#personally i think hatebases for child characters like dora are important bc why do so many people beef with a child???
yjhgvf · 1 day
I apologize for the upsetting ask about Dora's toxic hatebase, leading to you answering with an ask that has mentions of SA. For my apology... (gives you a tiny, angry squeaky Deci)
It's not your fault at all. I actively chose to mention SA in my response to your ask about Dora's hatebase because I found it important to mention. I find it so strange and disgusting that when some people hate a character, they choose to depict that character with SA, most of the time depicting said character getting SA'd. Dora especially has a disgusting amount of hatefics (and fanfictions in general) depicting her with either SA or graphic violence (mainly people killing her as you mentioned in your original ask). It really makes you wonder why people choose to do that, and what they get out of portraying that material on a character they hate, especially with a child character like Dora. For probably a silly minute reason too.
The cw and tw for those mentions I put on both your last ask and this one aren't anything bad or your fault either, I just do that anytime this content is mentioned so those who don't want to see mentions of SA can safely block/mute that tag so they don't see this
Also thank you for the Deci
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