO AND KEO. SALSA. 6555=21/40.
THIS. WAS. SO GODDAMN FUCKING MUCH BETTER THAN I EVER COULD HAVE DREAMED. She remembered a good portion of the steps, she SOMEWHAT KEPT UP WITH HIM, she’s 66 goddamn years old- GOOD FOR HER. I cannot wait to see the shit Keo has to go through and the wide-eyed gazes he’ll have along the way. For what it was, I honestly can’t complain. Good on you.
NICK AND PETA. CHA CHA. 6666=24/40.
I got so pissed when I watched this, I swear to god, because I really wanted him to suck so bad that I could just rag on him until I was blue in the face but it was ACTUALLY NOT FUCKING BAD AT ALL. HE ACTUALLY HAS A LITTLE BIT OF RHYTHM. Peta is a national treasure, obviously, but this asshole, like… fuck, man. Honestly though, enough of the You’re In Love thing though, because literally NOBODY BELIEVES IT. INCLUDING YOU OR VANESSA. We all get it, we’ll put on our shocked emoji when you suddenly break-up after your contract allotted engagement period is over. You want attention. Just go into porn or something like you’ve still got some dignity and quit being annoying.
Ahh… it’s so good to be back. :D
*singing* Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuullshit. I hate everyone. Go home. I already am home. Thank god, walking almost 30 miles in 4 days damn near killed me. Whatever. You could tell she was surprised and that she was upset not with the scores, but with herself for not getting better scores, which I hate. I’m hoping this is more of a strategy by TPTB for a Progressing Each Week storyline as opposed to Simone’s copycat The Best Since Night One story that mirrors Laurie’s. (No disrespect to Simone- but I’ll get to that later) Anyway, I thought it was amazing. Flawless? No. She was nervous just like everyone else, but she was far more comfortable up there than a lot of the rest and she and Maks looks fucking incredible together. Also she’s a knockout in yellow. I adore her. What else is new? Moving on.
DAVID AND LINDSAY. 7777=28/40.
I’m going to quickly say that it’s horse shit that Heather got the same score as him. BUT STICK WITH ME FOR A MINUTE. Heather was underscored like I under exaggerate when I say I’m kind of a nervous person sometimes, but this guy totally earned those 7s with a heart clap on the back. I was blown away in the best sense of the word. I had no clue who the hell this man is because the only thing I know about baseball is Mike Lawson and Ginny Baker (#Bawson WADDUP FAM) so I went in 100% blank and I really truly did enjoy this performance. I like his partnership with Lindsay, I love his attitude, and to top it all off he actually appears to be somewhat capable. I’m for it and look forward to more. YES.
ERIKA AND GLEB. SALSA. 6666=24/40.
Again, I thought she was lowballed. Since they are in no way alike, obviously I will now compare her to Amber Rose from last season, who I also thought would be pretty comfortable in front of the camera and shaking her booty like a boss if nothing else. Except Erika actually DID IT. She went out there and didn’t hold back and IT MADE A DIFFERENCE IN THE PERFORMANCE. Did she know every single step? Nope. Was her form flawless? Nope. Could you tell she was nervous? Yup. Did she make plenty of mistakes? Absolutely. But she sold it and that makes all the difference. I like her. I like her hair. I like her sass. “Who doesn’t wake up every day wanting to win in life? You gotta put these people on notice. I’M HERE. HI.” Apparently I love the raunchy because I love it. Bring it fucking on, girlfriend. Werk.
Good? Yes. A surprise? Kind of, considering he’s another athelete and therefore blank slate for me. Worthy of second place? Debatable. Worthy of beating out some of his competition like he did on the leaderboard? No. I’m sorry but no. He seems like a lot of fun and like a pretty nice guy, so I’m definitely a million times more willing to try than I was with Antonio or Von or Calvin because Rashad is far more inviting and approachable and easier to connect with. I’m optimistic. And congrats to Emma for finally getting a hunk to dance with! Enjoy the eye candy, girl! Apparently your and Sasha’s wedding gift is neither of you getting a shitty partner this season. I approve.
MR. T  AND KYM. CHA CHA. 5555=20/40.
….It was so sweet to see Robert in the audience. They’re very cute. And Mr. T… played the part well. And he… had a great costume. And he really tried. But worth a better score than Chris? Eeeeeeehhh. Not lower, of course, but 3 points higher? Really? Let’s all call a spade a spade, quit with the catchphrase, and move on with our lives, yeah?
…sigh. Okay. Let me explain this. I love her. Of course I love her. How could you not? She’s adorable. She’s a little awkward, kinda shy, super sweet, giggly, giant grin, complete doll that has skills for days. Her partnership with Sasha is incredible and she lights up the room. ….but other than her being 19 instead of 16…. It’s not even that I’m against her story, which I realize she can’t control regardless, but that’s not it anyway. It’s just that it was LAST DAMN SEASON. You have to put a break between them or it’s just unfair to everyone involved. And I’m going to be mad all season on her and Sasha’s behalf because of it, and I’m gonna be pissed as hell when all of her fans throw a royal fit in three months when she loses. Because I told you so. Someone get me a goddamn job at ABC, I’ll have this thing running like a well oiled machine within a few weeks. With Derek and Brooke gone, aside from Carrie Ann and the singers, the worst of the worst have already been tossed out on their ass. I’LL MAKE THIS PLACE WORTH MILLIONS, MILLIONS I TELL YA.
Okay, that’s it. I’m not even proofing this shit. I’m tired.
HMU on social media. @lauthom93 because I’m cool. The end.
Love, hugs, and my middle finger because it’s my life and my future employers hopefully never discover this blog,
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fardell24b · 5 years
Rise of Weirdness - Part 61
March 29, 2256:
Offworlder/Transformed traders bring the disease "Van Heusen Syndrome" to Earth at Guangzhou, fueling a massive health crisis,...
Mid 2256 The latest Sumer Station, United Nations of Earth-Arbol Station Sumer 6 opens for business. It quickly becomes a center of interstellar trade and diplomacy. Commander Jessica Alexander is assigned as the Arbol-Fleet commander.
May 21, 2256:
Demonic possessions erupt throughout Glenuce, Scotland, fueling civil unrest and panic across the region,....
December 27, 2258:
Dragons are reported in Pullambenn, England, fueling tensions across Western Europe, sparking international,...
June 27, 2259:
Sacramento Renaissance; in the aftermath of war and migration , the city of Sacramento, California becomes a major site for the revival of arts, music, and dance, sparking international attention and concern,..
April 4, 2260:
Offworlder state (insert place here) led by religious fundamentalist (insert place here) bans soccer, sparking interstellar attention and concern,...
April 9, 2260:
Scottish police officials in Lothian and Edinburgh, announce a major crackdown on vampires and neo-pagans, citing the need for "public safety and security",...
December 2260
In the wake of the War in the Shadows and the Arbol Civil War, the Commonwealth of Interstellar States is established. The Founding members include the United Nations of Earth-Arbol, the Confederation of Hephaestus, the Union of Centauri, the Independent Stations of Sumer, Copernicus-Vega and the Dwarven States of Erebor.
April 20, 2262:
Mars Disaster; massive cometary impacts from Olympus Mons to Cydonia triggers a massive humanitarian crisis regarding the population,....
October 16, 2264:
Earth military forces detonate a Mana-Burst weapon at Venus-L5, further increasing mana levels across the solar system,...
March 23, 2265:
"Angelic hosts" are seen battling over Naumburg, Germany, fueling civil unrest in the region,...
31 May 2265 The Palenaro arrives at the edge of the galaxy. After the ship attempts to cross the Galactic barrier, it is found that Gina Michaels, the Navigator, has glowing eyes...
A Cult leader from a remote Commonwealth world arrives on a contested world on the Commonwealth-Ork Order border.
1 – 3 June 2265 The Palenaro makes its way to Etla, and Michaels' powers grow.
3 June 2265 Michaels declares herself a goddess and Captain Jane Churchill fights her on Etla's surface. She barely survives...
October 9, 2265:
The abolition of Shintoism as a national religion is proposed in Tokyo, fueling sectarian and political divisions across Japan,...
5 April 2266 The CSS Hood discovers a lost colony of vampires...
6 December 2267
The Palanaro has an encounter with a Nova Roman ship near the Demilitarized Zone. It is the first encounter with them in over a century.
17 December 2266 The Palenaro crew finds that Commonwealth archaeologist Robert Lawson had been replaced by an android duplicate. Captain Churchill stops his plot to seed android duplicates throughout the Commonwealth.
April 2267
The Palanaro discovers a sleeper ship. One of the passengers is Faisal Singh. The encounter ends with Singh and his followers taking one of the Palanaro's shuttles and heading far beyond Commonwealth space.
15 October 2267 At Gamma Trianguli the Palanaro discovers a group of people who had been enslaved for decades by a computer ‘god’ named Baal... After the ship is put in danger, Churchill destroys Baal.
August 14, 2267:
Tensions mount after Lunar leaders led by Lynda Asher calls for independence from the Earth government; Many claim the move is an action is prompted by Offworlder and Transformed syndicates, fueling anti-Transformed sentiment worldwide,...
January 30, 2268:
Earth government leader Elizabeth Oldenburg is brutally assassinated while leading a peace rally in Copenhagen, sparking international attention and concern,...
March 28, 2268:
Capuchin monks of the Missionary Order of Saint Joseph are formed in Cupertino, California, with the mission to spread the gospel to interstellar states,...
July 1, 2268
A majority of Humanity, whether Bland or Transformed, lives more than 300 light years from Sol/Arbol.
May 27, 2269:
Dragons are reported by local officials in Henham, England, fueling tensions and concerns in Western Europe,...
August 12, 2269:
Djinn swarm throughout Istanbul, Turkey, causing violent mass possessions, civil unrest and riots, sparking tensions across the region,...
December 7, 2271:
Scientists and mages led by Leigh Thompson discover that the laws of physics are fluid and changing at Lahaina, Hawaii, sparking international attention,...
November 4, 2272:
Istrian Crisis; Vampires led by Jure Grando seizes control of Istria region, Croatia, fueling tensions across the Balkans,...
May 13, 2273:
Reports of witchcraft and demonic possession occur in San Lorenzo, Italy, fueling tensions against the State of Aphrodite,...
May 18, 2274:
Luna military forces detonate a ManaBurst weapon at Luna-L5, angering the Earth government, fueling concerns of escalation,...
June 6, 2274:
"Mardani Khel" Hindi martial arts order emerges in Pune, India, fueling tensions across South Asia,
June 16, 2275:
"Metz Effect" weapons are detonated by the Offworlder states of (insert place here) and (insert place here) triggering interstellar condemnation,...
August 9, 2275:
Pirate Captain Chui A-poo leads a series of raids on the Commonwealth of Interstellar States, forcing the deployment of the Commonwealth Fleet into the region,.....
November 24, 2275:
Prophet Peta Friedman of the Duaspiritist religion is assassinated at New Pacifica, Miaplacidus triggering sectarian violence across much of inhabited space,....
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celinewrites · 9 years
Celeb Siblings Who Made Headlines
By Celine Littlejohn
Oct 06,2015 5:53pm
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Noah Cyrus, Stella Hudgens and Alli Simpson
The last names Cyrus, Hudgens, and Simpson automatically make you think of Miley, Vanessa, and Cody, right? Well, here we have (L to R) Noah Cyrus, Stella Hudgens, and Alli Simpson, who stepped out of their siblings' shadow (and gave squad envy to little sisters everywhere!) when the adorbs trio starred in the spring 2015 Mudd campaign.
They're certainly not alone. Check out all of the other times when the brothers and sisters of your favorite stars made bigger headlines than the celebs themselves!
The life of being a celeb is a super busy one. There’s recording sessions, television shoots, remembering lines, music video shoots, interviews, tours. Whether you act or sing, all eyes are on you. That also means time away from your loved ones, like your bro or sis. But while we give all our attention to a certain celeb, sometimes their sibling makes headlines on their own.
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See what we mean in this slideshow below
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Dylan Efron
It turns out those gorgeous genes run in the Efron family! Everyone took notice of Zac's 23-year-old brother, Dylan, when the actor posted this shirtless photo of the two of them. The Cal Poly San Luis Obispo grad can often be seen at Laker games with his big bro, who has brought him to red carpet premieres as well. Too. Much. Perfection.
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Gemma Styles
Gemma, 25, is the big sis of One Direction's Harry Styles. A writer for The Debrief mag, her name made headlines when Harry totes embarrassed her during a 1D concert. Her good ol' bro called her out, announcing to the entire arena that she was there on a date. Harry wanted her and her bae to "behave [themselves]." No chill at ALL, Harry!
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Bianca Lawson
Once Beyonce's mom, Tina, married actor Richard Lawson in April, it started clicking with people that actress Bianca Lawson, 36, suddenly became Beyonce's sister! We are COMPLETELY jealz. Another reason we're envious of Bianca? She's played high school-aged roles (on shows like Saved by the Bell and Pretty Little Liars) for over 20 years.
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Frankie Grande
Frankie, 32, Ariana's half-brother, is known for having appeared on Big Brother 16. But he turned heads at the American Music Awards in 2014 when he showed up technically topless: His button-up was actually painted on! That's one way to get people talking!
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Mali-Koa Hood
Mali-Koa Hood, 23, is a singer just like her little bro, Calum, of 5 Seconds of Summer fame. She did well on the Australian version of The Voice in 2012 and in July, she posted a video of her singing an original song called Spinning and it is completely flawless!
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Austin Swift
Austin, 23, just landed a role in a new film called, I.T., starring Pierce Brosnan and Stefanie Scott, and older sis Tay couldn't be any more proud. If he looks familiar, he's been to award shows with Tay before, and has acted in plays at Notre Dame, where he's a student. He also does freelance photography for Getty Images, but something tell us the cutie is going to be in front of the camera much more in the future.
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Briana Cuoco
Briana Cuoco, 26, is Kaley's sis. She acts, sings, and dances, having competed on The Voice in 2013. Also, remember that epic Flash Mob the cast of The Big Bang Theory did last year? Well, Briana choreographed that. Now that's the type of moves we love!
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James Grint
James, 25, may have a famous brother who does magic at Hogwarts (Rupert), but he does magic on the track as a Formula One race car driver. For 2015, he's moving to the European Rallycross Championship with Albatec Racing. What's not to love?
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Noah Cyrus
Miley's little sis got everyone's attention when she did an anti-animal dissection ad for PETA. But this isn't the first time Noah joined forces with PETA. She also stood up against the circus and their treatment of animals in a video for PETA Kids.
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Anwar Hadid
First it was Gigi. Then Bella. Now, it looks like Anwar, their 16-year-old little brother may be the next big Hadid to make a huge breakthrough in the world of modeling. Nylon did editorial on him for its October issue, and we're certain that will be the first of many magazine spreads. Anwar is also a fighter: He, along with sis Bella and mom Yolanda, have been battling chronic lyme disease. Sending love to the Hadids.
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dwtsfun · 8 months
Dancing with the Stars Season 32 Week 6: Halloween
We are kinda late with this, but it's okay. I just want to make note of a few things. As the whole season has been, Halloween night was fine. It wasn't amazing. It wasn't terrible. It was fine. The level of dancing for everyone this year (yes, everyone) leaves a lot to be desired. And I think the judges are not doing at least two couples any favors by being extremely lenient with them. Also, I have already said this a few times, but I found Niecy to be an amazing guest judge. She was kind when she needed to be. She gave tough love when it was needed. She was real with everyone. She came having done her homework. She looked for specific things regarding technique and she was on point with all of it. I'm going to split this up into the top scores, middle of the pack and bottom of the leaderboard.
Top Scores
I'm going to start this with saying that I don't think anyone deserved a 10 this week either. However, unlike last week, I can see why the 10s happened. Xochitl's dance was fine. I don't like contemporary, so that's already a point against it. And Val has NEVER impressed me with his contemporary choreo. Like Charity last week, this dance felt oddly disconnected from the actual music and I'm just not sure why. She still has balance issues though the judges still have yet to call it out. I got the 10 though because Niecy talked about powering through an injury and all that.
Ariana I think had the best created Argentine tango that I've seen on this show in YEARS. I think the music added to giving us the right mood and the choreography was classic ATango. Props to Pasha for that. It might have been my favorite piece of choreography of the season (not performance). Now Ariana did well, but her legs were nowhere near as strong, sharp or precise as I needed them to be. Again, no 10 from me, but I understand Bruno's 10 for the very classic Argentine tango that was mostly fine.
Jason was the closest to perfect for me, but he still felt slightly off. Not sure what was happening, but he just wasn't as grounded as he typically is.
Middle of the Pack
Okay, so this is the point in the season that I have to tug on Artem's edges a bit. WAKE UP, MAN! Your partner is amazing. Why do you have her tipping her way through a jive. He has the same problem that Tony had where most of his partners kinda just mark their Latin dances. This jive was low energy and boring. Niecy was right to tell Charity to just go for it and Derek was right to say that Lele and Charity can learn from each other. The problem with Charity though is while Lele can and is making progress on refining her dances, Charity is not making progress on the letting go aspect. And again, that falls at Artem's feet more than her.
Last week was a breakout dance for Lele. I think this week was the week that cemented her as a legit contender, score be damned. It wasn't perfect but it was a very good dance. It was actually better than the judges (namely CAI) made it out to be. Yes, we need just a tad bit more refinement, but Lele is basically there. Ariana, Charity and Xochitl are not that superior to her in terms of performance or technique anymore. Either those three need to not be scored as high as they are, or Lele needs to be scored higher.
I put Barry in the middle of the pack because even though he scored lower than Mauricio overall, in my opinion, he had a much better night in his individual dance. As a performer, I think Barry is the best of the season. No one embodies a character like he has. No one commits to the dance like he does. He lost some of the grace and refinement as a result of this, but it was still a really good dance.
Bottom of the Leaderboard
Mauricio is gone, but I fully expected it. He improved but he is not the dancer that folks were acting like he was and with his fanbase being questionable, his time was quickly running out. To me, it was his best dance and also a perfect dance for them to leave on.
Alyson had her best dance in my opinion. Her timing was much better, she wasn't as hoppy as she usually is in her dances and she looked much more confident. Her technique was much more sound as well. Niecy was right about the grace and refinement. She is lacking that. But it was a definite improvement and it was a dance that made me sit up and finally take notice of her.
Okay so Harry is not as bad as many folks want him to be. He's not great. He's really not good honestly. But he's not terrible. He is trying. He is getting better. And he actually has potential to be a decent dancer. His big issues are that he dances very small. Between the way he dances inward, his posture kinda caving in and him not fully using his lines, it's a problem. He also just doesn't bend his legs when he dances. It's weird. It's almost like he gets out there and forgets how to move from point A to point B. I'm not a professional, but I wanna just get in the studio with him and work on that. I think fixing that would make his dances look a lot better.
Thoughts on the Marathon
So I shared some of this throughout the week, but here is a more comprehensive look at my feelings. It was actually handled much better than last season. It felt like they were trying to give a specific person more points (like it usually does), but they didn't go out of their way to crown her the winner if she didn't deserve it. Ariana probably should've been 4th, but she got 2nd. Meh. Not too big of a difference. Xochitl probably should've been 3rd but won. Again, not terrible. I feel bad for Jason and Lele being shafted. Usually they get the top 2 right, but after that nonsense last season, I will gladly take the top 4 being right. Everyone else went out about when they should've. I've seen talk about Charity sneaking into the top 4, but she just would've been 4th anyway, so it doesn't make much difference to me that she was 5th.
A few things. That was the sloppiest and worst danced marathon I have ever seen on this show. The fact that they ran out of steam that badly when it was also the shortest marathon that they have ever had was disappointing. I also do not like how they get the couples off the floor anymore. In seasons past, the producers would come in, tap them and quickly leave. The couple would exit the floor on the sides or into the audience and go onto the raised part of the stage. I did not like the pros, dressed as grim reapers, going to tap the eliminated couples. They did too much, took too much attention off the dancing and got in the way. I just want that to never happen again. Cute idea. Not practical at all for the competing couples or the viewers. I also don't like how they stuff the couples in the audience. Put them on that stage to lessen the chances of them running into the other couples. If a couple just has to go up the stairs when they get eliminated as opposed to exiting to the side, let them do that so that don't run into people.
So those are my thoughts. Let me know you all's lingering thoughts and we'll be back on Tuesday.
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bluemoon21-blog · 7 years
An Australian father and daughter caught up in the bombing say their hopes of catching the pop star one last time saved their lives.
David Black and his 12-year-old daughter Peta, from Palmerston in the Northern Territory, were at the concert when he suggested they “hang on” after it ended.
He told the radio station Mix104.9 the pair were meant to be headed for the exit targeted by the bomber.
But they decided to wait in case the singer returned for one more song.
“We were very lucky. It’s the old Darwin way when we weren’t really in a rush to leave,” Mr Black said. “If we had left 10 minutes earlier, we would have been right where it was.”
The Blacks are in the UK visiting family, and David said he and his daughter were sitting at the very back of the arena.
Police said the bomber was known to intelligence services “up to a point” and probably went to Syria”.
The Telegraph reports Abedin is thought to have returned from Libya just days ago after a three-week visit.
Salman Abedi, 22, has been named as the Manchester Arena bomber. Picture: AP
US intelligence officials told NBC News that he was identified at the scene of the bombing by a bank card found in his pocket. The identification was confirmed by facial recognition technology.
He also had suspected ties to al-Qaeda, had received terrorist training abroad, and members of his own family informed on him in the past, according to NBC News.
Britain’s Interior Minister said the suicide bomber was likely not acting alone.
Police on Wednesday said they were investigating a “terror network”, with up to 3800 soldiers to be deployed on the streets in the UK at “key locations” following the attack.
Armed police keep guard near Victoria Station in Manchester, England. Picture: AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth
Police forensic investigators search the property of Salman Abedi over the concert bombing. Picture: Danny Lawson/PA via AP
Police guard the entrance to Granby House in the city centre following an armed raid. Picture: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images
Attorney General George Brandis said a review of Australia’s military call out powers, currently underway, would be presented to Government in the near future.
Signalling there would likely be changes, he said there were a “number of complicated steps” before the defence force could be called to assist civilian authorities.
“We’re looking to see whether those powers can be streamlined so as to make the military more immediately able to be employed where it’s important to do so,” he said.
Meanwhile, counter-terrorism expert Anne Aly has recommended Australian authorities review security measures at “soft-targets” such as sports stadiums or entertainment venues as a priority in their response to the Manchester attack.
Dr Aly, also a Labor MP, told Fairfax Media Australians should not assume a similar attack wouldn’t happen here.
“We should be having points where people can exit in single file and people are moved on quickly so there is no reason for them to congregate in large groups outside a particular venue, because that just means that somebody could come along and inflict maximum damage,” she said.
“That’s exactly what terrorists look for.”
MORE HERE: Manchester Ariana Grande concert attack investigation arrests | Perth Now
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