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It's a normal day in the archives... supposedly. Librarians skitter through the halls, carrying stacks of files within their arms. Some of them leap up to higher shelves to place and take files.
The Archivist hovers through the halls, picking up files for their current point of research. A few storage rooms have had some wires chewed up, and P03 wanted them to get to the bottom of it.
They suspect some kind of animal invader, but they can't be sure. Time to research until they get a definitive answer-
Until something flies past their screen
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Some of the librarians followed it too.
They spring up to act, but the Archivist waves them off with a hand. They don't want too much of a crowd.
They follow the direction of the flying object...
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forest-peepaw · 2 years
"Huh. What happened to you? Experimenting with the camera..?"
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“Someone got a hold of my camera, without me noticing... somehow... I don’t know how this happened... It wasn’t supposed to be possible to change my physical appearence any more than just putting me in the card. How do I get out of here...? It’s... indescribably uncomfortable...”
[... He wasn’t taking it, too well... Then again, as far as P03 knew, Leshy had never been the one turned into a card, before, for more than a few seconds.]
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two-into-0ne · 3 years
{ @permastoat }
Well, this was certainly a curious encounter. After the great Scrybe of Technology was bested, it was back into the body of a lesser weasel for him.
However now, leaning on the table, the Mycologists had their curiosities. They held no grudges against the stoat, none at all. In fact, its ambitions aided their research greatly. But now that bot was imprisoned as an animal again, and unlike before, it seemed rather permanent
They held back asking their scientific questions. Things wondering if this bot still had wires, if there's even some trace of being robotic again. So for now they simply tilted their head.
"We are sure you're upset, but look on the bright side. At least you're not trapped in a card again."
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closed starter for @permastoat
Damp wings unfurl, previously compressed by... something. Tangible static begins to fill the air as the moth’s wings rapidly flutter.
It calms down after a while, sufficiently stretched out... but now there’s a better question.
Why is it a moth?
Why is it in Leshy’s Cabin?
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two-into-0ne · 2 years
continued from x with @permastoat
“Less direct.... Well, we know how to create puzzles. Riddles. Maybe if we make a cipher we can make it a challenge?” They offered. Ciphers were easy to make. And if you could make a key for it, it was even easier. But of course it still took time to decode.
“I’m not sure why you’d ask me of all people. We thought you didn’t trust us?” They teased, but did try to pull out some paper.
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two-into-0ne · 2 years
"Hey. Uh. So. I have- I have something I need to. Tell someone. But, uh, I- it's embarrassing to admit."
It glances around nervously.
"You know that uh- that- plant-talk thing, right? It might be uh. It might be easier if it's- indirect. Like. In code."
It's pretty clearly embarrassed even to be asking, and already second guessing itself.
The mycologists were reorganizing their curios, and upon hearing the stoat, they quickly put the wood carvings and specimens in temporary places. "What sort of code? We know binary, and morse, if you need to use that."
They weren't entirely sure what the stoat was asking, but they assumed it was important enough to drop their only responsibility at the moment.
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forest-peepaw · 3 years
"I bet you think you're real funny, don't you?"
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"Even if he didn't, I think I'm still at least allowed to joke about my old friends, whether I'm funny or not! Especially Magnificus!"
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