#personally i would not survive a single day sockless
yaoisquidbob · 29 days
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baekhyunsahoe · 6 years
BBKY92 has posted!
By some small miracle, chanyeol makes it back to his apartment, jongin in tow. He thought they had taken uber pool but apparently not so they were having an impromptu drunken sleepover.
Chanyeol’s place is mini sized. It’s got zero bedrooms, one bath, and a small kitchen. they nearly trip over and die over the shoes at the door but somehow manage to land on the bed [if you can even call it that]. It’s nothing more than a futon on the floor with a bunch of pillows and some stuffed animals.
Jongin’s sprawled on his back, chanyeol side eyes his sockless state of foot that had probably been sockless since the start. That guy never liked socks. Chanyeol never liked sweaty feet from not wearing socks. It could not go on like this. He’s about to voice his views on this matter when jongin drops his phone on his own face.
Chanyeol bursts out laughing, jongin’s groaning background noise.
“are you okay?” chanyeol asks to be ‘polite.’ Jongin scowls and the phone slips out of his hand again. “you are not okay.” Chanyeol confirms.
“my screen is so bright dude.” Jongin complains. “its blinding”
“you can change it on your settings.”
“I did – oh shit!”
“kyungsoo called me.”
Chanyeol’s eyes widen. A mad kyungsoo was basically the end of your days. Or jongin’s days at least.
“why didn’t you answer it?” chanyeol asks in horror.
“I didn’t hear it!” jongin yells.
Chanyeol shakes his head and reaches for his phone. “oooooooo. he called me too.”
“oh my god… I wouldn’t be surprised if he showed up here any second now…” jongin blinks up at the ceiling seemingly having accepted his fate.
“fuck that.” Chanyeol scoffs laying on his side and snuggling the nearest pillow. “tell him youre staying over. Im sure he can survive one night without you.”
“stop saying okay.”
“I changed my mind, have him come here and get you the fuck out of my bed.”
“im sorry.”
Chanyeol throws a stuffed toy at him, reminds himself to say sorry to rainbow [his alpaca] later for using him as a weapon, and reaches for his laptop.
“I’ma throw up.”
“go to the bathroom.”
Chanyeol barely gives jongin the time of day as the younger male wobbles to the toilet. That’s what he gets. He had spent a whopping $80 earlier and it did not even include tip yet.
The alcohol is still rampant in his veins, chanyeols cheeks are flushed despite the cool temperate of his room. His eyes feels heavy, sleep threatening to overcome him soon. But he had some business he had to take care of. It was only 6pm [ they had been at the beer and chicken place for 4 hours before migrating to the nearest bar and ordering more rounds ] [ thankfully lit!jongin had been in a friendly mood and paid for it that time ]
Chanyeol quickly logs onto his tumblr and in five seconds flat uploads his video, checks bkhyn92s page, sees no updates, and slams his laptop shut. He lays down and is idly wondering if he had a password lock on there when he feels jongin collapse next to him, out like a light.
-- it isn’t morning yet when chanyeol wakes up next.
Its his turn to yack it.
Feeling like he was going to give birth through his mouth to a mutant chicken beer and soju blob chanyeol barely makes it to the bowl of his toilet.
“help me im dying.” He says to his shower curtain. it is of no help as the 2nd round causes chanyeol’s eyes to water.
After making a blood oath with himself in his mind to never drink again, chanyeol’s got the taste of tooth paste in his mouth instead of well. We don’t need to describe it.
The time on the microwave glimmers at him in the darkness.
Chanyeol settles on his bed, trying to ignore jongin cuddling rainbow the alpaca and is about to drift back off into much needed sleep when his phone vibrates loudly.
Ignore it, chanyeol thinks.
Don’t ignore it, chanyeol reconsiders.
With a dramatic FUCK MY LIFE muttered under his breath, chanyeol answers without looking.
“hello chanyeol.”
He blanches. That voice.
Do kyungsoo, the guardian of the seven rings of hell. No jk. But he totally can be if he ever applied for that job.
“nice of you to answer. I don’t know what I would have done if you didn’t.”
“of course. Um.”
“jongin there?”
“yeah. He’s knocked out.” Chanyeol says apologetically hating how he was going to get the blame for jongin’s idea to get shitfaced in mid afternoon.
“is he ok?” kyungsoo asks, instead of the SEND ME YOUR LOCATION for proof chanyeol was expecting. Kyungsoo was a bit overprotective in the cutest and deadliest way possible.
“he should be.”  chanyeol kicks jongin in the leg to see if he is alive. Jongin groans. “yeah hes fine. Did you want to come swoop him?”
“no way. He might yack in my car.”
Such a caring bf. That’s bae. Jongin was a lucky guy.
“well don’t worry, hes safe here with me. Unless he tries to draw a penis on my face. Then I cant make any promises.”
“my relationship turnover was coming up anyway.” Kyungsoo jokes darkly. Chanyeol snickers despite a small voice in his mind squeaking pls don’t hurt me through out this whole conversation. “by the way, I heard you were going on a date with Baekhyun tomorrow.”
Jesus did jongin alert the media? Was there a new snapchat filter for this too? which countries still didn’t know? Has that billboard for rent been bought out to make a glowing neon sign yet? Did he make a medical breakthrough to relay messages to fetuses in the wombs as well? You know, since he felt the need to open his big mouth and tell everyone.
“uh. Yeah. I guess.”
“I’m pretty excited to see how this turns out.”
“do you know Baekhyun?” chanyeol asks curiously. One part of him felt kinda weird talking to kyungsoo on the phone while his boyfriend was spooning an alpaca.
“we went to the same music school together.”
“oh.” Chanyeol, the greatest conversationalist ever. Replies.
“he’s a nice guy once you get to know him. Don’t be offended by his ratchet self. He may seem like a thot, but that’s just an image he tries to maintain.” Kyungsoo says helpfully.
Chanyeol meanwhile is trying to do some math in his head. Did he hear correctly? Was he still drunk? Why on earth would anyone want to up hold their thottie honor? This is why chanyeol was single.
“don’t tell him I told you this, but hes still pretty down in the dumps about his break up. He was actually serious about that guy. It just didn’t work out you know?”
“uhhuh.” Chanyeol wanted to know more but at the same time he didn’t want to pry. He was raised to be respectful of other peoples business. Baekhyuns secrets, personal and his, didn’t need to be told to him by someone else.
“I could tell you more if you want.”
That previous paragraph never happened.
“he’s probably going to try to smash.”
“yeah. Havent you heard the best way to get over a guy is to get under another one?”
No. of course not. the last time he checked he hadn’t subscribed to the Thotsmopolitan.
“are you sure about this?” chanyeol asks swallowing hard, the feeling of nervousness deep-throating him.
“yup.” A yawn. “I might have said too much.”
“wait. So should i… you know.”
“if you like him, you shouldn’t.”
Ah yes. that made total sense. Don’t get into the pants of someone youre feeling.
“because that will automatically make you look like a fuckboy. it’s a test of sorts. That’s why im telling you. I think youd be a good match for him.”
“why is that?”
“youd just balance each other out.”
Chanyeols starting to wonder just how much kyungsoo knew about him. Whenever he third wheeled it was all good times; karaoke bowling pet cafes… nothing ever deep. Perhaps jongin be talking shit?
“anyway. Good luck tomorrow and have fun! Tell jongin he better be home before I wake up with breakfast ready or else.”
“yes sir!”
“goodnight chanyeol.”
   “So you’re chanyeol?”
“yes. last time I checked.”
Baekhyun looks amused despite the judgemental tone of his voice.
Chanyeol just looks uncomfortable.
The date came sooner than he would like [he had a mere less than 24 hours to prepare himself and half those hours were him hungover on soju]. Now he found himself sitting  in the same chicken and beer spot [seriously was there no other place to go to around these parts?] with jongin’s music teacher for company.
“and when was that?”  Baekhyun asks innocently sipping at his water. Chanyeol takes note of his hands. Theyre very pretty. Like the rest of the guy. Except when he opens his mouth. He seems to be snarky but playful which isn’t bad, but chanyeol is socially awkward at times like these.
He swallows a weird lump in his throat. “um.” He didn’t quite know how to answer that.
“kidding!” Baekhyun laughs. “I don’t need to know last time you checked.”
Then why did you ask, chanyeol thinks crazily. He sips his water too with a pained smile. Baekhyun was seriously intimidating and he didn’t know why. Maybe its because they were both sober and what kyungsoo had said echoes back and forth in chanyeol’s mind like a 1980s horror cartoon. ‘he’s gonna wanna smaaaaaaaaaAssshhhhhhhhh’ kyungsoo replayss in a creepy singsong voice.
“want to get something to drink?” chanyeol blurts.
Baekhyun raises an eyebrow. “do you want to get me drunk…?”
“no! no. I just.” Chanyeol rambles, horrified at the insinuation. He wasn’t a fuckboy!
“chill. I wanna get me drunk.” Baekhyun winks. “a pitcher and a bottle of chamisul sound good to you?”
“sounds good, yeah, great actually.” Chanyeol agrees nodding his head repeatedly. Baekhyun laughs again.
“someones eager.” Baekhyun comments. “or a raging alcoholic.”
Chanyeol pouts but he realizes Baekhyun is just teasing.
The alcohol arrives soon enough and after the first two soju bombs chanyeol is feeling less stressed and more relaxed. Baekhyun looks the same, a sign he must have high alcohol tolerance. Whos the raging alcoholic now?
“tell me about yourself.” Baekhyun drawls, gaze focused solely on chanyeol. His pretty eyes are outlined with black liner, and despite appearing as sober as fifteen minutes ago has a slight pink glow dusting across his cheek bones. “why are you single.”
Chanyeol blinks, has to seriously come up with an answer to that question. He ends up laughing awkwardly, scratching his head. “oh I guess I just don’t really have much time to date and plus its hard to meet people nowadays, I think… “
“How long have you been single?”
“Um… a few months,” A FEW YEARS, his mind and penis scream at him in devastation.
“Ooh. No hook ups or anything?” Baekhyun asks casually pouring a shot for the both of them.
Chanyeol isn’t sure if he should confess to not having boned in A FEW YEARS or to try and seem cool by saying he got hoes in different area codes. But he didn’t wanna be a fuckboy. gods, was this a test? There was no winning!
“No…” he ends up answering honestly. He takes his shot without Baekhyun and downs his beer.
Baekhyun looks truly surprised. “wow. So you’re saying you haven’t gotten laid in months?” he whistles, and takes his drink.
“its not really a big deal to me,” chanyeol explains hastily, defending his unwanted chastity belt.
“uhhuh.” Baekhyun nods, pouring yet another set of beer and soju. “hooking up isn’t a big deal to you.”
“no!” chanyeol exclaims. “no, I meant. Like. Nevermind.”
Baekhyun smiles coyly at him through his eyelashes. “cheers to that.”
“cheers to what?”
“hooking up.”
They down their respective alcohol even though chanyeol isn’t sure what the hell that meant but strangely finds himself not too worried. Baekhyuns presence is becoming comfortable, and with every shot, chanyeol feels like he can be more and more himself. Baekhyun laughs a lot at his reactions and stories, and chanyeol is captivated everytime Baekhyun opens his mouth, looks at him, pours drink, takes a shot, anything really. Baekhyun is truly gorgeous, and attractive af. There was just something about him and chanyeol is suddenly thinking about baekhyuns previous question except about Baekhyun – why was he single?
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