#pet hate in religious studies is when an idiomatic word is translated into an english word with specific xtian connotations
cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
i love reading philosophy from when people thought you were just your body... like i know parts of it are really dark when they like believed you would just be trapped underground forever getting eaten by worms but you’d be aware of it or whatever LOL. but it’s also really cool that the idea of a detachable spirit or even like consciousness aren’t the default setting. we say stuff like ‘your body’ or even ‘your brain’ without a second thought now like there’s another ‘you’ but it’s nice to remember that people in other places and times haven’t necessarily thought of it that way and the added reminder that a lot of the way we conceptualise of these subtleties of identity is influenced by christianity & hellenistic philosophy in ways we aren’t necessarily even aware of (even if you aren’t christian, because when our language is shaped around them and the way we express ideas relies on that assumption, we’re all internalising them even if we DON’T believe we have immortal souls that will go to jesus in heaven or w/e) 
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