#pestcontrol termitecontrol antitermite
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ozonepest-blog · 6 years ago
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ANTI TERMITE TREATMENT Termite infestation is difficult to detect as they work from the inside to the outside. Termites need cellulose to survive and your belongings like wood and paper are majorly at risk. http://ozonepestcontrols.com/services.html #termitecontrol #antitermites #pestcontrol #termitepestinspection #freeinspection #ozonepestcontrols https://www.instagram.com/ozonepest/p/Bvi7u3KHWrB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vyobre3lf251
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prominentservices · 5 years ago
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#Pre #Construction Anti Termite Treatment #TeamProminent To know more, visit us at www.prominentservices.in #PestManagementServices #PestManagement #Innovative #PestFreeEnvironment #PestControl #Exterminator #PestControlService #Termites #BedBugs #TermiteControl #Insects #ProtectionFromPests #BePestsFree #TreatPestControl #PestPrevention #PestInspection #PestFreeOffice #PestFree #PestExpert #PestExterminator #AntiTermite #Termite #Treatment #TeamProminent #termites https://www.instagram.com/p/B29rS89pIOR/?igshid=i8ac9dkf33gh
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termipore · 1 year ago
How to install TermiPore Pipe on Ground Beam?
We have often received questions about how to install TermiPore pipe across ground beams.
This may feel like something very technical or difficult, but in reality, it is very simple to install TermiPore across beams. As you are aware TermiPore is not just a pipe, but a comprehensive anti-termite reticulation system. When you buy TermiPore you also get all the necessary accessories along with the TermiPore pipe. These accessories include various types of jointers like 2-way jointers, T- jointers, 4 way jointers, elbows, end plugs, fixing hooks, plain PVC pipe, junction boxes etc.  Pic 1 illustrates the accessories available with TermiPore Pipe. For more information, refer to: https://termipore.blogspot.com/2023/12/termipore-anti-termite-reticulation.html
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Since TermiPore is available in different sizes (for more details visit www.termipore.com ) these accessories are also available in different sizes, to fit the pipe you have ordered. It is with the use of these accessories that you can install TermiPore pipe across ground beams during construction.
There are 3 ways in which you can install TermiPore Reticulation System across beams.
Method 1: TermiPore Over the Beam
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Please review Pic 2 to understand this method where TermiPore is installed above the beam, T-jointers and elbows. You have the flexibility to use the plain pvc pipe or TermiPore pipe on the small area above the beam.
As can be seen clearly in Pic 2, using a T-jointer, 3 pipes are connected in 3 different directions. The pipe that reaches the upper edge of the beam is then connected with another pipe on top of the beam using elbow jointer. Another elbow jointer is used at the other end of that pipe, followed by another T-jointer. These little accessories easily help you navigate across any number of beams on your site.
In Pic 3, you get a closer look at how the pipes are connected in different directions, with the help of T and elbow jointers.   
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Method 2: TermiPore Under the Beam
In this method, you dig a narrow passage under the beam so that you can run the pipe across the bean from under it. Again, the use of T-jointers, elbows and plain pvc pipe will help you to easily install the pipe as needed, as can be seen in Pic 4.
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Method 3: TermiPore In A Narrow Groove On The Beam 
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Pic 5 clearly illustrates how a narrow groove is made on the beam to take TermiPore across the beam and all the pipes are joined using the various jointers.
The key point here is to ensure that the pipes do not bend/squeeze at corners, as that may slow/block the flow of termiticides. Using jointers and tying them with the ties accompanying the kit help to tightly secure the accessories. A gentle reminder, avoid direct contact of reticulation pipes with cement.
For more details, contact: +91 6359292525 / 8401017087
 #everyone #every #termipore #termiporepipe #termiporeproduct #antitermite #termite #termiteproof #install #installation #porouspipe #pipe #safehouse #termitecontrol #pestcontrol #TermiteProof #termitetreatment #termiteinspection #reticulation #globallyuse #popular #experience #antitermitereticulation #preventingtermites #pesttreatment #feedback
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termipore · 1 year ago
Why Install TermiPore Reticulation System at Foundation                  
When Soil Treatment is anyways mandatory?
Getting Soil Treatment done at foundation is mandatory, when constructing a new property. It is obvious then, to have a question that why also incur the cost of installing anti-termite reticulation when one is already spending on soil treatment, as that is a legal requirement?
We have a very rational answer to this very valid question. No one wants to incur pointless expense and anyone suggesting such a wasteful expense in the name of marketing is not fair either. 
However, as mentioned earlier, we have a very rational explanation for this query.
When such a regulation was made, the reticulation method of termite prevention probably did not exist or may have been at a very nascent stage. Soil Treatment is the best traditional method to prevent termites, in the absence of an alternative technology.
The flip side of soil treatment is once the construction is done, there is no way to inject termiticides at foundation level in future. This means after a few years of construction, termites can bore into your premises from under the plinth, by making way through miniscule cracks of a fraction of a millimeter
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Financial wisdom lies in ensuring that one uses preventive technology to block termites for decades and preempt future losses that can be very high due to termites. Furthermore, TermiPore Anti-termite Reticulation System is a very cost-effective, high quality & simple solution to protect your premises from termite damage, for decades.
Soil treatment is used pre-construction at foundation level, and it is also used as curative solution post construction. As we know, it involves digging soil, mixing high quantity of termiticides in that soil and replacing it in the same place it was dug out of. This process is time consuming, cumbersome, can be harmful for humans and pets, could infect surrounding water-bodies if not done properly, and repeating it in future is again a huge hassle.
Thus, the best hassle-free, long-term solution is to install good quality anti-termite reticulation system and enjoy a termite free premises. TermiPore is a highly reliable brand to reckon with. TermiPore is not just pipes, but an entire system with all required accessories and after-sales support.
It is available in varied standard and customized sizes, visit: www.termipore.com for details on sizes. However, we recommend 17.5mm and 19.5mm at foundation/plinth level and 14.5mm before laying floor tiles.  Picture 1 depicts TermiPore installation at foundation by our client in Delhi
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Here are some benefits of TermiPore Reticulation System:
Unique raw material made of specially developed elastomeric compound for long-lasting underground installation
Cost-effective & affordable
Easy to install
Simple and hassle free termiticides injection
Very easy to repeat treatment at required intervals
Very long lasting with the use of right type of reticulation pipes and accessories
Lab-tested (visit www.termipore.com for more details)
Manufactured by ISO 9001:2015 company
Very high quality control standards (for more details visit: https://youtu.be/IKbVP7aIRIg?si=UWo_aYziPw4M85U5  or else www.termipore.com)
So, as we stated earlier, it is logical and necessary to install TermiPore at foundation, along with soil treatment, to ensure very long lasting protection from termites, as TermiPore enables repeat treatment without any hassles.                   
For more details, you can contact us at: +91 6359292525 / 8401017087/ [email protected]
#everyone #every #termipore #termiporepipe #termiporeproduct #antitermite #termite #termiteproof #install #installation #porouspipe #pipe #safehouse #termitecontrol #pestcontrol #TermiteProof #termitetreatment #termiteinspection #reticulation #globallyuse #popular #experience #antitermitereticulation #preventingtermites #pesttreatment #feedback
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termipore · 1 year ago
Understanding Termipore PWD – our LLDP pipes, approved by Public Works Department for Anti-termite Reticulation.
As we know, termites are a persistent threat to buildings and structures, causing extensive damage that can be both costly and challenging to repair. In today’s times of super expensive construction and repair costs; proactive preventive termite management known as Anti-termite Reticulation is highly preferred over traditional methods that control, not prevent termites.
Reticulation method for termite prevention is more cost-effective, easy to install, hassle-free to inject termiticides, sustainable and environmentally friendly.
As you may be aware, preventive reticulation system consists of a network of underground pipes installed across the construction and around the perimeter of a building. This network is designed to distribute a termiticides throughout the soil to create a protective barrier against termites. Repeat treatment and predetermined interval, ensures a continuous barrier that prevents termites from entering the structure. The system is typically installed during the construction phase of a building, but it can also be retrofitted to existing structures.
Brand TermiPore is available in various materials and sizes, as per the requirement of our clients. The Public Works Department in India has approved anti-termite reticulation systems with LLDP (Low Linear Density Polyethylene) pipes. www.termipore.com
TermiPore light weight LLDP pipes are a popular choice due to their durability and flexibility, cost-efficiency & corrosion resistance. TermiPore LLDP pipes are also known for their ability to withstand the rigors of underground installation, making them an ideal choice for use in anti-termite reticulation systems. The pipe has pressure operated holes at the prescribed distance that give the desired flow rate without any blockage, as can be seen from the pictures.
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Guidelines of Public Works Department (PWD) are as follows:
“Providing and laying of permanent piping technology anti-termite treatment before flooring work by installing LLDP (Low linear density polyethylene) tube of 8 mm O.D. & 6.4 mm I.D.with inbuilt pressure compensation chip at every 30 cm interval in the tube, having working pressure of 2 kg/cm2 and release rate of 1.9 Itr/hour fixed by P-clips and nails. The LLDP pipe shall be installed at the entire periphery of the building and at internal network of building at a depth of 20 to 200 mm under floor at every 2 to 3 mtr. c/c distance (adjusted as per building layout) & ends of loop pass through a PVC elbow of minimum 32mm ID at junction box of wall and floor level, entering into a steel reinforced grooved flexible pipe of minimum 22 mm ID leading into Junction box and the loops shall terminate in junction boxes & test every junction during injecting chemicals for termite control treatment.”
“Anti termite treatment of floor using Imidacloprid 30.5% EC non repellent, odourless, low dose, environmentally safe termiticide with rapid action non corrosive stain free, by drilling 12mm diameter holes 300mm apart injecting the emulsion as per specification and plugging with cement mortar 1:2 ( 1 cement: 2 coarse sand) in the whole floor area DPE 12mm diameter termitube system with required number of junction boxes are to be installed.”
TermiPore PWD meets all the required parameters in terms of material and design; and is PWD approved. Brand TermiPore, manufactured by an ISO 9001:2015 Certified company; is known for its reliability, superior quality & dependable customer support and service. For more information, visit www.termipore.com Or contact us at: +91 6359292525 / 8401017087 / [email protected]
#everyone #every #termipore #termiporepipe #termiporeproduct #antitermite #termite #termiteproof #install #installation #porouspipe #pipe #safehouse #termitecontrol #pestcontrol #TermiteProof #termitetreatment #termiteinspection #reticulation #globallyuse #popular #experience #antitermitereticulation #preventingtermites #pesttreatment #feedback
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termipore · 1 year ago
How to ensure you are using genuine TermiPore Anti-termite Reticulation Pipes?
Brand TermiPore is amongst the highly preferred brands for reticulation to prevent termites. As you may already know, TermiPore is not just pipes, it is a comprehensive Reticulation System designed especially for underground installation. TermiPore pipes made of special elastomeric compound along with all the necessary accessories and we provide excellent after sales service, strong technical support & training for installation procedure too.
Click here for details on installation process: https://termipore246357195.wordpress.com/2022/03/10/how-to-install-anti-termite-reticulation-pipes/
Our products undergo a stringent quality control process and our growing client base as well as repeat orders show how much our clients trust us.
Our standard pipes have specific colour lines, as can be seen in fig 1.
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However, it has been brought to our attention that duplicate TermiPore Pipes are available in the market with similar coloured lines. It is said that success is when you find others imitating you. We are happy that we are so successful that people want to imitate us, but we are definitely not happy that they use our brand name and pass on inferior material or irrigation pipes made for above the ground installation, to unsuspecting clients and make money illegally. We recommend you to beware of fake products.
To help our clients identify our original product, we have introduced a few easy solutions.
In 4 very simple steps, you can check if you have got the original TermiPore Reticulation Pipes:
Check the TermiPore brand logo on every package.
Fig. 2 represents our correct logo
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Check the QC Reading Label on every package.
As mentioned earlier, we have a very stringent quality control process, and each roll is checked for 9 parameters before it is despatched. We also paste the flow rate of each roll on the package, please ensure you have received the package with the information of your roll’s flow rate on it. Fig 3 illustrates a QC label.
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Check the QR Code on every package.
Each package has a QR code. Scan it to verify your product. It will take you to our website and you will know it is genuine. Figure 4 represents our QR code.
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Check for HSIN Code/GST Rate on invoice
TermiPore HSIN Code starts with 4009... and it has a GST of 18%.
If the GST is 12% then the pipe is for irrigation purpose, and not for underground use. The HSIN code for Irrigation Pipes, Soaker Hose, Porous Pipe etc is also different.
When you buy TermiPore, you buy quality, assurance, & peace of mind!
Just follow these 4 simple steps and ensure that you have received genuine TermiPore Pipes.
For more information, visit: www.termipore.com Or contact us on: +91 6359292525 or [email protected]
#everyone #every #termipore #termiporepipe #termiporeproduct #antitermite #termite #termiteproof #install #installation #porouspipe #pipe #safehouse #termitecontrol #pestcontrol #TermiteProof #termitetreatment #termiteinspection #reticulation #globallyuse #popular #experience #antitermitereticulation #preventingtermites #pesttreatment #feedback
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uniquepest · 3 years ago
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Really take a look at how to kill and forestall #termites. Finding harm at home in never fitting.
#Termites can make harm the primary wood of your home just as in regions around your windows and entryways.
Genuine perversions can even prompt harm inside the dividers of your home and to the #wood #furniture inside.
For more Details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulrc-Kkt98s
#pestcontrol #pestserviceschennai
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uniquepest · 3 years ago
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#Rat droppings or bite marks on wood or #plastic are sure signs of #rats.
For many businesses, #rats are huge #pests that can cause food contamination, spread deadly #diseases such as Leptospirosis, cause property damage by chewing electrical wires and causing fires.
More Details : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfSq0bfowCY
#pestcontrolserviceschennai #rodentcontrolchennai
#rodentserviceschennai #ratservicesalloverindia
#ratcontrolchennai #virusdisinfestatinservices
#ratcontrol #ratservices
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uniquepest · 3 years ago
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#Bedbugs are #pests that can live anywhere in the #home. They can live in cracks in furniture or in any type of textile, including upholstered furniture.
#Bedbug #infestations are most common in beds, including the mattress, box springs, and bed frames. #Bedbugs are most active at night.
These #pests may bite any exposed areas of skin while an individual is sleeping.
Get More Quotes : https://uniquepestcontrol.in/services/bed-bugs-treatment/
#Pestcontrolchennai #bedbugschennai
#sleepnight #bedbugstreatment
#sleeplessnight #sleepingbugs
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uniquepest · 3 years ago
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Entomologists give citizens an insight into how #bugs develop and thrive, which means these specialized scientists have a better understanding of how to #control them – something that comes in quite handy when working for a pest control company!
#Pestcontrol is more than just eradicating an immediate #problem. Comprehensive #pestcontrol means that your specialist needs to understand why the #pests gravitated toward and set up shop in your #property in the first place.
Knowing the hows and whys before attacking a #problem is crucial to eliminating it.
For more details: https://uniquepestcontrol.in
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uniquepest · 3 years ago
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Unique #PestControl is one of the leading #pestcontrol services/house hold #disinfestations in Chennai.
It is important to ruin the constant assault of ants, #spiders, #rodents, #bed bugs, #cockroaches, #termites, #mosquitoes, flies and other common #pests encroaching your #home or #business place.
Hence, we are providing an excellent #Videos with latest Service details.
Watch on : https://www.youtube.com/c/UniquePestManagement/videos
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uniquepest · 3 years ago
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Call us today for #Antitermitetreatment of your new #construction site anywhere in india with #PipeReticulationtreatment method.
We provide express services in All over India.
We implement this #Antitermite piping #treatment with great speed and accuracy and that too at most competitive cost.
#Get free #Inspection. 24/7 #Service Available.
login @ https:uniquepestcontrol.in/
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uniquepest · 3 years ago
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#Termites like to eat wood from the inside out, so if your wood sounds hollow when you knock on it, you could have a #problem.
Another sign is that you see instances of rotting wood.
If you have #drywood #termites, then you might also find frass: these powdered shavings will be left behind when they eat through wood.
You are unlikely to see #termites, though: worker #termites are so tiny, two will fit onto the head of a match.
They avoid going into the open, so you won’t see #termites walking along the floor or on a wall.
For more Details : https://uniquepestcontrol.in/services/termite-control/
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uniquepest · 3 years ago
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Restaurants and #hotels have a variety of environments — each with their own potential for pest infestation. Unique #PestControl have a unique style of service enables us to deliver unparalleled #pestcontrol service throughout the hospitality market — from a corner #restaurant, to Five #StarHotels.
Our hospitality programs always begin with a careful #inspection of the facility. We then develop a #service program that includes #prevention strategies and specific steps for correcting the problem.
#Services might include #insectcontrol, #rodentcontrol, #sanitation training, building maintenance recommendations, food #safety recommendations or even nuisance bird #control.
For more Quotes : https://uniquepestcontrol.in/
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uniquepest · 3 years ago
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At Unique #Pestcontrol, we have been protecting #residential and #commercial properties with our enhanced #pestcontrol services for over 15 years generating more satisfied #customers.
We are one of the top-quality #pestcontrol services in #Chennai and in #Tamilnadu, dedicated in giving satisfaction, happiness, peace and providing pest-free, hassle-free and #safe environment to our #customers.
Visit :https://uniquepestcontrol.in/
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uniquepest · 3 years ago
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No matter how well cared for your home is, at times you may have the unpleasant experience of unwanted guests that just won’t leave - #pests.
We understand that an #infestation can be a stressful and upsetting time.
With extermination and #removal of #pests at your #home as the first step, regularly treating your #home with #pest prevention treatments is the most powerful way to ensure your property is protected,
and remains a #safe and #happy home, free from creepy-crawlies.
For more details : https://uniquepestcontrol.in/
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