eliteseven · 5 months
Ok but what if Shadowheart is all ready to murder her way to get to Tav
She's found it, dressed in her old armor, spear in hand.
Out walks Tav, missing an eye and skine, blood coming from everywhere, holding a sword with a broken arm.
She is stooped over holding the hand of a young black haired, green eyed half elf child, who wears initiates garb.
😮 goodness.
Tav, bloodied and broken, but emerging from the cloister alive and with a stolen, frightened initiate? Barely able to stand without passing out and yet- standing defensively over the child. (Not even going into the themes of cruelty and why it would be so important for Tav to protect a helpless child, given her past).
Shadowheart wouldn’t even know who to help first. Tav quietly collapsing into her arms, a breath away from death itself. A frightened young Sharran half-elf initiate that eerily reminds her of her former self…
Her relief at finding her wife alive is immeasurable. Her absolute terror at Tav’s sorry state is evident. What if it’s beyond her healing capabilities? She has to swallow all of her fear and try to demonstrate to this child (who likely recognizes her as Selunite and is even more frightened) that she isn’t a threat. And she needs to get Tav home asap.
What an interesting alternative, wow! Hopefully Nocturne is there to help. 😬
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eliteseven · 5 months
So we all know Shadowheart is a badass, she is a cleric and Selune's favorite little princess after all.
What about Tav? I can see people thinking "human fighter woman" just can't keep up, but imagine Tav standing and with nothing more than sword and shield stopping a group of bandits, or something else to protect Shadowheart/someone else? Even better if the idea that she IS superhuman, as all high level characters have to be, comes to the fore.
"How the hell did she do that?" "No human can do this." "Watch me." and "I am your sword and your shield. I am your armor and until I am broken and dented, rusted beyond all repair, you shall not be harmed."
Oh yes, let’s please talk about Knight Tav for a moment! 😍
I think you’re right. All her life she’s been underestimated! Noble spoiled child who suddenly wants to take up arms? Laughable! But Tav LOVES to prove people wrong!
But also Tav has real fears, real concerns that drive her to learn swordplay, defense, battle tactics. She wants to be able to protect herself- but that eventually blooms into the desire to protect anyone who’s weaker, defenseless, in need of her sword and shield. (Like I always say- Shadowheart saw it firsthand (and first got hearteyes for Tav) with the Tiefling child refugees! Tav sprang into action to defend them, to care for them!)
But let’s talk about Tav’s battle prowess. A fighter, a knight, a Cormyr Purple Dragon (name still cracks me up lmao)- she finds herself in elite company after a decade of sacrifice, of training. She may not be versed in clandestine skills like Shadowheart, but pound for pound, out in the open, she’s absolutely something else. She’s often the last one standing.
The first time Shadowheart sees it in full force, I imagine it’s when she and the other party members are down. Unable to defend themselves, only Tav is left to fend off a swarm of enemies to protect them- be it Bhaal cultists or some simple bloodthirsty bandits. And she does. All power, beauty, effortless grace- blood of her enemies staining her face, her hands, her armor, the blade of her sword. It’s probably breathtaking, in a sense, watching her chest heave as she fells her last enemy and wrenches her sword free. And the dichotomy of the way she fights vs how she drops to her knees immediately after to cradle Shadowheart in her arms??? 🥹 to heal her with no thought of her own wounds???
She lives and dies by her honor and her ability to protect her loved ones. And boy, does she come through. She may not be winged like Aylin but I feel that she is as much of a warrior angel in her own right. And Selûne probably holds the savior and lover of her chosen in high regard 😉 so that’s a little boost in her abilities, too.
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