onismdaydream · 4 months
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ive been giggling and smiling like a fucking idiot all day because of this!!!!! look at me n hiromi <3333 he's so sweet and cute and handsome and i am just so in love with him and this!!!
thank you to @nessieartss for doing my commission, it's so perfect!!
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dilfsandflowers · 11 months
Perona Playlist for Spooky Season 👻
One thing about me is that making playlists is my form of therapy.
This has to be one of the ones I'm most proud of.
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icepip · 2 months
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☆.。.:* peromi.
⠀ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀⠀ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ yours, always.
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starsillys · 5 months
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greypetrel · 6 months
Zero Context WIP Tag Game
If you’re tagged, make a new post and share 1-2 (a few) sentences from your most recent unposted WIP(s) with zero context – Let your followers guess!
Tagged by @dreadfutures, thank you so much! :D
Dorian didn’t like much being into the garden: there was something that made him sneeze, he didn’t like the bugs. But mother had been so firm in telling him how he was not allowed to go there, particularly not on his own, that the shady lawns under fruit trees full of plums and peaches ready to be picked and coloured flower patches now were the most inviting thing ever.
tagging: @shivunin @ndostairlyrium @deerna @theluckywizard @spainkitty @peromy-march @star--nymph @rowanisawriter and YOU!
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narendrabeaujolais · 1 year
De la vereda de enfrente
Recuerdo cuando ibas de mi lado, cada tarde que vi tus pasosme derretí como hielo bajo el sol, ahora que ya te vienes porotro camino, sólo puedo pensar en recorrerlo contigo, peromis ansias de quererte son más fuertes cuando estás en mi vereda. No puedo perseguirte si no me dejas saber cuál es tu color preferido,sé que estás ocultando algo dentro de mí que quiere salir, pero al verte caminar de…
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rheatyrano · 1 year
Fun Facts: Old potential vtuber names I had were Peromi, Maiopoeia, Mellisipe Van Tesseli Von Dorni, Moonstruck Moonshot, and TyranNicole
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nerdstrings · 6 years
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My good friend @peromy-march was a bit confused about Attack on Titan and was brave enough to confront the issue head-on. Cue me frantically defending myself from the insinuation that I suddenly had a new kink.
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zmediaoutlet · 4 years
in support of wildfire relief, @peromy-march donated $10 and requested Gabriel/Kevin, fluff & tickling. Thank you for donating!
to get your own personalized fic, please see this post. (no longer taking prompts)
After a 'dinner' that had consisted of half a Reese's cheesecake, a shared pint of coffee Haagen-Dazs, and three vodka-soaked mudslides, Kevin wonders if it's possible to be drunk on sugar. There are a lot of chemicals working on his body right now; it seems like it could be a thing. Or he's just drunk. Or he's just having a sugar high. It's all very hard to tell.
"Did you know you get very quiet when you're gestating a food baby?" Gabriel says.
"I don't think food babies gestate," Kevin says. He rolls his head to the side and Gabriel's watching him, clearly entertained. "They just, like… digest. You're not supposed to digest babies."
"Well, maybe you aren't," Gabriel says, and Kevin makes a face at him. He was probably supposed to make a face, judging by how much bigger Gabriel's grin gets. He walks into this stuff, all the time. It'd be more annoying if he hadn't just decided to give up. Gabriel's an archangel, and even if he seems to be an archangel of screwing around, he's just… always gonna win. Kevin's okay with it. Mostly. Except when his gut feels as sore as this.
"I think the ice cream was a bad idea," Kevin says.
"Now that is blasphemy," Gabriel says, sitting up. He executes a sloppy sign of the cross in the air above Kevin's prone body. "Say forty-two Hail Marys, get an exorcist. No, wait, don't get an exorcist, the ones you'd call are six foot twenty and absolutely no fun."
Kevin snorts, can't help it. Even that jostles his belly, though, and he groans, flopping over onto his side. "Seriously," he says, "I'm gonna pop."
Gabriel leans in, his chin on his hand. "Tell me before you do, sweetcheeks," he says, unrepentant and smiling. "I don't want any prophet goop in my hair."
Kevin sighs, cupping his sore tummy. Gabriel really ought to feel more guilty except that, according to Dean at least, archangels didn't understand the concept of guilt. That might be true—Sam hadn't rolled his eyes, like he usually did when Dean dropped an aphorism—but either way, Gabriel could at least fake it. All of this was his idea. It's not like it's Kevin's fault that he's lactose intolerant. When cheesecake came up, it wasn't Kevin's fault that he'd never had any. When Gabriel's eyes lit up and he said, strange harmonics in his voice, you haven't?, it wasn't Kevin's fault that he got whisked away on angel wings to some random grocery store, and saddled with a shopping basket, and ordered to follow an unimaginably powerful idiot around like a long-suffering servant. He'd been promised over and over that angel powers would somehow put the lactose intolerance at bay. It may have, but now he's got other problems.
A warm hand settles on his belly, above where he's protectively holding it. "Okay, kiddo, you gotta be straight with me," Gabriel says. Kevin squints at him with one eye. "Cheesecake. How did it measure up? In the scheme of things."
"It was good," Kevin admits. "But it's going to kill me. Then you guys are just going to have to find another prophet, okay. You can visit me in heaven but if I die because of dairy desserts, I quit."
Gabriel hums. "You know, that's fair," he says, and Kevin drops his eye closed again, and sinks into the bed.
He has no idea where they are. Sam and Dean are probably going nuts—well, mostly Dean. Kevin's meant to be working on the tablet, and Gabriel's supposed to be helping, and there are probably lives on the line. There are always lives on the line. Wherever Gabriel flew them to, it's cold outside, and the hotel they're in is kinda shabby but the bed's soft, and Kevin's warm, and tired, and… sore, but at least it's sore for this reason and not because he got the crap kicked out of him by demons, so. It could be worse.
The hand on his belly moves in a slow, soft circle. "Poor little guy," Gabriel says, quietly. "All tuckered out."
"I'm not a puppy," Kevin mumbles. The hand on his belly feels nice.
"Says the puppy," Gabriel says, and Kevin sighs but Gabriel's still petting his belly, and it's nice. Comforting. The bed shifts and then there's warmth at his back, and the hand starts a steady, oh-so-gentle massage. Soothing. He tips his head and there's a tiny tickle of breath at the back of his ear. A little laugh. The hand drags up to his chest, and down again, petting him practically through his t-shirt, and Kevin basically melts into the bed. All those mudslides, it feels easy to melt.
He's maneuvered, a little. He lets it happen. His head pillowed on a deceptively strong arm; his arms tucked up out of the way, in front of him. His shirt—disappeared?—but strange things happen around Gabriel and a disappearing shirt certainly wouldn't be the weirdest thing this week. Let alone today. Just means the warm, soothing tummy-rub he's getting feels all the more warm and soothing, and he tips his face into Gabriel's bicep, tangles his fingers into Gabriel's other hand. Soft squeeze, there, and then a squeeze low on his belly. He makes a little protesting sound and gets a tiny pinch, on his hip. "Be good," Gabriel says, and, duh, Kevin's always good.
He stays still, though. Doesn't object. Gabriel hums, some song Kevin doesn't know because he doesn't really know anything that's not in the Yo Yo Ma catalogue, and his hand slips from Kevin's belly to his back. Dexterous fingertips start tracing shapes over his bare skin and he shivers, at first, since it's so unexpected, but it feels—nice. A little ticklish, a little odd, but nice. Gabriel's voice is deeper than he would've thought, humming. The fingertips trace over his shoulderblades, his spine. His neck, bent forward, and that's sensitive, makes him shiver again. Gabriel's finger gets a little firmer—a poked dot, and another next to it, and then a dragged semi-circle below them—smiley face, traced into his back. He giggles.
"Hey, there he is," Gabriel says, and Kevin presses his smile into Gabriel's arm. Gabriel draws more shapes, featherlight, but Kevin can't tell what most of them are meant to be. One's a cat, he thinks, but for the rest, they could be enochian script or norse runes or penis drawings. Most likely the last, considering who he's with, but then every once in a while Gabriel shows depths. Well. One depth. At least a shallow ditch, sometimes.
"Hey, puppy," Gabriel whispers, against the back of his ear.
That's sensitive, too. Kevin huffs, sleepy. "What?"
"How's that tummy feeling?"
Oh. He kind of forgot, in how nice his back is feeling. He stretches out and sighs, feeling liquid. "Better," he says, and Gabriel says, "Good," and tangles his fingers around Kevin's, and then pinches his side, hard.
"Ah!" Kevin yelps. All those nerves jump and yelp with him. "Oh—you dick!"
"No idea what you're talking about," Gabriel says, and locks Kevin's hands in his unnaturally strong grip and then flutters the fingers of his other hand over the soft skin on Kevin's ribs, setting everything to twitching, making Kevin laugh helplessly.
"Stop it," he hiccups, but Gabriel hooks his leg over Kevin's too, trapping him completely on his side, and sets to work: tickling his ribs, his hip, goosing his butt, making Kevin jump and yelp and make just the dorkiest dumbest noises.
"You want me to stop?" Gabriel says, still pinching and tweaking and flickering his nails torturously light, and Kevin's shuddering but he chatters out, "If you d-don't I'm gonna pee the bed," and Gabriel says, completely delighted, "Oh, puppy," and in a quick flip Kevin's on his back, his hands pinned above his head and Gabriel straddling his hips, and Kevin's got tears in his eyes from laughing but he can still see the grin on Gabriel's face.
"You suck," Kevin manages, trying to catch his breath.
"Only my favorites," Gabriel says, and Kevin's probably flushed already but he knows he gets redder, because that's—jeez.
He's getting more of that steady amusement. He has no idea why Gabriel finds him—he doesn't even know if interesting is the word. He feels like a toy, a little bit. Something Gabriel like playing with. A puppy, he thinks, and he really is red, now, feels like his face is flaming from forehead to chest.
Fingers tap down the middle of his chest to his belly. He tenses, expecting more tickles, but Gabriel just flattens his hand there, where Kevin's still a little swollen from all the sugar but at least doesn't hurt. His eyes are so strange. Pretty, kind of. That strange color, like the bourbon Dean's always drinking, but in the lamplight in here they're basically gold. Kevin tugs his hands, asking, and Gabriel lets go, watching his face. Kevin licks his lips and touches Gabriel's thighs, carefully. He's still all dressed—jeans, and a t-shirt advertising something called Wally World, and a dark brown overshirt that Kevin wishes he'd take off. It's hard, though, to ask for that. Kevin doesn't even know what he wants, when it comes to that. But—Gabriel's weirdly entertained by him, and weirdly indulgent, and so he says, trying to sound confident, "Do that thing to my back again," and when Gabriel raises his eyebrows: "It—felt nice."
"Oh, he's demanding now, is he?" Gabriel says, and Kevin shrugs. He gets a sort of bow—hard to bow, when you're straddling someone, but Gabriel manages it—and a florid, goofy, "The prophet's wish is my command," and while he's still rolling his eyes Gabriel lifts higher, on his knees, and sets his hands on Kevin's waist. He gets flipped shockingly fast, right there so he's flat on his front, and his belly presses a little uncomfortably against the bed, but a pillow appears beneath him and he folds his arms around it, pressing his cheek down with a sigh. That's better. That's—perfect.
Gabriel resettles, his thighs on either side of Kevin's hips and his weight settled right on Kevin's ass. It feels… good. Kevin tries not think about it any more detail than that.
Light fingers settle on his shoulderblades, gently tickling, lighting the nerves under his skin. "Okay," Gabriel says, quietly, tracing unknown shapes across his back. "Operation cheesecake was a success, I'd say. Next time I kidnap you, we'll go cheese tasting."
Kevin's melting again, but he frowns at that, and turns his head to peek over his shoulder. "People go cheese-tasting?" he says, dubious. There's an affronted sound, and a mad light appears in Gabriel's eye. Kevin bites his tongue, too late. Well, shit. He's going to have to call Sam, somehow. Apparently work on the tablet won't be starting up again, right away.
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wordstrings · 4 years
I commissioned a Gabriel/Kevin tickle fic recently... I requested extra fluff, I think it turned out great! https://zmediaoutlet.tumblr.com/post/631391050206986240/in-support-of-wildfire-relief-peromy-march
1,800 words of extra fluff, indeed! 😇
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onismdaydream · 3 months
HI PERCE HIIII!!! 1, 12, 28 FOR PEROMI AAAAND 6, 9, 13 FOR PERCADORI<33333 - @teddybeartoji
MICKEY MY BELOVED THANK YOUUUUU kissing you so hard rn !! <333
1. what was your first time with your f/o like?
hiromi was so set on taking our relationship slow n stuff, like not wanting to rush things because he wasn't interested in short term relationships! and i was fine with it and so we did at first, but after one of our dinner dates, he took me home and it kinda got out of hand lmaooo we just wanted each other so it was very passionate and sensual like lots of eye contact and that's when we said our first "i love you"s :((( i was scared he might regret it in the morning but he was so sweet and kinda shy about it and we both realized how down bad we are <3
12. your favourite body part of your f/o? their favourite part of yours?
ooooh i LOVE hiromi's shoulders and collarbone and chest... his muscles aren't as obvious as some other people but they're so firm and i love rubbing his shoulders for him after a long day!!!! i leave a lot of kisses on his pecs and i love to leave hickeys there because theyre not on display but theyre still there!!! hiromi is definitely a big fan of my thighs and tummy if his kisses are anything to go by !! he LOVESSSS pressing the sweetest kisses down my body before he eats me out.. and his fingers are always digging into the fat of my tummy and my thighs, wherever he can get them!! loves resting his head on my thighs when we're relaxing together too :3
28. how wrecked/spent does your f/o look by the time the two of you are done? do they have a dazed look on their face? completely disheveled hair? chest heaving for breath?
higu's hair is always a mess after we fuck lmaooo its all over the place and there's always sweat and my hands are always tugging on his strands so you can imagine how disheveled it gets. he also flushes such a pretty pink, it goes down to his chest too!! my handsome husband <3333
6. what was the most embarrassing thing to happen between you and your f/o before, during, and/or after sex?
we try our best to not take sex too seriously because it's supposed to be fun but there's been embarrassing moments still. umm leaving the door slightly open because we got too distracted with each other and so much noise filters out 🫣 we scarred our neighbors for sure with that LMAO there was also the time that i had his cock shoved down my throat but time got away from me and my friend came over to pick me up...... yuji wanted to finish so bad but i had to try to put myself together and make it look like i wasn't crying from choking on him and we did not do a good job of being not obvious akdhaksjs yuji was so pouty for the rest of the day until we were alone again
9. any kinks and/or fetishes?
PRAISE KINK!!!! we both have it which is very nice because we also both love praising each other so it evens out hehe i also really love when he chokes me omg he's so strong and if he puts me in a headlock, its OVERRRRRR like im sorry im cumming instantly lmaoooo yuji also really likes being restricted a bit/dommed. like just something around his wrists or told not to move ! it's not an all the time thing but when he's in the mood to be subby, he really goes for that.
13. who’s usually the one taking the lead?
i feel like we're actually kinda even?? mmmaybe yuji inches out ahead, but we are pretty much always on the same page! (plus side of being friends for so long beforehand :3) i will say for initiating things, that's probably me but i can't help it that my boyfriend is super hot and sexy !!
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dilfsandflowers · 11 months
Speaking of Mihawk and Perona, they give me such a Jack and Sally from Nightmare before Christmas vibe. Like when listening to Jack's Lament and Sally's song. I think it's an interesting dynamic to explore.
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banavalope · 6 years
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ringneckparrot submitted: a quick doodle of my fantrolls i made when i was 12, i’m still rlly attached to them even though i hardly draw them anymore..
Lupasa Canide (green) and Peromy Maurus (orange)
Peromy was a shitty wannabe dubstep dj and Lupasa was a doomsday prepper that lived in an underground bunker and owned too many machetes
they were super gay before i even realised i wasnt straight lmao
Lupasa is INCREDIBLY ADORABLE and also doomsday prepper is a classic Bana Fave, love ur gay kids A++
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jennilah · 7 years
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Reverse!Verse commission for @peromy-march C:
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greypetrel · 1 year
Tagged by @idolsgf to post quotes from an OC's pinterest board. Well I was tagged by @shivunin as well but since the tags are two I'm taking the chance to do it twice. Because ironically, I was caressing the idea of starting a tag game of poetry associated with characters, LOL I may also have already written the post.
I don't use Pinterest much for quotes, so starting with Aisling who's the most complete one...
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W.H. Auden, "The More Loving One" | Christina Rossetti, "Mirage" | Sylvia Plath, from a letter to Aurelia Plath | Anais Nin, "The Diary of Anais Nin, vol. 4, from 1944 to 1947" | Anais Nin, "A Journal of Love": The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin, 1934-1937" | Rainer Maria Rilke, "Go to the Limit of your Longing" | Florence + the Machine "Queen of Peace" | Altan, "Gleanntáin Ghlas Ghaoth Dobhair"
Translation from the Irish (not by me, I go as far as knowing a handful of words. I found it here, if you know Irish and can see it's not accurate, please let me know and I'll edit this post asap!)
Farewell, farewell to Donegal That county sweet and fair And to her brave men when the enemy came Never cowered or bowed to the Gall I hold in esteem all those women and men And all children big and small That dwell there in peace without worry or grief In Gleanntáin in Ghlas' Ghaoth Dobhair
Tagging (just on this, tell me if you'd like to be tagged to see the other one tho): @salsedinepicta @peromy-march (because we talked of Anais Nin and maybe you'll like doing this for your blorbos) @coloricioso @dungeons-and-dragon-age @herearedragons @eowyn7023 and YOU who are reading. (Everyone got tagged already... If you want a second tag, say Friend and enter.)
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narendrabeaujolais · 2 years
Lejos de entender todo
Trato de entender todo lo que sucede ern mi puerta,si abres, se cierra la ventana y mis ojostambién se cierran para contemplar todolo que hhay dentro de ti, en mí. Seguro una noche omo hoy habráalgún silencio dónde descansar, peromi alma sigue intacta y mi cuerporecibe de tu gloria el abismo. Y sin buscar entre tus besos, hay unacalidad de extraña categoría en la que yocomo suplicio banco todo…
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